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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Man kills 5 people with arrows in Norway
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So tragic. Hoping the deceased can “Rest in Peace” once justice is served. “Condolences” offered to the grieving families. Wishing a speedy recovery, both physically and emotionally to those wounded and surviving this sadistic act of cruelty.
A trained shooter with a concealed weapon permit would have been able to swiftly neutralize the threat. but no, they had to wait for the police. A CWP would have helped on Utoya too.
Bob Fosse
Seems they have to wait for police all over the world. Why can’t there be a good guy with a gun to neutralize the threat? Why isn’t it happening? Is it just a fantasy dream?
Typical mainstream media. Even though we have no idea who this horrible person is at present, the article casts aspersions by bringing up Breivik. The intention here is to sow the seeds in people's minds that this was some sort of "far-right" looney. We simply don't know yet, but I hope the full force of the law comes down on him, whoever it is for this terrible crime.
Time will tell once the police release details, but let's just deal with the facts first, shall we?
Probably another far-right nut like Brevik.
The Avenger
Crazy people will use whatever is handy to inflict harm on others.
To be fair, there haven't been many "far-left" looney's killing indiscriminately in recent years.
There was that one in Washington a few years ago who tried to kill some Republican politicians. Thankfully he was a poor shot.
Joe Blow
I guess the left supports Islam until there's a terrorist attack. Then they just turn a blind eye.
Yeah, after the criminal has shot dead three times the number of people.
Can you not accept that Europeans do things differently, and as a result, have far far fewer shooting crimes?
Xavier Johnson? Patrick Crusius? Texas? Land of guns? Didn't work so well there.
Joe Blow
To be fair, there haven't been many "far-left" looney's killing indiscriminately in recent years.
Supporting freedom of religion is in the constitution.
The left doesn't support terrorism Islamic or right wing.
Umm, nope, I don't think so
Not that either is a positive but an deranged bow man is probably better than a deranged shooter.
So, not many then. Thanks for proving the point.
I’m on the left and didn’t turn a blind eye. Jihadis are a real problem along with far-right loons.
Sensible and grown-up people see both as a problem rather than looking at it from a partisan angle.
To be fair, there haven't been many "far-left" looney's killing indiscriminately in recent years.
Exactly! Very rare in comparison to far right nutters.
thanks for saving my on-topic, not impolite to other users and profanity free comment from the censors.
the answer is in Norway there are heavy restrictions on gun ownership, especially carrying them in public. basically its not allowed.
perhaps. although the Collierville Kroger shooter had three semi automatics and there were fewer deaths than here.
This is all do to the far right nutters who want more guns period. But I wonder why these Trump people decide to live in Japan with no guns.....then complain about gun restrictions while at the same time not complain about not being able to have a gun in Japan.
Bob Fosse
Good. If only other countries were equally as sensible.
The usual comments right on cue. But early reports are saying he is a Danish citizen and a convert to Islam. Guess this will disappear from the news within a day or so if that's the case.
Left wing nutters just try to silence anyone they disagree with through social media and riots.
All these forms of extremism are terrible. Just be sure to remember that just because someone is on the right, doesn't for one second mean they condone right-wing shooters. Just like not everyone on the left condones left-wing crazies like Antifa.
Now back to the news...
lots of countries have those restrictions. they don't stop mass shootings though do they? in Russia, UK, Norway, France...
*above in response to Bob Fosse's
Sensible and grown-up people look at the frequency of such attacks.
Seeing as you are obviously aware of the numbers in these countries., you could do us the favour of giving us the numbers here if you are arguing in anything approaching good faith.
Thanks in advance.
it was an assault-bow! ban them! limit norwegians to three arrows. no one needs a high capacity quiver.
Bob Fosse
So that’s all you got? Ok then. Do a little preparation for next time.
I guess you didn't read between the lines, then.
Bingo, let’s just continue to listen to the one-sided accusatory pile on about the right and guns and let’s ignore other weapons that are used to kill people and take the focus off of that. Can’t destroy the luster image of knives or arrows.
Somehow, I think the average person is far safer in Norway than in America, where there are tons of guns.
Fox Sora Winters
I'll be interested to hear what comes out once the guy is actually interrogated, but I think it's fair to rule out terrorism. If that were the case, he'd have used home-made explosives or incendiaries. Something quite a bit more terrifying than a bow and some arrows. I mean, assuming you know what you're doing, you can apprehend and disarm an archer with a fair amount of ease. IF you know what you're doing. Not so easy if they're lobbing Molotovs though. I also don't buy into this "right wing nutter" theory. That's just toxic and childish politics bashing. It solves nothing. I'd say it's quite likely he just snapped. The pandemic has been very stressful on everyone, and not everyone handles stress all that well. Mental healthcare is lacking the world over, so it's rare that people get the support they need, assuming they even seek it out.
The comments about how this could have been prevented with conceal-carry permits would be laughable, if it wasn't so depressingly ignorant. Guns aren't the solution to every problem. They're rarely the solution to ANY problem. Guns would not have made this situation any better. Shooting a guy dead because he killed someone else is not justice, it's revenge. Justice and revenge are two very different things, and certain people really need to understand and accept this. Then again, the majority of the people who support guns for solving every problem, also happen to live in a highly religious country, so they think Satan will do all the work. No. If you kill a killer, the number of killers remains the same. This attacker is going to go to prison, for a long time. There, he's going to have to confront his actions and realise what he has done, and try to atone for his misdeeds, or else he's going to have to get used to prison life and the prospect of never leaving there. As long as he is a threat to society, he needs to remain separated from it. THAT is justice.
Express sister
"One" isn't "many". I hope this has been educational.
who cares if they are left or right or religiously motivated, they killed innocent people. That alone negates motivation or sympathy or excuses they are so devoid of normal human emotions. It really does not matter the motivation it’s the result that matters.
I see you have a gun! So do I, so who of us can shoot the most amount of bullets into the innocents around us? A bow a bow? That’s not a conceal and cary weapon are you mad?… apparently so
I think it’s important to keep an eye on potential threats. In Europe, the security services have foiled Jihadi plots to kill innocents.
It’s important to know what the motivations are.
I don’t know what alternative media you are reading, but I can assure you that they are feeding you nonsense. You clearly don’t read around.
There are elements of the left-leaning media which will try to play a Jihadist attack down, but if you read around for balance, you’ll find it is well covered. Similarly, if you have a far-right attack, the right-leaning media will play it down while the left-leaning media will go to town with it.
I can only recommend that you read around more.
Hi, P. Smith.
or a knife, bomb, vehicle.
knives cut and stab, cars go places and acid burns things. did I miss anything?
Surprised the killer isn’t being categorized as “unarmed”.
Funnily enough, Norwegian police across the country have been ordered to carry firearms.
Yes, the stats comparing the frequency of mass shootings in the countries you mentioned earlier.
To be blunt, it just comes across as a bad faith argument without them.