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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Mossad under fire over Dubai hit squad
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So those who yesterday so vehemently denied that the assassination could have been done by Mossad. Surprise!! < :-)
now im even less sure that the mossad is involved. none of the people in the video,or in the pasports pictures could even resemble an israeli.
what ever motiv the mossad have against that terrorist,the motiv of terrorits organisations and the government that finance them to worsten relation betwin israeli to its allies is greater.
if the mossad wanted to take him out,they wouldnt have used israeli citizens pasports,nor europian pastports.
They used to do these things with a sniper and a high-powered rifle. How do you get 11 people involved in one hit?? They must be working according to union rules.
In the end? You need proof. There is none. But there is this:
“Al-Mabhouh is dead and all the partners to the operation left Dubai safely,” wrote analyst Ronen Bergman of the Yediot Ahronot newspaper.
"now im even less sure that the mossad is involved. none of the people in the video,or in the pasports pictures could even resemble an israeli."
Why's that? Noses not big enough? Israelis come from many different countries, the jewish diaspora is vast.
“Israel never responds, never confirms and never denies,”
Thats a nice 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't recall anyone vehemently denying it was the Mossad. Some doubted it for good reason, and they may still be right. The verdict is still out. But in the end, a bad guy is dead, and that's good.
Exactly. I don't remember anyone vehemently denying it either. However, IF this was a Mossad operation, 'bungle' does not even begin to describe it. Getting caught on camera and using passports of people who were dual Israeli citizens are just two of the reasons why Israeli citizens first and foremost should be angry if this does turn out to be Mossad.
Still, just because 'security officials' say it looks like Mossad, does not mean it was Mossad.
I agree with makabi that it is more than odd that, if it was Mossad, that they would use Israeli citizens' passports. This is one of the main reasons it did not and still does not seem likely it was Mossad.
It seems Hamas is also blaming the Palestinian Authority and the PA is also blaming Hamas. Although the next day Hamas said they did not want to accuse anyone except Israel.
From the Telegraph:
Palestinian Authority police spokesman, General Adnan al-Dameeri, told AFP in Ramallah that Palestinian security authorities "confirmed information that two Hamas officers ... were involved in the killing of Mabhuh."
On Monday Hamas official Ayman Taha told Al-Arabiya television that the pair, who were arrested in Jordan and handed over to Dubai, worked for the Palestinian Authority and took part in Mabhuh's assassination.
On Tuesday Taha told Al-Arabiya Hamas "did not want to accuse anyone" apart from Israel.
Wow, this is an interesting development. I guess they realize the game is over and it will be very quickly confirmed that Israel murdered the guy.
It seems Israel has once again behaved in a way "unacceptable internationally by any country", as Helen Clark, a previous New Zealand prime minister, said a few years back.
While Isreal engages in self-flaggelation, Hamas et all happily go on planning to murder Isrealis. Funny to see how everybody´s sympathy is now directed to this murderer who got murdered.
WilliB, Nobody is asking for sympathy, just looking at who did it (Mossad).
Why do pro Israeli Americans justify illegal murders in neutral countries? These actions are terrorism.
It is really that interesting a development? Some Israelis have merely offered their opinion. There has been no admission as of yet. In fact, it is still being denied.
How do you feel about the Palestinians arrested in connection with this case? There is certainly a strange silence amongst those suggesting that Mossad is behind this.
Though Europe (and Canada) have till now been somewhat lax about airport security (in the face of violent jihadist threats, like the Christmas Day bomber) reading the reactions here gives the impression that if EU subjects have any say authorities there aren't going to stand for Israel defending herself like this; scrutiny and surveillance will have to be increased!
This is not some random Israeli on the streets. These are SENIOR ISRAELI SECURITY OFFICIALS, and they are CONVINCED that it was a Mossad operation.
As for the alleged arrest of some Palestinians that you keep bringing up from the Telegraph, I don't know. My initial guess is that its a diversion, but I don't know. Have more respectable sources mentioned those arrests too?
