Japan Today

Obama says history of slavery and segregation still 'part of our DNA'


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Todd, i love how you spit your hate at Democrats and think we're all too stupid to know that the parties didn't switch after the Civil Rights Act.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Sorry Obama, your full of nonsense. Maybe the Democratic party has slavery and segregation in their DNA, the Democrats being the pro slave party having wars about it, Democrats also created segregation and the way Democrats support Islamic governments who allow slavery and the Democrats are 85% of all federal and state government employees all constantly demanding to know your race on government forms, Democrats created reverse discrimination and are inciting race motivated riots.

The Democratic party is where any residual bigotry and racism is, Democratic party racist DNA, no one else in America has This affliction.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The USA has always experienced trouble trying to assimilate the latest immigrants. From the Irish of the 1840's, the southern and eastern Europeans at the end of the 19th and early 20th Century, the Vietnamese in the 1980's and now the Latinos south of the USA, the sentiment against the immigrants can be strong and sometimes really ugly. (Students of American history remember the (in)famous phrase No Irish Need Apply after the Irish--forced out or Ireland by the Potato Famine of the 1840's to the USA--had serious trouble assimilating into American society and didn't really integrate until the 1890's.)

As such, I'm not surprised that President Obama--who grew up for much of his childhood in Hawaii with its racial/ethnic melting pot--thinks this way.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Bigotry knows no boundaries. I know African American women who worry about "marrying out" and those who do are "race traitors." What does that says about the state of race relations in the US?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I feel sorry for the black people killed in the Charleston church. It was an awful way for such fine people to die. Dylann Roof certainly deserves to be punished in the severest of ways.

The problem of hate crimes, however, is not just a one way street of white on black. In the area I grew up in (in the U.S.), the blacks were worse than the whites when it came to hate crimes if a hate crime is defined as an attack on one race of people by a another race of people because of their race. I myself have experienced this growing up where I did. I also have friends who have experienced hate crime attacks at the hands of blacks for no reason.

My point is this, if we're going to look upon hate crime as a serious problem and punish the people responsible harshly, which we should, then let's look at it in equal terms. It doesn't matter whether it's white on black, black on white or straight on gay or whatever.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Your insistence on lumping all of "the blacks" into a monolith defined by the poorest, least educated and most violent does both "the blacks" and yourself a disservice. If you don't judge "the japanese" by low level yakuza, or "the whites" by soccer hooligans or Dylaan Roof types, you should judge "the blacks" by their equivalents.

This is the point I was getting at here:

But your words speak as to the problem - you as a white people see black people as a problem. You didn't say 'when will criminals take responsibility for their own actions', you said when will 'Blacks' ever take responsibility. As if all of them are a problem. Your very words belie the issues that black people have to face.

When you define an entire race by the actions of the bottom of the barrel, it reveals personal bias. When you refuse to do the same for your own race, it reveals institutionalized bias.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wc..by your logic terrorists are justified (or at the least excused) for killing Americans because "what about all the Americans killing each other! But, of course, you won't see it that way because dehumanizing "the blacks" is what that comment is all about. pillars of the community worshiping in a Church on a Wednesday is the same as gangbangers if and only if they happen to be black.

bass..the reason "the blacks" overwhelmingly voted to Obama was because the Republicans attacked him RELENTLESSLY for what he was, not what his ideas were. The right doesn't seem to understand that you can't call a man a monkey them be surprised when he doesn't vote for you. I know people who would gladly vote for a broom with a face painted on it them any member of the Republican party because the republican party has made it painfully clear that they regard us as not even worth the lip-service of being real citizens.

African-Americans who voted for Obama didn't do it because they are racist. they did it because the other side clearly HATES us. Or at best, regards us with benign distaste.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

bass: Yes, they were idiots for going that route,

And a vast, vast majority of those idiots were from your caucus.

Wc626: Why isn't the left condemning the recent shootings across Detroit?

Probably for the same reason we don't have national news coverage of every single shooting. Not only would it fill the news 24 hours a day, it would be just a regular event. But when someone goes into a church and kills 9 people at once, it's going to get a lot of press coverage. Had a black guy gone into a white church and said racist thing then murdered 9 people, we'd get more coverage for that then a regular hillbilly shooting his brother-in-law.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What about all the Black Gangbangers who flip out on each other? Drive-by, walk ups @ point blank range.

Why isn't the left condemning the recent shootings across Detroit? Where multiple victims were "27" injured and 3 deaths. Black on Black violence no doubt. This is what plagues america. Detroit had a terrible weekend. Yet, everyone keeps snapping their fingers and pointing to the South Carolina incident.

What Obama has failed to mention while you do have a very small percentage of nutty racist Whites that dislike Blacks or even possibly do harm is nowhere near the destruction and the carnage when you think of the Black on Black crime that is way overboard and out of control. Blacks have a 80% higher chance to be mugged and assaulted or killed by other Blacks. But does the president talk about this, No. Does he talk about lack of discipline and the lack and irresponsible fathers that leave and abandon these kids? Over 20% of Black homicides that were caused by other Blacks had NO father. If we really want to have a discussion about race, let's not talk about what you want to talk about, let's talk about what you REALLY don't want to talk about. But it seems like even the president is not ready to talk about this.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What about all the Black Gangbangers who flip out on each other? Drive-by, walk ups @ point blank range.

Why isn't the left condemning the recent shootings across Detroit? Where multiple victims were "27" injured and 3 deaths. Black on Black violence no doubt. This is what plagues america. Detroit had a terrible weekend. Yet, everyone keeps snapping their fingers and pointing to the South Carolina incident.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Could be a lot of reasons, we have no idea and nothing concrete so far as to the main reason why he flipped the way he did.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So run it by me again. What's the underlying reason why hatred for blacks manifested in this guy?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So in some way, these murdered black people brought it on themselves by being part of a community that whites could justifiably look down on?

Now you're trying to conflate the issue.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

They are both intertwined. How about looking beyond why this stupid kid did what he did? What was the underlying reason? How did and where did this hatred of Blacks first manifested item in this guy? Those are serious questions we need to ask ourselves and a lot, maybe unjustifiably come from how maybe some Whites view Blacks and maybe some of the perceptions and racist attitudes they harbor are coming from watching the behavior of many Blacks in our society, look at all the negative images you see, a lot of rebellion, defiance, going against the police, when they do protest, seeing it always ends up in rioting and looting. These images and behavior affect give people certain interpretations of how Blacks are in their minds at least.

So in some way, these murdered black people brought it on themselves by being part of a community that whites could justifiably look down on?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Well, then I don't know how to respond, bass. Twice I've brought up blockbusting and redlining which are verified cases of institutional racism, and twice you quoted my text and responded by talking about African Americans not paying their bills. It's either a situation where you don't know what these things are (most likely?), or you won't acknowledge them

I know what they are and I get your point, but you at the same time are also not acknowledging the point that OUTSIDE of the very small prism of what you might think is institutionalized racism, the bigger picture is, there are a lot of problems affecting the Black Community and as in typical liberal fashion, you libs NEVER want to talk about the home grown problems, you just want to deflect and place the blame on everyone else except the people that are affected directly by the inequality that's setting these people further behind the red line.

Finally, you're now talking about both sides. Before the only conversation you wanted was the half where blacks are voting for Obama. I consider that to be a success.

Comedy is not your strong suit. Seriously, I know you and most libs don't want to engage on reasons why so many Blacks are at the bottom of the tank.

Which problem did we get to the root of? The one where the white racist goes into a church, says racist things, then kills 9 black people? Or was that nothing more than springboard to talk about problems in the black community?

They are both intertwined. How about looking beyond why this stupid kid did what he did? What was the underlying reason? How did and where did this hatred of Blacks first manifested item in this guy? Those are serious questions we need to ask ourselves and a lot, maybe unjustifiably come from how maybe some Whites view Blacks and maybe some of the perceptions and racist attitudes they harbor are coming from watching the behavior of many Blacks in our society, look at all the negative images you see, a lot of rebellion, defiance, going against the police, when they do protest, seeing it always ends up in rioting and looting. These images and behavior affect give people certain interpretations of how Blacks are in their minds at least.

