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© Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Palin mocks Obama as McCain claims nomination
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And thus the neophyte shall be unveiled.
I can't wait to hear it. < :-)
It's gonna be ugly- they don't call her "Sarahcudda" for nothing. I have a feeling she is going to rip into the Dems and the Washington establishment in a way rarely seen these days. Here is one excerpt I found floating in cyberspace;
“Here’s how I look at the choice Americans face in this election. In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.”
Oh, and Donkey, the neophyte was unveiled at the convention in Denver. He did pretty well, too. A good speech but a little light on specifics.
I've been watching the Republican campaign all evening. (Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina is speaking now.) I can't help but feel that the party is absolutely schizoid.
One speaker, Anne Beiler (founder of AuntieAnne's Pretzels), gave a very inspiring, religious-based talk on the need to care for the poor and give of our wealth. She was followed up by Norm Coleman, who contradicted just about every point that Mrs. Beiler had made.
The biggest impression was this: The way these Republicans are talking about the difficult economic problems this country is facing, one would come away with the impression that whoever was running the country over the past 8 years, they did a terrible job.
The Repubicans: a party in total react mode -- responding to the crises they have created and the the problems they ignored until they became crises.
yabits - I don't hear the republicans actually acknowledging that there is an economical problem.
Drill for oil and tax cuts.
Oh yeah, we'll save your jobs. (After we sent them overseas. < :-)
Mitt Romney is talking now and he's calling for a conservative administration, not like we have right now. Where's he been the last 8 years. The president who hears God's word has been running Washington, DC the last 8 years. < :-)
Some of the speakers definitely mentioned it tonight. Several talked about the national debt and spending beyond the means. Don't they realize that George W. Bush has been the biggest spending president since LBJ? Didn't Republicans meet 8 years ago in a convention just like this one and promise the same things? (And lied all time they did so!)
Go back to the 1996 Democratic convention where Bill Clinton promised a balanced budget by the end of his term as part of the "bridge to the 21st century." A promise he kept.
And where is dick cheney? God love him.
And leiberman gets more time than bush and delivers his speech in person??
Why are the repubs so ashamed of their current leaders. Oh, maybe because they have failed miserably in leading the country? And who would want more bible thumping hard rights oil based leadership after the last eight years??
The Republicans appear to be desperately hoping that Americans have suffered massive memory loss or brain damage.
DS - so why do they call her "Sarahcudda". I seriously have no idea what that could possibly mean? "Sarahcouger" I could possibly understand.
Col(Klink)America and Sarge(Schultze) reporting for duty!!
Big-mouthed bass?
Sarahcudda is a play off of the very fierce species of fish, the barracuda.
The barracuda is a fish that does not take care of its young, and will frequently eat them. It's own survival is first and foremost and other fish be damned if they get in their way. In short, a Republican's dream.
I've heard her voice. I'll read the transcript.
I noticed lots of empty seats in the repub convention hall. Did the party run out of funds to pay for people to attend and pretend to be supportive of the mccain/palin father/daughter show?
Now if they had a magic show more people would show up for sure. Perhaps they do in that dick cheney has completly dissapeared.
And yes, sarge. Hillary also has a grating voice. Power down there sports fan.
Sounds like a perfect name for Hillary. Too bad her name doesn't rhyme...
I'd rather hear Celine Dion sing than hear Hillary Clinton talk (esp. laugh) any day of the week and twice on Sunday...
Gov. Palin's speech was pretty solid when McCain introduced her as his VP pick. I'm looking forward to Palin's showing that she is no pushover. I'm sure that she will stand up for herself and defend her record, her experience, and will over the next few months, face down those idiots on the Left that are going after her family. Adding Palin to the Republican ticket will make the Presidential race over the next two months much more interesting then it would have been otherwise.
But her daughter sure is! Ooooh, low blow.
Two Republicans talking when they didn't know their microphones were on:
If McCain and Palin get elected she'll be able to pawn her children off to Nannies and sitters and staff and hired help.
I don't remember any Presidents or Vice Presidents, where both the office holder and the spouse worked full time jobs. Especially that would seperate them as much as this will. She'll be in Washington, DC and he'll be in Alaska, both fulfilling their responsibity as an employee and not as a responsible parent. Especialls parents of a specials needs child.
The spouses of Presidents and Vice Presidents have been on certain taskings and panels. But not a four year hiatus.
So will her husband quit his union Oil job?
How will they both give the attention needed these children and to full time employment that will take her out of their lives?
Just a question. < :-)
I just heard Giuliani call Palin the "most popular governor in America"; how desperate must the Republicans be to put that label on someone nobody outside of Alaska had heard of a week ago.
Considering Palin's approval ratings are in the 80%+ range amongst Alaskans, Giuliani may be right.
As to the issue of child care, I dont think this was ever brought up when a MAN was being suggested as a political candidate. However the Palins may decide to resolve their particular family situation once the GOP wins the election is entirely THEIR business.
DS - No prob. The Republicans aren't going to win. The military vote will see to that.
Sarah will have just as much time to spend with her family as ever.
I'm listrening to Sarah Palin right now and her speach is so much like the previous republicans before her and McCain. She says so much, but most of these things were said by george bush and dick cheney. And they didn't help, they made the Washington problems and the deficit worse.
Are we better off now then we were 8 years ago? < :-)
aday - All I'm hearing are catchphrases, bragging about her family, and unfounded criticisms of "the Democratic Presidential Candidate". I guess expecting her to talk about what she would do is too much; she, like McCain, has no plan.
Desperation will set in more and more by the Republicans until they will soon start trying to swiftboat Obama.
Republicans follow follow and repeat after me,
d.e.s.p.e.r·a·t.i.o.n pronounced (dsp-rshn) n.
The condition of being desperate. Recklessness arising from despair.I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop with Mrs Palin....Soon Lord Vader soon our plan will come together, be patient. Muahahahahahahaha
It would be difficult to "Swiftboat" Senator Obama. He hasn't done anything worth swiftboating.
I always like that one.
Gore tried to have the overseas military vote disqualified in 2000. Kerry says you're in Iraq because you are stupid. Obama makes lofty and completely absurd promises to disarm America, and yet you get these guys here claiming they are military and ensuring us Obama inspires trust in the ranks of our armed services.
Combine the Palin threads and you get over a thousand posts.
She has Dems terrified.
mar4eO: "Combine the Palin threads and you get over a thousand posts."
Is it any wonder? You guys are on here day and night defending tooth and nail a woman whose name you heard for the first time but a week ago (or at least, the first time you bothered to remember it). I'm quite sure if you counted the number of comments by desperate republicans to say that this woman actually has some merit, etc., you'll find there are far more than those discrediting her. RRamen had nearly 20 posts alone on one of the threads!
Anyway, Palin, nice dodge of telling us what your plans are! Hahaha... so like McCain, and bush and co.... "I'm going to Washington to serve the public!" Well, HOW?! A person simply saying "I work here" doesn't mean they actually DO anything. Are there any republicans with any ideas? any plans? any way of carrying them out? The usual rubbish is a very typical republican speech.
And one more thing I meant to say was how funny it is to watch her walk on glass when talking about Obama... she REALLY has to be careful to avoid playing the 'inexperience' card that McCain has made his key argument against Obama. I can't wait until she slips up in order to tow the party line.
mar4eo..."terrified"? I think not. Palin came off sounding like a 5th grade civics teacher lecturing a class on the U.S. government, but having no real idea what she is talking about. She paled in comparison to Mrs. Clinton, and everyone with any amount of objectivity could see that. She is a "hockey Mom" -- out of her league, but put there by McCain's desperation. Or, did you miss the latest polls that show McCain trailing badly in most of the key states? Respectfully, the "Dems" are just waiting for the next shoe to drop on her, and cannot wait to have her face off with Joe Biden. He will chew her up and spit her out.
The experience charge ?
I think the Republicans are once again sandbagging the gullible Dems on this one.
After weeks of liberal media indulging in the usual hysteria, faux indignation and breast-beating (and drowning out whatever positive message the Dems might have and need to get out) they'll release the relevant info on Gov Palin, pretending to do so reluctantly.
And ordinary folks will be able to review the paper trail of Palin's two years as governor and the ten years or so she spent in local government. Her experiance in the latter is not very well understood or appreciated by the media and pundits. But it boils down to countless executive decisions, hard fought and reviewed. Getting onto a local seat is one thing, remaining there quite another.
Palin can produce a paper trail.
Obama and the Chicago Machine that sent him are despeate to hide his.
Try googling Annenberg Challenge. It's Obama's only real executive experience.
And it proves that like all products he can't deliver change.
He can only deliver on the backrooom promises he made to people and groups who got him where his abilities and character couldn't.
SuperLib, If that is the same clip I'm thinking of, yeah, you're right. Not only that, but I believe they were reporting from the RNC and the only political sign that could be seen behind them....yeah, it was for Ron Paul.
(channeling my inner Homer Simpson) D'oh!
The American presidency is always a journey of personal discovery. Never mind what it's supposed to be.
"Here's a new flash for those reporters...I'm not to Washington to seek their approval...I'm going to Washington to work for the people".
WTG Sarah.
Listening to the U.S. media, you can hear their fear with this selection for V.P. and after listening to Palin's speech, the fear is justified. What the Republicans have in Palin is a competent female leader with humble roots and an aversion to raising taxes. Yes, she's a Jesus freak, but that's certainly going to play better to the American voter than a disgruntled, minority elitist will, which is what the Democrats have in Obama.
CNN commentators are saying that she hit a grand slam. Even Chis 'tingly leg' Matthews said a star is born.
The media may be scared but the democrats aren't. McCain/Palin will go to the way of Bush/Quayle. Wave bye-bye to Gov. Palin. John will try again in 4 years. < :-)
mar4e0...Thanks for the laugh. Palin made "countless executive decisions"? Please. In two years as Governor of Alaska??? Are you counting the one where she had her ex brothet-in-law fired, for which she is being independently investigated? Stick with the God-fearing, Hockey Mom story line. At least it has some credibility.
If my brother in law tasered my 11 year old nephew, I'd do a helluva lot more that just try to get him fired.
I remember when Biden was chosen, people were applauding Obama's prescience. They were all sure that Biden would be great in fulfilling the traditional Vice Presidential role of personal attack dog for the president. Yet now, they get upset that Palin is doing the same thing. The lady has claws, the Democrats better look out. She was surgical in her evisceration of Obama and his minions.
heh, the global liberal sore heads' heads are extra sore today.
I hope my fellow Americans think clearly on Election Day. I hope they do not vote for McCain. Palin is definitely the weak link. If you do not know,factory jobs in America are becoming extinct. Unemployment is very high. I visited Altlanta Georgia 3 weeks ago. I saw a Ford Auto Plant close. Pretty soon all American cars will be made in 3rd world countries.
I haven't heard any global liberal sore heads' heads tonight. Frothing republicans, yes. < :-)
She sure is dumb.
Topics she didn't say in her speech. The poor,unemployed,disabled vets,people who have decide " do I buy groceries this week or I fill my gas tank " ? These are the people she forgot to mention to help in her speech. All I heard was Obama bashing !!!!
