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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House
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Limbaugh makes a stupid comment and it is called news. That is strange. I suppose it is only news to Americans. The rest of the world would consider just about everything said by him to be stupid.
Rush Limbaugh, a modern intellectual giant (not).
Ken Watanabe
This man cares nothing--absolutely nothing but talking garbage about the Obama administration.
As somebody who listens to Rush everyday I think it is funny that he does what he calls the "media tweak of the day" and he says something outlandish to see if the liberal news networks run with it.........and they take the bait everytime.
To think I used to sit in my car and listen to that guy on FEN. Well, it was a long time ago.
Um, if he didn't say outlandish things he wouldn't get the ratings because perhaps he has nothing but outlandish things to say. Essentially he lies on radio so he can improve his ratings. That is hilarious.
Rush Limbaugh is a fascist pig, he hates anything non-American, whatever that means, since America encompasses a wide spectrum of cultures and ways of thinking. This type of thinking should of died in the 50's... The only reason he's still on the air is because he says controversial crap, and then basks in media attention. Stop paying attention to this slime ball
Hehehohohaha what did he lie about? he lies to get ratings? that doesn't even make sense and is a bit insulting considering he has a rather large listening audience. Are you saying that many people enjoy being lied so much that they will tune in day after day?
I'd love some specifics though because anybody can just accuse another of lying but it means very little without exact examples. You disagreeing with his views does not make him a liar.
Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Howard Stern, etc. It seems only in America a new "commentator" can become rich and famous merely by behaving in an utterly obnoxious manner.
Al Franken's book title sums it up best. ''Rush Limbaugh Is A Big ,Fat Idiot''.
Howard Stern?? Sheesh
A news "commentator" can become rich and famous merely by behaving in an utterly obnoxious manner.
Pretty sad really, maybe a symptom of a sick society? Irrespective of where such people fit on the political spectrum, whatever happened to news commentary that you could actually listen to? I am not an American, but I got a fair exposure to Rush years ago while serving on exchange with the US army (via AFN). I remember that some of the stuff he used to espouse bordered on racist, xenophobic dogma, designed to appeal to the unwashed (and uneducated) masses of the American populace (do such people really exist?). At the same time, however, I have to say that I was greatly heartened by the fact that most of my US colleagues accepted Rush's arguments as being little more than verbal manure, Limbaugh being seen as chicken hawk blowhard.
Indeed, wouldn't it be wonderful if both sides of the political spectrum could actually come up with commentators who were able to see beyond "their own magnificence," rather than using the airwaves as a tool by which to pleasure themselves with their own voices.
What does "media tweak" mean? Saying "outlandish things" does include non-truths, hyperboles, mischaracterizations, misdirections, half-truths etc. but truth does not need to be part of the mix.
Now to say,
Is to ignore the fact that no matter who was in the White House, the response would have been the same. Would there have been political calculations made? Probably, since the WH is filled with ... politicians. But to assert that the political calculation is the only calculation in order to stick it to the Republicans is something that only a child could dream up... or an adult who wants to distort, distract... tweak, if you will, an uncomfortable reality that President Obama is responding as a responsible and compassionate leader of the United States should.
Also he invited the support of President G.W. Bush to help in the relief effort, which may have been politically motivated, but if he wanted to make the Republicans look bad, why extend a hand to his political foe?
So yeah. I think Limbaugh is a liar.
“Everything this president sees is a political opportunity, including Haiti, and he will use it to burnish his credentials with minorities in this country and around the world, and to accuse Republicans of having no compassion,”
Wow... you could LITERALLY flip EVERYTHING in this man's comment to apply to himself. Actually, you should, because it does all apply to him, and him only.
thespaceisglacia: "As somebody who listens to Rush everyday I think it is funny that he does what he calls the "media tweak of the day" and he says something outlandish to see if the liberal news networks run with it.........and they take the bait everytime."
And exactly like Limbaugh, you use junior highschool debating tactics to try and make yourself look better when in fact you look absolutely horrible for calling anything attributed to this disaster 'funny' or defending it in any way.
Next the very, very, VERY few who defend Limbaugh on this (and I credit the Republicans who can FINALLY see through the load of crap the man shovels) will be saying Obama actually CAUSED the earthquake for political means.
Absolutely sick. I agree wholeheartedly with Braniac that the man should shut up and lend a hand... but then of course, what morons would be left to laugh at Haitians and this 'funny' situation?
Rush Limbaughs views are moderate compared with Pat Robertson.Pat said on TV yesterday that Haiti had brought this on themselves because they had "made a pact with the devil". Apparently these guys views have considerable support in America
Limbuagh can help Haiti by skipping as few meals and feed hundreds of kids in Haiti with the food that is saved.
Its amazing the Robertson and Limbaugh come up with such putrid hate filled statements. Only a religion loon and a person so consumed with hate would say such things and hope that more kids die.
Anything I can add about drugs limbaugh and the insane robertson would pale in comparison to how much each of them indicts themselves with their hatred and empty of any humanity statements. Be sure if Haitians were white they would not be saying such vile things.
There seems to being a lot of stupity going around these past few days. This Rush guy and let's not forget Danny Glover - global warming caused it.... as for Pat Robertson, I haven't heard what he said, but I did hear something that had taken place in the past as they sold themselves to the devil which has been said to be a legend. I can't confirm.
I spent most of the day yesterday organizing in trying to get money to Haiti. Almost all of us have the same issue, and that is is the money going to get to the people or is going to get tied up or worse stolen.
As a person who has had constant confrontation with Haitians back in my youth in Miami, I do have my reservations but still I advise you all to attempt to at least send a few grand but make sure its of your choosing. We went ahead and gave the cash to doctors without borders. I refuse to give to the red cross due to my experiences with them during Katrina and my disdain for US government agencies. Its a lot better than worrying about what any of the idiots have got to say.
Even if Rush is right, what's a grand or two out of you? You'd probably wound up spending on drinking anyways.
As for Rush, I didn't even know you could listen to him in Japan much less I didn't even know he's making money. But if you are going to get hyped and listen to him solely for the stupid things he says, you are in a way, supporting him.
You know, the idea of not helping when people are in trouble bothers me. That said, I understand the point of view. There are a few factors to look at here.
First, does Obama look at Haiti as a political opportuninty. My answer is, I don't know, but probably. That doesn't mean he doesn't honestly want to help, it just means he has some additional motivation for doing so. To be frank, everyone wants to be recognized for their efforts. I'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt on this, and say yes he wants credit, but for the right reasons.
The second issue is, will Aid donations help Haiti? Thats a difficult question. I'm sure it will help, but we've been donating to Haiti for years. The place is a disaster. Full of corruption and poverty. So I'm not sure how helpful it really is. Its like pouring money down a rathole. It certainly isn't doing much to relieve the poverty, or help people work towards a better life. Only freedom and order can provide that. We're stepping in to provide some order, but unless the people there are willing to step up, it won't help in the long term.
So, the final question. How much aid should we send to Haiti? Emergency aid to get people going, help them start rebuilding their homes and lives? How long should that last, and what do we do from there? The US can't solve all the worlds problems. We can't save everyone, or cure poverty, not even amongst ourselves. So where do we draw the line?
