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© Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Obama campaign: Wife never used the word 'Whitey'
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Oh yes, "the right" would never use the race issue and it's only the liberals that are racist, or so I've had screeched at me on these threads.
But then the neo-con's propaganda machine pumps out crap like this:
Nonsense like this lets reaffirms in me that not only are neo-cons out of touch with American values, they have lost their tenuous grasp of reality all together.
Glad to see morons of the lowest common denominator like rush limbaugh, michelle "tramp" malkin (fresh off her idiotic campaign of the decade a.k.a. ban the dunkin donuts keffiyeh), and other hypocrites consistently engage in the very same actions they whine about.
This smear campaign against Obama is desperation at its finest. I expect to see more and more of this kind of mud slinging to undermine Mr. Barrack.
Obama 08
The 'Whitey' tape was classic Clinton propaganda and slime. It's sobering to think what the ascendancy of Barack Obama means:the Chicago Machine, which has replaced Clinton one, is obviously capable of even more sinister stuff.
Oh yes, "the right" would never use the race issue and it's only the liberals that are racist, or so I've had screeched at me on these threads." Why right and left? You know anyone who is considered conservative is automatically accused of being racist, even if they happen to be a person of color. I see a lot more from liberals in accusing people of being racist. What we see here is an accusation going in the other direction and to be honest, its the first time I have seen this; since this campaign has started. There have been a lot of accusations, hoaxes, and plays against members of the conservatives, such as Clearance Thomas which were proved to be not true. Those usually stem from Now, the question is: Did she or did she not make a statement against white people in the US? Once we know what was said, have proof of what she said, let's then make an analysis.
I had heard her mention in regards that Hillary at one point was doing better than Obama that that was due to racism. I would hope she doesn't feel that because one is black or non-white, as I am, that we are to be obligated to vote for him. That too would push me away from him.
"Barack Obama means:the Chicago Machine, which has replaced Clinton one, is obviously capable of even more sinister stuff." Can you be more elaborate?
Why would you define this as an issue created by neocons? I'm do believe the garbage people are printing about Obama's wife, but to attribute the existence of those comments to neocons seems a bit odd.
saying it ... shouldn’t be repeated in questioning by a mainstream reporter.
Translation: How did Lord Soros allow this unvetted reporter into my group of liberal media supporters? I'm barack obama. Everyone knows I never lie. It's not true because I say it's not true.
The Fox News Channel recently labeled her “Obama’s baby mama,” slang for a woman who has a baby without a romantic relationship or marriage.
If the claim is also a lie, why then has obama refused to release his birth certificate?
Memo to the U.S. mainstram media: Please whatever you do, try not to offend the person the DNC selected to run for president. He's very sensitive you know. Just the kind of person we need running our country.
Camp Obama really do run a cunning campaign, even by their party's low standards. Obama is changing the focus here. The MSM eagerly plays along. He is making people focus on what never happened. He can use this to deflect attention away from all the embarrassments his racist church has caused him.
Other false claims about the Illinois senator — that he’s secretly a Muslim
If barack obama does have something to offer the USA, why doesn't he start with the "moderate" Islam vs. extremist Islam bridge. Shouldn't obama, with his own personal background, be ideally positioned to deal in it? Why is this angle always quickly brushed under the carpet? Is obama only intent on denial of his Muslim connection? If so, why?
It doesn't matter. This war won't end no matter the McCain or Obama in office. Just save up for that $10 gallon gasoline in the next election. I'm voting libertarian. Maybe someday the dumb majority of Americans will wake up. Maybe their will be more selections for President then you have at a tomatoe-less McDonalds. Can I still vote for Ross Perot?
Sorry for the typo...."I'm do" should be "I don't." Not quite sure what happened there...
. I'm voting libertarian
I'm starting to lean that way myself. Any Hispanics/Asians or other than white or black running?
after going through this site: I am starting to NOT like Obama. Until I see refutes to the accusations which seem to be very true, I can't bring myself to believe that the way to end racism in America is by replacing white racism with black racism (even though MSM doesn't accept the later - I do.)
