Japan Today

Melania Trump says she might be 'the most bullied person in the world'


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Hahahaha! Really? Come on. Was she living under a rock during the last 10 years?

16 ( +24 / -8 )

Yes she has an awful tough life.My heart bleeds for her

20 ( +25 / -5 )

Playing the victim card. The world gets the presumption of innocence, which means Melania has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she is in fact bullied and more than anyone else.

11 ( +19 / -8 )

She's beginning to sound like some broken-down, has-been Hollywood scarlet.

Please spare us about your self pity. You're married to a huge narcissist and you're following in his footsteps.

13 ( +20 / -7 )

Then don't let your husband bully you.

21 ( +26 / -5 )

If Melania really feels that she's the most bullied person in the world, she needs a radical, radical readjustment of her lenses. That she even tries to float this line shows the world that, despite perhaps being the most 'in touch' of the Trumps, she's also so out of touch with the reality that the rest of the world lives in that she's laughable.

Bullied? I'm sorry, but while you might have trolls, haters, and other people talking bad things about you Melania, you are FAR from 'the most bullied person in the world.'

13 ( +17 / -4 )

What happened to 'I really don't care'? She should get a new wardrobe consultant. Her Cecil B. Rhodes-era, bwana outfit might look good to her husband's base, but it makes her look like she really doesn't care about that side of history. Or perhaps, might not have knowledge of it.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Good grief.

So she's as much of a narcissist as her husband.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

Playing the victim card. The world gets the presumption of innocence, which means Melania has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she is in fact bullied and more than anyone else.

We will keep that in mind when we criticize any liberal or even Michelle.

So she's as much of a narcissist as her husband.

Now you understand how I felt for the last 8 years.

-16 ( +5 / -21 )

When you are being bullied, it can really feel like you out life is horrible and that you have it worse than everyone else. It’s hard to know what’s going on behind closed doors. I feel the hyperbole may just be the way she is used to speaking due to who she is in close proximity with. Hopefully she will find a way to stand up to her bullies and help others stand up to theirs.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Melania Trump says she might be 'the most bullied person in the world'

Zero sympathy.

@chipstar Playing the victim card.

That's been one of Trump's themes all along. Remember his 'No politician in history has been treated worse...'.

Lately it's also the 'men-are-victims of the #metoo movement' and strong women in general. Trump wants his base, especially his non-.01%ers, to think their demographic is the one hurt most by his enemies (the left/libs/dems, etc.), and seems to have convinced many that's the case. Here on JT some posters are using words like 'emasculated', even 'castrated' lamenting their lot. Pathetic.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

What a pair of whining babies the Trumps are.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

Not as bad as the continual grinding daily whine of left. 24/7.

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

@bas4 We will keep that in mind when we criticize any liberal or even Michelle.

Like when Trump posters on JT (I won't mention names) attacked Michelle, calling her and her husband gorillas, monkeys, chimpanzees, saying she was fat, criticizing every thing she was reported to be doing. Even attacking her education initiatives.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

We will keep that in mind when we criticize any liberal or even Michelle

You will keep in mind that the burden of proof is on you when you criticize liberals. Good. Though I'm not certain what you mean by "criticize" because I might perceive that word to mean something you don't.

Not as bad as the continual grinding daily whine of left. 24/7.

Like Trump's twitter and TV habits.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

We need to educate the children of social emotional behavior so when they grow up ... they know how to deal with those issues," she said.

So they don't wind up like your husband?

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Yes, I'm sure she's suffering more than any of the thousands of children who are scared to go to school everyday because they will be insulted, robbed or beaten up by other kids.

I'm sure tweets criticizing her make her more sad than all these middle schoolers suffering depression and are convinced by others that they are trash and don't deserve happiness.

I'm sure she will suffer like them the same life long lingering effect on their physical and mental health.

Shut up, Melania. You can't do anything about bullying if don't even understand the first thing about it. Go away.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

As someone wrote, she really does look like Belloq from Raiders of the Lost Ark! And the pith helmet she wore in Africa looked so ridiculous and colonial too.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Like when Trump posters on JT (I won't mention names) attacked Michelle, calling her and her husband gorillas, monkeys, chimpanzees, saying she was fat, criticizing every thing she was reported to be doing. Even attacking her education initiatives.

Well, of course that’s very bad, No one needs to go down that route.

You will keep in mind that the burden of proof is on you when you criticize liberals.

