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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Obama honors 9/11 victims in New York after bin Laden's death
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Finally, after nearly a decade of aimless, ruinous, costly and incredibly destructive control under the Bush administration, a president who knows what made America great and who respects Americans as partners and not pawns to be manipulated by corporate paymasters.
However, as it becoming increasingly commonplace, yet again it takes a Democrat to clean up the mess and right the wrongs left behind by a Republican president.
The tips of locating Bin Laden was not done overnight. It started in 2003 and culminating in his death under Obama. It would be nice if Obama had visited the 9-11 site, in saying U.S. would not trotted for this trophy, and finally came to the site for his own political trophy! It does say a lot about the man. The fact of $15 trillion in deficit plus almost 10% unemployment that will ruin the future Americans really speak volume about Obama's presidency. The dictators around the world have gone wild and over $4 per gallon also show how glorious it is for the Dems. Well, if anyone just live for the moment; it may be rosy no matter what. America will pursue the terrorists for many more presidency to come regardless any political affiliation. America cares for the future.
Obama is "spiking the football" at Ground Zero.
We won't forget? Americans do forget, and quite easily. 9/11 was a result of other people not forgetting. America needs to stop thinking that history began with 9/11. It didn't. The families of the victims of 9/11 should be just as angry at the government as the terrorists that pulled it off.
America needs to reflect on the attitudes that brought 9/11 on, not reaffirm their cowboy attitudes.
Most of the terrorists who brought us 9/11 also died that day. There were not many left to go after.
May only problem with 9/11 is that the wrong people died. They were unwilling sacrices to the God of Oil. It should have been our greedy businessmen, foreign meddling politicians, dirty CIA agents and dishonorable military commanders who died that day. But those types always get away to generate more hate.
Well played Wolfpack. You got a real good point there.
Obama is "spiking the football" at Ground Zero.
Exactly. Now it looks like Obama will be doing a victory lap at Fort Campbell tomorrow. I doubt the SEALS' training was tough enough to be able to handle this. A ride on the Vomit Comet will get them prepped.
He did forgo the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Speaking of the shrub, one wonders why he turned down the invitation. In fact, he's been mighty scarce recently. Could it be that he's finally become aware of the "historic" nature of his presidency?
Romeo - By taking down OBL, Obama has done what you have wanted to have done for years.
And yet you can still find it in yourself to trash him.
For me, I can only company this pic with that of Bush saying on multiple times he doesn't truly think about bin Laden or where he is hiding
Instead of just putting ridiculous words in my mouth, maybe you could address the contents of my post? I don't miss bin Laden now or any of the other times he was reported dead.
Solemnly honoring victims of the Sept 11 terror attacks, President Barack Obama hugged survivors, thanked the heroes of one of the nation’s darkest days and declared Thursday that the killing of Osama bin Laden after all these years was an American message to the world: “When we say we will never forget, we mean what we say.”
On a brilliant blue-sky day, one of reflection more than celebration, Obama offered New Yorkers a moment of their own.
Gosh what a guy, and to think the weather even rejoiced when our President hit the perfect pitch in our day of reflection......Thanks A.P for the report.
"Gosh what a guy, and to think the weather even rejoiced when our President hit the perfect pitch in our day of reflection...."
The bitterness knows no end apparently. It's kinda melancholy to see you joining the JT trolls that cheered on the un-mentionable president when he politicized 9/11 for every political mile they could.....
Ummm....My commment was due to to the fawning press he receives. I do believe any A.P report in the past about a Bush appearance never mention what fine weather it was that day.
The morning of 9/11 was also often described in the press as a beautiful blue morning.
Sorry sail, but your with ramen on this one. Good luck to ya.
True.....A fine day with clear blue skies and good visibility for the novice pilots to hone in on the target.
I guess that must be AP's fault (at least according to Birthers) too, sail?
" I do believe any A.P report in the past about a Bush appearance never mention what fine weather it was that day."
Straw, meet clutching hands.
I see the trolls have come to do their bidding. What will you all do when there is no longer a black Democrat in the White House? How will you channel all this hatred?
I hope the president's presense and the ceremony brought solice to the victims.
Here at JT, it only brought bile.
At present, everything he does or says, is pure campaigning - he is reminding everyone that he wants to get a second term as President. - If my vote means anything, he will be a one term President.
"What will you all do when there is no longer a black Democrat in the White House? How will you channel all this hatred?"
Afraid that one doesn't work anymore. Herman Cain is black and he just won the New Hampshire GOP debate. Col Alan West is black and is like a rock star on the teabagger circuit.Us Democrats need to come with more credible criticism of repub motives.At this point we are just proving the late Geraldine Ferraro right, to our detriment and that of the party.