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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Obama releases full birth certificate to end controversy
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Republican and Tea Party nutcases always seemed to make time for it.
Trump? You mean "Chump." Which also describes those on the conservative/Republican side who think Mr. Combover is fit for the Oval Office. Of course, he may indeed be fit to lead their pathetic party.
"Obama said in a nationally televised statement from the White House that, “We do not have time for this kind of silliness.”
and he then flew to Chicago, to appear on Oprah.
Trump 1, Obama 0.
hehe this isn't going to end controversy. When you're dealing with unreasonable idiots like "birthers" they aren't driven by logic. Even if some are forced to accept the reality of the situation, some will not. And for those that do it's obvious they have the type of personality where they'll just create another controversy to replace the one they lost out on.
So what is the net result of this? Pretty much nothing.
I don't really believe in political polls anymore. I suspect there are those who really don't/didn't believe Obama was born in the US, but the real numbers are probably a lot less than polls suggest. When asked a question I have no doubt that some people thought it would serve a purpose to inflate the numbers just to keep the controversy going in the hopes that it would in some way damage Obama even if they personally didn't believe it. It was more like an opportunity to generate potentially bad press. In the end it probably generated more bad press for Republicans knowing these people were attached to their party. But by releasing the document it also created a bit of bad press for Obama since he had to literally stoop to that level just to please unreasonable idiots. It was a lose-lose situation for everyone.
Conspiracy theorists thrive on asking questions that can't be answered. Their "proof" always comes from bringing up things that can't be proven then using the lack of information as the proof that there must be a lie somewhere. Since they have an unlimited number of questions they can ask this issue won't be going away entirely.
Has anyone checked with the delivery room doctor listed on the birth certificate?
sarah palin, the whore of babblin' on, has already moved on to questioning whether President Obama was really Harvard material, so yeah, you nailed that prediction.
I'm terribly disappointed in the president for requesting the copies of his original birth certificate be released. He's kowtowing to the lowest common denominator. As he said himself, there are simply far more important things for the POTUS to be spending his time on. Why do they need to be accommodated? They bring nothing of value to the table. The president should not have wasted his time on them.
This just opens the door to more demands which he will have to deliver on to once again pacify the loons. Meanwhile the rest of us are stuck waiting for jobs and the economy to get figured out.
It just doesn't seem right to me.
"I'm terribly disappointed in the president for requesting the copies of his original birth certificate be released. He's kowtowing to the lowest common denominator."
I'm disappointed in this as tactical political decision. He should have let the wackos keep at it at least until just before the election, then release it.
Are you suggesting that Obama is afraid of the U.S. citizen? How dare they, the taxpaying voters, ask Obama to produce something as simple as his birth certificate.
I hope Obama has a great "silly" time on Oprah NOT dealing with jobs, fuel prices and home foreclosures.
Has this been asked of every president? Can I now feel free to ask to see his 7th grade report cards? WHAT IS HE HIDING?????
Smorkian: The "elephant in the room" is the color of the president's skin(and of course this will be denied). The doubters will move on to the issue of him as undeserving of his office, read: intelligence.
Please make: Epic Rap Battles of History - Obama vs Trump!!! It's time to see those two lyrically battle it out.
All those college degrees and elections will be questioned. "Just how did this guy get to where he is? He must have been helped in some way."
That's nice. So Obama finally figured out that his birth record isn't covered by Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell...
Trump = 1 Obama = 0
lol, He then ran off to tape a show with Oprah.
You are actually wrong, at the same time you're right. The 'birthers' really are a bit like the 'truthers' on the left. Both sides have their wingnuts, and you're right, they aren't going to go away simply because Obama finally got around to releasing this information. However the sheer fact that Obama refused to release this, for years, is what gave this story legs, and took this out of the realm of stupidity, and made it a real issue. And it is going to hurt Obama. The fact that he refused to release these records back when he was asked as then candidate Obama, makes it seem like he has something to hide. Like GWB and the DUI arrest. It not going to hurt him with Dems or Republicans though, but rather with Independents who are going to look at this and see that Obama, despite having finally, finally gotten around to releasing this, isn't an upfront guy. And that he has things he would like to hide.
Speaking for myself here, I'd like it if a 'birther' bill was passed in every single state in the union. Not just for President, but for every candidate. From Senator, to Rep, to Governor, to hell dogcatcher. They should all have to release some basic information, if they want to run for public office. Stuff like tax forms, school performance, arrest record if any, birth certificate etc. These should be standard for every candidate, if only so that we citizens can see, is he straight with the government, did he break the law, was he doing drugs. So we can see the guy and make a more informed choice as to whether or not we can trust him to represent us. I'm actually rather disappointed that no state has a law to verify the credentials of a candidate, and make sure they are eligible to run for office. Its an oversight that really should be addressed.
Ah, another racist on the board. You disgust me.
His Mum is white, he was raised by his white grandparents. He's more white than black. I don't understand why people keep going on about the colour of his skin, as if it meant anything. If he lived in Japan he'd be a haaf. I wonder how many of the people who are happy to say he's black would throw their hands up in horror at the 'racist' haaf epithet?
I know this 'The President has to have been born in America' stuff has its origin in history and the need to stop those pesky immigrunts taking over the country, but does it have to be a law? Why not just let the birthers exercise their democratic right to vote for someone else, if it bothers them? What about the kids of eg American diplomats who are born outside America? Are they banned from being President, too?
Obama made a very basic mistake in acknowledging this issue. Never argue with idiots, they just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience...
The idiot in action. Presented with the long form birth certificate he requested he still says, "hopefully getting rid of this issue,"... it's clear that not even if God came down from heaven and tattoed Obama's birth certificate in burning letters on Trump's ass would be actually be satisfied, Trump's determined to milk this issue DESPITE the facts.
... and frankly someone who ignores reality because it doesn't suit his personal ambitions isn't the sort of person you want at the head of the largest economy in the world, because it's precisely that sort of thinking that set of the current recession, because investors were so obsessed with making money that they ignored reality.
It's fake! he is Barry Soetoro from Indonesia! Before his was born, his mom wanted him to become president of the US and crush the economy! His father was emperor Palpatine himself! They couldn't get a visa to the US, so they chose the next best location: Indonesia!
So let it be written, so let it be done.
Yes, the same one that demands of all of us to produce a birth certificate to procure a drivers license, a passport, or a social security card.
What a nerve, to ask his eminence BHO to show his to be President of The United States!
Bravo, Mr. Trump.
cleo: Doesn't matter if his mother was white. His skin is dark, his name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in Hawaii. In America there are enough people that will think of him as the "other" because of that.
Better question: Why did he have to?
I find it sad that everyone keeps screaming about "Well why didn't you just do that before!". Why should he have had to? If I were him, I'd be insulted (which he probably was) and would have held out as long as possible myself. I don't know of any other presidents having to state their family history. I can't believe people would think they'd allow someone to be President if he wasn't already proven to be American! Why is this so hard to understand? Obviously the reason is just as paulinusa stated. People can deny it all they want, but if he looked white, no one would be calling this into question. No one. The whole discussion is stupid, and I know it won't stop the really crazy ones from making ridiculous claims, but maybe it'll shut up most people.
Ryan Nikkel
I think President Obama played this masterfully, he let the birthers froth at the mouths for years, while us moderates looked on in dismay as the lunatic fringe of the right went more and more crazy. Trump can play this up as a victory, but now he looks like Geraldo Riviera standing outside Al Capone's bank vault; lots of hype, no payoff.
Is this a serious question? If so, I'll go ahead and answer it. One of the qualifications for President, written in the constitution, is that you must be a natural born citizen of the United States. That means, you must have been born in the US. There are some who like to claim that it also should mean, that both your parents should be citizens, but thats not how the law has been interpreted so its a non issue. So, the reason he should have released this back when he was a candidate, has to do with qualification. Does he meet all the qualifications to be President. If he had released this information years ago, it would have never become an issue. Indeed, it never should have been.
And by saying this, by bringing skin color into this issue, you are essentially saying you are in fact a racist. And by the way, you're wrong as well. McCain also had to answer these questions back when he was a candidate, because he was born in Panama. Hes about as white as they come.
pamelot -- nonsense. All Trump did was gain some cheap publicity view a poorly disguised, racially-motivated issue. An issue which numerous credible news organizations had put to rest years ago. If this is the standard by which you judge a potential candidate for the U.S. Presidency, then my country is in far worse shape than I realized. This is even below Fox News or Tea Party standards.
Has any other president ever been asked to produce a birth certificate? If so, then yes they all should. If not, why all the fuss now? Enough people thought it was insignificant enough not to stop them voting for him. Isn't it the number of votes that decides whether a person is fit to be president?
Let's just hope this stupid fixation with President Obama's birth is over with now. He should have released it much earlier just to get rid of this silly conspiracy. Obama is an American - it's just his way of thinking that isn't.
Molenir -- You're not getting it. HE MET ALL THE REQUIREMENTS. You really think someone wasn't checking this while he was running for president? Really? The only people ASKING were the angry birthers, who obviously don't know how to do their research. Obama never avoided the question. It's only until he finally had to make a huge public deal out of it that people believed, and do you realize how stupid this is?
And I don't think you know what racism means. You should look it up.
This never was an issue. USC 1401d states that US citizenship is automatically granted in the case of "a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States"
He's not the first to have this issue. Chester A. Arthur had the same problems. So obviously did John McCain.
So then why not release it? Why make a big deal out of keeping it? Is it really that big a deal to go down and get your birth certificate? I have mine. Not a matter of whether people were checking up on it. This became an issue because of him.
When you make something an issue of race, it says something about you.