That goes both ways.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

That goes both ways

You keeping in mind that the burden of proof is on you when criticizing liberals goes both ways? Okay.

When providing cites to articles backing an assertion, its best to actually read the article to ensure it actually backs the assertion. Some posters have difficulty doing this. They also deny that words have meanings. These two deficiencies combine to create a severe inability to engage in critical discourse.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Back on topic please.

There is some limited truth to this - imagine if you had the Creepy Porn Adulterer (in Chief) as your husband who had affairs with porn stars when you were sitting home with your 4 month old son, denied it, then was forced to admit it when his payoff to her became public. That's actually pretty bad (and beyond creepy) - but I wouldn't call it bullying.

On the other hand, women in many Middle East countries can't go out in public without a vail to completely cover their face, cannot vote, and cannot drive.  In India, women face possible sexual assault every day. In Pakistan and Afganistan, women can be killed by their relatives for seeing someone outside their religion.

You have my sympathy Mrs Trump for being married to a serial liar and adulterer - but that was your choice and you're free to leave at any time. 

So no, you're not a victim of bullying.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

The lack of self-awareness is staggering. As is dressing up like an extra from Death On The Nile to ponce around in Africa playing Lady Bountiful. What planet do these people come from and when will they go back?

15 ( +18 / -3 )

For the last week or so the GOP and Fox News have been testing out a "mob" narrative, painting the left as angry, lawless people looking to attack conservatives. It ties in with Trump's constant talk of victimization and the situation with Kavanaugh, who, as the narrative goes, was the victim of Democrats meddling in the SC process.

Fox has been running daily stories talking about "mobs" and showing scenes of Portland to project onto liberals overall. They ran a story with Rand Paul saying things need to calm down or someone will get assassinated (conservatives took that to mean a conservative victim). McConnell said that he was assaulted (he wasn't) and on message boards the worker bees have been dropping "mob" into their posts.

So now we have Melania doing her part to say she's a victim of bullying. Ties in nicely with the narrative, and the hypocrisy of Trump's bullying can be ignored in the bubble.

Look for them to push this angle until the midterms. It probably would have been more appropriate after the Charlottesville murder, but they don't really think like that. On message boards, conservatives are saying how they're arming up and ready to mow down any liberal that "tries to pull that crap with me." The GOP found something new to be afraid of right before an election.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Certainly she hasn't been treated well on the late night shows. They used to be funny. Oh, if only we could bring back Johnny Carson and Jay Leno...

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Serrano: going back further in time, I want Don Rickles to roast Trump like he did roast then Senator Reagan. Lot of people would want Don’s head for this.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

She must like being bullied, husband having a well publicized affair while she was pregnant but no divorce.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

So much TDS....

so many glittering jewels of monumental ignorance

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

She promotes an initiative to counter online bullying and then mocks all the victims out there by playing the victim ?????


3 ( +7 / -4 )

For the last week or so the GOP and Fox News have been testing out a "mob" narrative, painting the left as angry, lawless people looking to attack conservatives.

Which is true.

It ties in with Trump's constant talk of victimization and the situation with Kavanaugh, who, as the narrative goes, was the victim of Democrats meddling in the SC process.


Fox has been running daily stories talking about "mobs" and showing scenes of Portland to project onto liberals overall. They ran a story with Rand Paul saying things need to calm down or someone will get assassinated (conservatives took that to mean a conservative victim). McConnell said that he was assaulted (he wasn't) and on message boards the worker bees have been dropping "mob" into their posts.

The Democrats are so unhinged and are so far out there, they have no restrictions or limitations on how far they will go to force it to try to impose their radical ideology and indoctrination on anyone that dares to disagree with them.

So now we have Melania doing her part to say she's a victim of bullying. Ties in nicely with the narrative, and the hypocrisy of Trump's bullying can be ignored in the bubble.

The left has been treating Melania horribly, they have never said anything good about the woman, before that they always talked about her and about her beauty and now the only thing to talk about it when she goes on any humanitarian mission. The only thing that the left are concerned about is what she is wearing and then they will invoke racism into her wardrobe.l

Look for them to push this angle until the midterms.

Just like the way the Democrats will use and push racism, identity politics, gender and the me too


It probably would have been more appropriate after the Charlottesville murder, but they don't really think like that.