Our opponent has written two memoirs but has never wrote a bill.
barack obama = showhorse, talker
Sarah Palin = workhorse, doer
Palin proves herself once again with a great speech. She laid out who she is, what she has done, and what she will do. Obama is in some serious trouble. A Republican Vice-Presidential nominee woman with more experience than the Democratic Presidential nominee will be the talk point for months. There is nothing Obama can do to move around it. Instead, he sends his attack dogs in the media to diminish her reputation, and yet they are failing one-by-one. No wonder Obama's 8-point bounce from the DNC convention is rapidly disappearing.
I took a look at the comments posted on CNN about Palin's speach.
After 55 comments, this is where we stand:
45 people didn't like it. 5 liked it.
I DQ'd 5 people from the count (all against) for either a) admitting they couldn't vote as they were non-Americans or b) only commenting that she has a shrieky voice.
Don't shriek at me. Those were the numbers.
took a look at the comments posted on CNN about Palin's speach (sp). After 55 comments, this is where we stand: 45 people didn't like it. 5 liked it.
Heh, you can smell the fear from the democrat lemmings who support the "community organizer".
The more I learn about things outside of the US, the more Republicans sound fanatical. Its funny since that is exactly what we are supposed to be fighting in Iraq. People who stick to a belief even if it leads to a path of destruction. We have 8 years of evidence to show us what the "conservatives" want. Widen the gap between the haves and the have nots. Use the facade of patriotism to pull the wool over the eyes of the average working man. Attack anyone who questions you as weak and unwilling to act. Apparently, thinking before you act is weakness. Truly sad!!!
45 people didn't like it. 5 liked it.
That's fear? Maybe that's straight talk opinions.
I'm gone. Just scared to death. < :-)
This speech was for the base and did not reach out to independents. It's difficult to see what, if any element of Palin would reach out to independents. The fact is, she was chosen to shore up McCain with the base. That presupposes that he has support elsewhere. McCain circa 2008 is a whole different person from McCain circa 2000 and everyone knows it. Everyone is aware of his sucking up to the "agents of intolerance" and flip-flopping on the Bush tax cuts. Then there's the insane militarism. With Iraq enjoy an enormous disapproval rating, I doubt too many people are eager to attack Iran, Russia, or any place McCain seems intent on going to war.
This convention was all about at least making sure he has republicans. Winning over anyone else will be an uphill battle and then some and Palin does nothing for that cause but hurt it with her inexperience - and the pitbull routine won't help there either.
Gov. Palin’s speech was right on! She is exactly what America needs now. The women of the U.S. have a special chance to break through that “glass ceiling” once and for all. I hope they do not ignore it.
The candidate from the party I support is gonna beat the candidate from the party you support! Sucker!
My goodness! What a loser. McCain has thrown the election away.
What America needs right now is a massive cognitive enema and Palin did not provide that. Obama, Biden and McCain are not providing it either. I think Obama comes closest, but until American citizens take the purgative, he--and every one else--is talking into a consciousness badly in need of fiber.
I think your right Rush Limbaugh's poll has the race at 80% McCain 12% Obama
Pat Robertson's Poll is closer at 62% McCain 20% Jesus 10% Obama and/or Satan
Sean Hannity's poll: McCain 78% Obama 4%
Ann Coulter: McCain 85% Obamma 11%
Bill O’Reilly poll proclaim's: Bill O'Reilly 30% McCain 30% Obama 17%
and last but not least Ted Stevens poll has McCain at 126% and Obama at -27%
I did not include the "other" candidates percentage points
McCain will win this election because even god says so.
She gave an outstanding speech tonight. One of the best lines as RR pointed out was:
It's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform — not even in the state Senate.
This would be even more damning if it were true. Which it isn't.
according to the Library of Congress' THOMAS legislative database, Obama was the primary sponsor of 152 bills and resolutions introduced in the last Congress, including a bill (S.2125) that passed Congress on December 8, 2006
They call her that cuz she looks good in stripes.
McCain/Palin , their names are all ended with "IN". This can only mean they will be victorious and "in the white house, in the government, in the power..". McCain's ability to pick a winner is AMAZING.
She won't do anything unless McCain kicks the bucket.
McCain's 72? According to the average life expectancy for American men, he'll be dead before his first term's up.
Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy on Sarah Palin
These are not nobody's; They are top dog Republican pundits.
Please feel free to review their resumes they are Republican political heavyweights. I provide Michael Murphy's wiki results because there are so many and I want to make sure you get the right one; especially considering he has been a professional consultant to McCain.
Here I thought it was because she was the lead singer of the band, Heart.
ramen, Yep. Those facts scare the pants off me. Numbers do too. Especially 8. Never trust the number 8. That's a sneaky.
Peggy Noonan was a primary speech writer and Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan. Because of that I could not resist a link to a picture of them together. It is part of my preemptive strike that these individuals are not huge in the pundit industry.
So being mocked is the thanks Obama gets for telling people to lay off her family yesterday?
Classy lady.
The most popular governor outside the lower 50, maybe?
Nessie, You are correct but you also need to look at how many times he voted with McCain on McCain sponsored bills.
I am telling you, the only difference between these guys are: aga race war Pro-life/pro-choice
No matter who wins this election, Americans get swindled again....
McCain is now 72. He is the same age as Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi.
Average life expectancy for US males is now over 78.
But I think we can safely say John McCain was never your average American male.
If you want to factor in genetics it's Barack (redacted) Obama who is looking at a shorter than average life span, and one with a marked predisposition to addiction.
"McCain joined her on stage....At 72, the Arizona senator is the oldest first-time nominee in history."
And the least informed.
"The 44-year-old Palin, scarcely known a week ago,...."
including by the man who tapped her. :-)"Victory in Iraq is finally in sight; he wants to forfeit,” she said of Obama. “Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America; he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights.”
Heh, nice try, but what she is conveniently ignoring is that the war in Iraq has inflicted near catastrophic harm on America's economy, helping to bury it under nearly $6 trillion more in debt during the Bush years, thanks in no small part by the war he launched after completely failing to prevent a terrorist attack on the US homeland even after being repeatedly warned of AQ's intentions.
What else is Sarah Palin going to make up?
And where was Bush? For the first time since the 1960s, the incumbent president was not at a Republican convention.
Lucky for McCain that hurricane spared him from having to endure being photographed beside the worst U.S. president in living memory.
Heh, I even read there were no plans for Bush to be there in the first place - McCain knew how damaging it would be for him to be seen beside the man he has been trying so hard to distance himself from.
goodDonkey: "She sure is dumb"
That sure is a dumb statement.
Sarah Palin: "Victory in Iraq is finally in sight; he ( Obama ) wants to forfeit. Al Qaida is still plotting to inflict catastrophic harm on America; he's worried that someone won't read them their rights."
Right on, Sarah!
Thanks for that link, Superlib.
Heh, even if those within the Republican party see the writing on the wall, at least it's refreshing to see healthy, steady doses of Denial from the hardcore support base on JT.
"Lucky for McCain that hurricane spared him from having to endure being photographed beside the worst U.S. president in living memory."
I particularly liked the fact that they had timed it for the Dubya address coming to an end just as the US TV networks were switching to live convention coverage...
But even though the lame duck president has tried to distance himself from the old geezer they slimed back in 2000, it 'aint gonna be enough.
Yes, McCain wants to distance himself from Bush. So are you criticizing him or praising him for that?
"Yes, McCain wants to distance himself from Bush."
After voting with him 95% of the time?
Heh, he will be needing nothing short of helping hand from Jesus Christ hisself for that one...
HelterSkelter - praising him.
"Heh, even if those within the Republican party see the writing on the wall"
It says, "Victory is ours yet again!"
I agree with Sarge.
Great speech Palin. She showed what a true politician she is. Obama was be quacking in his shoes. He he he.
Oh, sarge....I don't think the McCain campaign can take anymore of your incredible divining rod...
Colonel: "Obama was be quacking in his shoes."
Har! I think I know what you mean - correct me if I'm wrong:
Obama and Madverts must be shaking in their boots.
Palin: "He ( McCain ) is a man who wore the uniform of this country for 22 years, and he refused to break faith with those troops in Iraq who have now brought victory within sight. And as the mother of one of those troops, that is exactly the kind of man I want as commander in chief."
Right on, Sarah!
ColAmerica - "I agree with Sarge."
Pity is Sarge didn't think McCain was right for this job and - like millions of Americans - has been boxed into a corner to support a candidate they never originally thought had a chance.
"Obama and Madverts must be shaking in their boots."
Yes, with laughter at the ridiculous candidates the GOP has coughed up.
An old guy and a "hockey mum" - one is hellbent on continuing a war even if he doesn't have a strategy, and the other is hellbent on revving up the cowboy-hat-wearing Rednecks whose "worldview" contains America and nothing else. :-)
But at least Sarge had the guts last week to admit he was in error.
Heh, unlike Sen. McCain who just wants to go all out to win the "war on terror" while completely disregarding the economy of the country he supposedly represents.
Meaningless stat. Show us a Republican senator who hasn't voted with his party "95 percent of the time" while Congress has been controlled by these deadbeats Pelosi and Reid .
The same Senate that voted unanimously to make Gen Petraeus the commander of all forces in Iraq included 25 defeatist Democrat senators who later voted against an amendment condemning the Soros-funded smear of Petraeus published in the NY Times.
Sushi - I never thought McCain never had a chance. He's simply not my first choice. Fred Thompson was my first choice. Great speech by Thompson, by the way, did you see it?
I hope not. Then McCain/Palin will get the sympathy vote like Bush did. "He is not dumb, he just has trouble speaking." Uhmm... sometimes both are true! I hope Biden beats her like a gentleman. And I hope those borderline Republicans who vote on gentlemanly behavior take notice.
Going through the article, it seems that just about every statement has a fatal flaw. I will be picking them apart when I find the time.
For now:
Guess again. He has run successful campaigns for both the State and National Senate, and that takes leadership. He seems to be running a pretty good presidential campaign right now, and quite a lot of people under him. He already has a great number of Americans following him already. If you don't see that, then you must be Rip van Winkle and still asleep.
Ah JFC! Everybody has the same timetable for cripe's sakes.
The big point is that no U.S. soldier would have died in Iraq if Obama had his way. That is the kind of leader we need, not the kind that covers %$>% with roses and prays the smell will go away on its own after the perfume wears off.
Sarge - "Great speech by Thompson, by the way, did you see it?"
No, haven't had time yet.
Kevin Lee Brooke
Yeah, I saw that too. Only difference is, I'm actually smarter than a lugnut and can see through CNN's blatant cherry picking.
First off, the site is a flamin' liberal hot spot. However, beyond that, if you post an opinion there, you will then be able to see, in fine gray print, the following message:
"Comments are moderated by CNN and will not appear on this story until after they have been reviewed and deemed appropriate for posting. Unfortunately, due to the volume of comments we receive, not all comments can be posted."
LOL! So much for "fair" media. They could at least ATTEMPT to show some balance.