Obama has the Kennedy Syndrome, just say a lot that seems important but say nothing at all but just add "Change" and you'll get applause by the mindless sheep who are ready for something other than a white man extending war. McCain, just ride those Vietnam coattails, say your conservative, just be old and good-natured. This is what we have? A halvsie with not much experience but can talk like no tomorrow and say nothing and an old out of touch white man who wants war all the time? Can I vote for None Of The Above?? Is Gary Coleman or Pee Wee Herman running for President??
If it happened, these days someone has the tape.
If a tape can't be produced. It ain't fact.
No proof, no story. < :-)
I liked Obama at first, and I thought he might be good for US politics. But the Rev Wright videos and the Trinity congregation freakshow changed all that. It's just been downhill since. When you have a politician as unaccomplished as the jr senator from Illinois is you have to look at who he associates with. Tony Rezko, Will Ayers, Fr. Pfleger, Jim Johnson, Rashid Khalidi didn't help. The best thing for him, his party, and America would be for Barack Obama to undergo the sort of transformation that onetime Democrat Ronald Wilson Reagan did.
For goodness sakes ramen. Is Sen. Obama a muslim or a racist Christian. Get your smears straight, would you?
Uhhh, folks need to know that if it turns out my wife did in fact use the term 'Whitey' in discussion with my friend Reverend Farakkhan I, umm, just want to say that's not the Michelle I know!
I could no sooner disown her than I could my pastor, or the guy I got running my VP selection committee.
. I'm voting libertarian
I'm starting to lean that way myself. Any Hispanics/Asians or other than white or black running?
after going through this site: I am starting to NOT like Obama. Until I see refutes to the accusations which seem to be very true, I can't bring myself to believe that the way to end racism in America is by replacing white racism with black racism (even though MSM doesn't accept the later - I do.)
I was hoping that Obama and McCain would stick to the moral high ground and have decent debates on where they want America (and the World) to head in the future? Reading this, however, it seems that the same old xenophobic scumbags have come out of the woodwork, peddling in wears of smut and innuendo. This is a great shame. I wish somebody would take the extremists from both sides and line them up against a wall (charges of racism this time around reak of Bush's hatchet job of McCain back in 2000 - the baby question) These people are not contributing to free speech, but rather they are spreading poison and suspicion. Pick up your game America, the world is watching. PS. Don't get me started on Rush Limbaugh, that well-known chicken hawk, doctor-shopping, anal-cyst suffering, fascist.
If it happened, these days someone has the tape. If a tape can't be produced. It ain't fact. No proof, no story. < :-)
It's called timing z. A bomb like this is better saved until October, if it indeed exists...
It is amazing how low the far right forces in America will go to undermine Obama's candidacy. The remark is always "there is something about him" or "i am sure there is something in his past that we will eventually discover" Now its his wife who is now being targeted with claims of using the word "whitey".
I suggest that at least 90% of all white Americans at some point would have used the "N" word at some time in their lives in conversations with their friends.
Is Sen. Obama a muslim or a racist Christian
Actually, 13, he's both. Even the NY Times said in an article a month or so ago that your party's candidate was, in fact, registered as a muslim in that school in Indonesia.
As for belonging to a "Christian" church whose leaders spew racist hate from the pulpit, well, we all now know the rest of that story.
A bomb like this is better saved until October, if it indeed exists.
I agree. This may well be the "October Surprise" this time around. The GOP ad machine is just warming up against the rookie senator from Illinois. obama will be playing defense all summer as more skeletons keep falling out of his closet.
Ladies and Gentlemen, We have a winner:
THAT, is a keeper.
You're absolutely right, ramen. My bad.
Sen. Obama is a racist Christian muslim who's plans for America are all detrimental, except that he has no plan.
How silly of me to doubt you.
oh yeah, Republicans and fat-boy Rush Linbaugh...twin paragons of virtue...if either one told me it was dark outside i'd still have to check
I suggest that at least 90% of all white Americans at some point would have used the "N" word at some time in their lives in conversations with their friends." So. And when its found and not even proven, they would be bombarded by the media.. - even in a private conversation, It would be a hot topic on the view and Oprah would devote an entire show to it. In fact, not even using the "N" word these days, say something black Americans don't like, and your are fired. Haven't you at least gone to corporate diversity training yet? You should know how it works.
Oh, and BTW, let's let them in on a secret, my kind gets away with it, we just don't say it in English. We are not afraid! Someone like you is basically tying to scare whites into voting for Obama to prove they ain't racist - like you are going to give them a passing grade after the fact.
