Japan Today

Macron sparks backlash after saying he wants to 'piss off' unvaccinated

By Christophe DE ROQUEFEUIL and Stuart WILLIAMS

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How cute !!!

Now we have people which were pretty blunt about not carrying about anybody else than themselves, trying to play the card the poor people from poorer countries deprived from vaccine by mostly white people.

Wonder what will be the next jump.

If it is a problem, one should not forget WHO authorized 10 different vaccines, I think now only 3 of those are used for booster shot in richer and mostly white people nations, or something like that.

Considering Macron sentence, the wording is not president like. He has the right to think it but should not say it this way. Thought considering he got the reputation to use out of date word, wonder if it was actually words used by journalists to make him confirm what he was saying in a way more outdated and he confirmed it bluntly. Just wondering.
-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Im sure liberals enjoy this but it really just solidifies that all of this is just vindictive and punishment for disobeying a government.

1 ( +9 / -8 )


Good on him. Time to show the willfully unvaccinated that there are consequences for your actions.

Is that how you view all politicial dissidents?

2 ( +8 / -6 )

There are historical precedences for scapegoating a minority group. And they are never good. Macaron and similar politicians are a very disturbing omen.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Many of my Lyon, acquaintances, colleagues and friends are fully vaccinated.

The irony, they attend these antivaxxer demonstrations simply because of a belief that there fundamental rights to choose are being abused.

I do find this bewildering.

They are all educated intelligent people.

They seem, without logical reasoning, convinced the French Government for some unspecified motive is belittling there human rights.

President Macron must stop and take note.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Quel idiot!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Good on him. Time to show the willfully unvaccinated that there are consequences for your actions.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Peter Neil

Quite a difference in the vaccines that you mention, polio and smallpox vaccines actually work well. You don’t need boosters every few months and even then still have a good chance of becoming infected.

Plenty of evidence not to keep giving vaccines to all. The first two are a good idea for those who wish to have them, whilst boosters should be for the vulnerable only.

People seem to be missing a big point here. While we hog the vaccines even giving to little kiddies a large majority of vulnerable in poorer countries can’t get even one jab.These unvaccinated people will now be considered second class humans by people like Macron.

I thought this was all about saving lives or is that just for richer nations and mostly white people?

4 ( +11 / -7 )

I am fully vaccinated. I also believe it is my duty to the elderly/medically/clinically venerable members of family to continue with the required boosters.

Now who are these antivaxxers that President Marcon feels the compulsive need to make there lives a misery? And how does a President change hearts and minds?

Who are France's anti-vaccine rule protesters and what do they want? 


This article gives and insight to how covid politics has taken hold.

Government has to traverse a fine line between, persuasion and coercion. Misjudge the public mood and public demonstrations descend into rioting.

President Marcon needs adopt a smarter nuanced approach.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

“cracking down on unvaccinated who clearly care for nobody but themselves.”

Cracking down? Are they criminals? But you are probably correct in one thing ie a lot of those unvaccinated folks really care for themselves, paying a lot in terms of health insurance and yet not having to use any of the medical services the last two years… and not really whining about the vaxxed folks!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

He tells it like it is. Good for him.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Next step for Macron et al would probably be putting all the non-vaccinated people in the modern day versions of ghetto! Are you happy? Problem solved!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

What a muppet!

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Macron knows what he’s doing, he’s been reading his history book and using a tried and tested method. First deny entry to places. Next make them use their own shops that are not as well stocked of course. Museums, sports events, libraries etc must be out of bounds to them.

If these measures do not work well enough, confiscation of property is needed, including the right to own a home. Segregation sounds like a good plan, also perhaps sterilisation if they don’t see the light.

As a last resort, camps sound ideal, they must work hard to earn their keep and camps must be Spartan.

Hopefully these measures will work or more extreme measures can be implemented.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Definitely sir, the opinions of the right wing are best left ignored.

We ignore the lefts.

Yes totally and it will reveal the liars who claim they are against the vaccine but accidentally reveal they are vaccinated.

They can try that cat and mouse game

0 ( +9 / -9 )

They wouldn’t be noisy and annoying if people just left them alone.

Totally agree, most of them are liars and will slip up sooner or later and reveal they are vaccinated.

It’s the people that are pushing this that are the noisy ones.

Sometime you have to shout to tell the truth to the liars!!!

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Difference of opinion

Definitely sir, the opinions of the right wing are best left ignored.