I agree that too often the media makes claims of racism simply on the perception of racism regardless of the facts in any one case. I've said that many times. But...this case really seems to be cut and dry, no? I mean it's a hate crime by his own admission. Bringing up the usual talking points about the liberal media making trumped up racism charges is hard to comprehend here.

But at the same time, it's a yawn to hear liberals trying to make the problems that many Blacks are having a Republican problem and that is just not only unfair and factually wrong, but insulting. Hate crime? Without a doubt, but to tie this kid to racists and how some libs try to connect this kids aggression to something he did or said as being something he saw and or heard on TV and that was catalyst for his mindless rampage is so over the top ridiculous.

And you are here to tell us that there is more racial division today and it's because of Obama?

That is a fact. Obama has done very little to mend and heal the wounds of racism. If America was so racist, there is NO way, Obama could have ever made it to the White House. You tell me another country where a Black man can be president and I'm talking about first world nations, heck, even Latin America.

I'm not seeing any acknowledgement at all of any of the things your own party has done to perpetuate the division. Obama has had to endure embarrassments like releasing a long form birth certificate because of the sheer number of nutjobs in your caucus, and you seem to be blaming him for it.

Yes, they were idiots for going that route, I thought and I always stayed clear of that debate, however, if you feel angered about how the GOP treated Obama and as embarrassing as that episode was, the libs do the exact same thing and I could give you a litany of a list with lies, insults and false accusations that amount to the same thing. I will go even a step further. Since Obama has been in office the PC police have lost their minds and jumping on you for any little thing and it started with when the GOP was against Obama on the stimulus, that was considered to be racist, not going and voting for Obamacare, racist. Telling Michelle to stay out of our schools and stop telling us what to eat, defying that request, you are a racist. So bad were the constant badgering on the GOP it just finally became comical. The only people that care about racism and keeping it alive are Dems and Obama as well as the MSM. You disagree with Obama, you are a racist. Stop and frisk people which saved a lot of lives in NY, a lot since the people voted for Obama II he got rid of it an the crime now in NYC is has risen to 20%. I agree it's degrading and insulting to Blacks, but who are the people committing most of the crimes in Big cities like Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia, L.A.? We really need to have a serious and honest discussion about race and NOT not just talk about why this kid went nuts, but why some people or institutions are maybe a bit cautious or concerned about hiring Blacks.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

SuperLib: Bass does not think Blockbusting or Redlining ever existed,

bass: NOT once did I say that.

Well, then I don't know how to respond, bass. Twice I've brought up blockbusting and redlining which are verified cases of institutional racism, and twice you quoted my text and responded by talking about African Americans not paying their bills. It's either a situation where you don't know what these things are (most likely?), or you won't acknowledge them.

Of course you have some Whites that would never vote for a Black person, at the same time voting for someone BASED on skin color is equally as racist.

Finally, you're now talking about both sides. Before the only conversation you wanted was the half where blacks are voting for Obama. I consider that to be a success.

I'll say it again, if we really want to get to the root and heart of the problem, we have to confront the facts and as Bill Cosby, Chris Rock and other prominent Blacks have seriously pointed out there needs to be more accountability within the Black community and NO White person can fix it.

Which problem did we get to the root of? The one where the white racist goes into a church, says racist things, then kills 9 black people? Or was that nothing more than springboard to talk about problems in the black community?

I agree that too often the media makes claims of racism simply on the perception of racism regardless of the facts in any one case. I've said that many times. But...this case really seems to be cut and dry, no? I mean it's a hate crime by his own admission. Bringing up the usual talking points about the liberal media making trumped up racism charges is hard to comprehend here.

Wolfpack: Obama perpetuates racial divisions

It was your caucus who created the Birther movement. It was your caucus who, in 2011, had more than half of primary voters who did not believe Obama was even born here. It is your caucus who has a much higher percentage who thinks Obama is Muslim. It was your caucus on JT who, during the first election, refused to use his first name, instead calling him Hussein so often that the mods had to step in and tell people to address him by his common name.

And you are here to tell us that there is more racial division today and it's because of Obama? I'm not seeing any acknowledgement at all of any of the things your own party has done to perpetuate the division. Obama has had to endure embarrassments like releasing a long form birth certificate because of the sheer number of nutjobs in your caucus, and you seem to be blaming him for it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

bas...again...40 million people can't be adequately summed as "the blacks" this, "the blacks" that. if you can bare to read a book written by one of "the blacks", i'd recommend "Disintegration" by Eugene Robinson. Don't worry, no liberal agenda, just a look at the different (and increasingly disparate) type of "the blacks" in America.

Your insistence on lumping all of "the blacks" into a monolith defined by the poorest, least educated and most violent does both "the blacks" and yourself a disservice. If you don't judge "the japanese" by low level yakuza, or "the whites" by soccer hooligans or Dylaan Roof types, you should judge "the blacks" by their equivalents. It may take you awhile to undo years of conditioning to see us all as some unwashed tide, but I have faith in you.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So few posters with common sense and or arareness Bass. Most are driven by mainstream media which is doing a wonderland job at division. And a couple proud democrats constantly insult personally anyone who opposes their views as children do in early grade school. Maturity seems lacking and reflects on the views.

Obama with his speech embedded an acceptance of victim hood and racism by blacks that will last quite a while. Chalk another tally on the Obama legacy! I seem to have lost count. Whoopsie ! I MUST be racist to disagree with Obama. Lol!

Keep up the reality posts....maybe 2% sinks in. Better than mainstream media.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Any person that does not support a color blind society is de facto racist. Obama perpetuates racial divisions by continuously supporting racial government policies. Affirmative action, disparate impact legal cases, and government programs specifically targeted to black at risk youth thereby excluding disadvantaged children of other races is purposely discriminatory and represents the only form of government endorsed institutional racism in existence today.

President Barack Obama says the history of slavery and segregation is “still part of our DNA”

Not possible to transmit attitudes through genetics. Obama has the science wrong again.

“Racism, we are not cured of it,” Obama said. “And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ni**er in public.

So what kind of example is the President setting for young blacks in America today by perpetuating a racial slur? If it is wrong for some people to say such a word in public, it is wrong for all, including him. Having different social rules for different races is divisive. But that is what American's have come to expect from him.

By the way - although it's okay for Japan Today to write the n-word, it is apparently verboten to quote directly from the article. For real?

...with some common-sense stuff that prevents a 21-year-old who is angry about something or confused about something, or is racist, or is deranged from going into a gun store and suddenly is packing, and can do enormous harm,”

The problem with this statement is that the racist killer did not purchase the gun. All of the proposed laws Obama endorsed since the Sandy Hook massacre would not have affected any of the shootings. If Obama really wants to change the law he has to change the Constitution. That is the common sense solution he needs to face up to. If he would have thought about this when he took office he might be making some progress by now. Congress just cannot pass laws that are contrary to the Constitution. Well, at least it isn't supposed to.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Bass does not think Blockbusting or Redlining ever existed,

NOT once did I say that.

and instead responds by saying how irresponsible black people are financially. once did I say that.

Because we need to shed some serious sunlight and go to the root of the problem, even if it hurts and people don't want to deal with the facts.

He sees no similarity between blacks only voting for Obama and some whites refusing to vote for him. He won't even acknowledge that the Birther movement was a movement championed by his own party.

No, what I said was, without the White vote Obama would have NEVER made it to the presidency. Of course you have some Whites that would never vote for a Black person, at the same time voting for someone BASED on skin color is equally as racist.

Apparently, this whole thing about a self-professed racist white man murdering 9 black people in a church is just the usual trumped up charges by the liberal media, and furthermore he wants to redirect the conversation into an indictment of the black community not taking care of themselves better. He's fed up and he's not going to take this anymore.

