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Legal challenges to Trump's immigration orders spread


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To those who say Trump is acting like a dictator, see below video.

"Trump Told Me To Investigate Whatever I Want" Jason Chaffetz Shocks Democrats.

Chaffetz was---notice the past tense----a huge Trump detractor.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

This is part of the reason why Republicans got 3,000,000 fewer votes in the election.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Whether you support or oppose him, one thing is clear. Trump sure is a Santa bringing Christmas presents early for the legal profession. Imagine all the lawsuits and legal fees that the next 4 years will bring.

There is that potential possibility, sure.

This is part of the reason why Republicans got 3,000,000 fewer votes in the election.

By the way, how are the marginalized indisposed Democrats doing these days? Lol

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

This is part of the reason the Dems lost and we have a President Trump. The average person is soooooo tired of each and every time that someone tries to make actual progress for the people there is a demonstration or lawsuit.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

This is part of the reason the Dems lost and we have a President Trump.

No, the only reason the Dems lost and there is a president Trump is because the Electoral college rejected the reason for which it formed, and prioritized the votes of a few thousand voters over millions.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

The President has every right to protect Americans by executive orders, so no lawyer can challenge. The US owes nothing to foreign countries or immigrants. They are just delaying but they can not win a challenge. Unless they change the Constitution, which also only applies to American citizens.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

The President has every right to protect Americans by executive orders, so no lawyer can challenge.

What law specifically prevents challenging it, and why has that law never been applied to a challenge in the history of challenges to executive orders?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

so nothing at all about the fact that people want change and action on the issues the USA faces, but the Dems were just promising more of the same?

People act like the Electoral College is some thing that exists outside the voting process that prevented the correct person from being elected. The Electoral College is simply a reflection of the votes of the people in those areas. No votes for a person, then they cant win the Electoral College in that area.

So obviously the Trump message resonated in the key areas that he needed to win. He had to win nearly every battleground state to even have a chance in the Electoral college, and he DID. Of course California/Washington state never going to support anything he wants...ever.. Because they only care about themselves regardless of whether it is actually good for the USA as a whole or not.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

so nothing at all about the fact that people want change

The people chose the Democrats. And your team was claiming all along that a vote for the Democrats was a vote to keep the status quo. So your 'fact' is actually an 'alternate fact', or even 'fake news'.

People act like the Electoral College is some thing that exists outside the voting process that prevented the correct person from being elected.

It does, and did.

The electoral college was set up to prevent the election of a tyrant. And the first two weeks have shown they failed in that duty.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Sorry, the United States does not and never has done elections based on that model. Even if I give you the President got less votes point, how does that explain a Republican President, Senate AND House of Representatives. Did the Electoral College screw those guys too?

Tyrant: A cruel and oppressive ruler. "the tyrant was deposed by popular demonstrations" synonyms: dictator, despot, autocrat, absolute ruler, authoritarian, oppressor "an evil tyrant who has imprisoned all who oppose his regime"

Trump is none of those and has done none of those. Just political fear mongering by name calling.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Sorry, the United States does not and never has done elections based on that model.

It's what the electoral college was set up for, and there is nothing that says they are required to vote for the party that won their state.

Tyrant: A cruel and oppressive ruler.

Trump: Compassionless (cruel), wants to restrict the media, and stomps on anyone who opposes him (oppressive).

Trump = tyrant.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

It's what the electoral college was set up for, and there is nothing that says they are required to vote for the party that won their state.

Anyway, Trump is president and for the next 8 just sit back and enjoy the ride. Liberals will get through and you foreigners will as well. All is good.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Who didn't see the legal challenges coming

The President still has to follow the Constitution, including Executive Orders

That's how the Supreme Court is able to strike down some of Obama's Executive Orders (including the immigration one), as well as previous Presidents' Executive Orders

Executive Orders are challenged all the time:


Sometimes the President wins in the Supreme Court; sometimes the President loses

But what an Executive Order is not, is a carte blanche to do whatever the President wants

Ya guys gotta understand what Executive Orders can and cannot do

2 ( +4 / -2 )

All is good

But he broke the promise on the wall by saying Americans will pay for it. He also promised to have Hillary arrested. And why didn't he ban Saudi Arabia (birthplace of Osama Bin Laden).

0 ( +4 / -4 )

so nothing at all about the fact that people want change and action on the issues the USA faces, but the Dems were just promising more of the same?

Is that why we had 3,000,000 more votes? You guys really don't seem to get that the popular vote, while not deciding who wins the election, can certainly be used to counter points about how unpopular we are. So can approval ratings which show Trump languishing and Obama rising. Pointing the the electoral college doesn't change any of that.

