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© Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Obama says he'll work for Mideast peace
AMMAN, Jordan©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Now Obama's approach to the Middle-East is a little different than John McCain's Bomb...Bomb...Bomb Iran's approach and keeping the war in Iraq going on just as long as he can.
Yep, Barack didn't even have to go to the Mid-East for us to know that. < :-)
the only way there is going to be peace in that land is to let Israel go by themselves. Let the entire Islamic world, that is what they really are up against, fight them and when the dust clears, let the winner decide.
I see no other alternative.
It just eats McCain up that Obama won't say, "The Surge Worked."
Instead he says, "I believe that the situation in Iraq is more secure than it was a year and a half ago."
John will be walking around swinging those little fists at the ground. < :-)
Is Obama's ambiguous universal plan of peace precisely what Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, and President Bush campaigned at the start of their nominations? I guess the same failing rhetoric never changes...even in 20 years of failure. Bush Sr. sat on a time bomb, Clinton paid off every Middle Eastern leader with our Social Security funds, and President Bush decided to take them head on - and yet nothing has succeeded. Perhaps, it is time to accept the fact that a permanent war is the only solution. Bringing our troops back will only bring the war to the home front.
There's not really much Obama or any candidate can say before they're elected except to speak in general terms about the Middle East peace process. I like how Obama is defining the roles, tho, from there he can work within that framework. He's also talking about his long term goals (two state solution) but I'm guessing he can't really go into more detail than that. Carter talked about the monumental time and effort required to work on these peace deals, one where a President really needs to clear his schedule and put everything else on the back burner for a couple of weeks, and he also mentioned how it's a lot more difficult for a President to do that these days. But hopefully Obama can make this one of his priorities.
In USA. It is political suicide to call for peace and justice in Palestine. It is political suicide to invoke UN resolutions 242 and 338, as the basis of a prospective peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians which US have agreed to on paper btw. It is political suicide to call on Israel to stop targeting Palestinian civilians…because then you are raising questions about Israel’s morality.
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Since when have Muslim Arabs ever created economic progress, during times of conflict or peace?
Maybe Obama thinks it's a good idea to make nice with Israel because Americans know... Israel is the only governmental entity resemblin' 'democracy' in the Middle East.
A heroic Israeli was able to stop another Palestinian murderer today:
Peace out.
When Israel is not under way with its slow-motion genocide against the 1.5 million inhabitants of Gaza?
If Israel never existed, the Muslim Arab countries would still be economic basketcases. Always have been, always will be. The entire Muslim Arab world blaming Israel for all there woes ain't gonna change this simple fact.
slow-motion genocide against the 1.5 million inhabitants of Gaza" They have almost 2 Billion backers, why doesn't O have them fess up some cash or why don't they do what they are doing in Europe, US and Canada by moving in, building a large voting block and get themselves elected?