Japan Today

Obama addresses 200,000 in Berlin with message of unity for world's people


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200,000! His biggest crowd yet!

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Incredible. The world knows a good thing when it sees one. They see a man of vision and most of all, hope in Obama. Not the tired old man they see in McCain, who can't even seem to remember what he said yesterday.

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Obama's got his game on, alright!

Time.com had some great observations about his foreign trip. He had a lot of people working and planning things out well ahead of time, people with the connections that McCain didn't bother with. Now it shows with huge crowds and meetings with all the top people in the right places.

Time said McCain's own trip to Iraq in March had only 8 advisors, and he mainly stayed on the Iraq base. After Obama met with the Iraqi government, he got their support for his timetable. After all, they don't want permanent foreign bases like there are in Japan. When Bush supported Obama's ideas, it made McCain look all the more out-of-touch with his rhetoric about losing a war to win an election.

I loved the comment about McCain going to a German restaurant in Ohio. Sorry McCain, this is as close as you will get to big crowds in Germany.

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"The world knows a good thing when it sees one"

Yes, we U.S. congress, president, and supreme court should make all decisions subject to approval of world opinion.

We should have a world democracy so that the Muslims can vote as a bloc to assure we wear the appropriate attire and eat "clean" foods.

On second thought, nah, I'll take sovereignty and a Constitution.

FYI: Not that I think the Dems or Repubs care one wit about the Constitution at this point. Which is why we have so many foreign and domestic issues right now.

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another free concert follow-up speech...

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In the not too distant past, an adoring welcome from Europeans might have worked against a Democrat. But I think most Americans have reached the conclusion that we cannot afford to thumb our national nose at what the rest of the world thinks of us.

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I am amazed at the stupidity of people. Obama is a liar and a fake. He goes to a church for 10 years and then claims to not know the racist jibe the preacher sprouts. He is dishonest and will not acknowledge that the US surge has worked and he will not give credit where it is due. His position changes from speech to speech. He claims change and new but he offers nothing new. People look at him and like him then pay no attention to the dribble he comes out with. Wake up and open your eyes. This guy has no experience and is incompetent.


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200,000? Probably all of them American lefties. Can't really be the America hating Germans/Europeans some people on this board are blabbering on about.

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On Thursday, McCain defended his claim that Obama was more interested in winning a campaign than winning the Iraq war in Iraq.

Yeah, yeah, yeah as McCain has pointed out on a number of occasions: "The fact is, if we had done what Senator Obama wanted to do, we would have lost."

As someone wrote, this is the proper response to that: "The fact is, if we hadn’t done what Mr. McCain wanted to do, there would have been no war to lose in the first place. Somehow this fact never seems to emerge in John McCain’s analysis of how his foreign policy judgment is superior to that of Mr. Obama."

Though he was not yet a US Senator and therefore did not have to vote on the use of force resolution in October 2002, no doubt part of the good will Obama is seeing is due to his questioning whether the evidence of Saddam's WMD warranted a preemptive strike.

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"The fact is, if we hadn't done what Mr. McCain wanted to do, there would have been no war to lose in the first place"

Yeah, and another fact is if we hadn't liberated Iraq, Saddam Hussein would still be running the place into the ground from his many luxurious palaces. But, incredibly, Betzee thinks this would be better for Iraq and the world.

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Probably all of them American lefties.

Hey I'm damn proud to be a leftie.

Barack gave a hell-of-a-speach. The crowd was enormous.

I'm voting Barack. < :-)

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Yeah, and another fact is if we hadn't liberated Iraq, Saddam Hussein would still be running the place into the ground from his many luxurious palaces.

Saddam's government was toppled in March 2003. He himself was apprehended in December 2003 and executed three years later. So what are we still doing there? Oh, fighting Al-Qaeda.

According to John McCain, "If Barack Obama had had his way, the Sheiks who started the Awakening would have been murdered at the hands of al Qaeda." In fact that's precisely the fate the major Sunni sheik leader in Anbar province met shortly after he was photographed with GWB.

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Saddam Hussein would still be running the place into the ground from his many luxurious palaces

Big deal. george bush has killed a hell-of-a-lot more Iraqis than Saddam ever did.

I'm not saying Saddam was good guy. He wasn't. He was a bad man. But george bush lied to the world to attack Iraq. george bush attacked a virtually defenseless country with the intent to destroy the nation. Then he could rebuild it the wayh he wanted to.

he really screwed up.

