Japan Today

McCain offends Paris Hilton's mom


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I don't think any savvy politician would want to offend his own $5,000 donors and embolden the other guy's $50 ones.

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SezWho2; Heck!! McCain is an intellectuall giant and a war hero.

Hiltons are to cut off from the real world. McCain will just shrug off Hilton`s complete.

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I waiting for this.

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I would think an intellectual giant, a war hero and a man of integrity would give the money back, wouldn't you?

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SezWho2; The money was donated in good faith. He didn`t break any promises.

The ultra rich folks are too sensitive to criticism. McCain is your average American guy who wouldnt offend anyone deliberatly. Hes the worlds most famous and respected war hero, don`t forget, he is too honest for his own good maybe.

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“We think it’s got a lot of humor in it, we’re having fun and enjoying it.”

"Ah, c'mon. It was all in fun." The excuse of bullies the world over.

Good one Senator.


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than debate important issues

Debate? obama runs away from them.


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Mom may not like it, but I bet Paris does. She craves attention and the ad puts her right back in the national spotlight. I'm sure she loves it.


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Taka313. McCain is not abullt. He is a kind man who sacrificed most of his life in the name of peace and freedom.

These rich folks should get a thicker skin.

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Look, the guy put an ad out that that may have or may not have been in good faith and humor. The more we put into this the more it works for all parties. If works for Paris, as RR puts it, she does crave attention. If works for O because it puts his face out there and believe it or not, you still a large pool of people that love both Paris and Brit I works for McC because it does bring into light that O really does have more of a celeb status than a tangible one. It works for the Hiltons because at least Paris is being shown with a person of high statute and at least she isn't being shown not wearing no underwear. Now, hopefully, both parties get down to the real issues. Like I said, they don't differ that much line by line.

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While I still teeter to O, I would still like him to comment better on the Ludacris song or is it part of the strategy to keep attention on McCain's ad?

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Seems a bit strange that it's the mother of a 27-year-old woman speaking out. Heh, where's Paris' anger in all of this?


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RR- Paris probably doesn`t know who McCain is or wahta political donation is.

Seen her mother on tv, seems as oboxious as her spilt brat kid. They think different rules apply to them. Cant they take a joke? McCain would lever intentionally offend anyone, and thats a fact.

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McCain would lever intentionally offend anyone, and thats a fact." I'm going to agree with you on this for the main fact that he is a politician. Like his counter part, he's plays it safe as well.

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Taka313 - So now McCain's a bully for having a little fun with Paris, Britney and Barack? That's a good one.

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Being a man of integrity is about more than not breaking promises.

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Good grief, how ridicilous can the sycophantic press reports get? Mac_C offends this, Mac_C does that wrong, blabablabla. Even if it Paris Hilton`s mon is "offended" we hear about it. As if that was newsworthy. Meanwhile, about the Obamessiah nothing but swooning and adolation.

Isn`t anyone in the press corps getting embarrassed about playing non-stop spokesmen for the Obama campaign?

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John McCain humorously disparages Obama as being a triviality and does so by gratuitously asserting that Paris Hilton is a triviality too. And then one of McCain's fairly large donors from Paris's family actually complains about that. And to top it off, the press--which questioned (and outrageously so) McCain's judgment and taste in being so non-issues oriented in the first place--goes and reports the family member's protest as some kind of news or something.

When will the unfairness cease?

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WilliB; Great post;

The biased media make a deal because McCain "offends" a very rich woman, whose stated ambition in life was to marry into money.

Heck; If it wasn`t for Fox News, how could we ever learn the real facts, of these matters. Obama is a foolish inexperienced man, while McCain is a world reknown statesman, with fantastic economic vision.

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All this is much a-do about nothing.

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Blue Tiger,

Granted. Unless, of course, you're Paris Hilton's mother, who gave money to a candidate only to have him ridicule her daughter. Obviously, mom does not share McCain's sense of just having a little fun.

Now, if we ask ourselves how this could possibly be important, it is tempting to say that it isn't at all. On the other hand, if we are going to look at issues of judgment for one candidate, we should be willing to look at issues of judgment for both.

