Japan Today

Mexico to boost security at border after migrants try to cross


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It's okay for Mexico to secure their borders and send the migrants back to their country of origin, but not okay for the U.S to do same?

13 ( +19 / -6 )

Mexico is asking for trouble by letting all these people pass through their country to attack America. They should secure their southern border. The Mexicans will get tired of supporting their Latin brothers when the bill comes and the increase in crime is already obvious to them.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

How on earth is America and the world in general letting this happen?! Swarms of illegals entering a country in this manner and no one doing anything to stop it, mind boggling

17 ( +22 / -5 )

Mexico is asking for trouble by letting all these people pass through their country to attack America. They should secure their southern border. 

They should build a wall, but they should ask America to pay for it.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

The Mexicans will get tired of supporting their Latin brothers when the bill comes and the increase in crime is already obvious to them

That's why they're passing the buck and encouraging them to go to the U.S where it will be the U.S.' problems.  At the same time, Mexico will send a bill to the U.S......along with their poor, hungry and criminals THEY don't want in their country.

How on earth is America and the world in general letting this happen?! Swarms of illegals entering a country in this manner and no one doing anything to stop it, mind boggling

Yes its mind boggling but not unexpected.  Pose that question to your liberal Democrats.  They don't think there's anything wrong with open borders, free migration.  In fact they welcome them as new Democrat voters.

As for the world, they don't see a problem.....as long as illegals aren't swarming into THEIR countries.  But then they look to the U.S. to host the migrants.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Whos looking after these Migrants during their Journey ? Just living off charitable donations ? What happens then when they reach the US ... same again ?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

But I thought only racists were opposed to the caravan?

As I said before, even Mexico doesn’t want the caravaners and Mexican citizens posting on social media have made that clear; they’ve pointed out how the caravaners leave behind trash and went from asking for help to demanding it. “Shameless” is a popular word being thrown around.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

 What happens then when they reach the US ... same again ?

Trump has a history of employing illegal migrants on the cheap, so I am sure he will find a job for them.

But I thought only racists were opposed to the caravan?

Racists are definitely opposed to migrants, in a country founded by migrants.

“Shameless” is a popular word being thrown around.

I would use that word for those who lie about the scale of the caravan, the supposed danger it poses to the US society etc etc and of course for the racists , but then they might take is as a compliment

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

And the Democrats say we don’t need a wall. Good lord!

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

By all accounts, the "caravan" is something like 90% young single men. Yet somehow, the AP managed to find two women with small children to interview for their story, who could pose as hapless victims. Coincidence, I think not! Fake news? Perhaps...

Glad to see Mexico finally stepping up and recognizing their responsibilities as a sovereign nation. I guess it helps that something like 10% of the Mexican population ALREADY lives in the US illegally. Probably not that many Mexicans left who want to go. Now their country is being used as a conduit for others, and they don't like what it costs.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

But I thought only racists were opposed to the caravan?

Yet Mexico and the Mexican citizens aren't "racists"?  

It's interesting to see the liberals' reactions to Mexico voicing the same concerns and doing the same as Trump, i.e., securing Mexican borders and sending them back to their country of origin.  

Mexico is on track to send a total of around 100,000 Central Americans back home by the end of this year.

Apparently Mexico can protect their borders and sovereignty and control illegal migration into their country, yet many believe the U.S. shouldn't be allowed to.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Pose that question to your liberal Democrats. They don't think there's anything wrong with open borders, free migration. 

They do think there is something wrong with it. Nobody is proposing open borders. You've bought the lies you've been regularly fed by Trump and infoxwars

But then they look to the U.S. to host the migrants.

Who is 'they'? Do you mean Europeans are looking to America to take the latin american migrants that aren't massing at their borders?

.as long as illegals aren't swarming into THEIR countries.

Good grief you know even less than I thought. They are 'swarming', but are being dealt with without sending armed soldiers for political purposes.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Still waiting for some anti-Trump'ers to walk the talk and take up the Open Door Challenge.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

By all accounts, the "caravan" is something like 90% young single men. 