But back to Barack Obama. The crowds screamed and hollered when he said he wanted to end the war in Iraq.

Barack made a real hit in Germany. < :-)

Moderator: No further references to Saddam Hussein please.

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There is now almost NO ONE, including the 'freedomized' Iraqis, saying that the US need be there any longer... and that too must really burn you inside.

McCain is a loser, bottom line, forgets what he says two minutes after he says it, then when he is reminding cries about being misunderstood. He is a relic, and everyone knows it.

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On his current trip, there were 200 reporters contesting for places in the 40 available seats for the press, including all the top news anchors.

Before McCain's ME trip, there was only 1.

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Notice AP failed to mention that two popular musc acts -- reggae musician Patrice and the rock band Reamonn -- performed before barack spoke.

Or that those who attended this event (no tickets required) were given free food and beer.

It's also interesting to note that obama couldn't find the time to visit wounded American troops at Landstuhl because being an Ich bin eine schamlose panderer in one of the most leftist cities on the planet was more important to him.

He should have scheduled a rally for Nürenburg. That's been a good place for previous socialists to mesmerize the populace.


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I live in Australia and every time I turn on my radio ,the media report was always "..Obama this ,Obama that...etc" almost only about Obama as if John McCain does not exist anymore!To me ,he (Obama again) seems unstoppable ,all the way to the White House(if "talk" is the only thing that matters).But when I remember Mikhail Gorbachov,this man single handedly dismantled the old USSR(not that I complain about it..)I feel that you will KNOW the REAL Obama ONLY after he won the race,he is just too smart.I can only hope he is sincere.

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The crowds screamed and hollered The crowd was enormous including all the top news anchors.

I can see that people like Obama for his abilities............ :) :) :) Many say that if he is elected it is the end of racism. But that is tripe. If he is elected it is because of racism, be it in reverse. But racism non the less. What happened to all people being equal. Flip flop flip flop.


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For you Obama critics you can take comfort when Obama does become president and has to make those tough decisions many of his fair-weather friends will be shaking their fists rather than waving their hands.

Take a look at how some of his ardent supporter in America suddenly got weak in the knees when he did not follow script on gun control, wire tapping, and the death penalty.

Right now though Obama's world-wide support is heavily vested in him not being Bush. The fact that when he speaks his words are not an insult to one's intelligence is a welcomed change. This still does not mean there is substance, only that Bush has lowered America (and the English language) so low that style may trump substance.

As for McCain ... no style or substance to get excited over.

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Only 200,000 people? Given how many leftists reside in europe barack should have drawn millions.


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buddha - "The fact that when he speaks his words are not an insult to one's intelligence is a welcomed change"

I couldn't agree more.

The Bush/McCain supporters seem to have become totally accustomed to being treated like kiddies with the lowest level of intelligence.

No surprises, really.

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barack should have had a rally in Nürenburg. That's been a good place for previous socialists to mesmerize the populace.


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It's refreshing to have a candidate of and for change instead of the same old Iraq War crap. Someone who will go back and fight the original war on terror and not a contrived war in Iraq. < :-)

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RR so when did smart planning become a fault? Obama's team has done its work. Why fault them? Because McCain's team thought a golf cart ride with Poppy Bush and a press conference in a German themed sausage haus would be effective?

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RomeoRamenII - You seem a little bitter.

Isn't Barack a refreshing relief from hearing the same old Iraq War story? Isn't it nice to hear a candidate who might even pay some attention to the middle class and even lower income? Isn't it refreshing to hear a candidate who recognizes the need for health insurance?

Aren't you as happy about the cahances of Barack becoming president? < :-)

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barack has a staff of 300 advisers and none of them thought about slipping in the phrase, "Ja! Wier kannen!" in his speech?

Heh, Classic.


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I speak English and English only.

You wasted that on a lot of folks.

And the press tripped over themselves to get on this trip. John McCain would kill for an event like this trip.

He's probably swinging those little fists into the air. < :-)

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Usually don't post on US politic threads.

But I don't think what he nor any other candidate does outside the US truly matters. They are just a freak show to many.

So what if he establishes some good relations outside the US, he STILL has not been elected. And many guys changed their tunes after they been elected. So I would say don't count your chickens till they are hatched.

Yeah, he sounds convincing and caring but the rest of the world will care about what he can do after he is elected. Same with any other elected president.

But the rest of the world wants results they can agree on, not some empty talk to get elected. And we can see most of the empty rethoric.