I agree. By the way, now that the birth certificate issue is dealt with the nuts on the right will probably move on to the ridiculous idea that Obama is a Muslim. Have you heard about that one? As if a man would sit in a Christian church for 20 years and be anything else.
Molenir-- No. You still don't get it. It wasn't a secret. The info was there for taking THREE YEARS AGO, it was already released! He wasn't keeping it locked inside a vault somewhere, he HAD to show proof, but apparently the birthers just weren't going to be happy unless he handed it to them on a silver platter with all the trimmings. He didn't make a big deal out of keeping it, everyone else made a big deal out of the fact that he wasn't personally going to people's houses and saying HERE'S MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE. You people act like he simply walked into the White House and said "MAKE ME PRESIDENT".
And you also still don't know what racism is, do you want me to send you a link to a dictionary definition? Everyone knows why it's an "issue" of race, please spare me the holier-than-thou attitude. Maybe you claim not to think it's about race, but the crazies on the right have already shown time and time again what this is really about.
Back in 2000, when "W" had denied that he had a received a DUI, Fox News released his arrest report. "W" lost support from some American voters in the popular vote, since he was seen as a liar.
"W" came out and did state that he did have a DUI, he manned up to his mistakes. But the issue I see with this release is that Obama couldn't do it up front. If there was nothing wrong with it, he should have just said so. Trying to play politics with your own "truth" says a lot about a person. That they are not really that honest, and will do anything to get ahead and get the edge over an opponent.
We know that McCain was not at the top of his USNA class, and that he crashed a few planes before getting shot down. "W" had a DUI and some drug usage and a few failed business. With Obama, we know very little.
I agree with the President. Now that we know he is a US citizen, what is he going to do about $5/gal gas.
Apparently, it has to do with Oprah.
"W" came out and did state that he did have a DUI, he manned up to his mistakes. But the issue I see with this release is that Obama couldn't do it up front. If there was nothing wrong with it, he should have just said so. Trying to play politics with your own "truth" says a lot about a person. That they are not really that honest, and will do anything to get ahead and get the edge over an opponent.
How does this even apply?? Seriously? A DUI is not the same as a birth certificate which he already had to show to even get in the White House. You people deliberately keep missing the point. He WAS upfront about it. He didn't LIE about it not existing. I can't believe you're comparing the two.
None, to my recollection, as this issue was always addressed before the presidency.
By not disclosing his openly, as a candidate,with the assistance of an unquestioning, fawning press, this became an issue.
All Mr. Trump did, was pursue this issue.
Race has no relevance.
By deeming this matter "silliness," BHO openly shows his disdain for The Constitution.
The Donald called him on it.
Let me explain this to you so even someone such as yourself can understand. If you bring out the race card without rock solid evidence to back you up, what you are in fact saying, is that its a race issue. If you have evidence to back up your claims, if people are as you so desperately claim, doing this only because BHO is black, then by all means, where is it? If you have no evidence, then either shut up, or admit you are in fact yourself racist. Because to you, race is the issue.
This kind of crap really bothers me. This idea that if people dislike Obama, it must be because of his skin color. Do you somehow not understand that we may dislike someone because our politics differ, or because the mans incompetent? Or perhaps because we just don't like the way he dresses? People hated Bush for all these reasons and more, and yet they were never called racist for it. Why? Do you believe skin color means he should get a pass? I sure as hell don't, and if you do, then you are in fact what I have come out and stated. A racist. Your insistence that this is about the color of Obamas skin speaks to what you are, and what you stand for.
And for 3 years, he refused to release it. He hid it. Why. This form has existed for this entire time. Why didn't he just release it 3 years ago? What was he so desperately trying to hide, and why? Once he releases it, it becomes a non-issue.
" Is this a serious question? If so, I'll go ahead and answer it. One of the qualifications for President, written in the constitution, is that you must be a natural born citizen of the United States. That means, you must have been born in the US. There are some who like to claim that it also should mean, that both your parents should be citizens, but thats not how the law has been interpreted so its a non issue. So, the reason he should have released this back when he was a candidate, has to do with qualification. Does he meet all the qualifications to be President"
This is exactly right. When I was in public school in America I was required to show my birth certificate just to play sports! It was not a Constitutional regulation that I show my birth certificate, but the school required it so I showed it. I have had to show my birth certificate for other various things in life, none that were mentioned in the Constitution. I have many times had to give my social security #, but the Constitution does not mention that. However the Constitution DOES say the President to be qualified has to be a natural born citizen. So why must I show all my documents when there`s nothing in the Constitution saying I need to, but the Pres. refuses and hires LAWYERS to prevent ppl from seeing his birth certificate when the Constitution would indicate he needs to show proof of his qualifications?
It has been so many years now and so much money spent to prevent anyone from simply seeing his birth certificate that I dont believe it is real. It is fake. There was no reason he had to fight so hard and spend so much money to keep it concealed unless there was something he had to hide. A birth certificate is not overly personal. Theres no reason he could not have shown it from day one.
Molenir-- Except that's STILL not what racism means, but you know what? You go ahead. Thank you for this post, I realize now I can walk away from this discussion, because there is no way I can discuss this logically with you if you can't understand this. I'm not making myself clear enough or something, but that's all right. He released the birth certificate. Now everyone with sense can rail on him about more important things.
Sorry, but that is frankly nuts.
This I agree with. There was no reason to hide this. I really don't understand why he didn't simply release this 3 years ago. However now that he has, its dead. Its a non issue. Only the real hardcore nuts are going to agree with you. If you insist on pushing this forgery idea, you're going to join the 'Truthers' on the left as the eternal conspiracy theorists. As Obama himself said, there are lots more pressing issues to deal with. Time to move on.
@kokorocloud: It applies on principle. Yes a birth certificat and DUI are two different things. But if asked if you have one, I can somewhat see how one may try to hide a DUI since it may indicate some criminal activity or dealings with the courts, but a birthcertificate is a matter of identification.
You can't get a passport without one. Can't get a security clearance without one. It is required for so many legal reasons, then why would a person who wants to be the head of our government be hesitant to show it?
At least Trump did state after all of this that he wants to move on to more important matters. But what I suspect is that from now on, every time Trump is mentioned in the press it will be because of this issue, and not on the issues.
Wholly untrue. In 2008, he released his Certificate of Live Birth. That should have put the issue to bed. It didn't because he's a black man. He's now issued his original birth certificate. That won't stop it either, because he's a black man.
There are simply too many racist Americans who cannot and will not accept a black man as president.
If you don't believe me, spend some time in Kentucky. I've met them.
According to my personal religious beliefs, I cannot put one race ahead of another but I can see when others do it. As I stated, I met them. I talked with them. They were very scary people to me. It's one of the reasons I left Kentucky. I didn't want my children exposed to that.
I'm not saying that everyone who disagrees with President Obama is racist. Far from it. But you have to admit, there has to be something to a 200% increase in death threats on the president. Especially when the last guy was so evil. Racists DO exist in America and a lot of them are birthers. And it's true in the opposite as well. Birthers do exist and a lot of them are racist. You can deny it all you want and you can call me names if you so choose but that doesn't change a thing.
@Taka313: I am a Black man from the deep south, and I disagree. I don't care for some of his politics like I have had disagreements with other presidents. His race has nothing to do with it.
What makes you say that "W" was so evil. Couldn't that be considered as racist? He may not be of the same religious belief as you, so are you saying that just because he was a different denomination that they are evil? That is what you get when you try to bring some sort of racism into the picture.
You don't like "W" and that is your right. Why can't people call the current president 'evil' without having racism charges hurled at them.
After all, when "W" was president, we had high gas prices, and we were involved in 2 wars. Now we have high gas prices, and involved in 3 wars. So is he just as evil?
I lived in South Carolina for a couple years, I know what you mean about racists. I've met em, sat at dinner with people, who looked completely normal, and you'd never guess until they started talking about blacks, that they would have fit right in with a white robe and mask. Made my skin crawl, made me wonder how these otherwise decent people could be so filled with hate towards others, not because of what they might have done, but because of the color of their skin.
When I look at Obama, I see a man that I hope has a new job in 2 years. Not because he's black, but because he's incompetent and because I disagree with his politics. I don't go around trying to dismiss all the arguments for or against him because of the color of his skin. And it bothers me that people somehow believe that a tiny minority is somehow largely representative of America. When millions of people turned out to protest the financial policies of the Dems, I remember you dismissing them as racists. Not because you had any evidence to support these allegations, but simply because they disagreed with Obama.
Then you are not one of the people I'm talking about. You can't say they don't exist because I've met them. I've talked to people in Kentucky who cannot and will not accept a black man as their president. And when they espoused their views, there were no dissenters in the room.
You can. As long as your argument isn't racist in nature and focuses on the topics.
No. Not unless he's authorized torture the way bush did. Torturers are the enemy of all humanity.
Moderator: All readers, back on topic please. Posts that do not focus on the story will be removed. There is to be no more talk of racism, torture or George W Bush.
Much ado about nothing...
smorkian - no, otherwise this woldn;t have beena press conference. This is the first time he has released an official document produced around the time of his birth.
Obama's arrogance is astounding, for "Mr. Transparency" he certainly feels no obligation to disclose anything to the voters (even the things he promised to disclose - remember his CSPAN promise?)
Now Obama needs to address the real issues Trump shows him up on - foreign policy, fiscal policy... Trump has a real chance to win this thing.
Ryan Nikkel
Donald Trump or his company has declared bankruptcy HOW many times? You want this guy in charge of your fiscal policy?
5cents -
What % of businesses opened become a huge success?
He's an excellent businessman. Donald is worth billions. There you go.
Give this "curiosity of the 80s" a gold star! What a special, special boy. I've always admired a man who started out in life with nothing but a few New York City buildings and managed to parley that into a few New York City buildings. He'd be a great president - of Russia.
