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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.N Korea threatens nuclear, missile tests
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Great. Well, best do what's always done and throw a tiny little bit NKorea's way to mollify them, with promises of more if they meet conditions, bla bla bla.
The gung-ho "Let's nuke 'em" solution sure won't work. Threats of more sanctions aren't going to, either. Leaving them alone to starve? won't work either as they'll just pick up the rhetoric and possibly follow through.
Out of interest, I wonder who is supplying them with the uranium to fuel the reactor that they are harvesting plutonium from?
I believe that the 2006 test didn't go nuclear. According to the US Atomic Agency the recordings that were taken showed that the explosion, while big, wasn't big enough to say they had successfully detonated a nuclear weapon.
What? No one going to come on here and say we should get tough on N.K.? Oh, maybe because that is how we got this threat, and yeah, its more like a real threat this time. Great show.
I am with noborito. I don't think their 2006 test was successful either.
Now they have this excuse to test again, even if it is ridiculous.
Well, I would say those who were flipping out about the launch, particularly those acting like it was going to be a first strike, should at least admit they over-reacted. Those types would not apologive even if you put a gun to their head, so its too much to expect that.
But I think N.K. will either do it or not, and it won't really have anything to do with our actions. But further pestering of N.K. and we will lose the image war. If we do that, then if an actual war hits, we will be fishing in odd places for support. It will be a replay of the Coalition of the Willing, with a few countries shouldering near all of the burden.
The 2006 test did have a chain reaction but apparently wasn't a complete success. Bad enough though.
There is an interesting discussion of continuing the "six party" talks w/o NK in the Economist:
The summary is that the other nations have to get ready for action should NK do something stupid or when the Ill regime finally dies and that the five parties continuing w/o the Ill boys will be a good snub. I would agree with that.
I still think China should take over. Why are they risking this kind of instability in their own front yard? Perhaps they prefer a nuclear Japan to counterbalance nuclear NK?
Most posters seem to be confused. North Korea does not do this in response to criticism or whatever the rest of the world does. It does this in order to generate a stronger response. By creating a strong response to its actions, it gains greater leverage when dealing with other countries. Therefore, North Korea will do whatever it wants to do and actually has more incentive to be belligerent if the international response is not strong enough. In a way, the more that it can get away with before getting its leash yanked, the more of an actual threat it becomes. This also increases its political leverage.
That is not to say that there isn't a limit. China is not interested in North Korea starting an actual war, so Pyongyang is highly unlikely to go that far. It geopolitical niche is that of gadfly or troll. Furthermore, that is why it is propped up.
North Korea knows the international community will condemn their actions because that's pretty much all the international community is willing to do, so saying that North Korea is going to test nukes because of a strongly worded letter from the UN is a bit silly. My guess is that they were planning on doing this all along and the condemnations are just stepping stones as they continue to move things along to the next level. Their plans probably go something like this:
Test rocket.
Wait for condemnation.
Reprocess spent nuclear fuel rods.
Wait for condemnation.
Test nuke.
Wait for condemnation.I guess the real question is what the next action on the list will be.
Just need to shoot this one down while it is still in NK airspace. Make sure all the radioactivity remains in NK.
Elbuda Mexicano
NK is a joke! Big daddy China can make it stop!
The world needs to put more pressure on China to stop NKOrea. Unless China feels the heat they aren't going to bother.
If China does not stop their little pet dog from acting like this then other nations may have to react to end this threat.....
Time to bring this run away train of madness to a stop!
likeitis: "Well, I would say those who were flipping out about the launch, particularly those acting like it was going to be a first strike, should at least admit they over-reacted. Those types would not apologive even if you put a gun to their head, so its too much to expect that."
Be careful, OssanUltr--errr....OssanAmerica will now label you as a Japan-basher and North Korea supporter because you think some people overreacted! Anyway, I agree with what you said.
OssanAmerica: "The world needs to put more pressure on China to stop NKOrea. Unless China feels the heat they aren't going to bother"
China is going to feel the feath from whom, exactly? The 'strongest' country in the world, the US? Sorry, but as has been mentioned, they just kow-towed to China in regards to not pressing more on NKorea, so what makes you think they will suddenly 'feel the heat' now? More apt, China is calling ALL the shots. Now, I agree in theory, and if they can do some back room dealing to get China to apply a little pressure, then it might work. But DEMANDING China do something because no one else can is playing into both China and North Korea's hands. NKorea came off looking pretty tough when no sanctions went through thanks to China (I mean tough in terms of bargaining). China has to have their egos stoked first, and then it has to be 'suggested' that they ASK North Korea to calm down.
I certainly don't like it, but threats clearly aren't working.
China could very well "feel the heat" from the whole world, who just happen to be her biggest trading partners which drives her export driven economy. What, you think somehow China is invulnerable? Besides, it's easier to let NKOrea put the heat on China.
There's really no need to demand or ask China for anything. Just don't give NKOrea anything until they go the brink of collapse. China will indeed be getting the most "heat" from their retarded little brother to help them survive. NKOreans declarations and threats of "War" are completely hollow as China will never allow them to start a war.
Apoligize or we start testing bombs? What the heck?
when you think about it why is it not possible for NK to have a space program secondly though I haven't heard anything saying it was a bonafied space program nor a bonafied missle launch with the intention of future attacks on other countries so if it was truly for a space program then I think they deserve an apology if not then they should be targeted and well like said above bombed
also as for making china feel the heat I'm sorry we the USA may be the strongest country in the world but thanks to recent event we have been weakend in man power and when you think about it going against china would not be a wise idea sure we have countries that would help us in the fight but the USA it's self would greatly look down at the thought of another war especialy when it's over another country wanting no more than a mere apology learn from the past to protect the future
I'm amazed at the stupidity of the North Korean leaders. You want aid, but then you spit in the face of those giving aid. I have always hoped that Kim would reign in his broke country's weapons testing. < :-)
nobody is talking about starting a war with anybody.
then I have miss understood what was said and I apologize for that
adaydream that is exactly why we should start isolating this country now to starve them out. Let them live of the Great Leader's Juche.
Korea is acting like an unstable child that has had his toys taken away from them. Then he yells that he will hold his breath until they are given back. But in this case the toys are nuclear.
I say take out the weapons site and take out this insane government.
Nah. I say the world does nothing and let China deal with the starving North Koreans crossing into their country, plus the thought of a nuclear armed North Korea rattling Chinese windows when they test them out. China's in a much worse position than the US, Japan, and Korea. I say we let them handle it since they don't really have much of a choice. The other countries should just deal with 3rd parties who try to acquire with North Korean technology.