Japan Today

Obama promises more than 600,000 jobs this summer


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What are these 600,000 people actually going to do for a job? Mow the White House lawn? Government sponsored arugula growing program?

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Obama and his lackies just don't get it. Government doesn't create jobs, it can merely get out of the way and let the economy and market forces create them.

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"unemployment rates still persistently rising ( and at a 25-year high )nearly four months after he signed the biggest stimulus package in history"

Hey, like President Obama said, we all must sacrifice!

"Now we're in a position to really accelerate"

Yeah, accelerate the national debt.

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the White House underestimated the scope of the recession

Just drop freshly printed Fed notes from military cargo plains above fly over country and be done with all the silly stimulus double talk.

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maybe they can all sell government made cars. 600,000 Government Motors door to door salesmen sweeping through the nation selling cars built by the Obama administration.

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Molenir, the Obama government is not only not going to get out of the way, it's taking over!

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Well with the Obama Corps at least the streets will be clean and financial CEO won't need to find jobs in fast food.

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Don't worry, the stimulus has already saved 150,000 jobs!

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Government doesn't create jobs, it can merely get out of the way and let the economy and market forces create them.

Just like market forces created the bank and insurance company failures. What planet do you guys live on? Its not earth, is some neocon fictionalized restoration Pluto like ball of gas where no real life can exist.

Obama is fixing the bush depression. Its just that simple to understand. 8 years of bush and republican control just about destroyed everything. All your little jobs will be saved by Obama who is indeed your savior.

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"Just like market forces created the bank and insurance company failures"

And the government and the politicians had absolutely nothing to do with it, right? Heck, even Bill Clinton admits otherwise.

"Obama who is indeed your savior"

Lord help us!

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get off the 8 year of bush crap. He ran, was not asked, he won on the pretense that he could fix what ever claims are out there. Time to stop using the get out of jail free card.

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Well, I made quite a bit under the Bush years.. Can I double that under Obama?

You mean to tell me that no matter what happens, you will allow a politician to use such "I inherited this mess" card?

I don't know you feel that you must put me in a category as a winger. But the fact is that I what ever well I did under Bush, I would expect to do much better under Obama since he is that all great thing for us. When one starts losing money, they don't want to hear excuses. Again, no one told him he had to run. No one forced him. He chose to run; said he would make a change. No matter what happens in the past, I will hold who is making the rules at the top responsible (your reason for 9-11 was Bush).

Never give a politician an excuse card, it will come back and bite you. Now, how much have you made on your investments in the last few months.

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600 000 jobs for what country?

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Fact: When you live in a "FEMA Prison" you really don't need a job, but they find one for you anyway. =Just filling the Fema prisons could get this economy back on track. There is always the military option also. Either way the Communists have "a job" for everyone. Stalin would be so proud.

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zurc, buddy ~

60, 000 jobs lost in Canada last month, eh. That would be equal to 600,000 in the States.

Your blind support for an administration that is doing so much damage to your country is a sight to behold.

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these are jobs for people who want to be employed. Not lifers at the community college for example who live at home with the parents.


If you think the president makes your money for you, I am sorry to hear that. Very few made money in the market however up until Obama took over earlier this year, the markets are up about 35% now. If you invested then you would have done very well indeed. But the effect of the bush failures in Iraq and with the economy will take years to remedy. Maybe decades. Clinton had to do the same thing when papa bush fouled the US economy in 91. But that was nothing compared to bush junior.

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I'm kind of having trouble making any sense out of the article...

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zruc....please take your Bush obsession somewhere else for the day and let the Americans talk for a little bit. Thanks!

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reuters reports:

"The United States is Canada's largest trading partner, and Canadians have complained the restrictions will bar their companies from billions of dollars in business that they have previously had access to."

"This U.S. protectionist policy is hurting Canadian firms, costing Canadian jobs and damaging Canadian efforts to grow our economy in the midst of a worldwide recession," said Sherbrooke, Quebec, Mayor Jean Perrault, also president of the federation that represents cities and towns across Canada."

Didn't hear folks up north carpin' like that when Bush was in office.

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Has the Bush-GOP recession finished yet?

Dems own it.

Bought it last February.

Changed the party icon from a donkey to a porkulus.

Next question.

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teleprompter - "Your blind support for an administration that is doing so much damage to your country is a sight to behold."

Wow, has the GOP introduced a new mandatory rule for all supporters to forget everything that happened before January 20, 2009? :-)

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So let me get this straight, Sarge, telepromter, superlib et. al are upset because Obama hasn't fixed in 5 months what Bush took 8 years to break? Harhar!

Guys, grow up a bit. A year from now you'll be eating your own words... Moreover, there is absolutely no doubt that the recession will be over before the next election. You know what that means ;)

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Bought it last February.

02/08? huh... Bush...? Yeah, thought so.

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If it's all so rosy why is China laughing at Obama's envoy Geithner and making noises about the US issuing its bonds in yuan, rather than dollars?

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You would think a hole would fill with Trillions of Obama dollars, but in this case? -Well at least AIG was able to pay off it's bad bets and keep their corporate jets.

They should have let the crooks fold shop and the rest would have written off the losses. -We bailed out the crooks! -and possibly made them stronger. Now more loans to the Federal Reserve ---> a private corp that pays no taxes yet leases you their paper fiat money. Crooked all the way.

The American people need to buy back the Federal Reserve.

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Obama shot back at skeptics during the Cabinet meeting. “Now, I know that there’s some who, despite all evidence to the contrary, still don’t believe in the necessity and promise of this recovery act.”

What about all the contrary evidence "to the contrary"?

Still don't believe? In what? ...Santa?

Necessity and promise of what? ...Christmas?

Obama 4 years from now campaigning somewhere in middle America:

"I have a dream!!! That one day, Government deficits in the 10's of trillion$ that can never be paid back in our children's lifetimes will destroy whats left of the American economy! I have a dream!"

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Well, I made quite a bit under the Bush years..

That's how things work in a bubble. You make money and then the bubble bursts and you don't. Has zero to do with the president is.

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zuc: You are out of your mind. I can't say much for Clinton, I was too young I guess to know about investing and I am sure you were too. that 35% you talk about is from WHAT NUMBER?

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What number?

-Obama should have just said 1Billion or 1 Trillion jobs -People would have bought that and Pelosi is to dumb to even know that USA only has about 300million -and that includes the illegals. So with a Billion jobs each person would have at least 3 jobs (no matter what age). =Even dead people could get jobs! Illegals could get upto 10 jobs max.

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Badsey: I was talking about the markets.

I say, buy more soy!

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Obama is just such a miracle worker. Next he'll turn water into wine and walk on water.

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If he turns the water into wine then he could walk on wine!!!!!!!

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Obama better get crackin, summer officially starts in less than two weeks.

600,000 new jobs when we are losing 350-500,000 per month is a very tall order. even if he created 600,000 new government jobs, it would still be a net loss of 450,000-900,000 jobs if current trends continue through the end of the summer. the only people Obama is fooling are the people that want to be fooled.

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zurc: Is bush worship the latest religion among the regressive set?

hehe so the guy who can't type 3 words without one of them being "Bush" is lecturing others about Bush worship? Dude! Bush owns you....you can't open your mouth without saying his name.

SushiSake: Superlib, since when has JapanToday been exclusively for Americans?

Since I arrived, baby!

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" Obama promises more than 600,000 jobs this summer "

Translation: 600,000 more government jobs, paid for by the creative part of the economy (and by printing money).

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Putting his head in the noose here, 600,000 is a rather big number.

Then again, Mr. Obama could just declare a war on everything and reintroduce the draft. Despite the economic woes at the moment, there is aways a strong demand for fresh meat in the wars in Iraqistan.

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I better get out my Bush Budda and start praying and burn a few Obama dollars as an offering. -Or is it mandatory that I pray to Obama now? -Our Saviour and last hope. Even Communists never prayed to Mao/Stalin and Americans are way beyond that =We are almost like Imperial Japanese and praying to The Holy Deity (Emporer) Obama. Will the Imperial Crest be a large O or a 0 (zero). Either way we are doomeded if this continues.

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Ouch. Even Hugo Chavez is piling on:

' "Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right," Chavez joked on a live television broadcast.'

from reuters

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skipthesong: " But the fact is that I what ever well I did under Bush, I would expect to do much better under Obama since he is that all great thing for us. When one starts losing money, they don't want to hear excuses."

So you're saying that YOU are not the one responsible for your own success, whomever is president is; and likewise whomever is president is responsible for your won failures. "Hold Obama accountable" for things he is accountable for, but don't fool yourself into thinking that your own failures/successes are the responsibility of your nation's leader (particularly when you're not necessarily in that nation).

For a guy who does not believe in religion much, if at all, you certainly put a lot into the whole 'external locus of control' concept.

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Yea, Ok more promises from the modern day P.T. Barnum of the political world. I especially love his phrase "... saved umteen bazillion jobs......." Something which of course is easily verifiable. And his latest speech failed to name a single company by name that was "...actually calling people back to work......" You voted him in, you get to live with him.........

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Doesn't anybody get it? Of course there will be 600,000 jobs created by the end of summer. It will be the high point of the fruit and vegetable picking season. Just won't be anyone that most of you know who will be the ones who will get the jobs. Oh the next plan would be to replace tractors with people in the cotton fields! ;) Best way to make this all happen. Make border control go on an 8 week vacation.

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Obama and his lackies just don't get it. Government doesn't create jobs, it can merely get out of the way and let the economy and market forces create them.

We can only assume you were singing the same tune when the previous administration touted how many jobs it had created.