Just my view.

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Free music, free food and free beer. The excitement about a speech to Germans by an American politician running for office who didn't even bother to speak German is a tad overstated.


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Wow... RomeoRamen is sure feeling the pinch, with this staccato posts and all (and not even addressing others in the least). As Sushi rightfully pointed out, the Rightwingers on here are really feeling the heat, and Romeo and sarge in particular seem pretty bitter about the facts of the matter -- that Obama as a presidential candidate (and soon to be president) has far more appeal and receives a far greater welcome than bush ever has or ever did. Some people can see a good thing when it comes along... the others, well, it's pretty clear their dropping whatever 'loads' they can before they head for the hills (and as Sushi said, yet ANOTHER handle change).

I'll check in again for RR's next 5 posts... but for now, I'm just enjoying the fact that the next president of the US will not only be a democratic, but clearly a very welcome and refreshing change from the tired old crap the current White House has dealt out (and which McCain wishes to continue).

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buddha4brains I did not suggest Obama is popular because he is black. You said that. I suggested that the reasoning of some of the media is in fact just as racist as disliking someone because they look a certain way. I have no issue with the color of Obama's skin. I have an issue with people who like the looks and don't listen to the words. I have an issue with someone who keeps saying Change and New and yet sprouts the same old policies and in fact flip flops on policies on a daily basis. I have an issue with someone who has little experience pretending to know everything and have all the answer. Even the free democratic press in the US is getting tired the BS and starting to point out that for example, his policies on Iraq and Afghanistan are crap. And I am amazed that people can accept his lies and think he will fix their sorry lives. How could you or anyone else be a member of a racist church and not know that it was a racist church? How could you put crap on your grandmother, who was about the only person in the world to stand by you? I would like Obama to be what most seem to think he is. He could be black, white, red, pink or blue, I don't care, as long as he has integrity and speaks with intelligence. I do not see any of that. Did any catch his stutter speech when asked a question he had not prepared for? Funny. As for McCain he is like an old lady. No fire and no soul. Maybe the US needs to get another actor president, or maybe that is already the plan..............

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Javnation: "I have an issue with someone who keeps saying Change and New and yet sprouts the same old policies and in fact flip flops on policies on a daily basis. I have an issue with someone who has little experience pretending to know everything and have all the answer. Even the free democratic press in the US is getting tired the BS and starting to point out that for example, his policies on Iraq and Afghanistan are crap."

You're clearly not a bush fan, then, are you?

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he STILL has not been elected

Nor even offically nominated by his political party in the States.


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Jav you said "I did not suggest Obama is popular because he is black." Yes you did.

If you hate flip flopping so much then why do it yourself?

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You can not analyze Obama's speech. Truly it sounds and rimes pretty good, but only for KIDS. Twenty years of his judgment with Rev. Wright, voting against the surge in Iraq and claimed it was a distraction!; and now talking about the world free of nuclear weapons? It is all about TALKING and a lot of kids like the feel good talk. Bill Clinton tried once in front of Arafat and Israel in Egypt, and it did not work. And now Obama claims he is the one who can without pre-condition dealing with Iran and Terrorism. I wonder when he is going to smoke again? World peace will not be achieved by such ignorance and arrogance personality.

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Meanwhile, barack opted out on visiting the GI's at Landsthul Army Hospital; claiming it would be "inappropriate" while campaigning.

Hmmm. Isn't he still a U.S. Senator and there is never an inappropriate time to visit troops anywhere or under any condition?

Obama just stepped in some of over that issue. American voters will remember that snub come, heh, democrat Lemming Day: The 1st Tuesday in November.


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RomeoRamenII: You should stop using German in your posts. Not only is it wasted on a lot of folks who don't speak German as adaydream notes, it is wasted also on the ones who do. "Ja! Wier kannen" doesn't make sense. The word "wier" doesn't exist in the German language nor does the word "panderer" in your first post."kannen" is the plural of (cooking) pot. No German will understand what you are talking about. Maybe this is why Obama doesn't bother to speak German. He is too smart to embarrass himself with such garbl.

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I can't wait for Democratic Lemming Day. Isn't that the same say as the Warmongers March.

I'm going to be delighted to walk in and vote for Barack Obama. Not because I agree with everything he same, but because he the difference between night and day when it comes to george bush..er..I mean John McCain.

The world heard that just today. < :-)

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Great! We have two candidates who think the government should put its nose into everyone's wallets and business. One wants to screw us domestically and other in foreign affairs. Either way we continue to go deeper in debt.

