Japan Today

New Afghan law legalizes rape


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One more reason Bush was right to focus on Iraq. Afghanistan is too remote. When you look at the topography and the tribal mindset there Islam - in its most retrograde and barbaric variety - is bound to prevail for a couple more centuries.

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Horrible as this is, does this law give foreigners the right to interfere?

Do foreigners have the right to interfere with Japan and America's death penalties?

Classic liberal argument drawing a moral equivalency between rape and the death penalty. Too funny. :-D

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" If you are going to play this game of "implies" so willy-nilly like, then I think no holy scripture is safe from the most heinous of allegations. "

Tell that to the islamic clerics in Afghanistan or anywhere else who interpret the Koran sura this way. Fact is, marital rape is not recognized as rape anywhere where Shariah is applied. If you know of an islamic scholar who actually says that marital rape exists, do tell us.

Here is an article about the topic, which you might want to read: http://www.americanthinker.com/2005/09/plowing_fields_and_marrying_li.html

And yes, I think Shariah is terrible. You don´t?

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Any nation that bases it's law on religious faith will fall into decay soon enough.

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Islam, now with 30% less spousal rape!*

*Restrictions apply. Offer void in Afghanistan and certain other -stans.

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Despite that totally misleading headline, I am encouraged to see that JT posters have not taken the bait. Rape has not been legalized. Spousal rape has.

redninja: I don't unsdertand how one can r*pe his wife? Does not make sense.

If a woman does not want sex then she does not want sex. It does not matter if she is your wife. If you force her anyway, its rape. Some wives just don't like sex, and stop doing it after a while because they think they can get away with it. If you force them, its still rape.

But why rape? Just find a new wife I say. Too many guys will just use this as an excuse to abuse their wives even though she did nothing wrong.

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WilliB: Simply that this sura implies

I think what your statement implies is that you are just plain and simple against Islam and nothing, not even God himself coming down to tell you how wrong you are, will disuade you.

If you are going to play this game of "implies" so willy-nilly like, then I think no holy scripture is safe from the most heinous of allegations. If one guy ever killed another with whoever's god's blessing, then, by your standards, that implies that any killing is righteous in that god's eyes.

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Superlib: What day and age? For the followers of Shariah, it is the year 1433. And since gods law must not be changed, it will forever reflect medieval Arab society.

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It's still hard to believe that people like that exist in this day and age.

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jeancolmar i would even say the whole middle east is in the dark ages namely 1430 AH so they about 579 years to catch up

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" what is in the surah 2:223 of the Holy Quran which has something to do with this topic? "

Simply that this sura implies god wants the male to plow his wifes as much he wants, and they have no right to object. This is the way it routinely interpreted in Shariah countries; if you interpret it differently that is up to you, but totally irrelevant.

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Sad ,but if they can not be civilised, just leave them alone to their makings.After so many efforts, sacrifices, deaths from US ,Canada,britain Australia, Japan...this is happening.

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One of the most controversial articles stipulates the wife “is bound to preen for her husband as and when he desires.” “As long as the husband is not traveling, he has the right to have sexual intercourse with his wife every fourth night,” Article 132 of the law says. “Unless the wife is ill or has any kind of illness that intercourse could aggravate, the wife is bound to give a positive response to the sexual desires of her husband.”

Good news for travel agents.

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I don't unsdertand how one can r*pe his wife? Does not make sense.

Anyone who pretends to be shocked by this hasn´t done his homework. Read the Koran sura 2:223. That is what the rule is based on.

WilliB, what is in the surah 2:223 of the Holy Quran which has something to do with this topic?

The meaning of the verse you mentioned is:

[Your women are a tillage for you, that is, the place where you sow [the seeds of] your children; so come to your tillage, that is, the specified place, the front part, as, in whichever way, you wish, whether standing up, sitting down, lying down, from the front or the back:]

This was revealed in response to the Jews saying that if a person had vaginal intercourse with his wife from behind, the child would be born cross-eyed; and offer for your souls, righteous deeds, such as saying, ‘In the Name of God’ (bismillāh) when you commence intercourse; and fear God, in what He commands and prohibits; and know that you shall meet Him, at the Resurrection, where He will requite you according to your deeds; and give good tidings, of Paradise, to the believers, who feared Him. Allah knows best.

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George Bush

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I disagree. Bush sat by and allowed Afghanistan to write the Sharia into its constituion. So, tada... Afghanistan gets Shariah. Bush is just as ignorant about the topic as the multiculti crowd.

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Karzai waited - til Bush was out of office and the multi-culti crowd was in.

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" This is truly monumental news "

Anyone who thinks this is "monumental news" has been in deep sleep and/or denial about Shariah, and the fact that Shariah is written into Afghanistans constitution.

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That is simply Shariah law. It is the same everywhere where Shariah applies... from Aceh to Saudi Arabia to muslim communities in the UK.

Anyone who pretends to be shocked by this hasn´t done his homework. Read the Koran sura 2:223. That is what the rule is based on.

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to bolster his re-election prospects." This is just so disgusting. And in addition, girls can be given away as brides.......

Sorry if I come off guys wimpy, but when I see this, all I can think about is my daughter. I hope she can live in a place where this won't be tolerated; I mean its bad enough that certain forms of rape are tolerated here in Japan.

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sarge: "First Karzai starts complaining about the U.S. troops who enabled him to become president, now he does this. What's next?"

Not quite the figure of freedom so many claimed, eh? This guy is worse than a puppet -- he's a puppet who flip-flops every week and capitulates to the person then holding the strings. He not only complains about US troops, but then begs them to stay, then complains, then welcomes policies to increase the number, then lets laws like this be passed. The guy is useless and cannot stand on his own.

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What's next?

He immediately gets married??

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First Karzai starts complaining about the U.S. troops who enabled him to become president, now he does this. What's next?

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Well, I hope this doesn't escape the attention of the people on here who rant on and on about how much better things are than under the Taliban -- with how abused women and all. Clearly they are much worse, but what we're seeing is the legalized return to what was, and Karzai is letting it all happen for power. Top that with things getting worse in the region, and you can see that it's pretty hard to justify remaining there at all.

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Same comment that Altria..."they" are joking ?

for women it ought to be every 9 months (or 10 in japan) !

i mean for Afghan men, women are for doing babies and ...for pleasuring men every 4 nights...

Karzai, shame on you !

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Jean - "Obama is making a big mistake in continuing Bush's war that has done no one any good."

I tend to agree.

bush's so-called 'War on Terror' sure ain't making the US many friends.

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This is truly monumental news after over seven years of this hideous war that has maimed and killed thousands. Afghanistan is still in the dark ages and will remain so until the people's will--not the US and Nato--force it to be otherwise.

Obama is making a big mistake in continuing Bush's war that has done no one any good.

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Once every 4 nights for men, once every 4 months for women...hahaha!

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Horrible as this is, does this law give foreigners the right to interfere?

Do foreigners have the right to interfere with Japan and America's death penalties?

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