I donated to partners in health, a harvard charity set up by Dr. Paul Farmer who has worked for decades to bring basic meidical services to the poor in Haiti. He and his organization are incredilbe. is the link. Farmer is on his way to Haiti today.
zurc: good. I've seen a lot of crap during times like these. You would think the red cross is good but when you really start seeing first hand how they work and how the money is being spent you would be appalled. I just looked for you guy... yeah, go ahead folks. I can feel a worth while org on this one too.
@Hehehohohaha again you fail to fully understand the "media tweak"
@zurcronium Rush Limbaugh has lost a considerable amount of weight perhaps you could resort to a different attack on his appearance now that one is no longer valid.
Large sums of money has been given to Haiti in the past and it still is a poverty stricken wasteland, the situation never improves. Rounding up money is probably not the answer when it won't get to where it needs to be anyways. But perhaps a lesson can be learned from this. Dictators = bad Democracy and Capitalism = good.
@skipthesong I listen to Rush Limbaugh through this wonderful thing called the internet. It is amazing! you should check it out.....oh wait.
You didn't think Rush Limbaugh made money? He us currently enjoying a $400 million contract good through 2016 with a $100 million signing bonus. He is a self made man and while one might and often do disagree with his politics, the life he has made due to his own efforts is admirable.
thepaceisglacia: Well, good for Rush. You'll never hear me knocking anyone for making money. But do understand, Rush's listeners are white.. That's his base. I'm not in that base, so I couldn't have knowledge of his wealth. he is also very conservative, again, something I'm not. I'm not very liberal, but nor am I very conservative. The only US news I get is at my house is cnn. the rest of the news just runs all over the place at work and the top ones are Reuters.
@skipthesong I am curious how do you know the demographics of Rush's listenership? His program director is an African American but that is besides the point. What does race have to do with it? That is an odd way of thinking. I am white does that mean I shouldn't listen to the message of lets say a Chris Gardner?
I would ask you to watch his cpac speech on youtube with an open mind. It is beyond me how somebody could watch that and come away with a negative feeling either towards him or towards the message. I never fully understood why some people have such a problem with conservative principles as a whole.
That speech can be viewed here: give it a watch its a year old he's not pretty to look at. Pretend he's a non white man delivering that same message and please tell me if you take issue with his statements.
"We want everybody to succeed"
If Satan were alive he would use the exact same sort of verbal tactics as Rush Limbaugh. Maybe Satan is alive?
This is not to say that the man can't make a point. The trouble is that his intentions are evil. Now is not the time to say that giving to Haiti has done no good, therefore, don't give now. They are in the middle of a disaster.
In fact, if you were going to give to Haiti, NOW is the time. A disaster like this is just the thing to make people say "Never again!" and to get serious about building a better future. But if too many of the people who react in this way to the disaster, you have lost an opportunity.
Its all well and good to teach a man to fish rather than just give him the fish. But if you let him die of starvation before the lesson is done, that was absolutely the most stupid thing you could do.
Do I really want to "fully understand" all the nuance in Limbaugh's "media tweak"? From what I have heard coming out of his mouth? Nah, I got better things to do with my time than trying to understand a liar such as Limbaugh.
@dontknockit I think I am going to have to bow out of this conversation after this as the level of misinformation regarding the topic at hand is staggering. You say "Now is not the time to say that giving to Haiti has done no good, therefore, don't give now"
He did not say "don't give now" what he said was don't do so through the government. Before forming strong opinions on any given topic it is wise practice to concern yourself with facts beforehand.
Jim Geraghty of the National Review: "On the facts, Rush is right. The tale of U.S. foreign aid to Haiti is maddening, as well-meaning Americans dump more and nore money to alleviate suffering, only to see little or no actual improvement in the living conditions on the ground. Geraghty pointed to a Reuters article outlining a history of corrupt and weak civil service in Haiti that has slowed the distribution of American aid."
I agree with this. A lot of money given to the government is wasted. I recommend giving to the International Red Cross or other organizations that can help directly.
I am still at a loss as to what his "lie" was. The funny thing is due to your unwillingness to "fully understand" all the nuance in Limbaugh's "media tweak" and yet still comment on it you kind of fell victim to it. It's quite something to watch.
Agree totally. I used to volunteer for the Red Cross, back when I had a bit more time. They're a good group, and sad as it is government aid is often wasted. The Red Cross helps people directly. If you want to help, donate to the Red Cross an other similar aid societies.
Limbaugh lied about his drug use until he copped a plea to stay out of jail. He is an immoral corrupt racist with a good voice that traps weak minded losers who need to be told what to do.
Asking that more kids die in Haiti due to his hate-based US politics is proof that Drugs Limbaugh is a soulless loser. His Oxycotin habit destroyed his brain. And he is fat again now that he is off the hillbilly heroin.
You're at a loss because the reality is too uncomfortable.
Try reading what I previously wrote: "Also he invited the support of President G.W. Bush to help in the relief effort, which may have been politically motivated, but if he wanted to make the Republicans look bad, why extend a hand to his political foe?"
Limbaugh claims Obama is out to shame the Republicans but yet he asks GW Bush to help because of his experience with the tsunami relief effort in the Indian Ocean a few years back. So which is the truth? Reality or Limbaugh?
@skipthesong I am curious how do you know the demographics of Rush's listenership? His program director is an African American but that is besides the point. What does race have to do with it? That is an odd way of thinking. I am white does that mean I shouldn't listen to the message of lets say a Chris Gardner?" Ok, then I'm wrong. Actually, I don't even listen to talk radio anywhere unless I'm driving on the weekend, which is minimal. I don't even listen to those catering to Hispanics. I'm just fed up with all the American comentators left, right, middle, up and down. I'm most likely not going to watch the youtube either. I'll take your word for it.
There you have a point. However, how am I supposed to interpret this: "we’ve already donated to Haiti. It’s called the U.S. income tax."
I may have fallen victim to some media spin against Limbaugh this time. But Limbaugh himself does not do himself any favors. It would be better for him to focus on who to give to, not who not to give to. Again, this is not the time to say "don't give". Even I can sometimes misinterpret such a statement.
The fact of the matter is, not only is Rush extremely prejudiced, he's also one of the biggest hypocrites in the world with any kind of voice. The guy claims that calls for aid are politically motivated ONLY, and yet what is his message? At least the calls for aid, while perhaps scoring some political points, manage to get aid -- Limbaugh's?
The only positive point in his comments is that they make him and his believers look all the more idiotic and superficial.
If you want to look at misuse of aid and what not, I can understand not wanting to donate money to North Korea via the North Korean government, or a government in an African nation at war. Hell, maybe the Haitian government would misuse the funds and sell the food/supplies to the highest bidder. But that's not Rush's (political) point: he's saying it's fine if you donate to Haiti, just don't do it through YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT. If people on here don't think Rush is a complete hypocrite, well, I say birds of a feather...
Interesting the double-standard here. Left-leaning libs and democrats are all over Rush for deigning to declare the obvious - that President Obama will politicize this - yet when left-leaning libs and dems said similarly about President Bush just a scant few years ago, the left-leaning libs and democrats who said so were....praised?