Sometimes government needs to get out of the way. Sometimes it needs to intervene. The trick is knowing when and how much. Considering that getting out of the way really didn't seem to be working, the "when" would be now, I think. As for the "how much", the answers seem to range from "as little as possible" to "much more".

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Obama is fixing the bush depression. Its just that simple to understand. 8 years of bush and republican control just about destroyed everything.

I don't think this was a Bush depression. I think he made some errors, such as encouraging the continued use of consumer credit while going further into hock for the war on terror, but I don't think these seriously fueled the fire. He certainly doesn't seem to have done much to forestall the problem, however.

I think Obama definitely has a tiger by the tail with this problem. I'm not sure that he's got a place to cage it. Some problems are not solvable.

Some diseases just have to run their course. If this is such a disease, I think people are right to criticize Obama's commitment to pay for expensive medications. They are certainly right to question whether he has made the right diagnosis.

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It never fails to amaze how talented conservatives are at completely and utterly shutting out the long list of failures and bungles of the last 8 years and pinning all the blame on the sitting president for the current recession that started more than a year before he was sworn in.

Conservatives had better be thankful for every job created under this administration considering the bone-crushing global recession that unfolded under - yes - a GOP-led, conservative-supported U.S. government.

Conservatives laying into the Obama administration's attempts to right the sinking ship that was torpedoed by GOP policies of the last 8 years need to understand that their criticism is not constructive and is doing nothing to support the revival of their once-proud economy.

Conservatives need to wake up and quit the incessant whining, shrieking and criticism, and

1/ Face the fact that their support of the previous administration helped lead to the global recession we are seeing today.

2/ Get with the program and support rather than tear down the only government that is in power at the moment that has the power to restore their nation.

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susisake is right:

pinning all the blame on the sitting president for the current recession that started more than a year before he was sworn in.

Pelosi Reid Congress set the stage.

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Pelosi Reid Congress set the stage.

Well, if we want to go back to first causes, we might look to the proposition that "all men are created equal". And the corollary is, "how can I be equal if I don't have a house?"

You tell people they're equal and if enough people believe it and if you have a democracy, you get egalitarian measures. Of course, when wedded to republican principles, there will always be assurances that those whose robes are trimmed in purple will continue to profit.

Not Bush's fault. Not Pelosi and Reid's.

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telepompter - "Pelosi Reid Congress set the stage."

Despite your obvious sharp wit and quick comebacks, I'd like to congratulate you for your lame attempt (above) to hide the fact that bush weilded the veto pen.

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"bush weilded the veto pen."

Not the "line item" veto one he didn't.

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sushisake3 -

Even Pravda Online (!) laments the the descent of the US into socialism.


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The tightening of credit facilities in the U.S. put a quick stop to U.S. growth which caused a domino effect to ripple overseas, in particular when BoA, Lehrman Bros, etc. hit the wall.

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teleprompter - "Even Pravda Online (!) laments the the descent of the US into socialism."

Look where capatalism got you. In the tank.

Can I ask: Are you scared of "socialism"? The Swedes seem to have a pretty tidy model. What are you scared of?

That your "freedoms" might be taken away? The previous U.S. govt, did a great job of that.

That the "American Dream" might be shattered? The previous U.S. govt made sure of that.

Oh, and you voted for that previous U.S. govt.

Which means you helped destroyed your own dreams.


Your efforts to criticize and discredit the only government that can help you are not constructive in the slightest and will not help you.

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americans are terrified of "socialism" because of decades of propaganda and scaremongering. most americans don't seem to have the faintest idea what socialism actually means, but they know for sure that it's the boogie-man.

also, most americans are convinced that someday in the not too distant future they will be raking in massive amounts of dough (which of course is all that matters in life) so they don't want to think that they'll then have to gasp share any of it with other human beings

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"The Swedes seem to have a pretty tidy model."

Yeh, socialism seems to work pretty good... for a population of 9 million !!! Good lord Sushisake3 you never cease to make us laugh... Sweden ??? Bwahaha !

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WOR said:

600,000 new jobs when we are losing 350-500,000 per month is a very tall order. even if he created 600,000 new government jobs, it would still be a net loss of 450,000-900,000 jobs if current trends continue through the end of the summer.

Jobs can be created while other jobs are being lost but I would not expect you to understand statistics. They are all science-y and stuff.

The conservatives are running scared. They attempt to preempt every favorable article on the economy now. They can tell the Obama orchestrated economic recovery is coming and they can't stand that he will get credit for it. We may see some positive news in the 4th quarter and 1st quarter of next year.

I am still waiting to find out where the mouthy conservatives got their economics degrees from. They would rather listen to Rush and his emissaries. Rush flunked out of college.

I suspect that consumer confidence, which is already up, will rise sharply by the end of the 3rd quarter. Obama knows that if he can get Americans to "feel good" this summer it will translate into further consumer confidence. That is exactly what is needed. Banks will lend to business again and Bush's demolition of our economy, financial markets and financial structures will finally be over. The conservatives cost us our banking industry, financial institutions like brokerage houses, insurance industry, auto industry, auto parts industry and housing market along with many other vital resources to maintain and grow our GDP. With all this their answer is not much different that Herbert Hoover's was - (do nothing) Prosperity is just around the corner. Prosperity is coming because Obama was just around the corner.

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So you're saying that YOU are not the one responsible for your own success, whomever is president is; and likewise whomever is president is responsible for your won failures." No, I was trying to be sarcastic. But I don't like hearing about what a load one has to pick up when in fact that person asked for it.

"Hold Obama accountable" for things he is accountable for, but don't fool yourself into thinking that your own failures/successes are the responsibility of your nation's leader (particularly when you're not necessarily in that nation)." no, I am in the nation. My company is not yet a KK in Japan. Only allowed to operate as a branch (which is why you see me here bored!) so technically, I am still in NYC which is where this particular business is established!

For a guy who does not believe in religion much, if at all, you certainly put a lot into the whole 'external locus of control' concept." Now, do you really think like that about me?

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Well, if we want to go back to first causes, we might look to the proposition that "all men are created equal". And the corollary is, "how can I be equal if I don't have a house?"

Pretty lame corollary.

Let's cut to the chase here, shall we.

You don't believe in the American system. The tiresome deviousness in your attempts to get Americans here to doubt the validity of the Constitution or our war of independence,coupled with the criticism of the course our country has taken in your lifetime makes me wonder why you still can't tell us what you believe in.

It's like you want to say it but you are too frightened...

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"I am still waiting to find out where the mouthy conservatives got their economics degrees from. They would rather listen to Rush and his emissaries. Rush flunked out of college."

Yet Rush has become one of the most popular and powerful radio figures in the USA making tons of moolah in the process. And GoodDonkey ? Stuck here bleating at the masses at Japantoday... you must be proud.

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jonnyboy - "most americans don't seem to have the faintest idea what socialism actually means, but they know for sure that it's the boogie-man."

I couldn't agree more.

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teleprompter, so are you scared of "socialism" or not?

Sorry, I should add a pre-emptive question: Do you know what "socialism" actually is?

I don't believe you do. And yes, it is working pretty well for the Swedes, no matter how much you want to mock them while your country's economy has taken the entire global economy down the toilet with it.

Moderator: All readers back on topic.

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And no Sushisake...

This couldn't be much further from the truth.

"The tightening of credit facilities in the U.S. put a quick stop to U.S. growth which caused a domino effect to ripple overseas, in particular when BoA, Lehrman Bros, etc. hit the wall."

French bank giant BNP Paribas was the first bank to shut down credit facilities months before any American bank did. Try reading Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman's book "Depression Economics" before you embarrass yerself any further.

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moomoo - "French bank giant BNP Paribas was the first bank to shut down credit facilities months before any American bank did."

So, now you're blaming the French???? That's funny and almost makes up for your disturbing lack of awareness about the real causes of the current global recession. :-)

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moomoo - "Yet Rush has become one of the most popular and powerful radio figures in the USA making tons of moolah in the process."

I hope Rush Limpbough and Sarah Palin run on the same ticket in 2014.

They will ensure the GOP and their followers remain a global laughing stock for many more years to come. :-)

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No, no, but the recession that started near the end of George Bush's last term really is all President Obama's fault. :-)

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Pretty lame corollary.

How so? Declarations are not demonstrations.

Let's cut to the chase here, shall we.

You don't believe in the American system.

That would be what you are chasing, now "the chase". However, you are right about the second part and I would submit that if you do believe in the American system, you are entertaining foolishness. Belief in any system is a path to error.

The tiresome deviousness in your attempts to get Americans here to doubt the validity of the Constitution or our war of independence,coupled with the criticism of the course our country has taken in your lifetime makes me wonder why you still can't tell us what you believe in.

"Deviousness"? Examples, please. I do not doubt the validity of our Constitution. However, I do not think that we have applied it and the laws promulgated pursuant to it in the spirit of the document which I quoted. And it is true that I do not think our rebellion was necessary. The colonists were hardly deprived to the extent that they could not have sought redress in other ways.

It seems to me that I have been rather straightforward in expressing my opinions. It seems to me that your complaint is that you don't like them. And now you seek to divert from the nonsense of your claim that the financial situation was created by the Reid-Pelosi Congress by accusing me of anti-Americanism. Now that is a diversion.

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It is common sense that to fix a problem you must understand the problem. Yes, definitely Bush was a part of the problem, but not the cause. It' easy to blame somebody when crisis comes around during their term. However, economists familiar with Austrian school and theory of business cycle were calling for this crisis back in 2000 (Clinton's term). Clinton administration contributed a fair bit as well. Alan Greenspan's "fixing" of 2000 crash and removal of Glass Stiegel act.

