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Macron re-elected French president after far-right battle


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That 42% voted for someone like LePen should have alarm bells ringing. "Soft Nazism" is growing through Europe. France, Poland,Hungary and others have popular far right political parties and let's not forget the neo nazis with growing support in Ukraine.

-14 ( +13 / -27 )

Good news to wake up to, hopefully those living in the Russian landmass will be able to choose who their leader is and will not decide to keep their current far right despot in office any longer. But for whatever reason Russian voters decided to keep Putin in charge until 2036.

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

The latest official election results issued by the Ministry of the Interior, staring at me from a news feed, based on 79 percent of those registered to vote, Emmanuel Macron 54.69%, Marine Le Pen on 45.31%

Now here the pinch an abstention rate of 26.62%

Marcon wasted little time in gloating, His arrogance, it hasn't penetrated his posturing ego, that he was never going to fail to be reelected.

However 45.31 % were prepared to support Le Pen even with the danger that support represents to EU unity.

That is the scary stuff.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

Very good for France, another defeat for NeoFascism, sad day for the rightists..

Oh la la !! Vive la France !!..

That 42% voted for someone like LePen should have alarm bells ringing. "Soft Nazism" is growing through Europe. France, Poland,Hungary and others have popular far right political parties and let's not forget the neo nazis with growing support in Ukraine.

So right, it is a growing danger throughout the world, for example there are the 4 disastrous years of Trump..

3 ( +15 / -12 )


I'm sorry to say but, Europe is not 'soft - Nazism' but more like neo-fascist, or even neo-Nazism. The people of thr European Union don't make rules any more, the unelected EU parliament does.

ThecEU Parliament exists to serve the corporate elites, do as I say but not as I do types. The fact the far right is gaining ground is evidence the EU is on a slippery slopes back to fascism.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

Emmanuel Macron 54.69%, Marine Le Pen on 45.31%

Why manipulating the numbers in favor of Le Pen ?

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Macron succeeded and with a audible sigh of relief.

When analysts crunch the numbers/results a rather different picture is emerging.

In compassion to 2017 Macron annihilate Le Pen , 66% to 34%....

These results cannot ignore the fact Le Pen broke through the 40% barrier.

As rightly pointed out.....

The 44-year-old president faces a litany of challenges in his second term, starting with parliamentary elections in June, where keeping a majority will be critical to ensuring he can realize his ambitions to reform France.

Both Le Pen and Melenchon will be chomping at the bit to turn Macron into a lame duck in parliament.

Melenchon welcomed Le Pen's defeat as "very good news for the unity of our people".

Nevertheless, "Mrs Le Pen and Mr Macron have barely a third of the registered voters," he said. Macron "is submerged in an ocean of abstention and spoilt ballots".

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Why manipulating the numbers in favor of Le Pen ?

It's just timing. Counting is not over. The sticks (where she had high scores) publish their results first, Paris is counted last.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Emmanuel Macron 54.69%, Marine Le Pen on 45.31% are official, up to date counting figures released from the Ministry of the Interior. Nothing is a manipulation.

Look, the headline polling numbers are projections, I think you have misunderstood the difference.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

He also pledged a "renewed method" to govern France

If his renewed method involves neo-liberal austerity measures and benefit cutting as he tried before, you can bet the French people will be out on the street to teach him another lesson.

If only people in other nations had this stance, they might share a comparable system of social security.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It's always a good day when Fascists lose.

Voting in France: Paper ballots, cast in person; no machines. They must show photo identification and sign a document, next to their name, to complete the process. At least France knows how voting should be done.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Macron won and France lost.

0 ( +18 / -18 )

Macron re-elected French president after far-right battle


Very good for France, another defeat for NeoFascism, sad day for the rightists..

HA! Look who's talking!!

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

The result would have been off the back of macron’s fascist tendencies during Covid! Forcing so many to follow the whim of the elites did not sit well with the supposed bastion of liberte egalite fraternite

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Voting in France: Paper ballots, cast in person; no machines.

Avenger - what about those who cannot make it to the polls? Or those who are living or working overseas on election day?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Macron is outta touch with the people .

He needs to up his game or Le Penn will eventually win..or someone like her.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Le Pen isn't 'far right', that's laughable.

If you're going to describe here like that then Macron is an ultra-elitist globalist technocrat

So Macron isn’t an ‘ultra-elitist globalist technocrat’ then?

Glad that’s sorted.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

A relief for the majority, the loons who supported le pen must still be in shock or composing conspiracies.

