Japan Today

Cain sex accuser goes public in New York; he denies it on late-night TV


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Is it possible this woman is lying? And how come she didn't say anything about this before?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

And how come she didn't say anything about this before?

(I have to pretend that I'm dealing with a sixth-grader.) The first thing any woman who Cain came onto would need to to is to find and hire legal counsel. Finding the right one would take some time.

Next, the counsel would check and make sure that his/her client's claims can be validated. That means conducting detailed interviews with the client and everyone she told the events to. That would take some time.

Then, the client would need to make adequate preparations to handle the onslaught of media people sure to call on her, as well as arrange for personal security. That takes some time too.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Is it possible this woman is lying?

Yes, it's Cain's word against hers.

...and hers.

...and hers.

...and hers.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Is it possible this woman is lying?

Of course.

And how come she didn't say anything about this before?

Given what we know about the victims of rape and sexual harrasment, physical or emotional abuse, or even just victims in general, I'm surprised that this question is still being asked.

Here's an answer: real victims fail to report victimization of all sorts all the time. Sometimes there are rational reasons, sometimes the reasons are irrational (Humans are not as rational as we'd like to believe). The fact that she did not immediately report it means nothing. We'd all like to think that we'd do X when faced with situation Y, but it often does not turn out that way. There are dozens of plausable reasons why Ms. Bialek might not have wanted to go public or make a complaint before now.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

One accuser, who received a settlement reportedly worth $45,000, issued a statement on Friday through her lawyer saying Cain had made a “series of inappropriate behaviors and unwanted advances.” Despite being released from the confidentiality clause in her original settlement, the woman, now a government employee, said she wished to remain anonymous.

Now this is interesting. What of the other accuser? Was she released as well?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Witch hunt. Will the press show any enthusisam in checking the background of this accuser who pops out of the woodwork at such convenient moment, and her lawyer? I am not holding my breath.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

the circus that is american "politics". smear campaigns, media feeding off of sensationalism, way too much coverage and hoopla around the candidate race, nothing accomplished. par for the course, i'd say.

meanwhile, who loses? once again, the regular people. the people who are unemployed, the soon to be unemployed, the college students with growing debt, the graduates with insurmountable debt and no hope of finding jobs, the poor, the sick... etc.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

She is being paid by the RNC for her story. What happened to her promise to shut her mouth in exchange for payment? Will she have to pay it back?

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Well, at least this accuser has a name and a face.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yuri, the article doesn't mention Ms Bialek was ever under any kind of promise.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Cain was never serious about the Presidency anyway, he only wants to get his name out there as to be a "brand" and reap the benefits in speaking appearances. Now with all these sexual harrassment claims he won't even get that.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

WilliB - "Witch hunt. Will the press show any enthusisam in checking the background of this accuser who pops out of the woodwork at such convenient moment, and her lawyer? I am not holding my breath."

As I said on a similar thread last night, conservatives are now falling over themselves to try a muzzle this story.

Conservatives never let the truth prevent them from standing up for their patently corrupt ideology.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

As conservatives have made clear time and time again, they simply want to repress their women, take away their rights to decide what is best for their bodies and otherwise subjugate females.

No doubt those same conservatives will lash out en masse at this woman.

Watch and wait.

How about conservatives - once - just once - you start searching for the truth instead of dismissing this woman's claims to satisfy your anti-women ideogical beliefs?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

I dunno, one or two might have been sour grapes but four different complaints and you wonder if DSK might have some advice for Cain. There's just too much going on to be a misunderstanding.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The first thing any woman who Cain came onto would need to to is to find and hire legal counsel. Finding the right one would take some time.

Sure the heck does, took this lady darn near 14 years to find one after the "alleged incident".

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Sailwind seems to be yet another on the Right who would rather wish this woman would just shut the heck up.

I agree with another poster above - Cain never had a chance anyway.

Funnily enough, none of the conservative candidates do and that's GREAT news for America. :-)

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

No axe to grind here, but it seems that political adroitness often goes hand-in-hand with sexual maladroitness.

Use of the word 'grope' above suggests the man is unable, or feels it unnecessary, to 'read' the woman.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Mr Cain said, ‘You want a job, right?’”

Different meaning of job.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Sailwind seems to be yet another on the Right who would rather wish this woman would just shut the heck up.

Not at all. Just curious as to why it took her all of 14 years to finally start yakking all of the alleged gory details. I'm sure seeking fame and fortune has nothing to do with it at all.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

"Use of the word 'grope' above suggests the man is unable, or feels it unnecessary, to 'read' the woman."

Or he had one too many drinks at dinner.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This proves absolutely nothing, not to mention when Allread took the case, anyone that knows this woman or like me who is from L.A. knows the reputation of the woman to be an opportunist at every and any given situation, if a woman claims to have been mistreated by a powerful man, heeeeeeere comes Gloria. Funny thing is, if, in a hypothetical situation, some woman would come forward and would say that Obama sexually propositioned her, the typical liberal media as well as liberals would all try to discredit her, rebuke her and would marginalize here. But since Cain is a conservative, of course we can never give a benefit of a doubt a conservative, they are just guilty by default. But if a liberal would be convicted of the same conspiracy charges. You would see Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton screaming their heads off about America being unjust, prejudging and not to mention throwing in the race card. I don't know if Cain is guilty according to these allegations, but non of us were there and I want to side on the caution of error. Personally, I don't believe it and once Gloria showed up, didn't give me ANY assurances to these allegations, just more speculation at best. I am just sick and tired if liberals thinking that they are holier than the ground they walk on. Gloria cares about one thing and one thing only...$$$$$! Disgusting!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Sure the heck does, took this lady darn near 14 years to find one after the "alleged incident".

It is understandable that those so emotionally invested in the moronic Cain's candidacy have now rendered themselves completely stupid with grief.

I'll bet more than a few who threw donations at Cain this past week are calling credit card companies to get the charges reversed, or banks to get those checks cancelled.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It is understandable that those so emotionally invested in the moronic Cain's candidacy have now rendered themselves completely stupid with grief.

Address the actual point Yabits. It took this person 14 years to come forward with her allegations.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Funny thing is, if, in a hypothetical situation, some woman would come forward and would say that Obama sexually propositioned her, the typical liberal media as well as liberals would all try to discredit her, rebuke her and would marginalize here.

You mean after three other women made the same allegations? For President Obama, that would be a very hypothetical situation.

I don't know if Cain is guilty according to these allegations, but non of us were there and I want to side on the caution of error.

That is only because Cain is a conservative. It's what makes so many conservatives such arch-hypocrites.

I am just sick and tired if liberals thinking that they are holier than the ground they walk on.

It was Ann Coulter who said conservative blacks are superior to all other blacks. Sounds to me like an example of a conservative who thinks they are better than everyone else.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

" Funny thing is, if, in a hypothetical situation, some woman would come forward and would say that Obama sexually propositioned her, the typical liberal media as well as liberals would all try to discredit her, rebuke her and would marginalize here."

Right, just like the "liberal media" played down Bill Clinton 's "sex scandals" which if you remember resulted in a media feeding frenzy and him almost being impeached.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


" As I said on a similar thread last night, conservatives are now falling over themselves to try a muzzle this story. " To the contrary, I´d say the conservatives would very much like to hear the story of how this woman with her history of personal bankruptcies and lawsuits comes out of the woodwork just at the time when a smear against a particular candidate is very much needed. Do you think the media show enthusiasm in vetting her?

The democrats and the democrat-leaning media, btw, are hardly in a position to talk about "muzzling a story".

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


" Right, just like the "liberal media" played down Bill Clinton 's "sex scandals" which if you remember resulted in a media feeding frenzy and him almost being impeached. "

Yes, they did precisely that, to the point it was bizarre.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Address the actual point Yabits. It took this person 14 years to come forward with her allegations.

So what?

Where is it written that "real" abuse victims go public/press charges right away? Who came up with this intellectually bankrupt concept? It's a poisonous idea that hurts real victims of sexual misconduct.

Frankly it makes perfect sense that she would come forward now if the charges are true and if they are false. It's a wash. It neither strengthens nor weakens anything.

I find it disturbing that the the most vocal voices dismissing this women are also the most vocal Cain supporters (though I suppose you could easily flip that around for his detractors). Is guilt or innocence really to be determined by one's political leanings?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Serrano: as everyone knows, some people are afraid to come forward with claims of harassment and/or assault (in this case assault). Heck, look at groping in Japan! It largely goes unclaimed because the person harassed is often vilified (as some are doing here). No women are starting to come forward. Why? Because more and more like them are doing so, and laws are becoming stricter to deal with this societal problem.

Now, forget your regular Joe for a minute and imagine it was an up and coming politician, with power. You should instead be amazed that she even came forward at all, instead of 'why not then?' Strength in numbers, Serrano... And clearly the numbers are growing.

Cain is in no way presidential material.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

"Yes, they did precisely that, to the point it was bizarre."

WilliB: Either you weren't living in the USA or were in a cave at the time and had no newspapers, radio or TV. It was the top story and front page news every day.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Not 'no women' but 'NOW women are starting to come forward".

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Address the actual point Yabits. It took this person 14 years to come forward with her allegations.

And an utterly ridiculous point it is too. For 14 years, Cain was essentially a nobody in the realm of American politics. He was not in a position of policy-making or policy-ruling authority that would make him extremely dangerous to the interests of decent Americans like the ones he tried to grope. It was only rather recently that this know-nothing predator was elevated by ideologically blinded conservatives as a potential standard-bearer for their party.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Where is it written that "real" abuse victims go public/press charges right away? Who came up with this intellectually bankrupt concept?

Our legal system came up with this intellectually bankrupt concept. It called the Statue of Limitations, A type of federal or state law that restricts the time within which legal proceedings may be brought.

Yabits, Is it actually possible for you to post anything that does actually does not include insults and denigration of people who do not agree with your liberal democratic view when trying to make a your points?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Our legal system came up with this intellectually bankrupt concept. It called the Statue of Limitations, A type of federal or state law that restricts the time within which legal proceedings may be brought.


She's not even suing him. There are NO legal preceding occuring.