The root cause comes from all the way in 1913 when they created federal reserve. Giving a cartel of banks the right to create and control the money was the biggest mistake made by the US government. They decided to follow Keynesian economic model which does not allow free markets to operate and all went down hill from there. Government spending got out of control. First, FDR stole half of everybody's possession by his criminal executive order to confiscate gold and devaluing the dollar, then they needed to spend even more and got rid of the gold standard causing the 70s inflation. Then they needed to spend more money and started running biggest deficit ever known to mankind. I am not blaming republicans or democrats for that. They all suck! But few people, including Ron Paul who try to fix the problem at its root are just being ignored. Why?

Obama is not going to fix anything. He is doing everything in the same way as it was done before. There is no change. Stop dreaming people. Just because Obama has a very talented speech writer doesn't mean that actually his policies are any good.

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good donkey:

The conservatives are running scared. They attempt to preempt every favorable article on the economy now. They can tell the Obama orchestrated economic recovery is coming and they can't stand that he will get credit for it. We may see some positive news in the 4th quarter and 1st quarter of next year.

Unemployment is at 9.4 percent, a 25-year high. And remember that the Obama admin had predicted it would top out at 8 percent.

Since the Porkulus was passed the country has lost 16,000 jobs a day.

Chinese officials laugh in Tim Geithner's face.

Hugo Chavez jokes that he and Castro are to the right of Obama.

Pravda Online laments our slide into socialism.

GM is now owned by the gov't.

The dollar is tanking.

Microsoft is talking about moving operations out of the country if Obama's tax hikes get approved.

"Conservatives are running scared" ?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg signed a SCOTUS order yesterday stopping the gov't-orchestrated sale of Chrysler to Fiat.

Republicans just took control of New York's state senate.

A majority of Americans now oppose Obama's spending policies.

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"A majority of Americans now oppose Obama's spending policies."

A 'majority'? What does that mean... one of many? So I could say that if 'a majority' now oppose Obama's spending policies, 'many majorities' (or the remaining majorities) support him.

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"Chinese officials laugh in Tim Geithner's face."

Only an idiot would suggest that. They're as worried as Americans, those with born with the useful option of abstract thought, that is.

You might have a shred of credibility had you mentioned the unemployment surge on bush's watch.

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"A majority of Americans now oppose Obama's spending policies."

I'm intrigued to know if your claims come from a poll on this subject, old friend?

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teleprompter - "Heh. Another thread where the majority of Obama's defenders appear to be non-American."

Equally disturbing is why you think it matters, especially considering far more non-Americans have called the shots correctly on 9-11, WMD and the U.S. economy than Americans have.

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Gas up 60 cents/gallon since April 2nd. This only makes matters worse.

Gingrich is right - "Bowing to the Saudi king is not an energy plan."

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tele - your last long post might have had a shred of credibility had it included some critical background information.

"Unemployment is at 9.4 percent, a 25-year high."

According to conservatives, the global recession that began on George Bush's watch is ALL Presdent Obama's doing.

"Since the Porkulus was passed the country has lost 16,000 jobs a day."

See above.

"Hugo Chavez jokes that he and Castro are to the right of Obama."

One day you treat him as irrelevant, next day you use his comments to support your argument. :-)

"Pravda Online laments our slide into socialism."

THE Pravda Online? First you use a dictator's comments to support your case, now you use a never-heard-of Russian website??? Can your 'case' get any stronger?

"GM is now owned by the gov't."

Had it continued to have been run as it was, it would have become an even bigger disaster needing an even bigger bailout.

"The dollar is tanking."

The dollar has been in freefall for years.

Yet another conservative argument shot down in flames. Sometimes, it's like taking shots at goldfish in a tank using a rocket launcher at 10 yards. :-)

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I knows how "liberals" and progressives like polls:

The latest [June 8] Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% now trust the GOP more to handle economic issues, while 39% trust Democrats more.

This is the first time in over two years of polling that the GOP has held the advantage on this issue.


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Stockmarket's up.

Obama's doing things right. :-)

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China, petrified of Obama's brand of socialism:

"Senior Chinese leaders have privately voiced fear over the soaring US budget deficit and are increasingly looking to diversify from the dollar, a Republican congressman said.

"We heard across the board -- in private -- substantial, continuing and rising concern," Representative Mark Kirk said after a trip to China that included talks with government officials and central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan.

"It's clear that China would like to diversify from its dollar investments," the lawmaker said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think-tank. "


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Whatever Obama is doing, its not working. House prices keep dropping, foreclosures accelerating, interest rates are on the rise, gas prices are over $3 a gallon in some parts of the country, unemployment keeps rising, bankruptcy filings all too common. The list goes on. The only thing we have to show for it is $1.4 trillion in new debt and a government run auto company. Now Obama is promising once again to create jobs out of thin air, uh huh, right....

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No tele, I want to know what you think about polls, since here you're using them to defend your somewhat faltering position, yet the other day, when the polls weren't in your precious party's favour, they meant nothing.

You can't have it both ways, even in Denial. So which is it, old friend?

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Vor: "gas prices are over $3 a gallon in some parts of the country"

Yeah, and when it $4 a gallon under Dear Leader Bush you weren't here griping about it. Heh, fair-weather "patriots" the lot of you.

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Yeah, and when it $4 a gallon under Dear Leader Bush you weren't here griping about it. Heh, fair-weather "patriots" the lot of you.

I'm so glad you bring that up. The media went nuts when gas prices rose under Bush but remain silent under Dear Leader Obama. Another example of the media's double standard but that's okay, it's all going to come crashing down on the administration soon enough. Mid term elections are not too far off. The Democrats need to turn this thing around before then. If you really believe Obama and his whiz kids actually know what they are doing, you have nothing to worry about. This blaming Bush thing only has so much legs.

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Sushi: "Had it ( Government Motors) continued to have been run as it was, it would have become an even bigger disaster needing an even bigger bailout"

Had the government not wasted billions on Government Motors, it would have mercifully gone bankrupt earlier than it did.

"Stock market's up. Obama's doing things right."

Unemployment's up. Obama's screwing things up.

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Obama promises more than 600,000 jobs this summer

Promises, Promises, Promises,

Change we can believe in!

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Madverts: far more non-Americans have called the shots correctly on 9-11, WMD and the U.S. economy than Americans have.

Actually that's not correct. A vast majority of the time Americans have formed much better options about all of those matters, plus a lot more.

Moderator: All readers back on topic please.

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Sarge - "Had the government not wasted billions on Government Motors, it would have mercifully gone bankrupt earlier than it did."

OMG, is that why you think GM hit the wall?????


They hit the wall through a combiniation of shocking management that mandated the building of shoddy cars that fewer and fewer people wanted to buy, swelling legacy costs and an economy that went belly up under bush, the president you voted for twice.

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When the economy improves during the Obama administration these conservatives will be making excuses. I told you months ago they will be saying "It would have happened anyway." We have never had our economy screwed up so badly by the poor judgment of an administration before Bush. The fact that Obama will be guiding our economy into recovery so quickly is testament to a good sound team and accurate decisions.

People like VOR talk about the midterm elections but if the economy is better he will not give Obama credit.

All these conservatives brag like they are successful economists. Let's hear some prognosticating from them. If they are so smart then tell us what will happen in the next 15 months. I have already said consumer confidence will rise as I did many months ago. I have already said we will see spending increase. Jobs always lag other results in a recovery. Just like we are seeing the worst of the job loss at the end of this recession. That's economics. GDP will be up in 15 months. That is what will drive job growth.

These sick conservatives are begging the economy to fail so they can pound their chests. What will they do when our economy is in much better shape - the same thing they always do - whine, whine and shriek.

Not one of them has a clue to the damage that Bush has done by not regulating derivatives at a crucial time and not ending the linkage within the markets that led to the domino effect. It is very important not to overregulate because risk must be rewarded when it is properly directed. Those who take risks by investing in new ideas, new technology, and new research should be rewarded when the goods and services prove to be viable. So I am not suggesting we punish those who profit from derivatives and risky capital ventures. Like I mentioned so many times before credit default swaps need some attention with regulations; they are none at the present, Bush had a chance to do something and he failed.

So let's hear predictions from the right and let's hold them accountable. They will hold me accountable if I am wrong and give me absolutely no credit if I am correct.

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Iran war and supplying it.

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VOR - "The list goes on. The only thing we have to show for it is $1.4 trillion in new debt and a government run auto company."

lol! You're still vainly trying to pin all the blame on President Obama when you know full well this global recession began on Bush's watch - the guy you voted for.

Please try harder.

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" It never fails to amaze how talented conservatives are at completely and utterly shutting out the long list of failures and bungles of the last 8 years and pinning all the blame on the sitting president "

Funny thing, I thought you were talking about GWB here. Because you could say exactly the same thing about him, but he got lambasted from day one.

In the event, it is your guy who is in charge now, and he has done a lot in his first 100 days; from quadrupling the deficit to taking over huge chunks of the national economy to giving control to his pals to recalibrating foreign policy in favor of Iran and against Israel to... you can continue yourself. The list is long.

Anyway, the de facto nationalization of huge chunks of the economy and the resulting mess is the doing Barrack Hussein. No matter how much you wiggle about it.

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sailwind, you bring up his name far more often than I do. You are not only obsessed with Bush but everyone who uses his name. But you feel free to use it whenever you feel like it. Sounds to me like control issues. I actually thought of bringing up your mentioning his name several times because you did so unprovoked. But then I realized it would just be childish. It would waste my time that I usually spend discussing the actual issues.

