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Obama implores Americans to elect Clinton; Trump asks Russia for help over emails


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Democrats are all sneaky and untrustworthy politicians.

Yup. They finally got caught red-handed. Rigged primaries. . . . very classy.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Democrats are all sneaky and untrustworthy politicians.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Right wingers have no honor and no shame

@Least Trump wins with honor and no shame. Too bad the same cannot be said about the Democrats. HRC "stole" the election. . . . So the blow-jobs, shame, dirty politics, corruption and parisites plague the Democrats. Let it be known -"the Clinton Legacy." The popcorn tasted good. 4 days!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Right wingers have no honor and no shame.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I'm with the 67% of registered voters who consider her to be dishonest and untrustworthy.

I have had to come to the very sad conclusion that a significant percentage of Americans are, to an alarming extent, dishonest and untrustworthy themselves. The list of false, ludicrous accusations and aspersions against Barack Obama and the Clintons seems endless. Obama as a Kenyan-born Muslim; Vince Foster murdered, the Clinton death list, etc. etc. So I can't take their judgments on either of the two candidates with any seriousness.

In the end, it will come down not to what's good for the country, but what's good for their own self-interest. And the Republicans have nominated a person for whom his own self-interest is paramount. A man who cashed in on the 9/11 tragedy.

The Republicans have a candidate who cheated military widows out of large sums of money, via the scam known as "Trump University." (Even Trump U employees called it a scam.) And they seem to applaud Trump's dishonesty and con-artistry. Even evangelicals cheer on the serial-adulterer and widow-defrauder. No wonder so many Republicans stayed away from the convention in Cleveland.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"I consider her to be honest"

I'm with the 67% of registered voters who consider her to be dishonest and untrustworthy.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@Wc626 It's so hard to follow your reasoning. Which protestors? Why is the DNC responsible for people protesting AGAINST it? That makes no sense. @The_True

"...false belief that he's a bigoted racist..."

You cannot prove he isn't a racist. You can believe what you want. There is reason to believe Trump is racist based on his treatment of his workers and tenants. He's definitely a race baiter.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Hillary Hillary all the time and she invited GOP and undecided to join her, too.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

And they don't because the right wing slime machine has been attacking her integrity for over two decades.

Heh. Right wing slime? Did you see the slimy protesters just outside the DNC venue? Courtesy of slimy Democratic elites who "rigged" the primaries in favor of HRC. Lovely.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I agree.

Yet, many do not.

And they don't because the right wing slime machine has been attacking her integrity for over two decades.

Don't think of a white elephant.

And that is why I never engage them. Never.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

What about her honesty?

I consider her to be honest. I can't say that about her enemies -- constantly engaged in false accusations -- they have zero credibility.

There's absolutely no comparison with Trump. Hillary would never cheat a military widow out of her money as Trump did through the scam known as "Trump U."

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I wonder how many Russian investments Mr Trump has on those tax returns they have now announced wont be shown?

Before we look at Turmp's taxes, you should look into the whole story of how a uranium mine in Utah is now partly owned by the Russians, a deal brokered through by a former President whose wife was Sec State and approved the deal.

In regards to the emails, the 30,000 emails that are missing were on a private server and not a government server. The same private server that was supposedly already hacked, and our cyber experts can't seem to find. Was he being sarcastic, yes. Will the Dems say the same thing about those somewhat racist comments found in their leaked emails were taken out of context, you bet they will. Heck DWS is no longer the DNC chair but now a national campaigner for Hillary, a paid position with no responsibility and accountability. Nice to fail upwards.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Thanks for the answer. I agree with it all.

What about her honesty?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Tell me, what do you think of Hillary Clinton?

I've never been a big Hillary fan, but I certainly don't hate her. The DNC convention has helped reveal some things about her I never knew. I think she hates campaigning and isn't very good at selling herself, which may account for my not being a big fan.

I believe she's really smart and hard-working. A very good mother and loyal partner. She has hawkish views on foreign policy that I don't share. I thought she made a horrible choice with her Iraq vote.