Agree with WilliB exactly! Good for you. All of a sudden people are angry that a dirty murdering terrorist has been put to justice! I wonder how these people would react if their loved ones were killed by this animal. The same action would be taken by the Americans, british etc...but because they are not Israeli or Jewish their action are condoned. Obviously alot of Anti-semites out there. Good on you Israel!
I understand what you are saying. I did not mean to make it seem as if the people commenting were average people. I was merely saying that what they said are their opinions and not fact, at least certainly not yet.
From the same article, we can see other experts giving opposite opinions to those on to which you have focused:
"At the same time, some Israeli experts said the Dubai evidence pointed to a setup to falsely blame Israel."
I don't see any reason to doubt there were arrests. There were people arrested in Jordan and the have been reported to be Palestinians. Hamas is blaming the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian Authority is blaming Hamas. As to respectable sources reporting it, I am not quite sure what you mean, however CNN and AFP have reported it as well as the BBC. So, yes, it has been widely reported.
Wrong. This isn't terrorism. Terrorism is targeting and murdering innocent civilians in order to incite fear in a population. A Muslim suicide bomber blowing himself up in a crowded market is an example of terrorism. This Hamas leader was not an innocent civilian nor were innocent civilians targeted.
Helter Skelter, This group murdered isn`t that terror? They left, but they amy come back and kill again, who knows!! The people in Dubai should rightly be fearfull of government sanctioned murderers striking again.
Steve, a bad guy getting whats due him might be terror to you, but to most sane folks its just street justice and nothing more, or less. The folks in the rooms next door didn't even know anything had happened..
Midnightpromise, No government has the right to murder without trial in a neutral country. The Mossad filth should all stand trial for murder. The days of the wild west have been and gond. Of Israel wants respect, then stop ruining peoples lives by stealing their identity and murdering without trial, you rogue state.
Most of Israel's Arab neighbours have governments which do not even recognise her right to exist in the first place. Address that and Israel will probably rein in the Mossad...
If Mahmoud al-Mabhouh had been killed by a US drone, it would have made page 19 in the Washington Post.
Moshe Dayan, Golda Muir, Ben Gurion and all the brave souls who used their heads before their feet I miss you... what a bunch of idiots Israel is left with. This Prime Minister is a walking catastrophe...
The message has been said. Do not mess with Israel, Jews and the Mossad. Finished. Always say never again, and if they have to take out people by assassination so be it. All governments do it. No one here thinks that Israels neighbors are not targeting Israelis?
What is wrong with the people here? Dubai is on of the few trusted allies in the war on terror in the Mid East and Israel is jeopardising that by illegally assasinating a Hamas man.
Dubai may be less helpfull in futue when needed because of Israel.
goddog wrote- "No one here thinks that Israels neighbors are not targeting Israelis?"
Does anyone here think two wrongs make a right? Choosing Mossad and the IDF over the military wing of Hamas is just choosing one terrorist group over another. Yes, on terrorist was murdered, but eleven others escaped.
It would be nearly as dumb for Mossad to have no Israeli dual citizenship folks in the group as all of them. It is smart to have many countries represented. I am just surprised there were so many dual citizen Israelis. But that too could be to throw off the scent. What is of little doubt is that the people and the passports are not matches. That makes them pretty useless as evidence for pointing any fingers.
But Mossad remains the prime suspect for many good reasons. Not saying they did it, just that they are the prime suspect.
And yes, Mossad is as fallible as any other spy group. The CIA has its own list of blunders and so does even Mossad. And the young blood entering those groups in both countries are probably not like their predecessors considering this Mickey Mouse age of the west. Nevermind all this tech, James Bond they are not.
It is fine for any Government to be involved in identity theft -but for the individual it is against the law and a felony.
looking forward to the movie !!
Hamas left one of their most important men without proper security...looks like a set up to me... Make Israel lose credibility and get rid of a troubling member all at the same time...
