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© 2024 AFPNuclear arms spending soars as global tensions swell: studies
By Nina Larson and Johannes Ledel GENEVA/STOCKHOLM©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Could this be because it knows that in a fullscale conventional war it can't win?
With Russian and Chinese aggression at fever pace it is a wonder more countries haven't mastered nuclear weapons as a deterrent.
No. Lol
And we know this because the Russian’s own war games show them losing a conventional war decisively. Thus their wanton nuclear bluffing.
Really? Losing?
Have you looked at the map lately? As far as I can see the only place losing territory is Ukraine every day.
According to Zelenski 6% more in 2023 and even more since.
Ukraine is so desperate you get this:
Watch the brave Ukranian recruiter head butt a woman then another attack a woman with 2 canes.
Seems they are getting very desperate.
Britain and the US have modernization efforts going on for their nuclear delivery systems. This is a safety thing. Safety costs money.
If you aren't free, you don't need to eat. Just ask Mao supporters. Mao has starved more Chinese than were killed in any wars, yet somehow all the statues of him haven't been torn down by the Chinese people who's relatives were killed in that way inside China? I don't get it. Guess internal Chinese propaganda works.
Going to get a lot higher as Russia and China unlocked the programs of South Korea and Japan.
You can't even take on Ukraine in a conventional war.
But still a lot less than was taken from Russia in 2022.
The US won't allow South Korea and Japan to have nuclear weapons.
They would inevitably be pointed at each other in a bizarre Mexican standoff.
Now you are predicting what the US will do. Oh my.
With USA think tanks like the Atlantic Council advising the USA military to plan for a nuclear strike on the Chinese Mainland you bet your bottom dollar China is expanding its nuclear arsenal. Of course China has always declared a no first-use policy.
I've said since at least 2006 that China should lead the way on all disarmament treaties or not at all. Think of it as China's final arrival as a woke dragon.
China is not the target of terrorists and terrorist supporting states like the US is.
Predicting based on past actions. A number of years ago SK made not-so-private musings about obtaining such things. Washington scotched the concept, pointing out to them Japan would want them too. Moreover, it would lead to proliferation throughout SE Asia, particularly if the latter party got them. It's a no brainer.
Yeah, how many years ago? Proliferation concerns went out the window with Russia's shameless action on North Korea.
Irrelevant. They won't allow it for the reasons outlined above.
NK already had a deterrent independent of Russia.
You don't know what the US will do to restore balance on the Korean peninsula after Russia's shameless action normalizing ties with the North.
I think it was an American astronaut who commented how "small the earth seemed from outer space "
Oh my....lets blow it up then....
Typical warmonger response: war as a zero sum game. How many Russians have died serving their master Putin, how many innocent civilians on both sides have died since Russia invaded Ukraine? Russia has lost dozens of thousands of military members and pieces of equipment, and is spending the nations' fortunes in the process. I'd say Russia is also losing, and they deserve to lose more because of Putin's stupid decision to start and maintain another war.
Russia can't not lose, as Russia is a loser, headed by a loser, and losers lose.
Against NATO absolutely. They know it. We know it. That’s why the mini-mini-me former president is screaming nuclear vengeance all the time.
As for Ukraine, please describe for me a single strategic goal attained by the Russians.
The UA still stands. The Black sea “fleet” is driven out of Crimea (the portion not yet sunk anyway”). Odessa was not invaded. The plan to take the coast, link up with Russian forces in Romania failed. Kiev still stands and 2 more members have joined NATO.
The Russians are relying on nukes because they know their drunken rabble, poorly led and equipped with junk stand no chance against NATO.
Predicting based on past actions. A number of years ago SK made not-so-private musings about obtaining such things. Washington scotched the concept, pointing out to them Japan would want them too. Moreover, it would lead to proliferation throughout SE Asia, particularly if the latter party got them. It's a no brainer.
That was before China and Russia helped 'lil Kim get nuclear weapons and better launch platforms. Things are different now.
SK and Japan should choose if they want nuclear weapons or not for themselves. I don't see either of those countries behaving much different towards the US than they do today.
Taiwan could really use some nuclear weapons. Then perhaps China would take notice that they ARE a separate country and tread more lightly.
Wars are failures of diplomacy. Gaza and Russia and Yemen and Syria are failures.
Nuclear weapons prevent their owner from being conquered, but they probably have the downside of making their owners more arrogant in their dealings with others. When more nations have nation/planet-killing arsenals, we will probably see some of that arrogance disappear.