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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Kremlin says it expects Putin-Trump meeting to go ahead
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'Still expects' is euphemism for Vlad's told Trump they'll meet. In preparation, Little Stephen Miller's ordered extra pairs of knee pads for Trump.
Dump won't dare defy his master. It is a front, and there will be another private meeting.
You don't "maybe" these kinds of things. Trump whiffed a chance to send a clear message. Now, if he does take the meeting, he looks weak; if he doesn't, he misses a chance to directly inform Putin of American opposition to Russia's policies.
Trump should have said, "I will meet Putin so as to directly inform him the unified West's abhorrence of his actions in Ukraine and the Sea of Azov." That would have set the tone for the meeting and still allowed room for discussion of other issues.
Trump is an idiot.
Trump is just trying to dodge his bi-annual job performance review.
Tony G
This meeting IS his bi-annual job performance review.
But a smart one.
Trump: Vlad, I don't like what you're doing with the Ukrainians and their ships...could you please stop...
Putin: Shut up you fool, just do as I tell you or I'll let the whole world know of your oligarch loans and Russian-financed business transactions. Let alone all the help I gave you and your campaign during the election...Do you want me to release the video on my meeting with Manafort to discuss releasing the Democrats e-mails?
Trump: Yes Master, I'll continue to create chaos and reduce the US standing and reputation in the world...
Putin: Good, now give me Stormy Daniels private number...I want to invite her to Moscow and my dacha....
I think liberals have a thing for 90’s Nickelodeon classics rehash, but seeing that the liberals always have something to complain about, it doesn’t matter what this President does, so why should he care?
Someone's liberal obsessed. Either that or prefers Trumpistan to the US, where all political beliefs are permitted. But I know, Trumpistanians would rather be Russian than Democrat. After all, their idol's boss Putin claims to be a 'conservative'.
Ricky Kaminski13
"I think we are at a crossroads," Xi said. "In economic terms we need to decide if we are going to follow the economic globalization and free market or if we are going to choose unilateralism and protectionism."
Feel free to turn inward China and sort your own society out first before you offer your authoritarian Globalism 2.0 model to the world. Clean your room!
But thanks anyway.
Joe Blow
Trump’s master is Putin?
And all this time I thought his master was Sheldon Adelson.
Progressive liberals?
Which is what a free society is supposed to be.
Now that’s sounds like a very bad skit for a David Lynch play, but a bit funnier.
If that is the case did one could surmise that the Liberals are really Marxists
the good thing about the kremlin is they're not shy about their ownership of trump. many american media outlets gather intel from the kremlin's state-run media about how trump gets whored, bought and sold by russia daily.
putin can lift trump's skirt anytime he wants. he can always put his hand in the cookie jar.
"In preparation, Little Stephen Miller's ordered extra pairs of knee pads for Trump."
Har! But more likely the knee pads have been ordered for Putin who is now begging for the meeting, like Little Rocket man did.
As you can see, it is Putin who calls the shots. Trump obeys.
Nothing wrong when that if you are trying to keep the peace.
@PT. Not American. But I’m always confused about this Liberian stuff. I thought America is red or white, slavery or non-slavery state, Clinton or bush? There is a third choice?
Sorry red vs. blue.
Goodluck - Yes, there is a third choice - we chose the populist / nationalist Trump over all the usual politicians, leaving out California, lol.
It's all very "Political" at present. What matters now, is how the Major Countries involved deal with the situation without, causing an escalation caused by a Minor country. (For anyone who wishes a History lesson, look at WW1 and ask yourselves, was there a better way in dealing with it back then, if it had happened nowadays ?)
The definition of appeasement.