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Obama says McCain equals 4 more years of Bush


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Obama is trying to run against the unpopular Bush - but that dog won't hunt.

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Obama is getting worried. McCain`s campaign is picking up steam, and McCain is going to quickly fly past Obama in the Polls.

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ofcourse if McCain gets elected it will be Bush's clone admn.

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Hey, Obama why no town hall meetings? Chicken? Tee Hee!

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some14some- Even if McCain is a Bush clone, don`t you think it is the best way forward for the nation.

An Obama victory would turn our great nation into a laughing stok of the world.

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I disagree with Sen. Obama on this. Sen. McCain is too old and doesn't have the energy left to do the amount of damage bush has caused. I would have said, Sen. McCain equals another two years of bush, spread over a four year period.


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Taka13, Shame you do not have a clue about what your writing.

McCain is in great health, fighting fit with stamina to last at least 4 years in office.

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McCain does equal more of the same general attitude towards both domestic and international policy. It is a valid point and I think a lot of people can see that.

McCain is as out of touch as Bush but perhaps a little less likely to make a mockery of the presidence as much as George has.

Obama is talking about and focuse on the right solutions. More global cooperation to address problems, more attention to domestic economics, a reversal of the repressive policies implemented by the right wing Bush camp and a younger more energetic and populist approach to governance.

It is time for change and people know it. Just may take McCain a little longer to realize he has already lost.

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tkoind2- You not going to convert anyone with this Liberal claptrap.

Bush is not out of touch, heck! He looks out for and is an average guy.

Obama`s global cooperation means pandering to European socialists.

McCain has greater admiration because of his war effort and political service from abroad, than Obama could ever dream of.

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What does Obama being ready to duel McCain on taxes now have to do with Obama refusing to take up McCain's town hall challenge a month ago? Tucker Bounds parades an irrelevancy as a refutation.

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Doesn't matter what Obama says. Hillary will force a vote on the convention floor, and then both HRC and McCain can waltz towards November. Whoever wins will be who Diebold Inc. and their masters in the Knesset decide. Voters be damned! Whaddyathink this is? A democracy?

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Obama is getting worried.

Au contraire, he's not the one who's worried:

We already knew that some Republicans are worried by the distinctly negative attitude John McCain's campaign has taken toward Barack Obama recently. But the Atlantic's Marc Ambinder has a bit of a scoop, some particularly harsh criticism of the McCain campaign's tactics that comes from John Weaver, who until he resigned from the campaign last year had been very close to McCain.

What emerges from the interview is a portrait of one of the aides who really believes in McCain, and in his image, and is frustrated with the campaign's strategy, which he says "diminishes John McCain."

Weaver specifically took issue with the McCain camp's latest anti-Obama ad, calling it "childish," and told Ambinder it was what moved him to speak out, saying he's had "enough."

"There is legitimate mockery of a political campaign now, and it isn't at Obama's. For McCain's sake, this tomfoolery needs to stop," Weaver said. "For McCain to win in such troubled times, he needs to begin telling the American people how he intends to lead us. That McCain exists. He can inspire the country to greatness."


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Betzee- Please stop spinning Lib propaganda on here. Just because you have nothing positive to say re OBama and the Dems, doesn`t mean you have to put down McCain.

McCain is a legend, he can even surpass the fantastic achievments of Bush. 4 years , Heck!! 8 years of success more like!!!

Moderator: That's enough of the word "Lib" please.

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Glad to see the republican supporters are just as in the dark as they have been the past eight years. Denial is a powerful thing isn't it.

Chimpsahead. From an American worker's point of view those dangerous European socialists have a lot going that we are starting to think looks pretty good. Like healthcare for everyone. And proper educational systems. And an infrastructure that has been kept up. And labor laws that protect them. And working weeks/hours that make sense. And long annual holidays.

See while the right is trying to fighten people with 1980s cold war era "fear the liberals" tag lines, the rest of the world has moved on. In the 21st century we think about how to educate our kids, have some semblance of work/life balance and labor protections. We think about having rationally priced and accessible health care.

While the right goes on and on about fear, war, terror, dangerous liberals and other out dated non-sense.