But I think she'll make a very good president, and I'll vote for her proudly.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


You asked if spreading dishonesty is affective. Tell me, what do you think of Hillary Clinton?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Did you miss the 2 million uncounted votes in California?

I gave final results as of all ballots counted. What "uncounted" votes are you referring to? (Yes, it took weeks to count them all, but that's normal for a California primary for both parties because of many provisional and vote-by-mail ballots for such a large state.)

And what does the DNC have to do with counting ballots in California? That's a state function. I'm not sure why you keep trying to make things up, Serrano. Do you believe that dishonesty or ignorance are going to make your position more attractive?

No responsible person can vote for this man.

As we see, Black Sabbath, there are many irresponsible people.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

"I asked you to explain how the primary was "rigged," but you couldn't or chose not to respond.

Care to elaborate now, or do you wish to keep saying "rigged" without any support?"

Did you miss the WikiLeaks DNC emails?

"Hillary clearly beat Bernie"

Did you miss the 2 million uncounted votes in California?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

On live TV, Trump invited a hostile foreign power to spy on and meddle in our elections. He then re-tweated it.

Today, he pretends he was being 'sarcastic.'

He was not being sarcastic. Rush Linbaugh pionered making outrageous claims, and later claiming he was 'sarcastic.' Megyn Kelly did the same thing with her "Santa Claus was white statement." Its what the right wing does.

Donald Trump is simply not qualifies to be trusted with the Presidency. He has the temperament and intellect of a con artists.

No responsible person can vote for this man.

No responsible party could support this man.

Moreover, the Republican party must be destroyed.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I don't care for trump, but at least I dislike him for valid reasons and not false belief that he's a bigoted racist, those people shouldn't vote for any side because they obviously lack a genuine opinion based on fact and rely on an opinion based on headlines they skimmed. The funniest quote I heard yet, "I know hillary broke the law with her email scandal, but I would rather a criminal win than a racist" lol does anyone know there are 3rd party options, even voting in your self to prove a point

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Polls. Hillary is up and up.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Trump fueled more controversy Wednesday when he encouraged Russia to meddle in the presidential campaign. On the heels of reports that Russia may have hacked Democratic Party emails, Trump said, “Russia, if you’re listening,” it would be desirable to see Moscow find and publish the thousands of emails Clinton says she deleted during her years as secretary of state.

Yeeeesssss.... This makes perfect sense. /Sarcasm

Implore a hostile nation to release potentially classified U.S. information and DEFINITELY private information to the world - WHILE you're trying to be elected to the U.S. Presidency. This from a guy who refuses to release his tax returns despite presidents for the past four decades doing so without a problem. The Republicans have decided to back a traitor to the country. I wonder what OTHER secrets he would release for political gain once he got his hands on them? Of course, none that would reveal any truth about The Donald.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Does this jobs program sounds like an idea that Clinton would propose ? He is all about ushering in a new era of hope and prosperity for neighborhoods devastated by deindustrialization, globalization, and the disappearance of work, without the constant focus on problems being rooted in racism.


Trump hits Clinton on economic policy, says refugee aid should be redirected to inner-city jobs program

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

@Wc626 I'd say yes, the types of things you're talking about were much worse 25 years ago. Remember the weathermen? Anyway, as I said, crime is, by every measure, way down. This is indisputable. What's the relevance of the Ghetto? Does Trump have a plan to improve the lives of people in ghettos? I haven't seen it. Nor do I really believe Trump cares one way or the other about poor folk, black or otherwise. I'm assuming you're talking about African-Americans: poverty has decreased by about 10% but it's still way higher than the overall American population. Why? I don't know. Probably it's complicated. Do you have a simple answer?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Were police officers deliberately ambushed 25yrs ago? Ban semi autos. They are only useful for murders. But the numbers are down. Even with those mass shootings the total number of people getting shot is down. Ban semi autos they will be down even more.