Additionally, why should white voters have to accept a rant (of course if it was said). Why should they not feel bad? Why do white parents have to look at their kids and constantly remind them that they were the evil ones historically? We are not in the states now. Let it roll amigo!
Enter [malik obama my brother muslim] in google search, up comes
"Barack Obama's half brother Malik said Thursday that if elected his brother will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background. In an interview with Army Radio he expressed a special salutation from the Obamas of Kenya."
Haaretz, Jerusalem Post and Wall Street Journal carry the story, which dates from June 12 2008.
Regarding, I must say thank you for directing me to it. I have returned to this site with a profound regard for the intelligence and education of JT posters, even if some of them get a bit snarky towards each other at times.
I would be very surprised if almost all, 99+%, of white Americans had not used the N-word at some time. This includes McCain, Bush, both Clintons and whoever else you care to name. I know I certainly have.
By the same token, I'd be very surprised if almost all of black Americans had not used the WH-word at some time. This includes Obama, Michelle, Colin Powell and Condi and whoever else you care to name. Is this surprising?
Michelle Obama has been accused based on unsubstantiated assertions. If the DVD exists, where is it? Why haven't you seen it? Are you waiting for Michelle to prove she did not say it? Or are you demanding that the people who say it is so actually prove their claim?
By all means, vote libertarian. You won't be likely to be voting for anyone who hasn't used the N-word at some time or other.
This issue is contrived.
The first time I heard anything about "whitey" was the original denial. If this was the Clintons, I'd swear that made that rumor up just so they could refute it, giving them the moral high-ground. But, I don't think Obama is that sneaky/smart policitally.
But, I starting to question his judgement more and more. He seems to surround himself with a lot of questionable people, some in real positions of influence (VP vetter for instance).
I hear Jack Bauer was hot on the trail of this videotape, but, alas, it was destroyed by someone high in the echelons of the Democrat Party. Either that or Karl Rove is holding onto it for awhile longer.
sez, I agree. I was only pointing out that a derogatory is a derogatory as far as I am concerned. I just didn't like how he had posted and basically gave him a taste of his own medicine.
You are right, where is this DVD?
Nothing like a little agreement to spill the wind from my sails. I don't think the race issue is going to go away, but I sure wish it would.
the race issue? Glad we don't have anything like that on these shores!
Folks I told you months ago and several times since. The republicans were waiting for the democratic candidate to be named so they could really start their hate machine.
And it's started.
But this ain't nothing. The republicans will be getting out their toilet shovels before it goes much longer. < :-)
Barack Obama bristled when he was asked about the “whitey” rumor
Heh, reminds me of when clinton got so upset when he was accused of having sex with Monica. Remember, that also started out as a "rumor".
The republicans were waiting for the democratic candidate to be named so they could really start their hate machine.
Heh, before this is all over the DNC will have wished they had selected hillary instead. All her dirty laundry has been out hanging on the closeline now for nearly two decades.
So, to recap:
obama has rogue staffers, a rogue pastor, rogue friends, rogue political supporters and a rogue wife. Either he has astonishingly bad judgement in choosing whom he associates with, or he is a rogue himself. Personally, I'll go with door number 2.
Republicans are sooooo desperate. They think its 2004 and their running against Kerry.
Obama bristled when he was asked about the “whitey” rumor ... saying it was nonsense that shouldn’t be repeated ... by a mainstream reporter.
Notice that when obama is confronted with uncomfortable questions from a non-approved Lord Soros media type, his first instinct is to say that the questioner is wrong for asking the question in the first place.
Michelle is obsessed with race. Just read her thesis from Princeton, it is findable on the net. And all the very fine rethoric and weasel words, there is good old race politics. This is Jesse Jackson in fine clothes.
WilliB - you want to bad mouth Michelle and you don't want to provide the link, hmmmmm. I'm sure if RomeoRamenII had posted this, he'd have supplied the link and glossy pictures of her handing in her thesis.
Now if you're going to be a republican slimer, you need to take lessons from some of your fellow republican posters. < :-)
WilliB I just read Michelle Obama's thesis.
It is a thesis about race. It isn't a racist thesis.