Which 'accounts' are you referring to, Breitbart or Infowars. It could be even the Suidlanders, by all account they have taken a shine to Donny .

According to the UNRA almost 40% of the caravan is made up of children, I tend to believe the UN a tad bit more.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Doesn't take much to panic some. Despite this abnormal event, the current system is working, and illegal immigration continues to drop as it has for a decade.

Take a deep breath and calm down. Fixing the problems in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala (many caused by America - where do you think the gang members get their guns?) is the only long-term solution, and this will require close cooperation between the US, Mexico, and other Central American countries.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Yet somehow, the AP managed to find two women with small children to interview for their story, who could pose as hapless victims. Coincidence, I think not! Fake news? Perhaps...

Didn't think it was a pro -or anti- migrants article tbh. When I saw the top pic I immediately thought ' wow, looks like she's having fun giggling/running with the flag' I.e not the type of PR pro-migrants need/want.

As for the women, kids, tear gas etc I thought it was a reasonable and 'proportionate' response/use of force by the us agents.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

They do think there is something wrong with it. Nobody is proposing open borders. You've bought the lies you've been regularly fed by Trump and infoxwars

Oh really?  And you know even less than I thought; you've bought into the propaganda from CNN, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

And you know even less than I thought; you've bought into the propaganda from CNN, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

So you are saying that two entities that I don't watch or listen to aren't publicly proposing open borders, but they are lying about that and I've bought their lies because in reality they are in favour of open borders? Very cunning of them.

Do you have any proof that liberals are in favor of open borders and free immigration? I mean, beyond the comments section on conspiracy youtube videos.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Well now you know. Spread the word. What part of this don’t you understand? Thought you just gonna stroll right on in?

She said she never would have gotten that close with her daughter if she thought there would be gas.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Yep and every place the illegals tried to enter in the article was at a “weak” spot that was specifically chosen because it didn’t have a wall.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

She said she never would have gotten that close with her daughter if she thought there would be gas. -- article

A leading candidate for Mother of the Year.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Its interesting to see the comments here by Trump supporters trying to inflame and demonize these migrants - its clear who has been watching Faux News and Info Wars.

Lets be clear;

No one wants open borders - to claim otherwise is pure political posturing. All Americans want their borders to be secure and for those applying for entry into our country do so according to our laws.

This issue is about one thing - immigrants in our society and whether diversity is good or bad.

Trump supporters (notice I didn't say conservatives because conservatives have always supported legal immigration) don't want more brown people in America. "Make America Great Again" means making it white again. Before Trump was talking in code, now its more blatant. There is a reason the KKK, white supremacy groups, and other "nationalist" organizations all fully back Trump - they see him as someone like them who supports their views.

These poor migrants are just a vehicle to further exploit these far-right views on immigration. Normal Americans view them with sorrow and compassion. Yes, they may not qualify for entry into the US, but that doesn't mean they should be treated as some armed invasion that can me met with deadly force.

Trump and his supporters always say they "tell it like it is" - so start here - just admit you don't want any brown immigrants coming into our country - you don't want really any immigrants, but those that are white European (or Russian) can be tolerated...

Be honest about it...

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Good words, @lincolnman, but I think it's almost impossible to turn down the heat of the rhetoric.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

HalwickToday  03:07 pm JST

It's okay for Mexico to secure their borders and send the migrants back to their country of origin, but not okay for the U.S to do same?

Ah, Halwick, so AFRAID of those poor "I want to clean your toilet, and make your hotel beds" people, or people who would pick and package your FOOD? People who would work ten times harder than the normal white, lazy, obese American EVER would! Maybe this is why you are so afraid of them, because they will bury you with their competitive spirit. Also, they are fleeing the violence that we (USA) started down there AGAIN (for the hundredth time), and then you have the gall to complain about it. This all reminds me of a post Thomas Dunn, a blogger, posted on my Facebook feed, about Jews begging on their knees to get into the Netherlands. Same story, but this time, you are the one kicking the people back. How does it feel?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Halwick:. Apparently Mexico can protect their borders and sovereignty and control illegal migration into their country, yet many believe the U.S. shouldn't be allowed to.

