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Montreal has worst air of any major city in world as wildfires rage: monitor


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no word?

no action?

or no-funds for it...?

Here you are, a little reading for you.


6 ( +9 / -3 )

They've been predicting global warming for decades; certainly they were expecting more forest fires. Why haven't they invested more resources on preparing for this?

Because that would be an actually pragmatic response to climate change. There's far more money to be gained in financial instruments like carbon credits than there are in levies, fire-fighting brigades, etc.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So the smog olympics are Beijing, New Delhi and Montreal. Only two held Olympics…

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Raw BeerToday  04:53 pm JST

Yeah, I agree those countries are just as bad, and they are all equally bad at wasting taxpayers' money on things they don't need....

Let's hear which country you're from and how efficient your gov't is. I think I'll be waiting forever.....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

RodneyToday  06:15 pm JST

So the smog olympics are Beijing, New Delhi and Montreal. Only two held Olympics…

The Montreal Olympics were in 1976. There wasn't a wildfire then. Are you actually saying that industrial pollution and the resulting smog are the same as smog from wildfires. LOL.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm surprised they haven't yet been able to control these fires. Why are they so ill-equipped?

They've been predicting global warming for decades; certainly they were expecting more forest fires. Why haven't they invested more resources on preparing for this? Is Canada that poor?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Raw BeerToday  03:52 pm JST

I'm surprised they haven't yet been able to control these fires. Why are they so ill-equipped?

They've been predicting global warming for decades; certainly they were expecting more forest fires. Why haven't they invested more resources on preparing for this? Is Canada that poor?

The Canadian fires have affected over 3.8mil hectares. Do you have any idea how much area this is? Apparently not. I'd say that Canada is having as much success as the US and Australia did with their wildfires. Where are you from? Is your country poor?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Marc LoweToday  02:44 pm JST

As long as the Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup, all will be forgiven. It's no wonder Quebec wants to secede. Good ,uck to the 119 brave French fire fighters. If only their PM were as brave as his Ukrainian counterpart. He'd be in the forest hosing the flames down and would get blackfaced but not criticized as before.

Talk about non-sequitur. Did the POTUS and the Australian PM get black-faced fighting their wildfires. And Quebec hasn't had a referendum since 1995. Try to keep up with the times.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I'd say that Canada is having as much success as the US and Australia did with their wildfires.

Yeah, I agree those countries are just as bad, and they are all equally bad at wasting taxpayers' money on things they don't need....

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

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