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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.N Korea says it tested underwater nuclear attack drone in response to rivals' naval drills
By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Yeah, more Russian weapons proliferation, big surprise.
The message NK's sending is this...deterrence does not exist and War Monger Uncle Sam's the wrong partner.
Samit Basu
Meaning it was launched toward Japan as usual.
In case you haven't noticed, all of North Korea's missile tests fly toward Japan.
Considering the huge (and growing each day) pile of twisted junk, sitting in the waters around them, from all of those MISSiles, and all those coastal artillery shells, flung into the watery void, I'm shocked that the thing didn't run aground the moment they floated it out of the harbor.
Blah blah blah.
Maybe those dead fish can serve to become Kimbo's meal of the day. He sure is eating plenty of them while so many starving Norks are working overtime for his Big Fat Glory.
A 'nuke drone test' from a chubby-ubby Commie puke. Go away, Kimmy.
Lies and posturing from NK for local consumption and export to Russia and China to show their supposed strength.
Just keeping food out of the mouths of the people to build weapons for export and to give Kim excitement with launches and tests of new toys.
Nothing new to see here.
Why on Earth would you name any country as an adversary in your constitution? This made me go read the DPRK constitution and it's a hoot. Highly recommend it if you want a good laugh. Here's a sneak peek: "ARTICLE 103. The capital of the D.P.R.K. is the City of Seoul."
Mr Kipling
Funny stuff, but at least written by a Korean not like Japan's constitution : written by an American occupier.
Mr Kipling
Oh? Oh so you would have preferred it if they'd kept the 1889 constitution, which the Japanese government did not want to revise significantly? You prefer imperial rule? Not a fan of Article 9 or universal suffrage? I'm curious what you take issue with in the 1947 constitution.
Likely as stealthy as a DORK marching band on parade.
North Korea will resolve its own issues, it was necessary to be friends with neighbors and fight with them. Now live and worry about your life
Funny how under Trump, tensions had eased and dialogue began...but under Biden arms sales develop because it is the only way his cronies can skim money while the rest of us pay for it.
Desert Tortoise
The North Korean weapon is a lot smaller than the Russian thing, and it is not nuclear powered like it's Russian counterpart. It is more like a large conventionally propelled torpedo with a small kiloton range nuclear warhead. The Russian thing is more of an unmanned nuclear powered sub with a transoceanic range and a warhead they claim is 50MT like the Tsar Bomba. I would say the Nork's weapon is Russian inspired but not a copy or an example of tech transfer.
Desert Tortoise
Until the US slammed the door on the Norks at their meeting in Vietnam. The US wanted all of North Korea's concessions up front before the US would give an inch. There were some words said, especially by John Bolton that angered the Norks and poisoned the well. After that meeting no further discussions were possible and a good many Korea analysts now think that was a turning point. Up until then, believe it or not, a major goal of all three Kims, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un was to somehow achieve normal diplomatic relations with the US as a hedge against the Chinese and Soviets/Russians, whom they distrusted to a degree. After that meeting in Vietnam all the evidence points to Kim Jong Un deciding they will never have any kind of relationship with the US and did a 180, aligning themselves fully with the Russians and to a greater degree the Chinese.
Desert Tortoise
I seriously doubt the Norks have more expended ordnance on their coasts than the US has off the coasts of California, Virginia, Florida and Hawaii. The US has been shooting stuff into the ocean for tests and training since at least WWII.
Considering how hard it will be to get sanctions through the UN security council going forward, I think the US is right to insist on the actual beginning of denuclearization before giving the Norks anything.
Nobody trusts Surrender Donald to negotiate anything in the US's interest.
Mr Kipling
USNin japan...
No, but a counties constitution should not be dictated by an occupying power.
And that Article 9 is the one the very same occupying power wants to remove!
Mr Kipling
The fact that they can amend it at will but haven't had the need to much in the last 77 years should be an indication to you that there's little wrong with it, regardless of who was involved in its creation.
Again, I find it hard to believe that you personally have an issue with A9 and actually prefer that Japan rearm independently and become a "warmongering" nation like the U.S. Also, the fact that the U.S. wants Japan to reconsider A9 but Japan hasn't is a sign of Japan's sovereignty and of the integrity/strength of its constitution.
What makes you think Japanese didn't have a significant say in what went int he constitution?
Including on Article 9, which some contend was written by PM Shidehara
Mr. K - aren’t you taking the opposite position with regard to the Russia-Ukraine invasion? Aren’t you arguing that Russia should be able to dictate Ukraine’s constitution?