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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.McCarthy gives in to right flank on spending cuts, but they still deliver a defeat as shutdown looms
Lincoln said it, he’s not a conservative so….
Conservative republicans enjoy bingo. Why?
The average cost of health insurance in the U.S. is $560 per month. The cost in Japan is $340 per month.
That I support both.
No, I said I support them, but as to why they voted like the way they did, I wouldn’t know and I’m not speculating
Gee Kevin, maybe it's because these five MAGA-Repubs who you say "want to burn the place down" prefer to trust and vote with Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and Swalwell - you know, the Dems that put Trump on impeachment trial twice...
Oh, and they think you're a "lying dog"....
Real Team Red loyal Repubs these Freedom Caucus MAGA-warriors, huh?
Again, with the influx of illegals it won’t happen. By the way, if the Dems are so eager to implement a faulty and crappy system then in socialist states like California why do they not implement this and weave with the rest of their failed policies and take care of the out of control homeless population?
Hate to break it to you, looking at LA County, and looking at cities like Manhattan, all of these so-called smart politicians have made very poor and dumb decisions, that’s a fact, and then they continuously lie that everything is getting better when it’s not.
Lol, what does that even mean?
My US insurance costs a little more than my Japanese insurance. But a small price for access to the best doctors in the world.
I'll get an eye exam in Japan, but if I needed eye surgery I would do that in the US.
The US has given about $100 billion to Ukraine. The budget total is $5.8 trillion for fiscal 2023.
From your Japanese armchair.
After two years of a Biden administration political clown show of chaos and failure, Democrats oppose the military bill because it takes out many diversity programs at the Pentagon?
Do we want to prepare to fight China, or decide which lip gloss goes best with a chiffon dress after shaving our legs?
Desert Tortoise
Based on real world data from the three dozen members of the OECD, single payer health care systems all cost 1/2 to 1/3 what US residents pay annually on a per capita basis. Literally every single payer health care scheme in the developed world, and there are more than one way to implement single payer, cost less than what US residents pay for health care. Plus they live longer and have lower infant mortality rates. Plus nobody goes bankrupt paying medical bills.
It is not free, you pay for it in your taxes and some schemes include co-pays, but the overall cost is, as I said, 1/2 to 1/3 what we pay now in the US. That frees up close to $2 trillion that you earn that can be spent elsewhere. That $2 trillion we pay to insurance companies now is paying armies of billers and coders, and all the middlemen taking a profit along the way. It is extremely wasteful and actually ends up buying us less actual health.
But like I said above, lack of any education in economics allows big business and some politicians to feed lies to the public who, not knowing any better, believe them as some sort of sacred truth.
We are talking about America, we already know the system in Japan. Anyway, the US will never, ever implement a single payer healthcare system, it just will never come to fruition, and the left know it won’t, so why they even entertain the thought is just mind boggling.
There are other things the EU doesn’t have to worry about that we do as a nation that constantly helps Europe…like uhh, Ukraine.
You and your family use the Japanese healthcare system for most of the year.
The EU provides quality universal healthcare for 500 million. The cost would be lower for the taxpayer.
It would never work, Sanders pushed for it, there is no way that the US could give quality free healthcare for over 350 million people and now with the illegals coming in, that is going to drive up the costs for the taxpayer and to give these people proper healthcare, it will never happen.
But more and add to that all the other necessities is just breaking the backs of the average middle class.
Wrong man, wrong country.
Because I don’t have to.
They control the WH and Senate right? And the Senate mostly refuses to be bipartisan with the GOO on any level unless it suits that demands…hostage crisis, extortion, take your pick.
I answered that already.
Not at all.
I did, it’s just you’re not making any sense as usual.
Desert Tortoise
I am not sure it that is accurate today. You know it is a funny thing but more and more doctors are abandoning private practice to belong to some form of larger health care group and the great majority of recently graduated doctors eschew private practice. They prefer to be employees rather than independent business people.
