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McCain suspends campaigning over financial crisis; Obama rejects call for debate delay


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McCain is clearly trying to leverage this issue to his benefit. But I think a lot of people will see through this and most likely see him as siding with Bush.

The debates should go forward. I agree a president needs to be able to focus on a lot more than one issue. And a debate needs to held to show the public where these guys stand.

McCain knows that he is weaker than Obama in debate and public speaking and wants to run away from the damage it will certainly do to his campaign. But if he runs, he risks alienating his own GOP audience by failing to get his message out on key issues.

Lastly his support of this bailout plan may kill him with the GOP crowd who don't like to see big government.

So I think McCain is feeling the heat and this debate escape is just a panic move for his campaign.

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McCain makes a great Maneuver so he doesn't have to debate Obama but makes himself look like he's working for America.

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Yes in the past campaigns have gone on during wars and other disasters, and the president needs to be able to focus on more than one issue. But today it is all about image.

Remember back when Katrina happened, everyone complained that Bush was no where near the scene. Even though he has state of the are communications, and he could be in the "can" on Air Force One and still command and control everything, he had the perception that he didn't care because he was not seen as "doing something" on TV.

In this case, if Obama had made the same comment and McCain was to keep on with his campaign, then the cries of he didn't care about the common folk since he has his seven houses would be the norm. One other reason why I think it is important that they both get back to D.C. is the fact that they are both being paid by the taxpayers to be U.S. Senators. They need to do their jobs. If it comes down to a vote, will Obama merely vote "present" like he has done in the past which only means that he was there and did not decide on anything or will he cast a vote that may be unfavorable. They can still campaign from D.C. I think that they both need to do their day jobs, or resign from them so that they can focus on the election. If they are that committed to being President, then they should have no hesitation to resign from the Senate if they can't take the time and do their day job like the rest of us, or are they making sure that they have something to fall back on to keep them in power.

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Whether the new president will need to "deal with more than one thing at once" or not, I think we do need a president who does not try to substitute posturing for leadership. The Senate has frequently limped along without McCain's input or vote. This is no time for him to be rushing back to Washington to bring his self-confessed weak economic skills to bear on the problem.

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This move took me by surprise. I thought John McCain, a lifelong deregulator, would welcome the chance to debate Obama on foreign policy. Instead he wants to hide! Hey, I suppose I would want to hide, too, if I had been claiming as recently as two weeks ago that "our economic fundamentals are sound."

How much better shape McCain would be in if he had chosen Michael Bloomberg as his running mate. Now there's a guy who knows about markets. Granted, his pro-choice and pro-restrictions on gun ownership are anathema to the base, but the situation is so critical I'm not sure whether these remain on the top of everyone's list in judging the candidates.

Anyways, Harry Reid was right; leave the bail-out in the hands of the Banking Committee without bringing the presidential campaign into it. I think everyone knows the taxpayers are going to get stuck with the bill, it's just a matter of how it will be organized.

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Even as McCain said he was putting the good of the country ahead of politics, his surprise announcement was clearly political. It was an attempt to try to outmaneuver Obama on an issue in which he’s trailing, the economy, as the Democrat gains in polls.

tkoind2 already said it, but it also seems McCain is trying to avoid the debate. And this is hardly a good excuse. For starters, Congress is full of other Congressman. Second, McCain has admitted all by himself that he is far on the left of the bell curve when it comes to economic issues, so its not like Congress really needs him to solve this, if it can even be solved, and more likely he would be a hindrance.

So, I wonder what all those who accused Obama of avoiding the debate will say now? As usual, only two choices: Complete silence or shouting with pointed fingers. Heaven forbid they reflect on past statements or admit a failure, or worse, admit that the other guy has a right to negotiate rather than accuse him of stalling. Those things get in the way of getting psyched up on sloganeering and believing your own side is right no matter what.


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both being paid by the taxpayers to be U.S. Senators. They need to do their jobs. " die hard supporters of either candidate won't take that into consideration. it's about winning. Either one basically has carte blanche to what they want and their supporters will back them. There is virtually nothing they can do to each other at this point to win over each other's voters.

Personally, I feel when someone runs for another office, they must first reliquish their current seat and give it to a vice/second in charge. Its almost as if they have a win - win situation, lose and still stay with their current office.

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Its official, mccain is giving up. The numbers are dropping like a stone and now this, "I am going to take my ball and go home" annoucement. Classic. This is worse that the Mcgovern campaign in 72.

Yellow is now the new color of the republican party and mccain in particular. Cant beat that!

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I think both should go back to Washington as that is what we pay them for. They are suppose to be the leaders of their parties the next possible president, then they need to be in congress leading them to a decision.

Seems McCain said postpone not eleminate the Debate so it doesnt seem hes running. I really was looking for the debate so I could here UH UH UH UH a hundred times from both of them.

Im actually shocked Obama said something as lame as a president needs to do more then one thing at a time, it seems that the Campaign is more Important then voting on a plan to keep the economy going. I would think most of his states taxpayers would like him to do more then not vote once and a while.

Palin has no reason to cancel anything as she isnt in congress and should be able to campaign. That I dont like it makes her look like shes led by a collar and leash...

Biden should be in Washinton voting too...

Just because they are running for president doesnt mean they can avoid the job they get paid for now, when you go to look for a new job do you just not show up any more to your old job even though you still work there?

Jesse the Body for president 08

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It's pretty clear, in both the polls and in everyone's comments, etc., that McCain has not only lost this election, but his mind. He's so desperate that he has literally backed himself in a position where he has two pretty miserable and unpopular choices to pick from. He is falling further and further behind Obama, while still not allowing Palin to speak or field questions, and now the man who has criticized Obama non-stop for not doing 'town-hall debates' is now asking to back out of a planned national debate.

Desperation stinks my friend, and John McCain smells like he just wallowed in the sewers.

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All the comments about how the Congressman campaigning for president and VP should be in Washington doing their jobs, the jobs we pay them for, are interesting.

I am afraid all the King's horses and all the King's men are not going to put the economy back together again in the time space alloted. There are other things going besides this crisis, and one of those things is the impending election, now just over one month away. In other words, just around the corner.

The next president is going to have a long term effect on this crisis no matter what happens now. And personally, I would rather the best Congressmen trying to do what little they can about this, then just throw them all at the problem.

The next four years of leadership of our country is at stake. The three senators that situation revolves should be focused on that. Leave it to the other 97 senators and 435 representatives.


