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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Obama says he'll use high-tech 'bounty hunters' to stop health care fraud
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I don't even want to imagine the hype, the hysteria, the jokes and endless snark that would have filled the airwaves, print media and cyberspace if Rahm Emmanuel's Republican equivalent had done something as queer and unseemly as what Rep. Massa described.
Since the Obama administration has greatly expanded domestic surveillance they pretty much have to make false promises like this to cover their shameless backsides.
"White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel"
Isn't he the one who, naked as a jailbird in the House gym, poked his finger in Democratic Rep. Massa's chest accusing him of not supporting Obama's budget?
I'm sorry, I can't let this one go.
"jamming down your throat." Well whaddaya know.
You know, it's funny how some people's logic changes. When Al Gore received more votes than george bush, and Florida was never truly figured out and bush was given the keys to the kingdom, we were told that's the proper political procedure. Grow up and get over it.
When bush invaded Iraq; a metric butt ton of people were against it. We were told that our elected officials had acted on the behalf of the people and if we didn't like it, vote them out. Because that's how the system works.
But that republicans are in the minority, it's all hyperbole and all nonsense all.the.time. "jamming down your throats." Please.
Grow up republicans. You don't like the rules (which you were fine with up until '06), take your citizenship elsewhere. I guarantee me and the rest of America will get by just fine without you.
Wow,the US government has done such a bang up job of preventing fraud in say welfare, medicaid etc that I just have to believe this time we'll be all over it.... Ha Ha Ha
skipthesong, I meant 'good doctors'. There are a lot of your so-called good doctors ripping off Medicare and Medicaid.
No not you, the industry that you peddle. The simple crap that's we're charged way to much money for. < :-)
he’ll bring in high-tech bounty hunters to help root out health care fraud,
Why aren't they rooting out fraud in the present medicare/medicade system? This is more like the fraudsters enforcing the fraud than anything else. Government socialism at its' finest.
If ObamaCare were seriously going to pass, it would have already.
At this point, Obama is making a feeble, last ditch effort so that he can say: "I tried, I really did. But those in the House stood in my way." Heh, Nevermind what the majority of the American people have said. The only option left to Obama now is to save face. Unfortunately for him, that ain't gonna happen, either.
30061015 - Har!
Rush didn't say he would leave America if ObamaCare passed. He said he'd still live here, but would go to Costa Rica for treatment.
ObamaCare is a Ponzi scheme whereby all taxpaying Americans will pay into it in higher taxes for several years without any benefits, then only the first people who got in get the benefits before it goes broke and comes crashing down.
A typical pyramid scheme. This is all the "progressives" have to offer America.
More big brother into your business...
The question is: if Rush is serious about walking away from the millions he makes by being what he is where he is, where would he go?
That's another way of saying he'll snoop on your e-mails, finances and medical records, as well as tap your phones without warrant. Bush-Redux!
bad boys, bad boys...whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do, when they come for you...
Waste and fraud are pervasive problems for Medicare and Medicaid, the giant government health insurance programs for seniors and low-income people. Improper payments — in the wrong amounts, to the wrong person or for the wrong reason — totaled an estimated $54 billion in 2009.
Now there is a real ringing endorsement for yet even more Government control of the health care sector courtesy of Obama and the Democrats and this health care bill they're jamming down our throats. They've done such a good job so far with Medicare and Medicaid haven't they?
More medical equipment companies will get busted for poorly made and over priced crap" I hope that's not a shot at me.. But if this bill passes myself and every other vendor will jack our prices up, just like the insurance companies will too. Can you blame us? If the gov is going to put a big price tag on things, why can't I?
This one got me: "They start using high-tech 'bounty hunters' then more good doctors might lose their licenses" I'm sure you meant bad docs right? Well, let me let you in on a secret that you should know.... if they move the industry the way Obama does ultimely want it, docs will become gov employees, kind of like Japan. Now, I am sure you've seen most US gov employees and I am sure you know how hard it is to get one fired.. again, try to get a doc fired here. Its next to impossible. My wife tells me some horror stories
go ahead and put such a high tech system in place and watch some kid from Korea or elsewhere break it.
Obama says....blah blah blah.
Looks like a Trojan Horse to let the American corporate welfare state get their hands on some of the Medicare and Medicaid cash and siphon it off. And incentivizing fraud-finding, yeah that is going to work great. I predict the bounty hunters will announce they are finding "massive" amounts of fraud soon after they get started. Grannies of America, watch your backs and be very, very careful!!!
If this bill passes Rush Limbaugh says he'll leave the country. That in itself is enough for me.
They start using high-tech 'bounty hunters' then more good doctors might lose their licenses. Good insurance companies might get caught more. More medical equipment companies will get busted for poorly made and over priced crap. < :-)
And when this measure fails they will monitor email and phone calls, but only to prevent health care fraud of course.