(And please don't say -"guns" "rocket launchers" wear the shoe.) OK, then machine guns

too bad he ain't running You are right. He would be much better than Trump. Gates is at least 50x richer than Trump and he is a real businessman who enriches his investors (unlike Trump) and will really make the US better than it already is.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Sanders has repeatedly criticized things like superdelegates and closed primaries, in which Independent and unaffiliated voters can’t participate, but has rejected the idea that the nomination was rigged. He wouldn't have endorsed Clinton to keep a committee position in the Senate if there was evidence of a vast conspiracy.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Crime in the U.S. is at its lowest point in 25 years.

Were police officers deliberately ambushed 25yrs ago? Did people march the streets chanting 'death' to them besides NWA's FTP song blaring out of low rider cars in the ghettos? Why are people in those ghettos still plagued by the same circumstances as they were 25 years ago? (And please don't say -"guns" "rocket launchers" wear the shoe.)

Bill Gates is a ruthless winner bring his company to the top and he could do the same for the USA. Again, he did all this without big Daddy's money.

Wuuu-hoo!! Go Gates 2016!! "USA, USA, USA" (not) too bad he ain't running. To bad he ain't the nomine. Keep dreaming. Wake up.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Hillary is going to be the first Democrat to lose California since 1988. It's going to be a Trump landslide.

Where do people come up with nonsense like this? A cursory look at the numbers proves it's nonsense.

In the 2008 California Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton handily beat Barack Obama. Democrats got nearly three times as many votes as the Republicans. In this year's primary, the Democrats again got nearly three times the votes of the Republicans. Hillary clearly beat Bernie, just as she beat Obama in 2008.

Hillary Clinton has a ton of solid support in California. Her pick of Tim Kaine gives her a 60% chance of winning the battleground state of Virginia. The Democratic governor of Virginia, Terry MacAullife, joined the governors of 40 other states in restoring voting rights to ex-prisoners who have rejoined society as productive citizens. For Virginia, that's an extra 250,000 voters on the rolls.

Pence does nothing to help Trump as Indiana is a pretty solid red state to begin with. (Sure would be sweet if the Repubs lost it...)

As long as Republicans keep believing in nonsensical fairy tales like their winning California, they go deeper down the rabbit hole.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Did you miss the part where Sanders never had a chance in the rigged Democratic primary?

I asked you to explain how the primary was "rigged," but you couldn't or chose not to respond.

Care to elaborate now, or do you wish to keep saying "rigged" without any support?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Crime in the U.S. is at its lowest point in 25 years

Yes, that's right. But we have these disturbing mass shootings here and there which means we need to ban semi autos and implement extended background checks to close the loopholes. THEN I will have much more confidence (I mean more confidence than I already have about the USA being a safe place) of America being a truly safe place.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


crime, law & order?

Crime in the U.S. is at its lowest point in 25 years. This is the Nixon-Trump talking point.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Did you miss the part where Sanders never had a chance in the rigged Democratic primary?

How do you rig a primary ? Caucuses yes, but Sanders very conveniently won most of those...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

To the Hillary bashers here: what choice do we have? Really...explain the choice! @Mike Would Bill Gates be better than Donald Trump for president? Gates is 50-100 times richer than Trump. And Gates has actually built an empire without daddy's money. Can Bill Gates make America great again? If Trump can do it then Bill Gates can do it even better. I'd say 50-100 times better. What say you Trump voters?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

To the Hillary bashers here: what choice do we have? Really...explain the choice! @Mike

Just 4 months to suffer before this farce is over.

Hey! Just a little over 3! Let's not make it any longer! I was just reading through this and then thought: OMG! What am I doing to my brain!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

like how she got off the hook @Bengazi Why is it 100% her fault?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Thanks a lot, Democrats. We could have had President Sanders. Oh well.

Exactly serrano. I didn't support support Sanders, but the guy deserved a fair chance. If Cruz, Rubio or Kasich would have defeated Donald Trump -then oh well. What's fair is fair. Win and lose with no excuses. No exceptions!! We're (or should be) a nation of laws. Applicable to the voting process as well.