The only person that keeps thinking about Charlottesville and the keeps talking about it are the Democrats, because they want to and need to keep that spot light on just that one event

On message boards, conservatives are saying how they're arming up and ready to mow down any liberal that "tries to pull that crap with me." The GOP found something new to be afraid of right before an election.

I think it’s sad that the country has come to this point now, but given the fact that liberals do not respect the rule of law and want to take power by any means necessary and forcefully and will use violence to further their agenda speaks volumes of how liberals think that the only party deck and rule in the United States would be the Democrat party

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Certainly she hasn't been treated well on the late night shows. They used to be funny. Oh, if only we could bring back Johnny Carson and Jay Leno...

Don’t Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson defend her in their late night comedy shows?

Tucker’s impression of the cross-eyed man in Laurel and Hardy when someone is speaking is really funny.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Don’t Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson defend her

Nothing to defend, just being objective, at least she’s not pushing people to eat food they don’t want.

comedy shows?

Comedy would be watching CNN and Colbert.

Tucker’s impression of the cross-eyed man in Laurel and Hardy when someone is speaking is really funny.

Yeah, loved they way he crushed Avenatti

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

For the last week or so the GOP and Fox News have been testing out a "mob" narrative, painting the left as angry, lawless people looking to attack conservatives. 

Which is true.

It is true that Fox "News" has been testing out this narrative. Certain posters have been repeating that narrative o. These message boards. Nice thinking for yourselves.

The Democrats are so unhinged and are so far out there, they have no restrictions or limitations on how far they will go to force it to try to impose their radical ideology and indoctrination on anyone that dares to disagree with them.

That's your opinion, and it doesn't change the fact that Fox and its consumers are pushing that narrative about liberals.

The left has been treating Melania horribly, they have never said anything good about the woman, before that they always talked about her and about her beauty and now the only thing to talk about it when she goes on any humanitarian mission. The only thing that the left are concerned about is what she is wearing and then they will invoke racism into her wardrobe.l

The left learned this by watching the right bash Michelle Obama for 8 years. Funny to hear conservatives whining when their tactics are used against them.

The only person that keeps thinking about Charlottesville and the keeps talking about it are the Democrats, because they want to and need to keep that spot light on just that one event

Because it exemplifies the repugnance of the right. ROFL. Smh. Har!

I think it’s sad that the country has come to this point now, but given the fact that liberals do not respect the rule of law and want to take power by any means necessary and forcefully and will use violence to further their agenda speaks volumes of how liberals think that the only party deck and rule in the United States would be the Democrat party

Any evidence at all to back up your fear-driven, opinions?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Nothing to defend, just being objective, at least she’s not pushing people to eat food they don’t want.

The horror of a First Lady promoting healthy diets. Damn Michelle Obama and her caring. Damn her!

Yeah, loved they way he crushed Avenatti

That's your opinion. Any proof?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

While I confess she has been treated much differently by the media and has been given much less coverage (especially when compared to Michelle Obama) her statement is a bit strange.

Yes; it is obvious there is a media bias (anyone who denies that at this point is blind) but Ms. Trump; your comments are ridiculous.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Jimizo: "Don’t Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson defend her in their late night comedy shows?"

Oh my...

Left Deflated: Maddow Pummeled in Ratings by Hannity and Tucker, CNN Has Another Embarrassing Drop


-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Her plight is a tragedy. Akin to the children that her husband currently has locked up. Akin to victims of sexual assault who are mocked by her husband and his base.

Won't someone please think of this fabulously wealthy and entitled woman?

4 ( +6 / -2 )


Who cares what sock puppets like Hannity, Carlson and Maddow think? Anybody over the age of 6 shouldn’t be watching this stupidity.

You honestly didn’t think I’d click on your link, did you?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

a screed of bullying from the usual 'progressives'. Well done, boys.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

a screed of bullying from the usual 'progressives'. Well done, boys.

There's no bullying going on here. Apart from your recent comments on Lady Gaga, Naomi Osaka, Taylor Swift, Yuka Ogata, Blasey Ford, Jane Fonda and other women in the public eye who don't meet your standards.

Which is fine, if you enjoy irony. But next time you accuse the "pc/left" of virtue-signalling, you might remember your spirited, er, defence of Melania Trump.

The sad situation is that this is how it plays - she and her husband are a mockery of a loving couple and are so dysfunctional they have to thrive on false victimhood, whilst real victims are, conversely, bullied and/or ignored by the Trumps.

