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Prosecutors charge 3 more officers in George Floyd's death


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Trying to understand why the charging of the other police has anything to do with the episode

1/ The main charge should only be lodged against the officer with his knee on the neck - that should only be a minor manslaughter charge, for 1st degree murder there has to be proof that this a planned homicide.

2/ Two of the other officers involved are clearly seen watching the backs of the officers, its common procedure - how is that aiding and abetting.

3/ With what few facts that are being released it appears Floyd obviously tried to run from police which is why the hard core arrest happened in the first place.

4/ Again this hasn't been released by the police but did Floyd have a criminal past and did it include acts of violence - which could be another reason why police acted like they did.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

No viral video, one hungry combini check fraud nice black guy dead. Nobody would care and the police will have a great laugh.

but there is a video.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

OK, so all 4 of the cops involved in the murder of George Floyd have been arrested and charged.

Can we stop the protests now and get back to rebuilding the country? Nah. Because in 2019 there were a total of 1,004 fatal shootings by police. Of the 802 killings in which the race of the police officer and the suspects were noted, 371 white people were killed, and 236 black people were killed with 10 of those black people unarmed. No, we must continue protesting!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Not quite. Ben Carson is his token black guy.

That comment in itself is a racist one.

You probably don't,

I am older than you, so I think I do.

so you might want to read his comments after the boys were found NOT guilty. It proves that this man is deeply deeply racist, right down to his rotting core.

I absolutely don’t believe that, but what I have seen through the years of traveling across America is that the racist policies of the Democrats have completely decimated the black community, that’s a hard-core fact.

Jared Kushner was no more than a business deal between the Trump and Kushner family. If the Kushner family weren't so rich, they would mean nothing to Trump. Furthermore, he's on tape making very offensive antisemitic comments, so there is no denying he hates Jewish people, unless they are rich Jewish people.


Charlottesville, Virginia proved that when the neo-Nazis stormed that town chanting "the Jews will not replace us", and with Trump stating afterwards that they were 'good people on both sides'

Which was debunked so many times where Trump did not say that it was taken completely out of context, try again you guys keep failing. Lol


Trump's condemnation of Neo-Nazis and White nationalists sparks widespread amnesia on the left. 

His perspective condemning bad actors on "both sides" fits within a long American intellectual tradition of denouncing the radicalism of the right and left.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@ Artemis

All that had to said and you said it, but the truth hurts and many people just can't take it so they don't want to listen or understand, which is why it's so easy for politicians to gaslight people, as Abe Lincoln told us.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

a racist would never associate with people of color.

Wow I guess slaveowners who literally considered black people they forced to work for the weren't racist, thanks for this nuanced and intricate take on race relations, bass.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@Peeping Tom

The officers did absolutely nothing wrong

Apparently you've been living under a rock, so here ya go..


4 ( +5 / -1 )


No, she got thrown out again, a racist would never associate with people of color.

More faulty logic! Slave owners raped slaves, Klan members hire minorities, and I have personally worked with a racist at a company that was not all white.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Doesn’t matter and I know the difference, the point is, we’re he a racist he would never allow his daughter to marry one, let alone convert.

Jews are not race, so your logic on racism makes no sense. Jared considers himself a white!

2 ( +4 / -2 )


All lives matter - and always will.

You were not saying "All Lives Matter" when you suggested everyone go back to the work at the risk of people's lives from the coronavirus!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The C19 probably hastened his death than if he didn’t have the virus.

It said that he was an asymptomatic carrier with no lung damage, so his death was purely due to Derek Chauvin and the other officers being on top of him. Would be total karma if all of those officers were infected from this incident.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Tin soldiers and Trump is coming,

We're finally on our own,

This summer I hear the drummin'

Floyd's dead on video.

The picture...fist bumping the National Guard. I cannot tell if its ignorance of history, a belief they will fairly judge when to intervene and when not, or an attempt to guilt trip them into not shooting anybody this time. I would be telling them to either get their butts home or surround police forces and barracks FACING the police.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Some breaking news. The virology report for the Hennepin County Coroner came back positive for C19 on the George Floyd autopsy. The C19 probably hastened his death than if he didn’t have the virus. He simply died quicker as a result. Hennepin County, which is where Minneapolis is located, is a hard hit location with the virus. That autopsy has been heavily criticized, but a positive on C19 is actually entirely believable.


