Japan Today

Military scrambles for transgender policy after Trump tweets


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Ol' Bone Spurs doesn't seem like the right person to be passing judgment on who is fit to serve and who isn't.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The study found 18 other countries allow transgender people to serve openly in the military. "In no case was there any evidence of an effect on the operational effectiveness, operational readiness, or cohesion of the force,"

jus one more example of the mind-blowing incompetence of the WH. How they did this. Why they did this.

Screwing over transgender soldiers for no other reason than politics.

If anyone is a danger to unit cohesion and morale of the armed forces it's Donald "tweetie bird" Trump.

I'd like Trump to tell Kristin Beck to her face that she wasn't fit to serve


Or any currently serving

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The military is not a social feel good experiment organization and when it gets to the point where the military has to pay for gender operations, it means we've hit an all time low.

Screwing over transgender soldiers for no other reason than politics.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )


Seriously? If it isn't obvious to you how these half-butted tweets puts these thousands of soldiers in a situation of desperate uncertainty about their futures then any explanation I'd bother to give would be a waste of my time. No consideration whatsoever for these servicemen and women.

Btw, Could YOU tell Kristin to her face she wasn't fit to serve? Could you tell any of these soldiers? I don't think so.

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