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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Madoff's eldest son hangs himself in NYC apartment
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When one looks at all the damage these Ponzi schemes cause -you really need to question yourself if it is truly worth it. I am against the Ponzi scheme and all the financial terrorism (IMF, Federal Reserve) that has taken place lately. How many more of the globalists will be sacrificed for their fiat agenda?
Someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had never needed to develop coping strategies we commoners have to develop.
Change your last name and move to a new city or country with you son but kill yourself?
Sad end for him. I wonder what his father is thinking in prison right now. It was his greed that destroyed his family.
What a shame. Bernie causes misery.
Well if he turned his father in, he might have had regrets about that or been blamed by other family members. They are not exactly arresting lots of guys who don't voluntarily turn themselves in and confess. Madoff may have been able to wiggle out of it or at least get a much lesser punishment if he had played his cards differently, and that might be a factor in the suicide.
The shame and humiliation of his father's bad deeds were too much for the son to bear. Ultimately, he paid for the sins of his father.
At least this kid had the balls to stand up and say enough is enough.
the nut endangers his 2 yr old child in a selfish act typical of his family. I hope the child gets a real father.
So you have gotten death threats and hate based on parentage despite being the whistle-blower and hero of the story?
I haven't. My silver spoon must be somewhere around here then dang it!
I know! If only he had keep his mouth shut, but the selfish guy had to go and tell the world his father was a crook! Had just kept silent he could have been high on the hog and avoided all that stress.
hottomales -
hooray for Madoff junior!! right?
Regardless of his innocence or guilt, he endangered the life of his 2-yr-old son. Not to mention the emotional horror of the poor kid seeing his coward father hanging from the ceiling.
Mark is just like Bernie.
hottomales - so you think what mark did to his 2 yr old is good?
Poor guy.
"poor guy" is lucky nothing happened to his 2-yr-old because of his negligence.
Obviously suicide is an incredibly selfish act when a child is left behind. No doubt. But that is just one part of the story, and certainly one that adds to the tragedy. Certainly one who commits suicide is not wholly repulsive and unsympathetic simply because they left a surviving child.
combinibento - He left the child unattended, and we don;t know the emotional scars of that child waking up alone (no one else around) and seeing his father dead hanging from the ceiling.
The posters here are way off saying "poor guy" about the possibly innocent/possibly guilty son of Bernie. They should be saying "poor kid" about that child.
The 2 year old was asleep when Mark committed suicide. He was still sleeping when a relative went to the house and found Mark's body. It's easy to condemn him as being selfish, but the blame should be placed on Bernie for not considering the consequences for his greed.
He is dead.
@hottomales The article says that Mark and family denied any knowledge of the scandal. What makes him a hero and a whistle-blower? If he was innocent, that would have come out if he had waited around. Suicide seems to mean either he has no coping skills or he was really guilty and expected the worst.
I know its a long article, but could you at least read as far as paragraph 3?
You have the wrong end of the stick. In two years of investigating he has not been shown to be guilty.
Both you and manfromamerica seem to have no clue what he was coping with. On top of the death threats, his assets were frozen last year. Investigators have put together a laundry list of suspects because they don't believe Madoff could have done this alone and they are very sure of themselves. Sure of themselves despite the fact that Madoff had been investigated no less than eight times in 16 years and never uncovered the scheme! Having a bunch of fools like that breathing down your neck when you are innocent is worse than having Sherlock Holmes breathing down your neck when you are guilty!
Excuse us all for not pounding the obvious into the ground! Yes indeed, poor kid. I think we all realize that. But your allegation of selfishness is pretty foul. Suicidal people generally are not thinking straight and your cavalier "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" attitude merely illustrates your ignorance on the subject.
Besides, probably the most you have even been investigated for is a pee-pee test at work. That guy's whole life was being turned upside-down and people seriously wanted him dead. Some of us would not have lasted this long, even if innocent.
Karma has come back to haunt Bernie.
tomales - typical that you can't see the real victim here. keep crying for bernie, go ahead.
@hottomales You are right about the whistle blower, and I blew it. Still, the main thing is that he should have stuck it out, dug down deep, and found what it takes. He didn't. What a trauma this will be for the kids to grow up with.
Cry for Bernie? Maybe you did not realize, but this is about Mark Madoff?
hottomales - you seem to be confused now. The sad victim in the story is the 2 yr old. You however don't seem to care about the child, only about the poor Mark who happened to work with Bernie in the multi billion dollar scam, and who happened to endanger the life of his kid.
Shinjukuboy gets it. hottomales still doesn't.