Cradle-to-grave entitlements coupled with open borders = bankruptcy.

Foreign intervention when no security threat exists (except in a few limited cases) = bankruptcy.

I certainly won't vote for Obama because socialist programs seem to be much harder to withdraw from than foreign conflicts. So the hard question is whether to vote McCain (sickening) just to protect us from Obama or vote US Constitution or Libertarian party?

What good is a Constitution if the government and the governed ignore it?

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sdmsec - I'll vote for Barack.

John McCain agrees with george bush and we that the only real think that george bush understands is executive privilidge anymore.

At least with social programs VS starting wars, we're taking care of our own and not killing people in the process. < :-)

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Foreigners like Obama? Then I ain't votin' for him. Plain and simple.

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Many say that if he is elected it is the end of racism. But that is tripe. If he is elected it is because of racism, be it in reverse. But racism non the less. What happened to all people being equal. Flip flop flip flop." Personally, I think he would be better than anyone else in the government. Who else currently in government is mixed? If you feel that racism in the US is high on your agenda, then I would urge you to go with Barrack. Certainly McC ain't gonna be able to do anything about it.

Hopefully, once he is done pleasing the Europeans, he can jet back to the US and bring the larger main stream hate groups together, such as NOI, Yehwa ben Yehwa, 5%'ers, NBP, KKK, WAR, WCTC after all, he believes Muslims and Jews can live together. He was quite willing to talk to several people who are intent on denying one group its place in history, or belittle it and content with it future possible destruction. So, why doesn't he get to the problem that is affecting America on the inside then go on and try to get world wide fame?

As for his nomination being reversed racism, I would argue that when Jessie, Al Sharpton ran, they did not garner as much of the black vote as one would believe.

For me on Obama, it is not the war, they will come whether we want them or not. Its not the partnerships in other countries or the help being promised. Its not the encouragement to view a particular religion in a different perspective. No, for me I do hope Obama uses what is more natural than learned, and that is he is both black and white and no matter how much people will argue that he is more black than white, I do firmly believe he does take notice of issues between all of us and does have cord that are struck when a white person does something racist towards a black or vice versa.

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barack's speech in Germany was clearly a socialist manifesto: It was targeted to a socialist audience. In Jerusalem, he sounded like Joe Lieberman. In the West Bank, he sounded like Yasser Arafat. In North Carolina he sounded like John Edwards. In San Francisco he sounded like Nancy Pelosi (everyone remembers that classic quote). The list goes on and on.

The day after democrat Lemming Day in November the DNC will go back to the drawing board and look for a 2012 presidential candidate who actually has a core political philosophy.


Moderator: There is no need to refer to Obama by his first name only.

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The people controlling the U.S. democrat party today are socialiasts. They want to take from the productive and give to the non-productive. Just look at the socialist cesspool nations that subscribe in that point of view and see how well they are doing.

Thanks, but no thanks.


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P.S. While I think it would be noble, in theory, to help everyone in the world with problems whether financially or politically I don't think that the U.S. practically has the authority nor the resources to do so.

So my thinking on U.S. intervention has changes a fair amount recently. If not from a philosophical stand-point at least from a practical one.

No more foreign aid or military intervention in any other nation except when threatened by an overt act of aggression (for example the 9/11 attacks and subsequent harboring by the Taliban). We just can't afford it.

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RR: The people controlling the U.S. democrat party today are socialiasts." No they are not, they just want the down and out to believe they are.. can't blame someone for using what's at hand.

But, barack's speech in Germany was clearly a socialist manifesto" Nah, it was just a speech. Why would you want to speak about something people don't want to hear? He knew who was coming for the most part.

Mod: hmm, if he is going to become our president, RR has every right to call him what he chooses to do, especially if it is not offensive. It is his first name, so it should fly. Or, are you going to attempt to control the conversation?

Moderator: There is no reason to refer to Obama as Barack. Are you going to refer to McCain as John? Also, references to Obama as Barry and the use of his middle name will not be accepted, unless the story refers to it. We enforce these rules to make sure that the level of discussion remains high.

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RR: "The day after democrat Lemming Day in November the DNC will go back to the drawing board and look for a 2012 presidential candidate who actually has a core political philosophy."

Glad you can admit that none currently (or those running) do. That kind of attitude could help the republicans actually make progress inside of head in the continual downward spiral they've dug in the sand for themselves.

