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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Obama: Americans will reject Trump's 'wacky' ideas
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Black Sabbath
On Trump, on the press, on the promise and benefits of progress, on Duterte, and on China Obama is right.
On the TPP, he is wrong.
The portion of the American public that hates Obama from day one, will never recognize his outstanding presidency and gravitas. They will vote for a narcissistic fool because he represents their deep seated bigotry and ignorance, and particularly, because in temperament, knowledge and skin melanin content, Trump is the anti Obama. The birtherism lie has paid up big for Trump in tea party circles! Americans better wake up and understand that Trump, (and his non stop idiocy), does not belong in the White House, or in any other political appointment that requires patience, thoughtfulness, focus and a deep seated set of values. Trust what other prior Presidents, both Republicans and Democrats, think about the talented Mr. Trump, before voting for such a flawed and unfit candidate.
Black Sabbath
Orange is the anti-black?
I just love how this lame duck keeps trying to tell people how and who to vote for and talking to voters as if they are small insignificant children that need to be guided to make a political choice. The people will decide if they want Trump or Hillary and it's not his job to interject himself into this political election cycle and give his personal opinion No one really cares to hear. 60 more days until this madness with this guy is finally behind us.
Droll Quarry
Well if we are going to play the race card early in this discussion.......... If Obama was white, he would have been thrown out of office after one term, if Trump was a democrat, he would be lauded as a shining example of progressive thinking and ushering in a new era of political independence. In reality both parties are so deeply corrupt that they will do and say anything to stay in power and power is what they really crave. The sad part of this whole mess is the nodding head heard of sheeple that lap up the free milk and hipe.
Fred Wallace
Only to put even more madness back in. What's that definition of insanity again?
I hope so.
I think most people agree with Obama. Trump isn't fit to be president due to lack of knowledge, a rather unstable temper, plus his health issues. The problem is that the bar is set so low for Trump that he can deliver factually incorrect statements and his supporters won't bat an eye. Well, at least the portion of his supporters who understand that he's saying something wrong.
Come to think of it, I can't really even hold his supporters responsible for their choice. Trump has too much white trash and trailer trash (excuse my straight talk but I don't PC anything) to expect them to really know much of anything about how the system works. Fire generals? Sounds good!
The only good thing is that the college educated people are fleeing the GOP and starting to support Clinton.
Yeah right Obama. That's why he's getting 10,000 people to show up at his rallies you central banker stooge.
I thought Trump had NO ideas, much less wacky ones.
I'm really sick of seeing and hearing this guy.
Sioux Chef
Agreed. Will be glad when he mostly disappears after losing in November.
More ad hominems with no specifics.
I agree. He's also wrong on being involved in the Middle East, and on the drone strikes.
But, no president is going to be perfect for everyone. It's important to look at the overall performance. Obama has been excellent for the most part.
He has plenty of ideas - torture, killing of people's families, deportation of an impossible amount of people, building an impossible and illogical wall. They just aren't good ideas, which is why he is polling really bad among the educated.
Strange to say that I've never heard Obama talk about America or Americans first. Fortunately, Obama's opinion is less and less relevant. After around 60 days he'll just be part of history.....
A really wacky idea would be to actually elect "Laws are for the peasants" Hillary Clinton.
"I'm really sick of seeing and hearing this guy."
"Agreed. Will be glad when he mostly disappears after losing in November."
Or, agreed. Will be glad when he retires and has his cake by the ocean, lol.
What a post... Spoken like a true bible thumping Trump-supporter* who thinks the world revolves around them. If God is punishing America for doing wrong, does that mean the other side is doing right?
Trump-supporter is a euphemism to slip past the mods.Jimizo
"I just love how this lame duck keeps trying to tell people how and who to vote for and talking to voters as if they are small insignificant children that need to be guided to make a political choice"
I hope you're not claiming Obama is being patronizing. Have you seen a Trump rally? An average, small, insignificant (?) child would be insulted at the level of the language used. I know this level suits the whooping boneheads who react instinctively when he says Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren at his rallies, but a highly literate, elite journalist like yourself must feel your intelligence is being insulted.
Obama's wacky ideas, in Laos away from the American media storm:
I'm feeling a hint of jelousy here. I'll take those "whooping boneheads" any day over Armani Wall Street scum.
But he didn't do any of hose things yet, so it's funny how the looney far left accuses the man of something he only suggested he was going to do and hasn't done any of it. Like I said, the left live in a galaxy that even I can't wrap my head around.
Hey, I'll grant you, I never bought that line of him ever deporting 11 million, but great selling point, however, the wall is something not unrealistic, if Obama can pass all of his crazy plans and get it done, the wall should be no exception.
So we should just keep the borders open, let everyone in, allow for more lawlessness and let all of these sanctuary cities run amok. As for the polling, be careful, you have no idea about how big, if in fact, the silent majority is. For all you know, there might be a lot of closet Trump voters out there, but because of him being a polarizing figure, a lot of people won't publicly admit they are supporting him. The same thing happened with Carter, so be careful, b very careful when you talk about polls.
I hear Julian Assange is going to indict Hillary before the first debate.
This line of reasoning is so ridiculous, I'm not even going to bother pointing out how, because anyone with an ounce of intelligence will already see how it.
Once again an argument against something, by providing the extremist rhetoric of the opposite.
Just because his ideas on how to deal with the issues are absolutely horrible doesn't mean that there aren't other ways of dealing with the issues he has brought up, that don't involve his horrible methods.
The Clinton campaign has a big, big problem.
