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© 2015 AFPNational Guard troops, police pour into Baltimore
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© 2015 AFP
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Black Sabbath
Understatement of the decade.
Riots seem that Baltimore is under kinda war like some countries in third world.
They are destroying their own community. A lousy neighborhood has become even worse with the actions of these thugs. They burnt Dow a senior center! A place where there own grandparents may visit......not now!
Entitlement society at its finest. They feel they deserve more free stuff and are just stealing it now.
Criminals are the ones stealing stuff now. Your link to "entitlement society" is kind of weird.
My grandmother once told me once, *"A bird never s**s in its own nest."
Destroying your own neighborhood doesn't make any sense to me.
"All Men Are Created Equal". Believe it, or leave it.
The police shouldn't have snapped a guys spine while being handcuffed. Too much force.
Black people of the community shouldn't burn and loot their own neighborhoods. Too much stupidity and self-defeating.
Entitlement society at its finest. They feel they deserve more free stuff and are just stealing it now.
There is low by historical standards, there has always been theft and burning and self destruction in urban riots, from the '40's (and before) to the '60's.....way before the entitlement generation
Although he did apologize, the POTUS kept PM Abe patiently waiting by his side while he answered a query about the situation in Baltimore. (It took about 15 min. for POTUS to reply.)
It's understandable. I have reported and been on many ride along with cops and I feel sorry for most of them because they do have a very difficult job, some of these criminals don't need a gun to be dangerous, they use knives, they bite, they will pick up anything to do bodily harm, they often will not comply, so what are they supposed to do, talk to them, that often doesn't work. Sometimes you need to be a little heavy handed in order to keep calm and civility.
The link to entitlements is they grew up with free stuff, select few black leaders still demand restitution for slavery, and they feel victimized now. They demand more.
As far as the broken neck or investigation has not been concluded yet! Could it be heavy handed excessive force? Perhaps. How may a police officer make an arrest if the suspected criminal resists?
Baltimore is about 65% Black. 90% of the murder victims are Black. 90% of the assaults are against Black. And guess what population commits 90% of these crimes? Racial profiling is warranted wit hose statistics.
Everyone's calm down. The good citizens of Baltimore have taken their city back and policed themselves; both sides have acted with restraint; last night's curfew (save for some shaky moments at the start) was peaceful; people went home; no brutality nobody died.
Still, the best video was the Baltimore mom taking her son back, ha:
If the mother had done that in the UK she'd probably have been arrested.
Well played mom!
It has been interesting to see the community respond, and it's nice to finally see some coverage of people helping out.
During my one month stay in the states that I realized that African Americans or black death in custody was 111. It was more than 100 years custody death in UK. If I am a black, my anger will be boiled like lava from Vesuvius Volcano.
Black has been enslaved in US for a long time. Having half black president does not mean that black will be treated equal as whites in 2015. That president is too weak for defending the rights of black people.
Reality is US sheriffs are bullying, torturing and treating young blacks l worse than animals. Blacks should be liberated by themselves. If not they will be forever enjoying inhumane treatment of entitlements.
A normal day in the US. Seriously, there's high social tension because poor people become always poorer, and rich people become always richeer. Black people, sadly, usually belong to the first category. The US should stop starting wars around the world, and they should accept to lose their hegemony, letting the world being multipolar, and being more focused on their own people who need a decent life.
National Guard troops, police pour into Baltimore
Leave it to a Leftist Leader to side with rioters and anarchists!
A real governor would have stood up and given these looters, rioters and thugs a real warning. But this governor is a limp livered Liberal who buckles whenever thugs look him in the eye........He is weak!
Liberals will always kowtow to anarchists because they can't stomach a fight to protect the people against these thugs........The DNC and all Liberal parties are ruled by Cowards!
2016 elections are almost here.......
Surely from the view up on your horse you see the exact same thing in Europe? I seem to remember Britain and France having rioting for days on end recently. Kinda makes it unfair to say it's an American problem.
Is this article about Europe? Where did my post deny any social tensions in Europe as well? I always say the whole Western model of development is collapsing. It's SAD that this became your normal day in the US. But some people are so nationalist that they believe in the US recovery. I just read the latest data about America GDP, and it's bad. But even though it had been good, I wouldn't have said there's a recovery anyway. Not with this model of growth based on debts, printing money, and growing militarism.
Oh I was just making sure you could see it from up there, what with you bashing the US a lot and all.
The American system has problems and there is now being debate. This will become a key election issue and Clinton will be addressing it in a keynote speech later.
At the end of the day I don't think you have anything constructive to add you just want to lash out at the US.
@Madverts: if you call my constructive criticism "US bashing", it's not my fault. I repeat what you ignored: a model of growth based on debts, printing money, and growing militarism, can't bring real wealth (only to bankers, big companies and warmongering lobbies). To you this is "US bashing"...Okay.
The poor in Baltimore are certainly not less materially well off than 50 or 100 years ago, what they don't have for the most part is a safe environment, two parents and choice in education, which are primary risk factors for continued structural inequality.
I remember the same thing happened in my city- LA, Apr. 26, '92.