Obama will turn promises into results, results, results.

And then we will hear denial, denial, denial.

Wow someone takes the time to bait me for using a reference to Bush but never addresses hard core issues. sailwind, what do you think will happen economically in the next 15 months? What would it take for you to give Obama credit for success? Just how bad of shape were the economy in and the financial markets in? Did deregulation have a positive effect on the financial structures? Will we see a rise in GDP?

Don't answer these questions on my account. If you have never bothered with the facts before why start now?

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gooddonkey - "We have never had our economy screwed up so badly by the poor judgment of an administration before Bush."

This will probably need to by skywritten so that the conservatives finally get it. :-)

Every day it's the same - the conservatives have but one overriding goal - to shriek, criticize and complain about the wreckage of an economy that their votes for the previous president helped create.

Adding insult to injury, they know they have a plan - but it's a good one on paper - "Cut taxes."

That's pretty much the entire GOP fiscal policy in a nutshell.

But let's face it - bush tried it and look what happenned.

Now, President Obama and his administration is pretty much the only hope America has, and yet the conservatives STILL want to tear him down and blame him for the global recession that began on the watch of the former president, the same one who repeatedly mouthed his easy-to-understand mantra - "The economy is strong."

Turns out it wasn't but the conservatives were so totally blindsided by the simple, repetitive propaganda that they believed him.

After 8 years of the GOP pouring billions down the drain and overseas into pointless wars, we now have a president who is spending unprecedented amounts on America and Americans.

You'd think that would satisify most Americans after they watched billions of their tax money being siphoned off overseas.

But the conservatives still can't handle it.

They need to give President Obama a break.

Why? Here's why, and I'll keep on repeating this - the votes of the GOP and conservatives - the same ones who now complain about President Obama - were instrumental in creating the worst global economic downturn in 80 years.

But will they ever have the spine to admit it?

ha ha ha. :-)

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They [GM] hit the wall through a combiniation of shocking management that mandated the building of shoddy cars that fewer and fewer people wanted to buy, swelling legacy costs and an economy that went belly up under bush, the president you voted for twice.

And Obama rewarded "them" - the UAW - with billions taken from taxpayers.

Man, you have no idea how silly you look.

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WilliB: "In the event, it is your guy who is in charge now, and he has done a lot in his first 100 days; from quadrupling the deficit to taking over huge chunks of the national economy..."

Standard conservative practice - totally ignore the last 8 years and think that the economy began tanking under President Obama.

No real surprises here, but a textbook case of an incredible selective memory.

WilliB: "Anyway, the de facto nationalization of huge chunks of the economy and the resulting mess is the doing Barrack Hussein. No matter how much you wiggle about it."

rofl! Perhaps it's best you re-read the quote of mine that you posted but clearly didn't take the time to read -

Here is it again for your viewing pleasure -

"It never fails to amaze how talented conservatives are at completely and utterly shutting out the long list of failures and bungles of the last 8 years and pinning all the blame on the sitting president."

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Please answer the question regarding your decidedly un-certain position regarding polls.

You don't want me to believe that you're the kinda guy that blurts one day "polls mean nothing in the USA" when reminded of dick's 8% approval rating only to attempt to use the findings of a poll to defend an argument days later?

Do you?

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teleprompter - "Man, you have no idea how silly you look."

Naturally, you will have a plan that would not only have saved GM but will also right the wrecked economy.

Let's hear it.

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Taking a page from Jacob Zuma's playbook maybe. You can promise the heavens but you won't deliver. Even if 600,000 jobs are created they will be temporary, project based work so nice try.

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I apologize for my last post - I requested a plan, a strategy from a conservative (I should have said "that doesn't involve damning and cursing the sitting president but that does include constructive ideas and advice.")

That's pretty silly, I agree. :-)

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Every day it's the same - the conservatives have but one overriding goal - to shriek, criticize and complain about the wreckage of an economy that their votes for the previous president helped create.

Is it just me, or does anyone else looking over the responses to this article find the majority of the shrieking is being done by the loons. Sorry, translating that for the mentally impaired, the loony libs. The ones who worship Obama as a savior, who know for a fact that he is god, and can do nothing wrong. The only thing they can do, is try to shift his failures, onto Bush and Republicans.

I read an article awhile back, before the Porkulus bill was rammed through congress. It basically stated that most economists felt that the 'Porkulus' was a mistake. That if Obama did nothing, the economy would recover as fast or faster then if he passed that bill. What the loons don't seem to realize, is that when we criticize the President for the economy, we are not saying he started it, or he is primarily at fault for it. What we are saying, is that the longer the recession goes on, the more the medicine he prescribed is. It became his recession when he signed 'Porkulus'. That was his answer to it. I know its hard for you loons to understand, but thats simple truth.

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With more and more consumers defaulting into credit card bankruptcy hell, massive amount of ARMs getting ready to reset on stressed home owners in the next 12 months and commercial real estate about ready to implode, how many banks will fail this Fall as "green shoots" turn into brow stubble and Wally Street goes in the crapper?

Even in a best case scenario with 600,000 jobs created out of thin air, like so many bogus federal reserve notes, what lender will extend credit to these Obama jobsters to perpetuate the myth of the consumer economy?

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His inexperience is showing. He does not walk on water and it is not fair place all the blame on the Bush administration. We all had a part in this. I know I should have saved more when the money was rolling in but I didn't and I blame myself not the President. I am just waiting and hoping that I keep my job while waiting for the economy run through this cycle. My hours have been cut but I am thankful that I still have a job.

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This thread is reminding me why I don't follow American politics anymore. No real debate, just yelling of sound bite learned from Fox/Huffington Post/Whatever.

Do you think if you yell loud enough with witticisms about the 'other guys' failings you'll sound any less foolish? Or is actual discussion without degenerating into finger pointing and name calling just too sophisticated?

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All the dollars have a code number on them and, depending on the code, some are accepted as international currency and some are not. Over 70% of all the dollars ever created are held by non-Americans. Those people do not want their hard earned dollars to be devalued. For that reason, the countries of the world have stopped accepting all US dollars printed by the Federal Reserve Board since September 11th of 2008. That is why there is no hyper-inflation and the dollar has not collapsed despite the Feds printing out over 13 trillion dollars since September 2008. No matter how much President Obama and the Feds say no to a new international currency controlled by the IMF, they are powerless to do anything about it. The Feds has de facto lost the right to print a reserve currency.

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The banking system brought our economy to its knees. Recommended reading: Lords of Finance by Liaquat Ahamed.

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It amazes me Obama's face is not on the $1 bill, the Statue of Liberty, and Mt. Rushmore. After all he is our savior and I pray to my Obama idol every day.

-And what's up with Iran and NK not buying our Obama dollars?

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Obama can thgopw out numbers like this whenever he pleases, but his lies will be his downfall. Watch the fools popularity slide as he makes himself and the US look fools to the rest of the world.

His legacy will be of the president who saw the bviggest decline in GDP in history , while our enemies become emboldend. This talk aboit 600,000 job is just that, talk, and it aint true, and that's a fact.

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You know - the real question is what will the American People do? People criticize Obama yet have nto better answers themselves. People say Obama's an idiot, evil, a liar - then why don't Americans Impeach him?

At least in China there was a Tienanmen Square - People disagreed and stood up to the government - protest the government and many died because of it.

Why don't American's, who have a system that should protect them from being shot dead as in China, stand up and replace Obama with a better president?

Then all this chat about how bad life is can stop.

I guess what I'm saying is - stop pointing fingers and resting on your ability to blame the president and start taking action and improving the country.

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Was a democratically elected gov just compared to communist China? Wow, this discussion is waaaaay beyond some people's maturity level. Time to rustle up this thread and head out into the sunset there, cowboy, before we start some redneck revolution. No offense, the US has enough problems at the moment. Tienanmen Square, indeed.

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Calling those on the left 'loons' is merely going along with your own terminology. If you want to call conservatives, "Right wing nuts" "Fanatics" etc. Then expect to have the same type of terminology used to describe your own extremist positions.

This pretty much nicely sums up partisan politics. The response no doubt from the left, the right called us names frist. Why not just say, I am rubber you're glue, it's on the same intelligence level. Obama may create 600,000 jobs, he might not create 600,000 jobs, it's not going to make a difference. Partisan politics will insure that mostly far left and far right politicans are elected, leaving a hole in the middle where common sense use to reside. Without common sense good policies are doomed to fail because the other side will always say their bad and bad policies will implemented because both sides pender to those lacking common sense.

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If you look at the last 8 years the liberals have been right every time.

Bush in 8 years got absolutely nothing right.

This is a logical contradiction, a liberal congress(2006~2008) voted for many of Bush's policy. TARP and the first round of the Auto-bailouts are prime examples. Your attitude is exactly the problem partisan politics cuases, not all Republican policies are wrong and not all liberial policies are wrong. Calling all Republican policies wrong forces good policies to become bad. If a moderate democrat put out a policy that Republicans like, it's wrong, because Republicans are never right(according to your own agrument).

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Good Jorb sums it up nicely.

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This pretty much nicely sums up partisan politics. The response no doubt from the left, the right called us names frist. Why not just say, I am rubber you're glue, it's on the same intelligence level.