Every time Trump speaks, he lies shamelessly and continuously - his supposed opposition to the Iraq War being just the most obvious recent example. He is plainly on record as having initially supported it, undeniably, you might think. But no - lie, lie, lie.
There's NO WAY that someone with no objective grasp of the truth, no personal integity and zero credibility such as Trump should be allowed anywhere near the White House.
Like I said, a pretty low bar.
Trump is just using those "whooping boneheads" to get into office. You think a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth really cares about them? If he does, he hasn't shown it any real way. And when has Trump ever indicated he's against Wall Street scum? Never.
Clinton thinks the regulations we have are enough. Trump thinks they're completely unnecessary. They're both wrong, but one is more wrong than the other.
Obama 2-term major legacy: Overseas & domestic: clear decline of US as number one superpower; reputational decline and a chaotic and human tragic mess in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq (leftover from Bush) and Afghanistan (from Bush). Rise in racial tensions between Blacks and others. Record number of people especially Blacks on food stamps; a nation of entitlements' mentality promoted. Record deficits in history. Ban prayers in classrooms. Pass homosexuality laws. Cold relationship with Israel. Liberal globalists dominate media. Jihadist extreme terrorism proliferate. Wall Street despite causing the 08/09 Great Financial Crisis was let-off. Despite huge advances in technology by America private sector, America as a nation is fragmented and weaker. Now he is prodding Americans for a continuation in Hillary. Sadly, Trump is also highly questionable. This is one of Obama legacy after-effects.
This is interesting: "Hillary Clinton Lied About Classified Emails To Navy Veteran at Commander In Chief Forum" . ( Youtuber, author, columnist and journalist H. A. Goodman )
"Wacky" ideas?
So, Obama, what is "normal" idea? Publically calling Americans lazy twice in Laos 2 days ago? Sponsoring Syrian opposition groups who take all the money and training and start fight on the side of ISIS? Project Fast and Furious where the ATF gave guns to drug cartels in Mexico that developed into full blown genocides? Bombing Libya into ruins because its ruler Gaddafi wanted to start an African Union currency? Drone striking Pakistan because????????
No Obama, your ideas are wacky!
Until Trump brought up the border issue there was virtually nothing being mentioned on the news. 95% is left wing media. In addition, I dont ever recall hearing about illegal entrants and the crimes they committed. Just like I dont have a right to walk into your house people cant just walk across the border. Whats wrong with his plan?
@ frontandcentre WHAT A JOKE YOU MUST BE A HILIARY CLONE I SUGGEST everywhere in your post you mentioned Trumps name I say replace it with Hillary name and your post will read correctly!
Every time HILLIARY speaks, she lies shamelessly and continuously - hier supposed opposition to the Iraq War being just the most obvious recent example. SHe is plainly on record as having initially supported it, undeniably, you might think. But no - lie, lie, lie.
There's NO WAY that someone with no objective grasp of the truth, no personal integity and zero credibility such as Hillary should be allowed anywhere near the White House.
This liars entire campaign has been defending her own lies and dodging the media. She has lied so much she has no idea of what it is to tell the truth. She even considers her lies as mistakes. Wait she is the same person that deserted the American embassy in Benghazi wow oh no she took gun fire while landing in Afghanistan oh I could go on and on she will be a LIAR in chief if she gets elected! JAIL IS WHERE SHE SHOULD BE!!
Droll Quarry
Yeah well foreign leaders have scoffed at this administration. In May 2013, Vladimir Putin kept the U.S. secretary of state cooling his heels for three hours outside his office before deigning to receive him. While Obama was hailing the nuclear deal with Iran as a great breakthrough, the ayatollah vowed “no change” in his policy, which remained diametrically opposed to “U.S. arrogant system.” The mullahs followed by openly conducting illegal ballistic missile tests ........ calculating, correctly, that Obama would do nothing. When Iran took 10 American sailors prisnor in the Persian Gulf, made them kneel and broadcast the video........what was the U.S. response? Upon their release, John Kerry publicly thanked Iran for its good conduct. Why should Chinai treat Obama with any greater respect? Beijing illegally expands into the South China Sea, meeting only the most perfunctory pushback from the U.S. Obama told CNN that he warned China to desist or “there will be consequences.” Is there a threat less credible? Putin annexes Crimea and Obama boasts about the isolation he has imposed on Russia. But guess what? Moscow has become the go to for Middle East leaders seeking arms and money in their various conflicts. As for Ukraine, both the French president and the German chancellor have hastened to Moscow to plead with Putin to make peace. So much for putting Putin out of the picture Iran harasses our vessels in the Persian Gulf at will. Russian fighters buzzed a U.S. destroyer in the Baltic Sea and last week a Russian fighter flew within 10 feet of an American military jet. What happened? Absolutely nothing. We "strongly protested" WHOOOO Putin must be shaking in his boots..... that would be hobnailed Russian boots. Lets go back to Iran, that great bastion of diplomatic success, but wait you say they feed the hostages... yeah but guess what? Again Obama and crew not only ransomed the hostages held by Iran, but delivered the loot by unmarked plane filled with stacks of cold (untraceable) cash, like a desert drug deal. Why the stealth? Obviously to conceal the manner of the transaction from Congress and the American public. Some humiliations are so grotesque that even the Obama team can’t miss it. Lets go to the G20 Summit.... Obama said he spoke to Putin about cyber warfare, amid revelations that Russian hackers have been interfering in our political campaigns. We are more technologically advanced in this arena than any of our adversaries, said Obama, but we really don’t want another Cold War-style arms race. Instead, we must all adhere to norms of international behavior. Sure, Uhhuh, the KGB adhering to norms? Putin invades Ukraine, annexes Crimea, bombs hospitals in Aleppo and Obama expects him to observe cyber-code etiquette? We’re back to 1929 when Secretary of State Henry Stimson shut down a U.S. code-breaking operation after it gave him decoded Japanese telegrams. He famously explained that “gentlemen do not read each other’s mail.” Well Mr. Obama, Putin is no gentleman and he is reading your mail. How about the missing air stairs at the airport in China? The Chinese officials giggled over the fact that Obama had to exit through the "ass" of the aircraft. The ultimate snub for a world leader.