Skip: The end of racism does indeed have to come from people, but that can be brought about it many different ways, and one is, in fact, by rallying around a person, be they persuasive and convincing enough. In fact, I don't think the majority of people in the world actually have the motivation to suddenly stand up and do something with their lives/deal with their issues and problems; they simply spend their time blaming others and choosing to do nothing, waiting for something to fall on their heads or in their laps. Those people NEED a leader for that exact purpose... to be led! I'm not saying they're lemmings, though in fact some are, but they need to be told that THEY have the power to affect their environment, and not necessarily vice-versa. A good leader does that. A good leader does NOT keep those people questioning themselves and their actions out of fear.

So, I disagree with you bud; I don't think at all that Obama being elected will 'end racism'... nothing at this point in time will suddenly do so... but he COULD very well be a galvanizing force between groups of people that want to work together to do so, and that, my friend, is a GOOD thing.

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Maybe this is why Obama doesn't bother to speak German

You have a point. The World Citizen would sound funny saying "Ja, können wir!" in the nation where he was speaking. (rolleyes)


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I disagree with you bud; I don't think at all that Obama being elected will 'end racism" I didn't mean for it to come out that way. But I do think he is the guy that can get it rolling, but I am only speaking about the US. And, I say because the issue is more complex than what many believe is just a "simply because they are this or a that"!

Of course he isn't going to end what is considered racism but he sure as heck can bring it out like no one else that I know of. If you know of a batter person, the lay it out.

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correction, if you know of a better person, then lay it out.

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Well, Obama going for the JFK moment in Berlin is political showmanship at its most obvious, but you've got to hand it to him: he knows how to give a damn good speech, flimsly on content though it may be. The point is well taken that he is not even the official Democratic nominee yet. He's a U.S. Senator speaking like JFK before being in JFK's position. But the fact 200,000 people showed up to hear him proves that Europe at least has already crowned him King of Camelot III (II was Bill Clinton). He's more a rock star at this point than a world leader.

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the fact 200,000 people showed up to hear him proves that Europe at least has already crowned him King of Camelot III

No, it proves that german liberals don't have day jobs, either. Plus, they heard free live music, ate free food and drank free beer. Heh, having to hear an American politician give a campaign speech for an election they have no say in was the "price" of admission.


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I am with RR.

Way more turned up for the pope, etc. Figures don't mean anything. You know the method of breaking up a riot in germany, etc scream free beer and sausage.

And again whatever support he can get in europe, ME means zilch for him or anybody else getting elected. Unless you give NON-US citizens the vote.

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ramen and zen, dont worry your little heads over the upcoming election. Its over anyway. McCain has about as much chance as he does remembering sunni and shiite meanings, or the difference between sudan and somolia.

If and when bush shows up in germany he will have the oil industry executives turn out for him in numbers. Not in the streets of course, in the smoky back rooms where they figure out how much to gouge consumers on skyrocketing energy prices.

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It's interesting that nobody has mentioned Zbigniew Brzezinski, (Jimmy Carter's ex-national security adviser), who is apparently the brain behind Obama's campaign. Going by his record it is not a good sign.

Obama: The real power behind the throne-to-be

Brzezinski’s brand of anti-Russian, anti-Muslim geopolitics will dominate a future Obama administration.


US Policy Shift On Iran-Iraq Again Shows Brzezinski Rules In Washington


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Heh, it would seem the election campaign for Senator Obama continues to ipmlode Panicking heads on the extreme right.

Come November, there will be the need for sime kind of support group for these people.

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Check out the picture further down. They found one McCain supporter.


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Yo Mad,

Senator Obama continues to ipmlode Panicking heads on the extreme right." Hey, I consider myself neither left or right, righties accuse me of being left and lefties accuse me of being right, but I will say one thing - you shouldn't laugh off a political element. Just how panicking they are doing is unknown to me, but do you really want them to unite?

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November's a way off and I can only see the radical elements getting to screaming pitch before then.

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Romeo - "barack's speech in Germany was clearly a socialist manifesto: It was targeted to a socialist audience."

I'd call that an excuse from a person who knows real, positive change is coming to his country but cannot for the life of him accept it.

To be totally honest, I find it extremely interesting to note that the dreaded 'Europeans' that the American Right love to bash are actually more in tune with the mood of the US electorate than the US Rightists.

I mean, just look at how many, many times people like Sarge, super delegate and RomeoRamen etc. have just got it wrong about their own people and then compare how many Europeans - that's non-Americans - have got it bang on in reading the American people.