But I encourage you to keep up the anti-liberal propaganda. Because more and more normal working class people in America are waking up to just how out of touch McCain and the whole conservative movement in America is to the very real and very serious problems most people face.

Defeat is coming for McCain and the Republican way of thinking. Get ready for it.

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McCain: I'm not going to raise taxes. Not AT ALL! But, I'm not against anything being on the table, and may have to increase payroll taxes...

Flip-flop, flip-flop... four more years of Bush indeed, except that where bush was just plain stupid, McCain is getting more and more senile every minute.

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Question: What is the average American thinking about these days? Polls say they are worried about jobs, healthcare, education, keeping their homes and the future.

Sure they are worried about terror and war. But much closer to home there are very real issues that are equal dangers to their peace and prosperity.

Many of us are tired of being afraid. We get it now. The war on terror was never about us. It was about policy objectives. It hasn't stopped terror or brought people responsible to justice. It has cost the lives of our friends and neighbors and promises to go on doing so as long as we can see into the future.

So what does McCain offer us? Protection? Really? Moral standing? Seems to me Obama is just a morally upright. Protection from radical liberals? Well seems most Americans are radical liberals if wanting health care, education and jobs is termed liberal.

Bush stole the first election. Fear gave him the second one. If the US votes in McCain then I give up on my country because it means we have now become self destructive.

We need change. Positive, constructive change and someone leading us who cares about Joe and Jane worker. McCain is not that guy. And I guarantee you that a lot more people will see that before election day. I have hope in my home country and the people there. McCain will be defeated.

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Barack Obama is a rock star. I don't understand why he feels the need to compare himself to G W Bush.

Flip-flop, flip-flop... four more years of Bush indeed, except that where bush was just plain stupid, McCain is getting more and more senile every minute.

So smithinjapan - - you're voting for Senator Obama? Or are you a Nader guy?

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Fox News should be called Voice of Republicans. What did they do, go poll the most upper middle class, all white, conservative Christian, wealthy retirees neighborhood in America for that poll?

Fox News is a right wing platform for propaganda. Even the corporate run major news agencies are not as obviously biased as Fox News.

Find a real poll and we'll talk.

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tkoind2- Fox News is well known as a moderate and balanced news media.

Propaganda is not what they are about. Have you ever seen Bill O`Reilly? That guy is the most honest, stright down the line guy i have ever seen. McCain will win the election anyhow, and we shall see the Fox News poll was an accurate indicator of folks voting intentions.

Moderator: All readers back on topic please. This discussion is not about Fox News or Bill O'Reilly.

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“It’s a leap, electing a 46-year-old black guy named Barack Obama,” he said, adding that the message Republicans have for voters is simple: “He doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bill.”

Much as it pains me to say it, he's right.

That sounds like it's just a cheap shot against the right, but I've had more than a few conversations with family members who seem to have some kind of fetish with Obama's "unpresidential demeanor."

As if a fist bump is somehow more degrading than a basic inability to form a sentence in your mother tongue.

Yes, it's anecdotal.

Have you ever seen Bill O`Reilly? That guy is the most honest, stright down the line guy i have ever seen.

If this isn't sarcasm, I would strongly suggest you ask Nas about that one:


Bill has been caught more than once manufacturing "facts" to shore up his opinions. This is not "my take" on the situation, this is a cold hard fact.

Not trying to get off topic, my point is that the "standards" of the "fair and balanced" media are starting to wear thin, and many of the politicians on the right are still trying to play to that. To wit:

“I don’t hear very much positive from Sen McCain,” he said. “He seems to be only talking about me. You need to ask John McCain what he’s for, not just what he’s against.”

In other words, stop spinning, and deal with the situation.

Even if McCain is a Bush clone, don`t you think it is the best way forward for the nation. An Obama victory would turn our great nation into a laughing stok of the world.

I'll let the second grade punctuation and spelling on that speak for itself.

Look, I was a SERIOUS McCain supporter in 2000. I would have liked to see him run in 2004, although of course that wasn't gonna happen. Now? I don't trust Obama any further than I can throw him, but if all he does is act as a roadblock to the out of control spending, legal trainwrecks, and egos of the current administration, I might have to close my eyes, grit my teeth, and vote for him.