Interesting to say the least....
@zurcronium so many fallacies in your statements. I do have one question first though why do liberals have a love for playing with peoples names in this case "Drugs Limbaugh" "Faux News" etc. it comes off as petty and childish.
Limbaugh was prescribed Oxycontin due to back pain and like many people became addicted to them. He admitted it like a man and got help for it. He also lost most of his hearing and needs to use a cochlear implant to hear. Do you really think he wanted that? Where is the compassion that liberals claim to have? the man made a mistake he like you is not infallible.
Regarding his weight you are wrong again but that probably won't prevent you from spouting more false accusations on this forum. He was quite heavy most of his life and through the time he was oxycontin. Last year he made some lifestyle adjustments and has dropped a considerable amount of weight. It is telling that you would make inflammatory statements about somebody that you have no clue about.
I still fail to see where Limbaugh is racist. Surely no self respecting racist would hire an African American to be the producer of his show. Also when Rush is out often his fill in is Walter E Williams who is a brilliant econ professor who is.......gasp African American! Why would a racist choose a black man as his fill in and employ one to produce his show. Liberals have race on the brain and think nothing of tossing the term "racist" around and you are no exception.
Its not true, and people know its not true. But the libs keep repeating it due to their hatred of Rush. It pretty much doesn't matter what the man says, everything is either taken out of context, or spun to make him look bad. Or in the case of the race comments, made up entirely.
Come on, Limbaugh was hooked on drugs and lied about it. He engaged in every criminal activity related to scoreing said drugs, he was a junkie.
He was extremely anti drug in his rhetoric, all the while high off his a"".
He was extremely lucky to have stayed out of jail. He was the scum that he was preaching against. I dont really respect him because of that holier then though attitude.
His point now is dont trust the government, and it is a valid one. He surely didnt mean not to donate to help the people in Haiti. He might not have thought this out clearly, but he is a guy that talks 4 hours straight every night, even if he is saying the same few lines, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, like a broken record.
Anyway, Im sure that he will donate a huge chunk of change to help Haiti now
RL was simply saying the truth. All about this government is political; that is simply a statement of fact.
Nowere in the articly did I read he said that Haiti should not receive any help at all after the disaster.
Meanwhile, while they bashing Limbaugh, Danny Glover is out there saying Haiti got this because of the failed climate talks in Copenhagen. Dig that!
@guest I'd love some examples of Limbaugh preaching against scumbag drug users. Also people who have a drug addiction regardless of the reason aren't exactly proud of it and aren't very forthcoming regarding their addiction. Why does that surprise you? I would do my best to conceal it to.
he's saying it's fine if you donate to Haiti, just don't do it through YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT" Actually, through my experience, I'm saying the same thing too... maybe I just hit a bad apple, but I've seen enough to make anyone angry. now, is Rush saying don't do it through the Obama gov but do through a bush one then he's wrong. I'll say don't go through the US gov at all. not until there's some cleaning out. There are much better orgs than what the US gov is supporting. most of you money will be wasted if you do go through the gov.
Well maybe he should break out the checkbook and donate to Haiti or shut his piehole.
This story is just garbage. I listened to the show in its entirety. Rush definitely called for people to donate to Haitian relief efforts through private charities.
Odd, I thought it was old news that Limbaugh says 'really stupid' things. He's a radio personality, its kinda in the job description. If you didn't make outrageous statements, apply liberal amounts of spin, and rant you would just have the BBC. And lets face it, nobody enjoys listening to the BBC.
However, the government donation bit has a grain of truth to it in that the likelyhood of your money going directly to Haiti relief efforts is slim. It also has a tendency to shrink as it goes through the paper line. I would suggest either a private nonprofit fund or the like.
Well when your policies and main agenda are going down the tubes with the American people. They are about to lose Ted Kennedy's seat to a Republican for goodness sakes!! It's time to trot out Rush again to try to motivate the base. Just spin again from a very desperate Whitehouse.
"Limbaugh said on his radio show Thursday that he wouldn’t trust that money donated to Haiti through the White House website would actually go to the relief efforts. He said Americans don’t need to contribute to earthquake relief because they already donate to Haiti through their income taxes."
"“Everything this president sees is a political opportunity, including Haiti, and he will use it to burnish his credentials with minorities in this country and around the world, and to accuse Republicans of having no compassion,” Limbaugh said in comments."
I'm confused by these two comments. The second doesn't seem to have anything to do with he first, but yet it's supposed to be an explanation of the first. Can someone help me out?
Right on, Molenir...
$100 million tax-payer dollars designated to Haiti...
sailwind: "Just spin again from a very desperate Whitehouse."
And yet Republicans alike are saying Rush's comments were stupid.
"Criticism from both the left and right blanketed Limbaugh..."
So, sailwind, are the Republicans wrong, or the White House correct? Sure makes you and the few others on here defending the man look foolish.
"RL was simply saying the truth. All about this government is political; that is simply a statement of fact."
And RL's statement is not political, and therefore hypocritical?
You guys can't see the forest through the trees. Even your own party is against what he said.
"Guest" don't respect Limbaugh because he feels Limbaugh is a junky. I don't respect "guest" because he is ignorant. The same old conflict, feeling vs reality.
I do agree with the majority of people posting: Rush is a blast to listen to, and spot on. Many don't like how he says things, and the media hate his guts. He cuts into their ratings!
One has to actually listen to him to critique him, though. "Guest" doesn't do this, obviously. Junanam, Limbaugh's comment about tax payers having already donated to Haiti refers to the massive amount that, over the years, U.S. and U.N. aid programs have transferred to this socialist/communist country.
Secondly, Obama uses every event as a political lever to try bolster his plummeting ratings. Granted, he was elected because of ratings, not substance. So of course, ratings are of prime concern. This is the essence of liberalism. Liberalism isn't about doing what is right, it is about doing what is popular.
Does this help explain? It is called "reality," and can be a bit hard to take at first. You can grow accustomed to it, Junnama.
Ok, so he's saying if you give money to the White House effort it will end up in the pocket of corrupt officials in Haiti. The White House knows this and is collecting the money anyway?
Oh, and to add on: the White House is doing this as grandstanding for policital purposes. Is that the content of Rush's position?
@SpanishEyez37 "Well maybe he should break out the checkbook and donate to Haiti or shut his piehole."
Considering he is taxed in the U.S. highest tax bracket he is donating through his tax dollars. $400 million over 8 years is alot of taxes! The top 25% of income earners pay 86% of the taxes in the U.S.
When the U.S. gives $100 million dollars (which is $99 million more than China gave BTW) that's money from U.S. tax payers.
Typical leftist tactic: Attack the messenger and not the message.
Sending money to the U.S. government -- especially to this administration -- means that it stands a good chance of getting lost in the bureaucracy in which people like Obama and his sycophants love.
Americans should be skeptical that money donated to the White House will actually go to the people of Haiti.
I donated to Billy Graham's son, Franklin's, charity (which was already helping in Haiti) because I don't trust Obama nor his administration.