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It seems many people don't appreciate how legislation is drafted in Congress. Bills are written in committee (and then debated and modified on the floor). In the case of the bail-out, it falls under the jurisdiction of the Banking Committee, which neither John McCain nor Barack Obama sit on. Chairman Christopher Dodd (D), and Ranking Member (head of the minority party), Richard Shelby (R), are well aware of their views, as well as those of the public, in regards to the bail-out. When it's ready for a vote, the two candidates can hop back to Washington. What we don't need is somebody posturing to the media on the capitol steps because a campaign advisor told him, "this is the way to win Ohio."

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Not only do many people not appreciate how legislation is drafted in Congress, a good many of them do not want to appreciate that. It is sufficient for them to be able to find images which are congruent to their prejudices.

I think there is plenty of time for the candidates to debate foreign policy and to contribute their thoughts (and leadership) on the economy. And I am surprised that McCain would neglect a debate in his area of strength to fly off and put his oar into his area of weakness.

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The more I think about this, the more it looks like McCain might know what he is doing. By brining these 3 (Biden too)back to Washington to deal with this, then more spotlight can be on the bill and that should hopefully not allow them to slip something to the American public that we didn't know was comming. I think the more attention paid to what is going on (like the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty Bill that failed) by the public would make the law makers keep an eye on what the American public really wants and not what is wanted on Wall Street.

Also, if the Dems really do come up with a proposal that looks out for the interest of the people rather than the few on Wall Street and McCain votes for it, then yes he would loose some on the right, but I think he would gain more from the popular votes on his decisions. If the two want to debate, let them debate it out on the Senate floor. I would rather hear them discuss on why the merits of a plan should be included and how it would affect their Presidency on the floor of the Senate where words would mean something than on the campaign trail where it is just talk.

Look at it this way, Obama was against the War in Iraq. I don't blame him for his views and I see nothing wrong with that. But when he goes out and campaigns, he makes it seem like he voted against the war, when in fact he was just a state legislator. He had no input. Now, if the Reps. try to put into place something that he is against, he can say he voted against it, and his statements would actually mean something.

The same with McCain. If the Dems come up with a proposal that is fair to the American taxpayer and puts better regulations in place, and votes for it, then he can say that he truly wants to be bipartisan. I know some will say that in the past McCain was against stronger regulations, this is true, but I think that the times now cause for a reevaluation. If McCain can come out and say that, I would not consider it a "flip flop" but merely that his views have been "OBE" (military for Overtaken By Events). That would still show he has more of a stance to admit his wrongs than Obama, who still will not admit that the Surge actually did some good and worked.

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It is a pity (for us) the topic of the debate is foreign policy not domestic issues which would cover the bail-out. But there's no reason to postpone on the grounds the senators are needed in DC; the bill is still in committee.

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When it's ready for a vote, the two candidates can hop back to Washington.

Hopefully after they have read the bill and weighed the potential good and bad effects. Two things that often do not happen among Congressmen.


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Interesting development this one, party politics aside, it looks like McCain might be trying to wedge Obama. If Obama agrees to McCain's overtures, he gives McCain the initiative (McCain looks to be the leader), if he doesn't agree to McCain's request, then Obama looks like somebody playing politics over the interests of the country, this could be a problematic image if things deteriorate further in the near future.

At the same time, however, McCain is playing a dangerous game. This disaster happened on the GOP's watch (they are in the Whitehouse) and McCain is their candidate. As such, it would be a lot easier to draw a connection with the crisis and McCain, rather than it would be with the crisis and Obama.

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I think I speak for every American Idol fan and most progressives when I say that mccain has no right - Barack's oratory is far more important than budgets,bailouts, looming recessions and even a depression.

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Its official, mccain is giving up

You can't blame him, Zurc. The dog ate his homework.

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McCain needs to make sure we are finanicial safe, it will be his job after all in November. He sure isn't worried about debating Obama, that is ridiculous. Everyone knows Obama cannot compete, get real guys.

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Couldn't McCain just get Palin to take part in the debate with Obama, if he really has better things to do? Surely the Vice President's job would be taking care of affairs that the President is directly dealing with at the time so it would be good practice for her.

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All I have to say is "bawk bawk."

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soldave; Palin is also busy with sorting out the current economic crisis.

You see, Republicans put the economy before a highly publicised chat with their opponents.

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What? mccain is trying to get out of being smashed in the debate by Obama?

And, while this fraccas is going on, Sarah Palin has conveniently "canceling her limited campaign events" for the next few days.....

It's probably just as well, since she can't hold herself in a real debate that doesn't involve her disciples in the audience.

Good call by Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid in saying "it would not be helpful for the candidates to come back [to Washington] and inject presidential politics during negotiations."

And also bang on when Reid told reporters later that McCain "is trying to divert attention from his failing campaign."

But here's the real problem for Yesterday's Man, john mccain -

"Scores of congressional Republicans hinted this week they may oppose the proposed $700 billion bailout, and Reid pointedly suggested that Democratic lawmakers could not be expected to back it if McCain did not publicly do so.

That leaves McCain with two unpalatable choices. He can oppose a major Republican initiative the administration says is essential to preventing a full-blown recession, and risk heavy blame if the prediction comes true. Or he can vote for an extraordinarily costly bailout, which many Americans seem to resent, just when polls show him falling farther behind Obama."

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Why can't mccain just get a muppet to stand in for the him in the presidential debate on Friday?

The muppet (I strongly recommend Elmo, since the muppet's face is the same color as john mccain's when the latter gets all upset, ha ha) will probably do a far better job of debating - rather than ignoring - the real issues facing Americans today.

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Barack's oratory is far more important than budgets,bailouts, looming recessions and even a depression.

What expertise does McCain bring to the economic discussions? None. What McCain appears willing to do is use the economic crisis to attempt to advance himself politically.

Let Phil Gramm tell us all that this is just a mental recession and that we're all just whiners. That's what the American people need to hear from McCain's chief economic architect.

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MCCain is trying to help heal this financial mess, yet you guys seem to dilike him. i don't get it!

Of course the financial situation mean McCain and Palin must concentrate their energy there, instead of hatting with Obama. It si just common sense.

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If John McCain can't prepare for and do the debate and go to Washington to make some spectacular appearance in the senate, then he doesn't have what it takes to be president.

But he's going to suspend his campaign, make this showcase appearance in Washington and avoid the debate.