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Bono is a rock star with political power. Obama is a politician with rock star appeal. McCain is a politician with a reputation as a maverick.

Setting aside the question as to whether or not you would really want a maverick to be leader of the herd, it is hard to imagine that one of Obama or McCain will not be the successor to Bush. So, although I don't see where Obama has compared himself with Bush here, it seems to me that such comparisons would be apt.

I think there are differences between McCain and Bush and I think that McCain has, at times, mentioned some of them. However, I think he would do well to emphasize the differences even more. If he runs on Bush's record he is gambling that the politics of fear will once more prevail. The negativity of his campaign sure makes it look as though that is what he is trying to do.

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McCain says he's not going to raise taxes. Obama says he's going to bring peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. I don't know who not to believe.

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It is really getting nasty now that the kid gloves are off. McCain's camp has pointed out some exotic tea and food that Obama likes in order to paint him as an elitist. As a rebuttal, Obama's camp then whips out a photo of McCain getting out of a plane wearing $500 Italian leather loafers. I don't know how much more exciting this election can get!

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chessnutroastin- The McCain camp tells the truth, whil Obama camp spreds idle gossip. People are seeing through this though.

4 more years of BUsh style rule under McCain would be fantastic, i expect most folks feel the same way.

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...and Obama equals 4 more years of Jimmy Carter. Pot - kettle - black.

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I think the two are more alike than they claim.

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4 years of Carter would destroy all the good work of Bush. Appeasment is no good in these days of terror. McCain is our only hope, he`s the good guy in the running after all. Nobody can ever question his honor and commitment, what a hero.

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sarge: "McCain says he's not going to raise taxes. Obama says he's going to bring peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. I don't know who not to believe."

So you're saying you want Obama to intervene between two conflicting gods and bring about a miracle, while the equivalent for McCain is to stick to his very corporeal promise of not raising taxes. Hmmm.... sounds a bit lop-sided to me. Anyway, it WOULD be a miracle for McCain to actually stick to his word, granted, but the miracle has nothing to do with the act of not raising taxes. If Obama were to try to bring peace between the two aforementioned groups and failed, it's not a lie so long as he tried, and HOPEFULLY brought about a certain degree of progress.

There's a HUGE difference.

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undecidedabout08: "Barack Obama is a rock star. I don't understand why he feels the need to compare himself to G W Bush."

Not so much 'compare' as 'contrast', my friend.

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actually four years of mccain would be like the last four years of reagan when he was senile. Nancy was running the country by consulting with an astrologist.

Yes, those were the good times and we want them back. Put a napper in the white house again. The country is just fine the way it is after bush has done his work for the oil companies oh so well.

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zucronium- Heck!!! McCain is health mentally and physically.

He has strength and stamina of a man half his age.

4 more years of BUsh style government would be fantastic, thank you!!

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Seems everyone forgets Reagan, bush sr. bush jr. all put us in trillion dollar deficits and sold us out to the highest bidders, this time China.

People have to be nuts to even think republican this trip. if they do they are on some hallucinogenic trip. But seems all want to be rich guys that are usually in debt to their ass playing the part side with republicans . very funny the false impressions people like to portray. But. To each his own..

Time to vote for the common people, vote Obama. Forget in 10 years drilling off shore would help the energy market that is said the oil would just go into the world oil market anyway, but in 10 years time the energy topic should be focused on a completely different source of energy any way. As Obama has said time for change in policies and direction. This just shows McCain is the same old same old when it comes to outlook to the future.

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TonyUs- Is it your hobby to spread false propaganda about Republicans?

McCain is the future, 8 years of Americas future i believe.

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Not so much 'compare' as 'contrast', my friend.

Thank you, smithinjapan. I guess you COULD put it that way.

So you are voting for Sen. Obama. I see. But, how can we be SURE we arent gonna get four more years of James Earl Carter,massive stagflation?

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hey unfair and unbalanced, you have got to be kidding me. You are so going to be crying come November. I predict McCain will spend the next 4 years getting lots of heart testing and biopsies while Obama does great things in the White house.

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So there's no argument here.

John McCain would be a continuation of the george bush policies or just a george bush clone.