You personally took a headcount? Busy guy.

Thank you, it's a busy life!

Left, but or anyone can fit the term.

Or ambidextrous too, we can't leave them out

Not with you, but I do agree that this move will make more people that are opposed to getting the shot be just as defiant, fight fire with fire, don’t let these so-called politicians push you around.

Yes totally and it will reveal the liars who claim they are against the vaccine but accidentally reveal they are vaccinated.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Macron is the consummate politician getting down in the dirt to do whatever he has to to hold on to power. "Piss off" comes off as a mild translation of the colorful Gallic obscenity "emmerder" which literally means to "cover with sh*t". Although no fan of "Le Petit Prince", Macron, he's much more preferable as president than the dangerous wannabe French Bolsonaro waiting in the wings to his right.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

We do not know what China does. It stopped reporting covid deaths after April 2020.

With China we do know one thing: all their stats are fake.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Antivax are a noisy annoying and dangerous minority. Lock them up!

They wouldn’t be noisy and annoying if people just left them alone. It’s the people that are pushing this that are the noisy ones.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

It looks like he’s already accomplished his goal.

Leave the unvaccinated alone. Let them fill up the hospitals, overwhelm the healthcare staff, join the 90% of their fellow unvaccinated in hospitals, ICU’s and in the morgues.

They don’t care about their effect on society and the costs, so why should anyone care about them?

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Well done !!..

Piss off all those losers..



-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Out of all places, China has no compulsory vaccination.

I know! Wrap your head around that oxymoron.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

I think Singapore has the best solution.

They announced that the government will no longer pay the Covid-19 medical bills for people “unvaccinated by choice”.

Covid 19 symptoms are nothing that a shower wouldn't cure.

2 ( +10 / -8 )


Out of all places, China has no compulsory vaccination.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Smart is the key here, they are just not smart

Difference of opinion

But glad that the liars are small in number

You personally took a headcount? Busy guy.

Very nice play of words, 'Right, 'liar', Ha ha ha.

Left, but or anyone can fit the term.

Glad you agree,

Not with you, but I do agree that this move will make more people that are opposed to getting the shot be just as defiant, fight fire with fire, don’t let these so-called politicians push you around.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Iron LadToday  10:18 am JST

It seems there's more compassion in Japan and China and asian countries than the rest of the western world, Singapore included.

Can't speak for China or Singapore, but I agree that Japan has been farmer measured and sensible during this entire shambles than the Western countries except Sweden. Unless the public rise up and toss out the likes of Macron, Morrison, Johnson, Trudeau, Biden and so on, things are going to get a lot worse. And not just for those of us who refuse to take these jabs. The vaxxed, willing or otherwise, will keep being pushed to the limit until they either have had enough, or are in too deep to get out. Then it'll be too late and your lives will be at the whim of controllers like the ones in China. But hey, if you're happy with that...

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Macron is a mixed bag. Sometimes he is a stuck up politician thinking he is better than others, sometimes a bit of a sook and other times he does something deserving of respect like this policy on the unvaccinated.

I support his actions to protect his nation by cracking down on unvaccinated who clearly care for nobody but themselves.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

It seems there's more compassion in Japan and China and asian countries than the rest of the western world, Singapore included.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

After reading comments on this thread, it's not hard to fathom why Germany descended into hell during the 1930s. You've been lulled into a psychosis by an incessant tide of lies by governments, media and bureaucrats who don't care a whit about you, and who will resort to ad homs, defamation and deregistration for anyone who opposes the narrative.

Macron is losing it because he doesn't have a fact-based argument, so he has to resort to rage to get his point across, as wrong as it is. He fears losing the trappings of power, which he craves above all else, and if he has to "other" a group to retain it, he will. It's not that hard to figure out.

7 ( +17 / -10 )

The vaccine is not a magic wand. It does not confer immunity. It simply reduces the chance of being seriously ill. Which isn't that high with Omicron.

We need people to catch omicron. It's 3-day cold that will boost immunity to Delta and hopefully end this pandemic.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

he would pressure them as much as possible by limiting access to key aspects of life

10 years ago I never thought the separation of the wheat from the chaff would ever look like this. Be the chaff. Go get vaxxed. The scriptures laid it out fairly clearly - that you'd have to accept being a total reject to NOT become the chaff in the last days and HERE WE ARE.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

well we finally got to the quiet part out loud.

Not science, not data.