Mr. Limbaugh provided a great service to Americans.
I really hate these "He should shut up" comments. It's covered by the First Ammendment - Freedom of speach and freedom of the press. How does anybody make an informed decision if they only listen to only one side of the issue? Listen to the arguments, do your own research and if you feel like contributing, contribute but, don't don't bad-mouth someone just because they don't feel the way you do.
Now, I'm pissed. I knew there were forms of slavery in Haiti, but didn't think it was that large. And now that I now its actually allowed by that gov makes me boil. Maybe I should have heard Rush or who ever before given such a sum.
What I menat to say was don't tell anyone to "Shut up" just because they don't believe what you believe. The First amendment lets you bad mouth them.
Isn't telling someone to "shut-up" also covered by he first ammendment?
Limbaugh is a vile, mean-spirited person totally lacking in empathy for the unfortunate. For him to become wealthy and influential by disseminating drivel is a sad reflection on portion of the U.S. public that tunes him in.
Well the messenger's message is this: “Everything this president sees is a political opportunity, including Haiti, and he will use it to burnish his credentials with minorities in this country and around the world, and to accuse Republicans of having no compassion,”
Which is false since Obama has asked President Bush for his assistance given his success with the tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Imagine that. The message is a lie ergo the messenger is a liar.
The so-called "political opportunism"? from a politician? I am shocked. Joking aside, the response from the WH would be basically the same regardless who is in office. G.W. Bush did basically the same in Asia to his and America's credit.
As for the minorities around the world, would that be the whites in Africa?
I think I've got the jist of his position now and I can see why he's getting attack from many sides. If the US knows aid money to Haiti is being stolen but keeps giving it, isn't that negligent? Hasn't it been the policy of many succesive administrations and congresses of both parties to give aid to Haiti? Wow, this is a bold statement by Limbaugh...
Also, as an aside, how do those giving to private charities really know the cash will end up being used to help in Haiti?
Smith, I'm not defending the man at all. He is a nothing more than a conservative shock jock. The whitehouse could say something every week about what he says but they only trot him out when it is actually them on the defensive.
You don't think with the upcoming election in Massachusetts where they are so desperate to keep the seat that President Obama is now forced to go there to try to save it for the Dems, that trotting out Rush once again prior to his going there and getting some free media coverage about Rush wouldn't help them?
It's what this administration and actually you on the left always does, recycle Bush, Cheney, Rush, Palin, rinse repeat, rinse repeat, to try and deflect your failing and unpopular agenda. It isn't going to save Coakley though this time, I can't wait until next Tuesday in the States.
Hey, someone who actually listened to the show. I'll go with Suzu1's take on it.
Well,thanks for putting this up.We can't hate Limbaugh enough is my feeling.
Helter, I also heard the entire broadcast on USEN here in Japan. Rush did tell his listeners to help with Haitian relief programs through groups like Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse. Did a Google search, liked what I read and donated.
Only a fool will part with his/her money by giving it to a White House web site controlled by this administration.
Why is this news???
He is correct on this point. "The system worked" comes to mind.
Because Obama's handlers are upset that Rush is providing a service to all Americans by steering them clear of a 419 scam site:
That anyone would even be listening to such a buffoon in the first place doesn't bode well for the U.S. Given that the average European junior high school student is better informed, an infinitely more knowledgable about history, it's simply an embarrassment that a single soul listens. Most everything he says is "really stupid", so why highlight this?
Well,my many friends,it is plain as day that limbaugh is EXTREMELY prejudiced.Also,methinks he is undoubtedly one of the biggest hypocrites in the world,ever,with any kind of voice.
And I'm just glad said hypocrite's terrible and extremely boring TV show is NOT available here in Hirakata.
The hoser claims that calls for aid too Haiti are politically motivated ONLY, and yet what is his message?His message is hate,plain and simple.I guess he is STILL smarting from the shellacking his hero mccain took in the last presidential election.Just par for the rink with a repub.
I have to guess he is just JEALOUS of Barack's wonderful baritone voice.
Well, anyways, extreme kudos to the vigilant Obama White House for calling attention to his racist commentary.I guess it's not just Obama he hates.
Limbaugh ALSO wants Haiti to fail.
featherhead:"That anyone would even be listening to such a buffoon in the first place doesn't bode well for the U.S."
Bang on,compadre! If it were Europe or Canada limbaugh would be banned from broadcasting his stupid hate-filled TV show.
I often have to patiently lecture my American friends that free speech IS NOT ALWAYS a good thing.
"Limbaugh ALSO wants Haiti to fail"
He does not. You misunderstand the man completely. He wants people to donate to charities outside the government, which wastes a lot of the donations.
RR at 5:36 PM - Good one.
Agreed. At least ninety percent will go to the bureaucracy that collects the money, and the rest will be funneled to pay off the outstanding bill on Obama's Hawaiian vacation compound.
Old Rush seems to be missing an opportunity here to silence his critics. Instead of playing his usual pinhead politics, he could have used the opportunity to donate his stash of painkillers. Would show he has a little compassion in his Ritz behind after all.
Heh, I've alays wondered why people would throw their support behind a drug addled, shrieking talk radio dude with penile enertia.
I guess different people have different heroes!
Heh, I've always wondered why some people just hurl infantile insults.
I guess they don't have anything else to do.
First of all, Rush's comments are stupid, really stupid. In the transcript of his show, he does seem to make one good point when he asks a caller: "Would you trust that your name is going to end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes?"
Of course, when you go to the White House website, you are not asked to leave your name or email address, and instead get links to agencies like the Red Cross.
I don't see how President Obama is politicizing the disaster in Haiti, but it is very clear to see how Rush is politicizing it. You'd hate to imagine an American who would profit off of the misery of the Haitian people, but you don't have to look any farther than Rush Limbaugh to find one. All he has to do is make more bombastic comments, and the attention of people is drawn to the products he hawks on his show and website.
The real politicization comes when Rush shows skepticism about aid coming from a Democratic administration. He seems to want to make a case about government aid in general, but that might force him to acknowledge that aid can be a problem no matter which of the two parties controls the White House. Rush, the guy who soft-pedaled the Bush Administration's totally inept response to Katrina, actually criticized President Obama for swiftly addressing Haiti.
He and his defenders don't have much in the way of a sense of shame, but decent people are pretty used to that by now.
rush is just trying to remain the big dog of stupid racist comments.
pat robertson set the bar pretty high with his comment so rush had to tell people not to donate to top it and keep his rightful spot as king of stupid.
Yeah rush, you're the king all right.
"rush is just trying to remain the big dog of stupid racist comments"
How can one try to remain something one has never been?
"the big dog of stupid racist comments"
That would be Harry Reid.
Another comment that Limbaugh made on his show regarding this topic was that Cuba had been doing nothing to aid Haiti. Since Cuba is pretty well-known in the region for sending doctors to the poorest nations, this one seemed pretty easy to prove false.
In addition to sending 400 more doctors and paramedics (who have already set up field hospitals and are helping people), Cuba has opened up its airspace for evacuation and relief flights.
Adding that Rush's claim that Venezuela has sent nothing to Haiti is also a verifiable lie.
