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Myanmar's Suu Kyi slams 'misinformation' over Rohingya crisis


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Suu Kyi jumps the shark. A sad day.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Well done suu kyi! Cutting through the bs!

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

A war criminal got Nobel! World is so quiet about this genocide !!! It is not a civilized world, we are no better than dinosaurs, its Jurassic world  :@

0 ( +3 / -3 )

"Terrorism is new (for Myanmar) but the Government will do its best to make sure that this does not expand and spread all over Rakhine," she was quoted as saying.

I am disappointed that she has come out with this blatant falsehood. It's straight out "dictators guide to smears volume 1".

Obviously it will give great succour to those who despise Muslims but the truth is that terrorism is not new in Myanmar. Her own father found that out. Not to mention the Rohingya who have been brutalised.

Utterly shocking and I say this as someone who respected her so much in the past.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Like Fuad said..She's a war criminal.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I think there's a few things going on in the backdrop, which explains why Westerners, particularly liberals, are scratching their heads.

First off, the government has basically kept journalists and other observers away. So we aren't getting a comprehensive picture. The only side of the story we're getting are from the Rohinya and their supporters in Bangladesh, while the government is being very circumspect. That may explain Suu Kyi's "fake news" comment.

Another thing is that Southeast Asians really don't like South Asians. Quite a few Western expats in Thailand used to tell about some of the shocking local Thai attitudes toward Indians. And if they they happen to be Muslims, well, then magnify the animosity by several times.  And of course, the Myanmarese see the Muslim insurgency violence in Thailand, Philippines and western China, and they're willing to take drastic action to avoid that happening to them.

I also remember reading about local Burman grievances a couple of years ago. The locals accused the Rohinya men of gang rape of local women, plus routine harassment and swarming of local girls, leading to lots of brawls among the young men.

So there you have it. I doubt the mainstream Western press would be comfortable printing this kind of background info, which is why I think people are dismayed by the attitude of Suu Kyi's, the Nobel laureate.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

It's hard to tell what is true or not these days, everyone has their own version of the Truth. And the News media can easily adjust their news stories to sway the opinion of the reader towards one view or another.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

that is bs, Suu Kyi. it happens when Nobel she received was motivated (to encourage her to topple the military & its China ally)... but it looks like she share the Nobel with them (army). sad

1 ( +5 / -4 )

There are reports that Myanmar is laying landmines on its border with Bangladesh to permanently prevent these people ever returning. If Suu Kyi continues to keep silent over these provocations, she should be condemned and stripped of her increasingly dubious "Peace" prize. So far she has been an utter failure in power

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Wednesday alleged a "huge iceberg of misinformation" was distorting the picture of the Rohingya crisis.

That may be true but she/her own govt is responsible for this as all NGO, human rights monitors and independent foreign journos have been barred or expelled from Rakhine state.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

welcome to the real world. Suu Kyi is in power now and has to make the hard choices based on facts.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

welcome to the real world. Suu Kyi is in power now and has to make the hard choices

It seems unclear exactly what real power Suu Kyi has and what actual hard choices she can make.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@dcog9065 - do you have any references to those reports ?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

she should be condemned and stripped of her increasingly dubious "Peace" prize.

Oh please. I assume you called for Barack to hand his back too when he had his grubby little fingerprints all over the toppling of mostly peaceful, mostly cooperative muslim regimes in Egypt and Libya.

I just hope the international community stays out of this internal matter. I'm sure we've all had about enough of running to the aid of every muslim group that claims they are being oppressed. Its been a long long road starting in Bosnia and running through Iraq, the two aforementioned countries, Syria, Timor and on and on. Let local people solve their local problems. Its not like we don't have enough of our own troubles to sort out.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

"In her first comments since Rohingya militant attacks sparked unrest on August 25...."

A big "SHAME ON YOU!!! " for her, the Rhohingyas have been persecuted for years!! forcing them to escape all over SE Asia, Kyi is just opening her mouth now?

We expected her to be the moral yardstick for decency, all along she's never took a strong stance against the persecution of the Rhohingyas.