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SezWho2- The media report on this stuff so they can continue with their promotion of Barack Hussein Obama.

McCain is a decent, guy , does not commit offensive behaviour.

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skip: "McCain would lever intentionally offend anyone, and thats a fact." I'm going to agree with you on this for the main fact that he is a politician. Like his counter part, he's plays it safe as well."

Ummm.... are you joking?? You've GOTTA be being sarcastic here... John McCain is INTENTIONALLY offending his opponent? no? and in the process he calls the offending of others 'fun, and not negative'. Seems a pretty casual attitude.

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Polls show the majority (66%) of Americans (who cares what Europe or canada thinks...) believe the McCain ad was not racist or offensive. In fact, it is Obama who Americans think is playing the race card.

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Room for just 5 stories in the World News section and this one's one of them. That's pretty sad...

Moderator: There are 10 stories in the World section.

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USAPatriot: McCain is a decent, guy , does not commit offensive behaviour.

And we learn about this by reading the posts of his supporters like you. Check your own post at 10:43

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change; What is wrong with my post 10.43. All i can see is tht i am making my point in a totally unbiased manner.

If she was offended by McCain they must be deluded. The guy does not behave i an offensive manner, he behaves is a manner suited to a world respected statesman.

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there goes smitty yet again in determining what others are thinking. Are you a mind reader? You don't get to the level of politics McC has been in by purposely offending people. Is her mom is soooo offending by this, then she has quite a bit of backing up to do. And, I will stand my ground and say that the ad actually back fired, it helped O, Brit and Paris more than anything.

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Again, I see people here parroting the lie that media is biased toward Sen. Obama.

Too bad it's just not true.

This is from a story in the LA Times about a study done at George Mason U.

The Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University, where researchers have tracked network news content for two decades, found that ABC, NBC and CBS were tougher on Obama than on Republican John McCain during the first six weeks of the general-election campaign.

You read it right: tougher on the Democrat.

During the evening news, the majority of statements from reporters and anchors on all three networks are neutral, the center found. And when network news people ventured opinions in recent weeks, 28% of the statements were positive for Obama and 72% negative.

Network reporting also tilted against McCain, but far less dramatically, with 43% of the statements positive and 57% negative, according to the Washington-based media center."

I can easily see and understand why someone would say that this story is making a mountain out of a mole hill. However, using this as evidence that Sen. Obama is favored by the media and that the media is more critical of Sen. McCain is patently false.


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Taka313; George Mason University is well know as a hotbed of anti Republican activists.

fine, you want to pick biased media if you wish.

I saw on Fox News, reports that media networks a massive pro Obama. I supposethey would lie , would they. hahaha

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Great link, taka.

I guess if Obama loses you can blame the media for the pro-2nd Amendment, pro-FISA,pro-offshore drilling, pro-war, pro-occupation stance he adopted and alienated the Democrat base with.

It'll be like going back to November of 2000!, when it was an article of faith on the Left that the corporate media delivered the election to Bush/Cheney.

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its a fact that the media is biased toward republicans and the conservative agenda. Only the deadenders still repeat to themselves that the media is liberal. Its just one of those things wingers take on faith, like WMD in Iraq and that Bush cares about them.

Moderator: Please refrain from using the word "winger" unless you are referring to sports. It is meaningless in a political discourse.

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zucronium; Heck!! It is a well known fact the majority of media are liberal.

Bush cares about every American, he is a totally honest guy. Dont forget god chose to speak to him, and tell him to invade Iraq. Would god speak to someone who doesnt care? McCain is like bush, man of integrity. He wouldn`t offend anyway, no way.

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George Mason University is well know as a hotbed of anti Republican activists.

I'm not going to argue that point. Places where thought, reading and learning are encouraged often don't see eye to eye with the republican party.

decided, I didn't see bush or cheney mentioned in the above article. It appears you are breaking your own rules again.


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Only the deadenders still repeat to themselves that the media is liberal. Its just one of those things wingers take on faith, like WMD in Iraq and that Bush cares about them.

What's a 'winger'?

You must be canadian. American 'liberals' will most often agree that the media favors their candidates. They consider it proof of their superior worldview.