Back then, I honestly thought I'd never see it again (cause I believe America is a great place). But Freguson, NY, now Baltimore? Wtf. Cops shooting blacks in the back as they flee. I just dnt know anymore.
My area (stateside) is like 40% hispanic, 30% asian, 20% white and the rest, "other". And we're mostly all middle class average people who make up America and often enjoy life. Not all of us are animals like you saw rioting on TV worldwide.
A lot of the protesters have been rightly savaging US media for not being interested in the protests for the 6 days they were peaceful - and then swooping to Baltimore as soon as the rioting started. And then only wanting to focus on the looting and general civil disobedience rather than the actual root cause of the riots. It reminds me of the highly misunderstood Oliver Stone classic Natural Born Killers
If only a statistic were available for, 1: police arrests. 2: resisting arrests. 3: brutality reported. 4: brutality confirmed. 5: police assaulted during an arrest by the punk. All within the USA on an annual basis for the last 50 years.
I think the "police brutality" claimed would not be the issue. You would likely see police officer assaults increasing steadily. You would see arrests down. Resisting up.
Now for the race gender issue. Yes, I added gender to make a point. In USA per capita Black males are more likely to be arrested. But so are men! It is about the likely suspects. Chicago is a great example of this. The Black community by far is the most vilent. As far as woman gangbangers go, they are few.
Let's talk education level. Violent crime is predominately High School education or less. How many rags to riches stories come from High School drop outs (entertainment industry aside)? How many college grads live in the depressed areas?
Here in USA we do have a problem. Welfare society does no help. Students pushed through grades isn't beffeficial. Single mothers in poor areas tend to have poor performing children. Not enough GOOD PAYING jobs for uneducated young adults. We need a return of manufacturing to USA and trades to support these jobs. We certainly have a potential workforce. Uneducated working Blacks would much rather work in a factory at lease twice the wage of flipping burgers or sweeping floors. Most want to earn an honest dollar, you can't on entry level jobs. Imposing higher wages on entry level jobs is not the answer.
Giving blacks factory jobs isn't going to stop the police singling out blacks unfairly. Nor is it going to stop their brutality.
Singling out unfairly you say! When in a depressed Black community does suspicious be vigor come into the factor? They single out men also. Are they sexist as well? "Singling out" as you suggest is not as random as you suggest. It's more like filling up on suspicion. With the media pushing this "police brutality against Blacks" agenda of the cases which arrest was not a justifiable arrest? They all had criminal histories (except one) and involvement with a current crime. That's NOT singling out, that's good police work.
The jobs are to keep people from crime. Less crime equals less arrests. I like a safe clean community. I prefer not to pass by street corners full of people drinking beer all day and harassing the ladies as they walk by. I prefer not to see what color underwear they have on. I prefer to share city streets with persons with SELF respect. I prefer not to be told "don't go there someone got shot yesterday". I prefer not to have these desperate communities. Leave the w/o jobs and nothing will change.
There are plenty of open manufacturing jobs, just not for the uneducated, you need at minimum a technical certificate with the requisite engineering, computer skills, robotics knowledge and the ability to understand and operate complex equipment.”
8 shots in the back of a black dude would seem to support my argument.
Black Sabbath
"....and then swooping to Baltimore as soon as the rioting started."
Bingo. The media is part of the problem.
What I see is a police force mostly getting away with what they want. I think they do that against all races, but the high crime areas are more often black so there will more likely be violent interactions with cops. Everyone has a cell phone nowadays so we're recording this more and more and seeing just how prevalent it really is.
As a 40-year old white dude driving a Honda Accord I'd have to backflip into a cop's living room to get pulled over. But what I'm seeing really worries me, like the police openly detaining journalists in a restaurant while knowingly being filmed. That's a police force that's running off of the "do whatever the hell we want" philosophy and that's what I'm seeing in these videos over and over again. We have a force where it's members will grab a phone away from a woman and smash it on the ground if that's what they want to do.
Then when the protests start, we see things like snipers and friggen APCs. That's the kind of force you show against other nations, not your own neighborhoods. Whatever checks and balances we have on police powers, they've obviously slipped quite a bit in the last 20 years. Some of you might remember the Bank of America shooting in North Hollywood in the 90s. The psychos had body armor and automatic weapons, all caught on live TV. One big part of that story was the police having to go to gun shops to get bigger ammo. Compare then to now.
That being said, we're going to once again have a conversation about race issues and blacks in America, but we won't be allowed to talk about the self-inflicted problems in the black community overall. That's still a big piece of the puzzle in my eyes; racism isn't creating so many single mothers or stopping kids from going to class. We're allowed to praise the Asian community for high academic standards and easily trace that bad to the home, but we can't do that in the opposite direction.
Adam Carolla does an great job of cornering a politician on this issue: In the first 60 seconds of the interview. The politician wants to say that blacks/Latinos have a hard time opening bank accounts, so Adam starts asking about Asians, Jews, Armenians, etc., other minorities that are doing well in the US, but the politician does not want to link the issue to community issues, so they go round and round in circles. It makes the dishonest conversation we're having painfully obvious.
To all my dear Liberal friends here, I apologize that I haven't replied to your fantasies, but if you give me sometime I will steer you in the correct direction....