I suppose Obama has milked the issue for all what it is worth, stringing the birthers along to make them look silly in the end. He could simply have answered the question right off the bat, like McCaine did when his Panama issue came up. But no, political games come first.
This was a huge victory for Trump. Obama and the Dems are in deep doo-doo.
"This is the first time he has released an official document produced around the time of his birth."
Man: If you did a little homework you'd discover that Hawaii law forbids the release of detailed "long form" birth certificates; Obama wasn't legally entitled to it and never possessed it until now. They made an exception in this case and in fact claim that it won't happen again.
Someone wrote:
@pamelot responded:
The document he released during the campaign is the exact same one required to get passports, driver's licenses and social security cards.
The birthers demanded more. And now that he's finally given in to all the whining, you're irritated?
Nonsense. It's silly because he provided a document recognized by the government as being sufficient proof of citizenship. The constitution, by the way, does not specify what proof of citizenship need be provided. U.S. statute law does, however, specify and he satisified the statutory specification before the election.
Trump has shown himself to be a jerk (and not for the first time, either).
There are clearly racial undertones in these birther folks' refusal to accept reality. Whatever records the man produced a few years ago, already confirmed as legitimate by the State of Hawaii, were clearly enough to become THE PRESIDENT. Why can't these morons just admit that a black guy became president and get over it?!
Birthers, trumpsters... no difference to them and no way this side of Pluto will "The Donald" get elected President. The Republican majority were already putting distance between him and them last week. Now that his birther assertations proved to be a lot of hot air, I doubt you'll find a single Republican that will back him. Add to that the fact that most of his political donations (according to today's Washington Post) have gone to the Democrats and you have to wonder if he's just out to sabotage the Republican party on purpose? (Not that I'd mind that one bit.)
When U.S. Senator John McCain's right to be President was questioned because he had been born in the U.S. Zone of the Panama Canal, there was an official and very public inquiry into his birth records.
When U.S. Senator Barack Obama's right to be President was questioned by Hillary Clinton's campaign people almost 4 years ago, Obama told them it was none of their business and he's stalled the effort ever since.
McCain needed to. It turned out to be a pretty simple process. Why did Obama refuse to be transparent and open for the last 3 years. Do you think it helped his credibility or does this make him look arrogant and aloof?
He identifies as black, Cleo; that along with his heritage make him black.
That's because he was clearly born in the US. McCain's place of birth was a bit of an unclear issue due to the unique circumstance of the Panama Canal. Hawaii's been a state for over 50 years. Nobody but conspiracy theorists have ever claimed Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii. He issued documentation years ago to prove this.
This was a issue resolved years ago.
dude, this is the first time OBAMA has released an official document produced around the time of his birth. He supposedly HAS a copy. HE can release it, but chose not to.
There are many reasons to sneer at birthers, one of which is that the question of what constitutes a "natural-born citizen" has not yet been defined by the Supreme Court. Wikipedia:
My son was born in Japan to an American father and a Japanese mother. In future, if he chose to stand for president, he could not automatically be disqualified.
So - Obama was clearly born in Hawaii, but even birth in Kenya to an American citizen does not as the law stands disqualify him from the presidency.
arrestpaul, are suggesting that when Obama filed all of his applications and papers with the Federal Election Commission, which apparently had no problems with his eligibility, that there was some massive conspiracy between Obama, the FEC, the Hawaiian government, all those who signed affidavits regarding his birth certificate, etc., and that Obama was staying silent in order to hide this massive conspiracy? Unlike McCain, Obama was born in a US State, not on a base in some foreign territory. McCain's issue was totally different. I was happy Obama was not willing to oblige the lunatics out there who claim he was somehow born elsewhere, or in Africa (not racist at all!). It is pretty humiliating he even has to address it like this with his birth certificate.
By the way, Hawaii forbids the release WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL. All Bobama had to do was say "release it".
The point is Obama is afraid of transparency, which is why his actions in the white house have all been behind closed doors. It took him 3 years to release something that the DEMOCRATS first brought up (it was Hillary's team).
2012 looks like it is going to be a VERY GOOD YEAR for the GOP.
Im not American but America has a massive world influence. To me, this issue just seemed petty the whole way through. I think it is time politicians pay a bit more attention to governing the country with regards to what is best for its people rather than looking at birth certificates after the president has already been in power for 2 years.
sakurala- agreed. It's been funny to watch Obama avoid such a stupid issue, but he has spent alot of time, money, and effort to avoid this. Imagine what else he's covering up...
The silliest one in this story is Mr. Obama. In many countries, it's a condition for most State jobs, particularly those with defense responsability, to make this information public. And people who find it bothering are told to look for another career. Just like you have to show your official degrees and licences for some positions. He had to show this certificate when he was a candidate for the election, because all candidates should, asked or not.
Obama's gesture this time will probably be futile, since with a little creativity his opponents can spin all kinds of new ways to challenge his legitimacy.
I am looking at the thing on-line. Just out of curiousity: Could any USer born before 1961 check what it says under "race"? It strikes me as extremely odd that they write "African" under race of father. I seem to remember clearly that the whole political correct hyphenated-American thing only started a few years ago. In 1961, wouldn´t that box not have been marked with something like "colored" or "negro"? Just wondering.
Clearly it wasn't and Obama has only himself to blame. He could have chosen to put this issue to rest years ago. Polls show that 45% of the U.S. either did't believe Obama was a citizen or they didn't know. Only Obama could have put this issue to rest and he didn't want to for whatever personal reasons.
Ridoculous storm in a teacup. He would have never made it to President if he wasn't born in US. Electoral commission would have disqualified him. Some Americans will believe any nonsense thay are told by their chosen political leaders. Sometimes really does feel like the end of an empire......
No, I'm not suggesting anything of the kind.
But, but, but ... didn't the U.S. mainstream media already say we saw Obama's BC?
This from the article about Trump gaining traction in the upcoming presidential election posted here a few days ago:
Documents, including Obama’s birth certificate, show he was born in Hawaii in 1961.
WilliB, I suppose you are repeating what you read/heard from Orly Taitz. And yes, I sincerely hope that is the exact argument the GOP uses. Talk about suicide! Even if there were some merit there, do you really expect the argument to gain any traction at all when it requires the use of those outdated and currently-offensive terms? I don't think any self-respecting GOP person with any hopes at all for a political future would touch that argument with a 10-foot pole, but I could be wrong. Of course to answer your question it would require looking at other birth certificates from the area, and specifically those of kids born to African nationals.
WilliB, good point.
"African" is not a race. Back then, the term "negro" would have been listed as daddy's race on Obama's BC.
What's more, check out the top of the form -- COLB -- this is the same form that was released a few years back.
Heheheh, just gotta say this........... Donald Trump - you're fired! Or rather, Trump should've fired whoever he hired as investigators because whatever those investigators were telling him are so off-base. Such incompetent investigators wouldn't have lasted in his own reality show.
Obama wasn't putting out the long-form version because the issue was helping him politically - by putting the focus on the Republican Party's vocal fringe nuts, instead of the real issues. It gave Donald Trump a platform, and if Trump had won the Republican Primary, Obama would've destroyed him in a general election. So politically, it was beneficial to Obama. It was personally that the issue was grating on him. So Obama finally just put the political advantage aside and just released it, so the whole country could move on to the real problems that's facing him and should properly criticized for.
Obama's father is not an American. "Colored" and "Negro" were reserved to African-American blacks aka former slaves. Obama's father is a Kenyan foreigner, never a slave, always a free-man, and thus afforded higher status, and so designated as African, like any other free Africans.
The short-form version is the only legal form released and recognized by Hawaii as official nowadays. Hawaii does not even legally recognize the long-form version anymore. You go to Hawaii's DMV with a Hawaiian long-form version, and the Hawaii DMV would not take that paper and give you a driver's license. As far as Hawaii is concerned, the short-form version is the only legal version. And since U.S. States reciprocally recognize each other's policies, other States recognize whatever Hawaii deems the proper Hawaiian version.
I am not repeating anything, and I don´t know who this Orly Taitz is. As I said, I am looking at thing on-line, as it is linked on the Drudge report.
Lostrune: Sure, whatever, but the box does say "status of father" or some such, it says "Race of father". I was just wondering if in 1961 "African" would be used. Any USer has an actual birth certificate from that era?
If it took 3 years for him to finally produce an old document, how long will it take Obama to actually have an idea? I'd rather not wait.
I wonder how Doonesbury will deal with this?
I'm not sure what 'his heritage' means; parents of different races makes him mixed-race (if it makes him anything). I imagine he 'identifies' as black because people looking at the colour of his skin have all his life told him he's black.
But that's not my point, Nessie. I was simply musing on how folk get all het up at the use of the word 'haaf' in Japan and claim it's derogatory and shows racism, yet in America it's apparently fine to classify people - officially- according to the colour of their skin. Or the colour of one parent's skin. It looks like it will take some time yet before people get over physical appearance and accept people as people. And stop asking them to state their race on official forms.
The fact that people are even talking of Trump as a possible runner for Prez shows just how dumberd down the political process in the US has become. Time for a ,ilitary coup - put Petraeus or or old colon Powell in charge, starve the masses by taking away all the free state perks they get, balance the budget, pull out of Afghanistan, reduce teen obesity, kill rap culture and re-introduce the "values" that made USA great!!
Obama: "We do not have time for this kind of silliness."
Yes, Mr.President, it's so silly to be asked to produce documents proving your qualifications for your job.
That being said, I hope this requirement that the president be born in the U.S. is scrapped. I'd rather see Arnold Schwarzenegger as president than Obama.