Yabits, There's no doubt that limbaugh lied. Every conservative commentator lies like a rug. It's in their DNA to lie. And they normally get away with it in the media. Normally. That's why they hate Al Franken so much. He's the only one to really call them all out and prove that they are the liars they are.
And now he's a Senator to boot. How does it go? Oh yeah. "He he."
So yeah, of course rush made a stupid, likely racially motivated comment, and he lied to boot. He'd drop dead otherwise.
Whats really stupid, are some of the responses here. Theres they typical hate Rush, nonsense comments, about racism, bigotry, (add negative stereotype here). Then theres the typical lies and half truths being spouted whenever Rush says anything remotely controversial. The truth is, Rush was correct. Giving to the government aid program IS taxes. You do that already. If you want to help people, your best bet IS giving to private aid programs like the Red Cross. How is what he said 'really stupid'? Government aid is wasted. Private aid, rarely is.
The Red Cross treats donations very seriously, making great efforts to ensure that as much as possible the majority of donated monies, are used to help those, who it is their mission to help. I might be a bit biased about the Red Cross, since I used to volunteer for them, and regularly donate myself, so feel free to contribute to another worthy cause instead.
The lie is that when Rush said that was where the donations were being made. It's a lie. directs those who visit there to organizations like the Red Cross. Donations are not being solicited for government agencies like USAID.
Yes, when Rush opens his mouth, typical lies and half-truths are spouted.
Taka313 writes:
Yes, and they often lie so artfully that their statements can be approached and analyzed (if not appreciated) with the same spirit as one might approach a wine-tasting event. Hmmm, a nice bouquet of dissembling, with a touch of sour grapes, and a hint of strawman with overtones of nuttiness.
I'm afraid I'm not much of a connoisseur. All I get is hate and stupid. And I'm left with a bad after-taste.
When someone has 3 hours a day of radio talk, it's amazing the garbage that will eventually fly out on the airwaves to fill time and draw ratings.
It must really grind the gears of yabits, Taka313 and yokomoc that Rush Limbaugh has the #1 talk radio show in the country.
"On the facts, Rush is right,” writes Jim Geraghty. “The tale of U.S. foreign aid to Haiti is maddening, as well-meaning Americans dump more and more money to alleviate suffering, only to see little or no actual improvement in the living conditions on the ground.”
OK, so just how much are we talking here ? Try Billions ! That's right, the US government has designated as much as 1.5 billion dollars a year to Haiti since 2004 (according to World Bank statistics). Rush is right, the US government has given more than enough money to the people of Haiti. Any further contributions should come via the public sector, which by the way is already producing stunning numbers. Once again the American public is proving to the world how generous and warm hearted they are. Too bad there is not more focus on Japan's pathetic response here. Last I checked Tiger Woods and the NFL players union alone had given about as much as the Japanese. America, once again "the" beacon of hope.
Far from it, speaking for myself. Limbaugh is living proof that Mencken and P.T. Barnum are still correct in their claims that nobody ever went broke underestimating the stupidiy of the American people.
"nobody ever went broke underestimating the stupidiy of the American people."
Are these the same "American people" who lead the world in every aspect of medical, scientific, and engineering technology ? The same "Americans" that dominate the Nobel prize for science and medicine year after year ? The same Americans that created the internet so bitter low lifers can spew their racist garbage without accountability ? Yabits, I find your comments on "Americans" to be rude and inflammatory. Lets hope they are deleted as being "insensitive to other posters".
That is false. Go back and check your figures.
The World Bank Report says that Haiti required 1.5 billion in total foreign aid for the years 2005-2006. The U.S. was supposed to supply about $230 million, or just over $100 million/year. A far cry from $1.5 billion per year.
Can I have that wasted money back? It didn't much good after all.
More baloney Yabits ! It is "you" that needs to check your figures. In the meantime, chew on this:
"The IMF and the World Bank classify Haiti among "heavily indebted poor countries" that are eligible for debt forgiveness. Haiti was granted US$1.2 billion in debt relief last June."
Hmmm, $1.2 Billion... just last June ?
A sizeable percentage of foreign-born and educated folks in that mix.
Limbaugh-listeners, NOT.
Limbaugh-listeners, NOT. (Besides, Americans did not "dominate" this year. In chemistry, physics and medicine you'll find Chinese, Indian, Israeli, Australian and Canadians sharing the prize with a couple of Americans.)
People, people, PEOPLE! Will you all just please relax? It's merely Rush Limbaugh spewing hateful garbage, by taking advantage of a horrific situation in an impoverished country like Haiti, in order to boost his ratings and pander to his unpatriotic listeners. Did you really expect him NOT to? I sure didn't.
Quit giving this a@@hole Limbaugh so much publicity.
LOL!! Debt relief (aka debt forgiveness) is not the same thing as foreign aid. You can't buy anything with a ripped up IOU.
Oh, and how 'bout this tiny morsel...
"The World Economic Forum ranked Haiti last in its 2003 Global Competitiveness Report. Thus, Haiti’s role in the global economy often has been confined to receiving foreign aid. The United States has been the leading donor to development in Haiti"
No surprise here Yabits. So why the bitterness towards the American public ?
Not in the slightest bit Sarge (relevant or not I'm not even American) If you want my opinion on Limbaugh I consider him a highly intelligent guy who excels at playing the political divides for the benefit of his own ratings (more intelligent than the majority of his detractors I should add). My point stands that in order for political talk radio hosts (almost all of them, not just Limbuagh) to keep their audience listening and to keep making money for themselves, they will throw out garbage like Rush did about Haiti to keep the audience polarized, which is beneficial to them. Limbaugh is just the best at doing it.
The U.S. has been the leading donor to Haiti -- but certainly not in the years when the U.S. cut off ALL foreign aid to the country -- but the amount of aid is nowhere near the 1.5 billion a year you claimed earlier.
Bitter? I find their overweening ignorance to be very comical.
I guess there is a problem with this.
"but certainly not in the years when the U.S. cut off ALL foreign aid to the country"
Hmmm, I do recall that was in conjunction with "all" other nations that were giving aid. No unilateral action taken here now was there ?
"but the amount of aid is nowhere near the 1.5 billion a year you claimed earlier."
Sorry my "semi-illiterate" friend... I didn't say $1.5 billion a year. I said,
"the US government has designated as much as 1.5 billion dollars a year to Haiti since 2004 (according to World Bank statistics)."
Speaking of comical, or is it just plain ignorance of the facts ?
107 comments and counting, and they all give Rush free advertisement
And that is the ironic thing about this whole thing. The same people who spew their venom at Rush, and state that they will never or never do listen to him or give him any time of day are doing just that by posting here. With every word of detraction and every posit of praise, Rush gets advertisement. For good or ill, it is simply the truth....
I never have a problem with facts. Unlike Rush's listeners.
Near broke countries shouldn't be giving broke countries money. It's bad business.
I find the "clarification" to be extremely funny.
Interestingly enough;
It seems Clinton and Bush disagree with Limbaugh;
"Near broke countries shouldn't be giving broke countries money. It's bad business."
