Japan Today

Nobel in medicine goes to 2 scientists whose work enabled creation of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19


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"Through their groundbreaking findings, which have fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system, the laureates contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times,” the panel that awarded the prize said.

The coming discussion should rational and level-headed...

Synthetic genomics, CRISPR technology and Alpha-fold are tech which will have as profound effect on humanity in the next few years as AI.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

That will upset some, especially the conspiracy hunters.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

It is always good to see highly qualified people recognised for their work, especially in the sciences.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

They saved many lives.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

This is a medal of honor for the fight against the biological weapon of a certain country.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

@kintsugi Point counter point, but some people feel they ruined many lives.

They saved many lives.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Heroes of medical science! The world thanks you and everyone who did their bit to fight the scourge of Covid.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

I'm sticking with my comment.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Good for them.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This is going to send the anti-vaxxers into a spittle-hurling angry frenzy.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

@kintsugi Point counter point, but some people feel they ruined many lives.

Because some people are complete idiots with little to no value to humanity whatsoever other than as drones. When they start yipping, they're overstepping their worth.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Wait a few more years at least to make sure this is a helpful technology.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )


They saved many lives

@kintsugi Point counter point, but some people feel they ruined many lives.

Facts not feelings.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


Wait a few more years at least to make sure this is a helpful technology.

No need to wait. We already know it's incredibly helpful.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

If there is anything that shows just how wrong the anti-vaxxers were about the vaccines, it's that they are giving nobel prizes to the people who came up with them.

Future generations (and current for that matter) will look on these people and think wow, did they ever miss the mark.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Always struck me as odd that there are people that are okay with the regular childhood vaccines but when it comes to mRNA they are like NO MICROCHIPS FOR ME.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

If there is anything that shows just how wrong the anti-vaxxers were about the vaccines, it's that they are giving nobel prizes to the people who came up with them.

Future generations (and current for that matter) will look on these people and think wow, did they ever miss the mark.

Are you insinuating that people who win the Nobel prize can never be proven to be wrong in the future? That’s silly as it’s already happened before

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Always struck me as odd that there are people that are okay with the regular childhood vaccines but when it comes to mRNA they are like NO MICROCHIPS FOR ME.

Why is it odd? Conventional vaccines trigger immune response by putting a live, but weak, or inactivated germ directly into the bodies. Messenger RNA or mRNA vaccines do so by injecting a snippet of genetic code that triggers an immune response. I think it’s pretty reasonable for people to be hesitant of something new.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Are you insinuating that people who win the Nobel prize can never be proven to be wrong in the future?

No, that's in your head. I didn't insinuate that.

But if you're asking, I'd point out that discounting something that has been validated by the experts in the field, because something has been proven wrong in the past is not the way intelligent people think, and in fact would hamper any forward movement in life whatsoever if the adults in the room took that stance.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

But if you're asking, I'd point out that discounting something that has been validated by the experts in the field, because something has been proven wrong in the past is not the way intelligent people think, and in fact would hamper any forward movement in life whatsoever if the adults in the room took that stance.

Plenty of things have been validated by experts in the field only to be later founded untrue. It sounds like you’re the type of person that if you were alive 1000 years ago would also agree that the Earth is flat because the “experts” agree. Also your argument presupposes that all experts agree on the efficacy of the vaccine, which is simply untrue. Your posts are long winded appeals to authority which is a logical fallacy

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Weird, nobel scientists think otherwise.

Appeal to authority fallacy

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Plesse prevé me wrong with stats

I don't need to, I'm speaking from the status quo. If you want people to believe your conspiracies, you have to prove them. In this case I'm speaking from accepted science.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Plenty of things have been validated by experts in the field only to be later founded untrue.

Again, I point out:

discounting something that has been validated by the experts in the field, because something has been proven wrong in the past is not the way intelligent people think, and in fact would hamper any forward movement in life whatsoever if the adults in the room took that stance.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

discounting something that has been validated by the experts in the field, because something has been proven wrong in the past is not the way intelligent people think, and in fact would hamper any forward movement in life whatsoever if the adults in the room took that stance.

You made a declarative statement that anti-vaxxers are wrong because the people responsible for the vaccine received the Nobel prize:

If there is anything that shows just how wrong the anti-vaxxers were about the vaccines, it's that they are giving nobel prizes to the people who came up with them.