This is why you can never take or talk to libs. You libs, time after time just fail or flat out refuse to deal with reality and instead want to dwell in the world of Bizarro land.

I'll say it again, if we really want to get to the root and heart of the problem, we have to confront the facts and as Bill Cosby, Chris Rock and other prominent Blacks have seriously pointed out there needs to be more accountability within the Black community and NO White person can fix it. The chip on the shoulder and playing the victimization card is not helping anyone and Black people especially. Fight racism, but at the same time, they have to rise above it. Every other race is moving ahead in the States and Blacks are trailing in every category and that is very disturbing.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Who would get the job at a corporation position first?

A man of color with his underwear 4+" or more above his drooping pants on Facebook of a man of color with a basketball uniform on without and casual dress shown? And the qualifications or each being the same.

How about the black woman speaking Ebonics compared to the black woman with a strong southern accent?

Now let's mix it up....a heavily tattooed white man and a white man with a small tear on his shirt?

We all have perceptions many here believe republicans are stupid, evil, selfish, greedy, racist and warmongerers. What moron potential racist paints that negative to a political party affiliation? The same idiots that insult anyone who is not an Obama fan and calls the racist.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well, Strangerland, looks like I'll have to rethink my position. Bass does not think Blockbusting or Redlining ever existed, and instead responds by saying how irresponsible black people are financially. He sees no similarity between blacks only voting for Obama and some whites refusing to vote for him. He won't even acknowledge that the Birther movement was a movement championed by his own party.

Apparently, this whole thing about a self-professed racist white man murdering 9 black people in a church is just the usual trumped up charges by the liberal media, and furthermore he wants to redirect the conversation into an indictment of the black community not taking care of themselves better. He's fed up and he's not going to take this anymore.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I've seen bass here for years and he doesn't have a history of racist comments. It's probably more an issue of "libs want this so it must be bad so I have to fight it."

Distinction without a difference.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Let me put it to you like this, bass. Imagine some white people are racist. And imagine all black people are racist. Now apply for 100 random jobs. How many hiring decisions do you think will be made by whites? And how many by blacks? Now which skin color would you like to be?

The one I was born with.

People who don't pay their bills have no credit. It doesn't matter what their skin color is. But there are documented cases of black people being denied loans, including entire city blocks, regardless of what their credit is. The bank simply says, "We don't loan to that area." Lots of white there? Nope. But there are plenty of blacks. It didn't even get to the credit check stage.

One reason is because so many Blacks have outstanding loans, bad credits, failure to pay, foreclosure for many Banks they are a high risk, now I will submit to you, you shouldn't stereotype or lump an entire race into one bowl, but these lenders as sad as it is are going by the history and many Blacks financially don't have a good one, that's not being racist that is a fact. You have to live within your means and if you can't afford certain things, then you need to be patient and hold off until you can financially afford it, be it a house, car, student loan anything where you need to borrow money and have to pay it back.

That happened for generations, meaning for generations it was much, much more difficult for blacks to climb up the ladder, so the notion of children outperforming their parents was much more difficult.

Yes, this is also true, but you can't walk around constantly with a chip on your shoulder and think the White man owes you something when he clearly doesn't, if anything, a person should be given a fair chance to show their talents, you have to apply yourself, Blacks sadly have to work harder, but it is very possible to make it to the top.

I'm not going to let you get away with saying the birther movement was a combined liberal/conservative effort.

But it was at least the uniting on the spending part, for the record, I have always said, anyone believing that Obama is NOT an American is complete idiot. I never bought into that nonsense hype!

That's false balance. I agree with you that there were blacks who only voted for Obama because he was black. But you're fighting me tooth and nail because I said there were also whites who refused to vote for him because he was black, and it takes a much smaller percentage of whites to counter a high percentage of blacks. Am I wrong?

You are not wrong in a sense that there were Whites that didn't like Obama because he was Black, but that was a very small percentage compared to the thousands that did come out to support him. But as I said before, I wasn't comfortable at all to hear from many Blacks that NO matter what they would vote for Obama simply because he was Black. Now if a White person would make such statements they are classified a racially bias, but Blacks get a pass if they admit to that point?

The GOP needs to tread lightly on this issue. Fighting to keep a symbol that is partly racist while promoting a platform to "restore America's past greatness" is going to mesh in people's minds. Personally, I don't think you're up to the task. The GOP will hurt themselves on this one and you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.

This is insane The Racist South was fought and started by Democrats slave holders, the anti-slavery laws and the desegregation, the signing of the emancipation proclamation, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment and the right to vote, the NAACP, the highest percentage that passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950’s and 1960’s, and the party that ended school segregation and more all passed by Republicans and it is stunning and astonishing to hear libs say, this is a GOP problem, when it's not. If people are THAT stupid to fall for that BS nonsense then they egg is on their face, the only thing I fault the GOP is to be vocally clear who has a problem with race and it's the Dems and always has been and to this day the libs are constantly beating the race drum narrative! You guys created this mess and now try to throw it as a GOP problem?? Unbelievable!

He's talking about the fact that for the past 6 months or so you've struggled to keep up with the details of the conversation.

I was about to say the exact same thing about you libs. But I'm not holding it against you.

Someone could be making a point about Obama and Iran in a thread about Iran and you'll respond by monologuing about Obamacare.

You guys do the exact same thing about Bush, constantly. So what's your point? It's ok for you guys to invoke Bush on topics that are not related, but indirectly you want to throw in elbow shots, but if it's about the Sainted anointed one, you guys scream foul!

That's basically it for me. I have no expectation that Bass will ever even realize his racial biases (which are so apparent through his posts),

You do not know the first thing about me and for you to call me a racially bias is rather offensive to me. I am not, but if you think I am racially bias because of pointing out liberal hypocrisy and one-sided garrulous talk, then so be it.

I've seen bass here for years and he doesn't have a history of racist comments.

I really and sincerely appreciate that. At least you did get one thing right about me.

Not outright he doesn't. But he regularly refers to black people as 'blacks',

So now calling Black people "Blacks" is considered racist now???? Are you serious?!!!

and pulls out all sorts of justifications about black crime rate, fatherless houses etc.

So I should just gloss over the facts and give Blacks a pass because we just need to overlook these crucial facts? Let's just focus on the racism that are supposedly perpetrated by Whites only and forget and move on from reverse Black racism and other contributing factors that are destroying the Black community, let's just ignore all of that.

So while he may not be an outright racist, he definitely has an anti-black bias.

Absolutely NOT.

And I'd say that this is more common in the US than outright racial hostility. Many hiring directors probably aren't thinking 'oh a black person, let's bin this resume', but rather when making a choice between two resumes, they unconsciously choose the 'whiter' sounding name. They've actually done studies on name bias, and found this to be true.

I think it's more coming from Whites that want to keep racism alive because instead of praising all Americans, people like you and other libs want to constantly drum up the differences between the races, we are all Americans and this whole entire talk about race is exactly what has been dividing us. The libs are the problems and race relations have gotten worse, a whole lot worse since Obama has been in office every poll has shown this.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I've seen bass here for years and he doesn't have a history of racist comments.

Not outright he doesn't. But he regularly refers to black people as 'blacks', and pulls out all sorts of justifications about black crime rate, fatherless houses etc. So while he may not be an outright racist, he definitely has an anti-black bias. And I'd say that this is more common in the US than outright racial hostility. Many hiring directors probably aren't thinking 'oh a black person, let's bin this resume', but rather when making a choice between two resumes, they unconsciously choose the 'whiter' sounding name. They've actually done studies on name bias, and found this to be true.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I've seen bass here for years and he doesn't have a history of racist comments. It's probably more an issue of "libs want this so it must be bad so I have to fight it." Then the mental gymnastics begin.

Usually changes that affect culture create a sense of loss when there isn't one. The people who want to ban gay marriage seem to feel that allowing gays to marry somehow hurts their own marriage, like there is a net loss for them. Remember that we actually debated gays in the military? Does anyone even think about that now? Once it got approved everyone just stopped thinking about it.

