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Militants post images of mass killing in Iraq


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Great job 'liberating' Iraq Bush Jr.!

0 ( +10 / -10 )

.....yes it was olden. If only he knew that freedom requires more personal responsibility maybe he would have left Saddam to crumble another way like Qaddafi. Everyone ASSumes Iraq would have survived the Arab Spring.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Mission Accomplished!

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Religious revolutionaries are a threat to civilization.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

So many lives down the drain because of the stupid actions taken by Bush, Cheney and other criminals who now cannot leave the US for fear of being arrested under international law. They are indeed criminals and will be noted as such in the annals of human in every corner of the world.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

This crap makes me angry, the US needs to get in there and spank these idiots.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

A flat out lie to accuse Bush and Cheney as was criminals! Your opinion maybe, legally not!

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

This is conseguence for support to islamists in Syria that are transforming a developed country in a new lebanon. US and France tought to use islamists to gain influence in country ally of Russia but this great game of great powers understimate the brutal and uncontrollable nature of religions.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Well, if this isn't motivation for the Iraqi army to get off its behind and defend Iraq, I don't know what is. Yes, Bush & Co. helped create this mess, but I'll be damned if I can understand how billions in U.S. aid to get the Iraqi military ready to stand on its own were so obviously wasted. Do recall, folks, that Iraqis wanted U.S. troops out of Iraq post haste. They still cheerfully accepted the development and military aid money, but they wanted U.S. troops out just the same.

I know the U.S. bears a huge burden of the responsiblity for this in that it didn't set up shop forever in an already unstable region that it pushed further down the road of chaos with Bush Jr.'s private war.

But the truth of the matter remains: How do you help a people that are more interested in political back-biting, religious sectarianism, and widespread corruption, both public and private? If the Iraqi people, or more specifically, the politicians who would presume to lead the Iraqi people, have no apparent interest in the stability of Iraq, then what else is there for the U.S. to do?

The well-funded, well-trained Iraqi army ran away from ISIL, for Pete's sake. What does anyone do with that?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

There seems to be a never ending supply of these militants.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Imagine the horror of being dragged off to be shot by that lot. I feel their fear.

If Iraq falls to ISIL, or the country falls into a state of prolonged civil war, who will have control of the oil fields? Will they be under ISIL/Shiite control or does Haliburton, or whomever, have its own private army on the ground protecting the oilfields?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Great job 'liberating' Iraq Bush Jr.!

Hate to break it to you, but blaming Bush is a waste of time, this was ALWAYS about Sunni and Shiite back and forth revenge killings and payback, it's been going on thousands of years and guess what, Bush wasn't even born then, so if you libs want to make excuses because you don't like Conservative policies, fine, but lambasting Bush is as waste of time, you guys get too worked over it. If you ask ANY military analyst, they will tell you the same thing.

So many lives down the drain because of the stupid actions taken by Bush, Cheney and other criminals who now cannot leave the US for fear of being arrested under international law. They are indeed criminals and will be noted as such in the annals of human in every corner of the world.

You are talking as far as public opinion is concerned in that case, it's irrelevant. No one is going to get arrested, nor should they. The animals that you are refereeing to are the people that behead innocent children for listening to music or girls trying to get an education or throwing acid in a woman's face or public beatings, executions, murdering thousands of people like sheep. Those are animals.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Arab Spring would likely not have happened had we not interfered in the Middle East. Yes Saddam was a loon but the Sunni Shia thing was at least under control under his regime. and Remember he invaded Kuwait (whic is Sunni) and killed Kurds (who are Sunni).

The whole Middle East escapade has been a colossal waste of life and money. and has led to misery in Afghanistan and Pakistan and unrest across most of North Africa and the Levant.

The NeoCon mantra of bomb first and ask questions later has been a proven failure.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

nobody can seriously believe that this would be happening if Saddam (or another Baathist dictator) was still around. and imagine if NeoCons had got theirn way and ousted Assad? The mess across the Arab world is in large part a result of Western intervention in 2003.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

We all have to learn that we cannot kill ideology.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

nobody can seriously believe that this would be happening if Saddam (or another Baathist dictator) was still around. and imagine if NeoCons had got theirn way and ousted Assad? The mess across the Arab world is in large part a result of Western intervention in 2003.