He's not a maverick, he's a wuss. < :-)

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Betzee - "Hey, I suppose I would want to hide, too, if I had been claiming as recently as two weeks ago that "our economic fundamentals are sound."

Good point, in fact our man McCain was making this claim the day the sharemarket - and the floor - fell out from under him last week.

The words 'seriously out of touch" can't help but spring to mind :-)

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It looks like McCain is trying to hit the pause button on the campaign remote right at a time when he seems to be slipping. Not gonna work.... If the debates go on as scheduled and if he's not there it will be lights out for him.

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TheBlueTeam: "McCain needs to make sure we are finanicial safe."

So, why has he completely failed to do this?

I mean, mccain was for deregulation of the financial industry for years until he did a 180 deg. U-turn last week and started supporting it.

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adaydream - "But he's going to suspend his campaign, make this showcase appearance in Washington and avoid the debate.

He's not a maverick, he's a wuss. < :-)"

Bang on.

I'm stunned - mccain is going to actually suspend his campaign, advertising and fundraising activities....WHY?

Can't he handle more than one crisis at once?

Handling multiple crises is part and parcel of any president's job - seems like mccain's just not up to it :-)

Is anyone surprised? I'm not.

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SusiSake3- Sure world famous war heroes are a "wuss", right on buddy!

McCain is making sure our economy is safe for when he takes over in November.

Obama can jump up and down and rant and rave as much as he likes, bu McCain puts the economy first not a little debate. It's the economy stupid!

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SuperLib - "If the debates go on as scheduled and if he's not there it will be lights out for him."

Wow, chilling words.

Someone get Elmo on the line. He's got a job lined up for Friday at the debate - John McCain Stand In :-).

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Here we have a problem that is years in the making. I suppose that doesn't mean that it will take a like amount of time to solve the problem. However, at the current time, the President, his advisers are not looking to solve the problem.

They are looking to address the problem and, if they manage to effect a partial solution, so much the better. The chance of them stumbling upon an actual solution in a short time frame is not particularly good.

Neither McCain nor Obama need to be in Washington for those discussions. Particularly, in McCain's case, he is a self-confessed economic weakling who will need to learn the fundamental issues involved.

Ralph Kramden (on playing golf): First you address the ball....

Ed Norton (practicing): Hello, ball.

I think this is the level of leadership we can expect from McCain in addressing the financial crisis. The Senators need to provide their input and their comments. They do not need to be in Washington.

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...the President, his advisers and Congress...

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TheBlueTeam - "SusiSake3- Sure world famous war heroes are a "wuss", right on buddy!

I didn't say that, but you are right - mccain is a wuss.

mccain is "world famous" - since when?

He's soon going to be world famous, though, as someone who has lost 2 presential campaigns. It's only a matter of weeks now before john mccain's campaign implodes, and you know what? America - and patriotic Americans - will be far better off without john mccain at the helm. :-)

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TheBlueTeam - As SezWho2 correctly stated above - "Particularly, in McCain's case, he is a self-confessed economic weakling who will need to learn the fundamental issues involved."

That's a fundemental part of The John McCain Problem - he is seriously flawed and incapable of dealing with the No. 1 issue facing America today - the tanking economy.

mccain may have been a crap pilot who crashed 5 (or was it 6?) planes and who somehow became a "war hero," but let's face it - right now, America needs a "war hero" like it needs a bullet in the head.

Right now, America needs someone who has a clue about the economy.

And, unfortunately for john mccain, he is not that man.

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McCain has more grip on the economy than Obama. The guy has no experience, what would he do in a crisis like this?

It is only a debate delay not cancellation, Obama should stop whining, more important issues are at hand.

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The funniest part about this whole thing is McCain's desperate attempt to twist this in his favour: "I challenge Obama to postpone the debate!" As though challenging someone to avoid a challenge were a sign that not 'taking up the helm' to avoid a debate would make Obama seem somehow ill-equipped to deal with things.

This really does put McCain in a serious pickle... I can just see Obama up there on stage with an unmanned Republican podium; you have a very eloquent, very charismatic speaker who will be able to field any and all questions as he chooses, will have no rebuttles against him, and can wow the audience for a few hours at McCain's expense -- all the while McCain is back in Washington doing NOTHING, particularly because, as has been pointed out, he knows nothing about the economy and cannot affect it in any positive way whatsoever by being there. The only disadvantage at all to Obama about the one-man-debate would be that the die-hard righties such as the few (with many handles) on here would simply shed a few tears at their wuss hero and turn off the TV.

Quite frankly I'm glad McCain brought this up -- it's lose lose for him anyway you slice it, and it's clear the American public is starting to see through all his crap.

And what's with Palin 'cancelling her campaigning'? WHAT campaigning? She hasn't been doing a bloody thing since being chosen except avoiding any and all chances to address a REAL audience (not a preapproved Republican set-up one). Her 'cancelling' her work is akin to simply doing what she has been thus far... which is nothing.

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Sushi: "That's a fundemental part of The John McCain Problem - he is seriously flawed and incapable of dealing with the No. 1 issue facing America today - the tanking economy."

McCain can't deal with the economy because he hurt his fingers as a POW in Viet Nam.... errr... was that why he can't send any email or deal with modern times... err... was that why he simply couldn't count all his houses using his fingers... damn... I'm nearly as forgetful as he is!

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Liberals, ler see what the voters consider most important. A debate is well down the list after all the economic woes caused by bankers and stckbrokers.

McCain is taking the course that he believes to be correct, why belittle the guy?

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You'd better hope there is not more than one problem happening in the world at once then if McCain/Palin are in power. McCain can be forgiven for not being able to multitask as he is male, but you'd have thought he would have been able to assign Palin to cover this. Does he really need her by his side for everything?

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McCain is taking the course that he believes to be correct, why belittle the guy?

Because what HE thinks is correct is not what WE think is correct. Just like Bush.

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Thank you.

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John McCain gets made up, 'American Idol'-style DAILY NEWS STAFF

Wednesday, September 24th 2008, 3:45 PM


Make-up artist Tifanie White (l.) gets John McCain ready for his close-up. John McCain wants to be your American idol. And he is prepared to look the part.

The Republican presidential nominee got a touch-up from an "American Idol" makeup artist before a recent TV appearance, US Weekly magazine reports.

Makeup artist Tifanie White was paid $5,583.43 to make McCain, 72, look spiffy for the small screen, according to the Federal Election Commission.