Their OWN online poll exposes their biased cherry picking methods for their "sound off" section: 44% "thumbs down" to 39% "thumbs up". Much, much less disparity than their readers' comments section - courtesy of CNN's own "divine intervention".
Now, MSNBC for their part (though they tend to lean even MORE to the left than CNN) also had an online poll of the speech. On the questions of "Was VP pick Sarah Palin's speech effective in introducing herself and boosting John McCain's campaign? , the choices were:
a. She proves she is ready for an all-out fight b. No. She spent too much time trying to mock Obama. c. It remains to be seen what she can do on the campaign trail without a teleprompter and speech writer.
And, out of 48,000+ responses thus far, the results were 50%, 33%, 18% respectively. Match point goes to Palin on this one.
CavemanLawyer - "The big point is that no U.S. soldier would have died in Iraq if Obama had his way. That is the kind of leader we need."
Exactly. McCain is simply trying to cover up for the collosal error he made by supporting the invasion. The horse has bolted Sen. McCain, the horse has bolted.
Thankfully, sensible Americans know that America doesn't need the "leadership" that McCain doesn't have.
They'll be voting Obama/Biden.
Kevin Lee Brooke
"After voting with him 95% of the time? "
First off, the typical number the dems like to spin with this is 90%, not 95% - please try to stay within your party's own web of lies.
Second, this is totally untrue - just spin.
It was kind of like listening to Al Gore in 2000 whose theme was "We're not going to take it anymore!" Governor Palin thundered "Washington is not working" but her party had sole control of the government for six of the past eight years (just like Al Gore was part of the incumbent administration.)
So what's wrong, whose fault is it and how do they plan to fix it? Little substance there and supremely ironic since of course John McCain is, after all, a Washington insider (something then reformer/outsider GWB made much of in 2000).
Moreover, all the emphasis on drilling in Alaska will make Putin feel very confident about his country's future. As long as we're dependent on oil, Russia's sitting pretty in the world and will behave accordingly.
Didn't Dick Wolf write that speech for him?
I did not know about the moderation of CNN's comments. As such, even though I don't believe CNN is a liberal as you believe and I also doubt that only the negative comments were filtered, I still withdraw the point.
Palin's pastor is a total lunatic. Her husband is a member of the Alaska Independence party (they want to split from America. She spoke at their convention). She supports abstinence-only sex education (and she is "proud" of her pregnant teenage daughter). She is currently being investigated for abusing her power (She fired some state police official because he refused to fire her ex-brother-in-law). She's got tax trouble. The list is sure to grow as time goes on. This is it? This is the person second-most qualified to be the president? Did McCain get into some of that meth that fuels a shocking portion of Alaska's population? Seems so.
Ah, the liberl trolls are trying to paint Palin and her remarks in a bad way. Too bad guys, she give ut straight, and folks are respecting her oratory skills and traditional family values.
Of course Palin mocks Obama, the guy is a complete dork. Hahaha.
SuperLib: your post of 11:18 am..
I know Sarah Palin will get hammered on "Troopergate" since the recording of Frank Bailey, the governor's director of boards and commissions, was caught on tape doing her bidding. She thinks she can convince Americans that she did not ask him to make that call. She is confusing the lower 48 state's Americans with the electorate that hired Ted Stevens. We are not the public responsible for electing Ted Stevens, the corrupt Senator from Alaska; we are the electorate that indited him. I saw her tonight on World News Now and she was lying her ass off.
Hoss - I see McCain and Palin have got Hoss's knickers in a twist! Hee hee!
Hoss1 - Unfounded stories about this woman will not harm her credibility.
She has gained the respect of decebt folk already. Those of us who live a clean living wholesome life, will support McCain and Palin, there is no other option.
Palin continue your attacks on the Dems, they deserve it, and they will be routed in the election.
Way to go McCain, Palin!!
It has been proved that no matter how bad a candidate is, half of America will be voting for him, e.g. Bush. Way to go for McCain and Palin.
The paranoid-outsider tradition of GOP politics was on full display last night. The media elites don't like me cuz I'm from a different background! So let me introduce myself, I'm just a hockey Mom but don't pass judgment on my parenting priorities or you will be accused of sexism.
I guess reality doesn't fit into the conservative perspective. Are you saying that it's not true? Unfounded stories har har hum...Yeah, I guess if you say it's not true, it didn't happen. The blatant idiocy of some people is what gets my "knickers in a twist".
Now that everyone has agreed "Washington is broken" I hope that McCain will offer specifics on how they plan to fix it (beyond cutting out all earmarks will will result in a savings of less than USD 20 billion a year). Railing about earmarks also opens the door to an examination of his running mate Sarah Palin's efforts to secure exactly such largesse while Mayor of Wasilla.
Much has been made here that female candidates are held to a different standard as far as balancing childcare, in Palin's case of a disabled infant, with a demanding job. But what male candidate has ever touted himself as a "hockey Dad"? Male candidates generally do not make reference to their role as parents so nobody questions them about how they plan to balance the two parts of their lives. If you want to address the disparity, go to the roots.
If McCain is so goshed-darn great, how could Republicans have rejected him 8 years ago for George W. Bush, the worst president of all time and one that Republicans distance themselves from now?
SpecialReportUS - Unfounded stories about this woman will not harm her credibility.
Here is her address to the AIP. Her husband was a member in 1996 and 2000. Pat Buchanan said on TV she came to his fundraiser. All facts...Yes?
How does secession from the union put 'country first'?
Sarah's speech was outstanding and after reading the posts here, heh, the fear by liberals is so thick that you can walk on it.
SpecialReportUS, Sarge, RomeoRamen
Here are some of Palin's lies!!!
Lie: I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending ... and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. I told the Congress 'thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge to Nowhere."
Fact: As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. While Palin notes she rejected plans to build a $398 million bridge from Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents and an airport, that opposition came only after the plan was ridiculed nationally as a "bridge to nowhere."
Lie: There is much to like and admire about our opponent. But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform — not even in the state senate.
Fact: Compared to McCain and his two decades in the Senate, Obama does have a more meager record. But he has worked with Republicans to pass legislation that expanded efforts to intercept illegal shipments of weapons of mass destruction and to help destroy conventional weapons stockpiles. The legislation became law last year. To demean that accomplishment would be to also demean the work of Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, a respected foreign policy voice in the Senate. In Illinois, he was the leader on two big, contentious measures in Illinois: studying racial profiling by police and requiring recordings of interrogations in potential death penalty cases. He also successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform legislation.
Lie: The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes, raise payroll taxes, raise investment income taxes, raise the death tax, raise business taxes, and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars."
Fact: The Tax Policy Center, a think tank run jointly by the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, concluded that Obama's plan would increase after-tax income for middle-income taxpayers by about 5 percent by 2012, or nearly $2,200 annually. McCain's plan, which cuts taxes across all income levels, would raise after tax-income for middle-income taxpayers by 3 percent, the center concluded.
Obama would provide $80 billion in tax breaks, mainly for poor workers and the elderly, including tripling the Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum-wage workers and higher credits for larger families.
He also would raise income taxes, capital gains and dividend taxes on the wealthiest. He would raise payroll taxes on taxpayers with incomes above $250,000, and he would raise corporate taxes. Small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year would see taxes rise.
If McCain is so goshed-darn great, how could Republicans have rejected him 8 years ago for George W. Bush
Gotta also ask yourself if biden "is so goshed-darn great", how come he could only muster five percent of the vote - within his own party - when he was running for U.S. President earlier in this election cycle?
Romeo...The only thing "thick" here is your and other's desparation to try to find some reason to believe this woman is anything other than a shrill attack-dog. So she proved she can read someone else's words from a teleprompter. Her cheap shots at Obama were just that, and do not change the fact that all she and McCain are selling is fear. There is no plan. Name one significant issue that she actually proposed something specific on. Sorry, but fear ain't gonna work this time. Vision and change will win.
SpecialReportUS, Sarge, RomeoRamen
More lies!!!!
McCain said "She's the commander of the Alaska National Guard. ... She has been in charge, and she has had national security as one of her primary responsibilities," he said on ABC.
Fact: While governors are in charge of their state guard units, that authority ends whenever those units are called to actual military service. When guard units are deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, for example, they assume those duties under "federal status," which means they report to the Defense Department, not their governors. Alaska's national guard units have a total of about 4,200 personnel, among the smallest of state guard organizations.
My freshmen class in University had more participants. It is not that great an accomplishment.
Mitt Romney said "We need change, all right — change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington — throw out the big-government liberals, and elect John McCain and Sarah Palin."
Fact: George W. Bush, a conservative Republican, has been president for nearly eight years. And until last year, Republicans controlled Congress. Only since January 2007 have Democrats have been in charge of the House and Senate.
This is also helps explain why Congress's approval rating is so low. In addition to George Bush's approval rating.
SpecialreportUS - George Bush Jr. is a real dork!!!Ha Ha Ha. And most of the US agrees with me. It's a fact.
Basically she borrowed the line from her 17-year old soon to be son-in-law's MySpace profile: "Ya f *** with me I’ll kick [your] ass."
Defiance galvanized the base much more than Mittens' milquetoast warm-up act. I look forward to the fight....
what you can say about the speech is that is "was a very good delivery". She didn't write it - it was firstly written weeks ago for a 'man' and had to be rewritten for the 'woman'. It has taken a week continuously, if you believe Washington Post et al of professional writers to construct it and now doubt hours and hours of practice before adjudicators to get the effects right. If you want to see her quality it has be to done in a an unrehearst setting/debate preferably with Obama. It was a political speech, please don't forget, which all the efforts of her Party put together.
RomeoRamen wrote:
Gotta also ask yourself if biden "is so goshed-darn great", how come he could only muster five percent of the vote - within his own party - when he was running for U.S. President earlier in this election cycle?
McCain was all that was left. Compared to opponents in his party, he had the least number of major flaws. That is why it has been so hard for him to get the base behind him. They never really wanted him to begin with.
Heh, the panic. The panic as the liberals look for a place on the lifeboats as the Good Ship Change You Can Believe In sinks.
Jwills: THere was an interesting argument spelling those lies out:
The funniest was by Romney:
"FORMER MASSACHUSETTS GOV. MITT ROMNEY: "We need change, all right — change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington — throw out the big-government liberals, and elect John McCain and Sarah Palin."
THE FACTS: A Back-to-the-Future moment. George W. Bush, a conservative Republican, has been president for nearly eight years. And until last year, Republicans controlled Congress. Only since January 2007 have Democrats have been in charge of the House and Senate."
Man, are republicans EVER desperate. It's simply amazing people are so willing to ignore facts.
To McCain/Palin supporters,
What do you think of this article?
Moderator: The URL will suffice.
I remember Attorney General Gonzales fired the attorneys and all the Republicans and other conservatives who are the defenders at JT said we would never take him down. Sarah fired her ex-brother-in-law without justification and the conservatives think she will weather those accusations. But yesterday she had to hire an attorney for this matter and yesterday the governor's director of boards and commissions had to refuse to testify. As you can examine my record of comments I have not commented on "Troopergate" prior to a few hours ago. I am a man of facts. I can't stand when someone proves me wrong. But when I saw her lying her ass off and I looked into the matter it became clear that it is now getting to be a big story and she is in big trouble. She abused her power by having a relation by marriage fired but she also fired his boss for not being obedient to her desires. It is clear that her actions were deliberate and there is tape to back up the allegations. It is now on the national news radar and she is on the run.