The Chomsky-ite Far Left though is much more likely to believe as you do.

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Taka313; How can this woman be offended by something so trivial. Hee Hee!

If you wish to see inbiased news, may i suggest you tune into Bill O`reilly. He is 1 impartial guy, who tells it as it is.

McCain is a genuine guy, he is the voice of the comman man.

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Actually, if you want proof of the institutional media bias how about the same LA Times taka wants us to check ===

"All of this prompted Investors Business Daily to publish a trenchant op-ed by William Tate that reported on his examination of Federal Election Commission records for donations by journalists.

You'll never guess what he says he found -- 235 journalists donating to Democrats while only 20 gave to Republicans for a total of $225,563 to Democrats and $16,298 to the the GOP-inclined.


Last summer Bill Dedman at MSNBC did a massive research project, examining political donations by journalists over several years and found a similar overwhelming number of Democratic journalists (125 of 143 political donors while only 16 gave to Republican candidates and two others were bi-."


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I am now looking for more articles in the press along the same theme. How about: "McCaine offends Michael Moores mom". "McCaine offends Oliver Stones mom". "McCaine offends Lindsay Lohans mom". "McCaine offends Rosie ODonnels mom". Come on, journalists. Dont let us down. We have a hole narrative here to exploit.

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SezWho2 - Paris Hilton has basically made her life a mockery, from "starring" in a homemade porn flick, to driving on a susp@ended licsnes, then crying her way out of a jail term that no ordinary person would have gotten away with. I have no sympathy for her or for her mother, and if Paris' Momma gets incensed about a candidate she is monetarily supporting making a crack aobut her daughter, she should review her daughter's life, not the candidate's remarks.

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You say that the media report this so that they can promote Obama. Thanks for sharing your opinion. It's only a promotion of Obama if McCain has done something foolish. Otherwise, it's good press. Take your pick.

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ABC, NBC and CBS were tougher on Obama than on Republican John McCain during the first six weeks of the general-election campaign.

Heh, the GE phase has not even started yet. Neither have been officially nominated by their respective parties. If this survey overlooks that error in fact, what else have they gotten wrong?


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SezWho2; McCain has not done anything foolish, but the liberal media are spinning this way to support their anti McCain agenda.

If you watch Fox News they dismiss this as a non news event. Fox are known as impartial reporters, so why don`t other networks say the same?

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Blue Tiger,

This campaign is not about, and should not be about, Paris Hilton.

Minus the emotional claptrap that your language brings with it, what you say is true. And so you should be able to understand how inappropriate McCain's implied comparison is.

Furthermore, just because you have no sympathy for her or for her mother does not mean that McCain should be attempting to disparage his opponent at the expense of persons not involved in the political arena or that he should be taking money from someone whose family he is going to abuse.

I can accept that Paris has integrity issues. I can also accept that McCain does too.

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The answer is obvious. Everybody's out of step but Fox. Right?

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SezWho2; McCain did not do anything to offend this spoilt woman.

MCCain has 100% record of being honest, and he is a regular guy, and knows how the average gut thinks.

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Should say "guy thinks"

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SezWho2; Fox has been shown to be the only impartial news media following research theyb carried out.

They are not going on about this subject , because they know it is liberal spin, and McCain would never knowingly offend anyone, it`s just not in his nature.

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have to agree with her.. pretty lame

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ramen, Also, thank you for providing further examples of what you have been wrong about. You are awfully cooperative today. It's duly noted. Thank you.


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SezWho2 - I never said it was about her, but at the same time, poking fun at your opponent with celebs who've made messes out of their lives (where was Paris' Mom when Jay Leno and Dave Letterman were cracking jokes about her for, like, years after the homemade pron flick incident?) shouldn't be cause for the mother of one to make an issue out of it, how much money she's put up to that candidate's campiagn being irrelevent. The one who is making this campaign about Paris Hilton is her mother, period. And if we are going to split hairs about politicians takoing money from supporters, then making a mockery of them, where's the criticism aobut Bill Clinton? He was notorious for taking the money, then, turning around later and disparaging his own supporters....