I can see that there's a conscience there - that she does have it in her to speak out - and maybe one day she will. But her comments are misjudged and at worst; paranoid.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Toasted Heretic, You call my post a "spirited defense of Melania Trump". Really?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

How so?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Apparently she hasn't spent time in Japan as a student or an OL.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

at least she’s not pushing people to eat food they don’t want.

Marrying a jerk simply for his money, posing topless to get ahead, and wearing a pith helmet in Kenya is so much more inspiring to kids than hearing Michelle Obama talk about the joys of a healthy diet.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Jimizo: "Who cares what sock puppets like Hannity, Carlson and Maddow think? Anybody over the age of 6 shouldn’t be watching this stupidity."

Can you tell us what news source besides JT is fair and impartial?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Tumble: " I want Don Rickles to roast Trump like he did roast then Senator Reagan"

Heck, I want Don Rickles to roast Obozo!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Doubt it.

But I guarantee what bullying she does get, comes from other women 99% of the time.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Toasted Heretic, you havent answered my question. How is my post a "spirited defense" of Melania?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Well, she's married to one of the biggest abusers on the planet, so in that respect, perhaps. But this woman is truly suffering from as much delusion as her husband if she really things she's one of the most bullied people in the world, and if she thinks that is true bullying. Hell, she sits by while her husband cyber-bullies everything under the sun and says nothing, not to mention dissing sexual assault victims. She must have more relatives she needs Trump to ignore his own migrant ire to bring into the country if she's sucking up so much to him lately.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Marrying a jerk simply for his money,

Michelle? But marrying someone to advance their political career is ok?

posing topless to get ahead,

If you have it and look fantastic, why not?

and wearing a pith helmet in Kenya is so much more inspiring to kids than hearing Michelle Obama talk about the joys of a healthy diet.

A crappy diet that everyone rejected.

She must have more relatives she needs Trump to ignore his own migrant ire to bring into the country if she's sucking up so much to him lately.

For the life of me, I don’t know where you get or how you guys believe this stuff without a shred of evidence. Lol

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Bass: The Democrats are so unhinged and are so far out there, they have no restrictions or limitations on how far they will go to force it to try to impose their radical ideology and indoctrination on anyone that dares to disagree with them.

This is a good glimpse into what I’m seeing on conservative sites and message boards. The fear they are building is one where a vote for any Democrat will bring about an end to law and order. And lots of fantasies about shooting liberals. Lots.

Some recent stories on Fox News:

Mob rule? Leftist protesters take over Portland street

Eric Holder has given Dems permission to get physical. Don't be surprised when they obey

Pam Bondi: I'm not going to be a victim of the mob

“Then later, Laura analyzes the leftist mob mentality found on college campuses.”

It's one left-wing riot after another

Dr. Sebastian Gorka On Not Giving In to The Social Media Mob

Dems' call for violence a threat to our democracy

That’s from the last week. You really don’t see it mentioned before that so you can almost pinpoint exactly when Fox rolled out the new mob narrative.

Take that mindset and apply it to Melania’s comments and you could see how there would be widespread support for her in the bubble. She’s just another one of a long list of conservative victims at the hands of bullies and mobs on the left.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Michelle? But marrying someone to advance their political career is ok?

You’re suggesting Michelle married Barack to get ahead? False. She was making good on her own.

And whether or not you like healthy food, the fact is it saves lives. And I still find Michelle Obama’s efforts to save lives more impressive than Melania’s fake gestures against bullying while sporting a jacket that says she doesn’t care or a pith helmet that signals white supremacy.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I think Melania Trump is helping to Make America Great Again. She's awesome!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

@Superlib I whole heartedly agree. These so called conservatives are trying to make it seem like the anyone that doesn't agree with their small box view is an extreme leftist. In attempting to make anything "left" look bad with their rhetoric, it's only making themselves look 100x worse. As an independent voter, the GOP train is careening wildly off the rails.

On topic, Melania's "statement" is a joke. She knows nothing about truly being bullied or harassed. As a black male, I can state accurately this woman knows nothing about it.

Insulated, arrogant, self entitled, wealthy elitist is exactly what she is. I never have compassion for people like this.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

smith: "Hell, she sits by while her husband cyber-bullies everything under the sun and says nothing, not to mention dissing sexual assault victims"

When was this? Surely you're not referring to that rally where Trump simply repeated what Christine Blasey Ford said?