Oh it's on. lol
I heard Obama walked up to McCain and say, "I choose you." So it's on.
One more post will make it true, ramen. One more...
ROFLCOPTERS! Yes, classic indeed! Good find.
don't know how much a VP is going to help a candidate win a presidential election.. But, if it were based on the VP, this lady would blow Biden away. Hopefully, he won't have to face off with her. Obama will blow McCain away.. in a live debate but Palin would roll over Biden..
"This is a man [Obama] who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word "victory", except when he's talking about his own campaign."
Mod, the URL was moved:
That I must say was refreshing, Republican talking heads speaking truthfully! LMAO
Too god, now if tey would say this in the open!LOL Honesty is a hard pill to pass to the diehards!LOL
mar4eO: All you're admitting with that (bogus) quotation is that the republicans are not only filling your head with lies, but you're going for them hook, line, and sinker! Did you even bother looking into half the claims they made during that speech?? It was so trumped up and full of flattering statements and finessing that they're never going to be able to live it down. What's more, anyone who actually buys into even a FEW of the so-called 'facts' they mentioned is in complete and utter denial.
I'll bet you heaps of money that in less than a few seconds you could google a speech Obama gives that touches on 'any of the wars America is invovled in' (which is too many, but that's another thread) and you'll find him using the word victory alright. It may not be in the context of am out-and-out lie, like you hear the word used with Republicans, but it'll be there.
Absolutely hilarious!!! Talk about 'galvanized' alright... even the entire republican party knows they're done! hahaha
Of the 130 posts so far on this thread there have so far been 37 pro-Republican/neutral posts and 93 anti-Republican/pro-Democrat posts. Pro-Dem posters are more vocal here than Pro-GOP posters by almost a 3:1 ratio. Why? If this presidential race is in the bag and Obama/Biden's victory is a no-brainer, why so many posts Dems? Irrational insecurity? Narcissism? Anyone?
USNinJapan2- These liberals are running scared. Palin is probably the greatest vp candidate ever. Palin can mock Obama easily, due to his constant buffoonary, flip flops and gaffs. Her superior intellect and morals are just the ticket for decent folk.
Try this one for size, it CORRECTS Palin`s lies about her so called record.;_ylt=AsWGyJy21bTDzn1hX7mn4D.s0NUE
jwills79 wrote:
There was an even better candidate available. Why not choose the #1 pick.
That's debatable considering hillary won the popular vote in the dem primaries.
Anyway, team obama chose biden as his running mate, a guy who's been in the Senate since the days of Richard Nixon who won only 3 percent of the popular vote in the democrat presidential primary in his home state of Delaware, and 1 percent or less in every other contest he entered this time around. The guy is ballot-box poison.
obama apparently chose him to silence critics who pointed to his lack of foreign policy credentials. That was a campaign ending error, for kow-towing to those who claim he knows little about foreign policy, obama raised questions about whether he is qualified to be president in the first place.
He had a winning alternative: pick hillary. That would have sent a double message to the American voters, First, that obama is tough enough to make a clinton into his subordinate. And second, he would have extended an olive branch to his toughest adversary in the name of party (and national) unity.
But as I have posted before, the democrats only know how to play defense. Come Nov. 5, mondale, dukakis, gore and kerry will have a new neighbor on the trash heap of democrat wannabees: you know, the guy who doesn't look like all the other presidents on the dollar bill.
Noonan has posted her explanation at The Corner:
Man, she's good:
"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening."
Heh, the GOP is wasting no time letting American voters know barack obama is the least qualified candidate to run for U.S. President ever.
Are you saying that my post regarding Superlibs earlier link is anti-rebuplican and therefore I am a democrat?
If so, I think you should reconsider.
I just find it extremely funny. If it were against Obama the laughter would still be there.
Perhaps you need a recount eh?
Romeo: "Heh, the GOP is wasting no time letting American voters know barack obama is the least qualified candidate to run for U.S. President ever."
What happened to 'least experienced'? I guess they can't really make up that crap anymore, can they? They have to slightly change the wording to greatly alter the truth.
Mar4eO: "Man, she's good:"
Ummm... yeah, if you consider that she doesn't even write her own speeches. Anyway, it would be SO simple to sink to her level, but instead Obama has insisted on staying away from those kind of attacks (which shoes who has the better grasp on morality).
Basically, these guys are attacking as much as utterly possible as a bizarre means of damage control to just how completely poor a choice McCain/Palin are for what they are attempting to become. They are lying and lying, so that when the truth about Palin comes to light in the full, they might just have done enough damage in some people's mind to win a handful more votes than they would have if they actually bothered to say what they plan to do themselves.
USInJapan: "Of the 130 posts so far on this thread there have so far been 37 pro-Republican/neutral posts and 93 anti-Republican/pro-Democrat posts. Pro-Dem posters are more vocal here than Pro-GOP posters by almost a 3:1 ratio. Why? If this presidential race is in the bag and Obama/Biden's victory is a no-brainer, why so many posts Dems? Irrational insecurity? Narcissism? Anyone?"
It's because it's too simple to point out the sights with actual stats and facts to point out the lies in Palin's speech, not to mention the gaffs while REpublicans forgot the microphones were on; and needless to say to show just how utterly wrong you guys are! Hehehe... but go ahead, keep counting instead of reading. And while you're at it, tell us how many of the posts are RRamen's (include the past few threads as well, please).
She almost makes ya feel sorry for Barack:
"But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed ... when the roar of the crowd fades away ... when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot - what exactly is our opponent's plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger ... take more of your money ... give you more orders from Washington ... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world."
Who wrote her speach?
I agree about Hillary being the definite choice. I also have faith in America and I think he will still win.
Once again look at this video. It just shows how extreme and fanatical these Republicans that support McCain sound like. Especially the old blonde.
smithinjapan wrote:
"the lies in Palin's speech"
Can you provide an example?
TokyoGas - "Who wrote her speech?"
A genius!
Its funny how when the Democrats mock Republicans, its reported as standing up for themselves.
The wacky stream media and the even wacked out left's reaction to Sarah Palin is evidence they know they are in deep trouble. As much as they hate to admit it, they know they would not be in this position if they chose the pantsuit over the empty one.
The only way that Hillary "won" the popular vote is by excluding the caucuses and counting both Florida and Michigan or by failing to allocate any of the Michigan vote to Hillary.
Hillary would have been a good choice if all that was at stake was garnering votes. She would, however, have created bad chemistry. Palin is a good choice for shoring up McCain's lack of conservative credentials and is a clever ploy to appeal to disgruntled Hillary voters.
She'll be a dutiful veep if elected and a weak leader if the top job is suddenly thrust upon her. On a scale of speeches from abysmal to superior, her speech was good but unimaginative and her criticisms of the opposition were pedestrian.
JoeBigs /ap_on_el_pr/cvn_fact_check;_ylt=AsWGyJy21bTDzn1hX7mn4D.s0NUE
PALIN: "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending
THE FACTS: As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million.You can get a break down of the Lies if you want them. Enjoy.....
Lemmings follow............
I finally got a chance to watch her speech.......The lefties here you have a a major Palin problem on your hands....She's good.
Keep digging up the mud JoeBigs...good on ya.
sarge: "Can you provide an example?" (of the lies in Palin's speech)
Not that you're going to bother reading my answer (since it goes against what you want to hear), but...
Palin: (lie) "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending ... and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. I told the Congress 'thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge to Nowhere."
(fact) As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. While Palin notes she rejected plans to build a $398 million bridge from Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents and an airport, that opposition came only after the plan was ridiculed nationally as a "bridge to nowhere."
Palin: (lie) "There is much to like and admire about our opponent. But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform — not even in the state senate."
(truth) Obama has worked with Republicans to pass legislation that expanded efforts to intercept illegal shipments of weapons of mass destruction and to help destroy conventional weapons stockpiles. The legislation became law last year. To demean that accomplishment would be to also demean the work of Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, a respected foreign policy voice in the Senate. In Illinois, he was the leader on two big, contentious measures in Illinois: studying racial profiling by police and requiring recordings of interrogations in potential death penalty cases. He also successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform legislation.
That's but a couple, sarge, and doesn't even include all the finessing and twisting of other facts that couldn't really be called truth either. What's more, when she bashed Obama on tax increases he proposes, she forgets that he offers after-tax returns to Americans that would be 2% higher than in McCain's proposals, and forget to mention that McCain 'hasn't left tax increases off the table' after promising otherwise.
She also attacked Obama's character and said he has no plans himself, etc., when she is just reported to have asked 'god to have a plan' for Iraq. Now, if THAT's not external locus of control and fobbing your plans off on a 'higher power', I don't know what is!
Thank you, I try to be fair and balanced......... If you get a chance check out what the Republican talking heads are really saying about good old McC pick! It is a hoot, especially when they try and back track what is on tape! It is sooooo bloddy funny!LOL Loved it too tooo good!
No, I counted yours and all other 'neutral' posts that weren't obviously pro-Democrat in the same category as pro-Republican. Still only 37 out of 130.
Now you can also say that the Pro Dem have more fire power to go after the Republicans.
Or you could also say that there are more people going to vote for Obama by a 3 to 1 margin. Meaning we have a LANDSLID on our hands! POP the cork boys and girls the White House will be free from Corporate grip! BTW why did you put the neutrals in with the Republicans?You should have broken it into the 3 groups, just to be fair. You are making it seem as if the Republicans are more level headed and fair. Or dare I use the term, Fair and Balanced.....Hm
Goooooooo Good Old McC thank you for picking Palin! Oh yeah the week is not out yet and the fun is just beginning! LOL
I am still waiting fr the other shoe!LOL
Alaska, McCie baby you have lost your bloody mind, or should I say what was left of it!LOL
No offense smith (you're excluded for the most part) but most of your peers' posts do anything but this. If they were mostly objective and informative I wouldn't have a problem. But three times as many as their counterparts is just overkill and makes one suspect the confidence they claim to have in a certain Democratic victory.
As to this, there really must be something wrong with your computer because evidently you're not seeing half the posts I'm seeing from yabits on these same threads. I won't go back and count them, as you seem to disapprove of the numbers I come up with, but from what I've seen yabits is by far a more frequent (and annoying) poster than RomeoRamenII on these political threads. But of course you don't mind...
Why are the Democrats so horribly frightened of a strong woman who can have children and do a man's job as well/better than they themselves??
Isn't that al-Qaeda's turf??
Why is the Left/Democrats so petrified of the 'final frontier' being breached??
They just lost the November Election on focusing on PALIN, and not MCCAIN, because that is a fight they could never win .. ..
Nothing spells desperation like Commonwealth posters listing what they imagine are point by point refutations of a convention speech given by a woman slotted for VP of a party that has held the White House for eight years. If history is any judge the Republicans have no hope of victory.