But I guess HRC gets special dispensation, like how she got off the hook @Bengazi. Pathetic!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Is this what you consider integrity? Yes

BTW anyone up for any Trump brand investments? If he's so good they got to be as good (if not better) than what Bill Gates has to offer with his silly Microsoft company. What say you Trump lovers?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"The tent is indeed very big, from democratic socialist Bernie Sanders to centrists like Bill Clinton"

Did you miss the part where Sanders never had a chance in the rigged Democratic primary?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Clinton has high integrity.

Is this what you consider integrity? My god how the MSM keeps so many in the dark about her evil ways.

The New York Times reports that the Clintons have been a target of protesters in Port-au-Prince, who claim earthquake aid money was mismanaged and lucrative deals went to Clinton cronies.

The Clintons: “We Came, We Stole, Haitians Died” Submitted by Glen Ford on Tue, 01/26/2016 - 22:01

“The truth is that Hillary and Bill were the Bonnie and Clyde of Haiti, robbing the country for their own and other corporate criminals’ benefit. The teams of FBI agents that are now matching Hillary’s emails with contributions to the Clinton Foundation are tapping a Mother Lode of corruption that may yet bring her down before Election Day in the United States.”


-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Trump just adding to his collection of reasons that he shouldn't be allowed to even be in this race. Most sane Republicans would agree.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It is almost fascinating how a group of people can fabricate a separate universe in their collective mind and actually believe it's real. Hillary with security credentials? Considering she is the one who architected the Arab spring wars which resulted in a, slave industry and terrorism becoming so empowered they are invading countries and killing everywhere. The idea Obama's total disaster of a legacy should be continued, wow. But to help the, author of the article headline, trump didntvask Russia, for help. He was ridiculing Obama, Hillary and the Democrats by effectively stating they are so corrupt or incompetent, they can't Eve produce the emails, yo properly investigate Hillary and since she exposed her email to foreign entities, guess the only way we will know is to ask around. Hillary also stepped in into a contradiction. Her claim has been the emails we're, about shopping lists and wedding planning, so they are not a security threat. Now all of a sudden, Russia hacking them is a security threat, which means the emails must be more than just yoga schedules.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Hillary is going to be the first Democrat to lose California since 1988.

Joe Scarborough (former Republican congressman) said this morning that it's the Democrats who have adopted the message and style of Ronald Reagan at their convention, while his party is shamefully all gloom and hopelessness.

One writer has observed that it is the Democrats who have demonstrated that they are the true party of Lincoln. The tent is indeed very big, from democratic socialist Bernie Sanders to centrists like Bill Clinton, to disaffected Republicans like Michael Bloomberg, who correctly labels Trump -- a man he knows well -- as a "dangerous demagogue." "I'm a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one," Mayor Bloomberg told a cheering audience of Democrats.

The DNC screen featured Republicans Mitt Romney, George Pataki, John Kasich and others all asserting that the GOP candidate is unfit for the presidency. "..this is pretty much unprecedented in US presidential campaigns" I couldn't have said it better myself.

Although there is dissatisfaction on the fringes, the Democrats are uniting across a very wide spectrum.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

What's the fuss abt trump asking Russia for help? It's gonna be a new era of cooperation.

Gee. I guess it means what you mean by "help." Do you mean "help" as in throwing an election? Or as in consolidating territories from the Russian near-abroad (Ukraine, Georgia, central Asian states, etc.)? Or in reconquesting current NATO countries such as the Baltic states and maybe Poland? Or how 'bout dissolving NATO itself?

Perhaps it is a lot of fuss about nothing - unless you live there. I have known many Russians and like them as a people; I would not like Putin to annex my town, region, or country. Whatever happened to Republicans as the party that stood for freedom and self-determination?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hillary is going to be the first Democrat to lose California since 1988. It's going to be a Trump landslide.