The first of the presidential debates between McCain and Democratic rival Barack Obama takes place Friday.

I remember all the laughs and jabs at John Edwards for his $400.00 hair cut. But it took $5583.43 to make John McCain look still alive. < :-)

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Why do you say that McCain has a better grasp of the economy than Obama? Only a few weeks ago McCain was assuring the nation of the fundamental health of the economy while Obama was at least calling attention to some of our economic problems.

Personally, I doubt if either of them are economic wizards. However, their effectiveness as Presidents will depend upon their judgment as to who they should listen to. Clearly, at least as of a few weeks ago, McCain was listening to the wrong people.

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According to the Constitution, bills which raise revenue must originate in the House, so the Senate has plenty of time since the greatest resistance to the Paulson plan is found among House Republicans. Moreover, the plan has become more unpopular as it becomes better known among the public.

GWB attempted to scare the bejeepers out of such skeptical folk by pointing out: "More banks could fail, including some in your community." Whoa!!! Does that mean I can't use my ATM card??? That will make it kinda hard to go out and have fun on the weekends.

The irony in McCain's request for a debate delay is that it represents the exact opposite response to the criticism of GWB's lavish, megabuck, inaugural festivities after his reelection in 2004. Was this really appropriate during a time of war some asked? Ah, but people are reassured by not curtailing activities it was explained. Translation: Party On. So why doesn't that logic apply here as well?

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Expecting either of them to solve the financial crisis is just dumb.

There are people far better qualified to deal with stuff like this.

I don't know what McCain hopes to achieve by suspending campaigning - it's not like he can offer any help.

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"Palin is also busy with sorting out the current economic crisis."

Palin has absolutely NOTHING to do with sorting out the current national crisis. She's a state governor, for Pete's sake.


"It is only a debate delay not cancellation . . . more important issues are at hand."

What could possibly be more important than allowing American voters to see and hear who will be overseeing the shattered economy over the next four years? Your priorities are out of whack.

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If McCain's campaign workers can't run TV and newspaper ads while he is debating Bush's socialized capitalism bill, what will they be doing? Watching CSPAN?

I can see how McCain can't multi-task but I would hope that the next president (or any president, for that matter) can at least delegate work to the appropriate people (Much like Bush delegated his job to Rove and Cheney.)

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Perhaps, TheBlueTeam meant "sorting out" in the sense of "trying to understand".

Unless I've missed something in the last hour, the debate is not even delayed. However, Obama had better think about what he is going to do in the event that he ends up without an opponent. I can see that debating an empty lectern might make one look rather silly.

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"I challenge Obama to postpone the debate!"

Clearly, Obama doesn't have the cahones to chicken out. What a wuss, that Obama.

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hey, bush can stand in for mccain. they are the same anyway.

But no hidden transmission devices this time, like when bush debated kerry and ended up talking to himself sort of (I mean talking to the guy feeding him answers).

That was a good one! Hope obama has some nerds jam any radio signals in the debate hall this time so the repubs have to debate on what they know, which is to say very little about anything.

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for a 72 year old man mccain acts a lot like a third grader (I double dare you not to debate me!). I guess its true that as you get up there in years you become more child like. How long will it be before mccain says he wont debate Obama because he has got cooties?

Again, mccain is running the worse campaign since 1972. Palin is embarassing for him, mistake after mistake, and now he cuts and runs away from debating Obama. Kuchinich would win now.

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for a 72 year old man mccain acts a lot like a third grader (I double dare you not to debate me!). I guess its true that as you get up there in years you become more child like. How long will it be before mccain says he wont debate Obama because he has got cooties?

Again, mccain is running the worse campaign since 1972. Palin is embarassing for him, mistake after mistake, and now he cuts and runs away from debating Obama. Kuchinich would win now.

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nderstand this delay very well. The economy is the no. 1 issue in this election. The republican party has let the economy dwindle on a non -ending spiral down to nothing and right at this very time the worse scenario has arrived concerning the economy that the republican leadership has created, McCain would want to be seen around the world by an audience supposedly going to be bigger than the viewers of the super bowl, see one of the culprits of these times in America as the worst since how long?? I really do not know that time length but it has been many many years now and all based on republican fundamentals over the last eight years. McCain is just trying to wait out for the bail out so attention is not so feverously focused on the republican party's misguided policies that brought us to this point in time. If he can wait after the bail out then he can say we have corrected the problem with our actions and the stupid people that back him will take it all in as "good job, well done", crap and these die hard republicans will believe it as we see some that still go back 12 - 145 years ago and blame it on those that held office and just demandingly put their hearts and sole in that twisted belief.. McCain does not want to go country wide showing his face at a time like this when the country is at the brink of total collapse because of the party he belongs to. Now lets see if the polls taken shows even a larger gap as it should between the two candidates. I still believe the people of America will some to their senses and Obama will take this election by much greater percentage of votes than those thinking it will be a close race. People are not that dumb.. well except for the state I am from back four years ago here in Ohio. Ohio lost more jobs than any state in the country during Bush’s first four years. When it was reported that the election was going to be decided by Ohio, I thought Bush did not stand a chance because of the job loss….But was I wrong!!!!! The stupid majority of people in Ohio went for Bush!!!!!!!! Unbelievable I must say. At least at this time there is a majority in the polls showing Ohio is leaning favorable for Obama and very rightfully so, but it is not over, there are a lot of misguided people in my state and we have not heard much about Obama from our new democrat governor Strickland in support for Obama like we heard him with his support for Hilary. That could have some impact on Ohio’s voters since he seems to be well liked by the public, even being a democrat. We shall see…..

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Only a few weeks ago McCain was assuring the nation of the fundamental health of the economy while Obama was at least calling attention to some of our economic problems.

Like bush (who he voted with, 99.9 percent of the time! GOTCHA!) mccain apparently thinks senators and presidents can, with their words, spark economic panic.

Arent they quaint, with their False Consciousness and their blindness to the inevitability of the diktatorship of the Proletariat?

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With so many position changes, obama could debate himself:

obama 2005: "Why did you oppose this?"

obama 2008: "I now support it and I think you are a racist for asking me that question."


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obama got served again.

If obama suspends his campaign, he looks like he's following Mr. McCain's leadership. If he doesn't, he looks like he isn't serious about wanting to help resolve a financial crisis .

A no-win situation for Team obama.