Elections have consequences.

The blue wave, especially in Southern California, confirms the support for open borders. The people have spoken and by voting Democrat they have told you that we do not believe the US should be allowed to protect our borders.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Hey TheRat! Nice to see you resurrect that old shibboleth about illegals doing "jobs that Americans won't do". Pity it's completely false, as well as racist on its face. The ones who actually benefit from illegal labour are the employers. They get cut rate workers. The ones who suffer are minorities, who are often competing with illegals for entry level jobs. Nobody will hire a young African American kid for twelve bucks an hour when you can get an illegal Honduran for five.

Truth is, the vast majority of jobs in agribusiness ARE done by American citizens and legal residents.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The blue wave, especially in Southern California, confirms the support for open borders.

And they can have it as well, more and more people will leave California and since it’s already become a quasi third world poverty state with only Silicone

valley keeping it afloat, all the migrants and illegals can have California. The libs wanted their votes, they got it and have to live with it.

The people have spoken and by voting Democrat they have told you that we do not believe the US should be allowed to protect our borders.

Good luck to them.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

that old shibboleth about illegals doing "jobs that Americans won't do". Pity it's completely false, as well as racist on its face.



4 ( +5 / -1 )

Bass:. And they can have it as well

Well, yeah. It's not like you live there so what do you care?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Luckily California doesn’t set immigration policy. This isn’t about LEGAL immigration but people refusing to follow our laws and rushing across our border when they think we not looking.

and for you “muh popular vote” people why did Repubs get 38% of the total vote but only have 20% of the representation?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Not for open borders but get mad when we do something “mean” to close them.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

and for you “muh popular vote” people why did Repubs get 38% of the total vote but only have 20% of the representation?

Why did Democrats win the last two elections, and yet not end up in power?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

And they can have it as well, more and more people will leave California and since it’s already become a quasi third world poverty state with only Silicone

valley keeping it afloat, all the migrants and illegals can have California. The libs wanted their votes, they got it and have to live with it.

Some folks just prefer to live in a fantasy-land detached from reality...

California now world’s fifth-largest economy, bigger than Britain


Let's compare that to one of the most red states out there - Mississippi;

Mississippi was the lowest-ranked Southern state on the list, coming in just ahead of Alaska at No. 49. The Magnolia State was ranked 40th or lower in several of the scorecard's key metrics including workforce (41st), infrastructure (41st), economy (49th) and quality of life (42nd). 


4 ( +6 / -2 )

Well, yeah. It's not like you live there so what do you care?

I have some family there, so I care for them.

Some folks just prefer to live in a fantasy-land detached from reality...

Yes, some certainly do.


We are talking about California, not Mississippi.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Blacklabel: Cause you didn’t win by the rules of the game. 

The "rules" like the ones in Wisconsin where Repubs got less than 50% of the vote but ended up with a supermajority in state government?

Or how about Austin, a blue city with red representatives?

But it is nice to see your eyes opening to skewed representation. It wasn't reported in the bubble as it helps Republicans. Looks like you are getting some idea about the problem.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Historically invasions have been seen as an undesirable events and with unpleasant consequences. However, the desire to freely take property and possessions belonging to others is irresistible.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Same reason people in Orange County, CA votes republican yet have not even one representative. Not how it works.

You're conflating gerrymandering and voter suppression with one party just being too inept to get enough votes.

Once again, manufactured outrage about something that doesn't even make any sense when looked at with any kind of analytical eye.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I wasn’t the one running around for over 2 years whining about “but we won the popular vote why aren’t we in charge”.

But you're whining about it now, when it doesn't work for you

Its also why Repubs in Orange County have no representation at all and should move to somewhere that they do.

They do have representation. How many people do you think can afford to up sticks and move to a place where their vote is guaranteed to 'win'?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The You're conflating gerrymandering and voter suppression with one party just being too inept to get enough votes.