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Obama's people are trying to portray McCain as cranky, and McCain is trying to portray Obama as arrogant. And when Obama was asked what he thought about being called arrogant, he said he was above having to answer that question. And when McCain was asked about being labeled cranky, he told the reporter to go to hell!

Jay Leno
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since when, really, have any of you/us gave a damn what Paris' mother thinks? Many of you probably downloaded her vid - did you think about her mother then? No. Now, the question is, as she is a McCain "supporter" is she angry that Paris is being put up there as an Obama supporter and that's got her all wrapped up?

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skipthesong; She likes following trains, jumping onto bandwagons etc etc.

because Liberal media support Obama, she thouht she could obtain some free exposure and sympathy. Bwahahah

McCain is too big to be dragged into arguments like this.

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Blue Tiger,

First, Bill Clinton has nothing to do with this.

Second, Paris's mother is not making this campaign about Paris, she is registering a complaint about the McCain campaign's use of Paris.

Third, she has every right to do so as a parent and I would hope that you would do the same for your child. And she has every right to do so as a contributor.

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SezWho2; Complaining on behalf of her daughter who is a fullygrown adult.She does have the mind of a child i agree. Painting McCain in a bad light doesnt work, hes gonna win.

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USAP: Oh, she'll get the sympathy. The media will make sure of that.

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I really do understand that your position is that McCain is 100% honest, would never do anything to offend anyone, knows what the average person thinks, is a regular guy and that Fox News gives us the straight stuff.

These are things you can say once and they can be the basis of a conversation. But when all your refutations involve one of those statements your argument is like a snake eating its tail. A little critical analysis would be greatly appreciated.

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No, not complaining on behalf of her daughter. Complaining on behalf of herself, having donated to McCain's campaign only to see her daughter unnecessarily ridiculed.

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This story would have a bit more cred if Paris herself were to come out and say she's been wronged.

But in Paris-o-vision, any publicity is good publicity.


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Poor old McCain. Everytime he does sometthing it serves to give Senator Obama another boost. Frankly, I don't think certain posters will make it to election day without a brain fart. Hopefully, in light if his advanced age, the same thing won't happen to Senator McCain...

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"Poor old McCain..."

They said on the news the other day that this political campaign has only 100 days left. Only 100 days! I don't know what's less likely, Barack Obama getting enough experience in 100 days, or John McCain living another 100 days.

Jay Leno

And earlier this week, McCain had a small mole removed from his temple. To which President Bush said, "Temple? I didn't know he was Jewish!"

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As you would say, "Har!"

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Or heh....:D

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Can you all imagine the fiasco if McCain did actually die or become ill in late October? It would be worse than 2000.

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Telling the world that Obama, Brittney, and Paris are super stars and popular in the peoples eyes is offending to the two ladies how? Come now he says they are celebrities (which they are) and not politicians (which they are not) so he isnt lying or making a mockery of Paris or Brittney... You all are trying to find an argument and making up half the crap you are saying. He didnt say anything to make the ladies down graded from what they really are.. popular media stars just like Obama!!

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Jay Leno is an idiot, or at least his script writers are. The growth McCain had removed was on his cheek, not his temple.

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McCain is not backing down, he's defending the commercial where he compared Barack Obama to Paris Hilton as being 'all talk and little action.' That's what he said. Like Paris, Barack Obama is all talk and little action. Really? Has he seen her sex video? There is no talk, it is all action.


USN - Heck, it wouldn't have been funny if he'd stayed with "cheek."

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" Barack Obama is all talk and little action. Really? Has he seen her sex video? There is no talk, it is all action. "

So now we are looking forward to Obamas sex video?

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Willib -

OMG please NO!

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Heh, Obama in a gimp suit...that might be the only thing that could boost McCain's chances...

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Well, Paris Hilton's Mom offended all of us by producing a headline obsessed daughter that we're all forced to hear about nearly daily.

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I agree with Cleo.

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I hope Senator Obama never set foot in The New Sanno Hotel on a Saturday night....

