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Abe says N Korea launched 4 ballistic missiles; 3 land 300 kms from Japan's coast


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Sadly, many nations have nuclear weapons. Instead of breeding more hate, the best missile defense we have is for governments to build better relationships. Some sincere apologies and open discussions without ulterior motives would be a good starting point.

Alas, our governments are run by... ahem... 'men' and women that do not have the capacity to do so.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Time to take the pressure off the Moritomo scandal, I guess.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The PAC-3 in the pic should be used to take the missiles down. Better yet, make NK go really "ballistic" and take out their launch site.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

NK are POed

2 ( +2 / -0 )

if any conflict ever breaks out and the US jumps in I have no doubts all the stalkers will be up in arms "see? see? I told you Trump was gonna start a war!"

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

if any conflict ever breaks out and the US jumps in I have no doubts all the stalkers will be up in arms "see? see? I told you Trump was gonna start a war!"

And you think that if Hillary had won, the right wouldn't be doing the same thing?

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama all concluded deals with North Korea. US did their obligation. North Korea did not theirs. North Korea promised to Jimmy Carter that they abandon their nuclear weapon development. What do we see today? It is just unwise to expect them to keep their promise.

People may have short memory. They get betrayed every time they they make a deal with North Korea.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Mentioning the EEZ here is a bit odd and possibly misleading. The EEZ only grants Japan additional control over the exploitation of marine resources in what are international waters for all other purposes (such as testing rockets). Japan's EEZ is certainly not Japanese sovereign territory. In any case, North Korea is not even a party to the UN convention that created EEZs so they are under no obligation to recognise them.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I think it's pretty clear that North Korea is finally approaching its final days. China has started to recognize that, and has pulled back support (and coal). The assassinations in Malaysia and in NK are acts of desperation. The fat boy is losing his grip.

It may well happen this year. The big question is what North Korea's collapse will look like. It may be a very dangerous time for us, during the collapse and even after.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Now time for The Aegis Combat System --and others that are performing well-- to take out each launch after it has left North Korean airspace. Any one of them could be aimed, armed and THAT is totally unacceptable. Take each missile out.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The only way Lil' Dumplin is going away is if the NK military generals get tired of being picked off and do some picking of their own. When and if that happens, there is going to be mad scramble to see who has the bigger hat, and like another poster pointed out, dangerous times afoot.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Japan and India should take their cooperation in security and defence production to next higher level to overcome dangers lurking in the region.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Fly high vigorously in the sky off the ground?

Be afraid be very afraid

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@Agent X - I fully agree with your post in 99% of all cases. However, in the case of North Korea I think we are dealing with a very unstable and crazy man.

This is a difficult situation and there will reach a time when action is required. The longer this is put off the more severe the consequence I believe.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Sanctions do not work, China refuses to drop the hammer on NK for a variety of reasons, and Abe is getting everything he wants in regards to scaring the population into believing that he needs to change the constitution to allow Japan to respond "offensively" if necessary.

This is where the US should be taking it's security agreement with Japan more seriously and take the lead in getting rid of the threat to it's allies in SK and Japan.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Sanctions do not work

That depends on what you mean by 'work'. They don't win, but they do put the receiver of the sanctions in a bad spot that is harder for them to operate within. They force a standstill.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Nobody has the guys to start a war with NK, he's only testing his missiles like always, everybody wants peace and security and these missiles are that. He will never attack Japan or SK since hes happy with his 2000 virgins

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

@Strangerland "Sanctions do not work" Sure they do, just look at Cuba.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It's a naughty idea and highly dangerous but each time they fire at or towards Japan fire an equal number back, landing an equal distance to them. When they complain recycle their excuses back on them, could spiral but it might negatate the current situation. It is funny to imagin fat boy speed waddling to his bunker. Or being carried on a litter like Jabba the Hut.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Strangerland "Sanctions do not work" Sure they do, just look at Cuba.

I wasn't the one who said that.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Sanctions have been tried in the past with North Korea.

I am not sure if we are at that point yet but eventually I think the missile defense system should be deployed and an attempt should be made to intercept and destroy the missile.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

but they do put the receiver of the sanctions in a bad spot that is harder for them to operate within. They force a standstill.

Standstill? More like increase in activity and a marked increase in the number and timing of missile launches.

Just the exact opposite I'd say. The people of NK are suffering more, but that doesnt stop Kim or his cadre of leaders from pushing their nuclear agenda.

Sanctions do not work with NK.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@Yubaru - you make a good point, which was proven when sanctions were attempted in the past. The only ones that suffer are the North Korean citizens. Kim (and his pals) continue to drink fine wine, eat to their heart's content, and enjoy life while the people suffer.

