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© 2015 AFPObama, Castro to hold historic talks
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Nagata Ken
Actually there is more about this that only USA and Cuba... We are holding the VII Summit of the AMERICAS!! at the same time there are many other events and news which makes Panama a big news right now...u.u hopefully this could be explained more here too.
Black Sabbath
They'll love it. Proof that Obama is "not one of us"/socialist/anti-American/super gay nazi!
Problem is, if congress doesn't give congressional approval on fully legalizing and establishing relationships fully, this will all be dead in the water. No one said, Obama was gay!
Finally a start to the end of an elongated cold war ostracism. Should have been over at least 2 decades ago. What possible benefit has there been in this display of overt powering - a decrease in the threat to the life, liberty & justice of Americans?
Remarkable even more, is that during this period, some of USA's diverse anti-democratic buddies - Saudi, China, etc - have been responsible for highly questionable state sponsored military acts, repression of human rights, stomping on press freedom and the crushing of civil dissent - yet nary a sanction in comparison to the extreme harrassment of Big, Bad, Bogey-boy Cuba.
If Goliath ever had his foot on the throat of David this was it.
This argument can actually be used to support maintaining current US-Cuba relations. If your positive example of re-rapprochement is China of all countries, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement of rapprochement with Cuba. Trade != Democratization.
I understand that Cuban-Americans have strong feelings about this, but it's time to get over it and let the rest of us move on with our lives.
Bartholomew Harte
I'm sure "Mr. Mandate" Obama will feel right at home. bring Joanne Chesimard back to stand trial for first degree murder of a N.J. Police Officer!
Allegedly speaking, it is a meeting with a rogue president and a dictator. Human rights and political freedom are what Cuban peoples need, not a sell out to the Castros dictatorship. Naive and narcissist Obama cares most of his legacy?
Assuming that's true, it's a good thing. It means he is trying to do the best he can for his country so as to be remembered for having done so. The opposite would be worrying - if the president didn't care about his (or her) legacy. That would mean they were acting purely in self-interest without care for the country or its future.
Why, when the Castro brothers are still brutally imprisoning political and outspoken opponents and NOT allowing their people to get paid in US dollars or Euros, but paying them in Pesos. I've said this numerous times, if you don't get any concessions from the Castro brothers, you are encouraging them to think their brutal rule is justified. Then there is that situation where we have at least 4 Americans wanted for murder in the US and Cuba is protecting and giving them safe harbor. This is one more thing to consider Cuba gives up if that to normalize relations with. I hope congress will do the right thing and delay this.
The sad thing is, because he is so preoccupied with his legacy, he doesn't have a single clue or doesn't care about anything else.
But he hasn't, virtually everyone in Washington and definetly in the Pentagon they think otherwise. And now you are seeing more Democrats agreeing and joining the ranks with the Republicans that now things are reaching critical mass with this guy. You already have 12 Dems that are speaking out against this nut job, how many more are going to come forward?
The ONLY thing that Obama cares about besides his family is Obama. 577 days more to go and then peace and sanity can reign once again.
The claim was that all he cares about is his legacy. What do other people's thoughts have to do with that claim? Once again you make a comment that doesn't match the quote. Deviousness? Or low intelligence? The reader can decide.
Though to be fair, you've stopped claiming that all he cares about is his legacy:
Illyas - i have no clear understanding of your response.
Please explain what you mean.
So Obama tries to normalize ties with Cuba after decades of no dialogue. Got no prob with that as long as he doesn' let a mass wave of "political refugees" enter america and start leeching off mr & mrs Taxpayer-
Strangerland, a certain segment of people are unable of creative thought and instead simply regurgitate the garbage they restrict themselves to online. I'd assumed that this whole "Obama is selfish" meme came from the dank corners of the far-right internet but hadn't checked it until just previously. Google the topic to see its perverse extent, but please do yourself a favor and do not click on any particular link.
"Opinion polls show the reconciliation is backed by majorities of Americans and Cubans." - article
Quite right. Ordinary citizens may have more wisdom than their governments.
Normalization of relations is the essential step in ending the 'Red Scare' mentality of Joe McCarthy. Sixty odd years ago Russia created a nuclear threat supporting the communistic ideology of Castro.
Today, this decrepit conflict limps along dragging the carcass of paranoia behind it. President Obama again sees past the ragged tatters of a failed revolution and preposterous demonizations. Surly the Cuban people have suffered enough for ideology.
The claim was that all he cares about is his legacy. What do other people's thoughts have to do with that claim?
From the beginning of time, all rulers had advisors to guide them, basically you are implying the majority of his advisors that have more experience in dealing with the ME should just be shunned, ignored? Again, you are now having more Democrats joining the ranks with Republicans understanding that this deal is a lot more murky and one-sided. At least they're finally waking up.
Obama would be definitely both.
So why are these people NOT in power if that is true?
Normalization of relations is the essential step in ending the 'Red Scare' mentality of Joe McCarthy. Sixty odd years ago Russia created a nuclear threat supporting the communistic ideology of Castro.
Again, NOT true. The problem with the liberal cowardly mindset is that under this president is to throw our allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia under the bus and make friends without concessions with our enemies. So it is ok to listen to demands of dictators and not ask for anything in return. No mention of political prisoners, No mention of the fugitive Americans wanted for murder that the Castro's are giving safe haven. Again, let's see what congress has to say, since this, like everything has to be approved.
Well, please tell that to Castro brothers.
Saudi Arabia's is a far more repressive regime than is Cuba's.
What? Wow, you pulled talk of the ME out of nowhere. All I've pointed out was that if he cared about his legacy, it's a good thing. First you went off on a tangent about how other people blah blah blah, then when I pointed out how that had absolutely no connection to whether or not he cares about his legacy, you switch to figuring I'm implying something that again has no connection?
You're a right mess Bass. Can't even keep track of the discussion.
Not a fan of Castro, but the regime the US supported before him was pretty bad. Many Americans have been wanting to visit Cuba, and this will be the first step in enabling it. Americans have had to live with a policy dictated by a resentful minority for too long.
Those should be very comforting and soothing words to the families that were torn apart imprisoned, murdered and brutalized and had all their property seized and stolen by the Castro brothers.
So if you pull out any comparison to a topic related or not its ok, if a conservative does it, it's a "WOW?" Lol, you guys....
So you're saying basically, I'll be out of here in 2 years, I need to make sure, I secure my legacy overall everything else. Gotcha!
Nice try, Strange....
As liberals always say when the facts hit them so hard.
Chop Chop
President Obama is ignoring human right abuse in Cuba, Burma and Iran. Obama is praising quasi Burmese Government for democratic reform and urging other rogue countries to learn and copy from Burma. In reality, many prisons are steadily filling with journalists, students and opposition politicians. The murdering and raping of Journalists, activists and civilians by military is also increasing and never been punished by law. Now Press Freedom was limited and journalists were threatening with jail term if they received and collected news from Ethnic minority Armed groups by Burmese Military and Government. There’s no democrat reform in Burma but Quasi Government has employed fake democratic reform for foreign investment and assistances. Former and current Generals’ families and cronies are becoming Billionaires after economic sanction was lifted on Burma. Corruptions are epidemic in all Government ministries. The oppression on journalists and opposition are increasing in Burma.
Why President Obama is urging Cuba, N. Korea, Iran and other rogue countries to copy Burmese Government? I really do not understand what Obama is doing. Obama's left wing socialist idealism will destroy chance of Hilary Clinton or Democratic candidate win in 2016 Election.