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Kremlin says Biden, Zelenskyy ignoring Russia's concerns


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Russia's concerns??? More like Putin's paranoia plus Putin's and Russia's inferiority complex!!!

36 ( +45 / -9 )

Kremlin says Biden, Zelenskyy ignoring Russia's concerns

Kremlin is ignoring Ukraine existence and well being.

36 ( +43 / -7 )

Russia's concerns? Bombing maternity wards and taking land from an independent neighbor?

Russia needs a reality check

34 ( +41 / -7 )

"Our goal is... to end this conflict. We are striving for this", he told reporters. "We will seek to make sure that it all ends, and the sooner, the better.”

Go home then.

33 ( +39 / -6 )

Ignoring Russia’s concerns? What are those concerns?

Like being defeated on the battlefield by Ukraine, or watching NATO grow and become more unified as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or crippling economic sanctions, etc.

28 ( +35 / -7 )

There is no way forward, and no way out. Vladimir Putin will have to go before we see any change from the Russians. By the time this is through, the Donbas will be reduced to rubble. Perhaps the Crimea too.

20 ( +26 / -6 )

Big bad Ukraine doesn’t take our concerns seriously! WAAAAA”

Looks like SOMEONE has their britches in a bind.

Our goal is... to end this conflict. We are striving for this

Then pick up your “stuf”f and go back to your own country. You started this war. You can end it.

And just so you know, Ukraine says “you can leave the easy way or the hard way, but you’re leaving” and I believe them.

Your move, mini-me.

24 ( +31 / -7 )

They blamed the closure of diplomatic channels on President Zelenskyy, who has said he will not negotiate while Putin is in power.

Putin’s illegal annexation and refusal to put those four regions on the table makes him and Russia responsible for the lack of any negotiations. Putin won’t offer those though, because if he does Russia’s war ends with them gaining nothing. He’s done for, and it shows.

19 ( +25 / -6 )

"Your concerns don't concern anyone!"

Get out of Ukraine, pay reparations, return all ocuupied areas (incl. but not only Crimea) to Ukraine, stand trail in DeHague, denuclearize, let your citizens live in freedom ..... maybe then you will become a "valuable member" of the international community (even though I got my doubts this will happen in the next couple of decades).

Ukraine prevails!

20 ( +27 / -7 )

In any free and fair election, the majority most certainly would have voted to reunite with Russia. 

No comedy before coffee please.

This is the same Ukraine that overthrew a Russian stooge in 14. This is the same Ukraine that elected the current president with 75% of the vote. This is the same Ukraine that stands strong in the face of hospital bombings, attempts To freeze it to death and threats of nuclear weapons utilization.

And you think that “in a free and fair election, the majority most certainly would have voted to reunite with Russia”?

I think you are either a comedic genius, or you are quite frankly delusional, or worse.

26 ( +32 / -6 )

Need reasons to justify the continuation of the Russian attack.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Go home, Russia, you are not wanted in Ukraine.

21 ( +26 / -5 )

 he will not negotiate while Putin is in power.

Putin, Lavrov and their factotums in the Kremlin have lied so many times no one will believe them. Unfortunately their lies have been spread by Kremlin media and parroted by their own armies of trolls, and anti-democracy media outlets, including those owned and managed by Rupert M, among other anti-democracy extremists around the world.

16 ( +23 / -7 )

The Kremlin on Thursday accused Kyiv and Washington of turning a deaf ear to its concerns

I dont have a probkem with this.

and charged the United States was using Ukraine as a battleground to weaken Russia.

I don't have a problem with this.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Putin’s concern is not winning the war against the very brave Ukrainians.

21 ( +26 / -5 )

Sounds a bit desperate. Why the concern if the special military operation is going according to plan?

18 ( +23 / -5 )

The Kremlin on Thursday accused Kyiv and Washington of turning a deaf ear to its concerns and charged the United States was using Ukraine as a battleground to weaken Russia.

Sounds about right.

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

I hope to see Russia de-Putinized at the earliest possible time. He could withdraw his troops and end this if that was what he wanted. Clearly he doesn’t. So let’s de-Putinize Russia, no?