3 ( +3 / -0 )

I don't think that fat Asian American cop should be charged. Hre's just standing there while the other 3 are on Floyd.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Knocked that one out of the ballpark,

Not quite. Ben Carson is his token black guy. He needs him for the same reason why the RNC needed Michael Steele as their chair: to hide the fact that they are systematically racist. Remember the Central Park 5? You probably don't, so you might want to read his comments after the boys were found NOT guilty. It proves that this man is deeply deeply racist, right down to his rotting core.

Jared Kushner was no more than a business deal between the Trump and Kushner family. If the Kushner family weren't so rich, they would mean nothing to Trump. Furthermore, he's on tape making very offensive antisemitic comments, so there is no denying he hates Jewish people, unless they are rich Jewish people. Charlottesville, Virginia proved that when the neo-Nazis stormed that town chanting "the Jews will not replace us", and with Trump stating afterwards that they were 'good people on both sides'

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Trump's son-in-law Jared Corey Kushner is a Jew but they are not a separate race.

Doesn’t matter and I know the difference, the point is, we’re he a racist he would never allow his daughter to marry one, let alone convert.

Omarosa Onee Manigault Newman quit working for Trump.

No, she got thrown out again, a racist would never associate with people of color.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Funny thing on here is that people support the burning, looting and people dying during these protests. However, when I suggest that the killer cop get the death penalty, people call it savage and heartless smh

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Just your friendly reminder that Trump fans voted for him knowing he was twice proven to discriminate against blacks in a court of law.

Nonsense racists don’t change their spots. Were it so, his daughter wouldn’t be married to a Jew, Omarosa wouldn’t live in the WH and his spokesperson would be white and Ben Carson Wouldn’t be in his administration.

Knocked that one out of the ballpark,

Keep that in mind when reading their statements

Also keep in mind, when you show liberals videos and facts, they’ll go to any lengths to use sorcery to try and make you see something that’s not there.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

All I can say is, I’m glad I have money...Shouldn't it be more like glad I live in such a peaceful Country like Japan....

No, it’s exactly how I described it.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

"Your original post is sitting at 0/-17 at this moment. Apparently a lot of people here are having difficulty."

Yes, they are.

Especially you, as it's now even clearer.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

But what happened to social distancing?

Trump's bright idea was to fix that by sending in militarized goons with clubs, shields, punches, kicks and tear gas to disperse the throng of peaceful protesters gathered in Lafayette Square, all in the cause of "public health", the issue that we all know is foremost on Trump's mind.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

“I think, you know, Biden’s record in the Senate actually reflects very racist legislation, but he has a chance to correct that by doing right by black people,” Charlamagne said.

Keep this in mind when reading Biden supporters. his actual record. Not something that might have happened in public life in 1972.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

The Mayor of LA wore a mask standing in the middle of a baseball stadium. Now he is kneeling in the middle of rioters, no mask. What changed?

Nothing - the mayor knows where his votes come from.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Just your friendly reminder that Trump fans voted for him knowing he was twice proven to discriminate against blacks in a court of law.

Keep that in mind when reading their statements.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Violence does work at achieving these kinds of things

In fact, it does, and the cops who assisted in the murder being charged is proof that it does. Sadly all this will need to continue to ensure that charges are not dropped, to ensure there is no mistrial, to ensure there is no not guilty verdict and to ensure there is no especially lenient sentence based on blue privilege.

In fact, it needs to continue until actual police reform is carried out across the nation. The case of George Floyd is not remotely unique. No only on web pages dedicated to exposing police brutality but even on youtube, videos of police violating our rights, planting drugs, unleashing police dogs on cooperating suspects, and brutalizing and murdering citizens and even their dogs are ubiquitous.

And its not just the cops. The whole system is corrupt in their favor. It even went so far as to make killing a police dog that is tearing your arm off the same legal thing as killing a police officer. Yet, the many cops that let their police dogs die in hot cars were given a free pass.

At least the threat of violence must continue until all this is fixed. If American citizens don't use this momentum to effect change now, they will suffer decades more of this police state that has been growing since the late 1980s.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The officers did absolutely nothing wrong, so why the witch-hunting?

I have still not thought much about the other three officers - I have been fixated on the one cop who was killing the defenseless man. There are times when it helps to know the context of an event to understand a persons actions. The fact that the cop had his knee on another mans throat (remember he was already subdued) is really all the context I needed. I hope there is a death penalty in Minnesota. As for the other guys - context will matter a bit more for them. It is possible that one or two of them were so pre-occupied with other things that they didn't know what was going on. My understanding is that at least one of them was aware the man was under serious duress.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

'obey the curfew'.

the curfew is because Antifa cant stop burning and looting under cover of darkness. Police are not allowed to stop them.

coronavirus lockdown was not the same thing. Easily proven by the Dem governor of Michigan cancelling her stay at home order so that people can go out and loot. Cant go back to work, cant go to the park or a restaurant. Looting and burning and screaming in peoples face with no mask? sure!

