Japan Today

Obama calls Trump's handling of pandemic a 'chaotic disaster'


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With an eye to re-election, the president has also been blasted as putting his own political interests before human life

Of course. Trump's own political interests are his own personal interests, and those of his family and fellow 'elite'. Privileged class narcissists like Trump have zero understanding of other's 'human life', zero compassion, let alone even the tiniest understanding of what it's like to have to deal with everyday life like 99% of the country.

17 ( +27 / -10 )

And add in the fact that now, there are two confirmed cases of WH staffers who have tested positive for the virus. If the White House is not safe, who is?

16 ( +19 / -3 )

what would Obama know? He wasn't even born in America according to a certain self confessed "genius" with the initials DT....

22 ( +29 / -7 )

Tough Break buddy.

There are higher powers.

Nobody is above the law.

20 ( +27 / -7 )

In case anyone is wondering what a competent president looks like, see the photo above.

17 ( +31 / -14 )

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is prepared to allow tens of thousands of his fellow citizens die, yes dis, to improve his chances of re-election.  Perhaps now even he has reached the bottom of the barrel.

14 ( +24 / -10 )

4,008,497 coronavirus cases worldwide (278,135 deaths)

1,305,544 coronavirus cases in America (78,618 deaths)

the numbers don’t lie....the Donald has mishandled this crisis...America is the coronavirus epicenter

16 ( +25 / -9 )

Trump has but one life to give for his country: yours.

29 ( +35 / -6 )

Both Trump and Abe are total failures in handling this crisis. But the reason they failed is quite different. Abe is a robot who just wasn't programmed for corona. He doesn't have a clue. It's not in his manual.

Trump, on the other hand, doesn't have a manual either. He doesn't need one. Everything he does goes right and if it doesn't he'll say it did whether it did or not. Abe couldn't manage a one man Post Office in the boonies and I would never, ever buy a used car from Donnie.

Invalid CSRF

0 ( +23 / -23 )

The only good that could come out of this pandemic would be total financial ruin for the trumps. I only wish.

15 ( +22 / -7 )

Imagine that, I’m just shocked that Obama would be speaking out and using the same media source for his “leaked” comments that gave us the “leaked” Steele dossier.

-21 ( +13 / -34 )

as if Obama clown would have done miles better ..

-24 ( +13 / -37 )

Actually a clown, like a real circus clown, would have handled this better than Trump.

20 ( +28 / -8 )

There are higher powers.

Bingo! Just as the venal USAG, the smirking "bufo", Billy Barr, would have us believe: "the winners" write the history".

Trouble is, there is more than one kind of "higher power", like most Americans have already gotten tired of "winning", just as HMV predicted, and a sea change will soon be coming to wash away the swampy "winners" of his ilk.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

I wonder if the wonderful “for profit” media can actually ask Obama a few questions while he has popped his head out.

he usually likes talking about himself but is somehow oddly quiet about his personal role in all this.

as usual it will just be a one way deliverance of propaganda. Acting like it’s “leaked” so he doesn’t even have to take responsibility for his own comments.

-17 ( +10 / -27 )

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is prepared to allow tens of thousands of his fellow citizens die, yes dis, to improve his chances of re-election.  

I suggest hundreds of thousands would be the correct number.

18 ( +21 / -3 )

he usually likes talking about himself

In this department, Donny makes Obama look like a mute.

but is somehow oddly quiet about his personal role in all this.

His personal role in creating the NSC directorate for global health and security and bio-defense, which Donny disbanded simply because it was an Obama creation? It’s called modesty, which Donny would do well to learn - then again, nothing Donny does is impressive.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

as usual it will just be a one way deliverance of propaganda. Acting like it’s “leaked” so he doesn’t even have to take responsibility for his own comments

It’s far too early for conspiracy theories.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

as if Obama clown would have done miles better ..

Oh man, if you Trump followers actually believe this, I can't stop laughing. Ya, Obama would have done 100% better. He was definitely an intelligent president who's humanity, empathy and care was and is respected internationally and oops...listens to scientists and reads literature and articles and takes advice...Obama would have done miles, around the world miles, better.

16 ( +22 / -6 )

Not exactly. Obama is a guy well known for mentioning himself over 100 times in 1 hour or less speeches.

there is no way this meeting was “leaked” as there is only like 30 seconds of quotes and no comments about himself.