Yeah, so we found out in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Lawdy....

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Should just leave California to all the liberals and illegals and see how far your “ecomony bigger than the UK” gets you all.

Yep. California would be better off without the US. Their economy is supporting half the country - all those morons too stupid to understand that their vote damaged the country, and is making things significantly worse. California would be better off abandoning them.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Yep. California would be better off without the US.

California would be a complete third world mess at this point if it were to do that especially with it’s suffocating tax codes, high prices and decreased standard of living for the most part.

Their economy is supporting half the country -

Take away Silicone Valley and at the current rate, that will bust as well. It’s funny how the mega rich liberals in California and their über-liberal politician Democrats want these migrant and illegal votes, but they sure as heck don’t want them living anywhere near them.

all those morons too stupid to understand that their vote damaged the country, and is making things significantly worse. California would be better off abandoning them.

They tried and failed and I wish they would succeed and give the rest of the country a well deserved break.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The media demonizes Trump then claim Trump demonizes the illegals. (Just saw some headlines from the Guardian.) Apparently, it's only ok when they demonize Trump. This will be interesting because the media will thoroughly cook up a good story of how pitiful the illegals are vs. how evil Trump is to gain sympathy in order to get back at Trump regardless of consequences. They've been extremely creative for a good number of years and the plots only get better. I think dramas plots are getting boring because all the good writers went to work for the media.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Blacklabel: “but we won the popular vote why aren’t we in charge"

I can't speak for the people you often quote from other message boards. You keep coming here and expect us to defend comments we never made instead of going to the source.

People here point out the popular vote when Trump fans say he has majority support or a mandate or any other comment that flies in the face of the popular vote.

Not rocket science.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Strangerland: I suspect this is some warped right-wing talking point that doesn't actually hold up to any scrutiny if given even the slightest examination

Yep. The bubble moved in and provided them a false equivalency story setting up the situation for...wait for it....the real story being liberal hypocrisy. Obama faced a surge at the border and there wasn't enough resources to handle it all so temporary shelters were set up, then taken down when the crowds died down.

To Trump fans, that's the same as Trump changing the laws to intentionally put these people into detention centers with the specific purpose of separating children from their parents as a form of punishment.

So....ya know...Obama did it....but liberals are only outraged when Trump does it.

The end.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why did Democrats win the last two elections, and yet not end up in power?

For President, a misunderstanding of the Electoral College workings?

Democratic arrogance towards the center of the country and only winning on the SW and NE coasts?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2018_US_House_Election_Results.png shows that almost all of the country is Republican by area.

The reasons the rest of the country cares about California are many. It is part of the USA, united. Many things that Californians are willing to put up with decades before the rest of the country is ready are great. Over half my extended family lives in California and has for 50+ yrs. There isn't a controlled border between California and the rest of the USA. The USA isn't like China - 1 country, 2 systems.

BTW, I've been tear gassed when visiting Turkey. Not fun.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Blacklabel: Trump changed the law before he did it? Then it was UNlawful when Obama previously did the exact same thing? At least Trump bothered to “change the law” first.

It's astounding, given all of your comments on the issue, that you don't even have a basic understanding of the fundamentals. You've been fed BS from right-wing sites with information intentionally left out and now you have to come to use to have it explained it to you.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Amazing. No mention of the rocks being thrown at Border Patrol agents or the plans to put the immigrant children in the front of the crowd as they assaulted the border to stop the US agents from retaliating during this so-called 'peaceful' march.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Obama faced a surge at the border and there wasn't enough resources to handle it all so temporary shelters were set up, then taken down when the crowds died down.

Different time and totally different situation and we didn't have an invasion of hundreds of people trying to enter the country at once.

To Trump fans, that's the same as Trump changing the laws to intentionally put these people into detention centers with the specific purpose of separating children from their parents as a form of punishment.

Yes, Trump hates Kids that's why he wants to put them in detention, because he's white and they are brown.