0 ( +14 / -14 )

This is very good for the world.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

No sour grapes here, Macron succeeded in preventing a catastrophe.

There is no escape though 12 million voted for Le Pen.

I didn't believe Le Pen would break through the 40% barrier. I came close to betting against it.

Maybe it would be wise to fully appreciate Le Pen policy manifesto, a form of national socialism.

Not to be confused 1939 1945 German variant.

The combined polling average analysis projects on a 95%-7% spread Macron 58.6% to Le Pen 41.5%

Close to 40% of Mélenchon voters indicated to pollsters they abstained,

Now this number could have implications in June Parliamentary elections.

Another is elements in Macron acceptance speech.

“I know that a number of French people have voted for me today, not to support my ideas but to stop the ideas of the far right, so much doubt, so much division”.

“I’m not the candidate of one camp any more, but the president of all of us.”

Macron has had five year to heal these divisions within society. In all honesty has he?

I would suggest the opposite.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

composing conspiracies

It is a bit disappointing we haven’t had any yet.

I hope we get some comments about the result about to be overturned. ‘It’s happening!’, ‘the walls closing in’ etc.

They were funny.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

It's a disturbing trend that in Europe now opposition to American-style neo-conservative neo-liberalism is coming from the far-right and not the socialist left.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Refreshing to see a candidate recognizing her defeat without unnecessary drama and weird appeals to conspiracies, democracy seems healthy in France.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

This farcical election featured two bald rightists fighting over a comb. Only thanks to the votes of decent French democrats did the least toxic of the two prevail. France, like very many other countries, has yet to find a way of driving a stake through the rotten heart of the vampiric right that now, more than ever in our lifetime, threatens to suck the life-blood from the world's ailing democracies.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

As if that ‘lucky’ postponing would help them solving any of the problem catalog entries. It surely only makes the disaster bigger during another five years.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Boring! Seeing how Le Pen got so many votes, I’m guessing we’re on an interesting track in Europe.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Very sad to read this. The Strange Death of Europe will continue.

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

Thanks goodness... She would have been an absolute disaster for France and the West...another far-right autocrat and Putin-worshiper...

But hey, give her credit, she didn't try to steal the election with "fraudulent electors", and "fake, phony certification lists"....


And she wasn't deluded enough to blame the loss on Hugo Chavez...


At least not yet...

-3 ( +12 / -15 )

As if that ‘lucky’ postponing would help them solving any of the problem catalog entries. It surely only makes the disaster bigger during another five years.

 Seeing how Le Pen got so many votes, I’m guessing we’re on an interesting track in Europe.

So, the storm is still coming? Buying stocks in yellow vests? Very predictable.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Good news. At least, BETTER news than Le Pen -- loser for a third time in a row -- being elected.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

This is the first time ever that a governing president of the Fifth Republic has been re-elected. No mean feat.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

I wonder how many more times this serial loser, Putin-supporting Le Pen, will run?

Well done, President Macron. A thumping victory.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

This is the first time ever that a governing president of the Fifth Republic has been re-elected.

It's the 4th time. After De Gaulle, Mitterrand and Chirac.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

always a great day when right wing nutjobs lose

3 ( +12 / -9 )

It's the 4th time. After De Gaulle, Mitterrand and Chirac.

No, it isn’t. Check your facts.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

De Gaulle’s first election win was not democratic. Mitterand and Chirac were cohabitation for the opposition party.

Macron has made history.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Whether Macron historic election victory, is stand out was never in doubt.

Macrons lack of humility, his unwillingness to display empathy with society poorest remains hopelessly unresolved, in fact where the cost-of-living crisis is concerned Macron exasperated the problem in his first term.

Macron believe he is the now undisputed leader of EU.

Marcon could always, in many respects rely on Merkel to humour him, however the German chancellor Olaf Scholz is not in any mood to loosen the German Government hold on the European Union monetary fiscal policy, notably in the area of a debt union.

Jean-Luc Melenchon economic policies, along with the disillusioned abstainers are waiting to pull the rug from under Marcon new Presidency.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

No surprise

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

That the only choices in the end were the embodiment of Islamophobia Lite and Islamophobia heavy, and the winner was determined mostly because he was a Russophobe says where France is headed.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Macron re-elected French president after far-right battle:

There is no victory if what is said by a political leader is correct:

"Le Pen & Macron have barely a third of the registered voters, Macron is submerged in an ocean of abstention and spoilt ballots".

Barely 1/3..?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Violent protests already breaking out all over France. Not gonna be a safe place for tourists after the country reopens after the pandemic.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Violent protests already breaking out all over France. 