In this department, Donny makes Obama look like a mute.

-19 ( +9 / -28 )

Trump does not care one bit about Obama except to use him as his whipping boy to lay the blame on for not being prepared. Any person with even 1/10th of a brain would know that Trump had nearly three years to make the necessary improvements, if he though Obama's policies were a problem.

Yet Trump did nothing either.

Trump cares nothing for the people who are dying and suffering, he has no empathy nor sympathy, not once has he said "I feel for the people", because he DOESNT. Yet people STILL back him.

Fushugi daney!

4 ( +11 / -7 )

I find these words to be “divisive”, “hateful” and “political tinged” which is tone deaf in this time of pandemic. The only reason he even came down from the Netflix mountain of cash and out of the costal mansion is that those schiff hidden transcripts threaten his “legacy”

im actually surprised his divisive words were not hammered into some stone tablets and brought down from on high by the liberal media.

-20 ( +3 / -23 )

The pot calling the kettle black.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Obama also wouldn't be in a pissing contest with China. Right now, because of Trump's incompetence and juvenile nationalist behavior, the once respected and leader of the world...the USA is no longer leading, and truthfully, other countries don't care enough. They know Trump is a non caring buffoon and they're right, so the int'l community often doesn't care if the USA participates at all, much less lead, as it used to.

China has always had some name calling and acrimonious words for other countries, but now the USA, or rather, Trump follows suit, and lowers the bar of America by falling to the same and even lower levels of name calling and disrespect and he is a disgrace. Countries, in turn, do not respect words of lies and narrative which are bullying and arrogant. They did listen and respect the diplomacy and grace of Obama. They don't listen to the rude Trump, and laugh behind is back, a sure sign of disrespect for Donny.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I think so. He is not a so called "intelligentsia." But he has many good things "intelligentsia" do not have and cannot do. I still support Trump.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

I find these words to be “divisive”, “hateful” and “political tinged” which is tone deaf in this time of pandemic. The only reason he even came down from the Netflix mountain of cash and out of the costal mansion is that those schiff hidden transcripts threaten his “legacy” 

im actually surprised his divisive words were not hammered into some stone tablets and brought down from on high by the liberal media.

It’s always rich when Donny fans complain about anyone allegedly being divisive or wealthy. Them getting triggered by Dems when they think Dems are acting like Donny, but cheer Donny actually doing what they accuse Dems of doing. Isn’t their a word for that? It states with an “h” and ends in a “ypocritical.”

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Obama is a guy well known for mentioning himself over 100 times in 1 hour or less speeches.

Literally 4 minutes before you posted this comment you were talking about ‘fact checking’.

Can you please provide evidence of your above claim, because it appears to be BS. Just to be clear, you need to provide more than one speech where Obama mentions himself over 100 times in 60 minutes or less.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I'm glad he stepped deeper into the tray and I bet he really tried to hold his tongue but watching DT mishandle the crisis and the country was about as much as any competent person could take. Even George W. Bush felt the need to speak up on DT's lack of leadership. It's a telling sign when you have former presidents from both parties calling you out.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

I wonder if the wonderful “for profit” media can actually ask Obama a few questions while he has popped his head out.

Exactly! Why on Earth would Obama be popping his head out now of all times, when nothing of any note at all is happening? Its not like his successor’s complete failure to do his job has left 80,000 Americans and counting dead or anything. Or that his current plans to do more nothing are likely to kill tens of thousands more. Highly suspicious. Stupid libs.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Hey buddy, did you check the media source on your little fact check website? Or do you just like “ the message” too much to bother?

I can’t be bothered given they were direct quotes from audio of the call.

Wait, you Donny fans constantly shriek that the media is being unfair to Donny when they quite his exact words. Why would you think the media is being fair to Obama when he is quoted? Oh, it’s that hypocrisy thing y’all or so fond of.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

1st America 9 million tests

2nd Russia 5 million

3rd Germany 2 million

Japan 202,000 tests

More tests more catches?

Or do we not agree with stats and facts here?

As stated by studies conducted in California and New York it seemed in New York that 2.8 million people already had antibodies. Meaning if you check any sick people you'll probably catch more.

Japan probably had the better system. Don't check and low numbers!! We can go to parks and restaurants because we have low numbers!!