15 ( +22 / -7 )

and charged the United States was using Ukraine as a battleground to weaken Russia.

Russia is doing a great job of weakening Russia all by themselves. They don’t need the US’s help

12 ( +18 / -6 )

I think Putin is concerned Russia is getting their ass kicked by a 5th tier army supported by a few arms from the west.

Wait, did Russia prop up Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria etc? Cuba is right next to the USA. Did he respect the interests of the USA?

What a hypocritical bag of dung. How is this self centered killer still in charge of Russia? The Russian people need to solve the problem. Mothers in Russia need to speak up about their dead children being killed in a land grab for Putin's ego. The suffering in Ukraine needs to end. Ruck the Fussians!

15 ( +22 / -7 )

Putin has fired and replaced his generals for their disappointing defeats.

General Valerii Zaluzhnyi Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 27 July 2021 has outplayed Putin’s generals.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

 United States was using Ukraine as a battleground to weaken Russia.

Truth that the westfanboyzz will never want to admit, just like the US uses the Chinese province of Taiwan to try to weaken China..

-23 ( +7 / -30 )

Ukraine prevails!

LOL !!..

-20 ( +8 / -28 )


do you live in the west ?

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Russia's concerns? Attacking and killing thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians? And causing over seven and a half million Ukrainians to flee theit country? Destroying Ukraine's cities? And say all this was because of NATO?

17 ( +22 / -5 )

Russia seems to be trying to gaslight the world LOL

17 ( +22 / -5 )

Some of our lot seem rather concerned about the cost in $ of US aid. Yesterday an analyst said something that I thought was impactful.

For 5% of annual defense spending in total US aid, the UA has removed the prospect of a wider conventional war in Europe from the table of possibilities by reducing Russia’s combat power by 50%. We are unlikely to see such a bargain again in our lifetimes.

A hundred billion (or more) is certainly a large sum of money. But in terms of what the cost would be in money alone to reinforce NATO/fight a conventional war/rebuild Europe, it’s rounding error.

And that doesn’t even begin to measure the cost in lives (American lives) which are to this point (checks notes) zero.

And lest we think that this is all scaremongering. The Russians themselves were talking about next steps when things were going their way.

They were prepping for an amphibious assault on Odessa followed by an incursion into Maldivia to link up with separatists there and establish a new front on NATO’s Southern flank.

They were talking about establishing a land corridor connecting Kalingrade (apologies for the spelling) with Belarus that would have involved invading Lithuania.

They aren’t talking about that anymore.

So supporting Ukraine in its legitimate self-defense has not only been the right thing to do, not only has it been in America’s national interest, it’s been the deal of a lifetime

But some of us are far too shortsighted to see this self-evident truth.

Thankfully leaders of both parties in DC are not

19 ( +23 / -4 )

Why the concern if the special military operation is going according to plan?

Not going to plan, not too long ago, after Syrian despot Assad 'invited' Russian forces, including Putin's Wagner Group, to come to Syria and bomb hospitals and butcher civilians there, pro-Russian posters claimed the battles would soon be over because of Russia's overwhelming military power Now it seems Russia and its parrots in the media have long exaggerated Russian military might. Russia might want to re-take the lands of former SSRs and seize control of the Arctic and Antarctic, but its partners China, Iran, North Korea and who all else, who knows, will have to do the heaviest lifting and supply most of the equipment. By then will Chinese people and North Koreans be allowed to leave their homes to join Putin/Xi/Kim etal? And will the leaders of those totalitarian nations be leading the charge or will they remain behind long tables hiding deep underground n their respective mansion's bunkers.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

@TokyoOldMan, I think he is asking TokyoLiving, who presumably lives in a liberal democracy, yet seems to have an affinity for the strong men of the autocracies.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Truth that the westfanboyzz

I assuming you’re referring to Americans, and Europeans?