What is it that has Democrat party supporters so rattled?
I think that's an easy question to answer. I think the Democrats firmly believe the precept that you can't fool all of the people all of the time. The question is about how long some of the time is.
The POSTS number 3 to 1. This does NOT mean that there are three times as many people posting for Democrats vice Republicans. You've got to be a brick to not understand that. To the contrary roughly the same number of poeple are posting here on either side, which means that the pro-Democrat posters like you are posting three times as much as their pro-Republican counterparts. Again, why the need if you don't really think Obama could possibly lose?
No, I included the 'neutral' posts in the count because 1) I didn't want to be accused of being too conservative (pardon the pun) with my tally and 2) I wanted to highlight the fact that even with them included the number of pro-Republican posts still amount to only a third of the pro-Democrat posts. If I didn't do this then it would have looked even worse for you, but that this little detail evidently went right over your head...
I like the way you think, you are not a lemming! You can admit when all is lost. I just hope that all other Republicans would just admit that all is lost and go on with their lives and wait for the next go round!
I really hope Palin goes down in screaming heap, I have been aware of her existence less than a week and I already despise her: the Sarahcudda? try the 'Alaskan Banshee'. I just saw her lame speech on CNN and I now feel ill.
Please America, vote for Obama.
You know if someone other than good old McC was running, I would take a closer look at them. But this man has shown himself to be unstable at ever turn. I feel that he would have been a good President if he would have stuck to his guns and not abandoned them.
But that is another subject.......
So is values........
Did someone say that good old McC was a fiscal Conservative? Oh sorry that was me saying that he was not a Fiscal Conservative.LOL
USNinJapan2: When I pointed out just how many posts were on previous links by those on the right lashing out defiantly against criticism you said something to the tune of, "RomeoRamen and Sarge are have a right to post more because the Republicans are the underdogs here". No, while they are still the underdogs, I still want to point out the very hypocrisy in your post that is that of McCain and co. (which is to say, it's okay for THEM or their followers to point out things... let's say, like inexperience, but when someone OTHER THAN THEM does, you whine about it). In this case, we have you asking 'why is it the Dems have to post so much' (Narcissism? etc.), and then fully admit you guys do exactly the same...
Ah, the hypocrisy! You guys truly are Republicans!
"Ah, the hypocrisy! You guys truly are Republicans!"
Heh, it's amazing how the blind support the same minority of repubs that USNinJapan is singaling out are the very same posters that have given their blind support for Mr 20% Bush Co over the last eight years, and heh, he beat McCain in the 2000 shriekfest.
USNinJapan: Sorry, didn't see your reply to my post above (I did take a quick look, but hey). Anyway, my apologies to the hostility if any in my last post, but my point for the most part holds true.
And to what?
It was an ok speech. She introduced herself well, made her case that she's a regular gal with a lot of spunk, made her case with just enough credibility to sell a populist agenda: WA is broken, lower taxes, America kicks @ss, and indirect cudos to Jesus. She spend a lot of time plugging McCain, which she did very well, in a general sort of way, and really went after Obama.
Which, surprise, she is good at. Gee, who coulda seen that...
It was this bare-teeth towards Obama, and the gleeful jeering and booing of the crowd, that interests me. The most interesting thing about Palin's speech is her attacking and the near mirror-image reaction shared by the Republican delegates at the convention, and the Republican supporters on this thread.
News Flash: REpublicans like all attack, all the time.
Palin did not advocate for Republican issues very well, if at all. Her overly metered and pronounced diction when talking policy really shows she has a long way to go.
The Republicans are gonna loose.
They are gonna loose because no matter how hard you all attack try to sell Maverick, everyone knows which party has been running the country the past eight years.
Save it smith. I don't like seeing anyone, pro-Obama or pro-McCain , posting multiple posts in a row. The only reason I stuck up for RomeoRamenII and Sarge on that thread was because I wanted to make the point that if the Democrats were indeed in such an advantageous position in this election it should be expected of the Republicans (the underdogs) to be more vocal and post more often on these threads. The Dems shouldn't have to exert so much time and energy selling their candidates (and deriding the Republican candidates as they have) if it's really such a cakewalk for them, but here they are, post after post after post times three. I'm not being hypocritical at all. Obama supporters, for whatever reason, are feeling it necessary to campaign three times as hard (at least on this thread) as McCain supporters. Either they have a lot of free time to waste or they're just not as confident in their candidates as they claim to be.
Roger. Sorry I didn't see your last post either...
The Republicans richly deserve to lose. However, I think American's chief concern should be that we do not all lose. It seems to me that civility is necessary for democracy to endure. What's happening now is not civil.
John McCain will be addressing the country tonight. He'll be swinging little fist and talking like a real war-monger. Championing george bush's policies and asking America for 4 more years of the same. < :-)
Check out the headlines on Sarah from the London Times:
Heh, so what's all this global liberal talk about how the U.S. is viewed by the world?
Plus, not once did she apologize for America and still got the Brits respect.
democrat Lemming Day fast approaches.
Swift boating very well may have cost Kerry the election. Both parties know this and are prepared to go the mat. Keep things in perspective: It high campaign season, and the stakes are big.
And yet, thus the Republicans have thus far, avoided vulgar and hateful racism, and the Democrats have avoided vulgar and hateful ageism and sexism. All attacks on these lines have been in code, rather oblique.
This was not so even a generation ago.
I see that as progress.
And you should not be so concerned about civility and democracy enduring: from the begining, our politics has been personal and vicious. REad about James T. Callenders attacks on President Jefferson, or the out right libel against Jackon being a bigamist.
The truth is, democracy is messy. The Free Speech will always rub against Civility; indeed we know we have a functioning republic when people are continually offended by what others have to say.
USNinJapan writes:
The energy and exuberance felt by Dems comes naturally and has little to do with feeling the need to "sell." After candidates like Mondale, Dukakis, Kerry, and Gore -- all good men, but completely uninspiring -- it's great to have a candidate like Senator Barack Obama leading the party. He's going to be a great president!
But thanks for the insight via projection as to what really motivates Republican energy.
What utter crock.
Also the Sydney Morning Herald International Political Page:
She's wowed the Aussies without even having to do an outdoor concert complete with free music, beer and food in front of the Sydney Opera House.
Sarah has proven she can rally our allies.
Politics at its best/worst.
USNinJapan writes:
Counting this post, yabits has 9. Romeo is up to 12.
"Far more frequent?" Looks a lot like Republican math to me.
But thanks for the compliment. A bee in the bonnets of people who've blindly supported leaders who have done so much harm to the American people is not a bad place to be.
This is politics yabits. If you're talking about your candidates then you're selling them. I've always loved how you Democrats act like you (and your cadndidates) exist on a plane of existence floating somewhere above the realm of American politics. And Obama been a part of Chicago politics to boot...
Priceless. Absolutely priceless. I guess even tap water would indeed taste like wine if you go thirsty long enough...
Mrs. Palin correctly points out that barack obama is the most do-nothing, never been there, never done that, U.S. Presidential candidate ever.
smithinjapan and I were talking about several recent threads, not just this one. It would help if you refrained from selective reading if you're going to jump into others' ongoing conversations.
Palin's qualifications as a running mate for a candidate who is the oldest to ever seek the office of president (he would be two years shy of 80, were he to serve a full term, and 82 if he were to serve a consecutive term) certainly seems less than impressive, considering she would be the next in line were anything unfortunate to happen to the president. Mayor and
With a resume that includes recognition as “Miss Congeniality,” a degree in Communication and Journalism, a brief stint as a sports news reporter, time on the city council during which she helped push through an unpopular sales tax, a mayoral term presiding over a town of 6000 during which she proposed the banning of certain books from the public library and the (later reversed) firing of the then-librarian for opposing the plan, Palin has certainly set herself up as being a fine mouthpiece for the issues that many conservatives look to the Republican Party to champion on their behalf, including (but not limited to) the right to bear arms, restrictions on abortion, a divesting of human responsibility for global warming, and, of course, lower taxes. Although, paradoxically, she helped increase taxes on oil company revenues while simultaneously directing large sums of taxpayer money to energy interests in Alaska. I wonder what Big Business will make of that?
Interestingly, this reputation Palin reportedly has as a reformer doesn’t exactly stand up in the face of her decision as as Ethics Supervisor for the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to, well, quit, when the going got tough, being unable to fullfill her duties in the face of corruption from fellow Republicans. If she can’t stand up to members of her own party, then what, realistically, are the odds that she’d be more resiliant in the face of opposition from less friendly opposition, like, I don’t know, Iran, perhaps? Not encouraging, quite honestly.
Is she a reformer? Perhaps. She’s done an appreciable amount to improve the quality of life for Alaskans. In fact, Alaska for Alaskans seems to be a common theme that crops up in her past, including her husband’s recent membership in a political group that actively seeks Alaskan secession from the Union. But is she vice-presidential material? No more or less than Obama is presidential material. Perhaps less so, considering Obama’s vastly superior (yes, we can say it: superior) education at some of the best higher education institutions in America, having studied subjects directly related to the job he seeks, including law and international affairs.
While Palin ridicules Obama’s “community organizer” credentials, his hands-on efforts to make a positive change in his community, including creating a job training program, a college-prep tutoring program, and a tenant-support group, stand in stark contrast to Palin’s activities during the same stage in her life, which include, ahem, reporting the sports news and “helping out” at her husband’s fishing business.
What is more troublesome than Palin’s blatantly obvious role as the token Woman™ to garner disgruntled Hillary-supporters' votes is again, for the umpteen-millionth time, the hypocrisy in McCain's choice for a running mate, particularly as the standard bearer of a supposedly conservative Republican Party.
"Family Values" has been the cornerstone of the Republican platform for as many years as I can personally remember (from just before the Reagan Era). Had a Democrat chosen a running mate with a daughter not only having had verifiable pre-marital sex, but also conceiving a child out of wedlock, the Republican Party, along with its legion of morally self-righteous, would have publicly crucified both candidates without a second thought.
A small consolation is that Palin can at least admit to having smoked marijuana in her youth, a level of honestly far greater than that from our current commander-in-chief who coyly dodged questions regarding cocaine use during his misspent youth in his first presidential bid. Yet again, the tugging strains of hypocrisy are simply astounding.
Still, she has the audacity to claim that she supports a man who is there to serve his country and not just his party, as if Republicans were above that sort of thing. What in the world could she possibly think her role here is as "All Things to All Republicans," if not to serve her party? Ahh, and the fun continues...
USNinJapan writes:
If you are going to bring my name into your ongoing conversations, you can believe I'm going to jump in, especially when you start printing falsehoods. You admitted yourself you hadn't done any counts. You might want to do that -- it just might prevent you from making a fool out of yourself in the future.
By the way, if I felt the urge to post every time I encounter a Republican falsehood, my count would be far higher.
RR: "Sarah has proven she can rally our allies."
Yeah... I guess you must mean with this morning's released "We are in Iraq because it's God's will" speech! Hahaha. THAT will sure get world support!