How does the Statute of Limitations apply? The statute of limitations is a recognition of the practicality that charges get progressively harder to prove as time goes on. But just because you can't prove something beyond a resonable doubt doesn't mean that that thing never actually happened.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


She's not even suing him. There are NO legal preceding occuring.

Which should give everybody here a real huge pause as to the real validity of this woman and her alleged claims.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Yabits, Is it actually possible for you to post anything that does actually does not include insults and denigration of people who do not agree with your liberal democratic view when trying to make a your points?

He can't as most liberals cannot. If they can't win an argument, they have to resort to name calling, which is typical and shows desperation on their part.

It was Ann Coulter who said conservative blacks are superior to all other blacks. Sounds to me like an example of a conservative who thinks they are better than everyone else.

And she probably has a point, especially when it comes to Entrepreneurship, less dependent on the govt. So as far as political standing, I think she was spot on.

Again, as I said, if it were Obama, this would never get this amount of attention. Yabits, you are funny, seriously, you defend these women as if you can say without a doubt and unequivocally that Cain is guilty. A smart person would wait, review the evidence, make sure it is sound and concrete before throwing a boulder. But this does not apply to liberals. Funny, how liberals went nuts when the story about Edwards came out. Reid and Pelosi tried to blow the whole thing off as if it were nothing. Hypocrisy at its worst.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The White Woman - A black man's kryptonite. Every prominent black man that has gone on to become someone has been brought down by a white woman.

Her word alone is enough to bring him down. Cain is out of the race.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Me too, give me a check to go away too!!!!!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

His tax policy 9-9-9 was inspired by true events.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Our legal system came up with this intellectually bankrupt concept. It called the Statue of Limitations, A type of federal or state law that restricts the time within which legal proceedings may be brought.

This is not about bringing up legal proceedings; this is about a character profile of a man seeking the highest office in the United States. Cain would be an utter embarrassment.

Yabits, Is it actually possible for you to post anything that does actually does not include insults and denigration of people

I am usually careful to make a distinction between utterly ridiculous points and utterly ridiculous people.

Which should give everybody here a real huge pause as to the real validity of this woman and her alleged claims.

This is another example of a ridiculous statement. The mind reels at the state of denial a Herman Cain supporter appears to be going through. This Republican professional woman is likely to undergo an onslaught of attacks for having the temerity to come forward to recall an event she would have rather forgotten -- if not for a sense of duty as a citizen to keep a creepy predator from potentially attaining the White House.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Bass4funk: "Again, as I said, if it were Obama, this would never get this amount of attention"

Utter bull and you know it. It's not even remotely about Obama and yet you guys try to blame him and the Democrats for this at every turn. Imagine if it WERE about Obama!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

...and her book will hit store shelves in time for Xmas. How convenient.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

He can't as most liberals cannot. If they can't win an argument,

If this is losing, I'll take a whole lot more of it.

Yabits, you are funny, seriously, you defend these women as if you can say without a doubt and unequivocally that Cain is guilty.

Yes, the motivation of mature, professional women coming forward to publicly relive the account of a horny executive who was WAAAY out of line when he made a grope for their genital area has to be suspect. Not one, not two, not three, but now four?

One wonders what Cain's completed pass rate was.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Which should give everybody here a real huge pause as to the real validity of this woman and her alleged claims.

No. I don't agree with this at all.

You yourself have pointed out that the statute of limitations has expired, so you already know she can't press charges, even if she wanted to. Why should that give anyone "pause"?

How that would affect a civil suit, I don't know. But if she could sue him, Ms. Bialek would caught in a catch 22: if she did sue, Cain's supporters would say she was just in it for the money. If she didn't, it would be used as "proof" that the allegations weren't serious and couldn't be supported in court. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This is another example of a ridiculous statement. The mind reels at the state of denial a Herman Cain supporter appears to be going through. This Republican professional woman is likely to undergo an onslaught of attacks for having the temerity to come forward to recall an event she would have rather forgotten -- if not for a sense of duty as a citizen to keep a creepy predator from potentially attaining the White House.

Or a sense of finally getting out of financial troubles, her hometown paper The Chicago Tribune has this to say about her.

The emerging portrait of Herman Cain's most recent accuser shows a suburban homemaker with a history of financial and legal troubles, but one who supporters say has the guts to do the right thing.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Me too, give me a check to go away too!!!!!

Given that she isn't suing him, I'm curious as to where this mysterious payday is to come from... Talkshow and interview circuit? Are we expecting a book deal or perhaps a made-for-TV movie on lifetime? Or is this to be a shady backroom pay-off from a democratic operative?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Cain saying regarding his wife that:

She is still 200 percent supportive of me and she is still 200 percent my wife

indicates his grasp of mathematics is as tenuous as ever. Heck, why doesn't he shoot for the moon and make that a gazillion percent?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Or a sense of finally getting out of financial troubles, her hometown paper The Chicago Tribune has this to say about her.

That's right. Cain the creepy groper is the innocent one; everyone else who has experienced or witnessed his inappropriate behavior is guilty if they aren't absolute saints. (Anita Hill came closest to being a person of absolutely spotless character and still the right-wingers did a hatchet job on her. A military vet is awarded a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts, and the right-wingers find a way to do a hatchet job on his service to his country.)

Their pattern of character assassination closely resembles Cain's and Clarence Thomas's pattern of sexual misbehavior towards women they had authority over or were in a position of trust and influence.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Cain's beginning to approach Tiger numbers. Count is now at four -- and growing.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

this seems like the tiger woods, not clarence thomas, incident all over again. tiger kept denying everything but more and more women wer coming forward until finally he had to admit what he diwhat cain needs to do is explain everything immediately. if he did do some of these things, then apologize. if he didn't do any of it, then say so and move on. his inept handling of this situation is mind-boggling, especially considering that the magazine gave him a heads up that it was doing this article weeks ago.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I am usually careful to make a distinction between utterly ridiculous points and utterly ridiculous people.

Really? I would beg to differ.

Yes, the motivation of mature, professional women coming forward to publicly relive the account of a horny executive who was WAAAY out of line when he made a grope for their genital area has to be suspect. Not one, not two, not three, but now four?

NO, you do not, for if you did, you would be the all-knowing, all-seeing Karnak. You were not there, therefore, you do not know-period! Anything else is just pure speculation.

Utter bull and you know it. It's not even remotely about Obama and yet you guys try to blame him and the Democrats for this at every turn. Imagine if it WERE about Obama!

Not bull, I was just stating the truth about the hypocrisy of liberals and the media, if you choose to believe differently, then so be it. But the facts the facts.

@NetNinja Exactly!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Yes, the motivation of mature, professional women coming forward to publicly relive the account of a horny executive who was WAAAY out of line when he made a grope for their genital area has to be suspect.

Or the motivation of payback for being fired (From the Chicago Tribune also)

In a dramatic news conference Monday in New York, Bialek, a former employee of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, said she had sought Cain's help in finding a new job in July 1997 shortly after the organization had fired her.

A fired employee finally getting some payback after all these years at Mr. Cain. I'm still trying to grasp the logic of somebody going to the CEO of an organization that had fired her and actually think he was going to try set her up with a new job someplace else. What was he going to do give her a letter of recommendation?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Oh, Obama's had a cakewalk with the press. It's not like there haven't been wacky, frivolous questions regarding such basic things as whether he was born in America, whether he is Christian or Muslim, whether he did indeed attend the university he claims to have attended, whether he does indeed love America more than foreign countries....

Oh, wait, there WERE such wacky, frivolous questions entertained by the media. So much for the Obama cake walk.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Given that she isn't suing him, I'm curious as to where this mysterious payday is to come from... Talkshow and interview circuit? Are we expecting a book deal or perhaps a made-for-TV movie on lifetime? Or is this to be a shady backroom pay-off from a democratic operative?

and why isnt she suing him? cuz courts are long and drawn out...Cain will pay her to go away. Settle out of court. More will follow. Scandal in America = free cash for anyone that can someway appear to back up their claims.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


A fired employee finally getting some payback after all these years at Mr. Cain. I'm still trying to grasp the logic of somebody going to the CEO of an organization that had fired her and actually think he was going to try set her up with a new job someplace else. What was he going to do give her a letter of recommendation?

Of course not. Why she would come out now and at this point and time, smells fishy to say the least. But again, in the US, we are a nation that will bring out a lawsuit at a drop of a whim and especially when a person like that hooks up with Gloria Allread, you can see the writing on the wall and how can you not, given Allread's history.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Every prominent black man that has gone on to become someone has been brought down by a white woman

NetNinja - How about Obama himself? Former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall? Colin Powell? Even Jackie Robinson? Do some homework before making absolutely ridiculous shot-in-the-dark statements based on nothing.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


You don't get the context in what Net meant by it.

But if you want to talk about shot-in-the-dark statements, then how about we give Cain the benefit of a doubt. Have any of you liberals ever thought about how this woman got into contact with Allread, especially, "Allread" of all people. Thousands of attorneys in the US and she goes to Allread....or the other way around. We all know, Allread has a grudge and a personal vendetta towards men.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

OMG!! A Black man feeling up a White woman in the USA?? Better to waste my vote on that Mormon dude!! LOL!!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

By the way yes I am as American as Taco Bell and Low Rider magazine so actually I would Not waste my precious vote on any of the hypocrites!!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

bass4funk - what is this secret context that I didn't read in NetNinja's statement? It's nothing more than someone far out of their comfort zone making sweeping statements about something they know nothing about.

As far as Cain goes, I'd give him benefit of the doubt if it were one woman. But four seperate cases? The man is a letch. The good news for Americans is that he had a snowball's chance in hell anyway. Just check out his bizarre, creepy smile/ smoking campaign chief ad. That sums it up.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

A fired employee finally getting some payback after all these years at Mr. Cain.

Ah, so here's the right-wingers' view of this insidious plot:

A woman gets "fired" by the association that Cain heads. Naturally, she's going to go straight back to the leader for help finding a job. (This would be the first part of her "getting some payback.") Then, she and Cain meet. (The plan is going very well.) Next step: Say nothing for 14 years and wait until Cain becomes a candidate for president, and wait further for other women to relate their stories of how Cain came on to them. Ah, NOW it's payback time!