I don’t think we are “fan boys”, just people who believe in democracy.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Did anyone see Biden say USA has to help the Ukraine with basic human rights, such as this and that "health care" and this and that. Health care is a basic human right? At least 41 million Americans have no health insurance which is just about the population of the Ukraine at this moment. If you count the 4 oblasts already annexed by Russia.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

My reasoning is that using low tech to fight comparatively low tech drones would make economic sense, especially when defending key infrastructure. Imagine two simple barrage Balloons secured, and supporting a thin mesh suspended between them. Any drone flying between them would become ensnarled and drag the balloons inwards exploding on contact, if not, disabling the drone before-hand. You don't even need a wire mesh. Indeed there are many other non-metallic materials nowadays that would be strong enough. Drone operators would have to (as the Forbes article suggests) navigate between them - making any attack rather arduous.

Its an interesting idea, but there might be some issues with it.

One is thatI don’t think anyone has a stockpile of barrage balloons to give them and it would likely take some time to manufacture, ship, etc them. By the time they arrived 5he threat could be passed.

A second, and this is just speculative, is that modern drones and missiles might be better at evading them than WW2 aircraft were.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Russia's concerns became irrelevant the moment they went into Ukraine and started murdering innocent Ukrainians in the streets. No one in the world cares about Russian concerns anymore, other than Russia.

And it looks like they're going to end up losing the Crimea region they previously stole, back to Ukraine as part of the deal.

There are few larger screwups in human history.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Sven - thank you for your concern for uninsured/underinsured Americans. Many of us Americans are also concerned about this and that is why we vote blue. We are making progress, but there are many Americans who aren't as concerned about this, so it makes for slower progress. We will get there, for sure, but it will take time.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Not a single word was heard warning Zelenskyy against the continued shelling of residential buildings in towns and villages in Donbas and there were no real calls for peace," spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Why would there be? This is war and Russian actions in hitting civilians is well documented. Ukraine must not hit civilian buildings but Russia can continue to raze as many as it wants? No thanks.

In the southern region surrounding the recently recaptured town of Kherson -- which has been shelled persistently by Russian forces

An example of documented Russian targeting of civilians.

as Moscow pummels power plants and other civilian infrastructure while the country shivers in the winter cold.

And targets civilian infrastructure.

Russia's army chief Valery Gerasimov said Russian troops are "focused on completing the liberation" of Donetsk.

Focused on completing the invasion of Donetsk. The Ukrainians will liberate all invaded territory.

Peace talks with Russia? They already require the precondition of recognizing annexed territory as Russian, which is never going to happen. So in effect it is Russia stopping any peace talks from happening.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Sven - thank you for your concern for uninsured/underinsured Americans.

I am concerned. It's barbaric and medieval to have so many people lacking basic human rights while spending dizzing amounts of money on the military despite not being under threat of invasion. But my comment was more meant to underline the hypocrisy.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Sven - noted, and thanks again for your concern.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Eastman - There will be an opportunity for Americans to vote in a new President in about two years. We are already in a multipolar world, you just don't like one of the poles.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

We hear that it isn't true Ukraine is discriminating against Ethnic Russians, all propaganda, right.

But I as an atheist can clearly see this sure isn't right!


This isn't some kremlin news service.

One more anti Ethnic Russian move, to add to the rest over the past 8 years.

Now guess why the Dombas left!

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Eastman - and what about Ukraine's concerns? Are they not equal to Russia's? Why should we pay any more attention to what Russia wants than to what Ukraine wants?

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Eastman - Of course we as Americans like our own country, just as you like yours. I don't really care about losing 'ground/influence here and there'. It doesn't really affect me. What I do care about is helping to expel the Russian invaders from Ukraine.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

I've heard of the Minsk agreements and still nothing justifies Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

You may never heard about Minsk agreements than...and what have followed.

You mean the stalling tactic agreement?

I mean the fake "agreement" that Angela Merkel who was involved admitted in Die Zeit interview it was never going to be implemented and was to give Ukrane time to prepare to take back the region!

That "Minsk agreement"?

Basically it was an agreement to so Ukraine could prepare for war but corruption and Trump' election, delayed that plan and Russia acted first.