You know, other than the bi-partisan agreement on how to deal with illegal immigrants that congress refused to even address.
Once again you guys are blinded by the right.
"I'll take those "whooping boneheads" any day over Armani Wall Street scum."
I think the point is the whooping boneheads will be whimpering rather than whooping under Trump or Clinton. The Armani crowd on Wall Street will be the ones still whooping no matter who wins. The arms manufactures will probably outwhoop that lot.
Oh, we have another Benghazier.
You lose all credibility once you start beating that dead horse. Just by mentioning it, it shows you lack the ability to differentiate reality from the lies your MSM is feeding you. Therefore nothing else you can can be treated as even wasting time dealing with.
Plane load of cash money for Iran. If you are Iranian, you greet your neighbors in the morning "Death To America! What a nice morning!". .... THE IRANIAN DEAL... They lost their sanctions, got a plane load of money, defied the agreement... WHAT DID AMERICA GET???????? another Obama brain child like the TTIP and the TPP... 2nd Worst President Ever!
And what about Russia? OVER 90% of the people of CRIMEA WANTED TO BE IN RUSSIA! So DROLL QUARRY, you need to stop injecting so much CNN....
Yeah I cant wait for Obama to just go away. So much promise, all wasted. Seems he could have at least gotten race relations right, but couldn't even do that much less anything else.
WHY is that Ossan? Stock market too high for you, unemployment to low, no raging wars with shock and awe going on? Must be boring life, no wonder you still pine and ache the old days of George Bush and his crazy crew of monkeys.
The Obama-haters out in force today. Well, haters do what they do best I suppose.... all logic goes out the window.
Oh well. I look forward to more bitterness and hate spewing towards president Clinton.
Stock Market too high! Good One! Artificially injected money to bail out banks that should have failed... What could possible go wrong! Good Idea OBAMA, please double the national debt to save Wall St.! Another POINT FOR TEAM OBAMA!
Im sure glad there is lots of jobs at Burger King to go around! Actual TheRat, job participation rate hasnt been this low since 1977. Home ownership is the lowest it has been at least 1990. And for the first time since 1880, Americans aged between 18-34 are more likely to be living with their parents, AND Americans are putting off getting married until later in life.
@Droll Quarry
What do you think the response should have been? War? How has that been working out for the US of late? Not so good. Look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria for a start. Things are not so great in those places. Not starting another war and getting back their sailors without doing so was a good thing, not a bad one.
Actually the US continues to fly and sail wherever it wishes in International water regardless of China's claims.
Yes, that is what Trump mistakenly claimed as well, However the truth is that the money was announced in January as part of the deal made with Iran at the time. It was perfectly known and not hidden at all.
Obama has made mistakes. Getting involved in Egypt (thankfully the army is back in charge there instead of the Islamic Brotherhood), Libya and now Syria were huge mistakes and those countries are paying dearly for them. However the points you have brought up are not among the mistakes. They are the best options available and far better than more unwinnable wars.
Yes, wacky ideas like the 2,000 mile x 50 foot solid concrete call. They don't even do this in science fiction movies.
Go ahead and let Trump be president. Time to watch Comedy channel with popcorn. It will be the best since GWB. Do you remember listening to GWB was like watching a drunk man cross a street? Nice guy though. He was pretty civil. Cheney was Doctor Evil though. Clinton is 100% clean, while Libby in GWB's WH got prosecuted by the FBI for outing a spy for political gain. How uncool and illegal. Clinton never did anything illegal. Hillary haters just like to say that because they are always preoccupied with hating Hillary all the time seethingly.
Or you could say, anyone with intelligence would take a wait and see approach before criticizing a man that's new to politics and opposed almost every war as a private citizen. But hey, you guys keep beating on something that didn't happen yet. This is the reason why liberals are considered racists, they like to PRE-judge people before something actually happens.
Once again an argument against something, by providing the extremist rhetoric of the opposite.
That's if you believe the methods are horrible. Let's just see what happens IF he gets into office and if he does, roast him, but personally, I hope he gets as hard as he can get when it comes to protecting our nation, keeping it secure and setting all these world leaders straight.
We will see. But I wouldn't be so sure after another 8 years of crony democracy and a USA that feels old and tired.
We all saw how well he did that when he went to Mexico and was as cute and meek as a 5 week old kitten. Back in USA, big words again.
No, politics is negotation. Obama has mastered it. Trump will be all loudmouth and threaten at home while in reality rolling over overseas. Maybe he should reread his own book first.
Exactly! Despite the rhetoric that Trump is a Buffon, him taking the first step to go down to Mexico and establish a dialogue at least and beating Hillary to the quick was a brilliant chess move and does he get credit for behaving himself? Nope! So it doesn't matter what Trump does, he should keep doing what he's doing and just turn off the whiners in both parties and keep doing what he's doing.
Like he did last week with Putin or China and we won't even talk about the Philippines. Why would anyone respect a person that's so weak, he can't even keep his promise about what he said to Assad, he has to go and what? He's still in power and how's Syria? Well, either way, Obama is pawning this war off to the next president. But on the other hand, at least he won't be around to stres us out.