As always liberal logic defies even all reality.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Yes, Trump hates Kids that's why he wants to put them in detention, because he's white and they are brown.

Trump intentionally changed the process, taking them out of the immigration courts (where they have a 20-day limit on how long kids can be detained) and intentionally put them in a criminal process for the specific purpose of separating kids from their parents and holding them much longer.

It was a calculated move by Trump to inflict maximum pain on kids.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It was a calculated move by Trump to inflict maximum pain on kids.

This is just made up nonsense.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Attorney General Jeff Sessions today notified all U.S. Attorney’s Offices along the Southwest Border of a new “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which prohibits both attempted illegal entry and illegal entry into the United States by an alien.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


"In a highly publicized event in May–June 1939, the United States refused to admit over 900 Jewish refugees who had sailed from Hamburg, Germany, on the St. Louis. The St. Louis appeared off the coast of Florida shortly after Cuban authorities cancelled the refugees' transit visas and denied entry to most of the passengers, who were still waiting to receive visas to enter the United States. Denied permission to land in the United States, the ship was forced to return to Europe. The governments of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium each agreed to accept some of the passengers as refugees. Of the 908 St. Louis passengers who returned to Europe, 254 (nearly 28 percent) are known to have died in the Holocaust. 288 passengers found refuge in Britain. Of the 620 who returned to the continent, 366 (just over 59 percent) are known to have survived the war."

What's new?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today notified all U.S. Attorney’s Offices along the Southwest Border of a new “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which prohibits both attempted illegal entry and illegal entry into the United States by an alien.

Great! Now maybe we can make the idiots throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents and using their kids as human shields as they rush the border regret some of their life choices.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Great! Now maybe we can make the idiots throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents and using their kids as human shields as they rush the border regret some of their life choices.

Now? You clearly don't realize that Sessions was fired by Trump earlier this month, which means that he couldn't have done anything "today," correct?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I can't believe tear gas was used instead of live rounds. This "invasion force" should have been dealt with like any other invasion force and been shot to pieces. Instead, Trump decided to use kid gloves.

Why is Trump so weak on border security?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes, Trump hates Kids that's why he wants to put them in detention, because he's white and they are brown.

Glad to see you are beginning to accept reality.

> As always liberal logic defies even all reality.

What do liberals have to do with you accepting reality?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Now? You clearly don't realize that Sessions was fired by Trump earlier this month, which means that he couldn't have done anything "today," correct?

Ok ok, you got me on this one. I did not pay enough attention to that.

But this whole article is practically satire, with the grinning idiot as the main photo and totally washing over any mention of the violence on the side of the immigrants rushing the border.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Ok ok, you got me on this one. I did not pay enough attention to that.

Appreciate the honesty and self-responsibility.

But this whole article is practically satire,

Toddlers being gassed is decidedly not satire.

with the grinning idiot

Are you always this judgmental?

as the main photo and totally washing over any mention of the violence on the side of the immigrants rushing the border.*

This is a fair criticism.

*39 migrants were arrested after a peaceful march devolved into chaos when U.S. agents fired tear gas into Mexico*

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why is Trump so weak on border security?

Maybe because we didn’t have thousands of people trying to enter the country en Masse.

Glad to see you are beginning to accept reality.

It was a joke.

What do liberals have to do with you accepting reality?

That’s the problem, they sadly don’t. California is in serious trouble.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Maybe because we didn’t have thousands of people trying to enter the country en Masse.

Then why use tear gas?

It was a joke.

Like most of your posts must be given they are so far out and filled with outright falsehoods that no reasonable person could be expected to take them seriously. ROFL! Smh. Kuddos!

That’s the problem, they sadly don’t.

So why did you mention them?

California is in serious trouble.

The wildfire is contained andir had the fifth largest economy in the world. You clearly don't use the generally accepted definition of "trouble."

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But it wasn’t wrong in 2013 because.........?

Did Obama constantly whip up ignorance driven fear of migrants amongst his supporters?