You guys are unpopular with the majority of the voters. Good luck.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

And yet despite your popularity, you have lost over 1000 seats in government since Obama was elected. You have no majority in the House or Senate as well as a Republican president who had no business winning.

So I guess due to the results of 1000 elections where people chose a Republican over a Democrat, there is nothing you can really do for at least the next 2 years except protest/complain and delay decisions by a few days. Good luck.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I find it very strange that so many are up in arms about Trump imposing a 90 day pause on immigration from a few countries, but it was apparently perfectly fine for the US in recent years to actually attack these same countries.

Its OK to kill them, but not to prevent them from entering your country - go figure!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And yet despite your popularity, you have lost over 1000 seats in government since Obama was elected.

No one's claiming the game isn't stacked against the Democrats. Between the disproportionate weight of Republican state votes, and gerrymandering to weight states towards Republican candidates, Democrats have to go that extra mile.

So I guess due to the results of 1000 elections where people chose a Republican over a Democrat, there is nothing you can really do for at least the next 2 years except protest/complain and delay decisions by a few days.

Exactly. You do what you can.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Yes, I agree to some point that you gotta do what you can. Just because you are in a bad position you cant give up. But you need to pick the battles that make sense. Otherwise the optics (newest buzzword) of your resistance to every single thing justs frustrates people who will remember and vote against you next time too.

Prime example is protesting the Supreme Court nominee without even knowing who it was yet. Who are these people and why are they standing waiting to protest whatever decision was made? Then having a spokesperson try to go on TV 10 minutes later and give reasons why that specific person is no good. When everyone knows ANYONE Trump would have picked was no good. Bad optics.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Prime example is protesting the Supreme Court nominee without even knowing who it was yet.

I know. That's why it was so frustrating when the Republicans decided to do that. The day Scalia died, they were already announcing that they wouldn't support any choice of Obama's.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

No, you dont get me.Protesting. Like in the street and on the steps in front of the Supreme Court with a bunch of media and TV cameras. All set up and just waiting for a name to be announced so they could start ranting. Without even knowing who the nominee was. Just political grandstanding and it cheapens the meaning of any other actual protest.

Obama and his group failed to get their person to a confirmation hearing. Repubs would have been unable to not support their nominee in an official setting just because Obama picked him. That would be political suicide.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

No, you dont get me.Protesting. Like in the street and on the steps in front of the Supreme Court with a bunch of media and TV cameras.

And Republicans protested online, and in the right-wing media all over the place.

Sorry, is the left-wing not properly following the rules of approved types and places of protest? I haven't seen the official Republican list, please give me a link.

Obama and his group failed to get their person to a confirmation hearing.

Obama put forward Garland. The Republicans put the kaibosh on that right away. They had already declared their intent to stonewall any choice of Obama's, right from literally the same day Scalia died.

I hope you're not actually expecting us to feel that the left is doing something wrong or unreasonable here. The only thing that can fix the Republican actions of last year is to appoint and approve Garland. Otherwise, there is literally zero sympathy from the left for any Republican protestations on this matter whatsoever.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@blacklab But you need to pick the battles that make sense.

And those battles would be the ones right-wingers agree with?

The non-Republican side of US politics is splintered and has been for a long time. It would be nice to see greater co-operation among the different groups, and that may well happen if the executive and his party continue the course they seem set on. For now, though, you can expect to see groups and individuals choosing their own issues to battle over. (Something about freedom.)

Finding ways to resist a feared authoritarian state seems to be uniting people. The US isn't Russia led by oligarchs. Many people want to ensure that it doesn't become one and are exercising their rights to dissent.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Here's what the opposition ought to read : 8 USC §1182

It (Constitutional law) gives the President wide latitude in prohibiting entry of foreign persons. Foreign persons ARE NOT GUARANTEED permission of landing/entry. Constitutional rights do not apply to non-citizens outside of US jurisdiction.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

And those battles would be the ones right-wingers agree with?>

No, the ones that you can actually realistically win or have a direct impact on. For example, ignore the Executive Orders and the Supreme Court nomination. Nothing you can do about those, they are going to move forward anyway. Focus on the negotiations and compromises that can be had at lower levels when new laws/statutes are actually in the drafting and creation stage. That is where you can have the most impact when you are in a weaker position.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

That is where you can have the most impact

I can't wait for how Trump's wall is going to have a big impact on the comedy business. And don't forget that ladders and ropes have always had big impact on walls with making it very easy to get over them - including Trump's wall. He will also force taxpayers to pay for it. Mexicans won't pay.