Thanks a lot, Democrats. We could have had President Sanders. Oh well.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

If it's for help fighting terrorism it's all good. Help winning presidential elections? Not so sure about that.

Trump doesn't need help. The Dems have sealed their own fate by NOT giving Sanders a fair n' square chance during the primaries. . . . this is pretty much unprecedented in US presidential campaigns. It is REALLY send shockwaves out there.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

To people who would vote for Trump: Would you invest in his any of his sound businesses?

.....silence.....silence....silence.....That's right, I thought so.

Why don't we nominate Bill Gates or Warren Buffet for president? Since they are both 10,000x times business people than Trump (and they actually make a return for their investors) they would have to be much presidents then Trump could ever dream of being! So Bill Gates or Warren Buffet would make better presidents than Trump. But how would you compare to these two real business people to Hillary for running the country?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

OutriderJUL. 28, 2016 - 08:41PM JST

What's the fuss abt trump asking Russia for help?

If it's for help fighting terrorism it's all good. Help winning presidential elections? Not so sure about that.

It's gonna be a new era of cooperation.

Indeed. Like... like, Nazi Germany and Vichy France, for instance.

Texas A&M AggieJUL. 28, 2016 - 09:11PM JST

So, yes, I think Mrs. Clinton has no clue as to how to run our country. She has always about achieving power, but doesn't know how to use it correctly once she gets it.

Trump is all about starting businesses or taking them over. What happens to the businesses after that?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Thank you President Obama.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Trump says that America sucks and that he wants to make America great again; Democrats say that America and Americans are already great.

Trump wants to divide America by segregating nationalities; Democrats want to unite America.

Trump wants to make you believe that America's armed forces are a disgrace; Democrats believe that the men and women in the military are doing an outstanding job.

Trump wants to make drastic changes to the Constitution; Democrats wants to uphold the principle values upon which this great country was founded on.

The bottom line is that Trump doesn't want to make America great again. All he wants is the glory of winning and maybe make a totally new country which is devoid of all the values and principles upon which America was founded. He wants to divide America into races and if he gets his wish, America will regress back to the time before the civil rights movement. Then again, that may be the least of our worries if he is elected, as I shudder to think of what kind of ramifications his Presidency would have if he is in charge of the U.S's entire nuclear arsenal, ready to bomb any country that doesn't kowtow to him and obey his orders.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Irresponsible actions are not qualities that one would want in the Oval office But this was a systemic problem since it had been going on since Powell was SoS (GWB presidency). It had no connection to the SoS. The SoS does not set up email servers. They are not server engineers. It is not their job. The say they need email and people/engineers/staff (plural) set up the email according to the SoS requirements. The system had to be adjusted (and it was) and not the SoS. Clinton has high integrity.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

re: Hillary's actions were deemed irresponsible but not illegal.

Irresponsible actions are not qualities that one would want in the Oval office. The office is the leader of the strongest nation in the world. There is no room for irresponsible people to even be considered for this job and it is not a learn as you go and other countries can take her irresponsible actions as oh well anything goes. She had the information security training regarding use of email and to the use PII and FOUO information. The knows the penalties of which are criminal under the US policies of handling classified information, simply put she was trained. She should not even be in the running with that kind of irresponsible action.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

It is like NAFTA 2.0 all over again. Unions, blue collar workers should never trust Hillary!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement,

NAFTA was started by the Republicans so it is a good thing. Source by Wikipedia.

I'm for TPP because it promotes the reduction of human trafficking. Complaining about jobs moving overseas? Poor baby! I feel so sorry for you. Now get yourself better skilled. Because the number of millionaires in the US keep growing and growing and growing. There's lots of money there. You just have to be good enough to get it. And I'm supposed to feel sorry for Americans who are not making these millions - and using TPP as an excuse - compared to what these people stuck in slave labor go through? Have a little humanity!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Obama supporting Hillary is actually a con job on unions and other Americans who believe Hillary is against TPP. She will turn around and support TPP if she get elected. Since Hillary is so untrustworthy, people who think she is against TPP will be deceived by her once she get elected. They should not be so naive to believe what she say. She will give them a small consolation like job training for lost jobs but this will never give security to people who lost jobs. It is like NAFTA 2.0 all over again. Unions, blue collar workers should never trust Hillary!