Yes nice wool over the western population's eyes.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

Eastman - Russia should have stayed out of Ukraine in the first place. Not their country. Not their business. Now they are finding out.

13 ( +16 / -3 )


Today 11:19 am JST

Eastman - Of course we as Americans like our own country, just as you like yours. I don't really care about losing 'ground/influence here and there'. It doesn't really affect me. What I do care about is helping to expel the Russian invaders from Ukraine.


Today 11:21 am JST

I've heard of the Minsk agreements and still nothing justifies Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Americans are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

The USA has an official policy that permits attacking or intervening anywhere in order to protect American citizen's lives or American interests and it has done so hundreds of times.

But it and Americans deny other countries the right to do the same!

The Minsk agreement was a sham Angela Merkel's recent interview made that clear.

Russia was looking at a Ukraine arming itself to attack Russians in Dombas and yes most had dual citizenship so now we know the real goal of Minsk and that Ukraine was going to attack the Ethnic Russians in Dombas and Crimea eventually based on Angela Merkel's own interview and using the USA's own view on intervening to protect its citizens and its interest we could say Russia has every right based on the same rights the USA gives itself.

Americans are do as we say not as we do.

-13 ( +6 / -19 )

One more anti Ethnic Russian move, to add to the rest over the past 8 years.

lol This isn't anti Ethnic Russian. This is nonsense. The UOC is part of the Russian Orthodox church, which is led by Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, a vile person who supports the invasion of Ukraine. https://www.ncronline.org/news/world/after-supporting-ukraine-invasion-russias-patriarch-kirill-criticized-worldwide-0

Furthermore, they found weapons and documents at the monasteries.



Regardless, do you think this somehow justifies Russia's invasion of Ukraine? I certainly don't.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

The Russians and their fan boys can attempt to equivocate and whatabout all they want:

Ukraine has decided it wants a more Western oriented policy and as a soverign nation that is its right.

Russia first installed its rube, then launched a BS uprising in the East and when that didn't bring Kiev to heal, decided to invade on a BS excuse of "de-nazification" (later upgraded to the very ambitious goal of "de-Satanization").

Now the Russians are gettting their asses kicked and want to whine about it.

They are leaving the easy way or the hard way, but they ARE leaving.

Those are the facts. The Russians don't have to like them, but they are none the less the facts as backed by the objective reality that we (most of us anyway) live in.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Imagine being outraged at Ukraine for using the Minsk agreements as a stalling tactic so they wouldn't get invaded, but not caring about Russia doing the invading. Genius.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Russia really doesn't want to wake the sleeping giant. Trust.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

I have but you will not even consider that this was avoidable if the west had kept to its agreements.

Avoidable how? By ceding Ukrainian land to Russia? Nonsense.

They stalled so they could prepare and defend themselves. That you have a problem with this is telling.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

There were no Russians in the Donbas region. They are all Ukrainians by birth and citizenship.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Russia's primary concern is the loss of it's ability to influence Ukraine with the ousting of the pro Russian leader almost a decade ago. Ukraine's desire to integrate closer with Western Europe in order to improve living standards and increase prosperity and personal freedoms.

There remained behind corrupt elements that were Russian in origin, as many things were, from being dominated from Russia for so many years and decades.

The loss of influence was panic inducing in Putin and others inside Russian leadership. They saw Ukraine as property of Russia, a hangover from Soviet times when all satellite states were considered as Russian property. Once these states were freed with the breaking apart of the USSR, many chose a direction of improvement tied to Western life styles and ideals and moved to join the EU and or NATO for defense from Russian ire at their loss of influence and power.

Putin has moved to return Ukraine to Russian control via military means. Quickly annexing territory it managed to partially control through invasion. There are no Nazi's and there is no need for demilitarization as that happened already when Ukraine gave up its Soviet inherited nuclear weapons. This is only about control, plain and simple. They must be resisted at all costs, in all ways.

Russia has no rights greater than Ukraine's rights.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

All citizens in Ukraine including the Donbas region are Ukrainians. That is the definition of sovereign citizenship. Separatists decide they don't want to be part of Ukraine anymore just like in Spain and Northern Ireland.

