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Obama, House Democrats confident on health care vote


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"The House bill would cover 96% of Americans"

What about the other 4%? 400,000 Americans without coverage? But Obama and the Democrats said ALL Americans should be covered...

By the way, where's the government going to get the money to pay for this? Print it?

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ha ha, Sarge, you can't see the forest for the trees. :-)

The other 4%? Obama and the Democrat's plan will cover far more Americans than any other plan put befoer the U.S. Congress in history.

Isn't that good enough for you?

On the other hand, the GOP whipped up a plan that would only have covered any extra 3 million.

And you ask where the money is going to come from?

Perhaps if you had thought a bit more carefully before you voted for bush and the Iraq war, there'd be an extra couple of trillion in the kitty.

As such, through your backing of bush, it's gone.

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If this bill passes, it will mean Americans living in Japan (and filing US tax returns) will have to purchase insurance in the US (as well as being part of the Japanese National Health Insurance Program) or pay a fine.

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Um, Sarge...? The population of the US is 304 million, not 400 million. Seriously, you don't know the population of your own country? You're off by 96 000 000? And you expect people to be influenced by your comments after parading your gross ignorance?

Most negative comments about the health care bill seem to come solely from fear of change. "Taking away freedom"? What the hell does that mean? Freedom of access to health care is a basic human right in other rich countries. If anything, freedom is expanded, as it should be.

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And Sarge? 4% of 300 million is 12 000 000, not 400 000. You're off by a factor of 30. Lucky you're not a politician.

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“This bill is the greatest threat to freedom that I have seen,” House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, told the crowd.

?? House Minority Leader John Boehner, a Republican, equates having more choice as less freedom. Hello?

That is straight up and down idiot-speak and it's a stain on the GOP and conservatives that they don't call him out on this.

As per usual, the GOP and conservatives prove once again that they do not think.

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Sarge, once you get your numbers straightened out, why don't you call House Minority Leader John Boehner on his warped logic?

Or do you actually think that if you are offered one more choice, that you are having your freedoms restricted?????

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“This bill is the greatest threat to freedom that I have seen,” House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, told the crowd.

Says one of the men who voted for the Patriot Act. I think their strategy here is to throw enough stupidity, fear and noise out there that people just get confused by it all.

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Tatanka: "If this bill passes, it will mean Americans living in Japan (and filing US tax returns) will have to purchase insurance in the US (as well as being part of the Japanese National Health Insurance Program) or pay a fine." Oh, I saw that coming. How could anyone be surprised?

yokomoc: "Says one of the men who voted for the Patriot Act" A lot dems not only voted for it, many of them even had a hand in writing it and hey, the dems are in power if you haven't heard... and its still there!

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skipthesong - you're reading too much into my comments. I'm simply pointing out the guy's hypocrisy on the statement he made. Is everything left-right and Democrat-Republican to you? Open up a bit, life has more dimensions.

Back on topic, has anyone managed to explain exactly how giving people an extra option for their health care equates to less freedom?

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cow76 - Ha ha ha, yeah, I made a mistake ( it's rare ) - the Democrats' great health care plan would leave not 400,000, but about 12,000,000 Americans uninsured. What's up with that? And I see you have no answer as to how the government is going to pay for this.

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House Democrats are confident on the vote alright, like all confidence men are confident. They have reneged on the campaign promises of transparency. Queen Nancy has declared the bill will not be posted online for voters to read or check.

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You didn't make a mistake Sarge. You made two massive mistakes. You overestimated your own country's population by 30% and you were off by 12 000% in another key stat. I'd provide a long answer if I respected your intelligence but as it is, I'll just ask you a question. How does every other first world country pay for their public health system? Or don't you think America can do what Europe can?

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cow76 -

"You overestimated your own country's population by 30%"

I did not. I understimated the number of Americans that the Democrats' health care plan will leave uninsured by 11,600,000.

"don't you think America can do what Europe can?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well, with Obama and the Democrats at the helm, we may yet match Europe's unemployment rate.

And I see you STILL can't tell us how the U.S. government is going to pay for this debacle. It's because they can't. And shouldn't anyway. Why should people rely on government for their health care?

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"How does every other first world country pay for their public health system?"

They tax the hell out of their citizens, plus they don't have to pay to liberate other countries.

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yokomoc: skipthesong - you're reading too much into my comments. I'm simply pointing out the guy's hypocrisy on the statement he made. Is everything left-right and Democrat-Republican to you? Open up a bit, life has more dimensions." Actually, I don't want to. Heck, up until coming to JT, I thought of myself as a lib. But between the last admin and this one, we all are kind of forced to be one way or the other.

Back on topic, has anyone managed to explain exactly how giving people an extra option for their health care equates to less freedom?" If you look at a lot of other countries health care, you will know.

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This is going to be one messy project when it takes off. Now, we learn that in order for you to get the public option, you would have had to be off any insurance for six months. I don't think many know about this.

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This bill is not about giving people healthcare, its about government nationalizing one of America's biggest industries, taxing the crap out of certain people and rationing health care to people certain politicians like more then others. Illegal aliens residing in America will get health care paid for by American citizens and this spending will likely crash the American dollar. Hurray and all to make sure what 10 million people who cant afford insurance get a crappy government plan. They cant even get a single vaccine handed out in a timely manor good luck to people who will be dieing waiting for the government to deliver.

Once they pay for everyone's health care they will be telling people how to live, what to eat and in Europe they even deny health care based on political views. The American health care industry that has invented and made more medical breakthroughs yearly then most the rest of the world combined will come to a grinding halt as well. The government option is about putting the private health insurance sector out of business and democrats even brag about that fact at their rallies when they think no one is recording their boasting.

And Sarge how does every other rich nation pay for their nationalized health care, excessive taxation, spending money they don't have, limiting doctors salaries, people generally are not allowed to sue the doctors, rationing the hell out of health care, ooh yeah and raping their economies until their GDP grows at an amazing 3 percent annually.

America without a nationalized health care plan has the best survival rates for people with chronic illnesses, and if every nation counted their child mortality rate honestly America would have the best in the world bar none. The people who come up with the ranking systems for things like health care admit they design them to be biased against capitalist systems.

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P.S. part of the democrats wonderful plan to pay for this is to tax the businesses they are going to put out of business also which will cause this whole thing to melt down but they know this and that is why no one starts getting the government health care until 2013 even though they are going to start jacking everyone's taxes up like the day after the president signs this bill

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No way are we having commi healthcare. Look at Europe, people dying in the waiting rooms while the dosctors are out quaffing champagne at the tax payers expense.

Don`t think about taxing me more lame duck Obama. Why should i pay for the ignorant and the bone idle?

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