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Some people are saying that McCain has made a serious mistake in suggesting the first debate be postponed until after there is some kind of agreement on a bailout. Obama's trying to portray McCain as someone who can't do two things at once, and now, if McCain agrees to the Friday debate, he'll look like he's caving to Obama.

I think it makes Obama look like he's inflexible.

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there’s going to be a stage, a moderator, an audience and at least one presidential candidate

obama is missing a great opportunity to add another day of experience as s U.S. Senator to his resume. What's he up to now, 17?


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I think McCain will need to postpone his campaigning for at least four years. But that's not a problem since he's in such fine physical condition.

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He called a time out. What's next -- do-overs?

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David Letterman tells audience that McCain called him today to tell him he had to rush back to DC to deal with the economy.

Then in the middle of the taping Dave got word that McCain was, in fact just down the street being interviewed by Katie Couric. Dave even cut over to the live video of the interview, and said, "Hey Senator, can I give you a ride home?"

Earlier in the show, Dave kept saying, "You don't suspend your campaign. This doesn't smell right. This isn't the way a tested hero behaves." And he joked: "I think someone's putting something in his Metamucil."

"He can't run the campaign because the economy is cratering? Fine, put in your second-string quarterback, Sarah Palin. Where is she?"

"What are you going to do if you're elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We've got a guy like that now!"

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Mr. McCain made a decision to go back to Washington D.C, to do the job that Arizona voters expect him to do. obama has found another reason to vote an absentee "Present."


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It's like mccain and the repubs actually believe all that old fashioned "Country First" hokum.

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obama should debate o' Joe instaed. Looks they have some issues (coal, TV ads, hillary, the war, AIG, etc.) to work out before they continue their campaign.


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TonyUS, very interesting post. But you may want to give Ohians a break. I hear they have a lot of Diebold computerized voting machines. If they are dumb, the first stupid thing was trusting those things. But they are not the only ones.

McCain is just trying to wait out for the bail out so attention is not so feverously focused on the republican party's misguided policies that brought us to this point in time.

Until you said it I had not thought about that. Good point.

these die hard republicans will believe it as we see some that still go back 12 - 145 years ago and blame it on those that held office and just demandingly put their hearts and sole in that twisted belief..

We have seen it a million times.

If the bailout can keep things going well on paper until inauguration day, they will be blaming Obama if it falls apart again. Naturally they will change their story as time goes by to make the Repubs look good.


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Alinsky, in your considered opinion, what should be "first"?


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The Election Heat is on in USA,only 40 day to go, pressure gonna get hot on Mccain/Obama. Just to stay on course to win or lose the ticket.

Election heat is on together with 100s of billion financial megabucks crisis heat. Anything can make or break the presidential ticket on issues for mccain/obama in coming 40 days. More actions coming up next 40 days .

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wow, it use to the demos who would boot things at the end of the campaign. Now its the repubs. What a comedy of mistakes and missteps. Classic. Party of losers has never been so true.

mccain should just follow bush, his idol, and take a vacation now. Just like bush did when OBL attacked the US after being warned "OBL is going to attack the US." Bush was clearing shrubs from his ranch in Texas. mccain can hide out in one of his, how many he is not sure, homes and take it easy. It will all be over in a few weeks.

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Here's an idea - why doesn't mccain ask Sarah Palin to stand in for him and debate Obama while mccain trips to Washington to help sort out the financial meltdown?

No, hang on, Sarah Palin can't handle unscripted questions, can't even manage a small town well, and to cap it all off, her boss has kept her padlocked away somewhere well out of the public eye.

And the insulting thing is, mccain hasn't even invited his VP to Washington to discuss the financial meltdown - it's like he doesn't even trust his own running mate.

If mccain doesn't even trust his own running mate, how can Americans believe she is going to be suitable as VP, let alone president????

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obama should debate ol' Joe instaed.

That is an excellent idea. Joe 'Sock Em' Biden is ready.


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Sushi, you ever seen Obama work without a teleprompter? It's downright pitiful.

Obama tryin' to locate his next thought makes me more uncomfortable than Bush.

Obama's got the memory lapse thing goin' on... the "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh..."

Oh, well.


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zurchromium, good point.

Yesterday Biden was talkin' about Americans sittin' down in front of their "TVs in 1929" and watchin' "Frankly Delano Roosevelt" fix the crash of '29.

It doesn't get much funnier than this.

I know Obama misspoke when he said he wanted to invade "Pakistan", but I'm unclear as to what country he does want to invade. Hopefully, it isn't mine.


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Sushisake - While I always appreciate what foreign progressives bring to these boards I have to advise you that an Obama vs palin debate is out of question. If nothing else the repubs are way too likely to play the race card, among other things.

I'll let one of the most respected liberals in america, the Jeremiah Wright of Florida you could say, explain why:

(CNN) – Rep. Alcee Hastings told an audience of Jewish Democrats Wednesday that they should be wary of Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin because “anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks.”

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No, hang on, Sarah Palin can't handle unscripted questions, can't even manage a small town well, and to cap it all off, her boss has kept her padlocked away somewhere well out of the public eye.

She cannot even handle scripted questions as she mixes up which answers she has to give to which question. Her interview with Charles Gibson was a true revelation...

And the insulting thing is, mccain hasn't even invited his VP to Washington to discuss the financial meltdown - it's like he doesn't even trust his own running mate.

I agree, his consultants should have told him to take her to Washington, even though she cannot contribute anything.

If mccain doesn't even trust his own running mate, how can Americans believe she is going to be suitable as VP, let alone president????

You answered that question already. Not suitable - period.

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“We’re trying to rescue the economy, not the McCain campaign,” said House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who has worked most closely with Paulson and Bernanke. “All of a sudden, now that we’re on the verge to make a deal, John McCain airdrops himself in to help us make a deal?

LOL! But where's Sarah "Superwoman" Palin?

Oh yeah, she's been locked out of sight and pulled from the public eye in much the same way mccain pulled his (former?) Chief Economic Advisor and former sacked HP CEO Carly Fliorina after she admitted mccain "would not be able to run a large corporation."

With mccain pulling all these women out of the spotlight, what message does that send to American women???

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Alinsky, Rep. (Representative) Alcee Hastings is a Democrat so if that's an example of the race card bein' played first it wasn't the Republicans.

Also, liberals and Democrats are already setting themselves up for a possible defeat in November by sayin' if Obama ain't elected it's because American ain't ready for a black president. Nonsense.