Referendums are by the whole country not just a couple of million in Donbas. They could have moved to Russia if that is what they wanted.

If there are Russian citizens in Donbas then they are only residents, not Ukrainian citizens.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Side note: Rrivate Russian Citizens are now crowdfunding for equipment for Russian soldiers.

That is how badly this is going for Mini-me.

No wonder he is whining about it....

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Answer may be-because its in line of their national interests to make Russia weaker.

Well the US wouldn't be so wildly successful by going against our national interests.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

It's worth noting that there is a UNSC resolution UNSC2202 that was supposed to put an end to the Ukrainian civil war, but Zelensky (and his predecessors going back to 2015) and Biden (and his predecessors going back to 2015) have increasingly flagrantly violating.

It is interesting that the US, always talking about the need for a 'rules based world's demonizing Russia for, after increasingly forceful diplomatic efforts, acted to preserve the spirit, and preserve the possibility of the resolution being enforced, rather than stopping its actions that violated international law.

There's a reason that the second highest Presidential vote count ever was for Trump. Americans don't have a problem with hypocrisy, as long as it's THEIRS

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

If Kremlin wants peace, retreat to the officially recognized border (including pulling out of Crimea). Then try to make peace with the rest of the world for what you have done. And see if anyone will trust Russia ever again...

11 ( +14 / -3 )

"Our goal is... to end this conflict. We are striving for this"

No need to strive, Vlad. Just Go Home.

One more anti Ethnic Russian move

You really are clutching at straws. Rooting out pro-russian traitors suspected of subversive activity against the state, in the middle of a war initiated by russia, is not anything to clutch your pearls about - unless you're a pro-russian traitor pouring russian propaganda into the ears of your congregation. The church is an outpost of the russian Orthodox, headed by the vile scumbag Krill who has publicly blessed the war against Ukraine, calling it 'a very correct path'.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

In our high school geography class some seventy years ago, we learned that Ukraine was a bread basket for the Soviet Union because of its rich black soil, whereby we thought Ukraine had been an integral part of Soviet Russia.

We didn't know there had been a seceding movement in Ukraine from Russia for a long time -- 70 years before 1945. The leader of that movement even cooperated with Nazi Germany for convenience's sake to achieve independence, the reason why Russian President Vladimir Putin calls Zelenskyy a Nazi sympathizer and tells the Russian people that they are fighting Nazis.

Thus, the Ukrainian issue is imbued with a cultural and political struggle, too. Maybe, the Ukrainian issue is compared to the Taiwan issue.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

PaulToday  07:12 am JST

Russia's concerns??? More like Putin's paranoia plus Putin's and Russia's inferiority complex!!!

The UN sanctions starting to get to him, maybe?

sakurasukiToday  07:16 am JST

Kremlin says Biden, Zelenskyy ignoring Russia's concerns

Kremlin is ignoring Ukraine existence and well being.

Putin needs to think about the Russian people. That's his job and they're getting sick of his abuses and dereliction of duty.

TokyoOldManToday  07:18 am JST

Nothing but a land grab under false pretenses by Russia, after having seeded their own insurgents and supplied them since 2014 to create these so called Separatist areas.

He thinks he can be a modern czar. Those days ended nearly 100 years ago.

Dango bongToday  07:22 am JST

Russia's concerns? Bombing maternity wards and taking land from an independent neighbor?

Russia needs a reality check

Putin has no right whatsoever to say anything on these matters. He started it all himself with his excuses and lies. He's pissed that the world has turned against him. He figured that this war would've been over at least by say October at the VERY latest. Winter is here and he has blood on his hands and mud on his face. It's sucking his rubles, material, weaponry, lives, etc. It's wasteful and there's no end in sight now. Saint Nick has a rock ready for his sock!

10 ( +14 / -4 )

The good men in Russia need to find a way to stop Putin.

Last night watched the new season of Jack Ryan. Very good that is all I will say.

John Krasinski explains that Jack Ryan Season 3 was filmed before the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, saying it's "the biggest heartbreak" to see fiction become a reality.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

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