Good! I hope he does, and I hope these leaders, he's not going to play around.
The GOP is on the verge of having their white trash supporters elect a bigot based on empty promises all because he's a bigot.
This is not good.
Listen, is this idiot claiming that he knew all there is to know about running a country when he was elected? Sounds like it to me. To this day he "still" does not have a clue. So maybe Trump doesn't either, but it is expected once in office that any new leader surround themselves with qualified constituents. I believe the Donald will do that. America can not afford to put a lying, deceitful, overly obsessed with power idiot like HC in the drivers seat. Obama is just shaking in his boots that thinking of all that he has done being in-done once a Republican takes over. And he should be. His legacy is worthless.
"This is the reason liberals are considered racists"
Considered racist by whom? As far as I can see, the idea that liberals are racists is barked by people who can't defend Trump's appeals to racism, his endorsement from David Duke, his appeal to European racist leaders and the fact that he commands the lion's share of voters who think the abolition of slavery was a mistake.
It's the type of person who falls into 'but what about.....?' when they have no defence for the indefensible.
I think you know what I mean.
Sorry, Jim, but literally every Black community that has embraced liberal Democratic policies where Democrats believe in handing out entitlements rather than helping the people become independent and self-reliant is and act of institutionalized racism, there is not other way of putting it. voting for Democrats over the last 50 years and how are Blacks better off? By the way, see the murder rate in Chicago? 500 just for this year. Good job, Emanuel!
Nice try, and the Dems are needing a bigger shovel.
No, but he had a basic knowledge of world affairs. Trump continues to display Palin-levels of knowledge at this late stage in the campaign.
Word for word, this statement applies to Trump just as much as Clinton if not better, especially the "idiot" part. Say what you will about Clinton, but she's not stupid.
Alix Hooper
We'll find out what the will of the electorate is in November. The Pontificator-in-chief speaks as his days wane.
@mr. Bum
Man of action I'd say.
Certainly doesn't compare to Hillary's sniper fire story....oh wait, that was a lie.
Bill Murphy
"After around 60 days he'll just be part of history....."
Barack Obama will sit in the Oval Office until January 20, 2017 to be exact. A lot can happen between Election Day and Inauguration Day. If Barack Obama is as keen to protect his "legacy" as he seems to be, that interval might be the perfect time to challenge the USA - an Achilles Heel.
I am so glad you said that. Now we know for sure, she lied about the emails, servers and Benghazi, because if she were stupid, then we could excuse her for incompetency, but since we now know she's sane and smart as a whip, she shouldn't be considered for the highest office, since we can't a habitual liar with the cunning mind of a fox.
Yes, because there's nothing more "wacky" than expecting our immigration laws to be followed and enforced, to let businesses thrive without being hit by crippling taxes, by acknowledging the fact (yes, fact) that unborn babies are human beings, and so on.
But Reagan inked millions green card amnesty. Trump is the party that the KKK, Bundies, David Duke, and Aryans support. No wonder Trump has a near zero vote for the blacks.
She is 100% clean on that. No lies and nothing illegal. It's just the Hillary haters talking. Unlike Libby who really got prosecuted. Until she gets busted by the FBI there is nothing to report officially. It's just Hillary haters making up lies about her.
I just tossed my absentee ballot into the garbage, as there is no one to vote for.
Only with the promise if Democrats would seal the border, that never happened. One of the typical liberal lies that soon mount.
So, that means, if these idiots support ANY presidential candidate, that makes the candidate a racist by default?? Precisely, how?
Yeah, about that....
If that really happened, good for him (no sarcasm). But does that qualify you for the Presidency?
You missed the part where I said he's also lying, deceitful, and overly obsessed with power. He's just as bad if not worse, without Clinton's (or a sixth-grader's) knowledge of world affairs. But I guess Republican voters have never valued intellect.
Well, assuming your "facts" are true, which they are not, it is STILL a hell of a lot better than life under George Bush and his crony capitalism and hi. CRASHING the economy--Trump will ramp this up a million times, see Bondi scandal, and with him being in bed (debt) to the Russians, you have a PERFECT Manchurian candidate which.....laugh laugh laugh, the Republicans have no problem with. You can NOT write more ridiculous comedy than this! !
New Boston Herald / Franklin Pierce University poll: Trump's getting 36.2% Hispanic support, and, get this, not 1% but 19.1% African American support! This has to be bogus, right?
And this is interesting: "Ingraham: Clinton has given up on defending her record" ( Fox News )
Certainly not, but it does say something of his street character.
Please dig it out and write in Bernie Sanders.
He's one of the most well-known faces in New York, he had his limo driver as backup, and he was hardly alone judging by the number of witnesses. Again, it's great that he did that (if he did), but it doesn't really say a whole lot and doesn't nearly make up for his countless displays of bigotry, misogyny, fraudulence, and general incompetence.
Also, rereading the article you linked:
There seems to be some conflicting reports on what actually happened...
You really need to read more. If you don't know what that quote is from, how can you make balanced decision about electing a President?
It's so funny that Trump voters think Trump will build a 2,000 mile x 50 foot high wall made of solid concrete. But sorry, it happened under Reagan's watch. It is his fault 100%. Just like it was 100% GWB's fault that 9/11 happened. No wonder why the minority vote for Trump is almost zero.
Anyone is better than a war pig. Please get off your high horse, this isn't Star Trek.
Moderator: The expression "war pig" is not acceptable on this discussion board. Please tone down your rhetoric.