In the past week or so, he has had his half brother whacked (a very brazen murder in a public place) and then has launched 4 missiles in the direction of Japan.

These are not actions of a sane individual. Containment of the Kim regime has been attempted for decades and all that it has accomplished has been to allow continued development of potentially offensive weapons.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Kim Jong Un reported ordered in his familiar brand of unhinged rhetoric.“set up thorough countermeasures of a merciless strike against the enemy’s sudden air assault”..... How long before his belligerent aggression strikes a town or a city?....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

In other news Pyongyang has a new Sushi restaurant, that's bizarre on many levels. Japan could target that with sanctions or sell them excess whale meat hoping that the heavy metals do what the world community can't.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The four missiles could having saving their country at war, what a wasteful attempt

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

So America, on the other side of the world, and aggressive SK can do invasion practice and deploy advanced missile systems, NK is bullied. We all know about bullying in Japan recently, but Abe wants to join in. North Korea bet America before in the last war, so I wouldn't wanna go surfing off California with all those nuclear armed subs. Peace is best.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

see? see? I told you Trump was gonna start a war!" well considering Republicans have started the last two wars, can you blame them!?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Tokyo-EngrMar. 06, 2017 - 12:25PM JST

I fully agree with your post in 99% of all cases. However, in the case of North Korea I think we are dealing with a very unstable and crazy man.

I agree with the sentiment (even though think NK happens to be one of the most antagonized nations since the Cuba missile crisis). But with Nippon Kaigi at the helm here in JP (and taking history into account), I'm not all that sure I would trust Japan much more than NK if they had nuclear weapons. Best to leave it at the missile defense shield IMO.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Its easy to notice NK has been very reckless lately, I think the ever tighening sanctions have finally got to their nerves. Even China has cut off their biggest source of revenue, coal exports. They won't last long.

the ugly part is that they probably won't want to go down themselves, so south Korea better prepare for the worst.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

South Korea should, as for the US troops stationed there up to Trump who wants them back home.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I think we can expect more insanity from the K-Porky Pig within the next few months. I really do think that NK is unravelling. Kim Il-sung founded the country and built it specifically through his personality cult. The country's unravelling started when Kim Jong-il took over and there was a huge famine in the 90s, but by and large Kim Jong-il managed to keep the country together. But this guy, Porky Pig, couldn't manage a brothel, much less a country and it is unravelling fast. Now while that may be good news for all of us the question becomes: What is going to happen before the collapse. Are we going to see missiles fired at us here and maybe at SK or even China? We don't know. All jokes aside, this idiot is very dangerous and unpredicable. He may even be suicidal or mentally unstable. He's certainly not rational.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Wasn't there a movie where a general was making demands to an alien, only to shrunk down to size and SPLAT!! This sort of reminds me of those before who placed sanctions and wa wa wah...SPLAT

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

What are the rules of engagement for shooting down the missiles? Can a local military commander make the decision independently if they breach a designated airspace? Or does it go to the PM or Minister of Defence first, and risk being too late?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sanctions would work. A complete embargo would topple the regime in months. But that's not where the story would end. Consequences could include a desperate North Korean invasion of the south, huge outpourings of refugees and a China terrified of losing its buffer state.

That's why other countries aren't applying full pressure.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

North Korea has fired the four ballistic missiles on the eve of upcoming visit of Rex Tillerson to Japan, South Korea and China to discuss present security situation in the region.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

According to the BBC the US's reaction to this was, and I quote:

The US military said later it had detected and tracked a launch but had determined that it did not pose a threat to North America.

Notice nothing about posing a threat to Japan... mutual defence, how's that working out?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The situation is serious............

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan does appear to have become a huge bullseye, especially where US forward bases are located. Is there an alternative? The Government could devote larger sums to boast defense spending, at the same time reducing dependency on the US -Japan security alliance.

A review of Japans pacifist constitution would become a reality. Leading, possibly to the development of Japan own offshore nuclear deterrent.

Would the decision be open to honest debate, not left in the hands of a ruling government that would/could use media and security legislation to overwhelm and dominate the political agenda? I think that is a fair question to pose.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

My 2 cents worth; China, Korea, Japan and the US should sit down and make this kind of arrangement. 1) China refuses any further aid; just starve the beast. 2) The US and South Korea should promise not to encroach past the current DMZ and to not interfere with the ensuing chaos the will follow with the demise of the Kim regime. In the event of a desperation attack by NK all previously-mentioned countries should unite and remove NK from the map.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Lol got to love NKs timing. Just as the screws were tightening regarding the right wing school. Watch folks as it gets swept under the rug. Got to love it!!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

My 2 cents worth; China, Korea, Japan and the US should sit down and make this kind of arrangement. 1) China refuses any further aid; just starve the beast. 2) The US and South Korea should promise not to encroach past the current DMZ and to not interfere with the ensuing chaos the will follow with the demise of the Kim regime. In the event of a desperation attack by NK all previously-mentioned countries should unite and remove NK from the map.