Come on, smith, admit it, Melania is soooo much better than the last First lady, Michelle "Now we're feelin' what not havin' hope feels like" Obama.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Global reaction: "I really don't care, do u?"

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Michelle? But marrying someone to advance their political career is ok?

My response:

For the life of me, I don’t know where you get or how you guys believe this stuff without a shred of evidence. Lol

Moving on . . .

A crappy diet that everyone rejected.

My response:

For the life of me, I don’t know where you get or how you guys believe this stuff without a shred of evidence. Lol

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Fox News Headline right now:

Mob Mentality: GOP hammers ‘mob’ message for midterms, as Dems howl over label

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Mob Mentality: GOP hammers ‘mob’ message for midterms, as Dems howl over label

Usually people do that when someone gets caught

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Usually people do that when someone gets caught

The burden of proof is on conservatives to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that democrats have a mob mentality. Right now, all the right have are accusations. What happened to the rule of law?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

David VarnesOct. 12 07:30 am JSTIf Melania really feels that she's the most bullied person in the world, she needs a radical, radical readjustment of her lenses. That she even tries to float this line shows the world that, despite perhaps being the most 'in touch' of the Trumps, she's also so out of touch with the reality that the rest of the world lives in that she's laughable.

Bullied? I'm sorry, but while you might have trolls, haters, and other people talking bad things about you Melania, you are FAR from 'the most bullied person in the world.'

Yeah, then she wears that jacket with that snobby statement. She posed for porn - bondage porn. Humiliation and degradation right there.

GoodlucktoyouOct. 12 10:14 am JSTShe must like being bullied, husband having a well publicized affair while she was pregnant but no divorce.

See above.

ulyssesOct. 12 12:14 pm JSTShe promotes an initiative to counter online bullying and then mocks all the victims out there by playing the victim ?????


Being a major arrogant crybaby, just like her husband. WAH.

stormcrowOct. 12 07:19 am JSTShe's beginning to sound like some broken-down, has-been Hollywood scarlet.

Please spare us about your self pity. You're married to a huge narcissist and you're following in his footsteps.

Right on. There will be critics and h8ers razzing on everyone - some people have nothing better to do but in this case Melania and her childish motormouth usurper husband are just plain ASKING for it. They deserve all the criticism and scorn piled on them, and then some. Petulant pathetic crybabies don't know to shut up.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Left wing people are like drunks on a bender -- they start off with one beer and then end up driving a flaming car in reverse at full speed with their eyes closed. Haha.

It goes like this, "Sure she might have some reason to complain but then again her privilege comes from her being white and she posed for porn and then married out of greed and now she's following in the footsteps of her husband who both a petulant child and literally Hitler armed with nuclear codes who wants to destroy the world by not singing the Paris accord so she deserves everything she gets for being a disgraceful porn addict who's ripping our constitution to shreds!!!!!!"

It's like, whoah dude, stay off the liquor/brainwash.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

What were the words on the back of her jacket when she went to the US-Mexico border? Oh yeah, I really don't care, do U?

Has she come back from her colonial tour of Africa yet?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I’m speechlessness!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Melania is just an uneducated, uninformed person, interested only in making fashion (mis)statements. If only we could have Michelle Obama back! She was educated! A lawyer! Informed! She had what we call "knowledge!" Melania should just speak her own language and have a translator translate for her.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Toasted Heretic,

I await your response. Im calling bs on the antifa tactic of misrepresenting people who dont confirm to their leftist propaganda narrative.

And you do it a lot.

come on, speak up - how does my post qualify as "a spirited defense of Melania"?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

true she is right, reason is she was actually bullied by Donald himself for he used to have umpteen affairs is it not enough... indeed he suffers from depression syndrome as he is frustrated of himself, for he has to speak always lies for he never was a successful businessman, he had to cheat taxes to New York state he has a big problem that might hit him even if he successfully competes the term, so he knows his own drawbacks, yet he has no other way but ti put up big smile on his lips, she knows his predicament too, any way she is right in her statements for many in white house is awaiting his downfall that is itself great problem for her family too. realism is that, sorry no malice.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

She was the darling of the media and propped because Donald Trump would surely lose to Hillary but wow have they turned on her.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Love the Channel Fedora. Bought my wife one. Sorry. I think she should have said the most bullied first lady. But Dolley Madison would have given her some competitiion. Diffrent time then though.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I have nothing but respect for her !

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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