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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.N Korea again fires shells near sea border with South, as its leader's sister mocks Seoul
By HYUNG-JIN KIM SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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I'm not gonna lie, she's pretty cute.
Can trash talk a little too, I see.
'Cuteness' doesn't cut the mustard. And like her tub-o-guts brother she's just a lippy chump.
And they can both stick it where the sun don't shine. We're not impressed by these hissy-fits.
Not mentioned by Kim, they lack the shells. That’s every bit a credible as “we were just pretending.”
I mean seriously, who thinks this stuff up?
The rodent-like woman has made another appearance! That actually may be enough to scare any opponents! I thought she may have been machine-gunned like other Kim family members who crossed Fatboy.
Here's hoping for rodent-woman's demise, along with Little Rocket Man and the rest of that scum family.
really? 3/10 at best, and that is with the family money.
Now I know you’re joking, right? Seriously?And yes, she can trash talk as well, look who her brother is and what he has, but more importantly, what man would ever want to take their chances with a woman like THAT? What man would marry a woman like that, let alone tick her off, if that happens her husband could end like Saddam Hussein’s former son-in-law. No, thanks
So South Korea is now to be mocked by Twisted Sister, upon hearing volley after volley of NorK coastal artillery? For being cautious and prepared in the face of an altogether demented regime next door? Whether it actually was “blasting powder” as the Sister says, or NorK test firing and range finding their coastal artillery and it’s associated ammunition, it is still - either way - a provocation. A case of a classically deranged person yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded theater, right? The motives of the perpetrator being no less evil because it turned out not to be ‘fire.’ No, Twisted Sister should go back to trying to feed her hungry people.
What do you want to bet that she gets the Kim Yong-Nam treatment if she outshines her fat brother and niece too much?
But not in public sadly.
Dude, come on. A cold, snowy Pyongyang night. Just you and her.
It's got Korean drama written all over it....
Raw Beer
But all this started with US/South Korea live fire drills (starting Dec 29) near the border. Why no mention of this?
It is a humanitarian shame that North Korean people are un able to access arms to revolt against this insane government, but have to endure and die instead.
The Pretty women is doing a great job. Her job is rial up their enemies and get them barking mad and seeing the torment suffered by the posters they took her bait.
Nope, Cray Bae get mad and you’re looking down the barrel of an anti-aircraft gun.
And she’s not attractive AT ALL.
Damn, son.
“It is better 10 times to entrust security to a dog with a developed sense of hearing and smell.”
She looks like Alfalfa from the little rascals our gang!
She's a shrew. A Korean 'Karen'. Screaming all the time and being a mouthpiece for her chumpy brother. A totally spoiled diva brat.
Not my kind of woman.
AureliusToday 10:36 am JST
She's ugly on the inside. What else matters?
'Twisted Sister'. That's good! Well, we ain't going to take it, ain't going to take any crap from her or her tubby bro. She needs to shaddup!
She is ugly down to her dark soul.
I didn't say she was hot, I said she was cute.
Let's be fair here fellas, if she was office staff at the Eikiwa you work at, after your second Chu Hai on a night out with the team, you'd be thinking about it.
S'all I'm sayin'.
She probably got her brother to send sympathies to Japan, just to 'rile up' South Korea.
I find the leaders sister more scary than the fat boy himself.
Kimmy is just a fatso who throws paper wads from the back of your science class in school. His 'Twisted Sister' is a loudmouth gossipy fishwife. She's all sass. That's it.