The Mayor of LA wore a mask standing in the middle of a baseball stadium. Now he is kneeling in the middle of rioters, no mask. What changed?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

It’s like Chris Rock said. Some professions you can’t afford to have “a few bad apples”. Imagine if pilots had a few bad apples? Most of them land but a few aim for the mountains...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Two weeks ago, grannies were getting arrested for sitting on park benches because of Social Distancing but now police are standing shoulder to shoulder in formation and protestors are packing the streets like sardines.

Two weeks ago, conservatives were demanding the right to go outside, regardless of what the government and law enforcement said, but now social media is filled with those same people telling protesters to just 'obey the curfew'. Funny how things change.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Its a legitimate question. What happened to social distancing? Parents with children alone in a park were being arrested less than 2 weeks ago. With no end in site for liberal states to reopen, or even for a possibility of in person voting in November.

What changed? we can just go hang out with our best 1000 new friends and travel city to city, looting?

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

The officers did absolutely nothing wrong, so why the witch-hunting?

Are you kidding me now?? Have you even seen the video or pictures? OMFG...how could you even say this???

First of all, as someone mentioned above, NONE of these men tried to stop or warn Derek Chauvin that he may be killing George Floyd. The man was BEGGING for his life and these men did NOTHING.

Wait a minute, let me correct myself... because they DID do something, they aided and abetted in the killing of an unarmed black man. Tou Thao, even pushed away the people who were warning Chauvin that he was killing Floyd.

As for the other men, they were also kneeling on Floyd's back and legs, further compressing him to the asfalt and making it hard for him to breathe. THEY ALL need to arrested and tried!

5 ( +5 / -0 )


"I never knew that reading between the lines was so difficult."

Your original post is sitting at 0/-17 at this moment. Apparently a lot of people here are having difficulty.

While it is nice that they've been charged, this isn't over until we see some guilty verdicts that stick. I fear for the United States if this goes the way of the initial Rodney King trail (total acquittal IIRC).

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Good. Theses guys have a history of complaints against them.

Jim Mattis, former Sec of Defense, broke his silence and just blasted Trump by name for dividing the country, making a mockery of the Constitution and abuse of power. He went as far as to say that Trump is using the same tactics as the Nazis.

His letter includes this: "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people - does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society."

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The officers did absolutely nothing wrong, so why the witch-hunting?

The others were jointly restraining a man who was pleading that he couldn't breath. They did nothing as a man was murdered by a co-worker in their custody. They could have stopped it at any point.

They share the guilt.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

This is great news. But what happened to social distancing?

Is that the best you've got, Mr Noidal?

7 ( +9 / -2 )


"What did the officers do, other than just stand there whilst the thing unfolded?

The officers did absolutely nothing wrong, so why the witch-hunting?"

That's exactly what they did. They stood by and kept people back while one of their coworkers applied an illegal restraining technique resulting in the death of a cooperating, unarmed man. You saw the video, right? Even the bystanders were calling the cops out."

I never knew that reading between the lines was so difficult.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

About time.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

And you get a ton of downvotes because people don't like to wake up.

People? That's everyone. Or do you mean individuals sharing your perspective. And that of the little old agrarian state.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

This seems to be a case of the mob deciding justice?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Disturbing social unrest' has always been part of the US experience, but has been made even worse during the Trump era. 

That depends, reverse racism was out of control under Obama.

Trump continues to use his position and his media to fan flames in his ongoing attempts to divide and conquer.

No, the media does, CNN just came out with a report talking about his weight and cholesterol, this crazy obsession with Trump on every level is sickening, No one in the country at this time cares about that, but if the liberal media can antagonize, inflame and push and politicize any narrative, they’ll do that, this is why they continue to lose viewers as well as their reputation.

Of course Trump's looking out for himself and his family first,

Every person would, if you didn’t, you’re a fool.

but which of the globe's 'elite' factions is behind him as he continues to fulfill his campaign promises of tearing down US systems. 