Throwing away your vote or voting for an non-existent candidate isn't a form of protest, it's sticking your head in the sand. If you really want to show your dissatisfaction, vote third party and maybe they'll actually allow them on the debate stage next time. Better yet, sign an online petition to get them into the debates this time.
Won't work since all they need are ladders. Ladders have worked for the last 1000s of years and they will continue to do so for the next 1000s of years. You can build all the walls you want. But ladders have always gone over them.
"There's no ladder going over that," Trump says about a 50-foot high wall. "If they ever get up there they're in trouble, 'cause there's no way to get down," Trump insists, then concedes, "Maybe a rope." Trump
So it proves that Trump's wall is a scam and he even admits it. It shows that it was all on Reagan and the Republicans for inking all those greencards amnesty deals. It's all on the Republicans.
All you need for Trump's wall is a ladder (and maybe some rope)
Strangerland: "This line of reasoning is so ridiculous, I'm not even going to bother pointing out how, because anyone with an ounce of intelligence will already see how it."
The problem is, not a single person who would vote for Trump for purposes aside from lining their pockets has a single ounce of intelligence to begin with.
bass4funk: "Now we know for sure, she lied about the emails, servers and Benghazi,"
Hey, she was just following Colin Powell's sage advice in how to use email.
"because if she were stupid, then we could excuse her for incompetency, but since we now know she's sane and smart as a whip, she shouldn't be considered for the highest office, since we can't a habitual liar with the cunning mind of a fox."
Speaking of Fox -- you watch the hilarious exchange between Gingrich and Lumpy, where they were obsessed with her coughing, sticking to the health conspiracy, and Gingrich broke into a coughing fit? Ah, but it was because he travels a lot by plane (which Hilary does much more of) and he gets a dry throat... not because of health issues. Too funny! Or wax-dummy Terry Gowdy having to try and defend Powell and demand no one bring in his explanation of Hilary on how to use the email for private use? or the best was watching that senile Giuliani say "Trump was never a birther" while Trump discusses the birther issue at the same time with another news group. hahaha... You couldn't write better comedy if you tried.
Yes, FBI checked her out and found no crime. Just the Hillary haters just won't give up on the hate of this wonderful woman. And don't forget the last White House official to get bused was Libby for outing a CIA spy. Now that is a real crime and the FBI did go after that. Sorry, Hillary haters- when it comes to white house crimes it's Republicans 1 (crime) vs. Democrats 0. Hillary is clean and is a woman of absolute integrity. The Hillary haters just hate her because she's Hillary.
Dennis Bauer
I think the US should invest in education, Narcissistic idiots should not have so much power. Didn't end well the last time it happened.
Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, Trump has decided that the military is quite bit more important. You see, if he doesn't invest in education, a lot of people remain in the dark ages intellectually. And that's good for Trump, because that means more votes for Trump.
Hasn't ended well since the cabal shot JFK. Go figure.
Bass4funk You sir are an idiot
The first paragraph tells the whole story ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President"
"Obama has endorsed Hillary Clinton..."
That's gonna reflect...
"... he plans to campaign full-force for the Democrat before the Nov. 8 election."
Wow, must be nice to have the president of the United States campaigning for you! But will it be enough?
These Fox News segments are interesting:
"Trump: Every child will be placed on ladder to success "
"Judge Jeanine: I've 'lost all respect' for the FBI director"
indeed a great careful speaker one can see in president Mr. Obama,****
Fred Wallace
I'll ask yet again, how does that famous definition of insanity go again?
Trump has wacky ideas? Then vote for the Libertarian Gary Johnson -- he thought Aleppo was a European moped...
Fred Wallace
LOL, america is doomed omgg!!
So, you're implying the woman is stupid, she knows he didn't say it like that and he clarified that the other day, so either she's stupid or she's the biggest liar that ever lived.
I'll put it to you like this, you might be right, but you might be wrong, how can you say, unequivocally that Hillary DOESN'T have a coughing or a medical problem? Because her doctors are honest? There is absolutely No way they would lie to make her look good? You would and any other supporter would be foolish to blindly just make a blanket statement that she's not I'll in some way, but the opposite holds true and Trump is a part of that scrutiny as well.
Show me a video of Trump having a chronic cough numerous times during this campaign, Good luck.
Hmmm....if it weren't for senile Giuliani, NYC would be worse than Chicago and I remember those days, but it seems like one again and under Democratic leadership Things are starting to get ugly once again...
Again, the FBI does NOT care. The FBI busted Libby was in the Bush WH. But no one in the Obama WH had been busted. Hillary did not commit a crime. There was a real crime committed in the Bush WH but none in the Obama one. Libby was the stupid one because he is the one who got arrested.
Hillary's health is fine. And if she gets sick in the middle of her presidency then someone else who is well qualified will take over. Don't worry.
There are many videos of Trump and his crazy wall idea (which can be defeated with ladders and ropes as Trump even admits)
So her untrustworthy numbers are attributed misjudgment in her overall personality? Which are worsening each day. Lol
So you examined her? You are her personal physician? Well qualified? You mean, Pence? Good choice.
I think he has a great idea in regards to the wall.I must admit that the idea seems a little intimidating in regards that I view it as keeping Americans in as oppose to keeping others out. This whole "catch and release" policy by Obama is absolutely insane, dangerous and very expensive. Something needs to be done.
The payment for the wall is a no-brainer. Tax the money that Mexicans send home. (Although I dont fully agree with this since there is a good portion of illegals who come from other countries, Id think some research should be done to identify an approximation of which groups are coming and tax accordingly). As well as charge additional fees on visas.