Or you could argue, the opposite, now that the Dems are in control, they would never stand and fight and they would run and never look back and leaving the job unfinished. You see the results of liberal foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan when you give them the keys, they crash every time.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

There was never any way to "finish the job". Point is that an occupying Christian force in Iraq only stoked up greater sunni (and Shia) extremism. Of coursde you can "argue the opposite", but ther evidence of current events makes that a little ridiculous. you only had to see Blair on the television looking like the lying, shifty and self justifying spiv that he is to know that the facts do not support his case.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There was never any way to "finish the job". Point is that an occupying Christian force in Iraq only stoked up greater sunni (and Shia) extremism.

What utter BS! How many Christians do you see dead compared to Sunni or Shiite. Fact is, the sectarian uprising had virtually little to do the U.S. Involvement, it wasn't the catalyst as libs want you to believe. If you want to make the argument that the two factions could almost never live in peace and harmony, I might buy that argument, but other than that, the U.S. Involvement was a side issue for the radicals.

Of coursde you can "argue the opposite", but ther evidence of current events makes that a little ridiculous. you only had to see Blair on the television looking like the lying, shifty and self justifying spiv that he is to know that the facts do not support his case.

All politicians lie, all of them,

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Arguably it was the post Desert Storm presence in Saudi that led to 9/11. certainly more causation there than anything to do with Saddam. And if these folks were always at each others' throats how come we never saw any evidence of it in Syria and Iraq and Jorda and so on before 2003?

and if all politician lie why are you so ready to buy their lies?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

'If you want to make the argument that the two factions could almost never live in peace and harmony, I might buy that argument,'

So, you'd agree that expecting a democracy to work after Saddam was gone was a ridiculous idea to begin with?

'There seems to be a never ending supply of these militants.'

Very true. These deeply religious nutcases won't accept compromise with those who have a different religion or take on Islam and never will. They are warped beyond reason. It was only a matter of time until they maimed and massacred for their 'holy' purpose. Iraq was doomed from the moment the mission was accomplished.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

And next we will see the websites being shut down in the UK and US and so on. and slowly our freedoms are chipped away and we are lied to and misled and pay for the follies of our elites.....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Iraq was doomed from the moment the mission was accomplished.

I'm going to change that. Iraq was doomed when they discovered mass amounts of oil there back in the 1920's. Ever since then it's just been a pawn on our chess board along with all the other oil nations. The Saudis were smart enough to play our game. Look at the history. I sure hope oil goes up to $200. a barrel then the real shit storm is gonna start and maybe we'll have a chance to get rid of these war mongering scum.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Military analyst? Give me a break! Shiites and Sunnis exacting revenge for thousands of years? Ok, maybe true. But how about Fox News pitting "libs" and "conservs" against each other for way to many years.

So you know more then they do? Obama sure thinks he does, this is one of the reasons why Iraq and soon Afghanistan are in this pickle.

I worked up until 2002 for NBC and msnbc and I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt, msnbc is the mother of all mothers when it comes to race baiting and trashing conservatives in the worst way possible, in fact, there were hardly any conservatives working there and if you were, you had to be careful and tread lightly, because descent was not allowed. So please don't lecture me as to who is pitting whom. It's definitely not Fox and Fox doesn't only have conservatives working there, compared to my former network. Before I came to Japan, I worked at one of their affiliates at least there you can hear both sides and the great thing, you didn't have to worry about being chastised for your political belief whichever way you flow.

Even the language they peddle over and over and over makes me want to puke. But luckily for me you've already regurgitated it.

You can turn the channel, you are not forced to watch it. There are millions of people that do. You have options.

Please give your real opinion. Not what a Fox pundit has crammed down your throat!

I ALWAYS give my real opinion. If you can put the partisan liberal Kool-aid down, you would know it.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

...descent was not allowed.

Cool! I love companies which only allow promotions!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Cut them off... I've said it again. These countries are never going to wise up unless they're left all by themselves.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Thanks to the US supporting the Sunni Insurgency in Syria, Al Qaeda now has a huge swathe of territory in Northern Syria where they can prepare, train, consolidate and launch operations.

Neat idea, and one I've heard repeated multiple times on JT, but totally untrue. Please: Give evidence of what groups the Obama administration has been supporting (and this is important, see, because many of them are violently against ISIS); also, give me evidence of what this support consists of; you see, evidence has it that arms are flowing from Iraq to Syria, not in the other direction.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

All the Sunni extremist groups get their funding and weapons from three sources.

All? Really? And could you define "extremist" - for, as Reagan noted, one man's terrorist is another's "freedom fighter." And from only three sources? - Well, considering shoe leather, I suppose that is efficient (if unlikely).