Here's the funny part. george bush smeared John McCain, but John McCain can not do anything but support the geprge bush policies, just by virtue that he's a republican and can't get away from it. Damn. < :-)

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chessnutroastin and adaydream; You guys crack me up.

Never heard such biased posts! Tee Hee!

The country will be in a safe pair of hands when McCain takes the helm.

The stock market will go up by at least 10% in his first week, happy days.

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Do you all live in the USA by the way? Sorry but Bush has got to go and all of his followers. He made a mess of this country. Our economy is slumping, we've become a global embarassment with the Iraq war and not to mention our "intelligent" president.

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FairandBalanced - Never heard such biased posts! Tee Hee!

I guess I'm just FOXNews, lite.

I totally agree with Barack, but I guess I'm biased just a liottle. < :-)

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8years of Bush, now 8 of McCain, great stuff.

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At different times McCain has pledged to balance the budget in 4 and 8 years (before going back to 4). I assume he was basing these pledges on detailed revenue and spending projections. But I'm puzzled as to why he hasn't released them so we voters can be the judge of which plan is better. I mean, we gotta "trust but verify."

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Betzee- Does it matter?

You an trust the guy to do the right thing. He ids an honest patriot. McCain as pres sounds good doesn`t it?

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McCain as pres sounds good doesn`t it?

It would have sounded a lot better in 2001. Nobody ever explained to me why he was the wrong man then but the right one now.

I do have sympathy for the man's predicament. GWB is sounding more and more like Obama on Iran these days undercutting McCain's "we don't negotiate with evil we defeat it" stance.

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“It’s true that change is hard, change isn’t easy,” Obama said. “Nobody here thinks that Bush or McCain has a real answer for the challenges we face so what they’re going to try to do is make you scared about me,” Obama said in remarks prepared for an audience in Springfield, Missouri, the first stop on a bus tour devoted to discussing economic security.

“It’s a leap, electing a 46-year-old black guy named Barack Obama,” he said, adding that the message Republicans have for voters is simple: “He doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bill.”

This is coming from a man who wants to reinstate Clinton's outrageous tax hikes to pay for absurd welfare programs that have continuously proved to fail, socialized healthcare, and reparations across the board. And these are new ideas? Every speech is riddled with exaggerated promises and lies that no one dares to challenge in fear of being labeled a racist. Is this the presidential nominee that America is looking for? Not to mention that the media is promoting Hussein Obama as the next messiah. Instead of a dictator selling / outsourcing his campaign to Europe, I'd rather vote for a man who has military experience, served in congress longer than four years, and refuses to destroy the middle class in an anti-Capitalist triad. Oh, and I certainly refuse to acknowledge a man like Hussein Obama who organizes a paid army of bloggers to fight his battles online. Is anyone here not a troll paid by Obama's campaign?

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"actually four years of mccain would be like the last four years of reagan"

Well, zurcronium, since Reagan's policies resulted in the largest peacetime economic boom in American history, I guess I'll vote for McCain!

"8 years of Bush, now 8 of McCain, great stuff"

I'm starting to like this guy...

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I have to laugh at that post..

That is so right sided it is pethetic and actually scary that someone can think in such a way.. Are you from America???

Also laugh at Fairandbalanced.. What I said about both Bushes and Reagan is the truth, what is not true about the deficits they ran up? The truth is they ran up the largest deficits in history.. lol But that is the republican way, try to blame on others or deny the facts printed in black and white. Just like who was in office when the trade centers come down.. as he was warned of who to watch as a major threat and warned by what means would be used to bring them down.. Oh yeah, big on national defense after the largest terroist attack had already occured on his watch.. people would have to be stupid to over look the facts when it comes to national security and the republicans using scare tactics for votes. It is scarry that republicans were at the helm when it happened, same with Katrina... geez!!! Then add to this over 4000 troops killed and 10's of thousands wounded from the incompetence of the administration with the Iraqi war when they were advised the beginning level of troops was too little, then finally sending more after the fact and after over 4000 Americans were killed and countless innocent Iraqi civilians. What great leadership and protectors they have been...

So ... is this the four more years I hear people here wanting to carry on with...

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Anyone who believes McCain's claims that he won't raise taxes needs help.