The damning part is that a CEO would actually meet with someone who had been fired from an organization. The only way that would make sense if she was not fired for cause, but actually let go because she was no longer needed. Is she lying when she claims that Cain met with her? Other women have indicated (via their attorneys) that their experiences were similar to the one that Bialek tells.) Are all these women lying?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

But if you want to talk about shot-in-the-dark statements, then how about we give Cain the benefit of a doubt. Have any of you liberals ever thought about how this woman got into contact with Allread, especially, "Allread" of all people.

That's right, give the groper the benefit of the doubt and smear the victim and her attorney.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

then how about we give Cain the benefit of a doubt.

Here is what I would like to know: What have right-wingers done to have earned the privilege of being given the benefit of the doubt? They sure as heck have done a tremendous amount to not be given it.

I mentioned the smear job they did to Anita Hill, to John Kerry, to Bill Clinton, to Max Cleland, to John McCain in 2000, etc., etc., etc. Why shouldn't they be hoisted by their own petard?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The woman told only 2 other people immediate to the incident: her boyfriend and a trusted counsel.

Cain hadn't been vetted yet, unlike his Republican opponents who already ran for public office and thus been previously vetted (a.k.a. things out of the closet). Unfortunately for him, he's being vetted while running for the highest public office in the land. This serious issue can have an impact amongst independent voters when it comes to a general election.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hoserfella, I had another post on this subject and I listed a number of individuals who were brought down after having relationships with Anglo-Saxon (White) women.

Of course, I know that not all African-American men have been brought down by a white woman. My view is just one perspective. I see it happen one too many times or it's just very public. Such stories make good fodder for comedians. You've probably seen Jay Leno, David Letterman, Conan O'Brian and Jon Stewart. You know they're going to run with this. Cain will be bracketed with Tiger, Mike Tyson, O.J, Marion Barry and the list goes on and on.

Obama married a woman from his own race. He's safer than others. It's a common belief among African-American men that white women can bring you down. You probably don't talk about that in your living room but the topic has definitely come up in mine.

The men you listed in your post as far as I know, didn't get involved with white women.

Now let me be clear as day. I don't have a problem with interracial relationships with white women. As a matter of fact, I'm all for it. I would just say this, if you want to be THE MAN you better be careful who you choose to be with. It's very hard to weed out which ones are bipolar.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

bass4funk: "Not bull, I was just stating the truth about the hypocrisy of liberals and the media"

Says a guy blaming the Liberal media for everything and blaming issues not related to Obama or the Democrats on said people. What was that about hypocrisy again?

It's simply amazing that in this day and age, 15 years after the alleged assault, that Cain supporters on here not only blame the Liberals for this, but accuse ALL of the women (yes, all four and counting) as the abusers while proclaiming, without the facts they say are lacking to prove their accusations, that Cain is innocent. And they seriously wonder why these women never came forward until now??

Next they'll be looking into these women's sexual backgrounds to claim they were the abusers and Cain even more the victim than the claim he is now.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"But if you want to talk about shot-in-the-dark statements, then how about we give Cain the benefit of a doubt."

Again the hypocrisy. We have not one, but FOUR women claiming sexual harassment/assault and we're being asked by GOP supporters to give HIM the benefit of the doubt where they would chortle and guffaw it asked to give the same benefit to the women.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I do not know the truth and I highly doubt anyone here does. However, it certainly does seem possible that Cain did something untoward.

What I can't seem to get over is the attitude towards this case of those that call themselves liberal is the exact opposite of what the attitude of those that call themselves liberals toward Clinton and his alledged untoward acts. I find it fascinating that a married president cheating with an intern and harrassing other women as governor is no cause for concern. Quite the opposite, the women who were involved were raked over the coals and made fun of. This was expecially true for Linda Tripp who provided evidence against Clinton.

I have no problem with people thinking Cain is guilty. However, how about a little more balance in your attitudes regarding this kinds of actions in general rather than constantly and endlessly focusing on 'conservatives VS liberals' as it rings rather false.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

SmithinJapan - I think we are all missing something here. The timing is what is in question here. Such accusations are serious. I believe this is the reason why a lot of eyebrows are being raised not only at Cain but mostly towards these women. Why now?

We all know that there's nothing worse than a woman's scorn. The damage is already done. He's out. We all know it. It's a matter of whether or not we let these women get away with it.

There isn't a man alive who has gone to bed with a woman who can protect himself from false accusations. It's always his word versus her word. Futhermore women have always gone with this band together technique when they want to take a man down. Sometimes they're right, other times we will never know if they lied.

The timing of these accusations makes most people speculate that their motive is revenge. They have it too.

Even if he is innocent, he put himself in this situation. He messed around with white women. He's African-American, he was doing well, he should have known that he would be a target. Of course, it could have been any woman but still we know better.

I'm sure there are a lot of NFL football players who know exactly what he's going through.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Article has been updated.

Speaking on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” a late night comedy show, Cain said he would hold a press conference about the latest allegations later on Tuesday.

“There’s not an ounce of truth in all of these accusations… and that’s why I’m willing to do a press conference tomorrow (Tuesday) to set the record straight,” a visibly upbeat and smiling Cain said.

We'll know tomorrow if everything he has been saying is the truth about these allegations soon enough.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

this gives a whole new meaning "raising cain."

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

“She could have attempted to sell her story, but chose not to do so,” Allred said.

“If all of these allegations by all of the women who have been reported to have made them are true, then I, for one, am disgusted at Mr Cain’s serial sexual harassment of women,” she added.

Somebody needs to get ahold of Ms. Allred and tell her that it doesn't bolster your case when your client has a picture of herself with Mr. Cain and friends with her arm around him less then a month ago. From the Pulitzer Prize Winning Chicago Sun Times....I kid you not.

The Cain Encounter ...

They hugged each other backstage in a full embrace like old friends.

She grabbed his arm and whispered in his left ear.

She kept talking as he bent to listen, and he kept saying “Uh, huh. Uh, huh.”


2 ( +2 / -0 )

NetNinja: "SmithinJapan - I think we are all missing something here. The timing is what is in question here. Such accusations are serious."

No one is missing the fact that the timing is suspect, and hence all the controversy. It was Cain himself who accused -- no, not the Democrats or the Liberal media -- a fellow GOP candidate of leaking the original harassment case in an attempt to smear him and ruin his chances. The timing is therefore not very suspect at all, but planned to do damage, as it has (according to the latest news, anyway). As to the 'why now' for the other women who are coming forward, as I said to Serrano earlier: strength in numbers. If no one speaks out, there's a likely chance no one else will. Once one person does (of their own volition or not) there's a more likely chance others will as well. This is not limited to the case in question, but true of almost everything. Again, take train groping in Japan as an example: women are becoming more outspoken about groping/molestation based on the example of others. So again, not very suspect of these women; one comes out, then another, and now we're up to four as it's easier for them to come out and mutually support one another.

Not sure why that's so hard to comprehend.

"There isn't a man alive who has gone to bed with a woman who can protect himself from false accusations. It's always his word versus her word."

So we should believe Cain because of this? I could see it if it were perhaps only one woman, and even then I'd have my doubts, but FOUR?

"The timing of these accusations makes most people speculate that their motive is revenge."

Revenge for what? being harassed/assaulted? If so, then they are correct and Cain is lying, regardless of motive.

"Even if he is innocent, he put himself in this situation. He messed around with white women."

This isn't a white/black thing. At least, I certainly hope you wouldn't say -- "He shouldn't have messed with white women... oh wait? this one was black? oh, well... alright then." It's a man who harassed and/or assaulted at least four women we know of, and it's not a question of race except those who make it as such. I wonder how many more we'll see in the coming week.

"I'm sure there are a lot of NFL football players who know exactly what he's going through."

sigh * Why, because all NFL players are black and have messed around with white women? Sheesh, come on, man.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )

How does Cain spell "T-O-A-S-T"? :-)

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The latest flavor of the month in the Rebublicans search for "Anybody but Rommney/Paul" for president fades away.

Next is Newt.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Might be Romney who is hardest hit here. Cain got Palin's supporters. (So much for already long dead 'conservatives are racists' meme...) I suspect Cain supporters will get behind Perry or Gingrich before they do Romney.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Cain, you see, is not really guilty of sexual harassment. He is accused of having made a gross, dumb and reckless pass at a woman, a supporter, during a low point in said woman's life, okay? In other words, Cain just took 'no' for an answer.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Its been an interesting show. From here on the fence it seems that anytime a sexual topic comes up, the commentators instantly lose about 20 IQ points. I mean, they still write with correct grammer and spelling, but a boatload of logic just goes straight out the window, along with any sense of the future. I suppose we could subtract another 10 IQ points for partisan bickering.

This whole sexual harrassment thing is quite out of hand. And I sincerely wish you gentlemen would stop shooting yourself and all men in the foot by pandering to it. First, all we heard was that he said a woman was attractive and invited her to his place...once. Then we heard he commented that a woman was as tall as his wife. Why do you gentlemen entertain these as punishable acts? It helps none of us.

Now we finally have a woman step forward and claim to have been actually sexually assaulted. We finally have some actual meat to chew on. But you guys have been greedily chewing nothing but air since this story broke like it was prime rib. Don't any of you complain about how hard it is to get your foot in the door with women without crossing any lines from now on. You only have yourselves to blame. You keep widening and solidifying the lines!

Also, here from the fence, it has been interesting watching you guys chase your tails and try to logical connect things that are not connected at all. The delay does not prove a lie. The numbers of accusers does not make a truth. Denials do not make one guilty and neither does silence. Bankruptcy does not prove one a money driven opportunist. Anyone who thinks they know what happened is a complete fool. We will never have any rock solid proof either way. Its pretty much he said, she said all the way. Probably the best proof we will ever have is to simply watch their faces as they speak and judge by their expressions and inflections if they are lying or not, and there are people who truly have the skills for that.

