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Obama orders review of New York City flyover


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the story I read on the BBC was that local government departments had been told and then Bloomberg complains about it - obviously his team forgot to tell him.

However, completely inappropriate.

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So, how much will this "review" about what never should have happened in the first place will cost us American taxpayers?

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Both Obama and the head of DHS didn't know that AF-1 and an armed fighter jet was buzzing the NYC skyline. And these are the people who are suppose to be keeping us safe?

We're so doomed.

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And these are the people who are suppose to be keeping us safe?

Aggie, you might want save such comments for when something ACTUALLY happens. The planes were not flown by terrorists and the president is not a psychic, nor he can he be everywhere at once.

At least Obama did not put down a copy of "My Pet Goat" and blink dumbly into the camera. He is peeved about this and taking action. And nobody died.

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Both Obama and the head of DHS didn't know that AF-1 and an armed fighter jet was buzzing the NYC skyline.

Where did you read that they didn´t know about it in this article? According to CNN, everyone knew. And the DHS had informed and alerted all the City authorities about it. It´s these authorities responsabilities then to inform and alert the local citizes thru newspapers, TVs and radio about this flyover, which wasn´t done, as we see. So, don´t blame Obama personally - blame the local administration for this.

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i guess we will have to get used to Obama investigating Obama. What a farce.

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Dumb da dumb dumb dumb. Somebody's getting fired over this one.

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Gibbs said the point is to determine “why that decision was made and to ensure that it never happens again.”

Obama either did know about AF-1 and an armed escort fighter jet buzzing the NYC skyline and is lying, OR he hired idiots who're running around unchecked and doing whatever they please in his administration's name.

Hard to determine which makes him look worse.

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He and his "F-Troop" were looking for another "Greek Temple" moment. Instead, they got a "9/11" moment.

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At least Obama did not put down a copy of "My Pet Goat" and blink dumbly into the camera.

He was probably either out shooting hoops or on a golf course lowering his golf handicap.

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TexasAggie I have to agree with some of your critic.

I hope this was the wake-up call to those who are in charge. We were lax and got away with it. We were the enemy. We failed. We have to fix the problem and then re-enforce the sense of duty instituted during the last 8 yerars. < :-)

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Barack Obama has ordered an internal review

How about a review by someone not connected to the White House .... Oh, wait. We're talking about the Obama administration.


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"Scare Force One" to the Little People:

Thanks for the votes, suckers!

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After 9/11, the US Federal gov't masterminded a system to bridge the communication between local/state/federal agencies during times of crisis. Nice to know after millions of dollars, it still doesn't work. Many people knew of this flight, but again a case of the right hand not talking to the left hand...

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When you have a fleet of private jets you need to keep the engines running and warm at all times. Al Gore, Pelosi, Clintons, Trump know this all too well. It's just warming them up by flying around NYC was the big no-no.

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He was probably either out shooting hoops or on a golf course lowering his golf handicap.

No,no that was Bush

After the review. We reviewed the pictures and they really came out great ;)

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Heh, I see the Republican JT support group is in full swing.

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So much for Obama declaring the U.S. was going to take the lead in eliminating manmade global warming.

How much CO2 was dumped into the air on an unnecessary flight by two jets so that he can have post card picture of AF-1 buzzing the NYC skyline?

For an administration touting itself to be sooo computer savvy, it's amazing that it doesn't know how to use photoshop.

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Apologize to your enemies, weaken yourself and the office of president by publishing state secrets about defense strategy and then - frighten your own citizens.

Spectacular way for Obama to cap 100 disastrous days in office.

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Obama has called it a mistake.

Another mistake made by his administration, to be exact.

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He said he would have to confer with White House lawyers before answering a question about whether the results would be made public.

Ah, yes. More quality "leadership" coming from Obama. Treat the sheeple like mushrooms.

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Are there any conservative talk show hosts left in New York, or in the North East?

I mean, the Obama administration's efforts at deflection and distraction will require someone to be a target they can 'isolate' and 'polarize.'