The funny thing is, McCain doesn't even believe himself.

“I don’t want tax increases. But that doesn’t mean that anything is off the table,” he said.

U.S. Govt. deficit has rocketed from $4 trillion to nearly $10 trillion in just 8 years.

McCain is hallucinating, seriously spinning out, if he thinks the next president won't have to raise taxes.

What does he think he will do? Borrow MORE money from China? But hey, the U.S. government spent $200 billion on debt financing last year alone. That $200 billion wasn't used to pay down the principal; that was used to pay the interest on the principal.

McCain's policies, in particular his wild-eyed drive to continue the war, will only make these numbers worse and will very likely ultimately result in massive ongoing cuts -

cuts to healthcare, cuts to education, cuts to research, cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare (both of which are in dire straights right now), and more.

But, I can understand (almost) if Republicans want to keep fighting the war on terror to the detriment of spending defense money on the US economy instead.

I mean, let's face it - OBL IS a Really Scary Guy.

And "the terrorists are out to get us."

Four more years of Bush via McCain will be the worst mistake Americans have made since voting Bush in a second time.

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MPNiea - "Every speech is riddled with exaggerated promises and lies that no one dares to challenge in fear of being labeled a racist. Is this the presidential nominee that America is looking for? Not to mention that the media is promoting Hussein Obama as the next messiah."

LOL!! Talk about paranoia :-) But wait - it only gets better -

MPNiea - "But Instead of a dictator selling / outsourcing his campaign to Europe, I'd rather vote for a man who has military experience, served in congress longer than four years, and refuses to destroy the middle class in an anti-Capitalist triad. Oh, and I certainly refuse to acknowledge a man like Hussein Obama who organizes a paid army of bloggers to fight his battles online. Is anyone here not a troll paid by Obama's campaign?"

Errhhrrr....all of us?

The Republicans are really feeling the heat :-)

A vote for McCain is a vote for the terrorists.

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Time to vote for the common people, vote Obama.

Right TonyUS. Who better to represent the common people than an ivy league educated millionaire elitist?

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. well sushisake what does it say to you when it was a fact OBL was trapped in Tora Bora and all of a sudden a two day cease fire and he gets away.. If they wanted him, they had him, and they made sure not to get him. What's up with that.

I remember that day so clearly. I was watching with my Dad and they mentioned all of this and my exact words was. "LOOK! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING ?...THEIR LETTING HIM GET AWAY!!!!!" and they let him get away... I mean if there was a time I was ever so pis*ed off at what was going on with a war that was it! Just could not believe what I was seeing and still do not know what was behind that. Maybe the continuation of what we have seen since, more of the same old scenario of what Bush has carried on ever since all for , who knows. I can think of many reasons all involving corporations, investments and money. Will this also be McCain's tactics for further push for republicans in office or a way four years from now to be re-elected if elected this time?? Seems it went pretty well for the second election of Bush Jr.

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I thought Mr. McCain promised to run a decent campaign. How will I trust him to run the country decently if he can't even handle his campaign like a 72 year old would be expected of? I am independent but this time around, I am going with the change I can believe in.

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Helter - "Who better to represent the common people than an ivy league educated millionaire elitist?"

ha ha, that's rich considering Bush's dad was 'only' a former president, and McCain's father AND grandfather were both US Navy admirals.

Obama's Dad, on the other hand, was an ordinary guy who bailed when his son was 2. Obama did everything by himself and got to where he is today through his own efforts, whereas Bush and McCain spent their early lives choking on silver spoons.

But I can understand you would neglect to mention these facts in a flailing attempt to bolster your case.

Keep it up, I urge you. :-)

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TonyUS - "well sushisake what does it say to you when it was a fact OBL was trapped in Tora Bora and all of a sudden a two day cease fire and he gets away.. If they wanted him, they had him, and they made sure not to get him. What's up with that."

You tell me. Bush was in charge. :-)

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Professor, Perhaps McCain is not running such a clean campaign, but he is running a much cleaner one that Hillary and she is on Obama's VP short list.

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"actually four years of mccain would be like the last four years of reagan"

Well, zurcronium, since Reagan's policies resulted in the largest peacetime economic boom in American history, I guess I'll vote for McCain! *** Sarge, you are confusing reagan with clinton. Please check your facts.