There is no genuine reason universal healthcare would not work in the US except for the greed of the doctors and the health insurance companies. People can still have private health plans.
Desert Tortoise
I would actually like to move away from that discussion to the topic at hand but the original post I responded to was so typical of the kind of lack or basic economic education in the US, and how the right manipulates that lack of knowledge for their ends, to protect the insurers who fund their political campaigns.
It is like I posted yesterday where I was sitting in a barber shop and the tv was tuned to Faux News. One of the two hosts said to the other something to the effect "well naturally everybody knows ...... blahblahblah on an economic topic. I had to swallow my tongue because I am an economist and what this Faux News talking head said everybody knew was true was exactly the opposite of what every economist knows the be true. But the faithful believe their tripe because so few people take a year of economics to know otherwise. I don't think the subject is even offered in high school or is offered very rarely. Founders of the US like James Madison and John Adams warned us of the dangers to representative government from a a poorly educated population.
Desert Tortoise
We are in the same boat treating our little man for his Autism. First there is a deductible we have to pay out of pocket before any insurance kicks in. After we pay the deductible the insurance pays 85% and we pay the remaining 15%. When we hit the annual cap we pay all the rest.
I have the same health care benefits members of Congress have btw.
OK, you surrender...
Nope - you didn't answer it...
You said Dems are on a spending spree - these five MAGA-Repubs VOTED WITH THE DEMS to extend the spree. Why aren't they traitors to the MAGA cause?
And these five Repubs just voted and sided with these Dems - you support that?
You're mistaken - I never used the word treason - I said traitor - as in traitor to the MAGA-cause by voting with Dems. Please read more closely.
Americans have always overpaid for healthcare. It's not recent.
Desert Tortoise - thanks for your posts on this in clear language.
What a monster the US system is.
That the most advanced country in the world just can't get it right on health care, actually exposes the achilles that is laming it's society in more broader areas.
Blinkered people who can't get past the "It's communism" chants surely are cutting the noses off 10s of millions of folks to spite their faces.
I don’t think a single liberal read that significant part.
Not just medical. Food prices, gas, education, taxes, car, insurance, home prices, crime, military etc
Desert Tortoise
When my parents were alive they had health insurance but still paid out tens of thousands for vital operations.
Desert Tortoise
And something like 80% of those declaring bankruptcy due to inability to pay medical bills have some sort of health insurance.
Desert Tortoise
The fact is that US residents pay more than double what any other developed nation pays per person for health care. The proportion of the US GDP sucked up by health care costs is, depending on the developed nation you compare to, twice to three times what any other nation devotes to health care.
And what do we get for it? One of the lowest life expectancies in the developed world and an infant mortality rate greater than that of Cuba.
Virtually every other developed nation in the world does a better job of providing health care for their populations and they generally live longer than most Americans while paying 1/2 to 1/3 of what we pay per person per year.
You ignore the fact that when you have a single payer system you no longer pay an insurance premium. It comes out of your taxes but it costs less than the insurance premium you used to pay. In the end you are better off. In terms of the US, a single payer system with OECD average annual per person costs would free up around $2 trillion in the economy to be spent on other things. Imagine what a $2 trillion increase in personal spending does to the economy. Health care American style is a huge boat anchor on the US economy.
Americans overpay for their healthcare. Medical bankruptcies are the number one.
Desert Tortoise
Ok, let's quit the traitor talk. The US Constitution Article III, Section 3 defines treason. It is the one and only crime directly defined by the Constitution and for good reason. The founders did not want a government to be able to prosecute its political opponents or detractors for treason as was the habit of European monarchs. The definition of treason in the US reads as follows:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open court."
That is it. Political opposition, even political treachery cannot be prosecuted as treason so stop making that claim.
Get it out of your head, it will never happen, not in our lifetime, and with the influx of illegals, increased entitlements and the devaluing of the US dollar, single payer care, is nothing more than a floating failed socialist pipe dream.