So, basically France during any time in her history then.

Not gonna be a safe place for tourists after the country reopens after the pandemic.


2 ( +5 / -3 )

always a great day when right wing nutjobs lose

42% of the nation is not losing.

Macron fully supports the far right nationalistic Ukrainian government which is made up of many Neo-Nazis.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Great day! Though I don't like her at all, I commend LePen for not going out like a sore loser and trying to incite violence, as with some candidates on the far right in the U.S.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

42% of the nation is not losing.

France has a population of 67 million.

13 million voted for le pen.

I’m no mathematics genius but even I know that’s not 42%.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Violent protests already breaking out all over France. Not gonna be a safe place for tourists after the country reopens after the pandemic.

Thugs who cannot accept - and have a hatred of - democracy.

Hopefully the gendarmes crush them if these anti-democracy thugs resort to violence.

Congrats to President Macron!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Bob Fosse,

There are two polarizing figures, the first is the 48.7 million eligible voters.

The second is the abstention factor between 26.4 and 28%. Now the reported final tally Emmanuel Macron 58.6% Le Pen 41.5%

The Le Pen 41.5% 12,000,000 votes, yet to be officially confirmed, is arrived at from and the original 48.7 million eligible voter allowing for the abstention factor.

French election 2022: full second round results


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Bob Fosse, 

There are two polarizing figures, the first is the 48.7 million eligible voters. 

The second is the abstention factor between 26.4 and 28%. Now the reported final tally Emmanuel Macron 58.6% Le Pen 41.5%

The Le Pen 41.5% 12,000,000 votes, yet to be officially confirmed, is arrived at from and the original 48.7 million eligible voter allowing for the abstention factor. 

French election 2022: full second round results


Sure. Any way it’s spun results in le pen still being a minority interest, again.

As I’ve said before Macron shouldn’t be in charge but in this system the lesser of two evils is always the best choice.

Hats off to m. le pen for losing graciously.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It’s hard to feel much sympathy for the people of France, as after five years of disastrous rule by Emmanuel Macron, they have re-elected him. In effect, this means they have voted for self-extinction.

Mr Macron, the 44-year-old centrist, won with a 58.5% share of the vote – beating the far-Right Ms Le Pen, 53, on 41.5%, according to exit polls.

In an ambitious victory speech, Mr Macron said: ‘From now on I am no longer the candidate for a party. I’m everyone’s President!’

He conceded that France was ‘full of anger and division’, but pledged: ‘Nobody will be left by the wayside.’

Nobody will be left by the wayside. Except, of course, the native people of France, who are expected to suffer their ongoing invasion in humble silence.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Yes in the UK 72% 73% would be a thumbs up headline news, appreciating a first past the post system.

The French voting system is old school, voters in a booth, draw the curtains, vote, place their ballot in an envelope and drop into transparent ballot box.

Photo identification is compulsory accompanied with a signed a document, by their name.

Mail-in voting was banned in the 70s, voters unable to present themselves can nominate a proxy that must in person with paperwork deliver the vote at a police station.

I got the impression in my time in Lyon, colleges and friends went a tad snotty when I brought up the spoilt ballot paper scenario.

It came across, culturally as a cardinal sin not to vote.

Which might explain the media expectation of high turnouts

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It’s hard to feel much sympathy for the people of France, as after five years of disastrous rule by Emmanuel Macron, they have re-elected him. In effect, this means they have voted for self-extinction.

Do you have a problem with citizens choosing their leaders?

What’s your alternative?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Like people here really cared about the French election.

For the sake of the French, hope they don't face out of control inflation, rising violent crime, inept immigration control policies, and hope they get a grip on the upsurge in Covid cases.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Nothing to do with Macron re-election. Only thugs who refuse to stop and try to drive and crush policemen.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Like people here really cared about the French election.

You know there is a record of your posts, right?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

For the sake of the French, hope they don't face out of control inflation, rising violent crime, inept immigration control policies, and hope they get a grip on the upsurge in Covid cases.

The right have quite an imagination when they lose. Always about the bogeyman, nothing about today.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Bob FosseToday  05:33 pm JST

The right have quite an imagination when they lose. Always about the bogeyman, nothing about today.

The left want to claim a victory over the right In a far away country, as opposed to looking at the effect on the people.

And reinforce what I wrote:

painkillerToday  04:38 pm JST

Like people here really cared about the French election.

Typical detached approach.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

And reinforce what I wrote:

painkillerToday  04:38 pm JST

Like people here really cared about the French election.