The beacon of light has been swallowed by darkness.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I equally dislike politico-religious nationalist. Budhist nationalist. Muslim dictator. What's he difference.

I side with the poor displaced people, whatever the tribe, whatever may be the cause of their suffering.

How can I help them? Anyone know?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Suu Kyi, Radovan Karadzick, Ratko Mladic, Slobodon Milosevic........haul her into the Hague and grab that Nobel Peace Prize from her. AND to be consistent, grab Obama's and Arafat's as well. ...war criminals all. The Nobel Peace prize should just be put to pasture, it means NOTHING. Interesting to think what Suu Kyi's path would've been like if the army had allowed her to take power in 1990, in that election her party won then. Probably would've become a corrupt, criminal politico. Imelda Marcos of Burma. She lucked out reputation wise by being denied that election. Of course her years of " house arrest" in a supremely comfortable villa, and doted on by all the liberal activists of the world secured her "Mandela of Burma" status. Never mind that Mandela did NOT, in his 27 years of captivity have anything approaching the level of comfort of Suu Kyi , and in his post-captivity political career, ever sell out politically like her. Of course South Africa doesn't have self righteous nationalist/racist Buddhist fanatics.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

One would think not to listen to the MSM by now. Typical knee-jerkers attacking Suu Kyi without knowing those important details and history the MSM conviently leaves out to sway opinion.

The Rohingya Of Myanmar - Pawns In An Anglo-Chinese Proxy War Fought By Saudi Jihadists

Media attention is directed to some minor ethnic violence in Myanmar, the former Burma. The story in the "western" press is of Muslim Rohingya unfairly vilified, chased out and killed by Buddhist mobs and the army in the state of Rakhine near the border to Bangladesh. The "liberal human interventionists" like Human Rights Watch are united with Islamists like Turkey's President Erdogan in loudly lamenting the plight of the Rohingya.

That curious alliance also occurred during the wars on Libya and Syria. It is by now a warning sign. Could there be more behind this than some local conflict in Myanmar? Is someone stocking a fire?


While the ethnic conflict in Rankine state is very old, it has over the last years morphed into an Jihadist guerilla war financed and led from Saudi Arabia. The area is of geo-strategic interest:


Suu Kyi is right! How easily some here quickly throw her under the bus after all she's achieved.

Here is the evidence from the MSM globalists of the above opinion:

Suu Kyi said fake news was "calculated to create a lot of problems between different communities" and to promote "the interest of the terrorists".

So Erdogen is the good guy!? Yeah right. The power of the MSM compels you!

Her intervention, quoted on the Facebook page of her State Counsellor's office, followed a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has led the global chorus of condemnation of a Myanmar army crackdown on the Rohingya.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Re:. My comment above about Buddhist fanatics.....I get it that it's a complicated issue, inflamed by nasty groups among the Rohingya that have foolishly decided on Jihadist terrorism.....I get that. Doesn't erase the fact that these people are despised by Burmese Buddhists and the government for their ethnicity and religion, NOT for what they do.....lack of citizenship, identity cards, education, etc.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

she was tortured then released. there is oil. sanctions lifted. international intervention, murder and mystery. where is holliwood when we need them.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

One would think not to listen to the MSM by now. Typical knee-jerkers attacking Suu Kyi without knowing those important details and history the MSM conviently leaves out to sway opinion.

And you then link to anti-semitic, conspiracy site magnet: moon of alabama.

I think I'll be sticking to the MSM like a good little sheeple on this one, thanks all the same.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Amazing how for the 'liberals' suu kyi suddenly goes from saint to satan simply for speaking wisely and truly and not conforming with the western medias bs tales.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Amazing how some can dismiss the persecution of a people as bs tales. Have to keep that agenda going, I guess. Transparent as it is.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I mean, hiding out WELL said.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Aly Rustom, Fuad. What do you know about war crime?

Do you have any evidence to prove she has committed war crimes?