When they decide to talk we will know.
We already went through that.
they are not traders, because the whole philosophy is not to smooch off the government, and push for job growth in the private sector, and limiting the size of government, since Covid the government has increased 34%, that is absolutely mind numbing insane!
The Dems would impeach a ham sandwich if they could.
Desert Tortoise
BUT, the government doesn't pay them directly, the government pays healthcare providers via for profit health insurance corporations, another non-negotiable, very lucrative chink in the profit chain.
The big problem with health care in the US is insurance. There are more than ten non-medical staff for every hands on health care provider. The overhead costs of US healthcare are more than double those of any other nation. In the US each hospital and medical group has a staff of coders who send the insurance company an alpha-numeric code for each treatment the patient receives. The insurance companies have another army of coders who will deny some of those codes and try to say the treatment is something less costly, placing another code on the treatment. Then the staff with the health care provider and the insurance company argue over payment. None of this is making anyone healthier, it is just a lot of costly churn. Then add the layer of differential pricing. Same procedure, same hospital but different insurers pay different prices for the same exact procedure. Likewise two nearby hospitals have different charges for the exact same procedure to the exact same insurance company. Hospitals will have staffs of a hundred employees or more in their billing department.
With a single payer system there is one price paid for a given procedure and that is that. No armies of coders, no huge billing staffs. Overhead is much lower.
Don't even get me started on prescription pricing and all the layers of profit taking by middlemen in the process.
Well, do some quick research and explain it to us...
You've blamed the Dems here in multiple posts for a "spending spree" - and this article highlights that five hard-core MAGA-loving Freedom Caucus members voted WITH Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, and Swalwell to extend the spree...
How can these Repubs not be traitors for colluding with these hated Dems - the ones that launched both Trump impeachments - to increase the deficit?
Desert Tortoise
The press is reporting he is already in negotiations with the bi-partisan Problem Solvers Caucus along with a group of moderate Republicans and another group of moderate Democrats. Some Democrats are even saying they would vote for Mr. McCarthy if his speakership is challenged, but there would be a price to pay and nobody so far is saying what that price is.
Desert Tortoise
I forgot to add a discussion of adverse selection that has been happening in the US health insurance market before the ACA was instituted.
As health insurance costs rose, many who perceived their risks to be low withdrew from the insurance market. Often their employers simply cancelled their insurance and left their employees without a company paid health insurance policy. The reduction in the pool of the insured forced an increase in rates as now the risk was spread across fewer policies. Companies also tended to cancel more high risk policies, further reducing the pool of insured. Costs rose again. This process is called adverse selection and is a normal feature of an unregulated health insurance market. Market equilibrium occurs when you have only low risk people with enough money to pay high premiums left in the market. That leaves 30-40 of your population, maybe more, with no heath car at all. Allowing that to happen will degrade GDP and the nation's standard of living. That is why ACA is constructed the way it is.
We have Two parties do we not? I mean, the GOP is not digging in their heels because it feels good, it’s to stop the Dems steroid spending spree.
It’s not your money so hey….
Ok, so you want Republican bashing and ignore the reasons why The GOP are doing what they do, but it’s more fun to just bash them, sorry to burst your bubble..
Believe me when I tell you, I want to completely ignore the Democrats and their socialistic sick ways, but until a viable and solid 3rd party emerges we will have to deal with the 2 parties.
Again, don’t know why, would like to, but I’m not going to speculate.
What? They turned on their fellow Repubs and voted with Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, and Swalwell....
How can they be MAGA-heroes when they vote WITH AND FOR the Dems and their spending spree?
Is there any "good reason" for voting with Nancy and Schiff over your own fellow Repubs?