Once the flags are removed people will realize that the world didn't end and their lives are exactly the same as they were before and whatever they were afraid of never came to light. They didn't lose anything.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just state your case and hope that some tiny bit of it seeps though.

When we write, other people read, not just the people we're talking to. And maybe we can reach some of the others who are listening in.

That's basically it for me. I have no expectation that Bass will ever even realize his racial biases (which are so apparent through his posts), but I have hope that someone who is more open minded may realize these biases in themselves, and work on self-improvement.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

When we write, other people read, not just the people we're talking to. And maybe we can reach some of the others who are listening in.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

SuperLib, you're wasting your time. It's a mark of the time we live in that for some people on the right, to accept that minorities/liberals/foreigners (which they see as the "enemy") are humans, is to betray all they believe in. So to feel sympathy for the murder of 9 innocent people just isn't an option, anymore than feeling sympathy for 20 murdered 1st graders. Just state your case and hope that some tiny bit of it seeps though.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

bass: Don't worry. I usually get that deer in the headlights stare and bewildered mindset when I ask liberals the same questions time and time again.

He's talking about the fact that for the past 6 months or so you've struggled to keep up with the details of the conversation. Someone could be making a point about Obama and Iran in a thread about Iran and you'll respond by monologuing about Obamacare.

Ok, so we should all allow them them to do whatever they want and NEVER challenge or criticize them.

9 people dead, Confederate flags, KKK memorials..... This isn't liberal spin. All you have to say is, "Sure, that's bad, but I just want to point out that blacks don't take responsibility for their actions in terms of finances." Great. It's been noted.

Is that all you wanted to say?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

At the risk of being flamed, I'm a African-American from a family of upper middle class college graduates. In fact most of my extended family have masters degrees in fields as varied as lawyers, MBA's, nuclear engineering...

If racism is all in my head, tell me why I had to endure being 8 years old and hearing some guy call my mother a "n-word monkey" in a super market parking lot. Tell me why in a 3-piece suit I had to try for 15 min. to get a cab in Manhattan. Tell me why I, that not-so-uncommon-if-you-care-to-actually-look-for-us non-"lazy" black man, am forced to have to list my whole biography just to say, "You know nothing."

Racism exists. It doesn't have to, but it will as long as sentences talking about "the blacks" to blanket describe a population of over 40 MILLION people isn't immediately shouted down. No, I await being told that my life and life experience are irrelevant because of some wikipedia number you read somewhere...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

bass: I see. So since Whites supposedly have more power it now makes them MORE racists or their racism is worse.

Let me put it to you like this, bass. Imagine some white people are racist. And imagine all black people are racist. Now apply for 100 random jobs. How many hiring decisions do you think will be made by whites? And how many by blacks? Now which skin color would you like to be?

So why do a lot of Blacks get turned down for credit? A lot of them don't pay their bills or on time and irresponsible credit wise especially when doing a credit check, many just don't meet the criteria and the credit companies are supposed to take a chance? And that's the fault of White people? So when will Blacks EVER take responsibility for their own actions?

People who don't pay their bills have no credit. It doesn't matter what their skin color is. But there are documented cases of black people being denied loans, including entire city blocks, regardless of what their credit is. The bank simply says, "We don't loan to that area." Lots of white there? Nope. But there are plenty of blacks. It didn't even get to the credit check stage. That happened for generations, meaning for generations it was much, much more difficult for blacks to climb up the ladder, so the notion of children outperforming their parents was much more difficult.

And yes bass, there are lazy black people. I get it. But we didn't pass blockbusting laws because of the lazy blacks. They were passed because of racist whites.

The people that thought that, be it White, Conservative or liberal are idiots if they didn't want to vote for him based on that. Everyone that thought that were complete idiots.

I'm not going to let you get away with saying the birther movement was a combined liberal/conservative effort. That's false balance. I agree with you that there were blacks who only voted for Obama because he was black. But you're fighting me tooth and nail because I said there were also whites who refused to vote for him because he was black, and it takes a much smaller percentage of whites to counter a high percentage of blacks. Am I wrong?

I am not labeling all Blacks

Well that's the impression people will get when you write, "So when will Blacks EVER take responsibility for their own actions?" Or how exactly did you want us to receive this message?

Too many blacks have problems in the home and I agree that they need to take more responsibility for their actions. Racism doesn't stop a 10 year old kid from doing homework or an 18 year old kid from paying his bills. I get it. But we have a freaking KKK bust on government property. This isn't a case of the "liberal media" creating racism out of thin air.

The GOP needs to tread lightly on this issue. Fighting to keep a symbol that is partly racist while promoting a platform to "restore America's past greatness" is going to mesh in people's minds. Personally, I don't think you're up to the task. The GOP will hurt themselves on this one and you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Again, you're going to have to explain the 'logic' on how the response is related to the text you quoted.

Don't worry. I usually get that deer in the headlights stare and bewildered mindset when I ask liberals the same questions time and time again. I know it's hard for the to beat up the issue of race, because that is all they have.

Maybe not labeling, but you're attributing the problems to all black people when you say "when will Blacks EVER take responsibility for their own actions".

Ok, so we should all allow them them to do whatever they want and NEVER challenge or criticize them. So if 71% of households don't have a father, just leave it alone, we just don't understand them, it's justifiable, they suffered enough historically and we should just leave them alone.

There are white criminals too, and white people who sell drugs, drop out of school etc. Have you ever claimed "when will whites EVER take responsibility for their own actions"?

Very true, but Blacks beat every other race when it comes to low scores in schools, reading comprehension, math, highest dropout rate, selling drugs, being incarcerated, theft. Do Whites do these crimes, Yes, they do, they are also more responsible for White collared crimes overwhelmingly, but Blacks are as a whole suffering more financially, socially than any other race. Don't deflect the issue, why are you giving them a pass? The fault is with them, NOT with the White community.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This is a strawman argument, as many black people do take responsibility for their actions. It's only a minority that are gangbangers and/or criminals.

So then why is the school drop out rate the highest for Blacks, incarceration rate the highest, highest out of birth wedlocks, single family households, lowest scholastic scores.

Again, you're going to have to explain the 'logic' on how the response is related to the text you quoted.

That is the fault of Whites as well, is that your argument you are trying to project?

You're going to have to explain where you extrapolated that from.

First of all, who said I was White????

You're going to have to explain what your race has to do with it.

I am not labeling all Blacks

Maybe not labeling, but you're attributing the problems to all black people when you say "when will Blacks EVER take responsibility for their own actions".

There are white criminals too, and white people who sell drugs, drop out of school etc. Have you ever claimed "when will whites EVER take responsibility for their own actions"?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Yeah, strange. It's almost as if one of those "cultures" (since when was black a culture?) is still being abused and murdered, say by white policemen or lunatic white supremacists. But that's crazy talk, right?

It is when you are lumping all peace officers as lunatics and White Supremacists.

This is a strawman argument, as many black people do take responsibility for their actions. It's only a minority that are gangbangers and/or criminals.

So then why is the school drop out rate the highest for Blacks, incarceration rate the highest, highest out of birth wedlocks, single family households, lowest scholastic scores. That is the fault of Whites as well, is that your argument you are trying to project?

But your words speak as to the problem - you as a white people see black people as a problem.

First of all, who said I was White????

You didn't say 'when will criminals take responsibility for their own actions', you said when will 'Blacks' ever take responsibility.

Exactly, when?

As if all of them are a problem. Your very words belie the issues that black people have to face.

I am not labeling all Blacks, but all of these issues I just mentioned are serious problems that are destroying the Black community and I will submit to you this. The Democratic party, the party of entitlement and the entire " entitlement culture" has done more damage and harm to Blacks than anything else.

But your acknowledgements of it are followed by:

"But, they do it to us too":

And yet, liberals constantly bring it up EVEN when there is NO need to, it's the liberal narrative.

Or "But they weren't the only ones who were victims of racism":

But you I hope you are aware that Black on White violence is on the rise and still NO outrage from you libs.