But hey Obama can talk a big talk. Didn't Isis appear under his rule?

He did great with the FBI as well. The whole Flynn thing was some great work as well.

Finally I LOVE the double standards here. People bash Japan for not testing enough. Then bash America because they have high numbers but have tested the most BY FAR.

The reality is you guys hate Trump and don't care about facts or reason.

-17 ( +5 / -22 )

A "leaked call" (yeah, right!) and Yahoo News? Obama is rattled big time because the newly released documents showed he was right at the top of the chain in prosecuting Flynn.

He must be very afraid that the facts are now tethering him in this coup, and his "leaked call" is a desperate attempt to get out in front of the narrative. Good luck with that.

-18 ( +5 / -23 )

80,000 dead and counting and no end in sight. Economy crashed.

So much winning.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

And who told you so that these are direct quotes? Yahoo news. or did you hear the entire 30 min call yourself?

No fact check to see how reliable they are?

I can’t be bothered given they were direct quotes from audio of the call.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )


Inside the Beltway: Obama references himself 467 times in one speech

90 mins, even better proof of my point.

Can you please provide evidence of your above claim, because it appears to be BS. Just to be clear, you need to provide more than one speech where Obama mentions himself over 100 times in 60 minutes or less.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Who in their right mind thinks 80,000 dead people from a single cause is not a catatrophe?


6 ( +9 / -3 )

And who told you so that these are direct quotes? Yahoo news. or did you hear the entire 30 min call yourself? 

No fact check to see how reliable they are?

Uhhh . . . Google is you friend. If you bothered, you could actually listen to the quotes. Or, are you just going to claim that it’s not Obama’s voice? Come on, dawg, this game is getting old.

Moderator: Please do not call anyone "dawg."

3 ( +7 / -4 )

As if this China coddler would have done any better than Trump.

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

Once again, Blacklabel, you have referenced another far right source. AP shows the source, from your own link, that Grabien reports this.

And Grabien? Grabien is a right leaning *news*** **aggregation website that according to their about page “is the consumer site of the news prep service, Grabien.

In other words, they have no legitimacy.

And you only found ONE source.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

The biggest difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama thinks critically. He reads. He finds information and the facts without bias, and then based on what the factual information says to him, he will decide what to do. He trusts and respects scientists, researchers and intelligence. Trump doesn't bother getting the facts and if he does, doesn't bother believing them, unless it fits his narrative. Of course, the coronavirus inconveniently did not fit his narrative, so he didn't do anything until the numbers piled up on him. Trump's incompentence so sad. so sad.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

And here come the technicalities. There are many more than 1 speech. WaPo says Obama averages a self reference 2.6% of all spoken words.

yet none of these “leaked” quotes are about himself? Not buying it. Selective propaganda release.

I hope Obama keeps talking and is actually questioned. Didn’t see that he has responded to the sex assault allegations against the person he endorsed.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

1st America 9 million tests

1st America 79,476 deaths.

Ok, that is partly a reflection of America’s bigger population and per capita death rates in some other countries are higher. But lets apply that observation to your claim that America leads the world in testing:

Test per capita: America is 42nd.

Gee, not so good.

Or do we not agree with stats and facts here?

Just don’t agree with cherry picked ones that lead to false conclusions. You can certainly argue that in some areas the US has done OK, but the overall assessment based on all the facts and data provide overwhelming support to the argument that the US response to this has been a shambles.

But hey Obama can talk a big talk. Didn't Isis appear under his rule?

Hey know what didn’t appear under his rule? An Ebola pandemic that killed tens of thousands of Americans because he failed to take charge.

Know why? Because Obama knew how to lead a country in a time of crisis. Trump only knows how to complain about how the mean media is hurting his feelings during a time of crisis.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I gotta go and take care of my multiple multinational companies that haven’t taken a financial hit, but somehow my employees aren’t making as much as they were before the pandemic kicked off. Also, I’m on my private 747 back to the US today to hire people because a lot of talented people have been laid off in the various fields my companies work in despite those fields not having been impacted by the coronavirus.

This is all true and completely logical, so you shouldn’t question why the owner of multiple multinational corporations that have seen an uptick in business requiring hiring has time to post on these threads all day recently.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Inside the Beltway: Obama references himself 467 times in one speech


We also rate them Questionable and factually mixed due to poor sourcing, holding editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and numerous failed fact checks.


