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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.N Korean leader's sister insults Biden, slams defense agreement with Seoul
By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Desert Tortoise
With age comes wisdom and usually better judgement. All those mistakes of the past linger on your soul and you tend not to repeat the ones you already know turn out badly. But the young punks don't understand that. As I like to say, hire the young while they still know everything.
Desert Tortoise
Care to explain that more fully? South Korea and China do not have military ties much less close ones. Younger South Koreans actually view Japan more favorably than China.
Desert Tortoise
She has to appear relevant or risk being upstaged by her 9 or 10 year old niece who the old man has lately been dragging around to official gatherings.
The best protection against war for NK is the closeness of SK and China's military. NK doesn't need to do anything. Even the CCP has to think that supporting and allowing NK to build weapons was a bad idea.
SK would love to merge with NK in to a hugely prosperous nation.
It is only the NK leaders who are afraid of that. Remove the top 1000 leaders in NK and we'll have a free country.
In the 80s Reagan got badmouthed with the same 'senility' jive, him being the oldest POTUS at the time. Yet he still made some accomplishments and got some things done.
OK so Joe isn't a spring chicken but he has the experience and credentials and diplomatic class that his immediate predecessor will never have. trump may be in his 70s but he hasn't matured beyond age 7.
Kim Yo-Yo Jong is just a sassymouth supertramp who is just slanging propaganda crap again, and like her brother Marshmallow Head needs to shut up and mind her damn business.
Such as?
Cray Bae say “Nay!”?
Yeah I really believe that.
Your 'Irish' ancestors hated the Chinese when both groups migrated to America in the 19th century, and here you are taking the side of your enemy country against your own nation.
Anyone can learn Chinese and Japanese history, culture and language if one makes effort. I recommend that to any JT participant.
Japanese history is worth learning. Folks should focus on learning authentic Chinese history though, not the fake propaganda that CCP peddles out and which many love to regurgitate.
ah that's what she said?
i was just about to ask.
Not that it matters whatever she said, Biden probably forgot all about it by now
Thanks, I think my Irish and French ancestors got a chuckle out of that. If you are Indian and Hindu (or Buddhist from wherever) then you probably believe in reincarnation. If that's true than most of us have been Chinese for a generation or more.
Anyone can learn Chinese and Japanese history, culture and language if one makes effort. I recommend that to any JT participant.
She'd be wise to remember the demise of her half-brother and uncle. Those kind of endings could happen to her from her own side or from this side and no one would give a damn.
North Korea were supposedly thinking about attacking Biden as an illegitimate president benefiting from a stolen election but didn't want to appear stupid on the world stage.
Militaries and hostile government always try to de-humanize an opponent.
Same as what your ancestral motherland China does.
For all its hypocrisy, at least the West does not go down the road of race and religion when hitting out at opponents.
Militaries and hostile government always try to de-humanize an opponent. The USA and Japan went full tilt in WW2 (see War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War - Dower). Better to not go there, ever.
She might want to look at how this nonsense worked out for Ghadaffi.
Nothing new. They have done this to previous presidents. With Obama they went for racism and with Trump and Biden they went for their age and lack of coherence.
It’s what they do.
Her brother is running the country.
So it is not her countries "provocative displays of military might" targeting South Korea in mock nuclear strikes that shows NK's hostility?
Perhaps the US should do a mock nuclear attack on NK with a few hundred nuclear missiles showing the total destruction of her country. Perhaps that will drive home the point that they being a minnow should not be provoking a giant. They would all have a kitten if the US did that and published it. They are not the only ones that can do provocative displays of military might. I know who's side I would rather be on in a battle between NK and the USA. Not NK's thats for sure.
She got the senile part right. Everyone knows that.
A democratically elected President.
Look at the unelected scum running NK.
Lol...can you BLAME her ?
Look who's running the country.
Despicable, rodent-like woman. She's the last person who should be using personal insults.
One day this evil woman, her depraved brother and the entire Kim family will be put up against a wall. Blights on the human race.
Wrong, Biden is very clever, and managed to plant more U.S. controlled nukes in East Asia:
Sorry to say, but Biden poses no threat or deterrent to NK.
The entitled but fearful leaders of a country they have impoverished desperate for relevance and legitimacy. They will all be swinging from lampposts one day.