Put up a conservative woman like Condi Rice and we'll take care of two issues at once.


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USA Ronin,

glad you are keeping track of important issues like FDR and TVs. Shows you are, like so many who post on this board, really on top of the key items in this election.

You may want to pull yourself out for some fresh air and read about the bush/mccain depression that is raging out there. Just a minor thing. Not as important as your reposts from wingers be us.

Bottom like, mccain is giving up. He knows he cant win so he just wants to collect his marbles and go home (to any one of them, up to 8 but even he is not sure how many). He will do just fine in an Obama administration.

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Zurchromium, it seems you were singin' a different tune last week when McCain was handin' Obama his head in the polls.

Are you the one who said you're goin' to leave the country if McCain wins?

I ain't leavin' either way.


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Zurchromium, Biden doesn't seem to know his Americana or even what decade he's in.

Me so sad.


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Obama is 9 points ahead of mccain according to the latest Reuters poll.

Who was it - I think it was ColAmerica - who only last week was claiming that polls he absolutely and utterly refused to identify were putting mccain ahead of Obama by "double digits."

America will welcome the upcoming (not to mention well deserved) crushing defeat of the john mccain campaign.

Heh, I've already bought a massive bottle of champagne to celebrate Obama and Biden's victory in only 2 months. :-)

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Just wow -

Yet another reason why Saah Palin isn't fit to be a town mayor, let VP -


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Sushi, you might like this one.

This is Obama tryin' to speak without a teleprompter.

The title is count the "uhs". Fun stuff.



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Heh, I've already bought a massive bottle of champagne to celebrate Obama and Biden's victory in only 2 months. :-)

You might want to stock up on more than one bottle - if you are enjoying the economic meltdown as thoroughly as most of us progressives are. Get a good store of popcorn as well.

Cuz Barack plans to double the capital gains tax.

Hahahaha. Too funny!

57 million american households hold stocks, and at present you are taxed at 15 percent if you sell them.

Barack gets elected Nov 4.

Do you sell between then and Jan 21 09(date of his inauguration) and keep 85 percent of the profit or do you, as Joe 'Sock Em' Biden asks us, be a patriot, suck it up, hold til after Jan 21 09 and settle for keeping 70 percent of your profit?

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Alinsky4prez - seems like you conveniently forgot to mention mccain claims he will cut your taxes far less than Obama will.

Oh, and mccain will slash taxes for the rich.


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Sushi, if you been watchin', tax cuts are out the window as well as "universal healthcare" for those who choose not to pay for it themselves.

See... It's not all bad news.


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Mr. McCain made a decision to go back to Washington D.C, to do the job that Arizona voters expect him to do.

Right, and all senators that've ever run for president have been expected to stop making themselves known to the voting public, and simply stay in the Capital. For their constituents. Riiiiight.

Yes, McCain should just get back to Washington and "fix" things, because we all know how much of a bang-up job he and the other members of the GOP have done in preventing this economic meltdown.

P.S. - "Absentee 'present'" - An oxymoron. You can't vote "present" if you aren't actually, err... present, RR.

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sarge: "I think it makes Obama look like he's inflexible."

Cry me a river! You've been talking all along about how 'maverick' McCain is and how he sticks to his guns, and now you're accusing the next president of being 'inflexible' because he won't postpone the biggest debate of the year?? Meanwhile when Obama wouldn't do the out-of-date townhall (packed with Repubs.) debates you wanted him tarred and feathered, and stood behind McCain 100%. You'll forgive me if I'm not in the least surprised by the sheer hypocrisy of those on the right here. it's hilarious to watch you scrambling to cover McCain's HUGE mistakes and slipping polls. Clearly, he is just trying to buy time and do damage control.

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Obama rejects call for debate delay

Showing his real leadership skills amidst an economic disaster affecting all of America, obama tells the U.S. voters, "If you need me, call me."


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obama sees no need go to Washington D.C. to exrcute his Senate duties; something he hasn't felt compelled to do since he was elected.


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Who was it - I think it was ColAmerica - who only last week was claiming that polls he absolutely and utterly refused to identify were putting mccain ahead of Obama by "double digits."

You missed it eh? Apparently he asked some other members at his "golf club" who they would vote for. That was his "poll".

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Mr. McCain suspends his campaigning so as a U.S. Senator he can do the job expected of him from Arizona voters.

So, now the "change" from Washington politics as usual scorecard is:

Mr. McCain : 2

obama: 0


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57 million american households hold stocks, and at present you are taxed at 15 percent if you sell them.

The vast majority of stockholding households own those shares through deferred tax schemes such as 401ks. Withdrawals from the plans, when they come, will be subject to the much lower average rates. As things are going now, those looking to cash out with gains might be the lucky ones.

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Mr. McCain suspends his campaigning so as a U.S. Senator he can do the job expected of him from Arizona voters.

McCain injects his campaign into a serious issue where he has no expertise whatsoever. The last thing he wants is to perform his duty as a candidate for the highest office in the land by appearing at a scheduled public forum to talk to the American people about this and other important issues facing the nation.

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It may be that John McCain's decision to return to Washington is in part to convince Congressional Republicans, who are the most firmly opposed to the Paulson plan, to get onbroad. He's claiming to put the country's needs first in making this decision. Obviously, he doesn't want a financial meltdown on Republican watch.

Nonetheless, it's going to be hard to get around the fact that the immediate beneficiary of this bail-out plan will be financial firms which made foolish bets with borrowed money. That's a difficult sell, to both skeptical members of his own party and the electorate at large who are once again being fed the line, what's good for Wall Street is good for the rest of us. It's exactly this thinking which drove deregulation.

Where is Phil Gramm, former Chairman of the Banking Committee, who dismissed concerns about the economy as "whining" just recently? Many people saw the signs of trouble in the late spring of 2007, yet watching GWB last night viewers never got an inkling the government could have done anything to prevent it.

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Both have missed a lot of votes but McCain (412 votes missed (64.1%), 231 votes cast) has missed more votes than Obama. (295 votes missed (45.9%), 348 votes cast) http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/110/senate/vote-missers/

The previous voting record is even more in favor of Obama (11 votes missed (1.7%), 634 votes cast). McCain Votes: (58 votes missed (9.0%), 587 votes cast) http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/109/senate/vote-missers/

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Do you sell between then and Jan 21 09(date of his inauguration) and keep 85 percent of the profit or do you, as Joe 'Sock Em' Biden asks us, be a patriot, suck it up, hold til after Jan 21 09 and settle for keeping 70 percent of your profit?