"nobody denies racism. It's a bad thing. We should do what we can to ensure that it's eradicated as best as possible. It's something that should be relegated to the past".

Add to that, Blacks shouldn't walk around with a chip on their shoulder expecting a some sort of reparations or an apology for something NO Whites are responsible today.

Any time you acknowledge a wrongdoing by following it up with some reason why it was either justified, excused, or some reason that mitigates it, it cancels out any good will that may have come about from just acknowledging that the wrong doing happened, and pledging to ensure it doesn't happen again.

I think that is your personal opinion on how you view a wrongdoing acknowledgement

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Stranger....nobody denies racism. Do you understand that?

But your acknowledgements of it are followed by:

"But, they do it to us too":

Racism exists. It's alive and well. If blacks prefer to segregate themselves from the white world and remain bitter with whites racism is alive and well.

Or "But they weren't the only ones who were victims of racism":

The American Indians suffered drastically more than the blacks

Or "But other people were also racist to them before we were":

Africans have suffered for thousands of years under slavery.

Or "But we can never get rid of it anyways":

Racism and prejudices are a choice, not a given. Always existed and always will throughout the world.

Or "But at least it's not as bad as it was":

The KKK today are a handful of nut jobs as compared to its heyday.

As you can see, you always have a mitigating response. You acknowledge that it exists, but then go on to mitigate that existence. How about something along the lines of:

"nobody denies racism. It's a bad thing. We should do what we can to ensure that it's eradicated as best as possible. It's something that should be relegated to the past".

Your responses are similar to the Japanese response to Korean complaints. "Sure we took over their country, but we built up their infrastructure". "Sure we took over their country, but the west was practicing imperialism in other countries too". "Sure we took over their country, but that was 70 years ago, get over it". "Sure we took their women as prostitutes, but they wanted to be there". "Sure we took over their country, but they hurt our feelings by complaining about it".

Any time you acknowledge a wrongdoing by following it up with some reason why it was either justified, excused, or some reason that mitigates it, it cancels out any good will that may have come about from just acknowledging that the wrong doing happened, and pledging to ensure it doesn't happen again.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


The KKK today are a handful of nutjobs.

And yet today the Tennessee statehouse contains a bust of the late Nathan Bedford Forrest, former First Grand Wizard of the Klan. This is the problem....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Stranger....nobody denies racism. Do you understand that? You miss the points of many posts on that. I know all to well it's alive and well. And yes, racism has improved immensely over the decades with the programs but it's up to individuals. The KKK today are a handful of nut jobs as compared to its heyday. The New Black Panthers are more noticeable today compared to 20 years ago. Let's not legitimize the acceptance of the, you were the victims and have a right attitude.

The American Indians suffered drastically more than the blacks who were forcibly collected by blacks in Africa and sold the the slave trade. The American Civil war shed blood and tears for all in the USA at that time for the freedom of blacks from slavery. What blood and tears were shed for the American Indians?

Racism is on the decline overall. Interracial marriage is on the increase. Racially motivated hate crimes are minuscule. It time to pull up your pants and roll up your sleeves and move on with progress. Not legitimize racism.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Either way you slice it stranger, Obama validated racism with the DNA comment.

and once again we're back to blaming racism on those who would point out its existence, rather than on the racism itself.

Always existed and always will throughout the world.

So you would rather do nothing about it instead of trying to mitigate it? After all, you said it's better than it was, so you have acknowledged that things can improve. Are you trying to say things are good enough now, or are you trying to say we've reached the limit to which they can improve and therefore we shouldn't try anymore?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Extremely low numbers if you know the stats Luca. Not the media spoon fed diet with intent to divide. Police saved more black lives than have unjustifiably taken a thousand fold at least. Regarding abuse, look into Baltimore's crime stats lately. I wouldn't say it's the police abusing the citizens. Funny how spanking the police what can happen. They are afraid to do their jobs with weak murder charges on their own.

Either way you slice it stranger, Obama validated racism with the DNA comment. Racism and prejudices are a choice, not a given. Always existed and always will throughout the world. Fat-skinny, short-tall, intelligent-dumb, and thousands of others including skin color. Fortunately most people are not racist as they were 50 years ago in the U.S.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

So when will Blacks EVER take responsibility for their own actions?

This is a strawman argument, as many black people do take responsibility for their actions. It's only a minority that are gangbangers and/or criminals.

But your words speak as to the problem - you as a white people see black people as a problem. You didn't say 'when will criminals take responsibility for their own actions', you said when will 'Blacks' ever take responsibility. As if all of them are a problem. Your very words belie the issues that black people have to face.

Yet they don't harbor the hate DNA.

"Cultural DNA". It's a term, not an actual DNA strand.

Haven't we already been over this?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Strange to think one culture can move on and one cannot....

Yeah, strange. It's almost as if one of those "cultures" (since when was black a culture?) is still being abused and murdered, say by white policemen or lunatic white supremacists. But that's crazy talk, right?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

All this black white issue and the American Indians were used, abused and murdered for more years than the U.S. used slaves. Yet they don't harbor the hate DNA. Strange to think one culture can move on and one cannot.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

But one side has all of the power. Black racism towards me, which I'm sure exists, has had zero impact on my ability to get a job, get a loan, etc.

I see. So since Whites supposedly have more power it now makes them MORE racists or their racism is worse. So why do a lot of Blacks get turned down for credit? A lot of them don't pay their bills or on time and irresponsible credit wise especially when doing a credit check, many just don't meet the criteria and the credit companies are supposed to take a chance? And that's the fault of White people? So when will Blacks EVER take responsibility for their own actions?

And there are some whites who refused to vote for him because he's black. Considering we are 75% of the population and they are 11%, it takes a much smaller percentage of our people to cause more harm than a higher percentage of black people.

Seriously? That's your excuse? Sorry, that is a total BS excuse. Racism goes both ways and you can most certainly make the argument that if Blacks vote for Obama strictly based on his race alone, that is the very definition of racial bias. Now, they may not think it's a wrong thing, in their mind maybe. But the majority went after him based on his looks and not his policies.

And do you really think the whole issue with him "being Muslim, not being born in the US, not Christian" has nothing to do with the fact that he looks different and has a different sounding name? Tell me that would happen to a white millionaire.

The people that thought that, be it White, Conservative or liberal are idiots if they didn't want to vote for him based on that. Everyone that thought that were complete idiots.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Instead of embracing slavery memories and bitterness (And don't get me wrong, we should never forget) how about embracing the abolitionists, Lincoln and the United States which fought and died for the freedom of slaves. The civil war was devastating to the nation in numerous ways however in the outcome was the abolishion of slavery. I'd say that's a lot to be thankful for and to harbor "I'm the victim" attitude we will never progress. it takes two sides to maintain the white/black and Black/White racism. Cause and effect if you will.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

'... he looks different and has a different sounding name?'

Orange skinned, rug wearing, obnoxious turd named after a cartoon duck and a playing card demarcation and you got it made.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Bill: As for discrimination, no doubt some exists, on both sides.

But one side has all of the power. Black racism towards me, which I'm sure exists, has had zero impact on my ability to get a job, get a loan, etc.

bass: So what about 92% that voted for Obama? Are they racists? Because I know a lot of Blacks that voted for him simply because he was Black.

And there are some whites who refused to vote for him because he's black. Considering we are 75% of the population and they are 11%, it takes a much smaller percentage of our people to cause more harm than a higher percentage of black people.

And do you really think the whole issue with him "being Muslim, not being born in the US, not Christian" has nothing to do with the fact that he looks different and has a different sounding name? Tell me that would happen to a white millionaire.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I have found Japanese in the US to be so secluded, keeping to themselves, tailoring their social etiquette to a minimum and simply not "fitting in" cause others around them are so different.

I have spent time and worked in the US. I found it to be the most racially divided nation I have ever been in.

Okay fair. I was shocked to learn how some Koreans and Chinese try to conceal their identity (in most cases) their kids identity in order to appear "Japanese". --what you call a "civil, peaceful & homogeneous" society. Hate speeches, maternity harassment etc.