We also rate them borderline Questionable for factual reporting due to failed checks and use of sources that have very poor track records with fact checkers.

Could you try with some serious sources, now? I usually throw any article that proudly calls the president "Barack Hussein Obama" (emphasis on the "Hussein," of course) directly into the trash.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

No single politician or government on the planet did good with the pandemic. It is an absolute chaos everywhere.

I hate when people profit (or trying to) on death.

Politicians and film makers, ppe makers, super markets, amazon. I am not fond of Trump at all but don't like Bidden either.

As an objective non-american I think Sanders was the right choice.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

4,008,497 coronavirus cases worldwide (278,135 deaths)

1,305,544 coronavirus cases in America (78,618 deaths)

the numbers don’t lie....the Donald has mishandled this crisis...America is the coronavirus epicenter

You really believe China's numbers, don't you? Newsflash - China doesn't test anywhere near on the scale the U.S. does. And who closed down travel from China back in January? Xi? Nope. Trump.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Obama also wouldn't be in a pissing contest with China.

No, he'd still be coddling them.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

So I can listen to the entire 30 mins and not just convenient, divisive excerpts? Wow Obama has a security problem to fix that someone on his inner circle would record the whole meeting and leak it to the media.

Uhhh . . . Google is you friend. If you bothered, you could actually listen to the quotes. Or, are you just going to claim that it’s not Obama’s voice?

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Back on topic, I repeat:

Who in their right mind thinks 80,000 dead people from a single cause is not a catatrophe?


10 ( +11 / -1 )

ah my fact check guy showed up! Actually the Associated Press reported the news that I posted.

Now do Yahoo News, the source of the "leaked" Obama call.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

After they disparage the source, they turn around and use it.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

This is all true and completely logical, so you shouldn’t question why the owner of multiple multinational corporations that have seen an uptick in business requiring hiring has time to post on these threads all day recently.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

I dont know, ask your buddy to fact check them too while he is there.

Now the WaPo is credible. Got it.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

so there IS a recording of the entire 30 min meeting somewhere? That is what I asked for.

This is exactly why it’s futile to engage Donny’s fans in discourse. They ask for cite and evidence, then promptly disparage the evidence once you provide it. These people deserve only so me and derision.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

A friend of mine injected himself with some kitchen cleaners last week and now I can't get in touch with him. Oh, I know - he's probably awaiting the next sage piece of advice from the ''leader" of the free world.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


0 ( +1 / -1 )

The comments were made in a private web chat conversation with members of the Obama Alumni Association, a recording of which was obtained by Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff, who wrote about the comments late Friday.

Dont you recognize that guys name? Also Obama incorrectly stated in this call that Flynn committed perjury. which he obviously did not. Which was conveniently deleted from this article after it was published to not make Obama look dumb.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

so there IS a recording of the entire 30 min meeting somewhere? That is what I asked for.

Amd we asked for evidence that Obama refers to himself constantly in speecheS. You sure don’t like it when we use your standards and tactics against you.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Obama: "I absolutely believe that China's peaceful rise is good for the world, and it's good for America."


-7 ( +2 / -9 )

392 times.


So there are your speecheS. there are plenty more.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Blacklabel and Chip Star, please don't be so obsessed with this topic. You have both posted numerous comments when one or two would be enough. Please take a break for awhile.

Oh, it’s that hypocrisy thing y’all or so fond of.

Trump has lied 18,000 time and counting. How does hypocrisy exist when lies are truth and truth are lies?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Mod: Fair enough. Appreciate that you asked politely instead of disparaging us on emails.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Obama also wouldn't be in a pissing contest with China.

@serranoNo, he'd still be coddling them.

Who knows, conjecture only at this point.

But I doubt while President Obama was in office he would have had direct business dealings with members of the Communist Party of China like Trump/Ivanka. How many 'trademarks' have Ivanka, Inc arranged with the Communist Party rulers since her daddy's been in office? Has Trump shifted manufacturing of his clothing brands back to the US, or is he still having them made in China, Bangladesh, Mexico among other places. Corrupt businessmale, corrupt politician.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So simple to besmirch, scorn, and denounce condemn an absolute chaotic disaster.