Yes and when the smoke clears, the elites will still have the money, the power, the investments and security to see this through, for poor people, things will worsen, poverty, jobless, murder rate, Democrats will continue to perpetuate the cycle of throwing money at the problem like they always do and nothing will change, in fact, it will be so bad as many corporations will leave these cities and the minorities will have nothing.

As the virus death tolls grow, as millions of Americans are unemployed, as the riots continue - all on Trump's watch.

And the governors are responsible for allowing this to happen. Remember: David Dorn, retired police chief was murdered by looters and what was his crime? He protected a Pawn shop from being looted, but yeah, who cares, he was an old man, a retired cop and heavens forbid, we can’t call in the military, like the governors said, just let it play out, they’ll calm down.

All I can say is, I’m glad I have money.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

How long are these guys going to last in prison?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Two weeks ago, grannies were getting arrested for sitting on park benches because of Social Distancing but now police are standing shoulder to shoulder in formation and protestors are packing the streets like sardines.

And you get a ton of downvotes because people don't like to wake up.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

u_s__reamerToday 07:40 am JSTWe had to wait a long time for this news. Violence works wonders, as all government people know, but are extremely loath to admit. Justice for Mr Floyd will likely have to be seen to be done in some form, but whether we can really expect American police to be demilitarized and reform their MO...? I'm not holding my breath on that one, but some good things will surely come out of these disgraceful four years that have tried the souls of the American people.

There's been a long turning away from the hurt and downtrodden in America, going on at least 20 years or more. Hatred, wars and glorification of them, indifference, snobbery, selfishness, and other social ills. America is sick, it's been dying. Our fascist occupier of the WH has amplified all these things and exposed them for all to see.

I'm very glad the Minneapple Police is starting to clean out their rotten apples. But this crap has been going on for far too long and the past 3.5 years of the evil Trump administration has only made things worse for all Americans. Something must change! Enough is enough.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

us__reamer: Violence works wonders, as all government people know, but are extremely loath to admit. 

Sure does. At least 14 more people are dead, many more injured and untold millions in property damage. Violence does work at achieving these kinds of things- no doubt about that. It’s awful what happened to George Floyd - the other deaths are awful as well. All lives matter - and always will.

-10 ( +7 / -17 )

The full video of this incident was shared on one of my social media feeds, so I watched the first few minutes before stopping it as I did not want to see the conclusion. The video is completely shocking and a damning indictment of the callousness and arrogance of the police officers involved who were all totally complicit in the death of the man. The charges are absolutely warranted.

On another note though, times have really changed, haven't they. Should I have chosen to I could have watched the full and casual murder of a man on a social media feed, bookended by tourism and clothing ads, whilst sitting on the couch drinking a cup of tea. I can't help but wonder what we are slowly becoming.

13 ( +14 / -1 )


"What did the officers do, other than just stand there whilst the thing unfolded?

The officers did absolutely nothing wrong, so why the witch-hunting?"

That's exactly what they did. They stood by and kept people back while one of their coworkers applied an illegal restraining technique resulting in the death of a cooperating, unarmed man. You saw the video, right? Even the bystanders were calling the cops out.

25 ( +27 / -2 )

We had to wait a long time for this news. Violence works wonders, as all government people know, but are extremely loath to admit. Justice for Mr Floyd will likely have to be seen to be done in some form, but whether we can really expect American police to be demilitarized and reform their MO...? I'm not holding my breath on that one, but some good things will surely come out of these disgraceful four years that have tried the souls of the American people.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

"Prosecutors on Wednesday expanded their case against the police who were at the scene of George Floyd's death, charging three of the officers with aiding and abetting"


Since they cannot nail a culprit, they've got have go at anyone?

What did the officers do, other than just stand there whilst the thing unfolded?

The officers did absolutely nothing wrong, so why the witch-hunting?

What's applicable in Ghosn's case MUST be valid here too.

(CPR-Criminal Procedure Rules)

As lectured by the countless JT "Jurists".


-33 ( +2 / -35 )

About time...the others are just as guilty.

18 ( +21 / -3 )

witnessed with great concern the disturbing social unrest’’ in the U.S.

'Disturbing social unrest' has always been part of the US experience, but has been made even worse during the Trump era.

Trump continues to use his position and his media to fan flames in his ongoing attempts to divide and conquer. Of course Trump's looking out for himself and his family first, but which of the globe's 'elite' factions is behind him as he continues to fulfill his campaign promises of tearing down US systems.

As the virus death tolls grow, as millions of Americans are unemployed, as the riots continue - all on Trump's watch.

9 ( +17 / -8 )

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