You really need to have somebody explain the english language to you and what our words mean before you speak.
So my advise is for you to go out and read Michelle's thesis at
and if you have any problems reading it, give a holler. < :-)
Cheers. And like I said, so glad we don't have any race problems on these shores. These are the days of "twist" the words till they support whatever one's own opinion is. A far cry from what the words mean, as adaydream aptly points out.
Yes, the race issue.
Anyways, there are going to be a lot more silly rumors like this thrown out by the RNC and its operatives. And they really won't affect the election either way.
The people who want to believe the rumors are true are going to believe them, and they are the same people who would never vote for Obama in the first place.
silly rumors like this thrown out by the RNC and its operatives." If you think the Repubs got a monopoly on things like this, you are in for a very hard life.
The people who want to believe the rumors are true are going to believe them, and they are the same people who would never vote for Obama in the first place." Not true, McCain is not sitting high on a hog. For the first time in a long time, poor whites, whites who reside with blacks and get the brunt of all of the race problems in America on them are teetering towards Obama.
I don't think the race issue is going to go away, but I sure wish it would." What I had hoped was that since Obama is both black and white (I don't really like saying half by the way - just my op), I was under the immpression he would be able to do something about it. He was raise in a mostly white community, un-like a lot of other biracial children. He had a very decent upbringing and was loved, even at at time when parents of children who went out of their race would be disowned.
However, I do feel people like myself, we are not white, we are not black, but a mixed up bowl of colors. If you want the race issue to go away, lately I don't think Obama is going to be the one to tackle the main issue, but perhaps Richardson or any decent running Hispanic would, since we basically the largest considered minority. I do believe with the percentage of black vote Obama has received he is going to have to vote for preferences, quotas, and race based admissions. This is where he is going to hurt with poor to mid class working white males. JMO
If you think the Repubs got a monopoly on things like this, you are in for a very hard life.
Grow up. Republicans run a tighter negative campaign than the Dems.
For the first time in a long time, poor whites, whites who reside with blacks and get the brunt of all of the race problems in America on them are teetering towards Obama.
Oh really now... Well, I never wrote that it was working class whites who are the ones who want to believe the Slime Machines rumor mill. Nah, I didn't, cause that is not what I think.
(But you apprarently do. How elitist.)
I wrote: "The people who want to believe the rumors are true are going to believe them, and they are the same people who would never vote for Obama in the first place." You'd be wise to draw out who I think the people are who want to believe the rumors, rather than assuming, and assuming incorrectly.
I think Obama is trying to be the kind of politician who comes along every once in while and through character and savy tactics and political vision redraws the political landscape, which is ripe for a reallignment. FDR, Nixon and Reagan are such figures. FDR knitted together a grand coalition of Dixiecrats and Liberal Dems with the New Deal that lasted until Nixon broke it apart with the famous Southern Strategy. Reagan finished what Nixon started when brought many conservative Democrats over.
Obama, along with Dean, with "his new kind of politics" that will supposedly end the hyper partisanship of the past 15 years to a close is trying to build a broad center based coalition.
The people who will never vote for Obama are the racists and the Right, the former because because Obama is part black, and the latter because Obama is part- Liberal. Though there may be correlation between being a poor, Apalacian white and being racist, its only a correlation. And what I've seen of Obamas style of politics is he constantly works to get every vote he can for strategic and tactical reasons. Strategically, reaching out to as many voters as possible is consistent with his new kind of politics message, and while perhaps he may not win over many, he creates a much stronger message to those who buy into his message and those who are on the fence. Tactically, of course, the 50 state/new kind of politics strategy works very well because it forces his opponents to spend money defensively.
Well, sure, the various center-right blogs were "circulating" that the claim made by "conservative Republican(??)" blogger Larry Johnson was likely fake.
The right-wing blogger Michell Malkin has cited a few reasons why Mr. Larry Johnson is not trustworthy:
Really? Ask Michael Steele.
Every right-pundit I heard address the "whitey" rumor said they doubted its existence, and that it was a moot point anyway considering Obama's circle of friends, advisors, mentors, professors and the like.
As for Obama's call for critics to "lay off his wife", perhaps she should stop making public statements then. But as long as she publicly campaigns for him (or anyone else), she's fair game. Same goes for Chelsea Clinton.