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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.N Korea says missile tests were practice to attack South, U.S.
By HYUNG-JIN KIM SEOUL, South Korea©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
Can someone give Kim a cookie so that he'll stop pretending like he's a grownup?
So lete get this straight!
Years and years ago the world put sanctions on North Korea to stop it from developing nuclear weapons and missiles.
Today those sanctions are still in place and not only does North Korea have nuclear weapons but they now even have the ability to reach every part of the USA.
And we are told that sanctions work and trying the same tactic with Russia.
We need to learn from this. Distributed Command and Control. Distributed lethality and survivability. And increased ability to find and destroy mobil platforms.
The DPRK army cannot fight a war against the US/S. Korea/Japan and win so it is going with saturation attacks via missiles.
It is time for increased force protection of critical assets and an increased ability and willingness to target North Korean assets at risk, pre-emptively if necesary.
The North is going to attempt to blackmail the West. We dare not give in.
I hope you have an in as to the timing, I would like to not be in Tokyo or even Japan if some fool with power agrees to that idea.
A trip to Australia may be in order I have never been, as it looks like no NK missiles can reach there.
Think hard folks, any preemptive strike will not eliminate all missiles or nukes, any preemptive strike will target missiles sites that house missiles that can reach the good old USA leaving short range missiles that will be fired at South Korea and Japan.
So if you are interested in knowing what it is like to be blown up by a nuclear bomb, then the above "preemptive strike" is something you can support.
The sanctions work and limit what the North Korean leader can achieve. Unfortunately, he still receives financial support from China, Russia, and Iran.
Yep keep hearing that but then no one can give any situation where sanctions actually work.
Is Cuba still under the same regime as when sanctions were imposed nearly 7 decades now? Yes so no change.
North Korea, No change, Iran? No change,
But let keep to the delusion it hurt the leaders!
Sven Asai
I see at least two main defense problems here. First, psychologically, it would be necessary to shoot some or all of his missiles down instead of making delayed J-Alerts or TV announcements only. The JDDF and the US military not only have to know if their systems work but also the civilian people need some minimum trust that there is even any defense in case the real ones come in. Second, militarily, it would be nice to be informed, how it all works also under attacks with an outnumbering factor considered or included. Every time when I see such a nice and impressive patriot system on TV I really ask myself, by which insane logic that should be sufficient with its six missiles when the North Koreans send one ICBM with , for example let’s assume, 10 warheads. That won’t fit or be sufficient at all somehow, does it?
Sh1mon M4sada
Gotta get them to reliably work first rocket boy. Else they could fail on launch (like they often do)and nuke your own missile base.
North Korea is not Russia. It's one thing to not allow a people luxuries when they've never had them before (and likely can't even imagine what they are); it's another to deny them to those who once had them.
Emigration on a large scale - including Russia's wealthy and its brightest - is happening now, partly due to sanctions. And once gone, these people will not return until fundamental change occurs.
Then there is the moral issue of trading with fascist dictators.
Robert N
All hot air. He knows that any first strike by him would bring his downfall.
North Korea seems to have tech more advanced than UK, Canada, Australia. Given that UK buys it missiles from USA while Australia and Canada can hardly make firecrackers.
It does seem to be better than that junk Vlad is using. No washing machine circuit boards for Fat Boy Kim.
And the Circular Error Probable of US/UK SLBM/ICBMs is about 100 meters. The CEP of our precision munitions is measured in single digit feet (rendering the use of nukes irrelevant to destroy the target).
Sh1mon M4sada
So you admit it, China, Russia and NK, the axis of evil has been busy developing weapons of mass destruction whilst the western block has been sticking by its NPT obligations AND working towards de-nuclearisation.
Michael Machida
North Korea is so funny. Made me chuckle.
Are you telling me North Korea can also make ICBMs out of old washing machines? According to some senior EU politicians, Russian engineers can make out of old washing machines tech which the USA/EU still can't make period. I don't believe it personally.
When you say "our" who are you referring to? Firstly, as is very evident in USA especially, working people have no country. Secondly, it's not a collective USA/UK weapons system. UK buys missiles from USA. Finally, if a nukes hits 100m or
Sanctions work against NK by restricting the money they have to develop weapons. Without sanctions, Kim Jong-un would probably have more weapons than he does now.
Sanctions work against Iran and restrict their funding some of which supports terrorism.
Sanctions are working against Russia in the Ukraine crisis.
Sanctions worked in South Africa with apartheid.
I always believed there should never have been sanctions against Cuba because except for the missile crisis they were never a threat.
There need to be total sanctions against Myanmar.
finally rich
Just cant get these commies. They are evil but not stupid. What do they think it would happen if they strike a single American target?
Over the last few years, the number of Koreans escaping, and I mean 'escaping', to the north has dramatically increased.
Kim needs a Snickers or something.
Exactly. Escaping to NK.
Obviously they have no plan to hit US targets unless the US hits NK first. What do you think will happen if USA hits a single NK target?
North Korea obviously sees Biden stumping for lame Democrat candidates, and realizes the inherent weakness in this administration.
Aug 2019
North Korea has conducted another ballistic missile launch, violating an apparent promise to U.S. President Donald Trump to refrain from such tests after the conclusion of U.S.-South Korean military exercises.