It makes me think that Sarge, super delegate and RomeoRamen, etc. are like foreigners in their own country :-)

And a call to Sarge, super delegate and RomeoRamen, etc - if you dispute my claim, then tell us what you HAVE been right about the mood of your own people.

I can't name one single thing......

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Mod at least have the decency to delete the posts. When you edit, they're your opinion.

Moderator: Not at all. Editing to remove off-topic or offensive parts serves as a guideline for you with future posts so that you know what is and isn't acceptable.

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November's a way off and I can only see the radical elements getting to screaming pitch before then.

That goes for radicals on both sides, ne?

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Okay, there was a free concert in Berlin with 200,000 people, with free food and drink and at the venue the junior senator from the United States giving a speach.

This sounds like a great opportunity to speak in a foreign country, get big attendance and give Europe and the world an idea what he wants to do for the United States and the world.

Obama went through germany at just the right time.

Obama goes to Europe and has a world as the audiance.

John McCain is going nuts right now. He goes to Mexico and gets some news coverage. Obama goes to Europe and can't find a seat on his own plane there are so many reporters.

John is now beating those little fists in the air again. < :-)

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As if any European Country would elect a person of color to lead their Government.

Only in America could that happen.

Sorry, had to say it out loud.

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It's wonderful to see this transition in American politics and America itself. I'm very proud to be an American and be a part of this. < :-)

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hey sarge,

the mccain plane has full reclining seats so the press can nap when he talks.

The press does not care about mccain because they know he has lost. They dont follow nader much either and he is super liberal but will also lose.

America loves a winner and that aint mccain. He may lose his own state.

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Sarge after 8 years of a warmonger's presidency, this is a breath of fresh air.

After 8 years of the george bush regime of stepping on anybody who doesn't support killing innocent Iraqis is wonderful.

After 8 years of lining the pockets of the ultrarich, you just might like the middleclass getting their due.

Give it a try Sarge, you might not dislike Liberals quite as much. < :-)

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zurcronium - "the mccain plane has fully recling seats so the press can nap when he talks"


"America loves a winner..."

Bush won twice, so I guess America loves him.

"... and that ain't mccain"

We'll see.

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Yes, there's no doubt of the ability of the person the McCain campaign calls "The One" to mesmerize a crowd. The reason of course is that the crowd likes the total package.

And there's no doubt that "The One" is a little soft on his positions and seems to be able to morph from one into another. That's politics, for you--"the art of the possible". The maddening thing must be that he seems to be "getting away with" his redefinitions of himself.

And there's very little doubt that unless the American voter were to give an Obama presidency a huge Congressional advantage, "The One" will have a difficult time making any significant improvements in American life or any significant changes in policy. The political divisiveness is simply too strong.

So, it would be foolish to expect that "The One" will make things better. The thing is, it seems to me that it's not quite so foolish to expect that "The Other One" will make things worse.

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Nice message but there will never be unity in the world. People will hate and kill each other for the rest of eternity for their religeon or the color of their skin or maybe even just for power. I'm not sure if Obama is that naive or if he is counting on the citizens of the US to be that naive and elect him for his flowery hopeful language.

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usaexpat - So what are you saying? Because there will never be unity we should vote for John McCain? < :-)

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adaydream, personally I have come to loathe my choices. I get to pick between a guy who in his heyday was a maverick that I could support but who's time has come and gone (McCain). And a guy who speaks in glittering generalities and makes promises the savior himself couldn't deliver. I will potentially abstain but Obama will never get my vote simply for his arrogant over the top promises and the fact that he is now speaking in venues that are reserved for the President not a presidential candidate. If people are so blinded that they forget he is a mere mortal and worse yet a politician please don't come crying when as pesident he is as disappointing as all others.

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RomeoRamen your tense was mixed up a bit but I think you had the correct words "Ja konnen wir" "Yes we can" I agree at least a one liner in German would have been a token gesture.

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"Ja können wir" is still nonsense. "Können wir?" is a question and doesn't make sense after "ja". Obama is wise not to make a fool of himself.

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usaexpat - I understand your reply. And your opinion is noted.

I can't for the life of me see another 4 or 8 years of george bush. Yeah, McCain doesn't say anything glittsy to say because how can you glisten up what george bush has done these past 8 years.