But, worst case scenario: Let us assume Cain did these things. The only accusation even worth talking about is this new one. Did he rape her? No. Did he touch her genitals? No. Did he force her to touch his? No. She agrees to meet him, as an ex-employee, privately and socially, and he made a boorish pass by touching her leg and pulling her head down a bit but not all the way. That's it? Seriously? Can you even imagine all the hardships women of the past have faced with regards to men, and this woman can't handle a boorish pass?

Before you answer, look at the picture Sailwind provided us with. She look all busted up to you, with her arm around him? Gentlemen, get real. Women have it pretty easy these days. Push this crap around it will only come back around. In no way am I saying women should be treated badly. I am just saying there has to be a balance between the ones expected to make the passes (men) and the ones who do usually do naught but sit back and decided yes or no (women). Making men walk on egg shells like this does not help us or our politics one bit. Heck, it does not even help women in general, but only a few nasty anti-males like Gloria Allred.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Revenge for what? being harassed/assaulted? If so, then they are correct and Cain is lying, regardless of motive.

Even if it the allegations are true and any of these women took offense, proper revenge is not sabotaging a man's shot at the presidency more than a decade later. That would be like taking a baseball bat to someone's face for calling you a name. Of course I cannot deny the extreme leeway western males give women these days. And I am all for equal rights. I am just not for getting walked on. So many of you can't seem to tell the difference.

This revenge might equate if any of them were improperly fired as an attempt to coerce a sexual encounter. I don't see anyone making that accusation though or anything remotely like it.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

But, worst case scenario: Let us assume Cain did these things. The only accusation even worth talking about is this new one. Did he rape her? No. Did he touch her genitals? No. Did he force her to touch his? No. She agrees to meet him, as an ex-employee, privately and socially, and he made a boorish pass by touching her leg and pulling her head down a bit but not all the way. That's it? Seriously? Can you even imagine all the hardships women of the past have faced with regards to men, and this woman can't handle a boorish pass?

PussInBoots - Is that the image you want from your President for the next 4 years? Seriously? Even from your fence? Is it too much for Americans to ask that the people they are going to vote for NOT be boorish cads? Can you imagine what visiting dignitaries would be thinking of him at state dinners? He's lost all credibility already...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Geez if things like telling people they are attractive and saying that someone is the same height as your spouse, I'd be guilty of sexual harassment. But by the same token, I'm harassed all the time. I need to go get a lawyer. Does Gloria visit Japan?

Maybe Cain should just say that he's sorry and used to go too far back in the last century but now he has changed.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Is that the image you want from your President for the next 4 years?

No, but I will still take it over an anti-sex zealot.

Is it too much for Americans to ask that the people they are going to vote for NOT be boorish cads?

You forget that he is merely accused of being a boorish cad. I guess innocent until proven guilty means little to you.

Can you imagine what visiting dignitaries would be thinking of him at state dinners?

I can imagine that none of them would be American, and so, would not dwell upon it much (yes, that was a firm backhand). Do you think Clinton was hurt in that area?

He's lost all credibility already...

For people over sensitive about sexual matters for whom mere accusations are proof of guilt...most definitely.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

PussInBoots - sounds you bet on the wrong horse here. I'm sure more than a few foreign dignitaries would keep a sharp eye on where Herman's hands are under the table (yes, that's a firm forehand.) One accusation is a "mere" accusation. 4 is a flood. This Cain fella has a chronic problem.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

For people over sensitive about sexual matters for whom mere accusations are proof of guilt...most definitely.

You don't quite get modern American politics. The Left wants every single aspect of daily life politicized; sex is just one more area.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Allred, who describes herself on her website as a "fearless lawyer, feminist, activist, television and radio commentator, warrior, advocate, and winner," said Bialek was not interested in a lawsuit or financial gain.

She is also on record calling Colin Powell an 'Uncle Tom'.


0 ( +3 / -3 )

" The Left wants every single aspect of daily life politicized; sex is just one more area."

Heh, and the right don't? Just where does the fringe find these fundies?

I guess it's all the left-wing MSMS's fault for digging up the dirt on these miscreants. Was it also the fault of these crazed lefties when individuals like Teg Haggard, the W Whitehouse "spiritual advisor" and anti-gay rights activist gets busted for meth-fueled man-sex with gay prostiutes too, huh?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

You don't quite get modern American politics. The Left wants every single aspect of daily life politicized; sex is just one more area.

To overlook the right indicates a view that is less like having blinders on, and more like the view from inside a burqua!

The left is merely second fiddle in all this sex and politics nonsense in America. Look at Yabits. I suspect he is in full attack mode and playing Devil's advocate only as a matter of revenge (although he is serious about Cain's handling of the allegations). Its the right that leads the general charge in the sex and politics war. Cain is merely a battle. The left only follows along. The left has nothing to compare to the sex witch hunting Ken Starr, or anti-gay gays like Larry Craig, or age of consent crusader by day, minor seducer by night guys like Mark Foley, or wife dumping intern humping guys like Newt Gringrich that the family values party continues to support.

If Cain were a Democrat the attacks would be twice as fierce as what the left has dished out here. And it would be a matter of months before a Republican were found doing the exact same thing, leaving us to listen to the crickets chirp waiting for a response from the right about it. If the right let it all go, so would the left. The left has always been more tolerant and just reacts to getting poked at. But perhaps you have mistaken attacks by the left over hypocrisy as attacks over sex matters? Yeah, the Rs do do that a lot.

Anyway, on the national scale, this is clearly Republican in fighting. Democrats just don't have enough interest in GOP primaries. However, I would not be surprised if this new accuser was forwarded by Cain himself. She trumped all the other claims of the other women hands down, and then had her own claims all sabotaged by one picture. If Cain is not a hell of a lot more shrewd than so many of you gave him credit for, it might be that he sure knows who to hire for damage control!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Was it also the fault of these crazed lefties when individuals like Teg Haggard, the W Whitehouse "spiritual advisor" and anti-gay rights activist gets busted for meth-fueled man-sex with gay prostiutes too, huh?

You seem unusually fascinated by such tales. Maybe you should look into all the stuff online about Obama's 'body man', Reggie Love...

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Its the right that leads the general charge in the sex and politics war.

Yeah. It's 'the right' forcing your ten y.o kid in one of our failed state schools to read books about a 'family' with two dads. LOL.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Wow - 91 comments already regarding what is really just a deck chair on the USRP (United States Republican Party) Titanic, already set sail, course determined, towards its destiny in 2012. Cain never had a chance; this scandal will only serve to cover the complete moral bankruptcy the Party of Lincoln has become. And that proof is in the pudding: really, in this time of the Tea Party and global meltdown, the Republican's nominee WILL be - Romney?!

Forgive me if I do not boil over with excitement.

The Party of the Government Is the Problem inherently prevents candidates with solutions to the problems from arising.

Good luck with that.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Says a guy blaming the Liberal media for everything and blaming issues not related to Obama or the Democrats on said people. What was that about hypocrisy again?

It's simply amazing that in this day and age, 15 years after the alleged assault, that Cain supporters on here not only blame the Liberals for this, but accuse ALL of the women (yes, all four and counting) as the abusers while proclaiming, without the facts they say are lacking to prove their accusations, that Cain is innocent. And they seriously wonder why these women never came forward until now??

Next they'll be looking into these women's sexual backgrounds to claim they were the abusers and Cain even more the victim than the claim he is now.

It just gets me, why all you guys are running around with torches and pitch forks, wanting to charge the man. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?" For any rational thinking person, it doesn't seem odd that all of a sudden when Cain's campaign is flying high, low and behold, look what came out from the abyss.... I will not believe anything or anyone until we get all the facts and especially when it has the "Allred" tarnished brand attached to it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


bass4funk - what is this secret context that I didn't read in NetNinja's statement? It's nothing more than someone far out of their comfort zone making sweeping statements about something they know nothing about.

If you didn't get it, then you don't deserve to comment. It seems more like you are the one that really doesn't want to get it.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

bass4funk: "It just gets me, why all you guys are running around with torches and pitch forks, wanting to charge the man. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"

You mean like some, including yourself, are suggesting it's just a media ploy and a gimmick by the women? So they're guilty, but we can't think Cain might be?

I don't see too many people saying that Cain is guilty without a doubt my friend, as you paint it, but rather people saying it is okay for him to be questioned on it, and wrong for him to deny any questioning. What's more, we've said he's not presidential material simply because of all the flip-flopping, angry refusals to answer questions, admittances later to having paid the women (for what, if not guilty?), etc. It is perfectly okay to doubt this man's word given that so many women are coming forward.

"For any rational thinking person, it doesn't seem odd that all of a sudden when Cain's campaign is flying high, low and behold, look what came out from the abyss...."

People have answered you and others on this point several times. It's your fault you choose to look at the forest and claim there are no trees there.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

But, worst case scenario: Let us assume Cain did these things. The only accusation even worth talking about is this new one. Did he rape her? No. Did he touch her genitals? No. Did he force her to touch his? No. She agrees to meet him, as an ex-employee, privately and socially, and he made a boorish pass by touching her leg and pulling her head down a bit but not all the way. That's it? Seriously? Can you even imagine all the hardships women of the past have faced with regards to men, and this woman can't handle a boorish pass?


I have enjoyed reading your posts, and find them very well written and insightful.

I believe, however, you did not quite frame the "worst case scenario" correctly. If we assume Cain did those things, it wasn't just a boorish pass made in a social setting, as if Cain was acting out of a basic liking of the person. The worst case scenario is the fact that the woman needed Cain's help in a professional sense, and that he indicated that he would be willing to give it if she put out for him. I find such behavior unacceptable and would not be willing to bestow even greater power on a person with such a character flaw.

Elliot Spitzer's misdeeds shine by comparison. In his case, it was a straight transaction that both parties willingly entered into, with no promise of "help" by a person who was certainly in a position to do so. The woman in Spitzer's case knew who she was and what she was about; Cain was attempting to take an ordinary professional woman and cast her into that role. That's what I find so damning about it, even though he -- to his credit -- took "No" for an answer.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Sorry, but 14 years after the fact is nothing more than garbage. The women who actually came forward at the time and gave their information should be listened to, but women like this should be looked at with a healthy amount of skepticism. She had her chance to speak up at the time and she passed. Her choice. If she had a credible case she has only herself to blame for making it sound so flimsy today.