Typical detached approach.

You posted plenty about the French election.

Are you distancing yourself from your previous comments?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The left want to claim a victory over the right In a far away country, as opposed to looking at the effect on the people.

Again. Boogeyman.

The French voted for a French President.

But sure, tell us more about

The left want to claim a victory over the right In a far away country, as opposed to looking at the effect on the people.

’The left’ didn’t vote whoever they may be. French voted. Duh.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Bob FosseToday  06:02 pm JST

’The left’ didn’t vote whoever they may be. French voted. Duh.

And for a brief review:

painkillerToday  05:41 pm JST

The left want to claim a victory over the right In a far away country, 

That's you bud.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

13 million voted for le pen.

I’m no mathematics genius but even I know that’s not 42%.

im always amazed how bad right wingers are with math, always thinking theyre a majoirty when the math proves them wrong everything, at least Lepen had the humility to concede.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The left want to claim a victory over the right In a far away country, 

That's you bud.


French did that. I said that already. If it makes you feel better to blame it on anyone who isn’t French, well…ok.

No sources? Typical leftist-woke attack.

Absolutely bonkers.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Macron has a 36% approval rating. How’d he get 58% of the vote?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Newseek is such a right-leaning media source.

*Le Pen, who was on her third attempt to win France's presidency, is projected to have received nearly 42 percent of the vote,*


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Winston Churchill was once asked whether he thought that Charles de Gaulle was a great man. “He is selfish, he is arrogant, he believes he is the center of the world,” Churchill replied. “You are quite right. He is a great man.”

Macron has a 36% approval rating. How’d he get 58% of the vote?

Simple: ya put him beside someone with an even worse approval rating

It's like in a date having a wingman who's uglier than you - you'll always come out quite handsome to your date. (And now ya know the secret to having a good wingman, lol)

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Happy Day

Macron has a 36% approval rating. How’d he get 58% of the vote?

It's a clear sign for anti-Le Pen votes: anybody but Le Pen.

And that's good.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

It’s too bad you were up all night ‘pen’ning your victory speech and predictions for the rest of the world.

Move on. Print more posters, buy a bigger megaphone, create some new accounts. Keep hope alive! /s

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Le Pen, who was on her third attempt to win France's presidency, is projected to have received nearly 42percent of the vote,

Great. If she’s busy going for a 4th time she’ll keep herself and her loony supporters out of trouble and out of pocket again.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Victory speeches and predictions for the rest of the world?????

So interesting to see far left progressives commenting on this election.


The whole world is commenting on this election. Read more.

As for the far left, sure tell me more about what they are thinking. As I said, keeps you out of trouble.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Bob FosseToday  06:42 pm JST

The whole world is commenting on this election. Read more.

As for the far left, sure tell me more about what they are thinking. As I said, keeps you out of trouble.

I cannot understand this comment; a meltdown over a French election?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I cannot understand this comment; a meltdown over a French election?

Again, it’s a victory dance not a meltdown. You sure have a habit for getting it wrong.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Quite so Historian Francois Kersody laminated ,

He (de Gaulle) seemed to be permanently involved in a two front war: “a public war against Vichy and the Germans, and a private war against the British Admiralty, the Air Ministry, the War Office, the Intelligence Service, the Foreign Office, the Prime Minister, the U.S. State Department, and the president of the United States.”

This French election saw the demise of the traditional center left and right. they both lost there deposits.

The reality Marcon through gritted teeth.

Lets not be coy Macron has a special place in hell for the English/Boris Johnson

0 ( +0 / -0 )

From France 24:

French President Emmanuel Macron has won re-election with a relatively comfortable majority, but his battle with far-right leader Marine Le Pen spotlights a France more divided than ever.


Turnout was just 72 percent, with abstentions at their highest in any second-round run-off vote in France since Georges Pompidou defeated Alain Poher in 1969.

In an alarming signal for Macron, 8.6 percent of those who went to voting stations Sunday also took the trouble not to cast a vote for either candidate, with 6.35 percent of the votes blank and 2.25 percent spoilt.


Figures by Ipsos and data analysis firm Sopra Steria show that while 61 percent of votes from 18- to 24-year-olds went to Macron, 41 percent of people in that age group did not vote at all.

His victory margin was narrow among those aged 25-34 and 35-49, and Le Pen was even slightly ahead among the 50-59 age group.

It was only among pensioners that Macron could count on a bedrock of support, with 71 percent of votes from those aged 71 or over going to the president, according to the Ipsos-Sopra Steria report.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

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