The US is allied with the Sunnis.

Might want to put that in the past tense. The US will soon realize realize, as I'd predicted for a while, that it has interests closer to Tehran than to Riyadh. Ironically, we can thank GWB for forcefully bringing this to our attention.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

oldman_13Jun. 16, 2014 - 07:04AM JST Great job 'liberating' Iraq Bush Jr.!

We did liberate Iraq from the Hussein Regime. So much for your comment. What no one can liberate this country from is a way of thinking that is thousands of years past it's due date. You can lead a horse to water...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

We did liberate Iraq from the Hussein Regime. So much for your comment. What no one can liberate this country from is a way of thinking that is thousands of years past it's due date.

So, Iraq was "liberated" from the frying pan into the fire.

Heckuva job, Bushie.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Guys, Islam is not 1000s of years old. Neither is the Shia/Sunni split.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

yabitsJun. 17, 2014 - 01:49AM JST So, Iraq was "liberated" from the frying pan into the fire. Heckuva job, Bushie.

No it was liberated from the Hussein Regime. It also had countless lives and billions of dollars of support thrown at it to get on it's feet. But the people are not unified enough to make use of that opportunity.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Just sick. Base human barbarity exposed. No excuses, no justification possible.

I pray that Allah will have mercy on their souls but I doubt that he will be disposed to listen. Shouting out his name, they have ignored him. They are equal to or worse than that which they condemn.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Islam is only about 1300 years old. So yeah, the "They've been going at it is for thousands of years" comments here are more than a bit off the mark.

It also bears noting that from the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922 to the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Shiites and Sunnis coexisted in relative peace. Extremist Islam didn't really exist. Suicide bombers? Treating civilians as fair target combatants? None of this really existed before the Iranian Revolution. This watershed overthrow of the US-backed Shah regime, spawned in part by flagrant U.S. meddling in Iranian domestic affairs (thanks to the bumbling, ham-fisted efforts of the CIA and British MI6), changed everything and set Shia Iran on a crash course with violently anti-Western extremism, starting with the storming of the U.S. embassy in Iran in '79 and spreading out like ripples in a pond to Islamic nations throughout the Middle East, including Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. The U.S. stirred this pot in order to secure a reliable source of oil. And the pot boiled over. It's a simple as this.

So when I point out that the U.S. and Britain have very few options when faced with an Iranian populace that seems unwilling and unable to help itself in the face of this new threat from these Al-Qaeda lunatics, I don't say it in an effort to absolve the U.S. and Britain of their responsibility in all this. We have Britain, after all, to thank for all the bloodshed and pain even now occurring between Israel and the Palestinians. And we have the U.S. to blame for making sure Al-Qaeda will keep getting fresh recruits with our 2003 invasion of Iraq that was such a painfully blatant effort to punch something -- anything -- to help soothe our anger over 9/11. Too damned much poorly thought out meddling has brought us where we are today. And a lot of innocent people in Iraq are about to pay the price for it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Waste of money? Not for the global weapons cartels. They are constantly raking in many trillions of dollars by flaming all sorts of descent throughout the world, under the pretensions of defending human rights and spreading democracy, although democracy in the U.S. is dying.

Moreover, Obama's "change you can depend on" can't be depended upon, as he is furthering the Bush/ultra-right-wing agenda by refusing to leave Afghanistan and by the numerous semi-clandestine wars being waged by the U.S. throughout the world. Add to that that the NSA and other dark spy agencies have constant surveillance of American-born citizens, and government officials in allied countries!

The best pragmatic policy, at this time, would be to quarantine the Islamic countries and their repressive religious believes and savage barbarism. Stay out of their way and let them eliminate each other.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Great job 'liberating' Iraq Bush Jr.!

Great job "ending the war in Iraq" and leaving them to the mercy of the terrorists spilling over from Syria (due to your failed "red line" diplomacy) and to the Iranian mullahs Mr. Obama.

Declaring victory before actually achieving victory doesn't usually work out.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Declaring victory before actually achieving victory doesn't usually work out.

"Mission Accomplished."

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"Mission Accomplished."

Exactly - Obama pulled out the troops and declared victory assuming it was "mission accomplished". Now he is losing against terrorists in Libya, Syria, and Iraq. Don't forget, Obama's missteps in Syria allowed the terrorists to get a foothold in that country which is now spilling over into Iraq. And Obama still thinks he won. Look for a repeat performance in Afghanistan (ie. the good war).

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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