What hypocrisy.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I have spent time and worked in the US. I found it to be the most racially divided nation I have ever been in. Not just black versus white but each and every nation or race. The stories I could tell ... but I dare say the moderators would just delete them.

It left me feeling that, for all the problems, Japan was far better to stick with its peaceful, civil, homogenous society.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Sad to say...

You too are involved with trying to "justify" the reasons for and against racism.

The fact is that racism exists, whether we like it or not, want it or not, and we must all work among ourselves to "identify" ourselves as a single Mankind or human beings, first and foremost.

Unfortunately and sadly "race" brings with it an image, a prejudice, a preference, a value relating to culture, tradition, mythology, history, economic condition, color, etc. that complicate human relationships based on personal preferences and values which is often religious. Those differences in preferences and values have existed for millenniums and may continue for millenniums more even with our technological advances.

The true value is in the "effort" we put in to "accommodate" those differences peacefully while sharing life's resources.

Therefor to dwell on the statement is far less important than what that statement will, cause to happen, besides our current debate. We all obviously recognize that Racism in it's negative aspects are undesirable.

As they say, "Everything starts at the grass roots." We are just that. Let's all make every effort to improve ourselves regarding racial relationships.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

What is his "agenda" behind the obvious encouragement of racialism by the "way" and the "timing" in which it was said?

kazetsukai, your comments seem to suggest that Obama was behind a white supremacist murdering nine worshipers inside a church. If, as many conservatives suggest, gun ownership should depend on sanity, you would likely like to get used to being unarmed.

Anyone paying attention to the situation knows that Obama has paid great sensitivity to his role as the first black president - his balanced matter drives those who assume a black man would rule with passion crazy; his refusal to emphasize the historical aspects of his presidency often dismay his supporters. This president has been measured beyond all measurement. If the subject of race is not to be brought up now, I ask you, when?

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Obama is obviously speaking metaphorically. As in: racism is in the very coding of our nation.

Slavery goes right back Puritan times, (1620), nearly prevented our initial Union (Slave v Free states) It was written into the Constitution (3/5 a person), and then determined domestic politics up to, during, and after the Civil War. Slavery DOMINATED domestic and international politics during the 19th century (North West Ordinance, Mexican American War, MO compromise, etc etc etc), and the acceptance of Jim Crow domestic politics from the New Deal to the 1960s. With the Voting Rights Act, the South went the to the Republicans, and with it, the center of gravity in our national politics. Nixon's 'Southern Strategy" (scarring the crap our of racist white folks) lead to the Reagan Revolution, the Contract on America, and bla bla bal bla bal bal.

That is what Obama said, only much better.

Racism is in the DNA of our country. And we need some serious gene therapy.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If America WERE a really and truly racist country, Obama would have never been elected to the highest office to be THE MOST powerful man on the planet and how did he get there? NOT purely and only by Black voters, the majority that got him into office were White.

Great point bass. I (we) voted for Palin/McCaine, but when Obama won- I felt a little bit of pride in Americans. That he actually won the US Presidency by not only black, but white voters as well. The US is NOT a truly racist country-

There are lots of blacks in modern european nations. Think there'll ever be a 1/2 Black Pres in France? Naw, no way-

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Its interesting that all the passion on one side of the argument is about a rhetorical flourish "Something Something is in the DNA of our society/nation" is a common expression, not meant literally. The other side is upset that 9 human beings were murdered in a church. If you fall on the former side of the argument you need to reevaluate a LOT of things.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

91.4% of Tea Party members are White,

And the rest are everything else and in-between. Also because the Tea Party is 91.4% White that makes these people automatically racists?

So what about 92% that voted for Obama? Are they racists? Because I know a lot of Blacks that voted for him simply because he was Black. So basically, many Blacks were voting for a man based on color, now if you ask me, that would be by the very definition RACIST or selective RACIST.

46.1% of Tea Party members think the future for White people will be worse or much worse, as opposed to 24.5% of Non-Tea Party members.

And 10.4 Blacks are concerned about their well being as well and a huge disappointment voting for a president that didn't do anything for them. I will ask you again, they too, are thinking and worried about their future and rightfully so, but does that make them racists? Because if Hillary is voted in as new president and she legalizes all those Hispanics, it will get a whole lot worse for Black people.

Facts are facts, even if you don't like them.

If only it were insignificant. And to really truly believe the things you are saying is pathetic. It's completely ignorant as to the realities of the average black person in America.

I truly understand your pain, the only thing that liberals have is the race card and to play in to the grievance industry, it's the only way they can truly survive. If America WERE a really and truly racist country, Obama would have never been elected to the highest office to be THE MOST powerful man on the planet and how did he get there? NOT purely and only by Black voters, the majority that got him into office were White. Blacks have to get over playing the victim and Whites have to stop feeling that they owe Blacks anything. There is NO ONE living today White that had anything to do with slavery. You remember the past and always think, Never again, but you lift your head up and move on. There will be bigots everywhere, but whining constantly about it won't solve anything.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

From your debate like discussion here, you have yet to come to see the true picture of what power and control the President has with his ability to "communicate." Communication is the "key" to his presidency.

Just as much as what he says and does have specific meaning and intent, it is what he does not say and does not do, that tells the real story. By the rhetoric, the timing, the audience, the media and the public, all within the situation and circumstances and the environment he "chooses" to be a "fool" to many and a "true idealist" to some. All have the effect of "covering up" the resulting actions and events which he wants to "manipulate", not so much on the short term, but over the long term.

Most certainly the most powerful person in the world, but with the ability to hide behind others that he manipulates by carefully designed rhetoric and often late but "timely" action that comes after a well designed "inaction" forcing others to act and sacrifice themselves which in the end suites his agenda and schedule.

Here regardless of what you may argue, the end result is that "racism" is being "designed" to return as one of the main issues to destroy what "unity" the USA may have to keep it a strong and desired nation for people all over the world. Religion, another powerful "motivator" of people, is also being "used" to disrupt the stability of the community and thus the nation. The third and almost as powerful is "sex". They are three of the most powerful motivators that not only transcends reason but allows extreme emotional hypnosis that can move people to irrational action. That is exactly what is being used by the terrorist groups all over the world.

Moral leadership which the US Constitution, a system of government, based on what the world to date has considered "high" values emulated by Christianity has been trampled by his administration, while he camouflages them with his "seemingly" inept or clueless action and reaction to what the public needs and wants. A true "communicator" that can manipulate almost everything from the media to the military. The question in everyone's mind since the Nobel Prize, has been, "for whom is the President of the United States?"

So what does his current statement "signal"? What is his "agenda" behind the obvious encouragement of racialism by the "way" and the "timing" in which it was said? How does that affect the USA? How does it affect the world? By stating that it is basically an "inherent" and "uncontrolled", "rampant" occurrence in what was the most desired and respected nation, the USA, where Rev. King and the US Congress addressed to improve, what does that "signal"? It is far better than what is occurring in many parts of Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia, isn't it?

Whole populations are being massacred because of race and religion all over the world!

So what does his statement signal?

That is the question that must be asked with what "appears" to be an "odd" and "out of phase and place" statement by the President.

Remember it took many powerful entities and people to back up and elect a President that came out of no where, with no visible accomplishments to get a Nobel Prize as soon as he gained the Presidency. The President has to be "competent" in the eyes of those that have kept him in power for over six years. He plays a "role" much like the actors in Hollywood for the world.

Only you can determine what his "role" is.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Slavery belongs to the history books. To whinge about it today is just pathetic.

Please quote the words where Obama was whinging about slavery.

As for discrimination, no doubt some exists, on both sides.

Yeah, but a lot more exists on one side.

when a black man can be elected President this proves that it is utterly insignificant. Again, to go on bleating about this is quite pathetic.

If only it were insignificant. And to really truly believe the things you are saying is pathetic. It's completely ignorant as to the realities of the average black person in America.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Slavery belongs to the history books. To whinge about it today is just pathetic.