The trouble is, when one side is screaming nonsense, people who want to have a real discussion get drowned out. It becomes a contest of who can scream the loudest. I myself am a very rational person. I give credit where its due, and criticize what I think is a mistake. I've given Obama credit for a few good things hes done, just like I did for Bush. I criticized the hell out of both Bush and Obama for the things I believe they did wrong. However hearing nothing but name calling, and unreasoning blind hatred tends to cause me to want to lash out as well. Its sad but true, that the partisans on both sides tend to dominate the conversation. But thats the way it is.

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DickMorris at 02:10 AM JST - 10th June His legacy will be of the president who saw the bviggest decline in GDP in history , while our enemies become emboldend. This talk aboit 600,000 job is just that, talk, and it aint true, and that's a fact.

Again attempting to rewrite history I see. So what you are saying is our President got a great economy from the last President. Now President Obama is screwing up our great Bush economy by trying to raise taxes and create more jobs.

Darn it, I did not know it was soooooooo great before President Obama took office.....LOL

Classic Republican logic really is not good for our Country....Think outside the tiny box you guys are in, you may be surprised to find out that Bush was a terrible President and he and his gang screwed up our nation.

Good_Jorb at 06:30 AM JST - 10th June This is a logical contradiction, a liberal congress(2006~2008) voted for many of Bush's policy.

Here are some question for ya, I suspect you will not answer one question at all, truth really can scare a far right winger;

What party did Bush belong too?

How long did he the Republicans have control of congress?

Who supported deregulation everything in sight?

Who gave a pass to all standing laws about low bidding to payoff friends?

Who appointed the worst possible people for high ranking positions in his administration? Remember good ole Brownie?

So now you guys in the far right are saying that the creation of jobs for Americans is a bad thing? This is the same way you guys got us into this mess. You guys want to help big businesses and their CEO's rather than help the average man.

In your way of thinking you give tax breaks to the rich instead of taxing them at a higher rate. Why? Well because as the rich drive by your house in their Bentley, they may throw out a bone that you can us to feed your family...

That kind of thinking got us into this mess. We have lowered taxes during a not one but two wars. What was the President's strategy to get more money pumping into our government? Well he just borrowed more from the Chinese... Now China can do whatever it wants and we have to hope they do not unload the Dollar.

Tell me how bad off were we before one of the worst Presidents too office? Yes, I am talking about your boy Bush 2. Then tell me how did he leave our country after he left?

His budgets and bad management put us into the state we are in....The President make the policies and signs bills into laws. If he was a good steward of our nation he would not have signed so many bad bills into laws.

So for you guys to complain about our current President because he is trying to get America working again is real sad, hell it is almost down right traitorous!

Party loyalty over loyalty to our nation is what got us here....Sad!

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The federal deficit is on pace to explode past $1.8 trillion this year, more than four times last year’s all-time high.

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Who gave a pass to all standing laws about low bidding to payoff friends?

Democrat Rep Barney Frank

Bush didn't pass this years budget, that was all dems. Amazingly enough, Dems passed the last 2 budget busting budgets as well. Of course this year the deficit is off the charts. Of course its still Bushes fault. I wonder, next year, when the deficit is even higher, will it still be Bush's fault?

So for you guys to complain about our current President because he is trying to get America working again is real sad, hell it is almost down right traitorous!

I'm sorry, did you really say get America working again? Tell me how nationalizing everything is going to get America working? How fleecing bondholders of these companies is going to help America? I'd say supporting Obama's economic policies is what is damn near traitorous. At the very least, its suicidal for the American economy.

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Actually, I believe Obama has said he (LOL) will save or create 600,000 jobs.

More word games. Given the size of the Porkulus it shouldn't be too difficult to say your wildly exprensive package saved a half a million jobs or so.

The media laps it up. The cult of personality is still strong. I reckon it's gonna take oil at 85/barrel before the rose-colored glasses crack.

Oh ho!

"Joe Bigs" is angry:

So for you guys to complain about our current President because he is trying to get America working again is real sad, hell it is almost down right traitorous!

What happened to "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?

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VOR at 09:18 AM JST - 10th June The federal deficit is on pace to explode past $1.8 trillion this year, more than four times last year’s all-time high.

Hell if the Nation debt is at 1.8 trillion that would be great. The nation debt was about 10.7 trillion as of 2008.

My my President Obama is the next coming, he will slash al 10 trillion from our debt in less than 2 years!LOL

Facts straight before you leap really does help.

WE are projecting that our debt will reach 11.4 trillion by the 3rd quarter of 2009. Meaning we will be raising our debt by a less under 700 Billion dollars.

Now if your talking about the Nation budget you are wrong again. Below are the Federal Budgets submitted by the Presidents. If you will notice 2009 was not submitted by President Obama but by President Bush. Meaning the budget the government is using right now.

2010 United States federal budget $3.60 trillion (submitted 2009 by President Obama) 2009 United States federal budget $3.10 trillion (submitted 2008 by President Bush) 2008 United States federal budget $2.90 trillion (submitted 2007 by President Bush) 2007 United States federal budget $2.77 trillion (submitted 2006 by President Bush)

If you want the fact, stop listening to Rush and other far right wing propaganda tools. Research it yourself.

Just Google them and be amazed, the Federal government posts all this information for you.

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teleprompter at 01:22 PM JST - 10th June "Joe Bigs" is angry: So for you guys to complain about our current President because he is trying to get America working again is real sad, hell it is almost down right traitorous! What happened to "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?

It is fun putting the shoe on the other shoe, now any time a far right winger yells out about something he/she does not like, those that oppose them can just say,"That is so un-American especially in a time of war!LOL"

Molenir at 10:01 AM JST - 10th June Bush didn't pass this years budget, that was all dems. Amazingly enough, Dems passed the last 2 budget busting budgets as well.

So the Democrats signed the checks and wrote them too? Oh my god, what did Bush do as President? First time I have ever read that a President does not sign Bills into law!

Well then it was not his fault after all, the Democrats were the real power. Bush just sat there and did nothing?

OH my, this means that it was the Democrats that sent all those enemy combatants to Gitmo and not Bush! So Pelosi was the head of the government! NOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo the President is just a doll!LOL

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JoeBigs at 01:55 PM JST - 10th June Here are some question for ya, I suspect you will not answer one question at all, truth really can scare a far right winger;

I see that none of you answered my list of question.....You just opened your far right wing talking points memos to try and deflect them.....Nice....LOL

Could not bring yourselves to admit how Bush really was huh?LOL

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1.6 millions job lost since Obama came into office.But we still get told that Obama has saved 150,000 jobs.

"Creating - or saving jobs" is basically econometric slight of hand.But of course, that's the cynical Republican take.

So let's spell it out in the way "liberals" understand it: the era of Hope and Change cannot allow itself to be tied down by the traditional bourgeois economic indicators of the past, any more than Carter,Clinton,Barney Frank and Pelosi could allow banks, which for hundreds of years had depended on the stodgy middle class to fret over and actually honor their mortgage agreements, to get in the way of affirmative action policies the Dems needed to buy votes.

"Creating" - or saving - 600 000 jobs will be easy, since even if another 1.6 million were to find themelves unemployed come autumn the administration's spokesnerd Dilbert Gibbs can still waddle out onto the White House lawn and tell the fawning mainstream media that altough there are now 3.2 million unemployed and this is unfortunate, and Mr Obama, who was a Community Organizer - like Jesus was - well, uh, our boffo president - the miracle worker! - prevented that number from ever reaching 5 million.

Obama saved 1.8 million jobs!

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If you think back to the fall of Rome, the colloseum was one of the distractions. In the case of today, unemployment is the problem, and everything else is distraction. Unemployment drives reduced consumption, less taxes, and all the bad things we read about in the newspaper today. Everything else, represents the cliff that we are collectively heading towards, and like it or not, Japan, Europe, Canada, and Australia are following the US. Forget about stock indexes, oil, arbitrage, currencies, commodities, and just look at unemployment. It is the KPI de jour.

So when Obama says 600,000, and talks jobs, whether they will happen or not, at least he is trying to focus on what is most important, and not trying to create some type of colloseum. He also alludes to JC many times, whether it clicks with you or not. But perhaps we could pitch in for a change and follow suit.

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Molenir said:

I'd say supporting Obama's economic policies is what is damn near traitorous.

The so called middle does not hear those of us on the left labeling those on the right as traitors. But this is nothing new; the conservatives have called me a traitor many times over the years. But those in the middle don't seem to differentiate between someone calling one a traitor and calling one an idiot. I fully admit to calling people on the right idiots. I maintain that they often say the exact opposite of the truth. For example an overwhelming majority of economists said that something must be done in the form of a stimulus package to jump start the economy; someone said economist said the exact opposite. It was not just so called liberal economists but economists across the spectrum that called for stimulus. But I am labeled as combative for lambasting prevaricators who state things exactly opposite as they actually occurred. Where are the moderate voices when I am called a traitor? Those in the middle cannot see the difference between questioning a person's intelligence and calling them a traitor? It would be quite a bit late in the game to now condemn such speech. But it definitely shows one's ability to discern.

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"The so called middle does not hear those of us on the left labeling those on the right as traitors."

Openly hoping for your own president to fail in the worst economic collapse since 1929 is traitorous enough for me. I'm all for critisism when it's justified, but inane shrieking because your candidate got beaten in the elections is getting more than tiresome.

I see that 10 banks are to repay government loans and that things look like they could be on the up-turn. I'm wondering to what low levels these fanatics will stoop to should Obama turn the mess he inherited around...

...I'm predicting it 'aint gonna be pretty.

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Openly hoping for your own president to fail in the worst economic collapse since 1929 is traitorous enough for me.

Nationalization worked so well for Rolls in '71 and British Leyland in '74.