So which countries out there "should" be giving ? This outta be good.
And poor Yabits...still doesn't get it. See the fine print, "as much as"... does this mean anything to you ? I somehow doubt it.
Easy enough answer;
Other then disaster relief, I don't think any government should being give away any aid, aid enables bigger and more unsustainable populations.
"Other then disaster relief, I don't think any government should being give away any aid, aid enables bigger and more unsustainable populations."
Kinda a catch 22 don't ya think. I mean don't natural disasters take care of... "unsustainable populations" ? Wow folks... and you thought Rush was cold-hearted. Another banner day here at Japantoday.
Ken Watanabe
Highly demeaning, and tactical, and bossy that make him look like a man with a fake intelligence.
And Branded now writes:
And, in your first post in this thread you trumpeted the following
Funny, you didn't include any "small print" behind that BIG exclamation point.
I don't think it's cold-hearted, but I should qualify that mean aid in current form as it is given, I think that teaching farming/giving people farm equipment is ok, because then the population can live of the land. Give people food aid, they become dependent on food aid, their children become dependent on food aid, one couple has six children, instead two hungry people you have 8 hungry people. Multiply that by millions and when disaster strikes or world food stocks decrease, instead 2 million dying from hunger you have 8 million dying from hunger.
Yabits please, give it a rest ! In my first thread yes, I accurately did the math and came to the conclusion that the US government has given "billions" to Haiti over the past dozen years, suspended funds or not !
And Good Jorb, could you please give us an example of an impoverished nation, one without the natural resources to maintain it's populous, that was taught to farm, fish, grow it's economy through education alone... as you suggest. Your "teach a man to fish" ideology works on the small scale, but not for a population of millions. But maybe you are right. Maybe the US should do as you and Rush suggest... stop the aid, let them fend for themselves. As President Obama might say "Yes we can" !
And your math is simply wrong. U.S. aid to Haiti has averaged between $60 to $150 million per year since 2005. There was no aid given from 1999 to 2004. No matter what you claim, you can not get "billions" from 6-7 years of aid at what was actually given.
If you insist on being wrong and calling it "accuracy," I will insist on pointing out the gross error.
No yabits, your research is as suspect as your reading skills. try this on for size... in addition to your $60-$150 million a year we have these figures... since 2000 mind you. Hmm, I thought you said all aid was halted, I beg to differ, as does this info;
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Agency for International Development has responded to the following disasters in Haiti with disaster aid since 2000:
Floods in May 2002, which killed 31. The U.S. government spent $350,000 in aid to Haiti.
Floods in February 2003. U.S. spent $50,000 in aid to Haiti.
Floods in September 2003, that killed 31. U.S. spent $25,000 in aid._ Political demonstrations turned into health and food disaster in February 2004, killing 150. U.S. spent $4.29 million in aid.
_ Floods in May 2004 killed 1,059 dead. U.S. spent $569,000 in aid.
_ Hurricane Jeanne hit in September 2004, killing 3,000 people. U.S. spent $1.56 million in aid.
_ Hurricane Dennis hit in July 2005, killing 56. U.S. spent $50,000 in aid
_ Floods in December 2006 killed 7. U.S. spent $50,000 in aid
_ Floods in November 2007 killed 103. U.S. spent $650,000 in aid
_ Starvation in April 2008 affected 2.5 million people. U.S. spent $150,000 in aid
_ Four tropical storms or hurricanes hit in 2008 (Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike), killing 793 people. U.S. sent $8.46 million in aid.
_ Earthquake hit in January 2010. No final figures available. But the US has already pledged another $100,000.
again Yabits... it adds up to billions ! Rush is right, let the private sector deal with it.
Branded- You know 1000 milions = 1 billion Add up all the numbers you provided above, it is nowhere billions. Well, Rush and you are wrong again.
Wikii, the above numbers are in addition to the 100's of millions given by the US over the past dozen years... please, do try to keep up with the conversation. and while I have your attention id like to correct the $100k current contribution I wrote earlier to read "100 million dollars", my mistake. Again, Rush is right, Haiti would do better to explain where the millions and billions went from previous aid before getting anymore from the US and its citizens.
go limbaugh
Maybe this will help;
From the US Department of State,
"The U.S. has been Haiti's largest donor since 1973. Between FY 1995 and FY 2003, the U.S. contributed more than $850 million in assistance to Haiti. Since 2004, the U.S. has provided over $600 million for improving governance, security, the rule of law, economic recovery, and critical human needs. The President's budget request for FY 2007 was $198 million. U.S. Government funds have been used to support programs that have addressed a variety of problems."
Now, throw in the additional aid I mentioned above, the US contributions included in the World Bank offers, Americas contributions from the UN for Haiti etc... Billions people !!! Billions ! And what have we Americans gotten for our assistance ? machette weilding gun toting thugs welcoming our military personell in the streets of Port-Au-Prince !
What's sad about this world. Is that country around the world expect the US to chip in at least this much, and anything less will be criticized around the world.
I seem to remember people making the same claims about Bush when he did anything "good." Same with Clinton. Now it's Obama's turn. And the next guy will get it as well.
It's a political tactic. And it's here to stay.
"Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,'"
Identification. It's why the American Right embrace the man so dearly. :-)
--Rush Limbaugh TV show (10/5/95)
@guest I'd love some examples of Limbaugh preaching against scumbag drug users.
Limbaugh on Drugs People like Limbaugh should go to jail, says Limbaugh
There's nothing good about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods, which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.
What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too.
...We are becoming too tolerant as a society, folks, especially of crime, in too many parts of the country.... This country certainly appears to be tolerant, forgive and forget. I mean, you know as well as I do, you go out and commit the worst murder in the world and you just say you're sorry, people go, "Oh, OK. A little contrition."... People say, "I feel better. He said he's sorry for it." We're becoming too tolerant, folks.
Who is ignorant? That would be you, for worshiping a hypocrite, simply because you have no individual thoughts of your own. Truth hurts.
President Bush does not agree with Limbaugh. Read the "Meet The Press" interview with Bush and Clinton when the transcript comes out.
Not as stupid as Robertson saying this was God's retribution.
Limbaugh is for death panels in Haiti, this just in. Palin not sure where Haiti is, she thinks it might be a part of the country of Africa.
Branded, the amount Bush wasted in Iraq dwarfs this. But your limbaugh lovers thing invading countries and wasting trillions, not billions, on such failures are worth it. If Iraq was not invaded the US would have trillons to spend on charity and rebuilding the US itself.
But when money for black people is addressed the republicans hate it. Go figure.
Need I say more ? That on the same day that zurcronium wrote this;
"the amount Bush wasted in Iraq"
"invading countries and wasting trillions, not billions, on such failures"
Yes, on the very same day the citizens of Iraq, with all their new founded freedom and democracy chose;
As reported in todays Japantoday-
"Saddam Hussein’s notorious cousin “Chemical Ali” was convicted Sunday and sentenced to hang for ordering the most infamous of his crimes, the attacks against the Kurdish town of Halabja that killed more than 5,000 people in clouds of poisonous gas."
I guess zurcronium has a different definition of "waste".
