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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Norway suspect wants open hearing so he can explain massacre to public
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This man should not be given a soap-box to stand on. Not at all. Lock him up in a box and tell him he'll have no one to speak to for at least 21 years.
Let him talk. Only people as nutty as him will agree I wager, and the talk may well help us figure out who those nuts are.
chewitup: "Let him talk. Only people as nutty as him will agree I wager, and the talk may well help us figure out who those nuts are."
No. The man wants an audience -- that's in part why he did what he did, to get attention. Giving him the podium will seriously accomplish nothing and will not at all lead to any understanding. The man will just blather on about how he hates Muslims and what not and had to send a message. It is unnecessary, would increase hatred, and would give him exactly what he wants.
So, I say no. Deny him the privilege. If that's what the man wants, after killing nearly a hundred people, say 'no'.
This poor man is obviously deluded. Many think planning and commiting te cat proves a rational mind, but far from it. The obsession and devotion to his "cause" is a sign of possibly severe mental illness. Luckily he is nit in a country like the USA. He will be treated with dignity and humanity in Norway and preffessioanls will let him talk as much as he likes to nhelp discover what made him do this.
I hope he does NOT get to 'say his peace' in public. He can NEVER have a good enough reason for murdering all those people...and children, for Gods sake! I think when he confessed, he should have been shot on sight. End of story.
Given the chance, Breivik would tell his country how he felt that those Labor party kids were part of a demonic mob of liberals who were genuinely endangering Norway, and thus had to be neutralized.
Let's see: "Demonic: How the liberal mob is endangering..." Sounds like a catchy title for a book.
This will fuel suspicion that he is not receiving a fair trial.
A hearing does not have a podium, not literally and not figuratively either. If he goes off on rants and tangents, he will be shut down.
Massacre in Norway but this is your fourth or fifth reference to Ann Coulter. I am a little worried about you.
Anders was following Adolf Hitler's path, after the beer hall riot in Munich, Hitler was arrested and brought to trail for high treasons. But Hitler was allowed to made speech that turn the tide of the trail. Hitler succeded accusation the uncompetence and corruptness of the Weimar republic and his name got famous although he admitted guity. Hitler succeded to gain popularity and support since the speech he made during the trail! Now this man Anders Behring Breivik is doing the same thing, the difference is he is a'one man' militant'!
It's amazing how the sentiments expressed against liberals and multiculturalists who are endangering Norway in Breivik's mind so closely echo those expressed by other right-wingers around the globe.
Given the chance to tell his story, Breivik may even name some names of conservatives he was most influenced by. Like most Norwegians, I'm sure he can and has read books in English.
chewitup: "This will fuel suspicion that he is not receiving a fair trial."
On the contrary, this man wants to speak publicly to the world, and others are saying no. He will still be given a fair trial if he isn't allowed to stand on stage and perform to what he sees as an audience. Not allowing him to do so also adds to his personal safety.
And the common thread in your postings yabits, is sentiments against all right-wingers. Breivik is a mental ill individual, regardless if he is right or left.
The liberal mainstream media are having a collective orgasm about this incident. FINALLY, a blond and christian terrorist. This is what they have been dreaming about all along. Now we won´t hear the end of it. This single nutcase will restore the "balance" in their mind, and make the constant islamist terrorism just the other side of the coin.
Ridiculous, but that is what is happening. Batten the hatches.
He mentioned Darwin, but most Lefties I know would proudly assert Darwin was on the left, culturally if not politically. There is also his plagiarism of the extreme left eco-terrorist Unabomber, and we know from the likes of Joe Biden that plagiarism is basically conscious imitation of another you admire.
If , as someone pointed out elsewhere, every single rape in Oslo last year was committed by an immigrant maybe his greatest 'influence' will turn out to have been the newspaper, or the milkman with a relative in the police department.
Personally, I think he is criminally insane.We don't know what set him off or when. Steroids didn't help.
He's prepared for this and it's his moment to shine. He even predicted this exact type of event from the Right. He's been watching, studying, following....and it all lead him to the conclusion that some day this would happen. It's his manifesto.
I haven't yet encountered a hard-line right-winger who wasn't suffering from some form of mental illness. They can rationalize anything and everything, and they are so certain they are in the right. Doubt and uncertainty are, to them, forms of vacillation and weakness, and so can't be tolerated. I am reasonably sure that Breivik will make his argument along lines similar to this, given the chance.
My "sentiments against" them only go so far as to say they shouldn't be allowed to run around with sharp objects or firearms. Otherwise, I genuinely pity them and pray that their mental delusions will someday be lifted.
He mentioned not Darwin, but "Darwinism," of the type that social conservatives apply to cultural and economic spheres: i.e., the survival of the fittest. As such, Breivik appears to draw heavily from the conservative, Samuel Huntington, and the clash of civilizations.
LOL! Kaczynsky is an anarchist and, like Breivik, a hater of liberals.
It must be terrible having to go through life desperately clinging to threads like that one.
Everybody wants to kill in the name of God...and they succeed
arigato, you prove my point. Right-wingers are truly saddened by this incident but lefties relish it. Do us a favor and tone down this hyperventilated partisan rhetoric. The truth here is well beyond any oversimplified political analysis. Extremists strike out at the machine when they feel a sense of powerlessness and insignificance regardless of politics, not because of it.
Good point.
@chew it up:
I agree. At least in America he would definitely get a fair trial in an open court room. Having an open court room does not mean he gets a soap box, but allows for the public to see that justice is being served by the people for the people.