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McCain is at least consistent in his jokes. They aren't funny. Singing bomb Iran to "Barbara Ann" wasn't funny. His campaign's degradation of a couple of celebrities made McCain look really dumb. Yeah, dumber than the dumbest celebrity. The fact that one of them, Spears, is in rehab made McCain look vicious--as he truly is.

The big joke is that Paris's mum was a McCain supporter who gave his campaign nearly five grand. (Can anyone tell me why Mrs. Hilton donated $4600 and not $5000; what with the odd numbers?) McCain went and stabbed a loyal supporter in the back. A little like he treated his first wife.

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Mr. and Mrs. Hilton each gave $2300, the maximum toward a candidate or the campaign.


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Even the wealthy white Republican donors are mad at good old Mc. He is starting to upset his people.

Will he ever live this one down, using a Hilton as the bum of his anti Obama campaign! How dare he use one of his own that way, he best make up with the Hiltons or his very rich wife will not be invited to the country club!

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I thought everyone was sick of paris now anyway, especially after the little tantrum/sob-fest she had went sent to nick. Heh.

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Could've been worse the ad could had said the greatest celebs were Oprah and Michael Jackson.

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The fact that one of them, Spears, is in rehab made McCain look vicious--as he truly is.

Wow, one of America's fiercest cultural critics is shedding a tear for a pop queen who represents everything he hates about the American Way.

The influence of politics can make one do strange things, no?

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SuprLib, pop queens are fairly harmless people; they hurt no one,except, as in the case of Speares and Hilton, themselves. They don't start wars or send people off to be tortured. I don't hate pop stars and I am not a fan of any, living or dead. More importantly I think anyone who uses pop stars to score political points the way McCain did is vulgar.

I do feel especially sorry for Brittany Spears, as anyone with normal human feelings should. I also feel sorry for the first Mrs. McCain. I will truly feel sorry the world at large if McCain gets elected.

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Jean I have to disagree - pop stars become juveniles role-models - and some role models driving coked-up and stinkin' on alcohol, or going commando in a mini-skirt with everybody knowing it....

In fact, how can you compare Senator Obama's credentials with those to bubble-heads like McCain has....

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I guess you shouldn't ridicule the daughter of a campaign contributor eh? Bad move on McCain's part but his premise is correct.

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Posters pissed off because they have to listen to Paris Hilton's stupid life. Turn the channel. Gosh that's a no brainer.

But it's more acceptable to blame Momma Hilton for having Paris and allowing her to be a beautiful, perkie, dumb blonde and you are upset with Momma Hilton.

Sounds to me like a bunch of hypocrits. If your daughter was the dumbass blonde being depicted in the video, you'd just laugh and laugh as the nation laughs at your dumb blonde daughter. No you wouldn't, don't even try to say you'd allow your daughter to be the butt of political humor. < :-)

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adaydream; HECK!! Th e Hiltons put themselves into the public spotlight.

McCains ad was a joke, he is a man on honor, you will do well to emulate.

A man who cares deeply about every American would not knowlingly offend anyone, fact.

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You have your opinions USAPatriot and I have mine, fact. < :-)

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i agree with USAPatriot.

McCain is not capable of being ofensive. This rich lady should be quite, and stay quiet about this well loved man.

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adaydream; Im afraid your posts are based on opinions, mine on facts. Offending people is not in McCains nature, and YOU know it.

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Okay USAPatriot provide me your facts that proves that John McCain couldn't knowingly offend anyone. I love facts. < :-)

Okay ChimpsAhead, you want to provide facts, also? < :-)

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adaydream; Quite simply there ae no recorded instances of McCain being offensive to anyone.

This rich lady doesn`t count, she percieves incorectly that our ext president was offensive to her, unbelievable!!

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Either you can prove a fact or you can't prove a fact. You have made a statement based on your opinion because you have never heard or whether you'd ever heard of an instance of John McCain offending anyone.

So you haven't read an article or been apprised to an offense. That's great. I applaud McCain of that.

But USAPatriot, I bet you never really researched it enough to give a quanitative answer if it was "FACT" or not.