The elephant in the room has got even bigger, not only have two Palestinians been arrested in Jordan and deported to Dubai but a senior Hamas man has been arrested in Syria. What I find stunning about this is that there really isn’t any evidence at all to show that Mossad did this and yet because it is very obviously in their obvious interests they are getting the blame. It is all speculation yet even the Western media is saying Mossad this and Mossad that. But there is nothing at all to say that they did it. What there is at this time is three Palestinians in custody in Dubai and Syria. The extra fact that Israeli citizens had their passports used only adds to my doubts that Mossad was involved. No, I am not saying they were not involved, but if this does turn out to be then they really have gone down hill and do not deserve the respect they once had. I still feel that these were criminals paid to do a job and my money at the moment is on Hamas and Iran. For one reason that has nothing to do with the act it self or the players I hope something of this kind proves to be true, because then it will be interesting to see how the western media has to deal with being so very, very wrong. Until there were facts to back up their claims Mossad and Israel should never have been mentioned in the press they way they have been. Speculation was one thing, but what we are reading now are guilty verdicts with no evidence at all. Yes Sabi even Mossad and Israel have a right to a fair trial.
I think the world should put the same effort into catching his killers as they did in catching him, which was little to nothing. Seems fair to me.
grafton, i would never respect Mossad after the amount of illegal acts they have commited worldwide.
Hey, stevecpfc!
Maybe now you can admit you made a mistake when you wrote that Israeli politicians had admitted Mossad was involved and when you further said that it was broadcast on TV on BBC, Fox and CNN. As we know, no Israeli politician has said any such thing.
BTW, how do you feel about Hamas aligned militant randomly floating bombs to kill whomever or damage whatever they may come in contact? This was a hit against a specific individual who was well known in the weapons trade and about whom Hamas had even spoken saying he was the one mainly responsible for providing weapons during the Gaza War. If I had to compare the hit on a weapons dealer or possible innocents being killed by Hamas related bombs. I think the bombs are more illegal.
That is not to say that I condone the killing or think it was productive. I have already said in the past that I see no benefit for Israel in this individual being dead.
Funny how all nations are allowed to defend themselves except the Palestinians. Just one year ago, about 1000 innocent civilians were deliberately murdered by Israel and the world did NOTHING. For decades, Israel has been illegally occupying Palestinian land and making life difficult for the Palestinians, treating them worst than cattle. Because this guy was allegedly arranging delivery of weapons to defend Gaza, he becomes a legitimate target!
It was a slaughter of defenseless civilians who were fenced-in, not a war. I remember during that time Condi Rice talking about sending more weapons to Israel, so I guess she is a legitimate target as well then.
Kinniku, The Israelis used 8 British passports a couple of years ago in a similar case. They were found in Germany, the Israelis admitted this and promised never again. The British government asre convinced Israeli SS is behind this assasination which breaches international law.
Some Israeli politicians and high ranking officials also state this is a Mossad hit
I have no time for Hamas, but a country that holds itself higher with strong religous beliefs and high morals to assainate , kidnap and murder when they feel like it, should be rightly condemned.
Hamas disagrees with you. When they described Mahmoud al-Mabhouh's role in the 2008-2009 Gaza War bringing in weapons, they described it as a war. That is what it was.
My point is floating bombs on the sea are not legitimate. I have already said I don't condone al-Mabhouh's killing. However, your analogy does not work. al-Mabhouh was not a citizen of another country supplying Hamas. He was a member of Hamas.
Perhaps you would be willing to specifically name one Israeli politician who has stated 'this is a Mossad hit'. You wrote 'some', one is less than some so that will make it easier for you. If you cannot provide even one Israeli politician, you might want to stop stating they are saying such things as not one has said anything of the sort as of yet.
Lots of people say they are convinced Mossad is involved. However, so far, nothing has been shown to prove this is the case. Lots of others say they are not.
It is not the defending with which I have a problem. It is the offensives. Stop the rockets, stop the bombs and start talking about real peace. That is where Hamas needs to assume blame. They are not willing to talk about peace. (Not truces, but peace.)
When Israel finally left Gaza, Hamas used that to increase the fighting instead of using the opportunity to make life better for the people of Gaza. I am surprised this is not of concern to you.
kinniku, Watch the news and see Israeli politicians state the same. Maybe your news sources are biased and you don`t want to see what Mossad
Not one Israeli politician has stated that Mossad was involved. You claimed it was broadcast on CNN, BBC and Fox. You suggested these 'news sources and you were wrong.