I’m sure it’s the same reason kids in cages was fine then too. The “don’t criticize Obama” policy. Everything he did was obviously for

Constantly correcting conservative falsehoods is tedious, especially when cursory research and a bit of honesty would prevent them in the first place:

"What the Obama administration did, which is what the law requires, is to find shelter facilities for those kids, which were put together by the Department of Health and Human Services. So the goal was to get kids out of the Border Patrol, into proper care by HHS, and then HHS is supposed to release them to the least restrictive setting, and in more than 80% of the cases, that was their parents who were already in the United States."

That is far different then implementing a new policy aimed at ripping children from their parents and putting the children in cages.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

with the grinning idiot

Are you always this judgmental?

Sorry, 'grinning idiot' is just a figure of speech. I feel the choice of picture makes the woman look rather ridiculous as she charges the border grinning like she's going to get a hug when she gets there.

Toddlers being gassed is decidedly not satire.

Toddlers would not have been gassed had their parents not used their children as shields. There is easily found video of Mexican police officers trying to convince groups of immigrants to not place their children in the front of the mob. They did not listen and their children paid the price for their poor decision. Fortunately for them it was only tear gas.

Finally, the so-called 'peaceful' march did not 'devolve' into chaos. It was the intention of the organizers to have a large group violently assault the border, which they did. Again, the Mexican police tried to stop this from happening and it is documented. Unfortunately, some people got caught in the crossfire between the people aiming to cause trouble and the people defending the border. The Border Patrol actually deserves credit for limiting themselves to only using tear gas when it could have gone so much worse.

There being no mention of the last two points, which have been fully documented elsewhere is what brings down the credibility of this article to what I would almost consider satire.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Sorry, 'grinning idiot' is just a figure of speech. I feel the choice of picture makes the woman look rather ridiculous as she charges the border grinning like she's going to get a hug when she gets there.

Fair enough.

Toddlers would not have been gassed had their parents not used their children as shields. 

So the parents shouldn't have taken their children to a peaceful rally?

It was the intention of the organizers to have a large group violently assault the border, which they did

Mind substantiating this?

There being no mention of the last two points, which have been fully documented elsewhere is what brings down the credibility of this article to what I would almost consider satire.

Apprexiste the considered response.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Then why use tear gas?

To stop hundreds of people trying to illegally cross our borders

Like most of your posts must be given they are so far out and filled with outright falsehoods that no reasonable person could be expected to take them seriously. ROFL! Smh. Kuddos!

I feel the opposite.

California is in serious trouble.

The wildfire is contained andir had the fifth largest economy in the world. You clearly don't use the generally accepted definition of "trouble."

Doesn't address the issue that the most wealthiest residents of the fifth largest economy don't want to live anywhere near these people, but they definitely want their votes.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

So the parents shouldn't have taken their children to a peaceful rally?

No, they should not have taken their children to the front row of a group of people trying to aggressively push their way across a border being guarded by armed men.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

To stop hundreds of people trying to illegally cross our borders

Why not use live rounds to send a strong message? Why is Trump limiting himself to what spineless Onbana did in 2013? Trump is weak on border security.

I feel the opposite.

It's always about feelings with conservatives. Particularly ignorance driven fear. Do you need a safe space? Lol.

Doesn't address the issue that the most wealthiest residents of the fifth largest economy don't want to live anywhere near these people, but they definitely want their votes.

This doesn't support your assertion. That California is in serious trouble. Are you joking again.

Additionally, non-citizens cannot and do not vote. You're pushing a falsehood yet again.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

No, they should not have taken their children to the front row of a group of people trying to aggressively push their way across a border being guarded by armed men.

I'm going to need a cite that supports your assertion that the parents took their children to the front of the group that tried to cross the border.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The blue wave, especially in Southern California, confirms the support for open borders. 