Obama support for Hillary, campaigning for her is to make sure TPP become law. This is his own selfish interest to improve his legacy as a successful president. He is not looking out for union members, hardworking Americans but himself.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

disastrous tour of duty as our SoS Why disastrous?

So, yes, I think Mrs. Clinton has no clue as to how to run our country. Palin?

Donald Trump's supporters were referred to on this site as Trump refers to Mexicans as cockroaches

But, the democrats couldn't seem to find the time to allow one moment of screen time for the survivors of police officers gunned down in the line in of duty in retaliation shootings All talk and no action anyway. The democrats support these officers better since they want to implement gun control measures that would have prevented these cop killings in the first place.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


No, your first assumption seems correct.

Not sure if you saw any of the pre-convention rallies that she had with Elizabeth Warren. Warren got the lion's share of the speaking time and she was explaining what turned out to be the democrats' party platform. Over and over, Mrs. Clinton only response was "what she said." After about the fifth or sixth time I this reply I thought, "well, what do you say?"

So, yes, I think Mrs. Clinton has no clue as to how to run our country. She has always about achieving power, but doesn't know how to use it correctly once she gets it. Look no further than her disastrous tour of duty as our SoS to get an inkling of how she would be if she were to ever move into the Oval Office. . . .

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Obama's speech became a complete joke when he said there's no one more qualified than Hillary to serve as president.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

For some presidents, 8 years in office were 8 years too many. And for some, 8 years weren't nearly enough.

While listening to President Obama speak tonight, I was reminded again just how fortunate we are to have had such an exemplary man at our helm for nearly 8 years. And, 8 years of his leadership hasn't even been close to being nearly enough. I am truly going to miss him.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Trump was kidding. The dems gotta get a life.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

I can’t help thinking if Clinton had any clues regarding answers to anything menacing the planet, why she didn't do anything over the eight years she’s been in a position to? Was she waiting for Obama to exit so she could get the sole credit for action?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What's the fuss abt trump asking Russia for help? It's gonna be a new era of cooperation. Meanwhile the dems are playing as if it's still the Cold War!

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Most of Trump's business deals are funded by Russian Oligarchs. Most financial institutions won't lend him money because of either defaulting on payments, going bankrupt several times, or simply refusing to pay the small business owners and employees that he hires for his projects.

It is the number one reason that he won't submit tax forms and financial records. It all leads back to Russia. Putin realizes that Trump is an idiot, so he wants him to win. President Obama has been a thorn in Putin's side. On top of that, Putin probably has enough dirt to blackmail Trump into becoming his little puppet.

8 ( +8 / -0 )


Think the whole party is about to implode considering it is being reported here this morning that as Obama was on stage speaking to the nation last night, WikiLeaks released 29 voicemail messages that were hacked from the DNC where influential donors were concerned with the influence that Bernie Sanders had on party's members. Apparently, one monied elitist threatened to stop financing them if they didn't do something about it.

Let the good times roll. . .

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

This is priceless:

In a news conference in Florida, Mr Trump said he had "nothing to do with Russia". When asked by reporters if Russian President Vladimir Putin might favour a win for Mr Trump, the billionaire said he had "never met Putin, I don't know who Putin is".

Compare with:

The new stance, though, runs counter to months of admiring statements Trump has made about the former spymaster, despite nearly universal worldwide condemnation of the Russian president for his aggressive actions in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere. In a Nov. 10 GOP debate, Trump said: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”

On the topic of what Trump thinks Putin said and what he actually said:

While Trump frequently has said that Putin called him a “genius,” the Russian president has only said that Trump is “flamboyant” and “very talented.”

May 4, 2016: Trump on CNN’s “Situation Room” said of Putin, “He said Trump is a genius, OK?”

