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Los Angeles mayor declares homelessness state of emergency


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LA homelessness is a national disaster.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

out not so long ago but the alternative was absolutely preposterous. 

Funny to get lectured by a Brit on my former State. Lol

What I posted was not a lecture. Lectures are what you attended as a university student in California.

What I posted was an opinion and observation. My opinion is Larry Elder was a preposterous candidate. The observation was that he got absolutely trounced by Newsom.

By the way, was that another stolen election?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Are they all Californians? Or do they go there because the weather makes it easier to sleep rough?

It's a mix. Being the most populous state with very high rental costs forces many to the streets, whether due to mental issues or a sudden financial disaster. Also, many homeless from other states hop on a Greyhound for LA - if you've gotta be homeless, that's the place. My mother's house had heat but no A/C. A Japanese acquaintance of mine, ex-SDF guy, died in our local Kumamoto park from exposure. Get them indoors and give them help with mental issues.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Anyone who thinks people are homeless by choice has no understanding of the problems.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I thought California is the most woke/progressive state in USA?

Oh, I forgot, but middle class not wanted. California only wants rich and powerful suppressors and the suppressable lower classes.

5 ( +15 / -10 )

What answer do you have for solving homelessness in Texas?

Texas knows how to deal with problems in its own way. It ships its problems off to other states. Problem solved!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The result of Democrat policies that have raised the cost of living and driven businesses from the state.

Thanks Gavin, you're doing a top job.

4 ( +14 / -10 )

It is very good that something will be done to specifically deal with this problem, but by now it should be obvious that the huge number of homeless people is not the original problem but the consequence of many systematic problems in the US, inequality, drug abuse, violence are dragging down the country towards developing country levels in several parameters, so it is unlikely homelessness will be solved without dealing with these much bigger and difficult original problems.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

It would cost the government $100 billion to fully resolve the California homelessness crisis. Housing co-operatives and associations achieve it for less than half of that.

The California budget is $250 billion and would need federal funds for the homelessness problem.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Whenever I visit California I'm always struck by how quickly it's becoming the new Brazil. Huge income inequality, crumbling infrastructure, poor public services, limited public transport, failing schools, corrupt politicians, high crime, gated communities with private security, etc. At some point they need to face reality and start looking to Brazil for possible solutions, like setting aside parts of LA and SF where the homeless are allowed to build semi-permanent favelas.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The first concern for dealing with homelessness is to get them off the streets and into accommodation. There are those who don't want to live anywhere except on the streets. Becomes a way of life.

Accommodation. Food. Heat. Healthcare. Washing. Drug addiction therapies. Affordable long-term rentals. Jobs.

Homeless prevention doesn’t only make sense financially; an affordable, safe, and adequate home is also a human right.

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) states that all signatory states must “recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing, and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions”.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

A state of emergency over spiraling levels of homelessness was declared in Los Angeles on Monday as the new mayor pledged a "seismic shift" for one of the most intractable problems in America's second biggest city.

Californian homelessness is 20% casualties of the drug war and marginalization of the mentally ill and reduction of resources to treat them.

And the rest are victims of American late stage capitalism race to the bottom and precaritization of labor (seasonal Amazon staff etc.) and private equity creating insane monopolization and inflation of housing.

Bass, a former U.S. congresswoman, won the mayoral job in a straight fight with wealthy property developer Rick Caruso.

As a reason for the homelessness problem, look at people like "wealthy property developer Rick Caruso.".

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The LA Times is a paywall site.

Trump is still speaking about many topics including homelessness.

"At a recent rally in DC Donald Trump said the government should “remove” thousands of homeless Americans and put them in tents on “large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the cities” with “permanent bathrooms” and “medical professionals.” While that would indeed remove the unhoused from public view (out of sight, out of mind?) it doesn't address the issue of how to deal with the hundreds, even thousands of those who refuse to leave jobs, family, friends, neighborhoods, etc"

3 ( +5 / -2 )


   The first concern for dealing with homelessness is to get them off the streets and into accommodation.

> That has and will never happened, through the years the homeless situation only worsens.

Then there will be no solution and the numbers will continue to increase. Other countries are doing better in dealing with homelessness.

   There are those who don't want to live anywhere except on the streets. Becomes a way of life.

And with the drugs available it’s easier to pacify these people adding to the homeless.

The U.S. lost its drug war decades ago. $1 trillion was spent on it.

   Accommodation. Food. Heat. Healthcare. Washing. Drug addiction therapies. Affordable long-term rentals. Jobs.

>    Homeless prevention doesn’t only make sense financially; an affordable, safe, and adequate home is also a human right.

So why hasn’t that happened yet?

Lack of political will except when there are elections.

If you have money and you want clean streets move to Orange County.

Not an answer to the social problem.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

160,000 homeless in California.

"In January 2020 , there were 580,466 people experiencing homelessness on our streets and in shelters in America.i Most were individuals (70 percent), and the rest were people in families with children. They lived in every state and territory, and they include people from every gender, racial, and ethnic group. However, some groups are far more likely than others to become homeless."