What really bugs me is seeing Allred. She is someone who has turned the art of the accusation into a process. I'm sure the statement read by Bialek was carefully constructed with Allred's input. I'm sure she decided the location, made the calls to the press, etc. She knows the best process for making the accusations stick, and it bothers me that there actually is a process for accusing someone 14 years after the fact. It seems to follow some kind of logic that it's never to late to accuse but when too much time has passed for a man to be able to intelligently defend himself then there really is an expiration date. There isn't a man on this board reading this now who would be able to defend himself from an accusation from a date 14 years ago other than to say that he didn't do it. And he'll be labeled as a sexual predator until the day he died even if he did nothing at all.

But like I said, the other women should be listened to. They went on record with their stories at the time they happened. The cases were settled which, in my opinion, means he most likely did something wrong. So go ahead and fry him for that. But let's stop leaving the door open to a point where a man no longer has a defense.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Cain. Four accusers. Dude is putting up Clintonesque numbers, though ironically his opponents have had to go all the way back to the Clinton era, when America was already supposedly sexually 'liberated', to bring him down. His crime - he hit on women and when they resisted, he ceased. As a Repub he is finished. Gonna have to put a 'D' after his name, move to Massachusetts, run for senate there, get himself an amphibious Oldsmobile, take all the necessary precautions.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Cain. Four accusers. Dude is putting up Clintonesque numbers,

Well, Bobby, we'd have to examine his completed pass rate. Right now, Cain's series of incompletions more resembles the record set by Bob Peck, er Packwood.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

yabits: "I have to pretend that I'm dealing with a sixth-grader"

No, but you should stop with the condescendence.

I'm looking foward to Cain's news conference on this.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I recall a Zogby Poll from just before the 08 election (11/3/08) of 512 Obama voters. A whopping 57 percent could not tell the pollster which party controlled Congress.

A lot of young Obama pod people are not the most discerning, politically aware people. I think the hit pieces on Cain and the transparently faux indignation could backfire on Dems

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If Cain gets the Republican nomination, it "would set up the first all-black presidential race in U.S. history"

Not quite, Obama is only half black. How about an all-woman presidential race? Not this time, I guess.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Heh, she's white, blonde, Republican. What's not to believe?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

She's not racist, is she? Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. This is all so confusing.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Still think the RNC is behind it but what is it to me? Not like I am going to be voting in the 2012 American election. Mine gets to vote in the most red of red states. He does not seem disturbed by the news. Well that is life in politics, somethings are constant worldwide.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Cain. Four accusers. Dude is putting up Clintonesque numbers, though ironically his opponents have had to go all the way back to the Clinton era, when America was already supposedly sexually 'liberated', to bring him down. His crime - he hit on women and when they resisted, he ceased.

While I share your distaste for partisan hypocracy (though one could easily flip it around on Clinton-haters-turned-Cain-supporters, could they not?), I find your characterization of the incident in question to be severely lacking. If the allegation are correct, this is at the very least quid-pro-quo sexual harrassment (aka sleep with me and I'll give you a job), which is much more clear and serious harassment than hostile-enviroment. At worst it's sexual assault.

These are not minor allegations.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Man, she must be hot back in the 90s >.<!!! Now I "definitely" believed Cain "sexually assaulted" this beautiful lady >.< YOU ARE "evil" CAIN, why would you do such thing to this "beautiful lady"!!! Can't you just pay some one else for the same "job"!!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Just curious as to why it took her all of 14 years to finally start yakking all of the alleged gory details

Perhaps the lady doesn't think America deserves a sexual predator for a president. That ever occur to you?


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Nice sailwind,

A fired employee finally getting some payback after all these years at Mr. Cain.

Yes, when in doubt, attack the victim. Stay classy, sail.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

You know, a lot of people have been whining, "what took these women so long to come forward?"

But the moment they knew anything about Sharon Bielek, they started in with character assassination.

And they wonder why these women waited so long. How stupid could you be?

I'm sure they were just racing to have their lives raked over the coals to save the reputation of a corporate CEO.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

cain has no chance in the first place. dont drink the cool aid, america will never elect a black president. a half black half white president is as far as they'll go. besides, cain is not presidential, hes not handsome, he looks like mugabe and he sounds like hes from under some rock someplace. maybe little rock? then again, that may not be such a bad place, little rock. america's best president, bill clinton was from there.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@Black Passenger

Clinton is not from Little Rock. He is from Hope, AR.

And I wouldn't be so quick to write off Mr. Cain.

Americans are waking up to the fact that these attacks are being conveniently orchestrated to knock a "real" black man off the ticket. You see, Obama's camp is terrified at the thought of black Americans hearing Herman Cain's message of hard work, self reliance and responsibility, which is the antithesis to the Democratic slave plantation, which is to keep blacks dependent on the government. And to make it worse for Obama, they won't be able to use the race card when it's a pure black man as the opponent. That fact totally neuters Obama. He's got nothing but the race card because his record on the economy and foreign policy is a disaster.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Bialek, standing with high-profile attorney Gloria Allred, said the alleged harassment took place when she had sought Cain’s assistance after losing her job in the National Restaurant Association, which he headed.

Perhaps this sounds sexist and I'm making assumptions - but is this woman wanted some sort of 'favor' from the Restaurant Association, what exactly did she think she was going to accomplish in going to dinner with it's head? I can see if she simply made an appointment to meet him in his office to discuss the matter, but either requesting or accepting an invitation to dinner seems inappropriate at best under the given circumstance. Enough so that I'd question the whole thing.

This is not about bringing up legal proceedings; this is about a character profile of a man seeking the highest office in the United States. Cain would be an utter embarrassment.

Ummmm. As opposed to slick Willie Clinton and the great 'respect' he brought to the office by getting oral gratification in the WH by an intern. Someone on here just called him the 'greatest prez ever'. So attempting to doodle a few employees should be nothing then. And you talk about hypocrisy on the right?? Didn't you give me some rubbish the other day about hypocrisy is best studied in a mirror? Look into the glass mate.

Yes, the motivation of mature, professional women coming forward to publicly relive the account of a horny executive

I just saw a program last night about a 'mature, professional woman' hiring an undercover cop to off her husband. Lying and deceit is not limited to the young and unprofessional and surely that isn't your implication. Particularly since your ilk are so into currently talking the character of 'mature, professional' folks in big business.

He might be guilty - hell, he probably is. But while you're screaming about how a man of such character should not be President, look in your own camp. The world is full of the degenerate and deprave, political candidates are not exempt and if anything tend to be on the other end of the spectrum. But you lefties are like the fundamentalist preachers who decry the evils of the world while secretly watching child porn in their basements. Then when the accusations come out in your favor you jump on it like a fat kid on cake.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Well, I had no idea how Herman's 15 minutes were going to end up, but after Trump had his 15 min., Bachmann had her 15 minutes, Perry, etc., I thought it was a safe bet that Herman wouldn't last either.

Anyway, Herman has come up in the office today and I heard 2 people use the same argument that I thought was really weird. If only one woman comes forward, No. No chance. He's innocent. Not until there's 4 do they finally come around.

Assuming that opinion shared to me isn't completely unique to my office, I really feel bad for the first woman to come forward.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@Tigermothll Bravo! Well said.

I find it so hypocritical that the left goes into a tizzy over so-called "sexual harassment" when they are close to being completely devoid of any morals in the area of sexual behavior. Who is it that pushes gay marriage? The left. Who is it that champions the artificial insemination and birth of children to gay couples so they can shove it in the face of others? The left. Who is it that believes in the "right" of a woman to kill her unborn child because it is "inconvenient"? The left. Who is that sanctions the gruesome act of "late-term" abortions? The left. Who is it that pushes for homosexuality being taught in schools? The left. The list goes on and on. ANYTHING that is considered sexually immoral or deviant from a historical standpoint is championed by the left.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"Hypocritical" is a double-edged sword. Why is that so hard to understand?

If you took position X in the last analogous situation, and your opponent took position Y, and now you have switched sides for political reasons then congrats, YOU ARE BOTH HYPOCRITES.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Triumvere Deep... real deep.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Truth hurts, eh?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Eh. I'm waiting for the explaination of how I am wrong.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Eh. I'm waiting for the explaination of how I am wrong.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This has to do with Herman Cain and not President Obama. Remember guys one of them worked for the NRA, see the conservative connection? Myself I can not vote and will not take sides. However I am not blind and can see the connection to the right wingers.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

You know, I wonder why Herman hasn't asked for a polygraph test.

The falsely accused ALWAYS ask for a lie detector test.

If I was innocently accused of a crime, I would be looking at every possible avenue to clear my name.

The first thing I would do is ask for a polygraph test. Funny Herman hasn't thought of that.

Perhaps there's a reason. No matter what it is, it's not good.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Eh. Polygraphs are unreliable enough that they aren't permited as evidence in a court of law. I'm not sure I would want to take one if I were accused of something.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Americans are waking up to the fact that these attacks are being conveniently orchestrated to knock a "real" black man off the ticket. You see, Obama's camp is terrified at the thought of black Americans hearing Herman Cain's message of hard work, self reliance and responsibility, which is the antithesis to the Democratic slave plantation, which is to keep blacks dependent on the government. And to make it worse for Obama, they won't be able to use the race card when it's a pure black man as the opponent. That fact totally neuters Obama. He's got nothing but the race card because his record on the economy and foreign policy is a disaster.

SO...because Obama is worried that he won't be able to play the race card in 2012, went back in time, had 3 women file complaints against Herman Cain in the 1990s, so that, in the future, when Herman Cain runs for president, Obama can use these women against Herman. It's as plainer than the Kenyan ink on Obama's birth certificate!. That evil manipulating bastard!


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The difference between Clinton with an intern in the Oval Office and Cain with an ex-employee in a car? Well, for starters, the intern did not complain. Second, the intern was neither seeking nor in danger of losing employment. Third, the incident concerning Cain is alleged.