Alinsky, you foolishly assume that people are making profits when they sell. The way the market is going, we'll all be declaring capital losses! ^^;

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Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE) Representing: Delaware Votes: 64 votes missed (9.9%), 581 votes cast

And Biden beat them all on votes missed

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**The money barrel is almost empty. Not enough for bonuses for the billionaire and multi-millionaire CEOs. So, Bush and McCain are gonna refill it with the working robots' tax money.

In the meantime, Obama doesn't GAF. He's too busy getting high on all the undeserved attention.

No matter how the election goes, we have a dreary four years ahead. I have nothing against cavalier Wonder Woman Palin, per se, but if McCain should kick the bucket in the middle of the term, she ain't presidential material.

Ah, well, there'll be plenty of material for SNL, Leno and Letterman for the next four years. And the CEOs will be back in biz with a fresh, full barrel of pork.

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This just in -

NEW YORK (AFP) - John McCain said Thursday his "old navy pilot" instincts told him he must suspend his White House bid, hours before flying to Washington for unprecedented talks on the Wall Street bailout plan.


Enough of this "war hero" crap.

America needs someone with a clue about economics.

That's why no one is asking john mccain for solutions.

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and this - NEW YORK - "Late Show" host David Letterman treated John McCain's decision to cancel an appearance on his talk show more like a stupid human trick than the act of a statesman.

"This doesn't smell right," Letterman said. "This is not the way a tested hero behaves. Somebody's putting something in his Metamucil.

Instead of suspending a campaign, Letterman said, a presidential candidate should go to Washington to deal with a crisis and let his running mate shoulder the burdens of politicking.

"That's what you do. You don't quit. ... Or is that really a good thing to do?" Letterman said, a reference to McCain's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. "What's the problem? Where is she? Why isn't she doing that?" he asked."

Exactly, exactly..

More: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080925/ap_on_el_pr/mccain_letterman;_ylt=Aim8Txo3a6x288OrlxYtMuVsnwcF

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Biden beat them all on votes missed

In all fairness to o' Joe, he had more important things to do with his time:



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Mr. McCain would destroy obama in Friday's a debate on foreign policy. Showing true leadership though, Mr. McCain decided to suspend his campaign to deal with the immediate, critical issue involving the economic bailout that will have disasterous ramifications for all Americans.

obama's response, "If you need me, call me." Heh, he got his $100K from Fannie Mae, so he's not concerned about Joe Lunchbucket down on Main Street.


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Rush made a spot on comparison of obama and the mortgage crisis: "barack obama is a high risk loan. He has nothing but a nice smile and a firm handshake as evidence he can deliver on what he promises. He has no history of accomplishment. I'd like a little more collateral on a presidential candidate than just having Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright and Tony Rezko as co-signers on his White House loan application."


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Rush who?

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Rush who?

You non-Americans don't get U.S. radio shows.

I feel your pain.


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Biden did not beat them all during the current, 110th, Congress. McCain currenly leads for votes missed since January 2007 at 64.1%

Biden did the dopey dance and still voted more often than McCain. Biden also squeezed in some speeches. On 22 Sept. he addressed the National Guard and made some remarks about McCain's record.

"Being a veteran isn’t the same as being there for veterans. We need more than a great soldier, we need a wise leader."

McCain isn't a wise leader. if he was he wouldn't have voted along with Bush so often.

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RomeoRamenII - "Showing true leadership though, Mr. McCain decided to suspend his campaign to deal with the immediate, critical issue involving the economic bailout that will have disasterous ramifications for all Americans."

No, it's called running scared.

Your man mccain just can't take the heat :-)

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NEW YORK - "Late Show" host David Letterman treated John McCain's decision to cancel an appearance on his talk show more like a stupid human trick than the act of a statesman. "This doesn't smell right," Letterman said. "This is not the way a tested hero behaves. Somebody's putting something in his Metamucil.

Props to my man Letterman. When asked back in 2005 if he wanted us to actually win in Iraq, he refused to answer.

That is the kind of supporter Barack draws. I am so proud of my party.

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Oh, that Rush!

It's not that non-Americans don't get US radio shows. It's just that a lot of people, Americans included, don't get the attraction of a third-rate intellect and second-rate bully.

Rush's comparison of Obama to a high risk loan is anything but spot on. It's fair-to-middling sarcasm and gets high marks for glib but it earns a failure for not adequately assessing McCain's collateral. And that's what got us into this "crisis" in the first place. Furthermore, it's an outright falsehood to say that Obama has "no history of achievement".

Rush's humor is vicious and is a sign of the increasing lack of civility in our society. Will Rogers--there was a guy who knew how to take it to politicians. H.L. Mencken--there was another. Rush is a tool.

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No, it's called running scared.

Heh, this coming from a non-American who has a man crush on a guy ("I get excited when I hear obama speak") who said he'd debate Mr. McCain "anytime, anywhere" then proceeded to dodge 10 town hall-style meetings; you know, the ones where no telepropters are allowed. That included one at Fort Hood because barack obama deemed it more important to take a Hawaiian vacation about 90 days before the general election over facing a group of military men, women and their spouses; aka voters.


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Suspending his campaign was a blatant attempt by McCain to score political points during a time of crisis. It is an act of desperation by a man who is watching his poll numbers fall, and the prize he's lusted after for all these decades slip away - again. It's absolutely ridiculous, and the majority of people in America, and beyond, think he should take his whipping in the debate on Friday as scheduled. Obama looked and sounded more Presidential yesterday, and it wasn't lost on the public at large.

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Heh, bill clinton on Thursday told ABC's Chris Cuomo that democrats for years have been "resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac"

Good times


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Bail out deal struck. John I-never-really-stopped-campaigning-but-I-made-a-coupl'a quick-detours Mccain can now debate as scheduled. Savior of the nation.

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McCain's just taking the low road to get the hell out of town when he's having to go to a debate with Barack.

Bye bye John. < :-)

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RR: "...then proceeded to dodge 10 town hall-style meetings"

Ah, as predicted! The Repubs. just LOVE to bring this up, then defend McCain in the same breath when McCain says he wants to delay the debate... hahahahaha!!! The hypocrisy!