Regarding the ban - don't forget that Trump for some reason did not put a ban on the birth country of Osaka Bin Laden. That country did the most damage from terrorism in US's history. No ban on Saudi Arabia. Is Trump OK?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

That is where you can have the most impact when you are in a weaker position.

If I'm reading you correctly you're saying move over and let the borg take over. From StarTrek:

We are borg (substitute Republican). Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. They rumbled through the universe sucking other cultures into their collective and making them borg.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

we have a President Trump

Did you specifically want Trump? Or a Republican who would be considered a normal person? On the business side he wasn't exactly a winner for his investors. And his political experience leaves something to be desired.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Im being serious with my comments here, you guys can talk about ropes and ladders and Star Trek if you want. Im just trying to help the side that lost deal with the reality of their situation.

Give up on blocking Supreme Court nominations and Executive Orders. Let Trump move on to the Wall, taxes, healthcare, environmental issues, other things that you CAN influence that will need laws created to implement.

Identify what you dont want to see for each issue. Focus on negotiating that law to get more of what you want included in order to bring the price down if its too expensive for example. Negotiate to adjust a tax rate to 20% instead of 15%, things like that which are doable by negotiation. Try to get 1000 refugees admitted instead of trying to undo the entire immigration policy.

Spending time and effort trying to block unblockable things just delays the administration from moving on to things that were not core campaign promises there there might be more common ground.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I find it very strange that so many are up in arms about Trump imposing a 90 day pause on immigration from a few countries, but it was apparently perfectly fine for the US in recent years to actually attack these same countries.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

ropes and ladders and Star Trek

Ropes and ladders are real and Star Trek is fiction.

Let Trump move on to the Wall

And that is where the comedy starts. What is going to stop people from using ladders and ropes to get over Trump's wall? Is Trump going to make his wall ladder and rope proof?

“If you build a 30-foot wall, all it’s going to do is create a market for 31-foot ladders,” (Border Patrol)

“If they ever get up [on the wall] they’re in trouble,” Trump said. “‘Cause there’s no way to get down… Maybe a rope.” (Trump)

Im just trying to help the side that lost deal

Are you a professional consultant for the Democrats? What are you doing in Japan?

If the wall is built the taxpayers will lose since they will be stuck with the bill (but a good time for Home Depot to stock up on ladders).

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

No, the ones that you can actually realistically win or have a direct impact on. For example, ignore the Executive Orders and the Supreme Court nomination.

You say this, literally months after the right was going on and on about Obama signing executive orders, and after the right completely obstructed the supreme court nominee before knowing who it even was. The right literally has zero moral high ground to complain about these points.

Nothing you can do about those, they are going to move forward anyway.

That's no reason whatsoever to not return the obstructionist policies the right put on just a few short months ago.

Spending time and effort trying to block unblockable things just delays the administration from moving on to

You realize that you are speaking from the team that literally shut the government down being obstructionist, right? How, coming from having done that, do you expect the other team to not do the same?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Im speaking from a results based perspective and asking the losing side to consider a strategy change. But ok, take the moral high ground. Get your revenge by obstructing the obstructionists, fight Executive Orders and the Supreme Court nominations. The end result will be the same and will have no impact on the final results of any of it.

Are you a professional consultant for the Democrats? What are you doing in Japan?>

I work here in Japan, not much different than anyone else. I dont even particularly care about politics because little of it affects my daily life. I have a job because I know how to get results, even from a position of weakness. I just use this place as a way to see how people think, to experiment with methods of written communication, and as practice in trying to put forward a logical argument in a hostile environment. Still have work to do improve of course.

But whatever, I dont matter at all. Keep on underestimating Trump, thats how you guys got in this mess in the first place. If you fight him, you get nothing. Negotiation will get you something, which is better than nothing.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Get your revenge by obstructing the obstructionists, fight Executive Orders and the Supreme Court nominations.

Exactly. Doing otherwise just says to the right that their actions were ok. The right needs to acknowledge that they were wrong, before this can be moved past. As long as they refused to admit that, the only way to show them, is to do to them exactly what they did in the first place.

The end result will be the same and will have no impact on the final results of any of it.

You are considering the final results to be the choice of supreme court justice, and/or the continuation of the executive orders. Those are only short-term results, not final results. The final results is the future of the USA, and whether it needs to split up into new countries, or continue as the country that it is. The right just spent eight years being hands-down ridiculous in their obstructionism (not opposition, obstructionism) and suddenly after getting power want to say 'hey, don't do what we just did'. Don't complain about executive orders like we did. Don't obstruct the supreme court justices like we did. Don't question and complain the about the president's choices like we did. Accept the president unquestioningly like we didn't. Try to get along with us like we didn't. That's not how adults behave, but unfortunately, the only way to teach that is by fighting fire with fire.