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Whoops...."it's only a stop-gap whilst the mess they're in"....attempts to fix itself....

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600,000, or 6,000,000 Obamjobs?

It doesn't matter how many jobs the govt promises to "create" from borrowed money, and it matters not how much phony money they print. The trade deficit alone is 1.5 billion a day and the national debt is to the tune of 4.7 billion a day. Those who think they can remake the economy with more junk money have their heads in a dark hole. As the dollar goes south, these twin deficits will explode like twin towers. As the banksters buy gold mines in S. Africa with all the bailout taxpayer cash, credit card consumers living in the promised land are left living on borrowed time and monetary coupons in an unsustainable state of denial. The gig is up.

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numbers said:

Those who think they can remake the economy with more junk money have their heads in a dark hole. As the dollar goes south...

The facts say the dollar is in good shape. It is now about 1.40 to one Euro and the week of July 7, 2008 it was down to 1.58 to one Euro. Those damn facts get in the way of my acceptance of your bs every time. Our economy was crashing in the worst possible way. We were on the verge of losing our financial institutions. Our economy will recover in short order and we will begin to lower deficits within a few short years. Too bad that our economy will be booming in Obama's second term. The naysayers will have zero excuses. Unlike the prevaricators on the right I can admit my party has made mistakes; the Democratic party used to spend wildly. We needed massive help for this recovery because our economy was devastated. Democrats have learned from their mistakes and will be returning to fiscal responsibility like the Clinton years where he had to veto Republican bills to arrive at a budget surplus. Hopefully we will get 4 more consecutive Democratic Congresses and then there will be no doubt that the Democratic party is the party of fiscal responsibility. United States of America has a GDP of 14 trillion and no other nation is even close. That is not printed money; that is output. American workers are among the most productive in the world. In other words when we work we bust our ass. We have many of the best universities in the world. We will continue to turn out fine young men and women who have studied hard to contribute to society. Any one who has read just a few of my comments will know that I am not degrading any other nation. Other countries have just as fine universities as we do. We happen to have a lot of them and they are the envy of the world. I am not bragging; just defending my country when someone tries to say "The gig is up." Our greatest strength is no longer the individual drive of our nation. Our greatest strength is the unity with so many other nations. I am so grateful to have access to the fine goods from the hands of workers in other nations. From my experience there is mutual respect and admiration from my fellow citizens of the world. I can't ever thank the individuals on JT from other countries that have made favorable comments. I also am very grateful that others criticize us. It makes us like family. We, who have found peace and understanding amongst each other are the lucky ones. We have erased the borders and found a commonality that allows us to share the human condition from thousands of miles apart. America will do fine but not alone. I have learned very valuable lessons from people from other countries on JT alone not accounting for the many other people I have met on the web. Freedom goes way beyond human rights it is when we curtail those who wish to control others that we all can truly be free. Many conservatives do everything in their power to restrain those who are different then them. Acceptance and tolerance is change we can believe in. Obama is ramming acceptance and tolerance down people's throats and they are fighting him all the way. Just wait until our economy improves. These xenophobic jerks better prepare for the fight of their lives. Talk about denial, their party is swirling down the toilet because people are free from the control freaks and lovin' every minute of it. The richest Americans voted for Obama in greater numbers than the alternatives last election. The finest business schools around the country are cranking out graduate students with liberal ideas. I am speaking from experience. The Republicans are in for a rude awakening when they find out both big business and small business leaders are finding the success that liberals are bringing much more palatable. It was the Clinton years that are now the model of success.

Anyone who is predicting the failure of America any time soon has not seen the American worker. They are men and women who work tirelessly to bring home the bacon, the tofu, the sushi, and every other home grown delicious meal as well as most of the world's ethnic dishes. Yep, anyone who hasn't seem the American worker in action and disparages them are in for a big surprise. Putting foreign parts in our products just means we are willing to work (in a virtual sense) beside the rest of the world's workers in unison.

I find it offensive to use an analogy like "these twin deficits will explode like twin towers" but I will get over it. Something needed to be said. It is wrong to use those poor victims as banter for degrading political ideology discussions.

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GoodDonkey - The so called middle does not hear those of us on the left labeling those on the right as traitors.

Please read the next post after yours. I single out this line...

Madverts - Openly hoping for your own president to fail in the worst economic collapse since 1929 is traitorous enough for me.

People on both sides call each other traitor all the time. During the Bush years, some idiots called people traitor for going against Bush. Now idiots from the other side say the same thing about Obama. Responding to the statement from Madverts, hoping to see the President succeed in destroying the countries economy is likewise, traitorous enough for me.

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Badsey posted: "It amazes me Obama's face is not on the $1 bill, the Statue of Liberty, and Mt. Rushmore. After all he is our savior and I pray to my Obama idol every day.

-And what's up with Iran and NK not buying our Obama dollars?"

The stats seem to show that the majority American people think he is doing a "great" job howerver I disagree with the stats. I believe thats omeone is manipulating the stats in Mr. Obama's favor. Or the wrong questions are being asked to a select group of people. He is still basking in the Media Blitz. I get so tired of listening to all the political mumbo jumbo that is played over and over through the media. Once is enough. This is my opinion of which I am entitled to. He is not God and never will be.

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He is not God and never will be.

I have seen alot of people saying that people believe/are saying Obama is God or the messiah but I have yet to actually see someone say that Obama is God, strange.

The nice thing about the media is, if you don't like what they are saying don't read/listen/watch them, it's that easy.

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So the facts are in about the huge debt coming in this year and no surprise, its mostly from Bush and his 8 year experiment in total failure. Over 50% of the debt comes from bush programs and his give money to the rich tax scam. About a third is the economic downturn which of course can be traced to the bush and his clones allowing the finance industry to run unregulated. So that adds up to about 90% of the debt. The other 10% is from Obama and his programs.

This comes from the CBO, it out there so google away. Facts, things the wingers just hate to see.

The article I read noted that from clinton to bush the budget swung $2 trillion dollars annually into the red. Only a republican could pull that off. That party is incompetent to run government.

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Over 50% of the debt comes from bush programs

You forgot to mention that the majority of these programs were overwhelmingly supported by Dems, and barely squeaked by with a minimum of Republican defectors.

About a third is the economic downturn which of course can be traced to the bush and his clones allowing the finance industry to run unregulated.

Here you neglected to mention, that when Bush tried to step in, Democrat Barney Franks prevented it. This is reality, things the loonies hate to face.

The article I read noted that from clinton to bush the budget swung $2 trillion dollars annually into the red. Only a republican could pull that off. That party is incompetent to run government.

You also neglected to mention, that under Obama, we have the largest ever deficit in history. Much larger then was passed under Bush, even during his final 2 years under a democratic congress. Quite an accomplishment if you ask me. Feel free to keep your head in the sand, and rant about nonsense Zurc, you do it so well.

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It amazes me how the far right wing mind works. This has slowly turned from a debate over job creation and morphed into a religious battle for you guys.

This usually happens when a far right winger is losing a debate. They jump in and toss the name of god in trying to sway or support their beliefs. It is funny, really....

Let me show you some examples;

Good_Jorb at 03:44 AM JST - 11th June I have seen alot of people saying that people believe/are saying Obama is God or the messiah but I have yet to actually see someone say that Obama is God, strange.

OhioDonna at 03:29 AM JST - 11th June He is not God and never will be.

Molenir at 11:46 PM JST - 9th June Sorry, translating that for the mentally impaired, the loony libs. The ones who worship Obama as a savior, who know for a fact that he is god, and can do nothing wrong.

Notice that before the 9th no one referenced god in any terms. But whamo the fight is at a loss for the far right and they begin naming their god.

By using god in their sentences is like waving a white flag. This is usually their final attempt to sway a battle in their favor. But like always they will fail.

Turn out the lights the party is over...

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By using god in their sentences is like waving a white flag. This is usually their final attempt to sway a battle in their favor. But like always they will fail.

You do of course realize, that we "far right wingers" are only using you loonies own terminology against you right? If you look back on the debates, and discussions before the recent election, you will see interviews done with Democrats, claiming that Obama is the "savior" of the democratic party. Claiming he is like the messiah, leading us to the promised land. This isn't something that just popped up on the 9th as you supposed, but rather has been around since well before last November, and came out from your own side of the fence. That we on the right choose to use your own lunacy against you, I suppose is whats hard to stomach.

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Molenir at 06:02 AM JST - 11th June If you look back on the debates, and discussions before the recent election, you will see interviews done with Democrats, claiming that Obama is the "savior" of the democratic party.

Now I was under the impression that the election was over and we were talking about the 600,000 jobs our President promises to create. Why do you guys always try to hijack a topic by turning it into a religious one?

The promise has nothing to do with religion or faith, it has all to do with his leadership abilities. If he falls short in creating these jobs then that will be on him.

But to try and change this into a fight about what someone may or may not of said in the past shows the desperate state you guys are in....

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Now I was under the impression that the election was over and we were talking about the 600,000 jobs our President promises to create. Why do you guys always try to hijack a topic by turning it into a religious one?

Yes, the election is over. What, you don't like us mocking you by pointing out your own stupidity? Refering to Obama as the Savior, or Messiah, is not turning it to a religious discussion, but rather is a way of mocking the stupidity that is the Democratic party, and their blind following of Obama. How hard is this to really understand?

Obama says something, in this case how he personally will create 600k jobs. Most people know he's talking out his butt, but those on the left like yourself, take every word as gospel. You've drunk the kool-aid my friend. Rather the helping America, he is leading us down the path towards destruction. That you are denying this, shows nothing more then your own blindness.