I am pretty sure that anyone here who is okay with Clinton's creative use of cigars would be okay with Cain's boorish pass in the car if it had been accepted. But you see, the allegation is that it wasn't. And as Yabits takes issue with, it was to be a sexual favor for employment. But I would like to remind everyone that its all alleged, every last drop.

Yabits, I personally don't have a problem with exchanging sexual favors for a job. It looks like a transaction like any other to me. She declined, if her story is to be believed. Her choice. Also her choice to meet him privately and socially. If women want to keep it all business, they just should not do that.

I just wonder why she was fired in the first place.

Someone on here just called him the 'greatest prez ever'. So attempting to doodle a few employees should be nothing then. And you talk about hypocrisy on the right??

Tigermoth, its bullox to take a quote from one poster and stuff it in the mouth of another, or to accuse an entire swath of the political spectrum of hypocrisy by mix and matching ideas from different people. The person who complimented Clinton might not have a problem with Cain that is hypocritical. The character the other poster has a problem with might not be the sexual aspect.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I really don't care what skin colour/ethnic background the next (or any other) president of the US might have (just so long as he isn't an idiotic, dry-drunk war-monger), but what is all this rubbish about Cain being a 'real'' 'pure' black man? What on earth does that mean? Looking at pictures of the man, he's a typical mixed-race African-American, obviously not the same as an African-African (a 'real' 'pure' black person). Historically, black women in America had to deal with the twisted morals of white slaver owners, so that the so-called black gene pool contains lotsa white (and other) genes. Not that it matters (or should matter) to people today what their ancestors got up to over a hundred years ago.

Debate his policies, argue over the he-said/she-said of his sexual exploits, but please leave his skin colour out of it.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

OK - so who are the 3 women who filed complaints against Cain?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I did a little researching and you are correct. In fact, polygraphs are known to give many false positives so yeah, a polygraph may not be a good idea after all.



-4 ( +0 / -4 )

@Yokohama - This is all revenge motivated and really should be disregarded but since the media loves a good stink it'll continue.

I'm not convinced though. I think he got that booty. I think she gave a piece and possibly didn't get what she wanted on her side of the deal.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

As for Herman Cain, he is the son of two blacks, therefore he is black as compared to Barack Obama. And if blacks were pulling for a candidate who had lived in a poor household as a child, dealt with racist attitudes in the south and worked his way to the top through sheer grit and determination, Herman Cain would be their candidate. He had nothing handed to him. He worked for it. Obama's upbringing, on the other hand, is far removed from what most black Americans know. Private, expensive schooling in Hawaii, schooling at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, etc. So it remains a mystery to me how blacks support Obama and think Herman Cain is an Uncle Tom. I guess it shows how effective the leftists have become at controlling the black population in this country. Tell them they are incapable of doing things themselves, implement affirmative action policies which allow scholastically inferior students to get scholarships based solely on their skin color, force companies to hire based on skin color quotas, etc. etc. I wish that all black people in America would rise up against this tyranny and show us they can make something of themselves.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Readers, the topic is Herman Cain and the allegations against him. President Obama is not relevant to this discussion.

When one has to rant on and on about how black one is and where people totally unrelated to the story went to college, and "Uncle Toms" I start to think they don't have a decent argument in which to defend Herman from these allegations. I know if were Herman, these are not the people I would want representing me.

I'd want my A-Team. Where's the smoking guy?


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Digging deeper into this woman's past, it's coming out that she filed for divorce twice and that she was a defendant in numerous lawsuits and that financially at the moment, she is not doing too well. She said that she is not in it for the money, so then why all of a sudden after 14 years does this woman come forward with alleged allegations of sexual impropriety. Did the allegations happen the way SHE said it happened OR did a sexual encounter happen and all of a sudden she just wants to cash in. There are so many loopholes and variables with this story. Again, you come out of the woodworks 14 years like some cicada and now it's...."oh, by the way...."

@yokoham 100% perfect analysis! Summed it all up!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Taka313: And they wonder why these women waited so long. How stupid could you be? I'm sure they were just racing to have their lives raked over the coals to save the reputation of a corporate CEO.

It doesn't make sense that she would stay silent when he was relatively unknown because of the media frenzy, then suddenly come forward when he's running for president which would create the ultimate media frenzy. In terms of "picking her frenzy" she went with the biggest one possible so I don't get that her goal was to avoid it.

Maybe Cain did do it, I don't know. My point is that 14 years later I don't care. She had her chance and she passed on it. Her choice. Just look at DSK. I grilled that guy. The accuser went to the police. She had a fresh story. DSK was able to give his account which included admitting it was consensual. There was DNA evidence. Now imagine the same accusation 14 years later with no evidence. I'd be saying the same thing I'm saying now.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Superlib, I had crafted a very thought out response that the internet gods ate. So, this time you'll have to endure the Crib notes version.

I think she stayed quiet because she knew what would happen to her when she did go public. See: above your post. She stated yesterday on CNN that it was on the urging of her 13 year old son, that she was coming forward. He had backed her into a moral corner to do the right thing. Perhaps speculation to follow - she felt a moral responsibility to come forward despite her desire to remain quiet? Perhaps BECAUSE Herman is running for president, she felt she had to come forward. Had he not run for office, perhaps again, more speculation to follow - she would have stayed quiet forever. We don't know.

Whether you choose to believe that is entirely up to you. I gave Herman the benefit of the doubt, because of how he professes his religion, until he started to change his story. And that is something we know for a fact. In the early going, Herman changed his story. None of the women have changed their story. None of them have asked for any money. Herman's defenders would say don't accuse him without evidence to the contrary. I'm just asking that these women (as in plural, and I do think that counts for something here) be afforded that same luxury.

Fair enough?


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

There are a few ways to tell if a person is lying besides the normal polygraph. There is a company in San Diego that designed some technology to do that. An MRI can also be used to look at the blood flow in the brain when asked certain questions. If the right signs are seen then this is 100%. There are also gifted people who can read the facial expressions and know with 100% if someone is lying. When Clinton, Bush and Reagan were lying these signs were obvious and makes a person laugh when they see a lie being carried out on national TV. Like if someone's eyes look to the upper left or right, if they don't blink, grinning, smiling, twitching etc. . There is even a cool TV show that was based on this theme

So if we really wanted to know if she was lying we could use all the techniques out there. Just put me on the Truth Technology Team (TTT) and I will close this case once and for all.

She is not doing this for money as the article said she could have sold this story and made a ton of money. The main thing that will discredit her story is that she is a feminist and many Republicans are anti-feminist so until there is more proof she will not have much effect. That means other woman will come out of the woodwork.

Cain is guilty without a doubt in my eye, but I am not 100% on that.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Taka313 - None of the women have changed their story. None of them have asked for any money. Herman's defenders would say don't accuse him without evidence to the contrary. I'm just asking that these women (as in plural, and I do think that counts for something here) be afforded that same luxury.

What "story" is it that you say they haven't changed.

Politico says they've seen the settlement but they don't know any of the specifics which means they haven't actually seen the settlement.

One women says she refuses to talk about what happened.

One hired a lawyer to say she refuses to talk about what happened.

One says there was no settlement and she refuses to talk about what happened.

One, Sharon Bialek, hired a hollyweird lawyer/publisist to escort her around the talkshow circuit. The Chicago Tribune has found out that she was fired from the NRA and then approached Cain for a job. (CEO's often find jobs for former employees who have been fired???) She didn't get the job. She then says that she approached Cain 14 years later to see if he would admit what he did. WIND radio (Chicago) co-host Amy Jacobson knew the woman was there to meet Cain and saw the woman go backstage to meet him. Bialek then give Cain a great big hug, talked to Cain for several minutes, and then had several photo's taken with Cain. That's not exactly how the women described the encounter is it?

Bialek also has declared bankruptcy in 1991 and 2001. She's accused a former boyfriend of harassing her for repayment of a loan he gave her. (How dare he???) The Illinois Cook County recorder of deeds shows at least two liens against her property. There is an IRS tax lien against her. The Illinois Dept of Revenue shows she owes the state backtaxes. And creditors have filed legal action against her including one lawsuit.

Since Bialek's publicity stunt, she has applied for employment in sales at WIND radio and is scheduled for a second interview on Thursday. No better way to get name recognition than to find a way to get your name in the news.

And the last one woman says nothing sexual ever occured but she didn't want Cain to have dinner with another women so she went to dinner with Cain herself and her friends???

Four of these women don't even have a story to change and the fourth seems to be more of a publicity stunt.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Taka313: I think she stayed quiet because she knew what would happen to her when she did go public.

I get what you're saying but in my mind the scrutiny will be exponentially more intense now than it would have been 14 years ago, so I just don't buy that she kept silent because she's afraid of the publicity. If that really is something she is afraid of then she certainly wouldn't be coming forward at this point in time.

She stated yesterday on CNN that it was on the urging of her 13 year old son, that she was coming forward. He had backed her into a moral corner to do the right thing.

I saw that and my first thought was "bullshit." It made me believe her even less. Who has a discussion with their 13-year old son about having their genitals grouped, then takes his advice on what should be done? To me it seemed like a carefully crafted way to involve a 13-year old child in the discussion and pull on some heartstrings while making it more difficult for people to question her because you don't want to be in a position where you're attacking a child. It's like a perfect calculation.

I gave Herman the benefit of the doubt, because of how he professes his religion, until he started to change his story.

I'm just talking about this one lady. I believe the other two since they went on record, made a case, and a settlement was reached. That's a matter of fact. I'm not defending Cain on all counts, just saying this one lady shouldn't be included in the discussion. In the end you could say I believe he harassed 2 ladies but not 4. Not saying much, but a distinction should be made because how we handle situations like this will go on long after people forget about Cain.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And to follow up.... Isn't it odd that you saw her on a talk show (she's doing quite a few) and she's also working with the world's most high profile feminist lawyer who is an expert on creating publicity? If she was afraid to come forward before she surely isn't now. You and I could sit down and try to think of ways she could try to generate more publicity but I think she's pretty much covered it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

When one has to rant on and on about how black one is and where people totally unrelated to the story went to college, and "Uncle Toms" I start to think they don't have a decent argument in which to defend Herman from these allegations.