Just mad because people wont do what they are told to do by government. so he wants to make their life difficult as punishment.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

You have to be right to be a liar? Because you say so? ROFL

Very nice play of words, 'Right, 'liar', Ha ha ha.


Glad you agree, people who claim to be against vaccines yet reveal inadvertently that they have taken the vaccine are the worst of the liars. They are just not smart!!!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

> Smart enough not to get caught. I feel for Europe

Smart is the key here, they are just not smart and I too feel for Europe.

But glad that the liars are small in number and get caught so easily!!!

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

I know it's hard to get pigs away from the trough, but the people of France should start greasing up their guillotine...

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Good, I hope this sets an example for all democratic nations which give their citizens the "right" to refuse to follow scientific guidance and thereby continue to drag the world's efforts to bring this pandemic under some semblance of control. Freedom of choice comes with responsibility for the consequences.

Unvaccinated (excluding those with medical reasons) who don't like it and are crying discrimination are selfcentered children who deserve to go live in an autocratic country where they wouldn't even have the right to make a choice.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

More leaders should be like Macron and piss off their unvaccinated citizens. They're just a bunch of crybabies.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

but pushing them to the point people cant live their lives is just low of the low. People getting fined, arrested and even beaten because of a virus with 99.9% survival rate is plain stupid 

I 100% agree!

7 ( +15 / -8 )

Totally agree, the far right idiots are not only liars

You have to be right to be a liar? Because you say so? ROFL

Some might claim to oppose vaccination but inadvertently reveal they are vaccinated.

Others carry forged certificates.


The thing with the far right liars is that they always get caught,

But far left liars can get away with anything, that about right?

they are just not smart enough to lie!!!

Smart enough not to get caught. I feel for Europe

0 ( +9 / -9 )

What a loser.

5 ( +16 / -11 )

There’s always fake ID.


When you force people to do things they don’t want you get this, a lot of it.

Totally agree, the far right idiots are not only liars but also forgers.

Some might claim to oppose vaccination but inadvertently reveal they are vaccinated.

Others carry forged certificates.

The thing with the far right liars is that they always get caught, they are just not smart enough to lie!!!

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

Please PLEASE for the 95% of commenters here, go get your boosters!!!!!

I love the saying in Japanese,


-2 ( +11 / -13 )

Becoming Indignant and irritated, lashing out, whether one feels justified, provokes hostility confrontation.

I believe President Marcon, appears unable to persuade, reach out with clear reasoned argument.

The red mist descends, and the demands/threats take over.

You cannot just insist you are right, you have to persuade your doubters you have the solutions.

Hi Newpresident,

Indeed..... WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard


President Marcon has followed a prevention strategy, and clear covid public health campaign, vaccination program etc. The people of France cannot fault that.

Politically Macron has The French Presidency of the Council of the European Union deal with, and on April 10 a Presidential Election.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

These far right idiots who pretend to oppose the vaccine but have already taken them and will quickly show the proof the monthly realize they are out of options!!!

There’s always fake ID.


When you force people to do things they don’t want you get this, a lot of it.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

"As for the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off."

Moi aussi! Bravo, Manu!

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

President Macron is taking the right approach in dealing with the vaccine denier idiots.

These far right idiots who pretend to oppose the vaccine but have already taken them and will quickly show the proof the monthly realize they are out of options!!!

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

The far right are a bunch of liars who pretend to oppose the vaccines and then inadvertently reveal they have taken it.

Yeah, proof of that?

You feel sorry for this pathetic lot who lie so much that they forgot keep up with their lies!!!!

You shouldn’t accuse people of lying if you can’t back it up.

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

@itsonly…yes and more than 1 million in USA.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

You don’t have to be far-right to think this guy has a few screws loose.

The far right are a bunch of liars who pretend to oppose the vaccines and then inadvertently reveal they have taken it.

You feel sorry for this pathetic lot who lie so much that they forgot keep up with their lies!!!!

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

This is pretty much already in place in Australia. You cannot attend many events, shops or restaurants if you are not vaccinated. The government has left it to business owners to decide if unvaccinated can enter. There is no reason a healthy person should refuse vaccination. Conscientious objectors were jailed during WW2. Refusing to be vaccinated against a deadly virus that flooding hospitals and killing people around the world is worse than refusing to go to war.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

French President Emmanuel Macron is a desperate man.

Macron has good reason to be perturbed, in dismay.