As for investing in Trumps towers? As long as it isn`t in Toronto, it would probably be a safe bet. Our firm focuses on financial products and rarely (if even at all) dabble in real estate development.
Yes he did get around a million dollars and turned it into BILLIONS!... I wish I was that good!
Clinton? That woman needs a warehouse for all of her skeletons. Too much of a war hawk. War cost money and lives. The central banks make the most money from wars. I`d take the businessman any day. It would be nice to actually see the debt go down for once.
You and the rest of the Hillary haters just hate her because she is Hillary. That's all. She did nothing of the sort like Libby. She did not leak any secrets for a political agenda like what happened in the Bush WH. She is very very trustworhly. Yes, I trust her. And you trusted the Bush WH after what Libby did?
Did you?
Stop that BS. Amazing you can't see her corruption, her record weapons sales to the evil Saudi Arabia, her giving credibility to Neo-nazis in Ukraine, her assassination of kaddaffi, WTF is wrong with you?
They will send it home in ways that cannot be traced or rerouted. They will route is through a Trust.
Ladders and ropes? Trump even admitted his wall is stupid idea. A solid concrete wall that is 2,000 miles by 50 foot high? What an eyesore. Maybe your firm can sell stock in companies that sell ladders, shovels, and rope.
Like what?
No, more like 100 million. His investors? How have they done? Also, he is not even one of the top NYC developers- he just has a big mouth. On top of that he could have made more money just keeping his mouth shut and investing in safe index funds. You just admitted that your investments are worse than DT's, which are worse than a safe index fund. I think my money is safer in the bank drawing zero interest. Because if your investments do worse than Trump's then I feel sorry for your clients. Are you sure you do what you say you do? But that's OK because there is another Hillary hater here who claims to be a retired CEO of a major global fortune 500 company. He is an expert on the reasons why Hillary should be hated as well. So this is interesting.
Trump wants to build up the military and nuke anywhere there is ISIS.
How about Bill Gates? He is much much richer than Trump and (unlike Trump) has not really burned his investors. He has also provided a lot more employment than Trump and has helped increase productivity in the world. I would say Bill Gates for President. He has gone through bankruptcy multiple times and he is good with debt? He will help the country's debt?
No, we hate her crappy policies.
Close to almost 70% don't.
Trump's 2,000 mile by 50 foot high solid concrete wall (which can be defeated by ladders and ropes as Trump admitted)? And Hillary's policies are crappy? But Trump has no policies except to hate non white people. The proof is that all the KKK, Bundies, White supremacists, David Dukes, and Aryans all want Trump. No wonder the black vote of Trump is almost zero. Also, Trump wants to launch nuclear weapons.
She is very trustworthy because she would never do what Libby did and get herself arrested. She was never arrested by the FBI so any news link that says she is not trustworthy is a waste of time reading and not true. Those surveys are just answered by KKK, Bundies, White supremacists, David Dukes, and Aryans anyway so the surveys themselves are not trustworthy and skewed.
Hillary haters just hate Hillary because they love to hate Hillary. It's that simple and she is very qualified to be president. Hillary haters just love to hate her.
Through a trust? Are you trying to be funny. Please research what a trust is, as well as how many regulations there are in regards to juridictions where they are implimented, particularily international. No, I don`t think they will be using a trust fund. Guess again.
Obama could have easily inserted a few regulations during this 0% interest free time in regards international transfers. Another great point when looking at the Panama Papers.
And I guess your info on much he inherited comes from Marco Rubio, which has no way to identify that info. Even if it was 100 million, he still flipped it X100!!!! But 100 million is a conspiracy theory. Such as your belief he wants to use nukes.
Ladders and ropes?! Now youre just being ridiculous. Do you suggest we continue Obamas catch and release? Look at Hungary. They put up a fence and the migration dropped off well over 90%.
Perhaps Bill Gates would be an interested candidate, except for his vaccines in Africa having sterization antigens in them. I may actual prefer a 3rd Obama term over him.
With the technology we have from beefing up the border to implementing sensors underground, it'll be much, much harder for anyone to get through, nothing is impossible, but you can greatly reduce and impede on those who try, especially when you use every technology out there that at the governments disposal.
I see, you avoid reading posts or polls, I understand, it looks bad for her.
Absolutely not. People hate her because of her lies, her policies and her years of being untrustworthy. People could care less that's she's a woman. Pretty much any other woman would be acceptable except for this one.
Trump's words, not mine. You need to bring it up with him.
"There's no ladder going over that," Trump says about a 50-foot high wall. "If they ever get up there they're in trouble, 'cause there's no way to get down," Trump insists, then concedes, "Maybe a rope."
Again, above is what Trump said and you are the one who wants that giant eye sore slab across the Texas Mexican border.
The illegal Mexicans will have many ways to get that money back untraced. The wall will just be an expense passed on to the American tax payers. It will be a giant ugly 2000 mile by 50 foot slab of concrete that can be defeated with just ladders and ropes. No taxes will be collected from the transactions as those will be evaded by the illegals.
Still very poor with the market history. You should know this and you are the one who said one million dollars initially. He ranks poorly among NYC developers and has burned his investors many times. Are you sure you want to claim that your company's investments are not as good as Trump's? Because if that's the case your clients are getting burned themselves.
You want to put 30 million illegals in prison? Do we have space?
Of course Trump's ideas are wacky -- he is a mere businessman.
And if Trump is president, we'll have a lot more resources to combat it as well.
Open Minded
Even though I do not like it I understand that the Trump's program may have a positive echo within some of the frustrated Americans.