It's Norway. Relax.
Right-wingers truly saddened by a bunch of liberals getting blown away? Liberals who are the victims and who also "relish" their victimhood? Spare us the crocodile tears. If right-wingers were genuinely saddened, they'd be one helulva lot more circumspect.
And few things instill a feeling of powerlessness more than having it inculcated that your liberal "enemies" are a demonic mob out to endanger and destroy your country. It's not surprising but nonetheless amazing how the right reacts when their own "hyperventilated rhetoric" is turned back on them.
I can understand how those who despise liberals desperately want to cling to that belief. But a correction is needed: this goes beyond politics to philosophy -- and the philosophy is indeed a very simple one. Breivik is quite obviously a guy who viewed his government "as the problem" and one that needed to be changed in a most reactionary way.
As ever I have to agree to with yabits. The arguments against him are like punching him, then when he punches back, dropping your fists and yelling "See! He is violent!".
Of course he is speaking against the angry hate crap we have watched come out of the right wing for years and years. No true liberal is happy that this horrible event happened, but to see yabits as doing anything more than wisely saying "I told you so!" is just a desperate attempt to seem relevant.
From the hate about the mosque in N.Y., to the fury over headscarves in France, to international draw Mohammad Day to annoy the 99 percent of Muslims who said and did nothing about cartoons of Mohammad, its no surprise it all came to this head. I bet Breivik felt lots of support from people on the net, people just like some posters here.
"Norway suspect wants open hearing"
What this nutcase wants is irrelevant!
It's so nice that people here haven't lost sight of what this tragedy is really about - not ~90 people, most of them kids, being masacred by a madman, but rather scoring political points against the "other side." Naturally. Glad to see we have our priorities straight.
A special venue should not be provided to those who kill in order to draw attention to their cause.
@chewitup: Thanks for being able to see clearly.
The detailed, years-long planning involved and the political targets selected make this far more than some random madman gone wild. And there's certainly far more at stake here than scoring political points. I believe the open vilification and scapegoating of liberals as a dangerous demonic mob out to destroy nations, and similar violence-tinged rhetoric such as "second-amendment remedies" and "if ballots won't work, then bullets will" have stood out to me as warnings like canaries in a coal mine.
Letting terrorists spew their whackjob world views in civilian court. The Obama - Holder team have set a dangerous and foolish precedent, missed by their supporters but picked up on by spooky, homicidal extremists like this guy Breivik. I sincerely hope traditional Scandinavian sensibilities prevail and this loser is denied any such stage.
This is his ultimate goal; he wants a world audience.
He sure is a manipulator and his request should be denied.
The mad man now wants to make history to the world through his story. He is very capable, cold ,calculating ,hard,heartless...but insane ,crazy ,mad. He intends to create more followers like him through his public trial,what a dangerous individual! Just says no ,just lock him up and throw away the key ,end of story.
People assume mentally ill people are chaotic and lack control. However, Breivik is someone who was probably cut off socially with schizoid personality. He is smart, well organized, and paranoid at a same time, and he is a highly functioning individual with obsession with right-wing ideology. In court, if defense attorney present a case that he is mentally ill, you would have difficulty with prosecution or anybody accepting this.
Most recent details say that the number of people killed is now down to 69-73 not the 93+. But still will take a bit before we'll find out how this turns out.
So what happens at this point? He's confessed, even giving the exact details about how he carried out the plan. What is established at the hearing? Accepting the confession as a matter of legal record, then sentencing? Are people in this situation generally allowed to have an open platform to speak about motives when it's not necessarily related to establishing evidence of the crime itself?
Wow. More posts from Yabits about 'demonic mobs' , a clear reference to the Bill Maher of the right, Ann Coulter, and her new book. I believe that is six times you have brought her up. Gonna shoot for ten?
On the contrary, Breivik has been described as a person who was very sociable.
It's now clear that Breivik was a frequent visitor and contributor to US-based right-wing blogs, where he found kindred spirits and was continuously exposed to liars and those who dehumanize all those who don't buy into their twisted, hate-driven philosophy. ("Demonic" is simply a very convenient example.) At some point, for some people, talk has to be backed up with actions. Obviously, Breivik took his right-wing views very, very seriously.
Right-wingers simply can not renounce violence and remain true to their beliefs. It's why western democratic societies will continue to suffer violent attacks of these types. Count on it.
It was pointed out that it is not only the right-wing fringe that endorses and advocates violence, and that there are examples on the far left to be found as well. Yes, while that is true, there is at least one very significant difference:
There is also on the liberal/left side a large percentage of those of us who openly and completely adopt and practice the principles of non-violent social change. Any person on the left who feels inclined towards seeing violence as a solution is likely to encounter dozens of others who can discuss it with him/her and demonstrate by words and actions that violence should never be employed to attain a goal.
For all of the relatively few reprehensible and deplorable attacks over the decades by those spouting causes of the left in western democracies, I believe there would have been many more if not for the very powerful force of those on the left who are practiced in non-violence.
I am quite confident that those inclined towards violence on the right are never confronted in this same way from within their own ranks. On the contrary, many are taught that peaceful non-resistance equals weakness and is the way of appeasers. The surest way to attain an heroic outcome for them is via the way of the warrior -- whom they glorify along with weaponry.
How embarrassing to have to point out again to yabits that northern European politics and notions of patria are vastly different than what we in America would be dealing with in this situation.
It's nice to know that, despite the dubious differences, Breivik could find some common ground with his U.S. right-wing soulmates.