As for discrimination, no doubt some exists, on both sides. But when a black man can be elected President this proves that it is utterly insignificant. Again, to go on bleating about this is quite pathetic.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

"In our DNA?"

Obama misspoke, he meant it's part of our history. That has to be it...

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Sorry, but the Tea Party evolved from the enormous and exuberant amount of money that Obama and the Dems were spending on the Stimulus, Obamacare and entitlements, increasing the national debt and as a result and out of Anger and protest, MOSTLY independents be that liberal (not the looney bunch) conservative and traditionalists all band together to form a new grass roots movement and it grew into something bigger.

bass -- like I said, you are simoply eing willfully ignorent. Here are actual facts froma 2010 survey of Tea Party members conducted bt the University of Arkansas:

91.4% of Tea Party members are White,

46.1% of Tea Party members think the future for White people will be worse or much worse, as opposed to 24.5% of Non-Tea Party members.

Facts are facts, even if you don't like them.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

In our DNA? Questionable. In our culture? Definitely.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Black slaves suffered for 300 years or so before freedom. Us Jews suffered through the worst that could ever happen to a group of people for thousands of years. Constantly! And it is still happening today. Yes, we are free in America and many other places, but we are still hated.

However, what we do is study and study hard. People in this way, even though they hate us, need us.

Shalom and peace to all.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Strangerland, he's saying that since Obama is 1/2 black, all his good works must be judged by what it meant for African Americans (if, and only if, the statistics for that demographic are worse than for the general populace).

More like, Obama is has done so much for the country and I totally agree with that, the Stimulus helped partially, but lacking in creating jobs and a healthcare system where 57% of the public don't want and want drastic changes or a total repeal and then there is the $18 Trillion debt and will climb to about $20 Trillion once this guy is out of office. In other words, this guy hasn't done much, investments down, moral is down, most minorities are dissatisfied with this guys less than lackluster performance. They bought the "Yes, we can" hook, line and sinker. Race relations are at its worst since the 60's. He was supposed to uniter and NOT a divider and he definitely wasn't a uniter for sure.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Strangerland, he's saying that since Obama is 1/2 black, all his good works must be judged by what it meant for African Americans (if, and only if, the statistics for that demographic are worse than for the general populace).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The stimulus that saved the economy from collapse, where it was left by Bush, and Obamacare which takes care of American citizens.

Ahh, that's why so many Blacks are unemployed over 10.4% gotcha, yeah it helped them a lot.

Please explain the connection between your comment and the text you quoted. I'm looking forward to this 'logic'.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Over the years, most of those same friends turned out alright, their kids & mine mingle. Luckily we all grew up in typical middle class or upper middle neighborhoods and had very responsible law abiding parents.

I am glad to hear that. The same was true in my case - but then, this was California, which is a bit more accepting of racial differences than other states.

Many articles have requested recently that white people be aware of their status, and I would think that non-Japanese (particularly Caucasians, who would not have experienced this in their own country) living in Japan would be a bit sensitive to this. Of course, a major difference is that discrimination towards Caucasians is often positive - but it is, too, sometimes negative, and either way, the feeling that the way one is treated is due to prejudice is palatable and uncomfortable. But then, we are ultimately visitors here; imagine carrying that burden in the land of your birth.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Mark G, the "thousands" of year of slavery you pretend to equate with American chattel slavery was the same as practiced in Rome, middle east, etc. not anywhere near the de-humanizing atrocity you are trying to sneakly defend. And there's nothing wrong with a world leader recognizing a wrong that was done in the past. (pretty sure half of these website consists of demands that Japan's PM do the same).

And regarding your claim of "black racism", since racism is defined as "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior." So, in what way does saying that racism exists do any of the above?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The stimulus that saved the economy from collapse, where it was left by Bush, and Obamacare which takes care of American citizens.

Ahh, that's why so many Blacks are unemployed over 10.4% gotcha, yeah it helped them a lot.

Real heroes the tea party.

Thank God for that!

And pretending that they weren't motivated by a black president is ignoring reality

Which they weren't, were there some racist people, a few, but the majority, No. I saw quite a few Blacks there, interviewed them, no one threatened them, called them names, in fact, they were all in agreement that this president and his policies are destroying the country and especially were feeling a lot of that brunt.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

the Tea Party evolved from the enormous and exuberant amount of money that Obama and the Dems were spending on the Stimulus, Obamacare and entitlements

The stimulus that saved the economy from collapse, where it was left by Bush, and Obamacare which takes care of American citizens.

Real heroes the tea party.

And pretending that they weren't motivated by a black president is ignoring reality.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Pure nonsense. Anyone who does not think the Tea Party was a direct result of a black man being elected President, and the terror that sent through a certain part of white America, is simply willingly ignorent.

Sorry, but the Tea Party evolved from the enormous and exuberant amount of money that Obama and the Dems were spending on the Stimulus, Obamacare and entitlements, increasing the national debt and as a result and out of Anger and protest, MOSTLY independents be that liberal (not the looney bunch) conservative and traditionalists all band together to form a new grass roots movement and it grew into something bigger. I have been to two rallies and I have seen virtually every ethnic group at these events. It was NEVER about Obama's skin color, but the opposition to his out of touch unrealistic and unusual approach to social policies. But I keep forgetting, libs live for racism, they can't help it, they don't have any answers to any of the serious social problems, so the only thing they can do is blame the GOP, Conservatives and everyone else except for Obama, he just gets a pass...because he's Black, but then again, that would be racist.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

MarkG made a claim about the existence of slavery in Africa 30 years ago.

Bingo, that's another name for the apartheid system. That's why activists from the U.S. and other countries were in favor of boycotting SA (though Reagan didn't want to create sanctions if I remember my history correctly). That's the sick history that is celebrated by the most extreme fringes like Roof's online mentor from Texas.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@laguna. I see your point. But I'm well beyond the hs years. Over the years, most of those same friends turned out alright, their kids & mine mingle. Luckily we all grew up in typical middle class or upper middle neighborhoods and had very responsible law abiding parents.

Filling out a job application is one thing. Your credentials and applying them to a career is something a little different.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just wait, someone will likely come along and blame you for talking about the problem.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Growing up in southern CA, I had (have) a variety of friendships, gf, classmates an coworkers

I grew up in SoCal and likely shared the same experience as you. However, this was among high school kids. Wait until you submit a job application with the name "Pedro" or "DeShawn" and find you do not get any calls. Wait until you want to get credit and find its inexplicably higher than other people of identical education and income who happen to be white or Asian. Wait until you want to rent housing and find many areas inexplicably closed to you.

Racism and its manifestation, prejudice, sting the victim with a million little cuts. That's just the way it is.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

US fast becoming two distinct countries and cltures (or 3 if we include Latinos in this discussion). Or more if we include Koreans aet al. and when did the "N-word" become such a big deal??

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Overall, I think we've made progress in race relations. I think the younger generation especially doesn't see the color lines nearly as much.

Growing up in southern CA, I had (have) a variety of friendships, gf, classmates an coworkers. Black, White, Asian, Hispanics and just about everyone in between. Was there ever any racial friction along those lines? Yeah, but for the most part we got (get) along pretty well. Often inviting each other over for bbq, sporting events, or just little get-togethers over some drinks.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's a hard conversation to have because no one really can ever totally relate to what other people have been through, especially in this country where you can have so many different cultures, home lives, perspectives, etc.

Overall, I think we've made progress in race relations. I think the younger generation especially doesn't see the color lines nearly as much. And keep in mind that we're hearing these words from a black President. Sometimes I think it's OK to celebrate some of the good things that have happened, and doing that doesn't mean you think racism has been cured. On the other hand, racism still exists, and the fight still continues. There are situations that are purely racist and they need to be made public so people can see what's going on.