Considering Limbaugh's statement on Haiti as well as his attack on soldiers returning from Iraq that criticized Bush and Cheney, his attack on Gen. Colin Powell, Chuck Hagel, as well as calling a decorated Navy veteran a "wild leftist" only leads me to believe that Rush Limbaugh has access to and consumes daily the most powerful narcotics known to man.
I'm texting and texting and texting my $5 a pop msgs to that crooked rap guy in Haiti. Hope it helps out.
cyclemate at 03:30 PM JST - 16th January
Cowards, come out and play-a
If Obama said and did nothing re Haiti, Rush would have attacked him. He spoke and acted and Rush attacked him. As a social and fiscal conservative who agrees with some of what Limbaugh says, think the media was too hard on Bush, and too pro-Obama during the elections, I was NOT an Obama supporter. Okay? But, Limbaugh saying that EVERYTHING Obama does (including his Haiti response) is just for political gain was ugly, mean-spirited and deserves a punch in the nose.
Yes, the US has given a lot to Haiti in the past, and most likely significant amounts of that have been wasted and not appreciated. But, thousands have died, and more are drying as I write this. And yes, Democrats will no doubt in the future compare Obama's response and effectiveness in Haiti will Bush and Katrina. So what? As a Republican you can complain about Left's behavior in the Bush era for years. Get over it!
Hopefully, we have learned something from Katrina, and no doubt with hindsight, in the months and years to come people will be able to pontificate about what more could have been done in Haiti. And so maybe the next President will be able to do better when the next disaster strikes. So Limbaugh and co, stop trying to pre-empt the comparison with Katrina by the other side with attacks on Obama's motives. I think Americans of both parties can be proud that their President acted in the way he did. Even just getting the military to sort things out at the airport has meant that other govts and private charities (such as Limbaugh supports) have been able to get in and out of there.
There is nothing wrong with not supporting a candidate, but once he is elected, trying to give him a fair go, and acknowledging the good that he does. The US doesn't owe Haiti anything but Obama has committed money and has sent the military there to help. Because of that, lives will be saved and suffering will be alleviated. No, America isn't the only country helping and maybe won't give more per capita than other countries (who knows, maybe they did, but I don't know why people always have to fight over who gives more anyway). But no country on this earth, and not the UN either can act as quickly and effectively in a crisis as the US. So I wish people would stop bashing America, and I also wish politically minded Americans didn't have to so hate on and attack every move the President of the opposing party makes. Can't you guys grow up?
I've always wanted to do a photoshop of Limbaugh and Michael Moore making out, it would be very appropriate considering how much they depend on each other for their careers.
I fugured out years ago that EVERYTHING this buffon says is stupid. didn't everyone else too?
Spanisheyes had it correct. Rush Limbaugh IS a Big Fat Idiot. Of course anyone who knows Rush, and who has read the book, probably VERY few from the right (they don't need to read becaue they just "know") which is chalked full of facts which should be apparent to anyone with ears or eyes, just solidified the obvious. He's a liar and a buffoon. That ANYONE takes him seriously as some sort of source of information should reallyt hink about going back to school. Perhaps starting in about 4th grade and then working up from there. And I don't be a Bible school, or home schooling based on any fundamentalist fairy tales, or Scientology science fiction, but history written by educated people.
"Spanisheyes had it correct. Rush Limbaugh IS a Big Fat Idiot."
No, Jim Geraghty of the National Review has it correct. On the facts, Rush is right.
Hahahaha....Rush is VERY rarely right with anything the right considers as "facts". You'd have to know how to be able to recognize facts in the first place, and if you're depending on Rush for your data, you do NOT know. There are reasons we go to educated doctors for information about our health instead of the carnival. Perhaps picking up a book, perhaps for the first time, during this new year can be your new year's resolution? And you said "National Review". Why not Natinal Enquirer? ALmost the same. Buckley, rest his arrogant soul, was just not quite that smart, regrdless of the fact that he impressed a few of the less unsuspecting with his false east coast accent. National Review? BWahahahahahaha.....
"less intelligent...and unsuspecting.."
But then again there are FACTS and then there are "facts". The FACTS I prefer are those like "The world is round and has been proven as such by science, etc...",, and NOT the "facts" that the average Rush listener considers facts, such as "The world is flat, and you should believe it because I said so. And whatEVER you do, don't read anything contrary to my totalitarian party line." By the way, ever read Franken's book? I have. And I've read all of Rush's AND Buckley's books as well, amongst others whom the right consider "smart" e.g., Coulter, etc....They are exactly what has led me to the positions I have in great part. So, I give them LOTS of credit.
In every advanced nation I can think of it is below the office of president or prime minister to comment on popular press and media figures.
You really have to wonder what has Obama so scared.
Branded.. if chemical ali was such a concern, any reason why we didn't go after him when it happened?
Al Franken is right: rush limbaugh is a big, fat idiot.
And Senator Franken is getting grat legislation passed and signed, such as forcing the contractors and justice system to allow redress to women who were assaulted on the job in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, rush limbaugh is... mouthing off.
Who, with a sane mind, pays any attention to Rush?
Everyone know that "within crisis is oppertunity"... this is all Rush was saying and when it comes to politics, it is even more apparent. Anyone disagree with the quote? Is Obama different? He knows if he doesn't come to the aid of Haiti on the other hand, the hammer will drop on him also.
The National Review writer and Limbaugh are right.
I disagree with a lot of what Rush says and dont particularly like him. But people make the mistake of thinking he is stupid. He is very clever and he knows exactly what he is doing.
"But people make the mistake of thinking he is stupid. He is very clever and he knows exactly what he is doing."
Actually, no, he is NOT clever. He's simply slightly more clever than the folks whom listen to his blather. Many 2nd graders probably think that 5th graders sound intelligent, too. It hardly means they are.
Nice try but not logical. "The folks who listen to his blather" are actually very many people. And they comprise more than just "5th graders".
Your opinion (while valid) does not mean others are invalid just because you have a different opinion. Overall, Rush is pretty effective at what he sets out to do. See post of Jan. 21st @ 2:43am
everything obama says is politicised? well. i suppose being a politician thats fairly unavoidable. Then again, bush seemed to do something pretty similar with politicising 9.11- and that eneded up with the US (and other countries) rushing into a war that was very difficult to justify morally or legally. It looked like a pretty calculated political ploy to me!
Send your money to to the White House, afterall, it is your money to throw away as you see fit. Or why not just text it to that Haitian rap artist, you know the one that is already under investigation for skimming funs from the "charity" that he runs. BUT no more of my tax dollars flushed down the Haitian sewer please!!!
Nope, President Clinton was right, no us tax dollars are being spent on the Haitian relief effort, just private charities like the Red Cross and such. Humm, let me check when was the last time my military paycheck and the fuel receipt for military equipment was paid by the Red Cross, stay tuned for more BS from you do good libbies.
Just another Republican nut job. Whatever Rush says is not news worthy. Move on.
"Nice try but not logical. "The folks who listen to his blather" are actually very many people. And they comprise more than just "5th graders"."