But this guy is a neurotic child coming from a crappy US TV show. As president he will not be in charge of managing the prime time but the most powerful country.
Good luck America!
Like what? They don't exist because Trump never mentioned it. He only mentioned Walls, ladders, and ropes.
Black Sabbath
All Trump has done is match his 'policy' objectives with the Republican rhetoric going back decades.
" are run by a tyrant; he is going to take away your rights. We are falling. There are rapists and murders at the border coming to kill you. If that's what you've been fed and that's what you're buying into, Donald Trump makes more sense than anybody else out there because he's going, "Great, let's build -- the Visigoths are out the gate. Let's build a f---ing wall and not let it..." It makes total sense. What wouldn't make sense are the general republican leadership going, "There are Visigoths at the wall, they are here to kill you, let's try and not pass a new budget resolution."
Todd Topolski
It is Obama and Hillary's failed socialist ideology and calamatous foreign policy being rejected. Only left wing fools want another 4 years of Obama great recession extended by Hillary and only unthinking sheeple want Hillary to repeat the same incompetent policies which created Isis, slavery and an army of terror killing people all over the world
Black Sabbath
The Republican candidate's campaign is now passing along psychotic delusions from Alex Jones. Before long they will channeling the ghost of Rasputin.
Wacky indeed.
If Trump can run for president, then I guess I'd better start up my own campaign within the next 4 years. Although I lack the money, and have 2-3 health issues, I just might make it! Oh wait... I forgot, I don't have the money...
No, lots of people would want Obama for a third term. All these KKK, Bundies, White supremacists, David Dukes, and Aryans don't want him since they hate the thought of a black president and think he is an antichrist Muslim born in Kenya to force all the women to wear beekeeper suits.
The founding fathers had slaves and kill many Indians and make them alcoholics for beaver furs (made warm hats, though). Too bad the Indians didn't have AR-15s to fight off the white Christian evil man.
Kuya 808
Don't worry about the money. After 4 years of either Trump or Hillary you'll be able to crowdfund your campaign and have all the money you would need.
Black Sabbath,
Really? So.. inside every Republican is a Democrat?
He doesn't have to mention it, every vital resource that he would need and can use as president would be available to him.
But thank the heavens, that won't happen. For once I'm glad we have 2 terms only in this case.
Trial(s) by Media
This is where Republicans add legitimacy to their mob conviction of Clinton when the investigation didn't go their way. Look, there were no charges filed based on the evidence. You can't change that. Even the Director of the FBI came out and said, "For investigators and their supervisors, all the way up to me, the decision was not only the right one, it actually wasn’t that hard a decision, given the facts and the law." I'm sorry that the promises made to you by interesting Fox News turned out to be empty, but attacking the FBI is getting out of hand.
We've had investigations into the IRS, into Benghazi, into Planned Parenthood, the emails. All of them either contradicted main GOP talking points or exposed how grossly misleading they were. Had you followed more moderate news sources the results from any of those investigations wouldn't have surprised you at all. But you didn't. You keep sticking to Fox News and decided the investigations were right or wrong based on how much they line up with what the right wing media told you.
You don't get to decide guilt. Move on and stop wasting time smearing the head of the FBI because he didn't give you the conviction you wanted. You don't know jack about the guy.
Serrano, this is a great opportunity for you to change from being an information receiver to an information seeker. Do research on this.
You guys don't get to decide who is innocent either.
I think according to the polls and how he took a dive for Hillary and being under the thumb of pressure, I think the public has every single right to scrutinize Comey, especially when we know, a lesser person would have been in deep trouble, you Hillarybots can do that, the rest of us won't.
We aren't, someone else (the Republican's and the FBI) investigated, and determined her innocence.
You are determining her guilt based on you MSM - who didn't investigate.
Alrighty. I can't stop you from kicking yourself in the nuts.
For all those trying to tell me to vote or whatever, who do you think you are? I have the right to vote or not to vote. I do not feel there is anyone worth voting for. So shove it. It is my legal right to not vote. My trashed absentee vote was already taken away by the Yamato City Govt. Garbage Guys. No girls allowed to do that job.
Because having a fellow world leader of one of Americans oldest allies in Asia referring to him with a slew of curse words is a sign of respect? Some things you just cannot spin away.
Trump only mentioned the laws that are currently in the books. He`s not saying anything new just plans to enforce existing immigration laws.
Coming from the guy that has started 4 wars under his watch.
I love weak Obama supporters.
Is Obama a good guy?
Syria war was started by him, because they backed the rebels.The Rebels. 1 held hostage 200 rights workers. 2 behead kids.
Obama is a good guy seen as people that behead kids will form a better government then Assad.....JOKE!
Go on Obama lover reply :)
Obama has 4 wars under his watch, more then Bush.
Good people don't back mass murders = to terrorist groups. They don't destroy a country "knowing" the results will be worse then the last.
Trump all the way. Trump ant nut's at all. Trump is just saying what different groups of people wanted to hear.
CNN poll says Trump 53% to 45% Clinton. If he targets the African Americans he may come close to wining.
It's easy to fix the unemployment rate in America. Borrow $10 trillion for 4 years.
$10 trillion will make $800 billion pa. America can make 8% pa off such a big amount of money. Even 6% would do it within 5 years.
That $800 billion will make $64 billion pa.
Each year the $10 trillion makes $800 billion. 800 * 5 = $4 trillion.
8% of 4 trillion is $320 billion pa every year in 5 years time.
1 million jobs will cost about $20 billion. That includes demand making jobs.