@WilliB: It depends on what part of the country you were living in and who the registra was. I was born 4 years after Obama, and in the deep south. For my race, they put down "colored." My older brother has his race put down as "Negro."
I would have thought that they would have had his race listed since in Hawaii you had more race mixing than in most parts of the states at that time.
But keep one thing in mind about that time. Gen Powell told a story in his book that when he was a young 2nd Lt, he tried to eat at a resturant in GA, and the waitress asked if he was from the Carribian, then she would be able to serve him, but if he was just a regular US black, he couldn't be served. He claimed regular US black status and was not served.
Even in an area like Hawaii at that time, racial identity, in terms of what "group" you belonged to was present.
As I stated in my previous post, the particular registra probably used their own beliefs when putting down the race of his father. It is similar if they would have put "Asian" down for Tiger Woods. Yes he is Asian mixed, but his mother's country is Thailand, which is not a race. In this case, the common belief would have been since his father was not a US born black then he was an "African" (which in some cases could be white or black), and they didn't list Kenya.
Guess the sure way to go about this is if another ~1961 Hawaiian baby whose parent(s) is from that region of Africa (remember, Kenya did not declare its independence till 1963 and did not become a Republic till 1964, so it wasn't a country yet in 1961, so they can't put "Kenyan" yet) puts a Freedom Of Information request for his/her long-form certificate of live birth and releases it to the public.
That may be a little hard though. For one, the percentage of black babies born in Hawaii at that time was around 1-2% only. And how many of that 1-2% would be from that region of Africa... How many are still alive, preferably still in the US, and would care to put out that FOI request... (Last year, only 1 person put out such a FOI request in Hawaii - and he was a birther. Let's see what his certificate looks like, if we want to compare further.)
In the meantime, can't we give Obama the benefit of the doubt till proven otherwise? I mean, this is what some people were asking for, right? If they were asking for it, inherently they are treating such document with a level of legitimacy in the first place.
Yes sure, I have no argument with that. I was simply asking about the terminology. Your and and brothers birth certificate seem to confirm that the term "African" would have been unusual for the box race at this time.
The name of the registrar is "Ukelele" (LOL), maybe someone can ask him about that?
" Even in an area like Hawaii at that time, racial identity, in terms of what "group" you belonged to was present. "
Whoever wrote must be kidding. It is still present, as strong as ever. Having lived there I can tell you that compared to most of the mainland Hawaii, contrary to what people might think, is quite uptight about race.
And I find it very hard to believe that in 1961, in Honolulu, the modern term "African" was used on birth certs instead of "negro."
“He should have done it a long time ago. I am really honored to play such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue,” Trump said.
Yep, Trump sure does fit into the Republican Party's method of literally trying to flip what they've accused others of as being 'helpful' for them or the nation and that they should be congratulated.
And only Republicans could bring up this issue incessantly from before the election began until Obama whipped out the certificate, then claim Obama's been wasting the nation's time on the issue. Sweet lord, what morons! Sadly, their underlings will conveniently just forget they brought it up all the time.
Obama did produce documents proving his qualifications for his job - the Hawaiian short-form version. Hawaii now only releases and recognizes the short-form version as legal; Hawaii does not treat the long-form version as legal anymore. If a Hawaiian-born applies to a job in Hawaii, the employer would not recognize his/her long-form Hawaiian birth certificate. And since U.S. States reciprocally recognize each other's policies, other States recognize whatever Hawaii deems the proper Hawaiian version.
taka 313 "sarah palin, the whore of babblin' on, has already moved on to questioning whether President Obama was really Harvard material,"
Palin is a whore? Why? Lots of people question Obama supporters on this matter and all we get is called racist.
Come to think of it, was Obama's father even there when Obama was born? Obama's father seemed like an absentee father to him, so maybe his father wasn't even there with his mother when he was born.
If so, when Obama was born and the doctor/nurse asked his mother about his absent father, maybe all she said about the father is that the father is from Africa (remember, Kenya was not a country yet in 1961), so that's why they put "African."
arrestpaul, that just shows people have few critical thinking skills these days and are believing what political agitators want them to believe. There's plenty of legitimate reasons to hate on Obama but this issue isn't and never was one.
The far right are p*ssed that Obama appears to have been born in the US after all; the far Left are shocked to learn he was actually born of mere mortals. The rest of us would just like someone to do something, and quick, ABOUT THE FREAKIN ECONOMY.
@smithinjapan: A NYT poll released earlier this week found that 38% of Americans (both Rep & Dem) were not totally sure that Obama was born in the US. That is a pretty high number to have people not exactly sure about you when you are going into a re-election race with other low polling numbers and high gas prices.
@paskowitz: I lived there back in the 90's and am a frequent visitor. You are correct about your comments, Hawaii is still uptight about your racial identity. I know of a few cases where people decided to marry outside the "tribe" and got cut off. But what I meant by my comment was that now registrars probably would not just put a blanket term like "African" for a black person as their race.
Correction to my previous post. The NYT poll was that 38% could definately say that he was born in the US, 62% had some doubts. They were not identifying themselves as a "birther" but that they just couldn't be 100% sure.
That is a huge problem for him and his re-election bid. He will already have some negative poll numbers due to the economic situation and the wars, this was just something that he could hopefully get ahead of to try to shore up his poll numbers.
"@paskowitz: I lived there back in the 90's and am a frequent visitor. You are correct about your comments, Hawaii is still uptight about your racial identity. "
I admire Obama.Could not have been easy growing up black in Hawaii. I got agro from complete strangers solely for bein the new haole on the block and in the work place; was later told by the few friends I was able to make that while certain local dudes want to be able to brag they are kickin haole @ss, a real thug wants to be able to tell his crew about the Popolo he took out, extra points if the guy was military.
@7777777 wrote:
Are you saying they required the long form (which Pres. Obama released today) and refused the short form (which he released before the election)? If so, please let us know the name of the school so we can verify that cuz I don't believe it.
That he spent millions to hide it is a myth. Think about it. What is the complaint? That he didn't release it, right? That is, he didn't do something. How much does that cost? So, exactly what was all this money spent on?
Hawaii law only allows the state to release the long form to persons whose names appear on the form (i.e., the newborn, the parents and the doctor). Pres. Obama is the only living person whose name is on the form so he's the only one who can get a copy. Please be so kind as to tell us how two million dollars was needed to prevent it's release when the state of Hawaii does that for no charge.
Of course it is! And the newspaper notices, too! It's all so obvious! You don't have to be a genius to see that!
Fighting? What fighting? Money? What money?
Ignoring wing-nuts takes no effort and costs no money.
By law, the U.S. government accepts either the short or long form to verify citizenship. Obama released the short form before the election. It was the short form because that's the one that Hawaii routinely provides when a birth certificate is requested. He asked for a birth certificate, received the short one and then released it. There's nothing sneaky there.
It's likely that the president, just like pretty much everyone in America including Trump, didn't even know the difference between the long and short government forms at that time. Trump proved this lack of knowledge when, with great fanfare, he released an unofficial hospital-issued birth certificate to show Obama how it's done. (Gotta laugh at that irony!)
Trump further demonstrated his lack of knowledge when he said it was "strange" that Obama's grandparents had had the birth announced in the paper. He had never heard of such a thing! LOL! Of course, birth announcements are not only common they are not submitted by parents or grandparents. Newspapers get the info from hospitals.
@pakowitz: some of the same things that were going on when I lived there. Yes Obama must have had it rough. But I wonder did he try to pass since he moved back there after living in Indonesia.
Now, about Obama's academic credentials. The birth issue may be peripherally a factor because it is in the U.S. Constitution, but there's no academic qualifications in the U.S. Constitution to become President - so who cares.
Obama may have started out as a bad student, but Columbia or Harvard saw something in him that merited consideration, and proved them correct by becoming a late-bloomer and graduating magna cum laude. There are a lot of people who are late-bloomers, didn't realize their potential till later in life. And Obama didn't exactly come from a family of wealth and privilege that he could just blackmail Columbia or Harvard with rich endowments to get himself accepted. And how bad a student can he really be if he can graduate magna cum laude in Harvard?
And besides, I thought people are against the "elitism" of Ivy League public officials, instead wanting candidates to be closer to the experiences of regular people. Now suddenly, some are complaining that Obama shouldn't had gotten in Columbia or Harvard (like it's up to them, not Columbia's or Harvard's decision). It's a contradiction.
And lastly, it doesn't matter. Who cares where he studied; it's what he's learned in the real world 3 decades after school (like a resume). What matters is what Obama is doing right now. Criticize him for that.
And when will Donald Trump start talking about those real issues, instead of leading us to yet another wild goose chase that in the end, doesn't really matter? Does anybody even know Trump's platform besides these birther and academic issues? How Trump is gonna solve America's problems? He hasn't laid out any of his plans about those yet. It's about time people question Trump about those instead because how he plans to act on those is what matters.
"Obama may have started out as a bad student, but Columbia or Harvard saw something in him that merited consideration, and proved them correct by becoming a late-bloomer and graduating magna cum laude."
Yes.They saw in him the million$ former Black Panther Khalid al-Mansour "donated" to Harvard (along with the House of Saud) before Obama transferred from well-known California party school Occidental College.
And for the record - the era of grade inflation was well under way by the time Obama was at Harvard. Over half of his law class graduated "with honors." He published exactly one rather unremarkable paper while editor of the HLR.By most accounts his appointment(in contrast to those of minority students before him) was window-dressing and 1990's feel-good "quota" hiring.
There was never an issue about qualifications or proof. He provided his Certification of Live Birth which is what everyone else uses. That means he met the requirement. They even had copies of the newspaper announcing his birth the day after. How do you fake that?