China will still bear the brunt of the refugee influx.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Maybe the North Koreans will stop firing these missiles if the LDP return all those gold ingots Kim Il Sung gave to Shin Kanemaru back in the 80s.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


You seem to forget that N Korea is a major buddy of China's. They will do China's dirty work for them, and China will fund them and arm them, as the Russians did. This is a continuation of the Cold War, read history.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Not such a good buddy these days. China's not buying any more coal, which is a pretty huge financial blow. Kim Jong Nam was a Chinese resident, and his murder seriously annoyed Beijing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The simple answer to this lob a few back with low level radioacrive waste in it at little fat boys residence

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Government of china must be impatient, and concerned that the Pyongyang regime will create the environment that provokes a confrontation that pushes the whole region over a tipping point. President Trump is reliant on a trusted set of advisors. Trump has no diplomatic or political experience gained from a career in Senate or Congress, in fact any level of Government.

That must be a consternation to the Government of China , dealing with a unpredictable unknown quantity that without warning is willing to question the diplomatic legitimacy behind the One China Policy. An opportunity one would believe for a more positive relationship to develop between China and Japan.

The government of China could seize the diplomatic initiative and open a dialogue with Pyongyang with a view to a treaty for nuclear disarmament. This action in itself would considerably change the whole regions political composition.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

O.K....all the Lib's; now you can repeat how " We Don't NEED USA Military in Japan "..blah, blah....go ahead.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Does the North Korean dictator not realize how easy it would be to invade and overthrow him? From reports, the Chinese are getting fed up with him. If he attacks anyone, he has to expect massive retaliation, up to and including invasion. If he would just mind his own business, he could go on being the insane little dictator that he is. If he starts killing too many people outside of North Korea, he is asking to be taken out.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The 7th fleet can't just sail off into the blue yonder, it would befit neither Japan or America.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Moving my family out of Japan in December please hold off.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


O.K....all the Lib's; now you can repeat how " We Don't NEED USA Military in Japan "..blah, blah....go ahead.

Point is... your beloved America did nothing, and had no intention of doing anything because the missiles didn't pose a threat to America. So what is the point in America being there in the first place? What it shows is that America will quite happily allow an ally to be attacked if America itself is not in any danger. I thought the mutual defence pact was meant to be for each country signed up to defend their allies if they come under attack.

Why are American forces in Japan? To protect America?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Once again NK prove that they can hit the ocean with their missiles. Big deal.

The regime there is truly pathetic. They are no real threat. Joint South Korean, US and Japanese retaliation would completely dismantle NK any time they wanted to.

Apart from being noisy and belligerent, they are just an international annoyance.

I feel very sorry for your average North Korean though.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Best to get the Thadd and place it near Fukushima. NK has 1st strike capability but a limited supply of missiles. Their target will be Daiichi #1.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

This whole thing is ridiculous. What's the real game since they play it this move over and over? The same thing has been repeating itself, and it's been going like this...

NK shoots a rocket into the ocean. Japan "strongly" condemns people who laugh at them as they complain.

In history what can this action be compared to in order to come to some kind of analysis of it all?

Buying into the "Madman vs Hawkish Abe" isn't what I want to do.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

this is outrageous ! north Korea are acting like spoilt children and must be dealt with by China--now ! m

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ignore the fat man.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sanctions do not work, China refuses to drop the hammer on NK for a variety of reasons, and Abe is getting everything he wants in regards to scaring the population into believing that he needs to change the constitution to allow Japan to respond "offensively" if necessary. This is where the US should be taking it's security agreement with Japan more seriously and take the lead in getting rid of the threat to it's allies in SK and Japan.

What the hell is going wrong with a country that shouldn't get the ability to get an offensive military position ???

ALL the **** countries in the world are able to do that !!!!!!

So what the **** do you want that Japan to be restricted, hmm ?