Barack Obama has mentioned things that an open-minded Liberal like myself want/like to hear.

usaexpat I still dream of living in Paradise. And warring that John McCain advocates will never get us there. Yeah, I know that some of Barack's promises/wishes won't come to pass, not that he doesn't try, but I'd rather make an attempt at Paradise then work to kill more innocent Iraqis. And I'd like to see us finish the job in Afghanistan and bring those troops home.

Have a great day. < :-)

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Tigris appropriate translation then if you will, my German is not great or even good but I thought that was correct.

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Yes we can translates as "Ja, wir können" same order as in English. And I still think that Obama was right for not pandering to an audience in Germany in garbled heavy accented German. After all he is talking a lot about dignity.

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adaydream thanks for the thoughtful response, it's nice to have a discussion with someone at a slightly less fever pitch. I think the whole world would be a little better without the fear mongering and politcal divisiveness that seems to be a part of US politics in the last 10-12 years. I am not a party loyalist of any stripe I just want someone to come out and speak plainly and truthfully about the challenges that face the nation and what they plan to do about it. I can't imagine we had 8 years of Bush in the first place and as I said McCain's time has come and gone. He's not in a position to win as he is really stuck with the Bush legacy as a Republican. Had McCain won in 2000 I don't think we would have been in Iraq but that's just a guess. McCain is unfortunate in that he was the first to get "swiftboated" by Rove and company. Anyway as I mentioned I am rubbed the wrong way by the rock star thing that Obama's got going and the attitude surrounding his candidicy that he's the annointed one. I think a candidate with this kind of buzz and hysteria just guarantees a big let down when reality hits. I just can't get excited about the promises that politicians make anymore. In the end it's not going to make a huge amount of difference for me as I am unable to vote and living under the LDP here which though corrupt at least has no army to project power. Have a great day as well.

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RR, please correct yourself that Obama did not ignore the injured troops but the Pentagon rules didn't allow him

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change - Could you supply a link for that? I hadn't heard this tid-bit of news but I'd like to see more. < :-)

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change - Pentagon rules didn't allow Obama to do what, exactly?

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Forget about paralleling Obama with Jesus or a new fabricated Messiah. Obama's little world tour is gradually resembling some form of offshore coup d’état to build support for a nationalized dictatorship - one reminiscent of Hitler's early political strategy. After all, no other presidential nominee has ever spent this much time and money to build a foreign base. Obviously Obama has something else up his sleeve. Beside the fact that 60% of the DNC's funds are allocated from foreign sources, it would be quite beneficial to outsource their election as well.

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Forget about paralleling Obama with Jesus or a new fabricated Messiah. Obama's little world tour is gradually resembling some form of offshore coup d’état to build support for a nationalized dictatorship - one reminiscent of Hitler's early political strategy. After all, no other presidential nominee has ever spent this much time and money to build a foreign base. Obviously Obama has something else up his sleeve. Beside the fact that 60% of the DNC's funds are allocated from foreign sources, it would be quite beneficial to outsource their election as well.

It's just all so insane.

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MPNiea - Obama's little world tour is gradually resembling some form of offshore coup d’état to build support for a nationalized dictatorship - one reminiscent of Hitler's early political strategy.

Now I'm a little biased, heh heh heh, but don't you think that this is bit much, comparing Obama to Hitler?

george bush is the one who attacked without evidence of WMD or much else, and John McCain has stated he intends to continue the george bush war policy, only give it his twist to stay just as long as possible.

After all, no other presidential nominee has ever spent this much time and money to build a foreign base. If John McCain's trip to Columbia and Mexico had cost this much would you complain. What about when you add the Canadian trip? There John McCain was doing the very same thing that Barack is doing right now. Speaking to foreign nations about the United States and their vision/opinion. < :-)

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Obama's decision raised a number of questions because the visit, which had been scheduled for Friday, never appeared on the schedule of events distributed to reporters who are accompanying him on his travels.

The first word from the campaign about its existence was Gibbs' statement.

Obama had been planning to go to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany before a flight to Paris. Gibbs said the stop was canceled because Obama decided "it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign."

I'm not in agreement with this decision, but I don't agree with all Obama says or does. I think that it would have been a great motivator. I won't change my vote for Obama based on this, but it's something to remember. < :-)

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Why is it so astounding that Barack Obama goes to Europe. I looked it up and John McCain went also. Here's two links that apply:



I just laughed when I read the first one. It was actually the first link I found when I searched. Funny. But, as I was saying, John went, too. Remember???? Will a few more links help? Did the press go? Damn I don't remember or was it a single-camera dropped off at FoxPhoto. < :-)

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I don't think Obama has spoken in any venues that are reserved to the President. Nor do I think he is making any promises he can't deliver. In this current tour, I think he has picked up the gauntlet that McCain threw down and has outperformed McCain at every step along the way.