Try, I mean seriously, try to find something in which you don't agree with Obama. Is there anything? Anything at all? If not, then you know just how deep you are.

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Molenir at 07:02 AM JST - 11th June Try, I mean seriously, try to find something in which you don't agree with Obama. Is there anything? Anything at all? If not, then you know just how deep you are.

Actually there are a few things I disagree with him. But, when it comes to creating jobs for Americans, this is not one of them.

Do not know about you far right wingers, but I hope he does a great job and gets us out of the mess your side got us into.

But again I am not a far right winger and I do not hate our nation for the past election. I am actually very happy by the results.

Molenir at 07:02 AM JST - 11th June What, you don't like us mocking you by pointing out your own stupidity? Refering to Obama as the Savior, or Messiah, is not turning it to a religious discussion, but rather is a way of mocking the stupidity that is the Democratic party, and their blind following of Obama. How hard is this to really understand?

Thank you for making my point, when you start to lose a political debate. Your side reverts to what it knows best, religion.

As I stated before, when you can not win, you try to change the subject to god. But as always that does you no good there is no god.

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gooddonkey: Like I mentioned so many times before credit default swaps need some attention with regulations; they are none at the present, Bush had a chance to do something and he failed.

Actually from what I've read the chance to regulate the CDSs was something that was originally passed up under Clinton. Clinton also put pressure on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lower their standards for home mortgages in order for more minorities to get into home ownership, hence the explosion in sub-prime mortgages since those two bodies would now purchase blocks of sub-prime loans. If you want to see something really creepy, check out this article from 1999 talking about the lower standards and how one day it might come back to haunt us in the form of a bailout:


I should also say that I've voted Democrat my entire life. This isn't about politics.

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Molenir said:

If you look back on the debates, and discussions before the recent election, you will see interviews done with Democrats, claiming that Obama is the "savior" of the democratic party.

Claiming he is like the messiah, leading us to the promised land. ...came out from your own side of the fence.

I don't remember one single interview where Democrats claim Obama was the Messiah. I do however recall countless times that conservatives claimed Democrats were claiming that he was the Messiah. I'll bet Obama was referenced as the Messiah closer to 1000 times on JT then to zero. Yet those references were all claims that liberals and/or Democrats were saying these things but in fact never were they declarations made by any liberals and/or Democrats.

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well, the wingers now have lost every point on this thread logically and basically admit that 90% of the current debt run up by the government is due to bush failures like the invasion of Iraq and the huge drug company welfare bill that even the republicans did not want to pass. And of course the tax breaks for the rich.

All they are left with, and why is so easy to beat them, is their faith based empty talking points. If bush was a war criminal, limbaugh a drug user, newt a intern chasing lout, palin an empty headed bush clone they would still be 100% behind their man or woman. Oh, and all these things are true which proves my point. They are a lost and angry group of misinformed by choice losers. If they admit their leaders are failures then they have to admit their faith is wasted and wrong. Cant do that. So its just more of the same empty angry illogical propaganda over and over again and of course being wrong on fact nearly 100% of the time. Sweet, is it not? Another two or three thrashings in the election cycles should hopefully shame them into reality.

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Yet those references were all claims that liberals and/or Democrats were saying these things but in fact never were they declarations made by any liberals and/or Democrats.

Newsweek's Evan Thomas (grandson of the American socialist and six time loser presidential candidate Norman Thomas), just last week, declared on MSNBC that

"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."


There are plenty of examples of this sort of faith-based silliness "liberals" indulge in. There are web sites that display the numerous photos in which lib media photographers have photographed dear leader Obama in such a way that he has a halo around his pompous mug.

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I don't remember one single interview where Democrats claim Obama was the Messiah.

lol, How about Oprah? At an Obama rally prior to the election.


Took me all of 10 seconds to find this. She is by far not the only one. I heard Dems use Messiah, Savior, The One, The Promised One, The Prophet, and many other similar terms to refer to Obama prior to the 2008 election. They've since toned down their rhetoric, of course because they don't want to put expectations of him too high. And of course because people like me constantly mock them for using those terms.

Thank you for making my point, when you start to lose a political debate. Your side reverts to what it knows best, religion.

I find it amusing, that you, having lost the debate, then try to turn around and claim that you won, ignoring all the points made earlier in the thread, by myself, and many other posters, you claim we want to make everything about religion. Like I said, feel free to keep burying your head in the sand.

Actually there are a few things I disagree with him. But, when it comes to creating jobs for Americans, this is not one of them.

By all means, please enlighten us on that rare extreme case in which you find something you actually dare to criticize the President over. Of course if you can actually find something, you'll probably be referred to by other posters here, as a right wing conservative nutter. So, just be prepared.

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Zurcronium - ever heard of the Economist? I do believe they basically endorsed Obama last November:

Bad as the deficit was under Mr Bush, it will quadruple this year, from $459 billion in 2008 to $1.845 trillion, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Mr Obama vows to slash it in half within four years, but that will still leave it bigger than the deficits for which he once lashed Mr Bush. His aides hint that he will get tough when the time is right, but he is reluctant to break campaign promises of tax cuts for all but the rich just yet. The CBO reckons the deficit will still be running at more than $1 trillion a year in 2019.”

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Our greatest strength is no longer the individual drive of our nation. Our greatest strength is the unity with so many other nations.

Our greatest strength is only as strong as its weakest link. Take away the individual drive of Americans and you have socialism. This economic monoculture of global "unity" with other nations has made the severity of this meltdown into the train wreck that it is. Interdependent economies travelling at the speed of junk credit caused this problem. Globalization of every aspect of manufacturing, banking and micro managed trade deals have exported and destroyed American jobs just so Wall Street can have its myopic quarterly profits.

"The gig is up" is in reference the scammers who have sold out our nation at the top. Nothing to do with the productivity of America.

Acceptance and tolerance is change we can believe in. Obama is ramming acceptance and tolerance down people's throats and they are fighting him all the way.

This is pathetic. If having socialism rammed down your throat is "tolerance", Id hate to see what tyranny looks like. Some people would rather fight than be a zombified cool-aid drinking Obamaphile.

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the messiah

This actually came from an interview about Obama after his Germany speach during the campaign, I believe. Then the republicans latched onto it.

But I guess 600,000 jobs is a bad thing. No matter how Obama would have proposed it, even if he was paying the salaries out of his own pocket some republicans would be complaining. < :-)

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This actually came from an interview about Obama after his Germany speach during the campaign, I believe. Then the republicans latched onto it.

I don't actually know who started using the term Messiah, I do know that prior to the 2008 elections, Rev. Louis Farrahkhan, who was one of Obamas early supporters used it on multiple occasions. And he is by far not the only one. Republicans picked it up to mock the Democrats because after being elected, it was like Dems expected Obama to fix everything, the day he got elected. Saw an interview to that effect to of one of his supporters. She was standing there talking about how she wouldn't have to worry about her job, or paying her rent, or her groceries, because Obama would take care of all of that. Not making that up either. Was 2 weeks before the election after one of them town hall meetings. Couldn't believe a rational person could stand there and say all that nonsense, but there she was. A grown woman talking about how Obama was nothing less then the Messiah. The man who would make all her problems magically disappear. As if government is the solution to all problems, rather then the cause of many of them.

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This article is about job creation, not Obama as God. These 600,000 jobs will be temporary construction jobs mainly. Repairing America's crumbling infrastructure. Yes, it needs to be done, it has been ignored for some time, by BOTH parties. Once a construction job is done, the workers move on.Probably back to the unemployment line. This figure of 600,000 looks impressive, however it is misleading.

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Molenir said:

lol, How about Oprah? At an Obama rally prior to the election.

after I said I don't remember one single interview where Democrats claim Obama was the Messiah.

This was the link Molenir provided.


Trouble is Oprah never once calls Obama the Messiah. Just more deceit by Molenir. He chooses a video with the title: Oprah Calls Obama The One Messiah. But she never calls Obama the messiah. It is from kduron2082 on youtube. He is a real nut case that provides the conservatives with propaganda.


His words:



I am a Christian who believes that Jesus is coming back real soon. Sooner than we think. I am here on youtube to make videos about the end times,government,and other things that are related to end time prophecy.

His most telling statement is: "I am blessed with the gift of end time prophecy and I am sharing it."

Other videos that Molenir might appreciate that he posted:

Obama Satan s Jesus

obama accused of smoking crack and gay sex

Rush Limbaugh Obama Wants To Buy and Control Radio And T V

Keyes Stop Obama or U S will cease to exist

The Coming of World War 3

Good Morning America learns that Bin Laden is CIA

Barrack Obama is really BARRY SOETORO

Wake Up For The New World Order Before Its Too Late

Michelle Obama s Pagan Ritual (This because Michelle planted a garden with kids)

Martial Law Imminent USA 2009 WS

Eyewitness Accounts of Martial law Build Up

The End of the Internet Cybersecurity Act gives Obama power to shut down internet ignore laws

This is what Molenir uses as a source to prove a point. He specifically quoted me as using reference to the word "messiah." He then provided a link to disprove me. I have told you before he is a prevaricator. He is a charlatan and a flimflam man who will tell you anything to prove his point.

On the abortion issue he says he knows live babies were thrown in the trash and he says "Ever know anyone who was nearly aborted? I have."

I get all kind of flack, accusing me of partisan snipping. I just was sick and tired of nobody exposing someone like Molenir when I brought it out months ago that he was grossly misrepresenting the truth. It is one thing to be vehement with your opinion. But statements of fact are a different matter. I don't like Oprah. I think she is the biggest panderer the entertainment industry has ever known. But Molenir used her as an example after quoting me that Democrats were not the one's using the term messiah.