"8 years of Bush, now 8 of McCain, great stuff"

I'm starting to like this guy...

*** Well you first liked rudy and then fred thompson, that stiff, and then the morman and the bible nut guy. And now McCain. You have had more guys lined up that a sophmore coed at the homecoming dance.

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since Reagan's policies resulted in the largest peacetime economic boom in American history, I guess I'll vote for McCain!

Actually Reagan's presidency created the biggest deficits, as a percentage of the economy, the USA has ever known. And they certainly were a drag on growth under GHWB and during the early Clinton years. If you're going to cut taxes, you have to cut spending to balance the books.

To do this Reagan came into office promising to abolish the Depts of Education and Energy. (William Buckley never forgave him for failing to do so). Once depts are established it's almost impossible to close them down. Therefore I would be surprised if Obama were to toy with the DHS. (Adding people to the government payroll is a yardstick of the Republicans not Democrats).

Where we could save significant bucks is reworking GWB's prescription drug program for seniors. That's the most expensive entitlement program in decades. Yet posters here seem quite ignorant of this:

This is coming from a man who wants to reinstate Clinton's outrageous tax hikes to pay for absurd welfare programs that have continuously proved to fail, socialized healthcare, and reparations across the board.

It was a giveaway to the drug companies. We can provide seniors with prescription drug coverage at a much lower cost without eating into the wealth of future generations.

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" A vote for McCain is a vote for the terrorists. "

Sorry pal, that one goes in your foot. Remember that both Hamas and Ahmedinejad have already endorsed the Obamessiah.

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Sarge - since Reagan's policies resulted in the largest peacetime economic boom in American history, I guess I'll vote for McCain!

B/S, there were more homes and family farms lost to forclosure all opver the country. ARM interest rates that exceeded 10%.

If McCain was another 4 yhears of Reagan, I'd be really really worried. < :-)

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zurcromium - "Sarge, you are confusing reagan with clinton"

What, Reagan's genuine economic expansion with Clinton's dot com bubble?

"You have had more guys lined up ( than ) a sophomore coed at the homecoming dance"


adaydreamer - "interest rates that exceeded 10%"

Heck, interest rates were 20% under your hero Jimmy Carter.


The fact is, more Americans were better off after the Reagan years than before.

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But adaydream, McCain is offering 4 more failure-soaked years like the ones under Bush, and Sarge is lovin' it! :-)

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But adaydream, McCain is offering 4 more failure-soaked years like the ones under Bush, and Sarge is lovin' it! :-)

In what way?

His Senate record with working with Democrats is beyond reproach. The rapid lefty on this here can't deny that one.

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"failure-soaked years like the ones under Bush"

Sushi, you don't know what you're talking about. Under Bush, we've had mostly remarkable economic growth, low unemployment and low inflation. I suggest you attend a college-level economics course before commenting further on this topic.

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Sarge - If you call tax increases and a trickle down effect that never trickled down.

Yes, Jimmy Carter's term wasn't as good economically as it should be, and then Reagan tried to fix it and I just remember the tax cuts that we were supposed to see that naver happened. The trickle down effect that never trickles down.

There have been good times, but not Reagan's time.

Then Reagan allowed and who knows encouraged the Iran/Contra deals and the coverups.

There has to be a happy median in interest rates. If they are high, investors make loads of money, but home owners pay out the ass. If they are too low, low home interest rates, but investors make nothing.

We haven't had a better spam of time then 1992-2000 for investors and home owners.

So if you're saying Reagan was the best time, you're wrong. Okay Jimmy Carter's economical term was horrible, but he inherited a crumbling economy from Gerald Ford.

You may hate Bill Clinton, like most republicans, but you can't find a better economical period then when Bill Clinton was president.

Whoever we get will inherit an total disaster in economics. John McCain says he will continue what george bush has done to us, ay least Barack has said we have to change direction and build the country back up economically. Another 4 years of george bush will kill us. At least the ones whoi live payday to payday. Which is most of the country. < :-)

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There have been good times, but not Reagan's time.

Reagan carried 49 states in 1984 in his re-election. You were saying something in your post about how bad he was.