Even with the benefit of hindsight former President Barack Obama neglected to offer even an insight as to how he would have managed this unprecedented pandemic differently. Sorry.   

"What we're fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy -- that has become a stronger impulse in American life," Obama told his former staffers.

"It's part of the reason why the response to this global crisis has been so anemic and spotty," Obama said.

"It would have been bad even with the best of governments. It has been an absolute chaotic disaster when that mindset -- of 'what's in it for me' and 'to heck with everybody else' -- when that mindset is operationalized in our government,"

Find fault for the sake off picking holes, is not solution at all, it could be taken as petty politicking.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

@Blacklabel - Nice try. Now show me a speech when Obama was actually President. Oh and you still require at least one more example.

In the one case you have presented as ‘proof’, Obama was speaking on behalf of his Obama Federation, so it stands to reason he referred to himself a lot.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

If you look at the raw numbers, sure, the USA is leading on all stats, but those are just the raw numbers. Bear in mind that the USA has a much, much larger population than countries in Europe, that would be expected, would it not?

When you look a little closer, at the numbers when taking total population into account, things look a little different.

For example, total cases per 1M (million) population is at 4,000, which is pretty much on par with Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, and Singapore.

Total deaths per 1M population is at 242, which is lower than Spain (566), Italy (503); UK (465); France (403); Belgium (740); Netherlands (316); Sweden (319); Ireland (293).

So if Trump is being crucified, by what is clear to be the left (that includes the comments and downvotes to comments on this article); then the presidents of all these other countries that are doing far worse did an even worse job, is it not?

But for some reason, these figures are being ignored and the ones that are being focused on are just the total numbers, which by default, on account of the USA having a population 10 or 20 times bigger than some countries, would be higher anyway.

What is important is how much of your total population has the virus, and how much of your total population died from the virus.

And people who are saying things like "oh, just give it some time, those numbers will get worse, then you'll see" are basically bargaining on things getting worse, almost hoping it does, just so they could blame it on Trump.

It's a very sad thing indeed.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Obama is going to be loud and outspoken between now and November.

Oh, he's going to be a loudmouth all right. Setting a very bad example, disparaging the sitting president during a pandemic.

 I doubt while President Obama was in office he would have had direct business dealings with members of the Communist Party of China like Trump/Ivanka. 

Yeah, Obama has no idea how to run a business, he only knows how to spend other people's money.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

It is demonstrably chaotic, and without doubt a disaster.

It's general protocol and etiquette for past Presidents to withdraw from frontline political life, and refrain from commenting on political issues after leaving office. It's remarkable, and indeed a measure of the man, that Obama has managed to keep schtum for the last 4 years, when Trump has consistently attacked him, insulted him, slandered him, lied about him, and used him as a political tool.

The fact that Obama, as well as W. Bush have spoken out recently is proof enough that this isn't a partisan issue.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Tough Break buddy.

There are higher powers

This guy is funny. Like whom? Him? What a joke this guy is, 8 years was enough of this...

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Easier said than done.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It was nice when we had a President with class.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

The biggest difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama surrounded himself with experts, while Trump surrounds himself with family members and people who suck up to him. How many of his staff have either left, or been fired without being replaced?

Even when Trump has some experts giving him advice, he won't listen to them. He'll only listen to the advice of his own ego and inner voices in his head.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

nostromoToday 07:00 am JSTwhat would Obama know? He wasn't even born in America according to a certain self confessed "genius" with the initials DT....

Hawaii is part of America. And Obama would've handled this a lot better because he knows and did more than shoot off his mouth all the time like a juvenile brat. Whatever you may think of Obama's policies as POTUS at least he ACTED like one!

Chip StarToday 08:31 am JSThe usually likes talking about himself

In this department, Donny makes Obama look like a mute.

but is somehow oddly quiet about his personal role in all this.

His personal role in creating the NSC directorate for global health and security and bio-defense, which Donny disbanded simply because it was an Obama creation? It’s called modesty, which Donny would do well to learn - then again, nothing Donny does is impressive.