Desert Tortoise
So here is a little primer on insurance from an economist with a postgraduate degree in the subject. Two features of insurance in a completely free market is that those who perceive themselves to have low risk tend not to buy it, while those who insurance carriers and their actuarials consider to be high risk are denied coverage. What is left are individuals who can pay significant premiums and who pose low risk to the insurer.
For some times of insurance like life insurance that has little impact on the larger economy. But health care is very different. A century or more of well documented econometric research shows convincingly that access to effective health care is necessary for economic growth and a high standard of living. It is one of the three vital things a government must do and do well for their economy to prosper and for their citizens to enjoy a high standard of living. The other two things are infrastructure and education.
So the problem is two fold. Number one, the larger the pool of insured people, the lower the overall risk for the insurance companies. Hence the requirement that everyone carry health insurance even if the individual thinks they are low risk and don't need it. That has the effect of keeping premiums lower than they would be absent that requirement. It makes health insurance affordable for lower income people.
The second part of the problem is to ensure those who are high risk, those with existing health problems are insured so they can work and be a productive part of the economy. Increasing the pool of those insured makes that possible for the insurance companies to afford as it spread risk across the largest number of policies.
If you look at auto insurance, the requirement that everyone who owns a car has to insure it to be able to register it has the effect of creating the largest possible pool of insured individuals. That works to keep the cost down and make it affordable. Likewise with homeowners insurance, mortgages require the borrower to buy it and often it is part of the escrow process and the premium payment is rolled into your mortgage payment. Requiring everyone to carry a health insurance policy is no different.
This is all about House GOP infighting and we have the usual goober on here spouting off about libs and the left and Dems and out of control socialism blah blah blah. Dragging the discussion into the ditch. Best to just ignore such chin music.
Bass: Explain this then....
*If the Dems are to blame for a "spending spree", then why did these five Freedom Caucus members VOTE WITH THE DEMS to sink McCarthy's Repub-sponsored bill?*
Republicans Dan Bishop (N.C.), **Marjorie Taylor Greene** (Ga.), Matt Rosendale (Mont.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Eli Crane (Ariz.) were opposed.
*If Dems are for a "spending spree", then why are these die-hard MAGA Freedom Caucus members voting *WITH THE DEMS?
*Are these MAGA-Repubs heroes or are they traitors for voting WITH THE DEMS to defeat a bill brought forward and supported by Repub Speaker McCarthy and 212 other Repubs?*
In other news, what are the odds McCarthy reaches across the isle for help? I didn't think it was possible but one guy can only get kicked in the teeth so much before he turns to something new. Even him.
Maybe one of our MAGA-friends here can explain this to us....
If the Dems are to blame for a "spending spree", then why did these five Freedom Caucus members VOTE WITH THE DEMS to sink McCarthy's Repub-sponsored bill?
*Republicans Dan Bishop (N.C.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Matt Rosendale (Mont.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Eli Crane (Ariz.) were opposed.*
If Dems are for a "spending spree", then why are these die-hard MAGA Freedom Caucus members voting WITH THE DEMS?
Are these MAGA-Repubs heroes or are they traitors for voting WITH THE DEMS to defeat a bill brought forward and supported by Repub Speaker McCarthy and 212 other Repubs?
Explain this to us please....
When the article is about the Repubs failure to govern, highlighting all their in-fighting and division...leading to a government shutdown...
And the best you can do is counter with a fashion criticism....
You know you've lost the argument...
Welcome to MAGA-world...
Cards fan
Ah yes, only thugs wear hoodies. Lmao
Truly hilarious that this is the kind of trash rightists care about.
When you have money, why would you not feel good.
Same here
Been doing that.
What is it with Repubs and their addiction to losing....not that I'm complaining...
They nominate a bunch of kooks for Senate seats in 2022 and get creamed - yesterday one of our MAGA-friends here couldn't stop posting about Fetterman - without realizing it just highlights he isn't posting about Dr Oz...