This is proven false as people with wrong theories have received the Nobel Prize. Try to keep up or at least remember what you post

0 ( +6 / -6 )

I don't need to, I'm speaking from the status quo. If you want people to believe your conspiracies, you have to prove them. In this case I'm speaking from accepted science.

Accepted science? Accepted science has been incorrect all the time and if you’re incapable of supporting your beliefs aside from “other people tell me it’s correct” I’m going to side with the poster actually posting stats and information.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

You made a declarative statement that anti-vaxxers are wrong because the people responsible for the vaccine received the Nobel prize.

Yup, the experts in the field declared the vaccines worthy of the nobel, while the anti-vaxxers claim they are bad.

One of those groups are the adults in the room.

This is proven false as people with wrong theories have received the Nobel Prize.

Again I point out:

discounting something that has been validated by the experts in the field, because something has been proven wrong in the past is not the way intelligent people think, and in fact would hamper any forward movement in life whatsoever if the adults in the room took that stance.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )


Many nations are finding a large amount of excess deaths the last two years, the vaccinated are at a much higher rate than the vaccinated according to ONS data.

And yet, the Covid vaccine has saved an estimated 3 million people in the US alone.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

TaiwanIsNotChina Today  01:14 am JST

Always struck me as odd that there are people that are okay with the regular childhood vaccines but when it comes to mRNA they are like NO MICROCHIPS FOR ME.

Always struck me as odd that there are people who equate a 200 year history of taking a dead or attenuated cultivated virus to create a vaccine as being the same as taking a 7.5 kilobyte genetic sequence of ACGT code uploaded onto a virus database by a Chinese scientist (Zhang), that was truncated into a 1 kilobyte file containing only spike protein, printed out on a DNA printer, converted into Ψ substituted ModRNA (which wins Nobel prizes!), and followed up by an additional 30 steps to add adjuvants such as lipid nanoparticles. It's an entirely different process, all of which has no history of human usage, was rushed to market with minimal quality control in the complex supply chain and had suspect clinical trials.

It's even odder when those same people dislike China but willingly inject digital DNA mystery fragments originating out of China. I won't even eat broccoli from China.

0 ( +4 / -4 )


It's an entirely different process, all of which has no history of human usage, was rushed to market with minimal quality control in the complex supply chain and had suspect clinical trials.

Untrue. mRNA vaccines have been used since around 2013, the Covid vaccines had sufficient testing and proved to be safe and effective in the real world.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Strangerland Today  01:09 am JST

nobel prizes to the people who came up with them.

They didn't "come up" with the ModRNA vaxxine. They figured out how to bypass the natural defenses of the immune system by making a methylpseudouridine substitution in the genetic code. This no longer makes it MRNA but now classifies it as ModRNA, which theoretically is not limited to usage for only coronaviruses.

The Japanese government has known about the effects of ModRNA since before the vaxxines even started as it was published in the "SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) 2.6.1" document that was available on the PMDA website from early 2021.

Page 9 - Translated from Japanese 

BNT162b2 is a modRNA in which all uridines have been replaced with 1-methylpseudouridine. This substitution results in the inactivation of Toll like receptors (TLRs) 7 and TLR8, and thus reduces the effect of innate immunity. This reduction in innate immune effects increases translational efficiency.

In other words, the ModRNA has to destroy your immune system so your immune system doesn't destroy the ModRNA. This explains the results in every country that used the platform.

Jan 1 2021-Dec 31 2022 - Official ONS UK Data for over 60s 

Risk for COVID-19 deaths - 1/1362 for unvaccinated, 1/987 for vaccinated (1.38x higher)

Risks for non-COVID-19 deaths - 1/350 for unvaccinated, 1/88 for vaccinated (3.98x higher)

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

What do these awards even mean anymore? Id argue not a lot.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


What do these awards even mean anymore? Id argue not a lot. 

The Nobel prize is the highest award for achievement in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, economics, and the promotion of peace. These scientists have done amazing work which will greatly benefit the world.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Just to be clear the pair didn't win the prize for coming up with the vaccine, but one of the underlying techs that enabled its development

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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