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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.N Korea vows 'nuclear strikes' in latest threat
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Yes, Virginia, there really is a boogeyman.
They also reported the same thing three years ago! Some reports went so far as to say that Kim is actually dead and that the man who appears before the cameras is a stand-in.
LOL! Take that N. Korea! Everybody is scrambling at the threat.
NK is gonna collapse one of these days, and it won't be pleasant when it happens.
Hai, hai... yoshi yoshi, Kim-kun.
haha. yes. me think there are even capable to run many doubles for a few more years or decades so NK people even think the deer leader is immortal.
A promise of retaliation is not a threat. If I say I will I knock you out if hit me, its a warning, not a threat.
That said it is best to prepare for instability in the north but we should certainly not instigate it.
Ooops, is NK running out of food and fuel again? Time to yell "wolf" to try to get more free aid, huh?
i am wondering if Kim is really sure his rocket can fly. he might end up nuke his own country.
on another thought, Kim is more devastate to his own country than any nuke can do anyway!
They can't even build rockets, let alone nuclear weapons. How about feeding your people first instead of exporting drugs and counterfeit bills?
they must be starving
The army of north korea is a strong. I think that we may not know how strong, but the will of the korean heart is very strong so we can not know it..
The army of NK is probably a paper tiger that can't sustain operations for long unless the Chinese were helping. The dear little pipsqueak has run out of brandy and wants to look tough. Time to issue another vapid threat.
PrideinJapanese at 08:01 PM JST - 26th March “The army of north korea is a strong. I think that we may not know how strong, but the will of the korean heart is very strong so we can not know it..”
Sorry but the punch line to this joke eludes me. Maybe I am just being slow today and can’t see the subtlety of it.
The place that North Korea reminds me of the most is Jonestown -- right before the Kool-Aid.
They are going to launch it with those missiles of theirs that fall over at launch half of the time...
I think sending diplomatic lies from NK back and forth to Iran would make for interesting head lines. They can wipe each other of the maps.
Did I miss something ? Somehow this;
"Those who seek to bring down the system in the (North), whether they play a main role or a passive role, will fall victim to the unprecedented nuclear strikes of the invincible army,” North Korea’s military said in comments carried by the official Korean Central News Agency."
Doesn't add up to this;
"North Korea’s military warned South Korea and the United States on Friday of “unprecedented nuclear strikes” over a report..."
The threat clearly states "Those"- neither South Korea or the US is specificaly named as this article wants you to believe. Yes I am aware of this-
"The North Korean statement Friday specifically referred to the March 19 newspaper report."
But without that actual quote- well, we are being led down a blind alley to fend for ourselves. In any case, my understanding of this threat is that it is mainly aimed at Japan ! Especially in terms of this comment here;
"Those who seek to bring down the system in the (North), whether they play a main role or a passive role"
The "main" role is obviously the South Koreans- the "passive" role ? Japan ! Japan is the only nation that continues to ban large supplies of food and fuel aid when requested. it is the primary reason;
"Experts from South Korea, the U.S. and China will meet in China next month..."
"China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the U.S. have been trying to persuade..."
Nary a mention of Japan- who has simply muddied the waters to the point that they were asked to leave the discussions- how embarrasing !
Who sank that South Korean Marine ship?
Bay of Tonkin, anyone? That fabricated incident that resulted in the propping up of South and the invasion of North Vietnam by the US. This thing could go hot so very, very quickly, there are no save guards, no hotlines and no cool heads.
"Bay of Tonkin, anyone?"
Silly. Typical over reaction.
"the propping up of South and the invasion of North Vietnam by the US."
And the eventual invasion of the Chinese who then fired on UN forces- marking the first time any nation had done so- Yes, interesting walk down memory lane- just not sure what any of it has to do with "todays" Korea as the Chinese would never repeat such a blatant violation in todays world.
You should never encourage negative behavior. -Makes you wonder why the media is promoting this story.
The idea that the US sank the SK ship in a staged incident as a pretext to attack NK is just foolish. But I'm sure the pipsqueak will start talking it up as a pretext for putting the NK army on high alert. Going to be an interesting weekend.
LOL. They left out "immortal".
The will of the South Korean soldier is equally strong. Plus he's better trained, better equipped and isn't physically stunted from lack of nutrition.
Why should there be? What are the chances of NKorean refugees swimming accross the Sea of Japan?
Elbuda Mexicano
North Korea would NEVER ever do anything like this, they are just like a little chihuahua dog, barking, yapping, but the second they start getting a bit too out of control, hey big brother in Beijing will come and slap them down. Why? Because the DPRK is just a little toy for China, you know, to help them spice up relations in this part of Asia.
North Korea has historically "rattled their sabres" whenever they want South Korea and the U.S. to back down from a given stance. The reason why both SK and the U.S. "reacted calmly" to this latest tantrum is because we all KNOW this is just sabre rattling and has no basis on reality. The U.S. (nor SK, nor Japan, nor China, nor Russia) does not need to do anything to cause NK to fall, because history has shown governments like NK's collapse under thier own weight of corruption and apathy. Our main concern now is what happens after NK DOES fall. Then you have nukes in the hands of whichever faction gains power - and the unknown is troubling to established neighboring governments.
The day North Korea will go to war, in less than a month, the whole population will starve to death as all provisions will be made available for the fighting units only. And after that, North Koreans will start to starve, so they wont have any other choice but to eat themselves, North Korea will be John Romeros Land of the Dead.
Why not just let the internal processes within North Korea determine the political system there, without external interference?
Fadamor at 04:42 AM JST - 27th March
“North Korea has historically "rattled their sabres"
I do in general terms agree with you, but I would ask you to keep at the back of your mind that it was NK that started the war in 1950 and they very nearly won it too, and they know that. It might be unwise to underestimate a madman, stay calm yes, don’t worry, yes, but never for a moment trust them not to do what they say the might.
YGHome at 06:35 PM JST - 27th March “Why not just let the internal processes within North Korea determine the political system there, without external interference?”
When NK stay within the asylum and leave the rest of the world in peace then maybe your dear leader can also be left in peace, though it would also be nice if he spent a little of his ill-gotten gains on feeding the people of NK. While we are talking may I ask if the YG in your name stands for “Yanks Go”, I’m just making a logical guess so I could be very wrong and if so please don’t take any offence at my guess because none is intended, I’m just curious.