I have made it clear on my position of how Obama's stimulus package works to promote job growth. New green technology research that will provide goods and services in the future, in that field, is one example I have used many times. I also note that our economy was stalled. Consumer confidence is extremely important in the U.S. economy. It was very low. One of the most important aspects of our very large corporate structures is liquid credit. One important means of this liquid credit is commercial paper; I have mentioned it numerous times in the past. It is a line of credit. Liquid credit dried up and most importantly commercial paper.

Consumer confidence has already risen significantly and will continue to rise. Our stalled economy has been jump started by government funded projects that will provide tangible things like bridges, roads, sewage treatment facilities, fresh water treatment facilities and implementing current green technology to save money in government buildings. These are real tangible goods not war resources that have evaporated. Obama will spend no more than Bush did on the Iraqi war but we will have real structures and goods to show for the money spent. Those would be called assets; what Bush spent on the war are called operating costs. They are not retrievable and are no longer tangible assets.

Finally, and most important Obama has helped to make some headway with the credit freeze. That is the lifeline of business in America. My prediction: Obama's efforts like temporary jobs and temporary influxes of capital will stir consumer, banking, financial and other market confidence. This will increase the GDP. Jobs will lag because corporations are still trimming their budgets and the orders for goods and services have not yet arrived. When they do we will see long term job growth that is sustained.


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Trouble is Oprah never once calls Obama the Messiah. Just more deceit by Molenir.

Did you even bother to read my previous post? You are correct, Oprah didn't call him "the messiah" in that speech, she called him "the one" You want an example of well known Dems specifically referring to Obama as "the Messiah"? Its not hard to find.


Louis Farrahkhan before the election. Still want to refer to me as being deceitful? That took me 2 seconds to look up. How hard is this to do the work yourself dumbass. Quit lying, if anyone is being deceitful, its you.

I just was sick and tired of nobody exposing someone like Molenir when I brought it out months ago that he was grossly misrepresenting the truth.

I believe the only thing you've proven, is that you are yourself misrepresenting the truth, and that you have turned a blind eye to reality.

New green technology research that will provide goods and services in the future

I can't speak of the future regarding green technology, or green jobs, but I do know, today, that every green job created, costs 2 non green jobs. Yeah, thats a fact, again, try doing a small amount of research yourself and looking it up. Green Technology costs jobs. Maybe that won't always be true. I certainly hope it won't be, but today it does. And while I hope Obamas 'porkulus' bill won't significantly provide a long term deterrent to the economy, most economists who looked at it, stated that it would create a net drag on the economy, lasting a long time. Again, feel free to check this out for yourself. Its not hard to do.

I won't get into the arguments for and against Keynesian economics. I am not a believer, you along with your messiah, obviously are.

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Executives of the largest foreign companies in Japan, many of which are members of the Tokyo American Club, are responsible for the firing of millions of people in Tokyo, who only have a 10% chance of getting back into the workforce.

As the unemployed only represent less than 10% of the workforce, you would think that a 10% reduction in salaries at each company, most of which goes to these senior management anyways would prevent such an abrupt change in the lives of millions of people. But you continue to send people out on the street anyways.

This is a crime against the people of Tokyo.

You will not get away with this.

There are 20,000 children dying of poverty around the world, while you busy yourself with your wealth and prosperity, control the lives of millions of employees, mislead them, have them pay you fees, have them pay you interest, have them pay you rent, have them buy your products, bring you coffee, clean your house, take care of your kids, throw away your garbage.

This is a crime against humanity. YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS.

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According to the US Department of Labor, 787,000 jobs were lost in the month of May. Bringing the total number of unemployed to 14.5 million. 600,000 road construction jobs will not help in the long term. Most articles, as this one, begin with 'Obama promises, I will be waiting to see one begin with 'Obama delivers'.

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molenir - hahaha you were told they didnt recall Obama being referred to as a messiah?!?

talk about hypocrisy!! the whole "messiah complex" was quoted and referred to around the world, including here in JAPAN NEWS! if the rest of the world caught a clue to how the DEMs LIBERALS used RELIGIOS overture to promote their candidate, how did the USA miss it? hmmm "im blind!" says the man who shut his eyes tight

meanwhile, everyone do their best for themselves and others ... then things fall into place regardless of whats happening

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Molenir Since when did Farrahkhan speak for the average Obama supporter? Until this link, the only people I heard or read calling Obama "the Messiah" are his ideological foes.

That's understandable, most conservatives get tagged by the Left whenever Rush, Beck, O'Reilly etc. say something that can be taken political advantage of - which is often.

Not much of a debate and certainly not enlightening nor in democracy's best interest.

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Molenir Since when did Farrahkhan speak for the average Obama supporter? Until this link, the only people I heard or read calling Obama "the Messiah" are his ideological foes.

As I, and the previous poster mentioned, it was Dems including Farahkhan, that started referring to Obama in Messianic terms. Republicans picked up on this to mock them. It is they who chose, at the time, to cast him as the savior, it is conservatives, who prefer to cast those same words back in their teeth, as they are being shown for the mockery they are.

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I cannot believe Obama's plan. The result may be found out in September.

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The wheels are coming off. Even Joe "Big Lug" Biden admits as much.

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Funny how the far keeps trying to claim that Louis Farahkhan said that President Obama was the messiah. While in fact what he said was

,"Sen. Obama is not the Messiah for sure, but anytime, he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that’s not necessarily Satan’s work, that is I believe the work of God."

The whole thing got started by the World Net Daily a far right news source. Hm I am beginning to believe that the far right believes that President Obama is the messiah while the left thinks he is the President.

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Oh, you didn't bother to go and follow the link I provided, in my earlier post, where he specifically referred to Obama as the Messiah. Too much trouble having your beliefs popped eh? I understand. Well, feel free to keep believing the lies, that mocking Obama by referring to him as the Messiah, is all a plot by the Evil Republicans, rather then something that started with your own group.

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Molenir at 01:40 AM JST - 16th June Oh, you didn't bother to go and follow the link I provided, in my earlier post, where he specifically referred to Obama as the Messiah.

I actually did and not once did he say,"Obama is the messiah" He was giving a sermon and could have been speaking about himself.

BTW where exactly as any Democrat called President Obama the messiah?

You guys bring these clips of sermons from radicals and have yet to provide a single case where anyone has said and I quote,"Obama is the messiah".

The only people talk that sort of bull are the far right wingers here and every where else.LOL

Here I just love some of these ones, some are far right winger religious nut bags other are well, just far right winger nut bags! LOL

This one is great, I loved the religious music....You guys on the right need help badly!!!LOL



I can not stop crying from the laughter! Man you guys are so bloody funny...OK ok I can not do this anymore I have to get going!!! LOL

Thank you for starting my day with a big laugh!!!LOL

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Try again Joe. Go back and watch it again. Oh sure, he never said "Obama is the Messiah" But if you bothered to listen, you know exactly what he said.

Fine, I know you're too pathetic, I'll help you here, hows that.

You are the instruments, that god is gonna use, to bring about Universal Change. And that is why Barrack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the messiah speaks, the youth will hear. And the messiah, is absolutely speaking.

Sounds like Barrack is the messiah to me.

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Try again Joe. Go back and watch it again. Oh sure, he never said "Obama is the Messiah" But if you bothered to listen, you know exactly what he said.

Molenir, ah sure he did, sure, Yeah he did, I believe you. coughcough*

Sounds like Barrack is the messiah to me.

Ah...um sure if you say so....Ah sure...wait while I go to the other room, I have to get...ah um.....oh yeah have to call my aunt Betsy....But wait right there..."dialing 911 for the emergency right wing distress help hotline!" Me thinks we have another one ready to BLOW!!!

Dude the only people that are calling President Obama the messiah are the far right wingers.....The rest of us are calling him the President of the United States...

Please give to the "Save a far right winger from exploding fund"....The life you may say maybe your own......

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lol, funny Joe. Guess you've never heard about things like tone right? As in the tone of the message. No, guess that doesn't come across too well we reading a statement on the internet, rather then listening to it. Point I made earlier, it was Dems who started this Messianic terminology, Republicans picked it up in mockery of both Democrats and Obama. So you are of course correct, it is Republicans who are going around calling Obama the "Messiah", and the "Savior". We are of course not letting go the things that were said by Democrats on the campaign trail. I don't blame you for not being able to believe me. Hell you probably do and just can't admit it.

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No one really believes Obama on this but even if they succeed it appears the vast majority of new jobs, consistent with employment trends of the last 18 months, will go to women:

A "man-cession." That's what some economists are starting to call it. Of the 5.7 million jobs Americans lost between December 2007 and May 2009, nearly 80 percent had been held by men. Mark Perry, an economist at the University of Michigan, characterizes the recession as a "downturn" for women but a "catastrophe" for men.

Men are bearing the brunt of the current economic crisis because they predominate in manufacturing and construction, the hardest-hit sectors, which have lost more than 3 million jobs since December 2007. Women, by contrast, are a majority in recession-resistant fields such as education and health care, which gained 588,000 jobs during the same period. Rescuing hundreds of thousands of unemployed crane operators, welders, production line managers, and machine setters was never going to be easy. But the concerted opposition of several powerful women's groups has made it all but impossible. Consider what just happened with the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


The estrogenization of America is just one more revolting facet of the modern Democrat Party's Gramscian agenda for the country.

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