Obama Orders Review of New York Flight as Cost Put at $328,835


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aggie - 23 comments on this thread and 10 of them are yours. Clearly the JT Nov 4th Losers Suport Group isn't helping your condition. In fact, I haven't seen you this excited since Bush got re-elected, back before the op.

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Obama Orders Review of New York Flight as Cost Put at $328,835

Why not a simple photoshop?

I thought "progressives" were the more tech savvy portion of the electorate.

Obama's starry-eyed devotees would have taken days or even weeks off from work in response to a request for a good photoshop of AF1 over New York.

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Obama has called it a mistake.

Stating the obvious is an Obama trademark.

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This photo-shoot flight is not really a mistake compared to the one made by the previous president of completely ignoring intelligence specifically stating the potential threat of an attack by airliners on large buildings.

But the extremist Right want us to forget that, and fast.

But that's OK, especially considering it was the mind-numbing number of economy-crippling mistakes (fiercely supported by people like TexasAggie, Teleprompter and Sarge) that got the GOP booted out of power last November. :-)

As one poster put it above - nobody died, and that's a good thing.

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TexasAggie: How much CO2 was dumped into the air on an unnecessary flight by two jets so that he can have post card picture of AF-1 buzzing the NYC skyline?

I almost thought you finally had a good point. No. Its a fair one. The CO2 emissions there do not amount to a hill of beans compared to all the smokestacks across the country, but its not a good message. But keep playing with your scattergun of slime. Something might stick eventually. Heaven forbid you actually think before posting.

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$328,835 for the flight and now how many tens of thousands more for Obama's review of his admin's own incompetence ?

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To foreigners, in Obama's America, buzzing the NYC skyline with a jetliner and an armed F-16 "is not really a mistake" and is "a good thing".

Change We Can Believe In.

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and now how many tens of thousands more for Obama's review of his admin's own incompetence?

As much as it takes to prove that Obama was clueless about how one of his personal jetliners was being used.

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White House mouthpiece Robert Gibbs is lost, completely flummoxed (video below).

I can see why they made that Cramer guy go on Jon Stewart.

He was right.

It's amateur hour as we head into some of our darkest moments.


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So, he orders a review of his order? Brilliant, just brilliant. Maybe the teleprompter ran too quickly again.

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It's funny that this plane flight is about the biggest thing extremist Republicans can go off about at the moment. :-)

Their votes consigned the GOP and their voices to the political wilderness, so I can understand (kind of) why they need to knock foreigners - anyone, for that matter, for the hopeless position they find themselves in. :-)

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TexasAggie - "To foreigners, in Obama's America, buzzing the NYC skyline with a jetliner and an armed F-16 "is not really a mistake" and is "a good thing. Change We Can Believe In."

????? That's a pretty bizarre post, putting it mildly. :-)

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WilliB - "So, he orders a review of his order?"

Where does it say Obama gave the order to fly the plane?

Are you just making stuff up? :-)

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teleprompter: $328,835 for the flight and now how many tens of thousands more for Obama's review of his admin's own incompetence ?

Us non-conservatives tend to worry more about billions. Its too bad the billions wasted under conservatives cannot be paid by conservatives who did not complain about them, while the tens and hundreds of thousands get paid by liberals (and independents) since conservatives are now whining about those.

Is your problem one of priorities or math?

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likeitis - the problem is that the GOP/Conservatives are so busy fighting The War To Remain Remotely Relevant, that they are busy missing the wildly illogical points they are making, the one you pointed out being a prime case in point.

Oh, and blaming "foreigners" for having a better handle on the intracacies of U.S. politics than they do.

I'm loving it. :-)

As myself and another poster mentioned above - no one died, and that's good.

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Very wreckless, and just plain stupid to pull such a stunt over the poor, scared folk of NYC! I hope some I really hope some heads start rolling from this foolish incident.