There are very few venues that are reserved to the President. If Billy Joel could play Moscow I don't know why Obama can't play Berlin. I think he made it rather clear that he was speaking as a private citizen. This was a calculated move on his part and presumably he has weighed the risk of Americans being turned off by his speech against the benefit of Americans being grateful that one of its political candidates is perceived favorably. Whether he has weighed it correctly is a different thing.

Neither, I think, is he making promises he can't deliver. I think he was telling people who he is and what he stands for. At least, he was telling them that as of the moment he spoke--all subject to revision, of course.

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more than 200,000 people, nearly three times the 75,000 Obama drew in Oregon this spring

As RomeoRamen mentioned, Obama wasn't the only advertised draw to these events. Both events had opening acts -reggae musician Patrice and the rock band Reamonn in Berlin and rock band The Decemberists in Portland . Can't help but wonder how many of the predominately young crowd came for the free concert and beer!

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It was an impressive speech.

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Why doesn`t he for office in Germany? The place is full of swooning disciples.

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if he did run in germany he would probably win there too. But since he is an american he will just be able to win in the USA. That is good enough.

Cant thank schrub enough for failing for 8 years so miserably so that the US public is now ready for the most liberal senator in the US Senate to win the presidency.

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helter skelter,

understand that McCain is getting Perry Como to open for him at major speeches to help draw in the crowds.

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McCain is getting Perry Como to open for him at major speeches to help draw in the crowds.

Oh. So much for the youth vote.

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His political stance really attracts me. Of course, the young generations of the US must be really attracted with his vision of "Change". The Germans are not the exception of this trend.

In current year, we've witnessed too many policies and decisions based on "Just Interest" for some nations and groups. I'm really sick of it. Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Middle Eastern Countries,African countries.

No one is really concerned wit this issue.

In particular, take a look at the Green House Effect!

Now, he is talking about these urgent issues directly related to us.

So, I'm supporting him.

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Europe is lucky that Senator Obama made it over. They are obviously hungry for change they can believe in. Really hungry. Frightfully hungry.

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This rock star adulation is pathetic. These hordes of idiots are falling for good looks and pretty words. Why don´t they elect Brad Pitt as president.

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...said one transparency about another.

It would be a terrible thing for America, wouldn't it, to have a leader who was respected and esteemed by people around the world, even if only at the beginning of his presidency!

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Heck, who wants to be respected by a bunch of athiest commies. USA is no 1, and that is the only country that matters. Remember we are the good guys in a dangerous world. To you want to turn into a socialist, highly taxed nation under Obama? I don`t think so!!!!

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helter skelter,

you got that right! BTW Perry Como is dead now for over five years.

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It isn't a matter of who wants to be respected. It's a matter of who needs to be respected.

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“defeat terror and dry up the well of extremism that supports it”

Lol this clown and his supporters actually believe there is a terror network operating against them, and that they can beat this said terrorist threat. Americans feel paranoid because their leaders have alienated them from the rest of the world.

As for McCain...Well he wont be missed, a war criminal with checkable history of wrong doing in vietnam, old age and ancient beliefs... he should just quit.

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Crucades, are you finished with you rant??

McCain a war criminal, more like savior of the nation, a man who sacrificed everything for his country.

McCain is certainly no war criminal, he is a patriot.

Obama will dstroy the world economy and allow terrorists into the US.

McCain will allow the USA to continue on the road of prosperity, and freedom for all. The American dream lives on, way to go McCain!!!

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Fair and Balanced I see you on a water tower when good Old Mc loses. LOL

America needs a new direction everyone else but the blind Republican robots see it. Wake up, we need to be world leaders again not hated.

We have lost enough under this Administration and we can not lose any more.

Fairandbalanced, I do hope you get over the loss when it comes.

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I wonder if he made a Kennedy gaff with "Ick bin Berliner" (I am a donut)

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Interesting. Its as if Obama expects the Berliners and Germans to vote in the election this year. He goes and greets foreign civilians, but snubs US Troops. Great leader he'll be!!!

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I guess Europe is even hungrier for change than America is. Why don't minority candidates there rise higher?

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