State of Homelessness: 2022 Edition

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to end homelessness in the United States.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

An audit of LA's homelessness measure shows the cost per housing unit as much as $837,000.

February 26, 2022

The audit also found that although 10-thousand units were promised, only 8,000 will be delivered and so far, only 1,042 of those units have been completed.


Housing co-operatives and associations do better at affordable homes than governments.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


the GOP gave the banks $800 billion to bail them out.

Sorry but you have no solutions to the homelessness crisis who do not receive entitlements because you need an address for those.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

September 18, 2019

Trump says he will do ‘something’ about homelessness.


Trump’s Grotesque Plan to ‘End Homelessness’ Is Already Mainstream Policy


2 ( +6 / -4 )

Remember that time Trump didn't do anything about homelessness for his entire term?

According to CNN anyway.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

According to CNN anyway.

Ok election denier.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

If you have money and you want clean streets move to Orange County or Fukuoka.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Los Angelesians: You can afford to keep a pet dog and pet cat. So, you can affotd to house a homeless person. Food for a human is less expensive than food for dogs and cats.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Bass: the homeless situation was a problem since the early 90’s while I was a university student. Hollywood, Venice beach were already becoming eyesores

Republican Pete Davis was the governor from 1991 to 1999. Before that another 8 years of Republican governors.

You're saying this is when the problem took off?

2 ( +4 / -2 )


you once again post a link to a paywall site. I cannot open it.

Food benefits for the undocumented are not the homelessness crisis.

Your opinions are openly based on discrimination. The homeless should have jobs. The homeless should not receive benefits, which they don't anyway. The homeless are homeless because they do drugs.

70% of the homeless are single. 30% are families. Most lived in California for 20 years or more and are homeless in the areas where they lived.

Lack of affordable accommodations. Too many low-paid jobs.

You should read the link I posted, Dispelling the myths about California's homeless.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

*the Javelin costs $178,000, including the launch system and missile, according to the Pentagon's 2021 budget. Each replacement missile costs *around $78,000…for Ukraine.


*The U.S. has given Ukraine more than 1,400 Stinger systems and *5,500 Javelins


homeless in California…no address, no benefits. Rot in the street.

(Ukrainians get benefits, housing, free healthcare and work visas.)

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Thanks Gavin, you're doing a top job

Californians had the chance to kick him out not so long ago but the alternative was absolutely preposterous.

On the mayoral level, best of luck to Karen Bass.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


What answer do you have for solving homelessness in Texas? There are more than 500,000 homeless in America, a national disgrace.

The Republics have the House, what will they do about the problem?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

California pays the most taxes to the federal government. $250 billion. Equal to one-third of the defense budget.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


what entitlements do the homeless receive without having an address?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Los Angeles mayor declares homelessness state of emergency:

Unthinkable. Lots of people sleep rough on LA streets, in an epidemic that shocks visitors to one of the globe's wealthiest city.

Mental disorders, rampant drug abuses & dire poverty are rising.

Chilly winter coming..

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump said he would end homelessness but it never happened

Eh? Brown + Newsom are both Democrats, and you're expecting a GOP president to 'fix' a Democrats controlled blunder?

WOW, just WOW, the Democrats mindset....

0 ( +12 / -12 )

Appalling situation in one of the richest cities. 40,000 rough sleepers. Trump said he would end homelessness but it never happened.

It has nothing to do with Trump, the homeless situation was a problem since the early 90’s while I was a university student Hollywood, Venice beach were already becoming eyesores. This administration can’t and won’t fix the border meltdown catastrophe so why would they tackle the homelessness crisis in California?

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Dispelling myths about California’s homeless


0 ( +3 / -3 )

Remember that time Trump didn't do anything about homelessness for his entire term?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

What about Newsom?

He's angry at Trump for dropping the ball and not fixing it too.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Appalling situation in one of the richest cities. 40,000 rough sleepers. Trump said he would end homelessness but it never happened.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

Yes, and now he’s not President and what about the previous and current President or more importantly, where is the mayor?

This one is 100% on Trump.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

So why hasn’t that happened yet?

Because Trump dropped the ball.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

"My mandate is to move Los Angeles in a new direction …”

“A new direction”? West into the Pacific might solve the problem.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Are they all Californians? Or do they go there because the weather makes it easier to sleep rough?

That's what I'm guessing. The same problem exists in Vancouver Canada.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The first concern for dealing with homelessness is to get them off the streets and into accommodation.

That has and will never happened, through the years the homeless situation only worsens.

There are those who don't want to live anywhere except on the streets. Becomes a way of life.

And with the drugs available it’s easier to pacify these people adding to the homeless.

Accommodation. Food. Heat. Healthcare. Washing. Drug addiction therapies. Affordable long-term rentals. Jobs.

Homeless prevention doesn’t only make sense financially; an affordable, safe, and adequate home is also a human right.

So why hasn’t that happened yet?