$20 billion * 16 = $320 billion dollars.
America can make 16 million jobs within 5 years time.
At 6% pa $250 billion pa and 13 million jobs.
Now America can pay back debt with all the extra money coming in from people working and gov payments saved.
Obama is weak and even i can out do them all.
By all means reply logic and add it up yourself......It will work.
Obama: 0 Bush: 2
You apparently don't know what war means.
@Strangerland i said bush 2 Obama 4......Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Can also add Afghanistan by leaving troops there.
Try looking into it before replying.
Please post links to the declaration of war on any of these, and list the number of American foot troops engaged.
Or maybe you don't know what a war is? It's seeming more and more that way.
That one is Bush's war.
The last declaration of war by the US was on June 5, 1942. Yet, the US has certainly been involved in quite a few military actions that would fairly be described as wars since then.
Todd Topolski
The only wacky ideas would be from Obama, Hillary and their political party following a socialist ideology of failure, catastrophe and destitution for all but themselves. The rest of America, including trump has some understanding that each person is free and not subject to the government. Freedom is what is normal for America. Obama, Hillary and Democrats are what is not normal
@Strangerland Yes i have no idea about war, but yet G Bush was on tv saying how people from the public sent in the Iraq war wining strategy's also. That means David P was not the only guy to do them.
I am one of them people, and i walked like a poof back then from nerve damage i had, that 10 years on is not very bad anymore.
Why do you think Bush said on tv people from the public had sent in strategy's for A. To make it look like so many people did them, that it couldn't be the gay walking guy but anyone but him. or B. To cover up the fact a gay walking guy saved them, and that's why right after he said on tv "people sent in the strategy's" they / he releases mass strategy's on tv for all to see?
Was that done A. So everyone can take credit for it? B. because after 3 years of the disaster 1,000s of people "at the same time" psychically said hay and sent them all in 3 years into the disaster at the same time lol?
Some body set them up and my name on this page can be copied and passed and a vk or fb link will prove all. Lucky CIA money buys democracy "not" as mass body's know i am telling the truth....Including Putin that read my page and my top secret Afghanistan strategy's, told him i was telling the truth about everything.
Strangerland. I know war better then you mate. Look on my vk or fb page and look at the video i made just before they built the cement wall of sadr city....It close, and they did 100% what i said to do * 40 strategy's in Iraq and mass more in Afghanistan. That video had been labeled a coincidence by 1 bribed psychiatrist, that was bribed.
@Strangerland Click on my name and look at my post and read the one that says new weapon "undone" that would destroy America in Afghanistan "electromagnetic wave detector" and reply that i am making it up, but have come up with an undone strategy, that can destroy them?
Most people come up with massive strategy's knowing nothing buddy.
To be honest, I have a really hard time understanding what any of your posts say. They are not laid out in any kind of clear manner, and it's really unclear to me what the point you are trying to make is. For example, in the post above:
What? And I'm not even saying this to be a jerk, I just really have no idea what you are trying to say here.
Obama is a good candidate and great politician but a sub-par POTUS. I voted for the man twice, his first term was good...his second has been about division and leading from the back foot in regards to US foreign policy. His social issues are driving the Trump support wave we are seeing and his waffling on foreign policy is hamstringing Clinton's chances. Funny enough, I think Clinton is the best pick for the next POTUS but the Dem party should not have power...I think we will see many people split their tickets in Nov. Clinton will win but the Dems will not take the House or Senate. Obama has overseen worst cultural wars that the USA has experienced since the 1960 and its all built on a fake sense of selective outrage.
Bradley Williams
I have been checking your headlines randomly over the pasts months. The USA you describe does not exist. Take off your blinders and decern reality. Respectfully, A Montanan
"what appear to be either contradictory or uninformed or outright whacky ideas,”"
Trump has never done any public service of any kind. Frankly, this is his big chance. I think everyone has considered that Trump is just doing his campaign for the LULZ. Why not? He has done everything else.
Perhaps unintentionally, Trump has come into HIS TIME and his opportunity to contribute to humanity. His contribution will be to give people a full load of revulsion at what politics becomes in the internet age when we surrender governance to a 24 hour news cycle. People have more access to more information than ever before, and yet they use it to watch Honey Boo Boo or its equivalent.
Just as Obama said, people can look objectively at this episode of Trump theater and really see a case study of WHY not just anybody SHOULD be president, even if anybody COULD be president. There are people who are good at being politicians. It is an ugly business, but a necessary one. It involves a lot of experience and personal contact with lots of people, and expedient decisions not platitudes and rules written in stone. In the Japanese system, politicians are almost indistinguishable from bureaucrats, but we all know that the bureaucrats are the pros. In the US, where bureaucrats are reviled and politicians are suspect, Hillary is walking a fine line, but for modern government, she is the best it gets. She knows how it works, how it used to work, how it could work.
For modern government, Trump is the worst it gets. HIs example is not to be emulated. There is no policy. No platform. Just twitch. The Philippines stands out like a sore thumb in Asia now precisely because it has taken a huge step backward from civility. How can a twitchy, erratic US possibly compete diplomatically with, say, China, if it regresses to some kind of childlike, tantrum throwing state?
The US needs Hillary, and it has to reject Trump. Quite honestly, I am pretty sure that Hillary is going to need a lot of help to do what needs to be done. At best, she might only be able to hold the line. Don't know. But a Trump revolution might take the US to a point where change will be ugly and lengthy and wasteful. I think Trump is making that abundantly clear to everyone, and that is his greatest public service. Civilization has come too far to trivialize management and modern statecraft.