June 17, 2016: At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin said he described Trump as “flamboyant.” With a smile, Putin added, “He is, isn’t he? … I did not give any other assessment of him.”

And there are people who like what Trump says? They must be stark raving mad.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

You've got that right Tex! Read the email content and you will see the KKK does connect to the DNC.

AND......to add the insult Hillary hires Debbie Wasserman Schultz into her campaign, perhaps she always was employed pulling off the underhanded shenanigans she has.

Pelosi blames 3G's...Guns, God, and Gays for the existence of the republicans. She's another crackpot! How about Jobs, Justice, and jubilence instead? Instead we get Hate, Halfway, and Hillary.

Kaine and UNable will implode?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Trump did not ask Russia for help. He was scarcastic. The deleted emails were the target. Hillary's illegally deleted emails.

As I wrote this morning, being sarcastic about national security is not a desirable characteristic of a leader. The target was not the private emails Hillary deleted from her server; it was the DNC server. Hillary's actions were deemed irresponsible but not illegal. If you'd like to change the American legal system so that any yahoo on the street can determine legality, consult your lawmaker to effect that change, but until then, the US has a legal system which requires appointed people trained in law to make these decisions.

The lengths to which conservatives go to defend Trump is startling. Imagine if such a pattern if coddling Russia as Trump has displayed had been perpetrated by a Democrat. Sheesh - all Hillary did was keep her email on a private server, and Republicans are calling for her execution.

No one is accusing Trump of colluding with Putin. They are - and rightly so - pointing out a pattern of coddling so extreme it is uncomfortable, from the advisers he surrounds himself with to his policy pronouncements to his refusal to release his tax returns (Russian money)? Add to this his complete tone-deaf responses and the situation grows increasingly alarming.

When the DNC convention ends, more attention will be directed to this area. I am afraid your candidate will not be able to withstand it. He is toast. I'd long wondered whether he'd make it to November, and frankly, though his resilience has surprises my, much of it can be chalked up to luck - he still might drop out.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The democrat way....hide, divert, deflect and deny. Trump did not ask Russia for help. He was scarcastic. The deleted emails were the target. Hillary's illegally deleted emails. Now they twist this into Trump asks Russia for help. Look within your own party DNC. Your flawed and elected a lier and a cheat.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

It's hilarious how most individuals look at this as a good versus evil. I truly blame the generation upon generation of Hollywood propaganda molding the frame of mind, destroying any form of critical thinking. Eight long years ago, I literally lost voice trying to convince people that the messiah was not going to do jack squat to change anything despite the campaign slogan. And yet I don't stand on the mound, thump my chest and point eerily saying I told you so. No. That would be moronic. I will yet again like I did before implore any sane individuals to reflect deeply on the farce before them. Surely it must get tiresome getting run over every election cycle. The blind bold lies told to persuade. When will this cycle of empty results end? Can it stop? Think critically. Otherwise this time next year, when the murk has hit the fan, Ill try my hardest not to gloat.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Go get 'em Hillary ! Great speech, POTUS !

2 ( +6 / -4 )



I guess this is one way to show desperation..... take it easy, maybe even take the day off and relax a little :)

4 ( +5 / -1 )

If I'm not mistaken, it was Hillary and the gang who first brought Russia into this by using her MSM lapdogs saying Putin released the e-mails. Trump is just reacting to it in a comedic and ironic way. Of course, the MSM is all over this and so are you muppets. Everyone in the intelligent world can see the sarcasm. I thought it was hilarious.

Oh you poor poor establishment zombies, that green ooze coming from your ears is called desperation. You know you're supporting a wall street warmonger, but your emotions are all tied-up in a bunch, and mimicking the MSM lines is just pathetic.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Had Obama really delivered on his empty

"Yes we can"

rhetoric then a autocratic persona such as Trump wouldn't have the support of half of the population of the US!

Obama is a great talker but not a great doer and the vested interests behind Obama and Clinton are not concerned with anyone posting on this site-no matter the nationality.................