If you have money and you want clean streets move to Orange County.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

LA homelessness is a national disaster.

Well, the the radical liberal policies of CA made that situation.

Californians had the chance to kick him

Let’s see it’s a one party state that strictly does mail-in voting, Democrats outnumber Republicans 12 to 1…..conservatives never had a chance.

out not so long ago but the alternative was absolutely preposterous. 

Funny to get lectured by a Brit on my former State. Lol

On the mayoral level, best of luck to Karen Bass

Considering how her district looks, good luck to that State indeed and get out if you can.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

What answer do you have for solving homelessness in Texas?

Texas the homeless population is more spread out, and that is a problem, but it’s not as big of a problem as it is in California, you cannot walk the streets in Los Angeles without bumping into the homeless, you can’t go to places like downtown LA or Hollywood or in San Francisco down near Fremont Boulevard, they’re everywhere, so I know and understand you want to deflect and you can make the argument there’s homelessness everywhere, so we’re talking about in the most concentrated urban and most populous cities in California, Oregon, and Washington state lead the pack.

The answer is simple, the more entitlements you give out, the less you will have people wanting to work for it, you’re spoiling these people by giving them and showing them with constant bail outs, that’s not helping the problem, personally I don’t care, I do have a few relatives there in Orange County and they are away from that area but the rest of California that’s on them.

There are more than 500,000 homeless in America, a national disgrace.

And open borders is not helping the situation at all, expect those numbers to rise

The Republics have the House, what will they do about the problem?

Definitely cut entitlement funding and take it from there, but there’s not a whole lot that they can do, that’s up to the states governors and mayors and the liberal ones are not gonna do anything that’s for damn sure

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

the GOP gave the banks $800 billion to bail them out.

The Dems are controlling and filling California and their solution to fixing this crisis is?

Sorry but you have no solutions to the homelessness crisis who do not receive entitlements because you need an address for those.

Failed humor attempt??

Texas knows how to deal with problems in its own way. It ships its problems off to other states. Problem solved!

Not big tech companies though.

What I posted was not a lecture.

Yes, it was with a touch of sarcasm….

What I posted was an opinion and observation.

It’s pretty much wrong as usual when it comes to the understanding of California politics

My opinion is Larry Elder was a preposterous candidate.

Because he wanted to cut entitlements, because he believes actually that you should work and that the problems of the black and minority communities are policies implemented by White progressive liberals that could care less about their communities or for wanting to revive and build up the private sector, yes, horrible from a European standpoint, terrible this self-reliance.

The observation was that he got absolutely trounced by Newsom. 

By a one party state

By the way, was that another stolen election?

Hmmmm…more like a one party, confident sound outcome election, let’s put it like that, make it more palatable.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

what entitlements do the homeless receive without having an address?


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Dispelling myths about California’s homeless

The reality of illegals and homeless



-4 ( +0 / -4 )

you once again post a link to a paywall site. I cannot open it.

Sorry, I subscribe to multiple sites.

Food benefits for the undocumented are not the homelessness crisis.

And yet, they still receive them.

Your opinions are openly based on discrimination.

No, facts.

Lack of affordable accommodations. Too many low-paid jobs.

That won’t get any better in California, never. Not with the current system of leaders in place.

You should read the link I posted,

I did. Subscribe and read mine, please.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Trump says he will do ‘something’ about homelessness.

Yes, and now he’s not President and what about the previous and current President or more importantly, where is the mayor? Why is he not taking care of the homeless crisis? Oh, wait, he can’t, he’s giving 273k reparations to every black person so there’s actually no money left, seems the homeless will just worsen, not to mention with the influx of illegals migrating is adding to the crisis.

Trump’s Grotesque Plan to ‘End Homelessness’ Is Already Mainstream Policy

When it’s a great deflection from the left as usual



-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Bass4,your property taxes and state income taxes are paying for it,lots of California residents are selling their properties and moving to Texas,you will have pay more taxes,while your property value go down,why are you continuing to finance California

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Republican Pete Davis was the governor from 1991 to 1999. Before that another 8 years of Republican governors.

You're saying this is when the problem took off?

The city assembly locally was always ran more politically left, Davis was more of a moderate and not a radical Democrat, I think you were talking about Gray Davis, or were you referring to Pete Wilson?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Trump is still speaking about many topics including homelessness.

Trump is not the president.

What about Newsom? He seems to be having the time of his life. Definitely has enough to keep his hair in place.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Then there will be no solution and the numbers will continue to increase. Other countries are doing better in dealing with homelessness.

Yes, but California will never improve, especially as long as the Democrats control that state.

There are those who don't want to live anywhere except on the streets. Becomes a way of life.

Then that’s their choice, others decide to leave it

And with the drugs available it’s easier to pacify these people adding to the homeless.


The U.S. lost its drug war decades ago. $1 trillion was spent on it.

And California will continue to spiral out of control

Not an answer to the social problem.

It is for the people that don’t want to live in the chaos and lawlessness of that county.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

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