Cain's not the presidential candidate who fakes an accent depending on what part of the country he is in or the color of the crowd.That's Obama.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Who has a discussion with their 13-year old son about having their genitals grouped, then takes his advice on what should be done?

I've already had a talk with my 13 year old about sex and how to treat women and believe it or not, I've taken my son's advice on matters before too. He's quite insightful for 13.

But, I totally agree with you that working with that hiring Allread was suspect but suspect only. I'm giving her the same amount of leeway I gave Herman. Until I see more that says she's in it for the money, I'll take her at her word. And even if she IS in it for the money, does that mean that Herman Cain is innocent? They may both be dirty, for all we know.

I'm just not going to automatically vilify her for hiring a lawyer.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I'm not convinced though. I think he got that booty. I think she gave a piece and possibly didn't get what she wanted on her side of the deal

NetNinja - lay off the 1970s-era cop shows. Its going to your head now, Starsky.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Something tells me that President Obama is very pertinent to this discussion, considering that he will be Cain's opponent in the 2012 election should Cain get the GOP nod. And with all the talk of how "historical" the election of our first "black" (1/2 black in reality) president was, would it not be significant that a man who actually defines "black" is running against the guy who so many incorrectly labeled as "black?". Before you get in a tizzy, explain to me how 1 divided by 2 equals 51% or more. The fact is that Obama is half black, not 53% black. As bad as the progressives and liberals want it to be, their leader isn't fully black. What if Obama was 1/4 black or 1/8? Would they still be calling him black? And why is it that Obama talks like a white guy in some circles but feels he has to put on his "Brutha" thang when talking in other circles? I stand by my contention that the Obama is scared to death of the prospect of having to run against Cain because it neutralizes their ability to pull out the race card - Obama's only weapon. If his record as president is brought into question, he will lose. Americans have had it with his wrecked economy, total lack of leadership and his concealed past.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I stand by my contention that the Obama is scared to death of the prospect of having to run against Cain because it neutralizes their ability to pull out the race card - Obama's only weapon.

Again, so what does Obama do? He goes back in time to the early 1990s, convinces 3 women to file sexual harassment suits against Herman Cain, then return to 2011 to reap the reward of Herman Cain blaming the whole thing on Mitt Romney when the women come forward wanting to clear their names from slanderous accusations.

I'll tell you what, if you think Obama is capable of setting all of that up, you ought to vote for the man based on his skills alone!

This guy is a freaking Jedi, man.

And...FIRST president to master time travel.

That alone gets my vote. Just sayin.


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Taka313 Where are the facts of these so-called "sexual harassment suits" to which you keep referring? I haven't seen them. http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=mpg&mpid=105&load=6245

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Taka313 Cain never blamed this on Mitt Romney. Where did you get that?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Taka313 Cain never blamed this on Mitt Romney. Where did you get that?

No, No, no, no. yokohama, please do keep up.

(To the tune) The Cain blamed it on the....Perry Camp. The Perry Camp blamed on the....Romney Camp and the Romney Camp's connected to the...knee bone!

There's a long line of blame. But we both know it was that damned Obama and his time machine that's really to blame.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Until I see more that says she's in it for the money, I'll take her at her word.

Some people are saying she cannot be in for the money because she did not try to sell a book yet. I wonder, do people realize it takes time to write a book?

There is no way to prove she is in for the money no matter what she does, except confess. We cannot read her mind. Just because she profits does not mean it was all about the money. What is going to happen is that you will make a judgement call based on some arbitrary thing in your own mind. And I have a feeling that if anything triggers you making that call, by that time, the race will be over.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Herman Cain, who has changed his story along the way.

Could you be more specific, and provide some quotes proving this change of story?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Ask nicely and ye shall receive:

If the Restaurant Association did a settlement I wasn’t even aware of it and I hope it wasn’t for much because nothing happened,” Cain told Fox.

Later on...

“Maybe three months’ salary. I don’t remember. It might have been two months,” he sold Van Susteren. “I do remember my general counsel saying we didn’t pay all of the money they demanded.”

That is the most egregious case.


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Tigermoth, its bullox to take a quote from one poster and stuff it in the mouth of another, or to accuse an entire swath of the political spectrum of hypocrisy by mix and matching ideas from different people. The person who complimented Clinton might not have a problem with Cain that is hypocritical. The character the other poster has a problem with might not be the sexual aspect.

Bullox it might be, but the point of the matter is that whatever side one falls on politically, they tend to forgive the transgressions of their own kind while damning the same actions if committed by the other. And here we have no proof, just accusation. I am pretty much accusing a political spectrum of hypocrisy - but I'm not naive or unrealistic enough to admit it happens often on both sides. But the left does have a tendency to act somewhat high and mighty when it comes to condemning the right, when their candidates on the left just as frequently screw up. I'm just saying that given the fact that a sitting President admitted to having sex (definitions varying of course) with an intern in the WH - and while he was otherwise married - it's a bit difficult to realistically cast stones now. To me stating that 'it was consensual' doesn't make it any less appalling given that it was a man of great power preying on a very impressionable and 'star struck' if you will young lady. For some to brush it away with the wave of a hand to pounce upon the opposition seems callous and self-serving to me.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

That is the most egregious case.

For me, Cain's most damning statement came when he declared how he forced himself to forget some of these incidents.

Now, sit and think about that for a minute or two. So every time Cain protests that he has no recollection of something it could very well mean that it actually happened but he willed himself to push it out of his mind. In another interview, Cain said he was known for having a pretty good memory when it comes to people.

So the man is playing it both ways. He wants to persuade people to believe that when he says he doesn't remember something it's because it probably didn't happen because he's got this pretty good memory. On the other hand, he has confessed to forcing himself to put things out of his mind. Yes, the things he'd rather forget. Shameful and embarrassing things.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Taka313 "It might have been two months,” he sold Van Susteren." He "sold" Van Susteren?!?! Now you're accusing Cain of being a pimp, are ya? And Greta, that nice gal from Wisconsin, would never be involved in prostitution! Huh? Oh... Oooooooooooooh... you meant he "told" Van Susteren.... Oooooooooooh... I get it. Must have been a real valid source that you got that quote there, Taka. Couldn't even figure the difference between "sold" and "told". The Onion, perhaps?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Taka313 - You won't be satisfied until you get evidence that simply doesn't exist ......

The settlement with the NatRestAssoc exists. It contains the accusations and the settlement amount.

That's the only evidence that provable and the media doesn't seem to be pursuing it. All of the rest is speculation and rumor mongering. If these women expect people to believe that what they say is true then they should make their full accusations in public. No more hiding. No more rumors. No more quessing. They can make their statements and Cain can then respond to those statements.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


They can make their statements and Cain can then respond to those statements.

That is exactly what is happening.


I'm just shaking my head. I don't even know what to say other than I'll be ignoring you from now on. You are loopy.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Cain should just say, "It was my penis. I had nothing to do with it".

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Bialek has financial motives. She has filed bankruptcy and stands to make a buck from selling her "story".

Heh, who knows? She might even get a shot at being on DWTS.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Taka313 - That is exactly what is happening.

No it isn't. There are only vague references that "something" happened. I would like to know what happened - exactly what happened. Sexual harrasment seems to be a very broad term. Anything from "nice shoes" to "Thanks, here's $200 for the cab ride home".

If these women want to be taken seriously, then they will have to provide evidence or confirmation of what they say happened. And not some generalized "sexual harrasment" claim but the specific allegations.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Simply stated: "WHO CARES." Settle it in court, but the USA and world want to know what the world's presently biggest economy is going to do. Italy isn't even as big as California. Anyone who doesn't understand that needs to look at a map or travel (good for the economy.) It is time to solve the world's welfare needs and really stimulate the economy. Perhaps all nations need to freeze every nation's assets so that the world can see how much each president, etc, has accumulated at taxpayers' expense.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Taka313 "It might have been two months,” he sold Van Susteren." He "sold" Van Susteren?!?! Now you're accusing Cain of being a pimp, are ya? And Greta, that nice gal from Wisconsin, would never be involved in prostitution! Huh? Oh... Oooooooooooooh... you meant he "told" Van Susteren.... Oooooooooooh... I get it. Must have been a real valid source that you got that quote there, Taka. Couldn't even figure the difference between "sold" and "told". The Onion, perhaps?

yokohamarider - Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

She looks like an out of work actress

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

yabitsNov. 10, 2011 - 03:31AM JST. For me, Cain's most damning statement came when he declared how he forced himself to forget some of these incidents. Now, sit and think about that for a minute or two. So every time Cain protests that he has no recollection of something it could very well mean that it actually happened but he willed himself to push it out of his mind. In another interview, Cain said he was known for having a pretty good memory when it comes to people. So the man is playing it both ways. He wants to persuade people to believe that when he says he doesn't remember something it's because it probably didn't happen because he's got this pretty good memory. On the other hand, he has confessed to forcing himself to put things out of his mind. Yes, the things he'd rather forget. Shameful and embarrassing things.

You're making a conclusion very quickly with what media saids. Where is the credibility of Bialek and other women? Wait until the investigation is complete and you will see differently. It's not Cain that has to defend himself. Bialek has been reported as having money problems and somebody appears to be paying her off to make the accusation. She might be desperate for attention and quick money. She has motive of greed and she is not getting good advise. People like Bialek, if Cain is found innocent after the investigation, should be in jail for many years. These people are out to destroy potential presidental candidate.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You're making a conclusion very quickly with what media saids.

No. I'm making a judgment based on what Cain himself said. "The reason I forgot [the allegations] is because they were ridiculous. I dismissed them out of my mind."

C'mon, after so many high-profile examples of sexual harassment allegations -- something that most normal people would have learned to take very seriously, Cain "dismisses" them. If they were ridiculous, as Cain claims, that would be all the more reason to remember them. Do you actually believe that most people would try to just dismiss something as serious as a sex charge?

Especially when one is a CEO and charges were made at the time by not one, but two subordinates? Making harassment charges involving the workplace is one thing, but against the CEO??

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

yabitsNov. 11, 2011 - 07:40AM JST. Do you actually believe that most people would try to just dismiss something as serious as a sex charge?