Are you scare that Japan take revenge and crush USA in blood ? haha (yeah it would be fine, if you want my opinion about that, I dream of that somedays)

Little kid, go to sleep now and if you all are scared that Japan be a country that match at 100% of a definition of a country, it's one more reason to let Japan get its freedom of acts.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I'm soory for people who live in N corea suffering hardships, but I think that any possible sanctions should be imposed until the geovernment gives up developping any strategic weapons, and then giving them a chance to reconsider about their tyranny in order to make a stable government for their invaluable antion.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

And I forget to add at the last sentence: Because it can be a powerful military country if all of you are scare of that. And we need warriors nowadays to fight terrorist from middle east and africa.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Japan should setup a panel, then watch video of the rockets, then hold up numbers like an Olympics event showing their failure. 4.0 out of 10?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Lol got to love NKs timing. Just as the screws were tightening regarding the right wing school. Watch folks as it gets swept >>under the rug. Got to love it!!

I was about to say the same, is there anything to deflect recently ? Because well, usually showing off the patriot missile in the city has been a sign of....

Best to get the Thadd and place it near Fukushima. NK has 1st strike capability but a limited supply of missiles. Their target >>will be Daiichi #1.

Who needs the NK as enemy when you have the Local TEPCO.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Japan has been paying for USA military occupation forces in Japan. Korean War, North woSo, instead of depending US military, Japan can use its construction provision of self defense to punish NK. It also can save money to get rid USA occupation forces since 1945..

3 ( +3 / -0 )

How long are we going to let NK continue? Wait until one lands in a city & kills countless innocents? Time to take out their launch centers & command & control HQ. UN can't sit around & wait for the tragic inevitable.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan should go ahead to defend Japan instead of dreaming US military will punish NK. Except WWII, record of U.S. military War is not good. It lost Korean War, lost Vietnam War. Abe needs to be serious to decièhow to protest ct Japan, as Native Japanese are supporting him to become PM again. Don't disappoint them.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Little kid, go to sleep now and if you all are scared that Japan be a country that match at 100% of a definition of a country, it's one more reason to let Japan get its freedom of acts.

You are living an ignorant life if you think it's fine for NK to have nuclear missiles. The US does owe it to Japan to defend it if necessary, those pretty toys sitting on the bases throughout Japan should be used in defense of Japan, even in cases like this.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

You are living an ignorant life if you think it's fine for NK to have nuclear missiles. The US does owe it to Japan to defend it if necessary, those pretty toys sitting on the bases throughout Japan should be used in defense of Japan, even in cases like this.

Is it a joke ?

Is it your only argue against the change of constitution that been written for the surrender of Japan during WWII (1945) ?

But you said that this constitution is for the Japan of 2017 ?


You have problem of time perception, I didn't know that you still live in 1990's.

And I never talk about North Korea, I don't care of this country, but if you want my opinion about that, it's happen since 1993 until nowadays.

I see North Korea's leader like a child that just want action and be mentioned in international media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_Korean_missile_tests

So I don't care about Kim Jong-un, it's not his recent missile tests that will disturb my mind.


ARTICLE 9. (1) Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. (2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

Do you think that it's fit to Japan of 2017 ? just f**** tell me !

And do you think that castrate a country of its military forces is good for every problem of life ?

They just removed military force in Japan because USA was scared like little chicken that Japan will take a revenge for what they f**** did, drop an atomic bomb like coward and not fighting like real warrior (well they tried to do it again in Irak, but they took another kicking like in Vietnam).

And do you think that US applied the same protocol for Germany ? NO !

Once Germany surrendered, there was not any constitution that castrate this country of its military forces !


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Whatever the Government of China protestations, THAAD must be deploying to South Korea, and the whole process of deploying the missile defence system needs moved alone at a much faster pace. Accompanied with the next generation advanced mobile radar arrays.

A transfer of knowledge into Japans satellite-based augmentation that from my understanding has a unique multi function GPS capability. Thus developing a joint programme could increase the range and accuracy for an anti-ship/retaliatory strike missile system.

Sanctions must be accompanied with a more aggressive businesslike solution to counter Pyongyang regimes reticence.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

In your case you think that USA will protect Japan if North Korea lunch missile on Japan's territory by maybe invade north Korea.

But what's the problem by grant the access to Japanese military from SDF to invade north Korea too ?

And are you sure that USA will go alone in north Korea ? they will certainly ask to Japan to send Japanese soldier too, but like they are weak since the constitution and not enough developed, it's like send child to the war.

So the constitution is just for make Japan weakness, if USA will claim aid of Japan, Japan must be prepare for the war.

And do you think that the US military occupation on Japan is enough to protect a whole country ? haha let me laugh.

If an aggression come, US will need to send more material and troops to Japan if they want to protect this country.

And maybe they will do the same coward thing in 1945, drop an atomic bomb, then US military forces in Japan are useless.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The missiles were aimed toward three directions. NK must be mad toward China

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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