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Sarge - we've had mostly remarkable economic growth, low unemployment and low inflation.

We've had an economical disaster. Stock market has crashed twice and it's trying to get back off it's back.

Low employment only because after people lost their jobs to jobs shipped over seas, bringing in numerous Indians and other to take US jobs, they never got another job. Once they drop off the unemployment records due to time off jobs, they become forgotten numbers.

Oh, sure we have more jobs now. McDonalds and other low quality jobs without benefits and without somekind of safety net.

And then low inflation. Can you say recession? < :-)

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There has to be a happy median in interest rates. If they are high, investors make loads of money, but home owners pay out the ass. If they are too low, low home interest rates, but investors make nothing.

Reagan's mantra was deregulation. While it did provide impetus to growth, it also brought up things like the Savings and Loan scandal (both McCain and GWB, through his brother, have connections to that).

Deregulation also opened the door to our current problems which are driven by a reckless financial sector. The taxpayer funded bail-out of the Savings and Loan banks was nothing compared to what this is gonna cost us. Just look at the price tag of the legislation GWB signed yesterday which, incidentally, forced Congress to raise the debt ceiling yet again. As someone observed, "Friday-morning federal bank rescues are becoming a weekly event, and Wall Street's most elite bluebloods are continuing to hemorrhage billions of dollars every financial quarter."

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Another "inartful" comment from Sen. Obama - -

“He doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bill.”

I'm starting to worry. Maybe the senator needs a V-p who is even more at sea with the English language than he is, to help deflect the increasing scrutiny and the skepticism; it's no longer just the rightwing blogs that comment. At this rate I'm worried even Jon Stewart might poke fun at him.

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really, given the lack of experience or serious policy suggestions or the ability to be effective in the Senate what would you expect from Obama? He has to make McCain look bad to deflect scrutinty from his own feeble record.

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Should say "bloodbath"

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Would that be the same Dick Morris who thought that Dean would get the nomination over Kerry and that Hillary would face Condoleeza in the coming election?

Surely you aren't suggesting that we should let Israel extort us into voting for McCain. I thought that it was more or less a Republican mantra that we didn't give a hoot about what foreigners thought about our election process.

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SezWho2; I am not saying we should be influeneced by foreigners, but it shows what happens if we pick Obama, and are no longer trusted to police the world.

Dick Morris got this confidential info from his contacts, heck!! Is he gonna tell lies? Sean Hannitty would have gone crazy if Morris was telling lies on the show.

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McCain has all the geopolitical finesse of a tank.

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LIBERTAS; McCain is a man of honor, who will ensure the rapid economic growth of our great nation continues.

4 years of cCain = another 4 years of Utopian existance for hard working folks.

Way to go!!!!

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Sarge at 10:43 PM JST - 31st July

"failure-soaked years like the ones under Bush" Sushi, you don't know what you're talking about. Under Bush, we've had mostly remarkable economic growth, low unemployment and low inflation. I suggest you attend a college-level economics course before commenting further on this topic.

I was in College in the US at that time, studying economics precisely and I had to leave college because grants were cut, no funds for research and private firms were more cautios on spending. So what kind of economic growth are you talking about? Please!

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JoiceRojo; Why didn`t you ask your folks for cash, or get a loan from a bank, easy huh!!

REagan and Bush both made this nation stronger year on year. McCain will carry on that finr Republican tradition.

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We are not trusted to police the world now, at least not in the sense that we are trusted to do a good job of it. I think it is possible that electing Obama would make us more trusted in that sense anyway.

However, as far as Morris's "confidential info from his contacts" is concerned, it looked to me as though he had been consulting the crystal ball of Madame Talks-to-Spirits. Morris was conjecturing and in his conversation with Colmes, Morris rather seemed like a drooling idiot.

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seZWho2- The US is held in very high esteem worlwide, at least in the free world. When i was recently in the UK, i watched Uk Sky news , and i didn`t see any negative remarks about he US.

I even went for drinks a few times to a Conservative party bar, and nobody had a bad word for the USor Bush.

Dick Morris is a pretty trustworthy guy. If he is not telling the truth, then someone has lied to him.