France reports new record of more than 332,000 new Covid-19 cases in 24 hours


President Macron needs the population on his side. To come some way in achieving this President Macron needs take deep breaths, make sure all the toys remain on the table, and count to ten, in fact best make that a hundred.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

I'm pro-vaccine, and pro-masks (until its neccessary because I loathe them) but pushing them to the point people cant live their lives is just low of the low. People getting fined, arrested and even beaten because of a virus with 99.9% survival rate is plain stupid and surreal when you are lucky enough to see the whole world burn from Japan, despite all its downsides.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

@Peter Neil: Exactly - as a pro-vaxxer I will be the firts to admit that the vaccinations have been far from perfect-BUT what they have done is kept people out of hospital. That should be enough reason to go and get a little jab in the arm.

Too many people are now missing out on cancer checks/operations and even trickling down to hip replacements etc affecting quality of life that these damn anti-vaxxers can't seem to understand.

-3 ( +13 / -16 )

Or people will just laugh, ignore the guy and just live their lives

not with the upcoming vaccine pass they won’t.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

A substantial proportion of the unvaccinated have (genuine) medical exemptions. He is painting a target on their backs.

Macron is borrowing his populist tactics from some unpleasant people. The German leadership did this with Jews, the mentally ill and sexually diverse not too long ago in Europe.

The vaccine is not a magic wand. It does not confer immunity. It simply reduces the chance of being seriously ill. Which isn't that high with Omicron.

5 ( +17 / -12 )

Well, the best way to piss them off might be to make the unvaccinated pay their own hospitalization costs.

No taxpayer paid healthcare for you!

What gives the unvaccinated the right to have priority over cancer patients and others, swallowing up the resources and beds in hospitals?

-3 ( +14 / -17 )

He might be saying that because the 'minority' is most likely made up of far right wacks,

You don’t have to be far-right to think this guy has a few screws loose.

some of whom might actually believe chips are in the vaccine that will be used to track them, among other crackpot conspiracy theories, those people have used their personal sense of 'freedom' to choose to further isolate themselves from the general population and are probably people Macron thinks would vote for a La Pen type or another anti-democracy, Putin-approved politician, rather than him.

Or people will just laugh, ignore the guy and just live their lives.

0 ( +19 / -19 )

I want politicians to use their role as leaders to lead, and using language that the population use (is as above ) refreshing. Call out the idiots, not tip toe around them. The majority might be silent but they are the majority. Don’t like majority rules? move to China. Too often in history the vocal minority get their way with disastrous results.

1 ( +16 / -15 )

A politician speaking in plain language! Now that's refreshing.

4 ( +21 / -17 )

Basically wanting to suppres the minority is what he is implying here.

He might be saying that because the 'minority' is most likely made up of far right wacks, some of whom might actually believe chips are in the vaccine that will be used to track them, among other crackpot conspiracy theories, those people have used their personal sense of 'freedom' to choose to further isolate themselves from the general population and are probably people Macron thinks would vote for a La Pen type or another anti-democracy, Putin-approved politician, rather than him.

-1 ( +15 / -16 )

Good for him. Someone has to stand up to the blinded minority who are preventing the rest of us from getting on with life.

-3 ( +21 / -24 )

Basically wanting to suppres the minority is what he is implying here.

And then he wonders why people are giving him the bird. Lol

-7 ( +19 / -26 )

As for the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off," he told Le Parisien newspaper in an interview, using the French verb "emmerder".


We don’t need to care for the emotional well being of the stupid!!!

4 ( +22 / -18 )

Good for Macron. I like the boy!

Lock those anti vaxxers as much as possible out of public life and activities. Make them regret their dumb anti science stance.

I like Macron too, and like his stance. While it is an individual's right not to be vaccinated, they must take the consequence s that go with it.

0 ( +24 / -24 )

Good for Macron. I like the boy!

Lock those anti vaxxers as much as possible out of public life and activities. Make them regret their dumb anti science stance.

-3 ( +27 / -30 )

Basically wanting to suppres the minority is what he is implying here.

-6 ( +23 / -29 )

"The president doesn't want fully vaccinated people to be subject to restrictions because eight to 10 percent of the population refuses," he said.

"I think there's a large majority of people who agree".

This here is the main point.

6 ( +20 / -14 )

“*Liberté, égalité, fraternité“ my a*! That’s perhaps on Macron’s mind.

1 ( +15 / -14 )

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