I don't blame you because you two have commenting base on what you read and watch on the Internet. Even the Turkish Prime Minister was cheated by group of peoples who has connection with the Bengali Muslim terrorist group and he received false information, pictures and video from that Bengali Rohingya group as the Bengali Rohingya peoples were murdered by the Burmese Army. He has uploaded these pictures and video with caption on his Facebook without checking. Later, he was informed it was faked. H was embarrassed and apologized to Burmese Government.

Not long ago, I belie it was around February, 2017, the Bengali Rohingya group had given video of child who was tasered by man as Bengali Rohingya child was tasered by Burmese Police to The Washington Post, The BBC, The New York Times, Al Jazeera,The Daily Mail, CNN and other International Medias. Later, the International Medias realized that video was from Cambodia and the man was Vietnamese and they removed it. Those International Media organizations and their sleazy lazy reporters never learn and still accepting and reporting fabricated false news and fake photo, video from Bengali Rohingya terrorist group. The Burmese Government should sue those rich Media organization for defamation.

The Bengali Rohingya terrorist group was distributing many fabricated stories and the photoshop pictures and video from around the world as they were happening to Rakhine State, Burma. The sleazy lazy international journalists have eaten everything that Bengali Rohingya group is feeding them without investigation themselves that story they received was right or wrong. They have no integrity and ethical standard.

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Right, Phil Robertson, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Asia division and other UN officials are accusing against the Burmese Government without evidence and baseless that "the Burmese Government has committed ethnic cleansing and genocide against Bengali Muslim peoples in Rakhine State, Burma". These peoples have violated the ethical standard of their office. They have accusations against the Burmese Government, which was never investigated and do not have or produce solid evidence for their accusation.

Furthermore, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein has written report series of false story and false accusation against the Burmese Government to UN Security Council. He knew the story he got from Bengali Rohingya peoples was untrue, but he put forward without proper investigation.

Why Arab Muslim Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein was elected to the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Right in first place?

That was questionable because the Middle Eastern States are the worst Human Right violated countries on earth. He never takes on any Middle Eastern Arab Muslim states for Human Right abuse where Human Right abuse is happening every minute. He was after Burmese Government and Daw Aung San Su Kyi from day one he was elected as UN High Commissioner for Human Right.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

And you then link to anti-semitic, conspiracy site magnet: moon of alabama.

Very bold accusation. How about proving it? So just say anything you want and make false accusations because you disagree. Very mature.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Do you have any evidence to prove she has committed war crimes?


the Rohingya crisis, which has forced 125,000 of the Muslim minority to flee to Bangladesh.

I don't blame you because you two have commenting base on what you read and watch on the Internet.

Please don't make any baseless assumptions about us and where we get our information.

The Bengali Rohingya terrorist group was distributing many fabricated stories and the photoshop pictures and video from around the world as they were happening to Rakhine State, Burma.

DO YOU have any evidence of that?

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Right, Phil Robertson, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Asia division and other UN officials are accusing against the Burmese Government without evidence and baseless that "the Burmese Government has committed ethnic cleansing and genocide against Bengali Muslim peoples in Rakhine State, Burma".

So Now YOU know better than the UN High commissioner for Human Rights?? Really?

Why Arab Muslim Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein was elected to the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Right in first place?

Now your TRUE COLORS are starting to show.

That was questionable because the Middle Eastern States are the worst Human Right violated countries on earth.

Even if what you say was true, which it isn't, and it is clear you know nothing about the ME, what does THAT have to do with the slaughtering of muslims in MYammar??

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The Rohingya are little more than Bangladeshi rabble rousers. They brought about their own persecution.

Ah, victim blaming. That's where its at now.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Very bold accusation. How about proving it? So just say anything you want and make false accusations because you disagree. Very mature.

Here we go; not taken from your dreaded MSM, either.



1 ( +3 / -2 )

Your links to this hard core socialist are not relevant. You make accusations about the web site but these links are talking about the commenters, not the actual stories of the web site. I doubt you even took the time to read some of the material, as you would have found, it may be anti-zionest (who isn't these days), but certainly not antisemitic.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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