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bluespaceoddity at 12:05 AM JST - 26th September

Biden did not beat them all during the current, 110th, Congress. McCain currenly leads for votes missed since January 2007 at 64.1%

No kidding thats what happens when you come into the presidential race at the end...

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Now this is what I call Dodging.

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smitty, even for someone like you who cannot vote in our elections should realize that obama, your American idol, renegged on his promise to the U.S. voters to debate Mr. McCain "anytime, anywhere".

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Debate! Debate! Bring it on! Bring it on!

.... John? John? Senator McCain?

Time to bring Chicken John out of hibernation.

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Unscrejects, one thing we know is that it wasn't because McCain was afraid to face Obama in a debate.

I think answering questions put to him spontaneously is one of Obama's biggest nightmares, the other bein' folks wakin' up to the reality that the emperor (messiah?) has no clothes.

Might be a fun couple of nights.

Join us.

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USARonin With wit like yours sir, you certainly don't need a leader - you're doing okay by yourself ha ha... Actually I empathise with the senator. This has to be the result of bad karma. Man, talk about lightning strike more than three times in the same place... I had a feeling this was going to be an unusual year - Hilary suddenly has it all to lose and... she loses it. Then McCain's turn and his party let's him know exactly what it has been thinking about him for years. Well at least he's still got Joe. Happened to see the gov on Katie Couric this morning... my eyes are still watering. Well if the debate fizzles, I've still got F1 to look forward this weekend. Have a good weekend.

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You, too.

(Watch the debates!)

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Earlier in this thread the suggestion was made that Obama has been derelict in his duties as a Senator. I pointed out that this claim can apply to both Presidential candidates and provided voting statistics to substantiate my rebuttal. You noted that Biden's performance was even worse by citing the numbers from the previous session of Congress. I provided the numbers for the current session. Regardless of the reasons, those numbers show that your claim about Biden isn't accurate.

Now let's go beyond voting records and see if either candidate has introduced any legislation. Introducing and sponsoring presumably means doing some actual work beyond merely showing up at the end of the process to vote. Turns out that:

McCain is the lead sponsor of 38 pieces of legislation during the 110th Congress, none of which have been referred to the Banking panel, according to a review of Thomas, a congressional website.

Obama has introduced 130 measures during this Congress. Five of Obama’s standalone bills fall within the Banking Committee's jurisdiction.

That seems to me an indication that some actual work was done by the Senators. I think that information like this once again makes the original claim somewhat dubious. Is it a reality that campaigns take candidates away from their original jobs? Yes, but it is true for all candidates, The record reflects that currently one candidates' record is worse than the other in that respect and it isn't the one against whom the original accusation was leveled.

Actual negotiators on the bail-out legislation from both parties have suggested that the presence in DC of both campaigns is an obstacle, not an aid to getting this deal approved.

Furthermore if the three Senators are to return to DC it would be only fair to have the Governor return to her state as well. After all her presence there was actually requested, backed by a subpoena.

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And an apple is an orange..

I said all of them are worthless not just one of them. You pointed out both sessions and I corrected your nissing one of the members of this group, you pointed out he hadnt missed as much this years session and I said dah he wasnt a canidate until last month..

Problem is this we are paying people a lot of money and they are not doing their job.. COuld you miss that many days of a very little work schedule and still be working???

Obama is more handsome then McCain, Palin is hotter then Biden.. yack yack yack blah blah blah

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My original reply was to a comment, made by RomeoRamenII, about Obama's performance as a Senator.

You want to appoint a temp. while they campaign or fire and replace them completely when they accept a candidacy?

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Yes.... why should they have a job when they do not do it properly...... When a campaign over takes your responsibility to your job then that shows you really dont want your original job..

Like I said will your boss let you not do your work so you can go interview for a new job??

Think about it in a non political way, you pay their salary, do you want to pay a person so he can not do what he is paid to do?? If so are you hiring???

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I understand your point and actually agree with it. It would indeed be good if the jobs they were originally hired/elected/or appointed to do would not suffer from their candidacy.

There is no argument that they had better voting and attendance records before they announced their candidacy. With the situation as it stands currently, however, two Senators running for President, I think the negotiations don't benefit from the presence of these candidates in DC.

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I think the main reason they do help the negotiations is they are the spokesman for their parties. I think the debate is just a debate and its not even an open question debate, the questions are agreed to before the debate just like all of them. So missing it isnt the end of the world for me. Although I really want to tape the UH UH UH UH UH fest that they both will do.

I would hope that all of the house and senate come together and get each others noses out of their party based butts and actually do the right thing. I dont know if that is to give money to businesses that didnt take care of their own financials, or to give them loans, or just let them fail, but I do know that what ever they decide is going to be politically motivated and not truely in the intrest of the people of the US. It seems to be a lose lose for us as Americans

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Mr. McCain made a decision to go back to Washington D.C, to do the job that Arizona voters expect him to do.

Yes, waste air miles to add nothing of value in a meeting and then sit on his hands.

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Obama can debate himself:

Obama ( several months ago ): I will bring home all of our troops from Iraq within 16 months of taking office as President of the United States.

Obama ( more recently ): I will make a decision on a withdrawal after consulting with the commanders on the ground.

Obama ( several months ago ): We will be free of Middle East oil within 10 years.

Obama ( more recently ): We may have to drill for oil.

Hee hee! I can't wait for this debate!

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Alinsky - I can't get your link to work.

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For those of you that said McCain was "dodgy" or pullin' a publicity stunt by goin' to Washington, whattasay now that Obama made sure he showed up at the White House, too?

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Ronin - Obama is being presidential, of course.

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Flip Flop Flip Flop Flip Flop

Now mccain will debate even though there is no deal, mostly due to him running the publicity stunt in going to washington. He just messed things up after an agreement was reached by all.

It over and out. Even the repubs, the intelligent ones, are dumping mccain now. Palin was bad enough and now this? mccain cant even run a decent campaign, let alone anything else.

mccain said he used his fighter pilot instincts to go to washington. Well he just crashed his plane again, for the 6th time now.

After he gets mopped up in the debates, he may as well just give up. Oh sorry, by suspending his campaign I guess he already has.

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I would like to officially start the save Sarah Palin fund here on JT. Since she is being held hostage by the republican party and is only allowed to see the light of day for five minutes a day, like prisoners in guantanamo, she needs to be freed. Let the winges go! Power to the people, especially mayors of small dysfunctional towns. Sarah Plain is not a hostageto be held by grumpy old man mccain.

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