North Korea: A Chronology of Events from 2016 to 2020
No, I am saying that some of Russia's "precision weapons" use the same circuitry as found in low grade (read "Russian") home electronics.
We, the West, builders of munitions that actually work.
Yep, and America is the reason that the NE Pacific has remained free and democratic. You are welcome.
Pathetic, especially considering how your boy Don dropped his pants and bent over for Kim and "fell in love." Just utterly pathetic.
NemoToday 05:04 pm JST
North Korea obviously sees Biden stumping for lame Democrat candidates, and realizes the inherent weakness in this administration.
Americans must feel safe with Biden in office.
It's not like Russia also saw its chance to invade Ukraine with Trump out of office is it? What's the reason for that--collusion?
Maybe a coincidence these countries are trampling over false threats from the US.
Antique,where do get this hoax ,that NK can reach the US,share the data, instead of hearsay
Antique,your math is fuzzy, Sydney is 8500 km from NK LA is 9500 km from NK,which is the shortest distance
Sven Asai
Very funny, to ask @antique for reliable data from a dictatorship about its nuclear weapons program. There isn’t any. And hoax, hearsay etc. is funny too. No one can fully exclude that all or part of their ICBM , if they have them and if they are really equipped with nuclear warheads, could potentially reach US territory. It’s not different from religious people, the majority on this planet, they all believe that god or gods exist although not even one person has ever seen one or has data or can show a god. But the same here, no one can fully exclude the possibility.
With Kim's ever increasing instability, the World should become very concerned about what's going on there, and the threats being made. There's going to be no chance of a Public uprising against Kim, nor a Military coupe there, as they all love him, and have been brainwashed so much, that they'd all rather die for him.
So, it's looking more likely that in order to stop the N. Koreans in their tracks, the US & SK will have to strike them first, simply annihilate the whole country in one go.
So is USA flying nuclear capable long range bombers very close to NK going to help things? SK asking for US nukes?
JTC,the US has a no first strike policy,if you live in Japan,Kim can strike you as little as 6 minutes
you do know NK got its nuclear weapon technology from Ukraine and after the USSR broke up and Ukraine agreed to not have nukes, the Ukrainian nuclear weapon scientists, becoming unemployed, were hired by NK. Not mentioned much in western media.
North Korean missile tests are aggressive.
Vigilant Storm is not aggressive.
Does anyone actually believe that BS?
The US hit target all the times,NK has never shown the ability to hit a long range target like the US and detonate a warheads
Please, Kim, don't target South Korea.
Look at map on article!
Unless the USA has moved then according to that map the Hawsong 15 can.
But then
Have fun reading
Antique,BBC do not have access to ballistic data,have NK actually launch a missile and hit a target and detonated a warheads,using GPS guidance system
Hello Kitty 321
However, the truth is that U.S. policy is essentially that if the president of the United States says launch the nuke, you launch the nuke. There is no process in place to ensure that the president is making the decision with a sound (or even sober) mind, backed up by facts, or that the president is supported by other important government officials.
Interesting thing about nuclear bombs, they don't need to be very precise.
Remember the only 2 ever used on war were dropped as simple unguided bumb bombs dropped from an airplane.
Death toll between 150,000 and 250,000
2017 estimate says NK now has 120~250 kiloton bombs
Hiroshima was 15 kiloton
Nagasaki was 25 kiloton
That is patently incorrect. USA reserves the right to use nukes in the event of, 'surprising military developments' along with retaliation. They call it, 'stategic ambiguity'. A nice sounding name for a barbaric and murderous doctrine.
I know that every one of our Allies prefers a sane reliable partner to the narcissistic sociopath who sided with Mimi-me over our own intelligence department at the humiliation in Helsinki.
Biden never planned or threatened to withdraw from treaty Allie’s because his Whitey-tighties got in a twist or his tissue-thin skin and delicate ego got bruised.
They all love Joe and they all HATE Trump. Every. Single. One of them. And with good reasons: he’s stupid. He’s insane. And he is likely in debt to our enemies.
Although on the surface there is little evidence of sanctions ever hurting the leaders of these dictatorships (Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba)...... the whole point of sanctions is to motivate the long-suffering People of these countries to rise up and overthrow their anachronistic masters, otherwise nothing is ever going to change in these immensely depressing regions.
Take South Africa, it took more than 30 years of sanctions before the horrors of apartheid were finally dismantled, and there are still many Europeans today who are uneasy about visiting there due to the appalling conditions a significant number of the black population there suffer.
Change has to come, only the hardships of bringing about such revolutions has to be endured, such is the evil mindset of the sadistic dictators - the People must come out stronger.
As was factually demonstrated to you yesterday, they are not nuclear capable as is documented via multiple sources.
Are you being intentionally obtuse or are you just immune to fact?
May I remind you and others South Africa sanctions only contributed the end of the cold war and Israel and Japan looking elsewhere for new resource partners that were cheaper (former east block needing money fast.
Had a lot more effect.
But then Cuba since the 1950s nearly 70 years.
Iran since 1979 over 40 years.
Noth Korea in one form or another since the 1950s
So I like how everyone brings up south Africa and only South Africa, but just brushes aside the fact South Africa was the only one the only one.