I believe that it was offensive. If I'd have been Momma Hilton, I'd have been offended. She says she was offended. Just because it's not offensive to you, doesn't make it "not offensive." So in this context, John McCain offended Momma Hilton. He offended someone. So your "FACT" has just been debunked. < :-)

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adaydream "so your FACT has just been debunked" Bwahahaha You haven`t proved anything. This stupid woman , who btw has low morals, is just trying to gain attention for herself and her childish daughter. McCain is a man of high morals, who has never sunk to low levels of being ofensive. Heis a true gentleman, a role model to us all.

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She said she was offended. That's the fact. So you and your opinion of her is the defineing "fact" as to whether John McCain has ever offended anyone.

This stupid woman , who btw has low morals You are now the morals decider now I see.

Have a good day. You want to place yourself above all who disagree with you. That's the other fact here. < :-)

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This is news?

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Yep. You read it and you posted. Hook, line and sinker. < :-)

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Who is the 'racist'? Who is the 'bigot'?

Who is the bully, poking fun at others?

"Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame, I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

_ Barack Obama, Thursday, February 24, 2005

Verify for yourself - http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A48523-2005Feb23?language=printer

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Obama was speaking at the Gridiron Club, the membership of which is comprised of a small number of select members of the press. He was expected to roast himself. His remark is double-entendre that compares the extent to which he had received attention to the extent that Paris Hilton had been revealed. I don't think there's any problem with that, otherwise Letterman, Leno and a host of others would have parts of their anatomies in slings.

The McCain campaign, on the other hand, is speaking to a national audience. And it is paying $140,000 a day to run the same tired "humor" over and over and over again. He is comparing what he calls the world's biggest international celebrity to two women with a history of drugs and socio-psychotic behavior to Obama. Hilton and Spears are celebrities, but they don't even make it into the top 3 of most polls and Obama is rated far below them.

Aside from the fact that I can call myself a Hoosier if I mean that self-deprecatingly and and you cannot if you mean that disparagingly (not if you want to do business in Indiana anyway), Obama was not smearing either Hilton nor himself. The McCain campaign is smearing all 3 by dismissing them as trivial.

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SezWho; Compared to a great man of high standing, as McCain is they are all trivial. hehe

Obama criticises and make rude remarks constantly, in an uncaring manner.

McCain never criticises or insults, and his campaign is good and clean, just like the man himself.McCain is a highly respected intellectual amongst leading scholars and scientists, where as Obama is considered a pinhead.

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Sezwho - you can spin it any which way you like, but as Senator Obama likes to remind us little people

People question if words matter. Words do matter. Words challenge us to reach higher. Words are a catalyst for change and words motivate us ...

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"Oh, well, I didn't see it -- I think it's kinda stupid," she says. "I'm just too old-hat for it. In fact, the other two, I didn't even know who they were. I knew who Paris Hilton was, but then there were other two young girls..."

-Roberta McCain, mother to Sen. John McCain


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Well, next time I know better than to open an article that has anything to do with Paris Hilton.

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It could have been worse. What if McCain's team had portrayed Obama as a cynical, opportunistic Clintonesque figure, and his swooning fans as the eager little Monica's that so many of them are.

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Just keep repeating: "McCain is a great man. McCain is a great man. McCain is a great man." This will surely make it so.

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I would have to say that you are losing at the argumentation game if you have to poison the well by suggesting that the other party is somehow "spinning".

But, yes, words do matter. Words matter in speaking. Words matter in listening. Words matter in understanding. And especially in understanding it matters that we do not twist words to have them mean whatever meaning is convenient for us.

I realize that this admonition applies equally to myself as it does to you. However, I don't see that your latest offering does anything to help construe the meaning of what I have said, what Obama has said, what McCain has said or even what you have said.

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SezWho2; I don`t have to repeat tat McCain is a great man.

Please do me a favor , tune into Fox News and learn something constructive, stop being brainwashed. McCain does not offend , been watching Fox for hours today no-one says that!!!

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Fox News

Haha, even in Texas (reddest state in the US) most people believe that to be far-right propaganda.

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Republicof Texas; None of my friends believe Fox News to be biased. You must have very liberal/socialist ideas.

Fox news proved that they are the only unbiased news on tv.