Fortunately, most will see my sarcasm and realize that this, if nothing else, while gaining the support of radical Christians and nutbags, will solidify opposition to Palin and McCain.
USNinJapan: Hehehe... RR is catching up! I think he has the single most posts on this thread (again).
smithinjapan; And what was wrong with the next VP`s speech?
She tore into Obama, revealing his lack of ability etc.
The speech went down well worlwide, she has policies, substance, decency and old fashioned family values, all the things Obama lacks.
Counting posts and determining motivation upon your tally? Could you be more pedantic? You have claimed to be educated so you should understand your logical fallacy easily. You said we were so vocal due to "Irrational insecurity? Narcissism?." There are a myriad of other reasons various progressives have chosen to comment on this thread. You might as well be using the fallacy of False dilemma. You leave yourself free from the underpinning of such a label by only making implications instead of bold statements. It seems to me that if one was attempting to control others they would level just such accusations. If we don't justify our reasons for making various posts we are subjected to your interpretations. Frankly, I don't care what you think about my posting of comments. You are free to think whatever you would like to think; you can post comments on my motivations all you care to do so, also. I have had fun with trash talk but most of my posts are very thoughtful. I though Palin was a gimmick long before the Republican Conservative commentators used the term. I will continue to comment how I want, when I want and as often as I want. If you have a problem take it up with the JT staff. I won't tell you to stop whining because I don't care what you say. If you want to waste your time with rhetoric about the nature of the posters here and your analysis of why we chose to make more comments then the opposing view has posted, you are free to do so. It just appears to be very pedantic to me.
The title of this thread is "Palin mocks Obama..." I don't spend a lot of time talking about Obama; the man's extraordinary abilities are there for all to see. But after years of witnessing how right-wingers run down Democrats, it's time to put their hypocrisy and failed policies up to the light. The John McCain of 2000 is making a complete mockery of the John McCain of 2008. He's sold out whatever drew a lot of independents to him in past years.
What you appear to hate most is how my posts are an attempt to refresh peoples' memories with the facts of the Republican debacle.
Ahh ok. Thanks for letting me know.
USNinJapan2 said:
Sorry I missed that one before I ended my comment. You were explicit in this quote and it is the logical fallacy of false dilemma. You were not even close to being collectively exhaustive in your assessment. Like I said earlier there can be many reasons we have chosen to comment 3 times as many instances (if your figures are correct - no way am I counting!). I will not other possibilities because I do not believe readers of this thread are so shallow as to not be able to come up with a few of their own. That doesn't mean that if someone continues to taunt and suggest I don't because I can't that I won't clarify the matter later.
I was checking out RomeoRamenII's link above and I found some relavent information.
This post though humorous is truly relevent.
Thanx RomeoRamenII for the direction. < :-)
I commented to smithinjapan that you post far more frequently than RomeRamenII on these political threads. You accused me of lying and of being a fool for making this claim. Well, no one enjoys being called a fool, least of all me, so I fixed myself a cup of joe and went through the last five JT articles (excluding this one naturally) on the presidential election and counted up how many posts you and RomeoRamenII posted on each thread. Here are the results:
McCain picks Alaska Gov Sarah Palin for running mate (246 posts, 30 Aug)
you: 10 RomeoRamenII: 14
McCain defends VP pick (176 posts, 1 Sep)
you: 12 RomeoRamenII: 8
GOP convention opens amid talk of Palin's unmarried daughter being pregnant (174 posts, 2 Sep)
you: 5 RomeoRamenII: 3
Heat is on for McCain, Palin (109 posts, 2 Sep)
you: 11 RomeoRamenII: 0
McCain says Palin's background was thoroughly checked (164 posts, 3 Sep)
you: 12 RomeoRamenII: 0
Deny it all you want yabits but YOU DO POST FAR MORE FREQUENTLY THAN ROMEORAMENII. The numbers don't lie and you stand corrected.
Moderator: That's enough, please. Never mind who posts how often.
Wow, I make a couple of observations to smithinjapan and I get a detailed analysis of my post, with a lesson in Logic 101 on the side, free of charge. Talk about a bargain! You Democrats could be posting more than the Republicans for any number of reasons. You know that, I know that. All I observed was that, TO ME, the abundance of posts by pro-Obama posters sound like they aren't as comfortable and confident in the Democratic Party's odds as they claim to be. Again, it's just what I see when I read all your posts.
Seriously though, do go on posting what you want to your heart's content. I'm not kidding when I say that the last thing I want to do is restrict in any way your right to express your beliefs and opinions, especially on this absolutely critical topic.
So what did Palin say last night about repairing the economy? What did she say about health coverage? Education? What did Palin say last night about repairing our position as a superpower again after the last 8 years? What did Palin say about Afghanistan last night? Besides her bio and a bunch of one-line zingering jokes, what did Palin say of substance last night? < :-)
The speech was clearly written for a man, by men, and then tweaked for Governor Palin to fill in the specifics of her life. She came across as combative and defiant, which may play well to the aggrieved base that feels liberals, whether in or out of power, are responsible for every societal ill, but it won't fly outside that demographic.
What the McCain campaign fails to appreciate is that women don't generalize their anger on to society. All the women I know who've ended up embittered became that way after a failed marriage. By contrast, men can find outlets for their anger over life's disappointments in the form of the likes of el Rushbo (among others). They are quick to lash out even though it all too often flies in the face of the Republican Party's lip service to "personal responsibility." But, even with men, it's unattractive and not a sign anybody should be in a position of leadership.
Palin, in stepping into this decades-long raging culture war over who's responsible for things like single parenthood, fails to realize she won't win the female followers the McCain campaign is banking on. Whether or not one should criticize her for pursuing a high-powered job given the ages of her children is a matter of debate among feminists. Most would say "don't touch it." Certainly nobody has advocated she be barred from seeking the job owing to family responsibilities, that would be sexist.
But given Palin noted her son's decision to enlist in the Army and imminent deployment to Iraq she opened the door to public scrutiny of her other children's choices. While a teen pregnancy could, in theory, happen in many families, most parents would take it as a sign their adolescent children need more supervision. And that's something a parent is best suited to provide. This is the way women who've devoted themselves to child-rearing will look at it. Ditto for those who have jobs and juggle the work/family balance, challenged on a daily basis to ensure they, rather than peers, remain the most important influence on their children's lives. Finally, for those who opted to put the career first, well "voting for Palin is like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders."
I thought the speech was great and it is only those people who fail to see her as both a mother and politician can make arguments on both ends that she is not a good mother and on the other she is too motherly; give me a break. Hogwash, supervision doesn't always spawn perfect kids or adults; they will make their own decisions and mistakes. This has nothign to do with her lack of supervision.
Btw; democrats are always the ones who scrutinize first and when it is thrown in their face or someone fights back automatically they can't take it. They hold the RNC to higher standards only because most conservatives are religious and not openly open to everything thing like the liberals of the DNC who do not hold themselves to higher standards so when they royally mess up it is expected. Sorry but it shouldn't matter, if your going to criticize then you must look at your own back yard as well and not make excuses.
Betzee (and others):
Michigan is one of the key swing states. I find the reaction to Palin's speech by some of the voters who identify themselves as "independents" to be very interesting. Some samples:
“Sarah Palin came across as the small town girl who made good. I knew that I disagreed with her on some issues before this evening. After listening to her speech … it appears that once she makes up her mind, that is the end of it. We live in a gray world, not every answer is black and white.” -- Diane Murphy, 42, Sterling Heights independent
“I was completely underwhelmed. She was a Republican novelty act with a sophomoric script. It was not even a speech I would expect for a someone running for the local PTA, much less for vice president.” -- George Lentz, 66, Southfield independent
“Who is Sarah Palin? I'm sorry but I still don't know anymore about this young lady tonight than I did last night ... The way it looks to me, she's the Republican vice presidential nominee for one reason: because Hillary wasn't selected.” -- Mike Kosh, 38, West Bloomfield independent
Again, what did Palin say to answer the questions I ask above? < :-)
How scary for the feminized men of the left.
I think Hillary would eat Palin alive. The overall election process has turned in to a joke to the free world.
yabits...Interesting quotes. One of the Republican spin folks, a woman, was just on CNN, and she said people should support McCain and Palin because "they are soulmates". (Honest to God.) Soulmates...who never met before a month or so ago. That is the most ridiculous reasoning for a ticket I have ever heard, and shows just how desparate they are to put some justification behind this debacle. This is simply becoming comical. Put a tent on this circus.
t is amazing how they are pumping up her resume. If she is so qualified she should be President and McCain VP. Or Palin/Rommney.
Example of some of the stupid responses?
How can you select a VP with no foreign policy experience?
Republican Ans: She does have experience Alaska is very close to Russia.
My question: Alaska is also close to the North Pole does it mean she has experience with Santa Claus?
Alaskan mountain ranges have some of the highest peaks in the country. It the closest to outer space. Does it mean she also has space exploration policy?
blacktie: you may be right. obama wouldn't be in this much trouble if he picked hillary as a running mate. stupid, stupid, stupid decision to go with biden. maybe its not to late for him to drop biden and live with the fact that he can't get elected without help from the clintons.
In a discussion last night on PBS about presidential candidates dropping their original running mate and taking up a second/new running mate. Those candidates have lost because the voters took them as indecisive. So love her as a "Soul-Mate" or a daughter, she's on-board. < :-)
adaydream asks:
"Again, what did Palin say to answer the questions I ask above?"
She was too busy mocking Barack Obama to provide any substantive answers besides "Trust in John McCain; he can do anything. I'm a hockey mom and I'm tough."
Every time my liberal heart starts to feel some sympathy for conservatives, I remember how they have made life in the USA for liberals since 1980 -- making "liberal" itself a dirty word.
Really? Coleman told the crowd not to donate to charity? Or are you, like most leftists, not able to tell the difference between charitable donations and government confiscation of income for redistribution?
Leftists must not know any married couples, as they make it sound like every woman who has given birth is a single mom.
What, you don't remember the co-presidents of 1992-2000? ;-)
Don't know. Perhaps you should ask him.
I happened to see an "Air Force for McCain" sign in the crowd last night. Must not have been one of your friends.
Winning the general? Yeah, probably.
You haven't noticed all the Japanese car plants in the U.S.? Tennessee just got another one, in fact. The difference? Gee, I wonder what the Japanese manufacturers are doing right that the American manufacturers are doing wrong...?
Wait, just two days ago, the Left was insisting that picking her was just a patronizing move to pick up Hillary's voters. New talking points were issued? Changed your collective mind?
Actually, you're right this time. She was picked to recover the base vote after McCain's history of working across the aisle. And it's working. I guess McCain has figured out that what he thought was his base, the left-wing majority of the American media, isn't going to support him against their Chosen Savior.
Not just a ceiling, but also a wall. The Left thinks they own this voting block or that, and their heads explode whenever a woman or minority is successful without them (See: Condi Rice). Palin, if she gets to office, will prove again that you don't have to play by the DNC rules to be a successful woman. You don't have to be a bitter, man-hating, baby-killing, hairy-legged feminist of questionable sexuality and constant victimhood. And you don't have to hitch a ride on your husband's political career either! Obviously, it's killing them.