The number of people whom listen to him, and whether or not they comprise more than 5th graders, has nothing to do with my assertion being logical or illogical. And, yes, I'm aware that more than only 5th graders listen to Rush. Perhaps some 4th graders, or folks whom are older, but are still sort of in this realm. Still irrelevant, and has nothing to do with my assertion.
"Your opinion (while valid) does not mean others are invalid just because you have a different opinion."
Why would you think I would assume that? The primary difference being that what I've asserted about Rush being a buffoon who appeals to may folks who know less than he isn't simply an opinion based on nothing. That's more of a right wing way of dealing with things i.e., confusing facts with opinion. If I assert that The earth orbits the sun, and you assert that you think the sun orbits the earth, there IS a difference, and it is NOT simply a difference of opinion. Rush HAS been demonstrated to be a liar and buffoon on countless occasions. And I agree 100% that Rush is pretty effective at what he sets out to do i.e., take money from naive listeners. However, this has nothing to do with him being a buffoon and idiot, which is quite easy to demonstrate, as has been done e.g. in the Franken book. ONE of many examples. What's not logical is to confuse his ability to scam the unsuspecting and naive as a sign that he knows what he's talking about. That would be like saying L. Ron Hubbard knew what he was talking about when creating his sci-fi cult scientology simply because people fell for it. Simply because he was "clever" enough to scam money from folks has nothing to do with what his saying being bunk from top to bottom. Sebastian and many others here have it right.
Overall, Rush is pretty effective at what he sets out to do. See post of Jan. 21st @ 2:43am
Well, anyways, we all know that limbaugh is an idiot and is just full of hate and bias and he is a fat liar.
I don't get what Rush is complaining about---I mean Haiti, Santo Domingo (where he went for sex---the young stuff which the place is famous for--you all remember how he was busted with ton of viagra) is a right-wing, Ann Randian paradise. No regulations, no governmental intrusion, and where the rich can "properly" lord over the masses of the poor. I mean, really, this what the republians and conservatives of all countries aim for. Yes, this!!! No environmental regulation. Slash and burn the entire forest down, which Haiti has done. No minimum wage. FREE MARKET which wiped out the entire sugar industry and caused tens of thousands of poor farmers to swamp the already crowded cities as they could not compete with subsidized American sugar and now Haiti IMPORTS sugar, and let us not forget that the CIA took the previous President who was pushing for tariffs and minimum wage for a little ride to Africa; most have forgotten about that coup during Bush's term. But the fact that Rush was married three times, and the women walked away from all that money that he had because he was so loathsome and dispicable, and the fact that he has only a CAT that he lives with, kind of shows how pathetic he has become. You can fix everything in the country, even resurrect everyone who died, but what is the point.
Marion Wm Steele
Rush Limbaugh documents every thing he reports on and I would remind you that he is always right in the long run. Obama is constantly striving to make himself look good, but he is consistently dropping in the ratings. I did not vote for Obama and I feel it is a dhame we have to wait four years to get rid of him. Strange, but daily I get requests from groups I have heard of "to give money for the Haiti problem." I do not trust any of them.......
I hate Rush, but to an extent he is right. And he is wrong. Yes Americans pay through their taxes to the relief of Haiti, because the government is leading the relief effort with an insane amount of make belive money. BUT, if Americans want to still donate more on top of that, it's completely up to them. Sure the times are tough, but look at how many others have it WAY WORSE than anyone listening to Rush. Do us all a favor Rush, SHUT YOUR OVERWEIGHT MOUTH UP!!! Let people help others in need. Your thought process is why so many countries hate Americans.
Limbaugh = GOP disinformation goon, right? Who would take seriously anything the republicans had to say!? Remember their last idiot president?
The Marion said:
"Rush Limbaugh documents every thing he reports"
Yeah, with "documents" which are worthless. For example, if I do a study of the earth's orbit around the sun and I use mounds of scientific journals, studies, support my arguments, and Rush gets his documents which purport to demonstrate that the sun goes around the earth from the sources like The National Enquirer or it's sister paper The National Review, The Flat Earth Society Journal of Wannabe' Scientists, and My Science is Whatever I Want It To Be: A Journal for Fat, White, Angry Men, I'm sorry to say that his "documents" just don't really mean much. Obviously you haven't read Frnken's book. But this is keeping in line with the typical person who would listen to Rush in the first place. DON'T READ!! And especially DON'T READ ANYTHING, firsthand, from the other side, or ANY other side for that matter. Rush is right about issues, sometimes, like what the weather happens to be that day, assuming the fog he thinks he sees isn'T really just the hazy glaze over his eyes from his drugs, probably mixed with a little viagra.
"on and I would remind you that he is always right in the long run."
You can "remind" me all you want. It means squat until you can demonstrate something.
"Obama is constantly striving to make himself look good"
He doesn't need to strive. Perhaps you're angry because Bush needed to strive to complete a functional three word sentence?
"but he is consistently dropping in the ratings."
I agree with this. And the prmimary reason is that he's becoming to centrist as many on the left feared would happen. He isn't NEARLY as tough as he should be. He isn't going NEARLY as far to the left as he should be. Basically, he's demonstrating that he's too far to the right.
"I did not vote for Obama and I feel it is a dhame we have to wait four years to get rid of him."
And be replaced with whom? Ole' what'shername from Alaska?
"Strange, but daily I get requests from groups I have heard of "to give money for the Haiti problem." I do not trust any of them......."
Yeah, be a good right boy and don't give to poor folks. Give to folks like Madhoff, CEOs, and the people who REALLY need it.
Too bad for the White House that Air America, which was supposed to counter Limbaugh, this last week went off the air - for good.
"Rush gets his documents... from the sources like the National Enquirer..."
He does not.
"... or it's ( its ) sister paper The National Review"
The National Review has about as much in common with the National Enquirer as Obama has with what's good for America.
Okay, Sarge, rather than getting into an argument which is sure to go nowhere fast, let's just keep it simple for starters. Have you read Franken's book about Rush, or ANY other materials written by critics which attempt to prove Rush a buffoon? If so, please give the sources. I'll be waiting.
In the end ordinary Americans - not the class that includes the Limbaughs or the Frankens - will donate to ordinary Haitians far, far more than will people in any other country on the planet.
OK, featherhead, rather than getting into an argument which is sure to go nowhere fast, let's just keep it simple for starters. Can you admit that you were wrong about Rush getting his "documents" from the National Enquirer?
sarge said:
"OK, featherhead, rather than getting into an argument which is sure to go nowhere fast, let's just keep it simple for starters. Can you admit that you were wrong about Rush getting his "documents" from the National Enquirer?"
Actually, no, I will not admit I was wrong because my comment was obvious facitious in order to stress a point. His sources usually are crap, or he takes real sources out of context or misreads them(if he understood them in the first place), and on and on...Now, back to MY more important question, the question which depending on your answer will demonstrate whether or not you'd know were he using the Enquirer or not. Have you read Franken's book, or any other book which shows the lies and distortions of Rush. A VERY simple question. Yes or no will do. I'm STILL waiting.
"His sources usually are crap, or he takes real sources out of context or misreads them(if he understood them in the first place), and on and on..."
So, you are a frequent listener?