What you don't seem to get is that the birthers had no position, and the question you're concerned with is why he didn't act faster in appeasing the demands of clearly insane people? Doesn't the question answer itself? Obviously the more important question is how this non-issue could have even started in the first place. That's what we should be concerned with. If you have an answer for that I'd like to hear it. We just had the POTUS hold a press conference and release his birth certification to placate the demands of people who are obviously bat-shiat crazy. That alarms me more than anything else.
Heh heh. Comments by all the right-wingers are quite amusing. To paraphrase Lenin, Obama will sell the GOP the rope with which he will hang them.
A little more rope, now ... a bit more later.... This is turning into one of the most enjoyable election seasons in decades.
Conservatives may feel proud and effectual, thinking that their boys forced the presidents hand to move. I think they just look like a bunch of tardy nitpickers. The time to pick this nit was when he was a Senator.
When you get down into it, the birthers claim he was born in Kenya, yet, they can't produce any hard proof of this whatsoever. Given that, why would they really care? His mother was an American citizen, born and raised. And even if he was born in Kenya, does anyone think he crawled out of the womb and saluted the first flag he saw?
This is nothing more than a spiteful attack, and nothing but detrimental to the country to nitpick over it no matter what the truth is. And that would explain why conservatives are doing it, because its just what they do. They just look doubly bad for rehashing 2008.
Some think Obama made a mistake to give in. Politically, maybe, as conservatives will cheer their imagined effectuality. But for the sake of the country, Obama did the right thing for sure.
I am delighted that President Obama didn't release the "full" birth certificate for as long as he did. It certainly shows the loony-ness of so many on the right in its full froth. After all, the short form is a perfectly acceptable proof of identification, and officials from the state of Hawaii have publicly validated its authenticity. That should have been more than enough for reasonable people of goodwill.
But that's not really who we're dealing with here, are we? So many despise the president that ordinary standards of proof simply don't apply to him.
There is no other historical precedent that matches this as well as the measures once used in many "conservative" areas of the country to deny minorities the right to vote. Special hurdles and "tests" were constructed for them that were not applied to "ordinary white folks."
Can the loonies now be referred to as "after-birthers?"
What you don't seem to get is that the birthers had no position, and the question you're concerned with is why he didn't act faster in appeasing the demands of clearly insane people? Doesn't the question answer itself?
It does, paints those in opposition to him the past two years as "loonies". No need to answer it "faster", got enough mileage out of it already after two years. Looks like we have this Trump guy making some waves and....gasp...CNN actually starting an investigation into this "birther stuff".....The question does answer itself, campaign mode, nothing more, nothing less. I guess we are to give President credit for how "honest" he is.
Likes my reasoning by the way.
Patricia Yarrow
This whole issue makes me very embarrassed to be an American.
I agree, Only in America could a guy with the name Barack Hussein Obama, RIGHT in the midst of a war with those who follow Islam and being of mixed heritage himself.....could ever be President.
I am embarrassed myself.
"after-birthers?" is an apt description—they are certainly chewing on it.
After-birthers. I LOVE IT! For the birthers who still don't believe even after the long form has been released. It's perfect.
Reasonable people of goodwill can certainly oppose President Obama without being loony. However, as soon as one of these right-wing mental roaches checks in to the "birther motel," there's no checking out.
LOL!! Yes. And only Democrats and liberals could accomplish it.
I like Trump. Hes holding people accountable. He fights hard. Hes absolutely right about China(bring back manufacturing to the US), stopping the wars and getting tough with OPEC.
Ummm, I think voters accomplish it, how did the last mid-terms work for you?
So in America people will ask for your birth certificate ONLY when you want to become US president! During school enrolment,participation in technical college or university ,driver license test, passport, medicare , credit card ,bank account, social security..etc no one will ever ask anything about your birth certificate at all ? Amazing.
"The president ought to spend his time getting serious about repairing our economy"
Heck, the president has been focused like a laser from Day One on repairing the mess left behind by George W Bush and the Republicans! It's such a big mess, it's going to take most of the president's two terms to fix it!
Worked just fine, considering the heavy losses the Republicans suffered in both 2006 and especially in 2008. Most of the Dem losses in 2008 were first-termers in swing districts.
The swift-boaters, birthers and other right-wing liars were out in full force. But many of those same Republican "winners" are now being slated for the dumpster -- especially after voting for Ryan's plan to end MediCare, while giving additional tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.
Of course, I was referring to 2010, not 2008.
Many states issue a separate document (or card) for folks to provide as part of normal identification, and so that the original certificate of birth can be securely stored. I have my original DD-214 (honorable discharge from the service) in a safety box, but have never needed it in over 30 years. Notarized copies of it have always sufficed.
I am to assume they "weren't" in 2010 and that was the reason Obama got elected. You have to help me here Yabits, I'm just a slow-witted conservative type. I guess the mid-terms were not about President Obama's record the last two years but how he just can't "cope" with the mess Bush left him.
The birth requirement is stupid anyway. Why should the president have to be born in the US. Makes no sense. Immigrants and naturalized citizens are often among the most energetic contributors to their chosen homelands.
It is silly that Ahnold Schwarzenegger can be governor of Califohnia and not president of Amehica, for example.
Change the constitution. It's obviously wrong anyway.
As with the birther line of dishonesty, the 2010 elections were about how much conservatives could successfully smear a president doing the very best with what he had to work with, including a Senate that set the record for filibustering. Shrieking birther-type idiots foaming about "death panels" -- (end of life counseling provision that originated with the Republicans) -- and other such nonsense actually fooled enough people to give the Republicans a temporary victory.
Loonies like Trump make President Obama look very, very good.
The solution is obvious. You should run for Congress, get elected, introduce an amendment to the Constitution, get it proposed by a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress and then get if ratified by three-fourths of the 50 States.
Good luck.
Actually, it looks like Obama has been focused like a laser from Day One on getting re-elected. It's been proven that Obama can't get other Democrats elected or re-elected. Obama spent the first 2 years of his reign refusing attempts to compromise and telling the GOP that it was his way or the highway. In 2010, the taxpaying voters told an unusually large number of Democrats to hit the highway.
Now that Obama has finally released his birth certificate, the taxpaying voters are wondering why it took so long. With fuel prices rising over $4.00 per gallon, taxpaying voters are wondering how much longer they can take it.
Arrestpaul - ah yes, if only the US constitution were designed to uphold common sense.
Heaven forbid...
That remains to be seen doesn't it. Your "predictions" have been wrong before. More and more taxpaying voters are beginning to understand that the U.S. simply can't afford to continue to pile on more debt. They simply can't afford it.
Mother was an American. Makes Obama a natural born citizen. Location does not matter. McCain was born outside the US.
What is wrong with you people?! Can any of you cite a case where "natural born citizen" in the case of the presidency has been defined by the Supreme Court? It has not! It is an open question. Obama could have been born on Mars with an extraterrestrial parent, but the existence of one American parent could well be all that is required to endow him with "natural born citizen" status. We will never know until the question is brought up the the Supreme Court, argued, and decided upon.
cracaphat and others pointing out the racist motives of others does not make them racist.
Of course Obama is part white, but according to your average racist, he is all black. Their type of thinking is written right into our old laws on that issue. And its also pretty obvious that despite all the excuses, many of the birthers are just plain racist and bigots and xenophobic too. How else can you explain the obsession with this non-issue? Insanity? Okay, that too.
Unfortunately its not as simple as his mother being born and raised American. It should be, but its not. Its actually extremely complicated to determine what a natural born citizen is. Its also pretty bizarre. A pregnant Canadian could trip over the border and give birth on U.S. soil and that child would be eligible to be president as a "natural born citizen" if some other requirements are also fulfilled.
While it is idiotic, for those that say 'why should he be asked for his birth certificate - has every President been asked?'. Well, if they have not then they should. And it should not have been made such a big production to not do so previously. Hey, I can't even count how many times I've had to produce either mine or my kid's birth certificates for various things (school, passports, etc.). He's not alone nor unique so why not just get it done in the first place? I would counter that in our democracy where any Tom, Dick, Harry or Jane can run for the highest office in the land, that showing one's birth certificate shouldn't be such a shocker. I have to show my ID when cashing a check or supermarket card to get 50 cents off a roll of TP, so what was the big deal in the first place? I look much younger than I am; when the store clerks used to ID me for beer (long gone) I didn't say no that's none of your business - I just showed them my ID. It should never been allowed to fester.
The part that really gets me is this quote in the article:
So wait a friggin' minute - his personal assistant uses tax payer dollars to fly to Hawaii to pick up a piece of paper?? I just got my pay raise at work - it amounts to a stellar $35 every two weeks; not enough for a tank of gas in my Hyundai. But these A-holes in DC are flying folks - likely on personal jets - to pick up piece of paper??? And yes, I know Democrat/Republican - it doesn't matter on this as they all do it. Perhaps instead of a tea party we simply need simple way for the taxpaying citizens to to curb moronic spending. I get two weeks of vacation per year and can afford about four or five days; those who govern us should be allowed no more.
Sorry, off-topic rant; but the article statement got me going. We need to stop worrying about dirty politics and birth certificates and start worrying about where our money is going, and where it should be going.
Yeah, but a boy born to an American mother on American soil is not even 1% controversial.
Even when the person being asked for it is already serving as a US Senator as well as president? Even when officials in the state of Hawaii had confirmed that the short form certificate the Obama campaign released from Day One was completely authentic?
Trump was going around claiming that "nobody remembers Obama" when he went to school -- making it appear as though the president is some kind of "Manchurian candidate." That so much of the conservative side has fallen behind Trump in their support of what he keeps saying is very remarkable. These are clearly people mentally unfit to lead a nation.
So why did this matter for McCain then? Nobody questioned that his mother was a natural born citizen. The questions (which the press also asked) were about location.