She sounds like a desperate women that is a lier. Sharon Bialek’s fiance he is her primary source of financial support is unemployed and preparing to file for bankruptcy, according to Lake County court documents reviewed Tuesday. And in Cook County, lawsuits show she has been targeted by creditors who claimed she owed them thousands in unpaid rent, personal loans and credit card bills. Sounds like a credible women to you?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

She sounds like a desperate women that is a lier.

I am referring to Herman Cain. The other women who filed formal allegations against the CEO are almost certainly not liars. But a man -- a CEO -- who tries to convince people he can dismiss the very fact of sexual harassment charges against HIM out of his memory is a far bigger liar, in my opinion.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

yabitsNov. 11, 2011 - 09:49AM JST. The other women who filed formal allegations against the CEO are almost certainly not liars. But a man -- a CEO -- who tries to convince people he can dismiss the very fact of sexual harassment charges against HIM out of his memory is a far bigger liar, in my opinion.

Maybe a double standards because Cain is a potential presidental candidate? In some states, for a first degree sexual battery that occurs to an adult and is not reported to law enforcement within 72 hours, prosecution must be commenced within 4 years after the offense is committed. What is the objective of these women who comes out of the closet after almost 20 years? To have 10 minute of fame and somebody paying them off to destroy Cain who wants to do something good for this country? Might have a racial overtone from supporters who do not want black leadership. If these women were so bothered by his action, why didn't these women take a legal action much earlier instead of waiting until they became old and ugly grandmother?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Maybe a double standards because Cain is a potential presidental candidate?

A double-standard in relation to what? You don't believe potential presidents should have a thorough background check?

And if that background check uncovers evidence that the person had a number of accusations leveled against them for sexual harassment over a decade ago, while they headed an organization, that this would not be a serious matter? And if the person's initial reaction is that he doesn't remember any charges -- and then changes his story to say he does remember -- what does all that add up to?

A very unreliable candidate who may abuse his power. Therefore, your questions are not very relevant.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@yabits YES! I do believe potential presidents should have a thorough background check!! Yes! Yes! What would have happened had such a background check been done on our current president? He would have NEVER been the Democratic nominee. Never. Doesn't it bother you that he is hiding all his personal records? From elementary through college? Everything hidden. Why? His birth records. His Senate voting record. Hidden. His health records. Hidden. Why? Let's apply your test to this president. What a hilarious day that would be because he would be found out to be a complete fraud and impeached in a heartbeat.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Well - here's your proof, folks. http://www.mrctv.org/videos/investigator-herman-cain-innocent-harassment-charges

Bialek was lying, it appears.

As for your supposed settlements", where did Cain admit to wrongdoing? These stupid sexual harassment charges are made all the time and often settled for a small sum, not out of admission of guilt but to move on. This is so silly.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

yabitsNov. 11, 2011 - 11:51AM JST. And if the person's initial reaction is that he doesn't remember any charges -- and then changes his story to say he does remember -- what does all that add up to? A very unreliable candidate who may abuse his power. Therefore, your questions are not very relevant.

Since this mess has started, Cain has kept his integrity in tact by not giving in to the media's insistence that he respond right away at their prompting and lust for sensationalism over this "non-story." However, he has addressed the situation, but in his own time, has said time and again that he has done nothing wrong. Cain is not part of the establishment, but those who are a part of the establishment and those connected are trying their hardest to bring Cain down. He is a candidate no one has seen before and has proposed bold, new reforms and that is a threat.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hoserfella - It's not the TV shows that go to my head. 9 times out of 10 it's the RedBull I love to drink.

The GOP is a joke. It seems like they have no one to contest Obama and I of course love it. Now back to Mr. Cain.

I love how this guy put himself in a Catch 22 situation.

He immediately says "I'm willing to take a lie detector test to clear this whole mess of lies up" Well, that's surprising, isn't it. It's dangerous too. Jay Leno said it best.

If Herman Cain takes a lie detector test it could have adverse effects on his career.

You see if the test results show that he's lying about this sexual harassment well then he would be in really big trouble and of course he can't be President.

If the test results show that's he's being totally honest well then he would be free of these scandals but after those results he can't be a Republican.

Who will step up to challenge Obama doesn't matter. It's the people behind the GOP that will try to influence electoral votes and buy the election.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I thought this whole issue was settled during the Clinton administration. The National Organization for Women came out in support of the man against multiple female accusers. Democrats were claiming that when you, "drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find. ... There just trailer trash”. Can we not expect the same in the case of Herman Cain's accusers?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This thing needs to play out in a court of law without mention of REPs, DEMs, or even INDs. Political arena: NEWS REPORTING equals BIAS. When a man or woman is sexually assaulted or harrassed it usually takes a while to sort out the humiliation, embarrassment, and physical and/or mental injury. There is no time limit in my books. Hopefully not for political or financial gain. I don't believe political campaigns are the best times to dig up dirt, but politicians are "dirt" so they all know what's coming. If it did happen, it goes on his resumé. Well, we are in the perfect storm in Japan: Bonenkais, nijikais, nomikais, etc. with colleagues and subordinates..."let those without sin, cast the first stone" If we respect ourselves and others also use your "power" wisely....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well - here's your proof, folks. http://www.mrctv.org/videos/investigator-herman-cain-innocent-harassment-charges Bialek was lying, it appears. >

Very good proof here yokohamarider. Just like I said there is technology to do this and this is one step in the right direction. For all of those trying to figure out the logic of what each person is saying you are wasting your time in mind garbage and it is a never-ending cycle of truth and lies. The only exception to this would be if you had proof that Bialek or Cain has lied repeatedly in the past then this shows a real pattern of lying. This lie detector makes me now think that I was possibly wrong about Cain and that he may be truthful--at least for Bialek..

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The only exception to this would be if you had proof that Bialek or Cain has lied repeatedly in the past then this shows a real pattern of lying.

The boy who cried wolf. No, that does not prove anyone is lying currently. Its just a character attack. If it were any different, then no politician could ever be telling the truth at any time.

While its true you cannot sort out a pure "he said, she said" situation logically, you can sometimes find some pretty telling signs. In fact, I would say this lie detection software is also not proof, but rather another method of gathering signs that point toward the truth.

If you look at the DSK and the maid, there was a lot to sort over logically. My mind says DSK was lying his butt off. But in this case, there just wasn't any detail to work with logically.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

ojiiu812badboy - This thing needs to play out in a court of law without mention of REPs, DEMs, or even INDs.

This only requires that the two women who actually complained to the Nat Rest Assoc 15 years ago to make their claims and settlement public. Case solved.

One woman won't talk specifics and the 2nd woman hired a lawyer to say she won't talk specifics. As it stands right now - there is no evidence that Cain did anything wrong except for rumors, inuendo, poor reporting, and politics.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Faceless1 - No, that does not prove anyone is lying currently. Its just a character attack.

Until the woman who were involved in the Nat Rest Assoc settlement talk specifics, character is all that can be considered. Two of the last three accusers can't produce any evidence of "sexual harrassement" and Bialek's story that she approached the CEO (Cain) for a job AFTER she had been fired by the organization makes no sense. Your organization doesn't think I'm a good employee but could you recommend me to another firm? Her history of repeated fianancial and tax problems also doesn't show her to be of good character.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If there is a bright side for Herman in all this, it's that the sexual harassment allegations have completely distracted the press from his campaign finance issues.


So...he's got that going for him.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Until the woman who were involved in the Nat Rest Assoc settlement talk specifics, character is all that can be considered.

Character may be all there is. That does mean it should be considered in absence of other details. As Sherlock Holmes would say, don't form a conclusion until you have all the clues.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

All you libs who declare Cain dead in the GOP race, don't get your hopes up too high. I am starting to think we might see a Cain-Gingrich or Gingrich-Cain ticket. They would be formidable against Obama-Biden, in fact I am very confident that Obama will be gone if they have to face them. I would love to see Obama debate Gingrich. Obama would get shellacked. It would be funny... like a college grad student debating a kindergartner. Obama would be lost without his handlers and teleprompter. Can't wait!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Just another election year turning out to be some kind of twisted erection year??

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Faceless1 - Character may be all there is. That does mean it should be considered in absence of other details. As Sherlock Holmes would say, don't form a conclusion until you have all the clues.

In "A Scandal in Bohemia", Arthur Conan Doyle's character said, "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."

The facts so far are (A) Cain denies the sexual harrassment claims and (B) the women involved in the settlement with the NRA refuse to talk about what happened then and there. The rest is speculation. The facts are being twisted to suit the theories.

It should be up to Politico to back up THEIR claims. Politico was fed a story by "someone" (Axlerod's friend?) that they published and now they can't substanciate their own "claims".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well - here's your proof, folks. http://www.mrctv.org/videos/investigator-herman-cain-innocent-harassment-charges

Bialek was lying, it appears.

The only thing proven at that link is that CBS Atlanta is incapable of doing enough research to recognize pseudoscience for what it is.

I expect you'll offer "proof" of Cain's innocence with a dowsing rod next.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Triumvere is on target. The context of employer-employee makes the behavior more than boorish. It's abuse of power. (Assuming she is telling the truth.)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

pfff typical politician.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Thank you for the quote arrestpaul. Actually what I was thinking was the following from "A Study in Scarlet". "It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment."

We simply don't have all the evidence. And while there is quite a bit we do know besides what you mentioned, we are indeed very far from having all the evidence. Even so, we do have enough evidence to decide to just forget this even happened. I am no fan of Cain, but I am not holding this against him in the slightest.

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Nessie - Triumvere is on target. The context of employer-employee makes the behavior more than boorish. It's abuse of power. (Assuming she is telling the truth.)

Which "she" are you referring to? Bailek wasn't working for Nat Rest Assoc when SHE approached Cain looking for a job. Bailek had been fired from the Nat Rest Assoc.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Which "she" are you referring to? Bailek wasn't working for Nat Rest Assoc when SHE approached Cain looking for a job. Bailek had been fired from the Nat Rest Assoc.

Thanks, I was not aware of that. In that case, it's not an abuse of power.

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