Oh, now you're just taking all the fun out of it! :-D
But as you'll recall from another thread, Obama's campaign had his opponent in the state senate race disqualified. And in the national senate, didn't he run against a candidate who pulled a Hilary by running for the office when he didn't truly live there? Also, he doesn't run the campaign. Campaign managers do that. Obama is the product.
Perhaps, but the chance of more American civilians and soldiers dying here and anywhere else Islamic terrorists wished to target them would have been greater.
I am. Let's take your claims one by one:
Her stand on sex-ed is moot, as Bristol Palin had sex-ed at her school, and yet is still pregnant.
How much do you truly know about that?
First I've heard of that. Care to clarify?
Keep putting your eggs in that basket. Please. The left will look just as petty, vindictive and foolish as they have for wasting tax money on investigating Bush for firing federal judges. When the law says someone can be fired for any reason or no reason at all, that's exactly what it means.
While the "WPoAT" is still debatable, the worst of our lifetimes is clearly Carter. Or maybe your lifetime doesn't go back that far. In any case, McCain isn't so gosh-darn great, it's just that your candidate is so blatantly horrible, and frankly, ridiculous. But more on that later.
Facts, yes. The only ones you are missing are her membership, and any evidence she supported secession. Good luck with that.
You're leaving many forms of taxation out of your "fact". Therefore, you're not telling the whole truth. Whether intentional or not, you're being misleading.
The irony that the above two posts were written by Obama supporters is... galactic! Huberts, where do you get your information? My sources say that the speech was co-written by Palin. Not only that, but...
wait for it...
The teleprompter broke. Yes! When the applause started, instead of the teleprompter pausing, it kept scrolling. She had to work from memory and ad-lib the rest. Same thing happened to Giuliani, who spoke just before her. So she can keep going when the teleprompter breaks, yet another reason she's more qualified than Obama. You've seen the YouTube video where his teleprompter breaks, haven't you? The man can't even finish a sentence, much less a speech! And you would think it would be easy, considering how he's been giving the same stump speech since 2004.
As for unrehearsed debates, I'm still waiting for Obama to take McCain up on his repeated invitations.
So you're defending a man who made death threats against Palin's family (and her too) and tasered his stepson? You do realize the trooper has been placed on leave for those and other charges (getting his fellow troopers to not bust him for DUI, multiple times), will probably face jail time, and only has his job (by a thread) because his union intervened?
"without justification" Pffft. That makes this so much more delicious:
No, you're a man with your own set of facts.
Finally, you get something right.
Really? Where? Leftist blogs? Kos? DU? Did you look here:
I remember people claiming there was a tape of Michelle Obama using the term "whitey". I’m still waiting for it.
Who, for example?
franknbeans did a poll on another thread, and found that more pro-McCain/Palin posters on JT are actually able to vote in the U.S. Many more.
Excuse me? Perhaps you should ask an Alaskan (a democrat, by the way):
A snippet: "After she got into office she started going after corrupt legislators, and with the FBI's help we've put four of them in prison, indicted six more and the "Corrupt Bastard's Club" as they arrogantly called themselves (even had hats made with CBC on the front!) suddenly found it no fun anymore."
And that spells out a huge difference between Palin and Obama (and Biden): Obama talks constantly about change, but what has he changed? His church? No. Chicago politics? No. The state senate? National senate? The War? No, no, no. He hasn't changed a single thing. Palin has given Alaska more change in two years than Obama has given any form of government in his lifetime. Palin has gotten where she is by changing the political scene around her. Obama has gotten where he is by riding the political scene around him.
But when you (or anyone else) are asked to list them...
That your presidential candidate has none. Was he really the best you could come up with?
For all those trying to claim that McCain equals a third Bush term, here are the points I gave someone else on another thread:
McCain fought for campaign finance reform — McCain-Feingold — that Bush resisted and ultimately signed because he had no choice.
McCain led the battle to restrict interrogation techniques of terror suspects and to ban torture.
McCain went with Joe Lieberman on a tough measure to curb climate change, something Bush denies is going on.
McCain opposed the Bush tax cuts when they passed.
McCain urged the Iraq surge, a posture Bush rejected for years before conceding its wisdom.
McCain favors FDA regulation of tobacco and sponsored legislation to that effect, a position all but a handful of Republican senators oppose.
McCain's energy bill, also with Lieberman, is a virtual blueprint for energy independence and development of alternate sources.
After the Enron scandal, McCain introduced sweeping reforms in corporate governance and legislation to guarantee pensions and prohibit golden parachutes for executives. Bush opposed McCain's changes and the watered-down Sarbanes-Oxley bill eventuated.
McCain has been harshly critical of congressional overspending, particularly of budgetary earmarks, a position Bush only lately adopted (after the Democrats took over Congress).VOR
daydream; who on the republican side is talking about mccain dropping palin? it is obama that ought to be looking at biden with a jaundiced eye right about now if he has any chance of beating mccain/palin in many of the key battleground states particularly ohio, where once again the presidency will be decided. if obama chose hillary, this election would already have been over, now its a horse race.
VOR writes: "stupid, stupid, stupid decision to go with biden [sic]."
(Wondering aloud if the use of small font for the names of Democrats is an indicator of multiple identities.)
Yes, you were supporting Obama until he did that, weren't you?
Whoever wrote the speech, it was a missed opportunity for the GOP.
Palin was supposed to be a new conservative. Instead, her speech sounded and read like the a farternity rah rah for the right. It excited the Repub base by attack attack attack. With her attacks on Obama, she just showed herself to be just another Republican that America knows all to well.
Karl Rove
What we have here Ladies and Gentlemen is a lack of communication. (borrowed) A candidate who mastered the English language and has a inept way of saying that her and her Soul-Mate have any idea how to solve any of the pressing problems that affect the United States except Drill..Drill..Drill.
Oh she was grand in her moment until you realize she did nothing but read george bush's speach-writers trash, say nothing of substance and never really stated their plans.
But gosh, she's the very best that the republicans could find. < :-)
Palin. She DEFINITELY has Dick Cheney's DNA. Open and transparent government? Apparently to Palin, "Open and Transparent" means "We'll tell you what we decided in private in an open and transparent manner." (WRH) If this woman makes November's voting day I'll be very surprised indeed!
Thank you for your thoughts. However, I think everyone should be concerned about loss of civility. I see no increase in civility over the last 4 years and I see a marked decrease over the last 50.
Yes, democracy--like every other form of government--is messy. And, yes, we have always had incivility. We have not always had a 24-hour news cycle that constantly fed our prejudices and we have not always had easy anonymity.
Oh! My God! It turns out that Palin is an "Israel-First"er, like McCain! When will Amerika learn:
When will the US get a President & VP who put America 1st, 2nd & 3rd? Not last?
Never been asked of a male candidate, not even when Biden tragically became a single parent, yet continued working in the senate. Well, so much for the party of "progressives". It now appears they would prefer women stay at home barefoot and pregnant.
and yet he will be a far superior President to the bonafide Texas moron who currently sits in that office.
Palin quit before the FBI/IRS investigation into corrupt Republican leadership in Alaskan politics. Her reason for walking away from her responsibilities as Ethics Supervisor was because fellow commissioner Randy Ruderich, of all things, used office equipment for personal business. Unethical? Yes. A giant boo-yah to corruption in Alaska? I wouldn’t exactly characterize quitting one’s job as the best way to go about fulfilling one’s duties to root out corruption, especially since you can only quit once. Nice to know Palin was there watching the backs of Alaskan taxpayers, err... once. Should translate well if she ever makes it to the White House as McCain's pandering showpiece.
In the meantime, the corrupt Alaskan politicians jailed were removed from office through the efforts of the FBI and the IRS, as well as the U.S. Department of Justice. Palin wasn’t involved in the active investigation beyond giving statements for evidence.
So, at the end of the day, we still have someone who quit when handed responsibility for something she is supposedly being touted for, namely a great force for ethics. And as we speak, the ethics probe into Palin's governing methods, which include firing police chiefs for not taking sides in her daughter's divorce and custody battle, continues...
That, BTW, is just what I've gathered this morning from actual Alaskans...
WhiteHawk said:
First of all I never defended the man. So you are using the silly technique of the Straw Man fallacy. You are arguing against me in a point I never made. Feel free to quote my defense of the trooper. She fired the ex-brother-in-law's boss also; you forgot to mention that is also part of the ongoing investigation. I looked for a conviction on his death threats and was unable to find any. Do you have such a record of said death threats? WhiteHawk the one who trots out patriotism when ever America needs defending, does not seem to support a tenant of our constitution which is: innocent until proven guilty. How kind of you do give the alleged victim the benefit of the doubt. Do you even have a name for the person who was threatened? What was said to that person? When? Give me a break! By the way Gonzalez is gone. Vamoose. Not just myself but many other proud Americans were not going to put up with Bush's political firings. Was what Bush did legal? Who cares? It was unethical and he paid the price. Hopefully Palin will also have to pay the price and it may be a factor in bring the party down. Oh and contrary to your devices I will be honest and admit that this post constitutes a defense of the trooper. But it is limited to questioning whether he in fact ever did perform the allegations against him. Until you show proof beyond a reasonable doubt I will withhold judgment. However, I will admit maybe he did threaten someone with death. It exists within the realm of possibilities. I take such threats very seriously and whether a person meant to carry out the threat or not I feel such a case should be litigated.
To jwillis That is just one plant. I am talking about thousands upon thousands of people who lost there jobs. Lost their houses due to sub prime morgage. I am talking about the economy. Critizing me doesn't really help the situation. Palin's speech doesn't talk about the American people with debt. Or alot of unemployed Americans out there.
I thought Obama handled it very well. He simply smiled and said something to the effect, "You're a novice to this level of scrutiny. Well, I've dealt with it for 19 months." That's my philosophy, let the other person rave and rant and wait until they are finished to commence dialogue.
As for how unfair the media has been to her family, I would be the first to criticize reporters who went looking for Bristol and Levi's classmates to find out if they "did it" on school grounds. That's a violation of their privacy (also of school policy but, hey, they have to catch ya in the act).
But if Palin claims her older son's impending service in Iraq personalizes the war for her and parents of special needs children can be reassured they will have an advocate in the White House, she needs to address the issues surrounding teenage parenthood (which has also been personalized for her by her own child). Now her daughter can expect financial help from the family, but what about the girls who can't? Reliance on a welfare check is a very real possibly in the absence of job skills (which there's no evidence either Bristol or Levi has).
I see a chance here to open the debate with the same crowd who is dismissive of "those people who breed like rabbits" who are defending this case as a "private family matter."