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Obama was “furious” when he heard about the incident

It would be totally incompetent if Obama didn't know Air Force One was being taken out for low altitude photo ops over lower Manhattan. It would also be totally incompetent if Obama did know Air Force One was being taken out for low altitude photo ops over lower Manhattan. Pretty much a no win for the Obama administration on this one. But it's certainly entertaining to watch the libs contort trying to defend him. Hehe.

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some one has seen to much TOP GUN

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It would be totally incompetent if Obama didn't know Air Force One was being taken out for low altitude photo ops over lower Manhattan.

That's what happens when you put your keys in a bowl on the kitchen table. He should have got the app for his phone that tells you where your airplane(s) are at all times.

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So what happens next? Does the POTUS receive (with his morning coffee) a daily update on the status of the various planes, helicopters, and batmobiles?

The GOPer whiners have trivialized the responsibilities of the President to one of being a glorified parking attendant. Why should he know what is happening to Air Force 1? He has other higher priorities to focus on. No one at the WH is excusing the fly-over, everyone is calling it dumb, stupid, etc. What else can the President do?

Now when Bush was in office, who took responsibility for ... oh take your pick. Now watch the GOPers grab their pitch forks and demand accountability. That's good, but about one president too late.

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Obama was “furious” when he heard about the incident

Yeah. And he was "furious" when he discovered that the church he sat in for 20 years was led by a neo-segregationist.

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So what happens next? Does the POTUS receive (with his morning coffee) a daily update on the status of the various planes, helicopters, and batmobiles?

Wasn't this the Left's charge against Bush - that he should have been personally monitoring the skies from the day he took office?

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Wasn't this the Left's charge against Bush - that he should have been personally monitoring the skies from the day he took office?

Umm teleprompter, let me tell you a secret that just about everyone in the world knows but you. Yes, Bush should have been monitoring the skies since he received a PDB titled "Bin Laden determined to attack America". Protecting America was his Job # 1 - and not starting from 9/12 but from the day he took office.

In this case, lower level officials made a bad decision and Obama is taking heat. But, really, it isn't even near the same as Bush's ignored PDB warning, not even close.

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let me tell you a secret that just about everyone in the world knows but you. Yes, Bush should have been monitoring the skies since he received a PDB titled "Bin Laden determined to attack America".

And let me tell you something that should be obvious to non-Americans here for any appreciable length of time: the US is envied and despised by millions around the world;there are probably dozens of threats standing at any given time.There is one on the World page today...

One of any president-elect's first major poilcy meetings is with the CIA, who impress upon the new C in C this fact.

Of course, national defense approaches an exercise in futility when political correctness means your southern border is virtually unguarded and your northern neighbors welcome militant Islamofascists with open arms.

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" Where does it say Obama gave the order to fly the plane? "

If he did not know what his Airforce 1 was doing, he is incompetent. So, take your pick between mind-boggling arrogance and mind-boggling incompetence.

(And just imagine GWB had done this, and sent a clueless press secretary to say "ask the White House". We wouldn´t hear the end of it.)

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And let me tell you something that should be obvious to non-Americans here for any appreciable length of time: the US is envied and despised by millions around the world;there are probably dozens of threats standing at any given time.

And your point is? I just said the same thing ... to recap ... GWB received a PDB clearly stating a specific threat (which stood out from all the other threats you allude to) and he ignored it.

But lower level officials taking the spare plane out for an ill-advised spin over NYC does not even come close to Bush ignoring threats to America i.e. no one died.

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He should. The low flyover was really s stupid thing to do. Dumb, dumb, dumb. More to come.

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This event was felony stupidity, any 12 year old could have photoshopped the whole thing for free. Change you can smell.

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After wasting 328, 000 dollars of taxpayer money and traumatizing Manhattan residents Scare Force One photos won't be released:

“After claiming last week that the flyby of the VC-25 aircraft that is designated Air Force One when the President is on board was meant to upgrade the file photos of the airplane over national landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, the US Air Force now says that they wont make the photos public.”


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