THe said McCain wouldn`t offend anyone, and i believe the guys!!!

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skip: "there goes smitty yet again in determining what others are thinking. Are you a mind reader? You don't get to the level of politics McC has been in by purposely offending people. C then she has quite a bit of backing up to do. And, I will stand my ground and say that the ad actually back fired, it helped O, Brit and Paris more than anything."

When did I say I know what you're thinking? 'You must be joking' is an expression meant to show someone's utter desbelief at a ridiculous or surpising statement. Don't you know that?

What's more, if you say the add 'backfired' and helped people, you mean that it's intent to harm people failed... and that goes against your clear-cut statement that 'McCain is not out to offend', bottom line. Don't have to be a mind-reader to see you've injected your arguments here with more than one contradiction.

"...Is her mom is soooo offending by this...?"

It doesn't matter HOW offended she is; she's offended, and that goes counter to what you have stated is your belief in McCain's 'intentions'. Even if he didn't intend to hurt people, but has, why doesn't he take the high-road and apologize? It doesn't matter if he FEELS guilty or not, he IS guilty of offending people -- and some of those people are his contributors. Generally, you try not to sh*t where you it, but McCain doesn't seem to care.

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Sorry... that's '...try not to sh*t where you EAT', not 'it'.

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"I think it's kind of stupid."

-Roberta McCain

"You don't bite the hand that feeds ya!"

-Alex, The Lion


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undecidedbout08, 09:20 AM --

Great find. Thanks for that link.

Perhaps Mr. McCain was only reminding obama what he had already said. Heh, or better yet, he made a mini-documentary (ala michael moore) out of the Post's article.


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110 comments about another media-manufactured 'scandal'. Great way to get folks to ignore the media's complete blackout as regards John Edward, caught with his mistress and love child at a California hotel while his ailing wife stands by her man back in the ecological monstrosity that is his private residence.

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The 110 comments about the McCain campaign ad and Kathy Hilton's reaction to it have absolutely nothing to do with either John Edwards, his alleged mistress and love child or the media's supposed blackout of that "news".

Absent the supposedly media-manufactured McCain campaign ad brouhaha (which was actually manufactured by the ad itself) and absent this article's 110 prior comments, not one jot more attention would be paid to John Edwards.

The 111th comment is a feeble attempt to take the heat off of an alleged political error by the presumptive Republican candidate and to divert it to an alleged sexual error by a Democrat--any Democrat, not necessarily Obama, but the more well-known the better.

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The 111th comment is a feeble attempt to take the heat off of an alleged political error by the presumptive Republican candidate and to divert it to an alleged sexual error by a Democrat--any Democrat, not necessarily Obama, but the more well-known the better.

Polls (and we know how popular they are here...)show that it is not regarded by most Americans as a political error. There's no heat on.

McCain lost Britney, Paris and her mother.

Big loss.

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Paris responds.


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So far the only poll you have cited is a poll which queried whether the McCain campaign ad was racist, not whether it was a political error.

In any event, however, Edwards has nothing to do with this. Your prior post still diverts attention from an alleged political error to an irrelevant allegation of a sexual one. Your current post does nothing to refute that you have done so.

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decided, I scanned the article again. Funny, but there's no mention of John Edwards anywhere. I can't imagine why you would post something about John Edwards when he isn't even mentioned in the story, especially after admonishing others for mentioning things unrelated to the story.

Does that qualify as hypocritical?

Is that what a role model would do?


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I didnt know that McCain was a member of the Ham Radio club and that his favorite TV show is Rawhide. Interesting.

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Some Ways John McCain Can Appear More Youthful by Letterman

Instead of Lincoln, pepper speech with quotes from Broday Jenner

Get his Miracle Ear pierced

Stop yelling at reporters to get off his lawn

Play breakdancing vice principal in "High School Musical 3"

Change name of "Straight Talk Express" to "J-Dawg's Booty Wagon"

Stop promising a Packard in every garage and a goose in every icebox

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I agree with Blue Tiger when he said "Much ado about nothing". Somebody explain to me why we care if Paris Hilton's mom was offended.