And they can have it as well, more and more people will leave California and since it’s already become a quasi third world poverty state with only Silicone

You mean, Bass, the California that recently surpassed TORY English in terms of GDP? THAT California!? If it is so third world, it must speak VOLUMES about TORY England.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

William BjornsonToday  04:22 am JST


"In a highly publicized event in May–June 1939, the United States refused to admit over 900 Jewish refugees who had sailed from Hamburg, Germany, on the St. Louis. The St. Louis appeared off the coast of Florida shortly after Cuban authorities cancelled the refugees' transit visas and denied entry to most of the passengers, who were still waiting to receive visas to enter the United States. Denied permission to land in the United States, the ship was forced to return to Europe

Exactly! The same ole thing, history repeating itself, and the CONSERVATIVES of both eras ranting and raving like lunatics about THOSE people. Sick, to be honest.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why not use live rounds to send a strong message?

Mexico did and look what happened as if desperate people are going to sit back, get a latte and listen.....

It's always about feelings with conservatives. Particularly ignorance driven fear.

Ahhh, the same way the left use race as a fear tool tactic, I see.

This doesn't support your assertion. That California is in serious trouble.

Yes, it does. The Streets of SF and LA are becoming the States garbage bins and the the prestine lavish homes of the Hollywood rich and famous, not a word of them helping these people, taking them in, but they would never do that, never.

Additionally, non-citizens cannot and do not vote.

But they do in California and a few other States, at least Jerry Brown will be gone soon.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Lurbin Sarmiento, 26, of Copan, Honduras walked back to the sports complex with her 4-year-old daughter shaken from what had unfolded a short time earlier at the Tijuana River and U.S. border.

I'm glad she was looking out for her daughter. No one, especially children, should be exposed to this. I know this might sound dumb, but have they tried to go to the US Consulate in Tijuana? I just think forcing their way will cause more harm than good, especially for children.

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Mexico is on track to send a total of around 100,000 Central Americans back home by the end of this year.

Apparently Mexico can protect their borders and sovereignty and control illegal migration into their country, yet many believe the U.S. shouldn't be allowed to.

And why is that, why 100,000? BECAUSE America keeps over-throwing legitimate governments and then sending them munitions so that they can kill their citizens with impunity. Thus, the flood. The USA has done it repeatedly, and then they WHINE about the result.

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If the mob didn't try to enter our country illegally they wouldn't be tear gassed, now would they?

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It's hilarious, no, actually sad that liberals don't think we have to take the action necessary to prevent people from entering our country illegally. Some of these migrants are throwing rocks and bottles at our border security people.

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Useless politicians. Are you paying attention, US voters??

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sad that liberals don't think we have to take the action necessary to prevent people from entering our country illegally.

Sad that Republicans are too clueless to realize that building the wall is not a cost-effective way of protecting your borders, and that there are much more effective, and get this, fiscally conservative, than the boondoggle of a wall.

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caravan = refugees/asylum-seekers. stop saying "illegals". say "asylum-seekers" instead so that you can hear how asinine you sound.

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Why is everyone condemning the US for this? No country would allow a large number of people to storm their border! Try doing that at the Chinese or Russian border!

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@bob - I am liberal and I agree with you. This is not the fault of the U.S. These people were all offered asylum in Mexico with jobs and those gathering refused and wish to enter the U.S. At the time they were offered asylum and work in Mexico and they refused they severely jeopardized their case of being refugees.

I disagree with Trump around 95% of the time. In this case I agree that the best move was to stop people at the border, make this so Mexico has "skin in the game" as they say in this situation and then see where things move forward from there.

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Why tear gas, lobbed at migrants on the southern border, is banned in warfare

So are you saying this is war? Because tear gas is authorized for even the military to use in riot control and policing situations. Which this is.

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This caravan is a bunch of bs which is primarily young men and not the women and children the media portrays. The USA is not a free meal ticket. I work hard, pay taxes and get not a lot to show for my efforts. Why should the money i pay the USA government be spent on assisting invaders, 3rd world countries and not be spent on improving my family's welfare? Defend the border and if Mexico won't control this problem because they are spineless then the USA needs to take serious action against Mexico and close borders and business with Mexico.

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If their asylum situation was genuinely serious they would have taken Mexicos offer, this is obvious a trip for other reasons

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