During their campaigns, both McCain and Obama were asked questions about their elegibility to be POTUS. McCain responded by forming a team to publically and openly prove his right to be President. Obama responded by telling Hillary's people to mind their own business and later told the taxpaying voters the same thing.
Obama could have ended this controversy 3 years ago. He chose not to and now even more taxpaying voters wonder why.
The Obama supporters have fallen back to their last resort for defending Obama's arrogance and hopefully explain Obama's falling poll numbers - "By claiming that everyone who questions Obama's actions is a racist."
There's no proof that "everyone" is a racist but Obama supporters only require a "feeling" that even the former Obama supports must be racist because they abandoned Obama's inept leadership.
Completely untrue. Check snopes. President Obama released his certificate of live birth in 2008.
Why do you people keep perpetrating lies?
True Yabits, and I would agree that only an idiot would still think he's not an American citizen. But an interesting question - you point out that of course he was a serving U.S. Senator - do they check such things when you're elected to the senate? Is there anywhere along the course of a politician's career that one must show certificate of birth? Or is it that if you have a SS card/# and can vote then there never really is a check? I'm not saying there's any controversy here except that invented by those who don't like him - just a curios question for the U.S. political process. I've never run for office nor given enough of a crap to give something like that credence of thought. But the fact that you can illegally buy 'credentials' - SS cards, DL's etc, then it at minimum poses a curious question.
Still for me as someone who doesn't like the man nor his politics - and nothing to do with his citizenship, race etc but rather his actual politics - I'd rather form argument against him based upon his inabilities as President rather than ridiculously trying to prove he's not a citizen. He sinks himself rather nicely on performance alone.
I would hope that this closes the matter and the debate can move to matters of more substance. For better or worse Obama is president and questions of his citizenship have been moot since he was sworn in. The whole "birther" thing has been a complete waste of time and effort. It's also a distraction from the real issues. Still, the conspiracy theory nuts have had some fun, I guess.
@arrestpaul wrote:
Not true. He responded in June, 2008 by releasing the only document that Hawaii regards as lawful proof of birth, the so-called "short form." Hawaii can produce the long form (if a person named on the form asks) but does not regard it as proof of anything. Did you even read the thread? This info is above in more detail.
Did you read the polls that showed how many people weren't sure if Obama was a citizen or not?
Obama's release of his short form certificate of live birth obviously wasn't very convincing in the way it was handled. There were still unanswered questions and Obama wasn't answering them. 3 years later, he's finally forced to produce the long form version. Why, because the media couldn't talk about anything else for the last 3 weeks. Trump was only the catalyst. Every reporter who interviewed Trump made Obama's BC the lead of their story.
Polls showing 40, 42, 45 percent weren't sure? That's something like 125,000,000 people. The great communicator didn't seem to be able to communicate with a very sizable portion of Americans.
arrestpaul...Obama produced the same evidence everyone else does when they run for office. Care to speculate as to why that wasn't sufficient for some people?
From what I've read the certificate also claims he's male, but I've yet to see proof. With so many "unanswered questions" I can't see why he hasn't dropped trou on camera yet.
If he did, conservatives would complain that a non-circumcised man (or circumcised man, if that is the case) should not be allowed to lead the nation.
It'll never end until President Obama pulls a reverse Senator Rawkins from Finian's Rainbow. Then everything will be jake.
Yes every single president before Obama has released their birth certificate, college transcripts and military records if they served.
arrestpaul quoted me:
And responded:
Since when does what people believe make something true. Ever hear the sayings "A lie told often enough becomes truth" (attributed to Vladimir Lenin) or "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it...." (attributed to Joseph Goebbels)? This is what 'Talking points" is all about. The party leaders tell their various pundits in the party to go on TV and say 'such and such' all day long and by the end of the day millions of people believe it.
I addressed this above. He was asked by Hillary to prove his citizenship so he wrote to Hawaii and asked for his birth certificate. They sent a copy of the only document they regard as acceptable and he released it.
Huh? He released the official Hawaii form. What's to answer?
And now they look like fools for paying any attention to Trump. If they* weren't scandal-mongers, they would have said to themselves, "Nothing to see here" and packed up and left. But they are so here we are.
*All of them, right, left and middle.
Which reflects poorly on them. And I don't recall him complaining about it.
Polls don't make someone a citizen or not. Polls reflect opinions not facts. And, anyway, polls are notoriously meaningless. How they are written affects the results as much as what people actually think.
hworta269 wrote:
Yes, we all remember how forthcoming G.W. Bush was with his military records! And who can forget how anxious Bush was to get his criminal record out there, too!
Please post a URL for G. Washington's college transcripts. Lincoln, too. Whoops, never mind. Lincoln had no formal schooling. It's a wonder they let him be president!
george bush did not release all of his records. Only part in 2000 were released. 700 additional pages were forced to be released in 2004 due to a FOIA request.
And I still call B.S. on that statement without some proof.
I have no idea why so many Americans would refuse to believe the President? Certainly are a lot of them.
Personally, I accepted the word of Chiyome Fukino when she released the following statement:
For Immediate Release: October 31, 2008 STATEMENT BY DR. CHIYOME FUKINO “There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record.
“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.Are far as your wishing to see Obama with no pants...... I think that was better left un-said.
You seem to forget that Obama has been running for re-election and he's counting on those, how did you put it, morons, for his re-election. The voters have been asking questions, their questions not yours, and expect answers from their public official. Obama must not be considered very trustworthy if he can't convince such a large number Americans that he was telling the truth about his place of birth.
Back in 1961 all Africans and people of African descent were classified as negroes or blacks according to the U. S. Dept. of Health Education, and Welfare. Obama's father is classifies as African. I wonder why.
Obama was the first American presidential candidate to have a birth certificate and not want to show it, does that make everyone happy because its true. Obama is one of the only politicians to have everything about his life sealed by court order as well.
I dislike Obama because of his policies which are bankrupting America, the same reason why I disliked Clinton, Ried, and Pelosi.
crazyjohn writes: "Back in 1961 all Africans and people of African descent were classified as negroes or blacks according to the U. S. Dept. of Health Education, and Welfare. Obama's father is classifies as African. I wonder why."
Because the document of live birth is under the purview of the state, rather than the federal government. In other words, HEW couldn't dictate to Hawaii how to classify residents of the state.
The Right Wing nutballs MUST keep this up. It is a fantastic way for them to use up all that ammunition hanging around their bedrooms and sees them experiencing a health service in need of help, coz all this foot shooting is ten birds with one stone. Excellent. Keep it up Birthers! You go! What about Superman? Can we call you Earthers next?
@hworta269 wrote:
Obama release his official (short form) BC in 2008. Birthers demanded to see the unofficial (long form) one, too. Because that is silly, he ignored them until the silly-obsessed press made a big deal of it.
(Hit submit by accident; here's the rest)
@hworta269 wrote:
Nonsense. Hawaii would not release the (unofficial) long form to anyone but Obama so no court order was needed. Of course, you are free to prove me wrong by naming the court and date. Go ahead. We're all anxious to know.
Obama had his college transcripts sealed as well as other documents sealed by court order before running for president.
He was president of the Harvard Law Review and published 0 papers.
I cant post links to other sited in here but he or the DNC did have all his personal records sealed, thats a fact. It's part of his transparency campaign.
Heh, where the the nuts on the frothy-right breed these cranks?
What it boils down to is small-minded, twisted and bitter people that don't have any solutions as to fix the economy, un-employment or any of the myriad of other nightmares facing America today, so hurling any stupidity as a detraction is their on-going "solution".
It's like watching 6 yr olds arguing.
hworta269 wrote:
You said that before and I asked for the name of the court and a date. If this is a fact that you know, you must have some idea of when and where it happened. Otherwise you're just repeating something you read on the net without knowing if it's true or not.
Uh, you do know that the position of "president of the Harvard Law Review" is an editorial position, right? It wasn't his job to write but to edit. In his year in that position, he published eight volumes totaling 2083 pages.
Articles he published include a searing attack on affirmative action, written by a former Reagan administration official and an essay by a female writer that focused as much on individual responsibilities as on liberties, criticizing both conservative judges and feminist scholars.
We don't need a URL, just give us some keywords that we can google to find news stories, etc., about those court decrees. For example, the name of the court, judge or even the city where it happened. Or, just the name of the web site. If it's a fact, it should be easy to do.
"Heh, where the the nuts on the frothy-right breed these cranks? "
Most non-Americans are ignorant of a fact many Democrats now try and deny: the original "birthers" were out of the Hillary Clinton camp in the 2008 primaries.
Maybe what goes around comes around. Back in Illinois Obama had opponents in two different races removed from the ballot by rather underhanded legal means and his opponent at the state senate level woke up one day to find the media had aired out some unsavory details regarding his divorce, but which was sealed court evidence, thus in violation of state law.
Unfortunately for Obama all of this has also brought scrutiny of the bigamist and failed Marxist scholar who was his biological father, and more Americans now know he is not the man Obama portrayed him as in Dreams From My Father.
Keep trying, Old Friend.
Stupidity such as this is no different from right-wing-nut pin-up palin's screaming about Mr Obama's "ties to terrorists".
Crazed tea-party activists simply do not let facts get in the way of childish mud-lobbing in the face of their own lack of vision.
Little children they are.
You have to wonder who is worse, the person who starts a stupid idea or the person who takes that stupid idea, runs with it and then clings to it with every fiber of their being, even when the stupid idea is shown to be stupid.
They are not little children Madverts. Little children have the capacity to learn. These people don't.
Lieberman2012 wrote:
They weren't "birthers." They were just people who asked for proof, got it, and then moved on.