Donnie has tried to undo everything Obama did because he is immature and racist. He can't live with the fact or even the concept of a Black American President, period. Not only that, Obama has a brain and he talks in a civil manner, not down at you like a bully boy. Whatever you may think of Obama's Presidential legacy, Donnie needs to learn from him on how to talk to people and not be so obnoxious and uncouth. Obama does know how to act like a President - and a gentleman, and for that matter a MAN.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

"an absolute chaotic disaster"

This, coming from someone who endorsed Joe Biden for president. Obama is a bad joke.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Actually the Associated Press reported the news that I posted.

Yes, but it's not an article from the Associated Press journalists. It's a piece from the Washington Times (a garbage paper) posted on the AP News website. An this perfectly shows you, if need be, why sources matter.

0 ( +4 / -4 )


This, coming from someone who endorsed Joe Biden for president. Obama is a bad joke.

And THAT is the real reason why he (Obama) came out and made this statement. It's to help Biden, who he now endorsed, after he got accused of sexual assault.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

I miss having a President with a brain.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

There is no pretty much no reason for the CDC. Their reports and advice are blocked. No need for a Justice Department. Has become a servant of Trump. Ditto for Attorney General, supposedly a non political and independent position. No Supreme Court. Blocked release of Mueller Report to Congress today on orders of Trump.

Constitution and system of checks and balances all but ripped up. UN worldwide ceasefire vetoed by Trump. $15 million reward for capture of President of neighbouring country leading to bungled raid by American soldiers.

Will just keep printing money till nothing left to hand out in the food lines?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Jeez. Anyone who can still say "I still support Trump" in the face of all the evidence as to why they shouldn't support Trump really isn't qualified to say who's a member of the "intelligentsia" and who isn't.

There are also the inconvenient facts that Obama got his undergraduate degree from Columbia University and his law degree from Harvard (where he was the editor of the Law Review), both Ivy League schools. He also taught Constitutional Law for 12 years at the University of Chicago Law School.

This all means Obama is very much part of the intelligentsia.

This is also why conservatives hate him so much; they aren’t intelligent enough to understand things when smart people talk, so constantly felt as though they were being lectured by Obama.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Obama was a national disaster.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Hmmmm.....not so sure...

What aren't you sure about the fact that "sources matter"?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

He's one of those people you wish you could meet in real life.

It is interesting to note that until Trump was elected there was an unwritten code among former Presidents, that you do not criticise the current sitting President. Although that hasn't happened in this case (Obama's comments were made in a private call and leaked). that rule appears to have gone out the window, with ex-Presidents from both parties publicly admonishing him for his actions.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Yet his own wingman Eric Holder did the same thing in the Ted Stevens case. To protect FBI Director Robert Mueller and the prosecutors that....withheld evidence, just like in this case. 

That is not remotely what happened and can not be compared to the Flynn case by any measure.

Eric Holder dismissed Ted Stevens case because in his case the prosection knowingly withheld exculpatory evidence in order to get Stevens convicted. Ted Stevens pleaded not guilty and claimed his innocence during the whole affair, until he was proven right.

None of that happened in Flynn case in any way, shape or form.

said Flynn committed perjury when he didnt.

But he plead guilty.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ha, ha! This coming from soon to be disgraced ex-president with all the release of official intelligence documents in Washington d.c. He and his band of crooks are facing their day of reckoning. You can bet on it.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Hi kaksak, my comment was not a personal critique/smear aimed at former President Barack Obama, as much as a support or endorsement of President Trumps management/handling of the pandemic.

What did surprise me is Barack Obama lack of clarity in offering up any alternative course of action.

I am genuinely interested the Obama alternative strategy.

There has been allot of focus on leadership and how the qualities of leadership, and experience in office, translates into how crisis management adopts expert advice.......

Heck kaksak, I have skin thinner than a rhino’s backside.

I have some 9/10 years’ experience in running/ building my own business. I have bumped heads with a number of bertie bassett alsorts.

So, if a JT commentator has taken the time to logged in, to register a down vote, it is as much a compliment as an up vote. After all mine is just another humble opinion amongst this diverse and creative English portal.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Come 2021, hopefully the man-child will either be in jail or in an asylum. And those spineless , sell-out minions known as GOP senators and lawmakers will be out of a job. This coronavirus has become a metaphor of the disease and cancer ravaging the country's political scene.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Truer words were never spoken

Pffft. Even some Democrat governors have praised the Trump team.

Obama's feeling the heat.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

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