Too many times people present just one side or the other. I know the Left gets carried away with their messages, and at the end of the day it really does feel like they believe we all secretly hate each other. I read Slate and HuffPo daily and it's like they have a quota to fill for stories regarding discrimination, and sometimes the only evidence they have is that a black person and a white person were involved, so, racism. The regular players like Al Sharpton arrive on the scene and it all starts to feel scripted, like talking about racism justifies calling something racist when it isn't.

The Right takes their message too far and tries to undercut legitimate claims of racism and can sound oblivious and out of touch, as if a black man would only get beaten by a cop if he deserves it. We also see things like support for voter suppression laws and it's just beyond me how anyone can look at the disproportionate burden placed on minorities and think, "Oh, well that's just an irrelevant coincidence." And support for the Confederate flag? That should have been shamed out of existence by now. It shows the bubble they live in and it gets tiresome to be told that racism is just a political movement and nothing else.

Both sides are kind of insulting and those are the pieces of the puzzle that we're forced to work with too often.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Obama says history of slavery and segregation still 'part of our DNA

Nooooooooooooos! Obama's talking about [gasp!] America's race problems?!!!?!

Where are my pearls!?!!?!?!

Meanwhile, in the state of South Carolina, the Confederate Flag flies proudly....

1 ( +5 / -4 )

For once I agree with you.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Open minded folks get along just fine. Closed minded and personally insulting folks tend to have problems with that.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

LoL . . . Like the late "Rodney King" once said back in the early 90's: "Can't we just all get along?"-

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Hey stranger, come on over and we'll spend time with law income blacks, middle income blacks and well to do blacks. We can do the same with whites. You can accurately comment after you've done so.

I can accurately comment now. You know (almost) nothing about where I've lived, what I've done, who I know, or what I've experienced.

Your comments are just an attempt to deflect from the truth of my statements. It's a common tactic: "I cannot argue the statement, so instead I'll try to discredit the one making them". It shows the weakness of your arguments.

Obama validated racism. It's in our DNA. We are programmed. We both Blacks, Whites, Hispanic and Asian we are permitted to be racist. Our DNA drives it and it's okay.

That's not what he was saying at all. If you'd actually read/heard his comments, you would know that. Instead, you are claiming that speaking the truth is the problem, rather than the problem being the problem. Obama speaketh the truth, and you don't like that.

Until we've been diluted to a point we call ourselves earthlings we will encounter racism.

Incorrect. Until humans recognize that being different is ok, we will encounter racism. And we will never recognize that it is ok to have differences until we first accept that racism is a real thing, and that speaking out about it is a step towards the solution, not the problem. Look at Faux news when this attack was first revealed - they went out of their way to find any excuse whatsoever other than racism. That helps nothing. And in fact, it causes more anger amongst those who were and have been the targets of racism, for it's people trying to discredit its existence, which will ever allow us to get over it.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

"Still part of our DNA" is absolutely supporting a succession from the mainstream nation. Very irresponsible of the POTUS! And he could never have made such a speech if he were not Black.

Pure nonsense. Anyone who does not think the Tea Party was a direct result of a black man being elected President, and the terror that sent through a certain part of white America, is simply willingly ignorent.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Hey stranger, come on over and we'll spend time with law income blacks, middle income blacks and well to do blacks. We can do the same with whites. You can accurately comment after you've done so.

Allow me to be more precise. "Until you have been in the slums all hours of the day, one cannot ACCURATELY comment on black racism. Strangers know little of the people they do not know.

Yes, segregated themselves. Watch, look, listen.....reading the media educates you to their agenda. Reality quite often differs.

Obama validated racism. It's in our DNA. We are programmed. We both Blacks, Whites, Hispanic and Asian we are permitted to be racist. Our DNA drives it and it's okay.

Until we've been diluted to a point we call ourselves earthlings we will encounter racism. I prefer the various world cultures. Right or wrong I prefer to see differences in people. Otherwise life becomes boring. We are all different, cultures are a big factor. I want them.

We are all human, we all need food, water and shelter. We all need to work together to provide that for us all. Stop with the N-word!!! Education, self respect, and perserve the sky is the limit. Erecting and maintaining barriers limit reaching for the sky.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

As Wc626 says prob will never be cured of racism. Silly to think humans are capable of that.

The problem with this attitude is that it is generally the argument for doing nothing about it. We may never eradicate it 100%, that doesn't mean we shouldn't work to mitigate it, and relegate it to the smallest percentage possible.

Until you have been in the slums all hours of the day, one cannot comment on black racism.

And yet, here I am doing so.

Racism exists. It's alive and well. If blacks prefer to segregate themselves from the white world and remain bitter with whites racism is alive and well.

Oh, so it's only black people who are racist against whites. Yeah, right. And segregating themselves? They were segregated - it was not so long ago that a black family moving into a white area brought down housing prices. If you think that keeping black people down isn't institutionalized, you are blind to reality.

Self respect and education breaks down barriers. Sadly many seem not motivated enough to develope themselves. Obama just validated that behavior.

Not at all. Obama spoke the truth of racism in the US. That doesn't validate the behavior, it brings out racism into the open, where it can be dealt with.

BTW...I'm a minority.

So? Have a cookie.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Self respect and education breaks down barriers.

It doesn't always, however, seem to allow black youth to celebrate their high school graduation at a community pool.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Who on this thread says racism doesn't exist? Read the words and add no more. As Wc626 says prob will never be cured of racism. Silly to think humans are capable of that. We all have our prefferances and biases.

Good portion of childhood exposed you to very little. As a child in a child's eyes that's your best? Until you have been in the slums all hours of the day, one cannot comment on black racism. Forever leaving you a stranger.

Racism exists. It's alive and well. If blacks prefer to segregate themselves from the white world and remain bitter with whites racism is alive and well. With that, racist whites are firmly standing on the superiorority illusion they have.

Self respect and education breaks down barriers. Sadly many seem not motivated enough to develope themselves. Obama just validated that behavior.

BTW...I'm a minority.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Good post.

It's like men telling women that PMS isn't a "real thing."

Or to make it relateable to men, like women telling men that blue balls aren't a real thing.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The problem with racism is simple. A lot of folks (usually white) who benefit from it and/or aren't impacted directly by it deny its existence, and say folks who call out racism are themselves bad folks (usually by calling them racist). While folks who aren't white look at those folk saying "racism doesn't exist" and wonder what freaking planet they live in. It's like men telling women that PMS isn't a "real thing." Until those two groups can reconcile, racism will continue to exist in some way or another.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

And spoken by a stranger to US society who seems to be an expert on it.

I'm no stranger to it. I spent a good portion of my childhood there.

And validating Obama's racist by blacks views.

The argument of those who claim that the problem isn't racism, it's acknowledging that it exists.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Obama also expressed frustration that “the grip of the NRA on Congress is extremely strong”

Spot on statement.

He said it’s important to respect that hunting and sportsmanship are important to a lot of gun-owning Americans.

The law abiding americans, enjoying their second amendment

“Racism, we are not cured of it,”

Sadly, prob never will be.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

And spoken by a stranger to US society who seems to be an expert on it. And validating Obama's racist by blacks views.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

Good on Obama for not being afraid to speak the truth - that's the benefit of a second term president, they don't have to worry about re-election. He's voicing what so many Americans don't want to have voiced out loud. He speaketh the truth. Just wait for the denials (actually, you don't even have to wait, you can already see them in this thread).

9 ( +12 / -3 )

I'll have to disagree Elizabeth. His comments only bolster black racism. It validates a disconnect with white society.

The use of the N-word from Obama keeps the term alive. He is friendly with the Hip-Hop world of which many use it in their lyrics. This too keeps the term alive.

"Still part of our DNA" is absolutely supporting a succession from the mainstream nation. Very irresponsible of the POTUS! And he could never have made such a speech if he were not Black.

Africans have suffered for thousands of years under slavery. It was not a Idea on whites in the USA it was an accepted practice of which within the African continent was officially practiced 30 years ago. Unofficially slavery continues to a lesser degree.

It's time to move on, not hold on and remain bitter.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

Obama is spot on here.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

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