"Birthers" are people who, even after receiving the short form, still questioned his birth. Oh, and have you heard? People who, after the long form has been released, are still asking for proof or questioning the form are now being referred to as "afterbirthers" around the net. Just thought you'd want to know
"They are not little children Madverts. Little children have the capacity to learn."
What even the poor mites brought up under the shadow of a deranged tea-party activist(s)?
I'm sorry Taka, but not all children have the good fortune to be given an intelligent start to life ;-)
From the article: "Trump, the bombastic real estate mogul"
If Trump is bombastic, what does that make Obama?
Pretty fantastic if you're a Shaggy fan....
There is hope, Taka and Madverts led re-education camps! You both seem to have the best way for an "intelligent" start to life.
Can't you read? I already said the afterbirthers are incapable of learning. Plus, they couldn't afford me.
Well said. They've turned Reagan's advice: "Trust but verify," on it's head. The birthers don't trust anything and refuse to accept verification.
Agreed, suggest you quit trying to raise their taxes to support you. Them afterbirthers are pretty tapped out as it is.
not being from the states, this whole discussion appears quite absurd.
Except for providing us with detailed information on Hawaiian birth certificate legislation (something I've always been keen to know more about) it tells us a lot about the mind frame of certain groups in the republican party.
You can find people engaging in low blow tactics everywhere, but the fact that they get such a stage to shine makes me wonder about the ethical principles of the republican party and the US society as a whole.
Actually, this whole "Birther" thing, I've always found pretty silly. I was always more interested in his Academic performance. I'd like to confirm my theory that he got an "F" in economics, just basing that his performance so far.
"I was always more interested in his Academic performance"
Heh, it didn't seem to interest you back in the heady days of un-equivical support for Curious George!
You're making the same mistake that many Obama supporters are making. It's not JUST Republicans who had doubts about Obama's birth place. According to a July 16-21, 2010 CNN Poll -
11 pct of ALL Americans, 8 pct of Dems, 12 pct of Independents and 14 pct of Reps believed that Obama was DEFINITELY born in ANOTHER country.
Only 42 pct of ALL Americans, 64 pct of Dems, 37 pct of Independents and 23 pct of Reps believed the Obama was DEFINITELY born in the U.S..
Only 64 pct of Democrats????? And those are his hardcore supporters!!!!! If Obama can't convince his own party, how can you expect him to convince the rest of the country?
The question and break down:
Q - Do you think Barack Obama was definitely born in the United States, probably born in the United States, probably born in another country, or definitely born in another country?
arrestpaul at 01:41 AM JST - 30th April. You're making the same mistake that many Obama supporters are making. It's not JUST Republicans who had doubts about Obama's birth place.
How disgusting. The persistant "he aint really an American " is what black people struggled to deal with what perceived a a racially motivated at the hands of Trump and his supporters. The rumors and the controversy has a particular troubling resonance for blacks. They've seen, heard, lived, the legitimacy of black people being called into question so many times before that. Trump and his supporters thinks that when black person accomplishes something great, there must be something wrong. You see people attacking the him and he's the president. What happens to those of us who are not the president?
According to trump, in his own words, he has always had a wonderful relationship with "the blacks."
Yeah, to say there isn't some latent racism there is to have ones head in the sand.
Taka313 at 04:35 AM JST - 30th April. According to trump, in his own words, he has always had a wonderful relationship with "the blacks." Yeah, to say there isn't some latent racism there is to have ones head in the sand.
Who are you kidding? What is the basis for this "good relationship with the blacks?" Trump's only values those people who are impressed with his supposed wealth and pseudo intellect. He does not enjoy a good relationship with blacks and how many does he employ? His relationship with blacks is akin to his going to church is nonexistent. Trump, again shows his pattern of jumping to conclusions that make little or no sense.
Slow down turbo. We're on the same side!
(turning off all irony)
I was hoping we could throw him out of office. Darn.
Just for the record. There were many Liberals also curious but let down by the release of his regular old mundane birth certificate. They were hoping in the Father block it would be checked "unknown" and place of birth "manger".
Could Donald Trump conceivably fire Barack Obama?
Incredibly, a Newsweek poll has the bombastic Trump barely trailing Obama 43-41.
Trump would make an excellent president!
Who else could follow George Bush and Obama?
Looks like he would add a couple of wars to the mix!
But NOT an Obama victory. The poll question centered on whether or not Americans "believed" Obama after he had said that he was born in the U.S.. One third of the Democrats didn't believe him and two thirds of the independents didn't believe him.
Obama still seems to have a major "credibility" problem with independents and Democrats. He needs both to win the Whitehouse again.
From The Harvard Law Record, Barack Obama, in his own words:
"I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the [Harvard] Law Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not felt stigmatized within the broader law school community or as a staff member of the Review."
I think this is one reason why Trump and others are now going after Obama about his academic creds.
It's brilliant, really, using affirmative action to discriminate against a minority: "Yeah, sure, he went to Harvard, yadda, yadda, but he's black so he must not be really qualified, you know, to be president so let's snoop around and see if we can find evidence that he's not really as smart as he sounds."
Too bad Trump wasn't around when Lincoln was running for president. He could have sent a team of investigators to Illinois to discover that Lincoln's "formal" education was only about 18 months of 'home schooling' and used that to knock him out in the election, saving us all this trouble! (/sarcasm)
No doubt Obama wouldn't have said such a thing (i.e., stated an obvious truth) if he had known he'd be running for president someday.
This whole affair is pitiful. One of the issues that makes the rest of the world (and for once, absolutely correctly) look down its nose and sneer at the USA.
The vulgarity of the serving President having to produce his birth certificate to placate some oddballs is pitiful.
"They were hoping in the Father block it would be checked "unknown" and place of birth "manger"."
Guys, get a grip.
What "vulgarity" ???? The citizens of the U.S. are under the impression that "they" run the country and only elect representatives to serve the needs of the people. Obama may be President but he is still a "public servant".
Obama was asked questions about his BC by a sizeable portion of the voters, which he didn't seem to answer in a manner they found believeable. He needs the independent vote to be re-elected and a majority of independents don't believe him. Even Democrats don't believe him but they can be counted on to vote for who's ever on the ticket.
Just one who thought he should get a pass from what the "public" deals with everyday. I mean as far as providing documents as such, birth records, when getting a job. And if if those documents may have questions such as maybe not quite detailed enough and asking further confirmation, and dealing with the hassle to provide it. I guess that should warrent holding it back before release.
Just for me, I would be pretty happy as his position as President that he does not have go through TSA patdowns at airports instead of this.
@arrestpaul wrote:
I think it's important to understand that as a lawyer he would have clearly understood the difference in meaning and relevance between the official short form and the unofficial long form. He probably (incorrectly) thought that sooner or later that fact would penetrate the minds of the birthers. When it didn't, he released the long form.
Of course, the afterbirthers have proven that such such pesky facts mean nothing to them. Which one is official is immaterial when learning the truth isn't your goal.
Here is what is so ridiculous about that statement: The legal document that the state of Hawaii provides to everyone who is born there is the *Certification of Live Birth." Since 2001, all records of the Health Department in Hawaii were computerized and state policy stipulated that photocopies of the original forms would not be provided. Rather, only computer-generated abstracts would be issued.
For verification, search on the May 15, 2001 memorandum titled "Certified Copies of Vital Records Issued by the Department of Health."
President Obama properly released his Certification of Live Birth in June of 2008. The Certification is the legally accepted record of live birth. The segment of citizens who are completely ignorant of the laws and policies of the state of Hawaii are the ones who would not accept the clear evidence, making complete asses out of themselves.
The State of Hawaii decided to make an exception to their policy by releasing a certified copy of the Certificate of Live Birth (the so-called "long form").
On April 27, Hawaii's governor, Neil Abercrombie, released an official statement in which is the following passage: "In 2001, the Hawai'i State Department of Health began computer-generating vital statistics records. Since then, its longstanding policy and practice has been to issue and provide only the computer-generated Certifications of Live Birth, and not to produce photocopies of actual records to fulfill requests for certified copies of certificates.
"Director [Loretta] Fuddy made an exception for President Obama by issuing copies of the original birth certificate."
I think that as an "elected official" who expects to be re-elected that he would be more concerned with the public's perception of him. Many of the "afterbirthers", that you so disgustingly refer to, are actually Democrats who don't believe Obama was born in the U.S. The other group that Obama needs to be re-elected would be the independent voters who are willing to vote for either party depending on the issue or the candidate. They don't seem to believe Obama either.
And given the universal distain for lawyers and percieved lawyer tricks, playing legal games to avoid answering the public's questions is a very risky campaign move. Only time will tell, of course, but I don't think the tactic of insulting so many possible future Obama voters is good campaign strategy either. But you do what you think is best.
I'm satisfied. For whatever reason, Obama has spent millions trying to conceal his past. But his hand has been forced and now he too had to produce his birth certificate, just like ordinary Americans have to when applying for a passport or enrolling a child in a government assisted insurance program.
And I was delighted to come across the quote I put up yesterday in which Obama freely admits he got where he did as a result of affirmative action.
Nader is correct - he needs a challenger in the primary.
Funny racists. They think Obama could get all the way to President without being born in America? Hey, maybe Arnie should give it a try.
Dear JohninNaha,
Yes, if Ron Paul doesn't run.
Regards to Ms. Naha,
Octopussy Liquor
There comes a point when you have to sit back a bit, assess all that you've posted so far, and come to the realization that you're trying waaaaaay too hard here.
There's really no way you can dress this up as anything more than a very small subset of foolish people being made to look even more foolish by what most educated Americans already understood to be the truth well before Obama was sworn into office: He's an American citizen.
Let it go.