0 ( +6 / -6 )

What an amazing speech by President Obama! His message was one of positivity and strength, as opposed to the negative and angry rhetoric delivered by that Putin-supporting traitor Drumpf. Lock him up!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Not surprising that he changes his support, he changes his views and policies more often than his clothes and literally has no idea what he is doing. Out of depth and out of ideas.

And yet the ignorant people keep treating him like some sort of epic savior of America or something. To quote one of my favorite titles, "Leader of the corrupted black sheep, and savior of the BLIND white sheep."

But remember these are probably the same folks that thought Bush Jr was gonna "save" the US too.snort

3 ( +6 / -3 )

But of course, given his dementia and traitorous behavior, such an endorsement is not something to put on one's resume these days

Not surprising that he changes his support, he changes his views and policies more often than his clothes and literally has no idea what he is doing. Out of depth and out of ideas.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Just 4 months to suffer before this farce is over.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Trump said a few years ago:

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her.

But of course, given his dementia and traitorous behavior, such an endorsement is not something to put on one's resume these days.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

You couldn't make this stuff up: In the Dem corner you have the Pres, VP, mayors, intellectuals, pioneers, etc. endorsing a candidate.

On the Repub side, you have a traitor calling for Soviet operations against the US, a braindead plagiarizing thief wife, random disgraced welfare child actors, delusional preachers, a Senator who couldn't even endorse his own party candidate..

Not even Bush or Romney could show their faces at such a farcical event.. Repubs don't even bother to try to cover up their inferior quality anymore

8 ( +12 / -4 )

@TX, Lmao. Obama really puts the foot in mouth.

"She'll say anything and change nothing."

Almost as good as his "lipstick on a pig" comment.

This election is an insult to Americans. Just a clown show.

What Debbie W. Shultz and her corrupt democratic elites did was the ULTIMATE insult to the American people. Don't believe me?? Scroll up this thread. Click on the link I provided from USA TODAY.com . . . there's ur clown show, courtesy of DNC 2016. Go Trump!!

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Texas Aggie

Has there ever been a Democrat president whom you liked? Are you so parochial that you can't see beyond the Republican Party.

Anyway, I find it interesting that Trump is asking the Russians for help in getting elected. I wonder how he and Putin would get along.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

"She'll say anything and change nothing."

-- Barack Obama, 2008

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

I am not a Trump supporter, but Hillary should not even be in the mix as well. This election is an insult to Americans. Just a clown show.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Why aren't there any stories about the Chaotic eruption as President Obama spoke @DNC? Lots off pissed-off Sanders supporters who want to be heard. These people really want a revolution, they're not joking!

Look at this disturbing video which occurred just outside DNC:


. . . and Obama says there is no chaos in the US. (sheesh)

-10 ( +7 / -17 )

This Salon article from a few months ago notes that "At times it can be very hard to distinguish between extreme right-wing politics and symptoms of dementia" - but seriously: is Trump all there? I'd mentioned this a half year ago, and my suspicions have only been borne out since then by Trump's increasingly erratic behavior.

He does not listen to anyone, not even to those closest to him. He says outrageous things with no seeming concept of their consequences. He contradicts himself wildly - last November, he was extolling his close relationship with Putin; this morning, he said he doesn't know the guy.

Now, all of this might be simply symptoms of classic narcissism. Perhaps; it might also be the onset of dementia. In either case, he belongs nowhere near the White House.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Mr. Trump, Russia is here to help with your email request. But before you meet them, would you please slip into this comfy straightjacket and wash down this fistfull of happy pills. Easy does it.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

What a powerful speech. Goosebumps all over and I'm not even American. Why can't we have a PM like that? :(

0 ( +6 / -6 )

"Smithers? Release the HOUNDS!"

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I wonder how many Russian investments Mr Trump has on those tax returns they have now announced wont be shown?

I suspect Governor Romney is more than correct in his assertion there is a 'bombshell' in there.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

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