And it certainly looks like Trump will be the nominee in 2024, if he's not in a cell by then. A guy under four indictments with 91 charges and who yesterday we learned told one of his aides to lie under oath when being interviewed by the FBI - textbook witness tampering and obstruction of justice.
Now after two months of a Repub House political clown show of chaos and failure, they are going to allow the nation to run out of money and put millions into hardship and imperil our national security - and they think that's a "winning" strategy...
Sure, keep up that "winning" Repubs...
Ditto-boi is really flailing today.
Better not “sparse” his words there, eh?
I hope you fell better getting that off your chest today. We're all here for you.
Any comments about the actual article or should we go ahead and plan a discussion without you?
Sh1mon M4sada
@bass4funk, I agree with you.
Biden is nothing more than rinse n repeat of Obama. Obamacare symbolizes everything that's wrong with the Democrats.
Government collects taxes, but doesn't provide healthcare, instead private for profit corporations provide healthcare (but with massive, non-negotiable profit margins).
BUT, the government doesn't pay them directly, the government pays healthcare providers via for profit health insurance corporations, another non-negotiable, very lucrative chink in the profit chain.
And, they want other branch of government to follow down the same path, as evidenced by the Harvard scandals.
Who's going to end this cycle? Certainly not the moderates in the Republicans...
Says the person that thinks wearing shorts and hoodies looking like a thug is perfectly acceptable. Lol
Doubt it, Americans are losing money faster than Biden is losing sleep, the frivolous spending is what got the Dems in trouble and it’s not getting any better especially with $34 trillion in debt, not going to happen.
Record is right!
This is bad news for Americans who have seen their standard of living fall since early 2021. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported real average hourly earnings declining in 2021 and 2022, meaning Americans can afford less with their hard-earned dollars. More than three-quarters of people's income is devoted to living expenses like housing, transportation, and food—all of which have become more expensive. Food prices, for instance, rose by 19.3 percent. Shelter rose by 16.5 percent since 2021. Gasoline prices are up too.
Yes, record!
Thank God!! Imagine if they did, they’d be toast for sure!
Only the best links and sources for MAGA I see.
From the owner of "" Gelet Martínez Fragela:
"Let’s honor Martin Luther King Jr. today by rejecting critical race theory;
CRT the latest descendent of Cuban Marxism"
And they do not even know MLK was a socialist.
No wonder MAGA and the FC have no grasp of political economy and only know culture wars and corporate welfare.
That is why deficits and budget shortfalls plague their trickle down economics.
Record low unemployment, inflation conquered without recession.
And the GQP house had nothing to do with it, which is good because they’re incompetent.
These troubles are caused in part by inflation, which continues to take its toll. Per the Consumer Price Index (CPI), year-over-year inflation rose to 3.7 percent in August, nudging back up after peaking at 9.1 percent not long ago. "Core" CPI (excluding food and energy) is down slightly to 4.3 percent. Although these numbers are an improvement after we experienced their highest levels since 1982, they remain disturbingly high.
This is bad news for Americans who have seen their standard of living fall since early 2021. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported real average hourly earnings declining in 2021 and 2022, meaning Americans can afford less with their hard-earned dollars. More than three-quarters of people's income is devoted to living expenses like housing, transportation, and food—all of which have become more expensive. Food prices, for instance, rose by 19.3 percent. Shelter rose by 16.5 percent since 2021. Gasoline prices are up too.
No, quite the opposite, it’s the stop the Democrats madness spending spree.
Bob Fosse
Kevin’s ‘bottom up’ approach doesn’t seem to be working. It must be quite humiliating to be the most inept House speaker in US history.
The only thing Kevin McCarthy has "won" is an award for most humiliation by any politician....the members of his Kook Caucus string him along, say they'll vote for a measure, then flip at the last second sending the House into more chaos and confusion... It's a Repub clown show in every sense...
So a Repub is calling his fellow Repubs "temper tantrum throwing" two year-olds and "pathetic"...