The evaluation that concludes that you have posted more than RR should be an honor not a source of grief. You post comments with insight that require you to investigate the facts and put together concrete, thoughtful posts. The way I see it you are not only able to post more meaningful comments but also in greater volume. All I hear is that there are complaints that we have more ideas than they have. What's next? Is USNinJapan2 going to say the election wasn't fair because more people wanted to vote for Obama than McCain? Whether you occasionally snipe should not be even be of your concern. RR's comments don't hold a candle to yours. You know that; I just wanted you to know that we also acknowledge that fact. It is about the content of your posts; RR does rarely include some thoughtful content. For the most part it is all sniping drivel. You may want to also compare your comments with USNinJapan2. You are making comments directly criticizing Palin on her address to the Republican convention - wow that is the topic of the article. You are commenting on the issues and he is making you an issue. Since I have introduced content let me also state that nobody, n-o-b-o-d-y, can hold a candle to Betzee! Her posts by and large hold vastly more research and facts than any other person commenting on here. She presents facts and opinions and provides the source of both quotes and pertinent information. She is a treasure on JT and I am so grateful that she is supportive of progressive ideas.
Oh and RR don't worry we will never accuse you or many others for that matter of stooping to our level of honesty.
That is running a successful campaign my friend! This was done with Obama's approval. It might have even been his idea. It could not have happened without Obama himself giving it the ok. He did so. He won. And the disqualifications were legitimate and fair. It would not be the first time politicians used names on cemetary plots to make it appear they have support, or other ridiculous and illegal shenanigans. Obama has said he wants change. It would make no sense to let politicians get away with shenanigans and hope for the best at election time. No. You bust them. Successful campaign.
Funny. McCain was also viewed as a carpet bagger by some in Arizona, but he won their senate seat. It seems to me that such a weakness can be overcome and is not an instant disqualification. It seems to me that Obama judged the situation, figured he could win, and then ran a successful campaign. Had he run an awful campaign, or misjudged, most likely he would not have won.
I cannot confirm your contention. But I can tell you its totally moot and McCain is the proof.
And the president does not give orders directly on the battlefield, but we still call him the Commander in chief. The candidate has plenty of say in what goes on, including choice of campaign managers. But if you take this tack, then we cannot even say the president runs the country, because other people actually run the country! And McCain did not actually approve all those messages!
Nonsense. The candidate runs the campaign just like all high level government officials run things: with his example, his choices of people, and his mouth.
I'm genuinely curious how you gathered this from Alaskans this morning and who these Alaskans are. Can you be more specific about your source?
The Alaskans I mentioned are associates I work with who happen to be from, as I said, Alaska. They aren't bloggers, media types, or political advocates, if that's your concern. They're just two regular folks who pointed out that their governor is currently in the midst of an ethics probe concerning some bad behavior. It's possible they come from the same stock of regular folks that Palin reportedly hails from in the RNC's bid to dress her up in the hockey mom, every-woman image. Sorry if I don't provide names and contact info to satisfy your curiousity.
How badly rattled is Obama?
He went on Fox News yesterday, for an interview with Bill O'Reilly.
How are all of Obama's devout followers here going to explain away this - - -
“I think that the surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated,” Obama said while refusing to retract his initial opposition to the surge. “I’ve already said it’s succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”
Thanks for responding. I'll take what they say into consideration, but my opinion of Palin will based on far more than a couple of your associates who happen to be from Alaska. I hope you feel the same way.
...but you're not convicting Palin.
So you claim.
Palin is recognized as the whistle-blower who brought Ruedrich down. You may try to belittle that as others have ridiculed the size of Wasilla, Alaska, but it's a giant move compared to her opposition in this race.
Enter Mrs. Palin. The former mayor of Wasilla had been appointed by Mr. Murkowski in 2003 to the state oil and gas regulatory agency. She'd had the temerity to blow the whistle on fellow GOP Commissioner Randy Ruedrich for refusing to disclose energy dealings. Mr. Murkowski and GOP Attorney General Gregg Renkes closed ranks around Mr. Ruedrich—who also chaired the state GOP. Mrs. Palin resigned. Having thus offended the entire old boy network, she challenged the governor for his seat.
Neither Obama nor Biden have ever stood up to the corruption in their parties, and it's the definition of a "target-rich" environment. Obama, in fact, rode the Chicago "machine" to power. For that, he should be mocked.
Hey goodDonkey, still want to defend Wooten?
How about you defend Palin and her husband's support of the AIP. Her husband was a card caring member in 1996 and 2000. You think she didn't know anything about that.The group who wants to separate from the US. She was quoted as saying in her speech to the group. "Keep up the good work". "Country first" more like my career first, family second, Alaska third and US last. Oops!!! She may be a religious freak so God trumps it all.
How about you defend Palin wanting to everyone to leave her daughter alone and allow her to make a her own choice about keeping her baby. Yet, she wants to make it a law that no other woman in the country should have that right.
Why don't you defend Guilani, Palin and McCain who ridicule people for being community leaders and trying to make a difference. Didn't McCain say in his acceptance speech people should get out and volunteer and help America?
Why don't you defend Palin's claim she has Foreign Policy Experience simply based on the fact Alaska is close to Russia. Alaska also has some of the tallest peaks in the US which means they are the closest to space. Does that mean she also has experience with the space program?
Sidenote: I think the youngest son might be Bristol's. The media hasn't said much but she took 5 months off of school right before the youngest son was born. There also no picture of Palin during the pregnancy and she went back to work like the next day after birth. does this not seem a little fishy. How can you manage a country and you can't manage your family. Bill O'Reilly called the parents of Jamie Lee Spears "PINHEADS" for allowing a sixteen year old to get pregnant. Bristol is seventeen doesn't the rule still apply?
Obama simply stole sum of RNC's thunder like McCain did when he announced Palin. If anything it shows he has the courage to stand up to his critics on their turf. It also shows he truly believes in the things he trying to do for this country. Remember he was a community leader there has never been in money it that profession. You have to really want to do it.
McCain doesn't have the guts or the ability to that. I think the days leading up he might be even more skiddish when ask to give details about anything. He hasn't laid any concrete evidence of what he is going to do. Mrs. Palin has stated she didn't even know what the VP did. It will be the same as before if he is elected.
Now he is even trying to still Obama's theme talking about change. He is either following Bush or following Obama. Where is the leadership?
She didn't stand up for the "Bridge to Nowhere". It has already been pointed out that she did it only after the rest of the country got in on the act and condemned it. Where was her toughness then? Sounds like she followed the crowd.
jwills79: "I think the youngest son might be Bristol's."
You are easily deceived.
Obama: "it's ( the surge ) succeeded beyond our wildest dreams"
Too bad he didn't support it, eh?
Mods - 8 of the 10 threads in the "popular topics" section on the homepage are related to the US election. While this is of great interest to some, and mild interest to many, this is a Japan site.
Would there be away of highlighting those topics about Japan which are popular and segregating those from stories from the international news section?
How I am easily deceived? Have you done any research about the Bristol's history. I have that is why I know it is possible. It is a fact she was out of school 5 months right before the child was born. Add the extra 4 months when you couldn't really notice the pregnancy and this makes it possible. palin apparently went back to work like the next day after the birth. You don't see something might not add up. If you haven't and you just believe what the Republicans say then you are easily deceived. Like I said it might be hers.
It is not really important whether he supported it or not. He didn't support the war. If we would have listen all those soldiers would not have died and we probably would have killed or captured Osama by now. Remember he was the real enemy. No one knew for sure the surge would work. Not even those who came up with the idea. Besides after all the decrease in violence we still have not left, we still have not found WMD and we still have not found Osama. We are billions of dollar in debt. Irag has surplus in the hundreds of millions and now we are sending aid to Georgia. Not mention we still have not taking care of the people in New Orleans. The Americans the Republicans care so much about. This was under their watch. Comeback with something else besides one liners and sarcasm.
Why don't you try to answer the questions I laid out for Whitehawk?
Here's some material for Palin's next speech:
What's the difference between a "community organizer" and a seeing-eye dog? Even a blind man can see the dog is actually helping someone.
What's the difference between a "community organizer" and a Chihuahua? The Chuhuahua will eventually shut up.
What's the difference between a "community organizer" and a pit bull? Teeth.
What's the difference between a "community organizer" and a puppy? One will grow up to become a loyal servant of mankind.
What's the difference between a "community organizer" and a shihtzu? Zu.
Easy. There is no evidence, even on Kos where people make up anything they want, that Sarah Palin ever supported secession.
She can want all she wants, but congress will be controlled by a Democrat majority during McCain's term, so even if she becomes president, any Supreme Court nominee that agrees with her would never make it through the nomination process. I doubt such a judge would even make it past a Republican-controlled congress, for that matter.
Because Obama's idea of a community organizer consisted of association with a unrepentent domestic terrorist in a group that had no definitive purpose and no accountability, a group infamous for voter fraud, and something that resembled a youth corps like one in Germany back in the 30's and 40's.
Yes. But he said it doesn't qualify someone to be president.
Why is foreign policy experience only questioned when it's a Republican governor? Why didn't I hear such questions about a governor from Arkansas, a governor from Georgia, or a Senator from Illinois? Why has it just been when it's a governor of Texas or Alaska?
Hmmm, this broadcast hasn't been deleted everywhere. Sarah palin does support AIP. < :-)
Wow. Talk about unsubstantiated rumor-mongering. We all realize, of course, that anyone playing the "Nazi" card essentially loses the argument by default. Any shred of credibility you may have had went out the window with that thinly-veil insinuation, along with that of those who seem to insist Palin is pretending to be the bearer of her daughter's alleged first child.
I mean really, is this what the proud supporters of the RNC have been reduced to? First Obama was a Muslim sleeper agent. Then he was a communist. Now he's a closet fascist? You folks really need to get your poop together, dig deep, and restore some of your past credibility.
In the meantime, Palin's support of the AIP doesn't appear to be all that "made up." Her husband was a member (a matter of public record), and she seems to think that the work the AIP is doing is "good work." Not very reassuring.
Barack has stood up to her. He won't be bullied!
If you think that's 'bullyin'', you may not be able to handle what's comin'.
What Palin's said ain't nothin' compared to what the RNC has taped Hillary as sayin' about Obama. You'll be readin' and hearin' a bunch of it soon, I figure, no matter how hard you try not to.
Hidey ho!
Can't really blame Palin for mocking Obama. She was probably influenced by Hillary who did a lot of that. A lot of Democrats no doubt will conveniently forget those comments though.
Such a huge country and these 4 people are the best you can come up with?
I am so sick of the "something is going to come out soon about Obama" posts. What? Do you guys have a private line to the McCain campaign? You know something that the rest of the world doesn't? If you think you have some inside dope on the candidate, just say it. It's almost as absurd as McCain saying that he "knows how to catch Bin Laden". If you know how Johnny, why don't you tell the rest of us so we can get the guy who attacked us instead of your proposed 100 more years in Iraq?
The comment that all Americans, Republican and Democrat alike, should remember is Sarah Palin's response during a 2006 Alaska governor's debate when she claimed that if her daughter, then 16, were impregnated as the result of being raped, Ms. Palin would hope that the girl would “choose life,” which is a polite way of saying she would expect a tenth-grader to give birth to her rapist’s baby. (This ought to relegate the Dukakis rape question to ancient history once and for all.)
While Hillary's "18 million cracks" was a good thing, it's just too bad the Republicans had to go with the crackpot.