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Paris' response is the best TV to come out of this election so far. Stars to her PR person. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir was a master stroke.


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No one can explain to you why "we" care. You can explain to us why "you" don't care or others can explain to you why "they" do. And you'll have to make some allowance for possibly having selected the wrong verb.

In my case, I don't care so much as I am interested. I am interested because I have felt that McCain's campaign was distractingly negative and that McCain's major issue is with Obama and not with the problems that America needs to solve. When a McCain supporter who gave the maximum actually says that "it's a waste of the country's time and attention", that tends to support my opinion and I am interested.

Sure, it doesn't prove anything. That is, it doesn't prove anything other than that McCain supporters can also take offense at what I take offense at. If you haven't guessed so yet, I'm on the other side of the fence, the side that asks whether McCain is ready to lead.

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I wouldn't have believed it, but Paris' response was worth watching and not only for the hotness.

Paris for president! It would still be a net IQ increase at the white house...

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SezWho2...thanks for the elementary school grammar lesson. Let me explain in in simpler terms. Obviously the press thinks "we the public" care, or they would not have made it a news story.

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cont'd (that means continued)...I never said I didn't care. The verb do is implied as in explain why we "do" care.

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cont'd (now you know what that means). Did you catch my double "in" in my 1st response. I will expect my report card in the mail. Just don't send a letter to my parents pleeeeeez.

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That was not a grammar lesson. It was a reminder to speak for yourself.

The press obviously thinks that some people will find this story to be of interest. And the press was obviously right.

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SezWho2...You tell me to speak for myself, but look at your own last reply. You are speaking for "some people". Practice what you preach.

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McCain should have used the sweet Swedish tail, Scarlett Johansson, for the ad. Now, she and Obama are exchanging e-mails. McCain has expertly played on white man's fear of black man/white woman hanky panky.

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No, I am speaking for myself. I am a part of the "some people" that the astonishingly high number of 128 or 129 posts to this board have shown to have an interest in this topic. Or did you think I was the only one?

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So you can be part of "some people" while speaking for them, but I can't be part of "we" doing the same?

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That's partially right.

"We" is all-inclusive. Unless we all have the same feelings and point of view no one tell us why we should care, why we should be interested or anything else. You are a part of "we", but no one has nominated you to speak for us.

Furthermore, you have not spoken for yourself. Your comment might be taken to imply that you do not care whether Hilton's mom is offended. It might also be taken to mean that nobody should care. You can't speak for us because you have not even spoken for yourself.

I have spoken for myself. And speaking only as myself, I am "some" people. But in addition to me, there are others. The number of posts here shows that. I am not speaking for them when I call attention to that fact.

Instead of getting so huffy about this, why don't you tell us why the press is making a mistake in thinking that people will be (or as is the case now, were) interested in this story. That is, if that's your opinion.

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We is obviously NOT all-inclusive, that would mean that everyone cares whether she was offended. Common sense would dictate that is not the case. Do yourself a favor and look at my first post on this topic. It was only a request for somebody to explain why it should be newsworthy that Paris Hilton's mom was offended. You are the one standing on a soapbox preaching how people should think about this, and the campaign. Your 21 posts illustrate that.

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Au contraire, your counting my posts illustrates the extent of your chagrin.

Without an antecedent, "we" is all-inclusive. And it was part of my point that its use means that everyone does or everyone does not care. Common sense does dictate that this is not the case. Perhaps the question phrased with "...why anyone should care" would have been more objective?

I'm well aware of your first point on this topic. If it was only a request that somebody explain why it should be newsworthy that Paris Hilton's mom was offended, I did that and you have not yet commented upon the explanation. If you would like to do yourself a favor, you might go back and read all the other posts to see why others think this is newsworthy for there is no shortage of explanation even prior to your post.

You have not yet weighed in with any direct opinion one way or another although that same first post that you mention could easily be read as a snarky way of commenting that this is not newsworthy. If your first post was an innocent question, you have not expressed any opinion at all and have not spoken for yourself. If it was other than innocent, you seem to me to derisively suggest that this is not newsworthy for "us".

Why is it that you would rather discuss the meaning of "we" than state your own opinion?

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