I was perfectly happy to accept the word of Hawaii health department director Chiyome Fukino when she said in Oct. 2008 that she had seen Obama's original birth certificate and concluded that he had been born in the U.S..
Now, after assessing the overall situation, I find that many Democrats don't believe Obama and a whole lot of independents don't believe Obama. It doesn't really matter what the GOP thinks about Obama, does it?
McCain handled his similar situation quickly and publically and the public readily accept the bi-partisan, Congressional finding. Obama could have handled his situation just as easily but chose not to.
LOL! Well, we here on this board have witnessed those who claim to be Democrats, but are not telling the truth. (As in: "Obama has spent millions trying to conceal his past.") I have never met nor heard of a genuine Democrat who doesn't believe that President Obama is an American citizen.
So, if a so-called "independent" makes crazy allegations, it's supposed to somehow absolve the other bona fide crazies who identify themselves as Republicans? Wow, that's some mind-bending logic there.
The lengths that people go to to pretend they aren't racist is pretty nauseating. He'd shown a birth certificate two years ago. Anyone harping on it since is simply a racist. Even Bill O'Reilly wanted nothing to do with the birthers.
Apparently, the CNN pollsters have and you're having "problems" accepting that.
And who is this "we" that you're referring to? Have you decided you speak for everyone now?
Unlike pollsters, I tend to interact with people on a personal level. Of the 300+ Democrats in our circle here in the Atlanta area, not a single one believes that President Obama is not a US citizen. Statistically, that should cast serious problems on anyone seeking to accept CNN's numbers at face value.
I assume those with eyes to see and a brain to think have noticed the troll who pretends he's a Democrat in his latest of many incarnations.
@arrestpaul wrote:
Yup, and now he's being criticized for bringing himself down to the level of the wing-nuts who refuse to understand that the short form is the recognized official form.
If that's true, so what? I'm not looking at this from the point of view of "what is the best move, politically" but rather from the point of view of "what's reasonable and what's stupid."
Independents are like that. I'm one myself so I should know. Personally, I don't believe everything I read, especially opinion polls.
@arrestpaul earlier wrote:
By "told them it was none of their business" I guess you are referring to his release of that terrible nothingness the short form which those tricky Hawaiians use to thwart the investigations of good, right-thinking, mainlanders.
As for having "stalled the effort" and "playing legal games" I suppose you're referring to the millions of dollars he supposedly spent to keep the long form from being released. But as I've pointed out before, there's no need to spend millions on "legal games" when Hawaii's law requires it to be kept secret for no charge whatsoever.
The so called birth certificate has been proven to be a forgery by the Washington Post Newspaper and denounced as such. It is a constructed fake and was posted on the White House web site. After being downloaded and exposed as a fake a different fake was later posted. The man was born in Kenya, not the USA, and under our constitution cannot be president. To be eligible to run for president one must be born in the United States.
the so called short form posted on the internet earlier was another fake trying to distract people from requesting the original. That form can in fact be done for anyone who wishes to state under oath that the person was born in Hawaii, it is not a birth certificate. Producing a birth record under oath that is fraudulent is a felony known as perjury or false swearing.
Just change the laws. Who said someone born in another country wouldn't make a better President than someone born there?
The biggest gun the Birther loons had for this lost cause was Donald trump, and even he has let the matter rest. Instead, Trump is now directing his apparently considerable free time to acquiring Obama's school record in a attempt to somehow prove Obama's, what? uneducated?
You're flaying a very, very, VERY dead horse here.
A real leader would never make himself look as foolish as Obama did on this. Politically, Trump's Celebrity Apprentice had the most left-leaning audience on TV. Strange stuff.
And why not? It's fun to see Obama confused.
Really? Were you in Hawaii when he was born? Were you in Kenya? Do you have a Kenyan birth certificate?
Amazing how a person, with no knowledge of the truth, can state these things as absolute facts. At the same time, it's hard to imagine one of these folks working overtime to prove a white person wasn't born in the States. Sad stuff.
Actually it was Obama supporters that brought up Mcain's not being born in America as a reason why he cant run for president. Obama is finally getting the same scrutiny that everyone before him usually gets well before they even win a presidential election and people are crying about it. At least people are not demanding to have his family's records published.
Just make Obama a laughing stock. The GOP should run ads showing the photoof Obama on his little bicycle wearing his highwater pants and little bicycle helmet, and reply his huge portfolio of "misstatements".
All the public has to do is actually listen to Obama (not the kool-aid media coverage) and the GOP wins.
Which is entirely Senator Obama's responsibility for NOT making every effort to clear up this issue years ago. Senator McCain was able to put the issue of his eligibility to rest quickly and publically.
Obama's BC was a minor irritation until the NEWS MEDIA latched on to ONE of the many issues discussed by Trump in media interviews. For 3 weeks, the media couldn't talk about anything else. An endless stream of Trump-Obama-BC, Trump-Obama-BC.....
What is surprising to me is the numbers of Democrats that did not believe Obama when he said he was born in the U.S.
But you can't name a single Democrat who believed that President Obama was not born in the U.S. Out of hundreds and hundreds serving at the state and local levels. Not one.
It's actually more surprising that you apparently don't believe that people would lie to a pollster in a matter like this.
And you still keep flogging away.
I'm with yabits: Where exactly are these "...surprising number of..." Democrats you keep mentioning?
Would it be the same ones who give Obama a 77% job approval rating (since you put so much stock in the pollsters)?
And if so, what's your point then? I'm really not understanding what it is you're trying to accomplish here.
Uhh... Last I checked, Mr. Obama was our President. Or are you again trying to make some sort of mind-blowing point via poorly constructed inuendo? Seriously, what's your punchline? Get to it, man. Stop playing coy here.
Seriously, nerd jokes? Your username might be due for a overhaul. Nothing major, mind you. Childfromamerica seems more appropriate considering the level of maturity in that post. I mean, seriously, nerd jokes?! Has it finally come down to this for die-hard conservatives?
The last time I checked, Obama was a U.S. Senator in 2008. That was the year he and Senator McCain were being questioned about their birth place. Senator McCain's bi-partisan committee was able to settle his issue in 2008. Senator Obama could have copied Senator McCain's example but chose not to.
"Has it finally come down to this for die-hard conservatives?"
Yes, it has.
"Serving at the state and local levels"? Are you refering to government employees or elected officials?
If you have a "problem" with the poll numbers or how the polls were conducted, you'll just have to take that issue up with the numerous polling firms who found similar results. Assuming that a mere 300 bawling Bucktowners represents a majority of registered Democrats nationwide appears to be a bit desperate.
Okay, so you accept that Obama is actually a U.S. citizen with every legal right to be President, but take issue with his initial refusal to entertain absurd claims to the contrary?
It also encompasses Democratic writers and bloggers. Can't find one real Democrat, can you?
I would only have a "problem" if I was stupid enough to take them at face value and attempt to use them in a silly attempt to provide cover for the real anti-Obama faction in the nation. We know whose problem that is.
Polls are not elections. The landslide of 2008 indicated what Democrats thought of Barack Obama's eligibility as president.
Like it or not, Obama is a public figure who's re-election will be based on the public's opinion of him. That's just the way it is. While many people shown distain for the public's opinion, it's the public's opinion that will be the public's deciding factor in the next election.
And public opinion of President Obama can be influenced and informed by sound reason and critique -- or by the Jerry Springer-like circus nonsense that the Republicans/conservatives have totally immersed themselves in. From the Clinton "death list," to the Swift-boating of honorable veterans who were wounded in battle (Max Cleland and Kerry), to the crap about a state visit to India costing $200 million per day, to the complete and utter nonsense about Obama's not being born in Hawaii.
"Dirty" seems to be the only way that many conservatives know how to play the game.
@knight_of_Honour wrote:
You are misinformed. The Washington Post is a widely respected newspaper and using their name lends a lot of credence to the claim. However, doing a search on their site, I find nothing about a forgery. When I google [Washington times birth certificate forgery], however, I find about 83,000 references to "Washington Times" and "birth certificate forgery."
Now, the Washington Times, which was founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of "moonies" cult fame has nowhere near the credibility of the Washington Post. The Moonies, really? You believe their newspaper?
Not that it matters because a search of the Washington Times web site also turns up nothing about this forgery. So ... what's fake here? Maybe it's the report of the forgery that's fake ...
I just found the likely source of knightofHonour's Post/Times confusion. On the godlikeproductions web site (self-described as "lunatic fringe") they have a headline "Washington Post: Obama's birth certificate photoshop forgery!" right over the top of a Video labeled "Washington Times: Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery." I guess it's hard for lunatics to read and type at the same time.
The jokes are Obama's speeches and "misstatements". The nerd jokes are just plain fun - consider it the response to you die-hard Dems attacking Trump's hair.
Just keep Obama proving everything. His driver's license, his make him prove he wrote his books, make him prove he really married Michelle.
@manfromamerica wrote:
I find it refreshing to once again have a president who can string words together into a coherent sentence.
Then you haven't ever actually listened to one of Obama's speeches. "I think... ummm... uh... think that... umm... eh... that we should... ummm... you know... ummm"
The guy speaks at a junior high level.
Wow - I'd love to ever hear any 12-15 year old who can outdo Obama's speeches. That'd be one amazing child!
buraku -
I repeat, I guess you have never actually LISTENED to Obama speak. "57 states, 1 more to go"... "corpsemen"... "I don't know the word in Austrian"... "I see many of our fallen heros here today" ... "uhh... ummm... ummm... you know..."
Many people have pointed out that Obama can "read" a prepared speech as well as anyone. He does seem to have a problem speaking publically without one.
Okay, now you guys are just being silly. Playtime's over. Can we get back to real issues, like getting the economy going again? Just sayin'...