Kind'a like one Repub calling his Repub Speaker "unhinged", "rattled", and a "lying dog"...
Meanwhile an easily avoidable government shutdown occurs and the lights go off, our vets and military don't get paid, and border agents are furloughed...
And as one of our MAGA-friends here likes to brag, "Kevin and the Repubs hold the purse"....
Indeed they do - and Americans clearly see who is responsible for this debacle and who to blame...
“My Kevin’s” humiliation is complete. The man couldn’t get serviced in a Red Light district if he was carrying 100k in unmarked bills.
Can’t pass any kind of bill?
He could not pass a kidney stone in an OR.
He couldn’t pass an old woman driving a Chevy Chevette if he were in an F-1 race car.
And his “Caucus” is nothing more than a bunch of egotistical, cognitively challenged goobers who are unserious about governing, but are very serious about monetizing their careers as professional trolls.
This is not a serious party. It’s a cult.
And at the next election, the voters will likely put the grownups back in charge.
Yeah, ok…
Well, there was no way Pelosi was going to reach across the aisle to help Trump, but the left cheered that all the way.
Bob Fosse
You’re arguing against democracy bass. He won and many people disagree with you. You have to accept some things you don’t like.
Cards fan
US oil production at record highs, as are oil company profits.
Record profits for corporations who refuse to raise wages.
Yes, because of inflation. Good grief, rightists don't know a thing about interest rates.
All in all, a pathetic attempt at deflection from the GOP congress's ineptitude.
Just a reminder: Unlike the bought and paid for FC lecturing the Congress and American people about austerity and financial probity while throwing around corporate welfare and government loan relief to corporations like drunken British East India Company sailors; AOC opposes corporate welfare, defeating a bill to help Amazon with 3.5 billion to open a warehouse that was supposed to "create jobs" which like many Trump plans resulted in cancelled projects, wasted money and few if any jobs.
Voting for Biden has resulted in a stunning defeat for the entire nation.
Gasoline nearing $4.62/gal
Family loss in annual purchasing power: $5,000/year
Monthly household expense increase averages $550/month
INFLATION up 18.11% since Biden took office according to the Labor Bureau
Harris went on record last week stating that 46% of Americans don’t have money for an unexpected $400 expense. 60% are living pay check to pay check.
Real family incomes down $4,000
Mortgage rate 7.3% as of September 2023
Regulatory costs/household increased by $10,000
The border is Beyond WIDE open, it is now a National Crisis! Up 348% no way this is sustainable.
The nation's households are being devastated by democrat failed and failing socially, morally and economically. Households have lost significant buying power. The effects of open borders, rampant crime and economic distress are here to stay. American families are in deep trouble, and democrat “happy talk” won’t change anything. But yeah, let’s just print more money, I mean, it’s just money…
Not really, no one told the Dems to spend our money to the point of fiscal oblivion, money we don’t even have.
He is not the President? Did he not send more of our money to Ukraine?
Bob Fosse
“There needs to be a realization that you’re not going to get everything you want,” he said. “Just throwing a temper tantrum and stomping your feet -- frankly, not only is it wrong -- it’s just pathetic.”
Sounds like a sensible guy. Is he a Rino?
"We will have a government shutdown and it is absolutely Speaker McCarthy's fault. We cannot blame Joe Biden for not having moved our individual spending bills. We cannot blame House Democrats. We can't even blame Chuck Schumer in the Senate”
Matt Gaetz2020hindsights
Then don't support it! Get Dem votes to support a bill that just avoids the shutdown and push that through. The RINO crazies don't have a mandate to destroy America.
Cards fan
Patriots like Donald? Lmao dude loves his country so much he dodged the draft. He loves the country so much, he leaked classified documents, backed Putin over his own government, and tried to end US democracy. What a pathetic attempt at perverting justice.
The GOP can't even decide amongst themselves what kind of terrorism they want to inflict on the American people.