If and when the republican party wants to admit their wrongs, and work with the left to move forward, it will happen. The left is a forgiving and logical group. But right now the left is in opposition with a group that wants to say one thing, after having done another. Sorry, doesn't work that way.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I have a job...

What job? What do you do? Did your company send you here?

Keep on underestimating Trump

Well, I've never underestimated ladders. They go over walls very well. Also, he has broken promise after promise. He promised to have Hillary arrested. Promised to have the Mexicans pay for the wall. He promised to have a Muslim registry. He can't deliver. But Trump voters still believe him. I bet they even believe that ladders won't work to go over his wall.

Keep on underestimating Trump? It's not necessary. He is already dissapointing his voters.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


0 ( +1 / -1 )

No ban on Saudi Arabia. Is Trump OK? its called a firm grasp on the nads, that is oil. All Saudi Arabia has to do is squeeze LOL

0 ( +2 / -2 )

German police dismissed media reports that a girl had been brutally raped by an asylum seeker and required an urgent abdominal surgery in.....

A German teen who claimed to have been abducted and gang-raped by migrants, sparking angry protests, has admitted making up the story.......

(news sources)

Yes, they need to watch out for those imaginary rapes and other such crimes.

(otherwise there will be rapes,assaults arson etc as Sweden and Germany)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Blacklabel:. And yet despite your popularity, you have lost over 1000 seats in government since Obama was elected.

Imagine that. More popular, but less representation in government. It's almost as if the system is stacked against us with gerrymandering, voter suppressions laws, the electoral college, etc.

Nah. Just my imagination.

You guys have one more piece of the puzzle to get, and that would be eliminating the filibuster. Will the GOP go there? I think they will. McConnel says no, but screwing Dwmocracy is a small price Republicans will gladly pay if it entrenches them into government.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

How uninformed are you? It was Dear Leader Obama and his minions that specifically identified these seven countries as the highest risks of exporting terrorists in 2015. Where was the uproar then? Hypocrites!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It was Dear Leader Obama and his minions that specifically identified these seven countries as the highest risks of exporting terrorists in 2015. Where was the uproar then?

How could there be uproar for banning the people from these countries when the Obama administration didn't ban the people from these countries?

Pretty hard to be outraged about something that never happened.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@Strangerland did you know the Constitution only applies to American citizens, not foreigners?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Strangerland did you know the Constitution only applies to American citizens, not foreigners?

What does that have to do with my post?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

More popular, but less representation in government.>

That is what I was saying to try to make my point that maybe the Dems arent as popular as they think and need reality check. If your message is the one that people want to hear, then your candidates get elected. The Electoral college only explains away the Presidency, not the Senate or House. But since 2008, they havent been getting elected regularly and the current Congressional leaders are really lacking.

Nancy Pelosi just told a woman whose son was tortured and murdered by an illegal that our people in sanctuary cities are not disobeying the law and are law abiding citizens. Really? Arent OUR PEOPLE Americans, not illegal aliens? This is the one of the leaders of the party? Same one who is playing identity politics by reminding a Congressman to tell everyone at the protest that he is Muslim?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

maybe the Dems arent as popular as they think and need reality check.

If you think that, then you can only think that the pubs are even less popular, since they get 3 million less of the popular vote.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Try to get 1000 refugees admitted instead of trying to undo the entire immigration policy.

Actually it's more like 110 times that in 2017 that and it's going to happen under Trump's watch. There is no trying because it's happening right under Trump's nose and his voters. 2017 is projected to be 110,000 coming in. 1,000? Is that some kind of joke? Missed a few zeroes there? The great negotiator has failed.

It looks like Trump is going to admit more refugees this year than Obama did last year. Trump voters think all refugees are potential terrorists. They also think that refugees will try to force the US to accept Sharia law. Yet, this great protector of the USA will end up letting more in this year than what Obama admitted last year. Not much of a negotiator is he. Yet he is followed like some cult guru while bringing up imaginary refugee numbers like 1,000 which is a real laugh and proof that Trump voters never read real news and just get their information from (1) donaldtrump.com and (2) his book Art of the Scam.

undo the entire immigration policy.

There is nothing to undo because there will be no wall and even if there is Mexico won't pay. Ladders also work well to go over ladders. They always have.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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