McCain will carry on the god work of Bush, and we shall continue to be admired by he world.

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The US is held in high esteem compared to, say, Zimbabwe. However, in the last 8 years our standing in the world has suffered. If it is true that McCain would give us 4 more years of Bush, I would expect the slide to continue.

You don't need to go to the UK to test this. Just take a trip to Canada. Ask the people on the street whether their image of the US is more or less favorable now as compared to 7 or 8 years ago.

I'm not much interested in whether Dick Morris is "pretty trustworthy". Unless and until we know who his confidants are, any allusion to confidential information from them is worthless, about as reliable as alleged claims of Iraqi WMDs from a guy codenamed "Curveball". Furthermore, a unilateral attack by Israel on Iran in the hopes of swaying the US election in McCain's favor or because the Israelis wish to place an Obama presidency in a bind is an extreme strategy that will find no favor either in the US or in the Middle East.

Since we live in an age when everyone is screaming for everyone else to repudiate comments, I think that if McCain does not repudiate Morris's remarks that will be an augury that suggests that Obama's assessment of McCain is spot on. Apparently you you already think so.

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SezWho2- Heck!! The US is held up in high esteem worlwide, but your`e always going to find some uber liberals in any country who say the US is the bad guy.

The US sacrifices lives, and resources to make the world free and democratic. THis would end under Obama, who wants to join Canada Mexic and the US as 1 country like the EU.

Do you want that to happen?

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Aw, shucks! Who said anything about the US being the bad guy? What I said was that the US is estimable compared to some other countries, but it is hardly number one. For example, the Anholt-GMI Nation Brand Index as of December, 2005, ranked Australia number 1. The US was 11th. Number 10 was New Zealand; number 12, Spain; and number 14, Japan. Out of 50 countries studied it ranked 16th in governance.

I think you are confusing Obama with Bush. Bush is the guy who wants free trade between Canada, US and Mexico. Obama currently opposes it in the form that Bush desires. To the best of my knowledge, neither of the two want to create a mega-country--and I can pretty much assure you that the Canadians don't.

As for myself, I don't particularly care as long as the Bill of Rights remains in effect.

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It is great so manyhere want to push how everything has been so rosie under bush, all one has to do is look at his rating.. , Now what wee you Bush supporters saying? lol

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"Now what ( were ) you Bush supporters saying? lol"

We were saying that under Bush, in spite of suffering the worst terrorist attack in our history and the war on terror, we've had mostly remarkable economic growth, low unemployment and low inflation.

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Well Sarge , then what is he doing wrong.. SPELL it out, why his approval rating dips to 32 percent. lol

Because he is an idiot and everyone knows it, of course except the hard liner republicans that can only follow instead of thinking for themselves.. Sarge can you tell me one or two things Bush has done wrong in your opinion????? Or does he do no wrong?

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Low infaltion bedause we are on the verge of a ressesion which many say we are alreadyin, and another 51,000 jobs lost reported just a couple days ago... Who's side are you on anyway Sarge,, Everyone else's besides the US? If we are dong great you must really believe the rest of the world is doing excellent compared to us.. So where does that leave you when describing our situation here in the US as being so good.. We are steadily falling behind especially in production and economic growth.

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Sarge- Great post!! Truthfull and stright to the point.

4 years on McCain = another 4 years of booming economy, freedkm to the world. Sounds good to me.

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hahaha the great words from the extremist on the right..(neo-cons) I believe the peolpe of the US will be smarter than to vote in a nother Bush, the sell out to China :) Even Ohio

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TonUs; Tou obviously have no grip on the economy or the war on terror.

The economy can only continue to grow under McCain. Only he can continue our victorious battle against the evil ones. 4 more years of supurb governence sound fine to me.

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i'm just moving to japan. everyone in the states can just deal on their own.

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USA the figures are out there for even you to see.

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Also the scare tactics the republicans use does not phase me in the least because anyone in office will keep that in mind after Bush let the terroists get away with the biggest attack on our soil in history

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TonyUS; Republicans do not need scare tactics. Common sense will tell anyone if we want 4 more years of freedom, we must vote for McCain. He is a real man of the people, not an elitist like Barack Hussein Obama.

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TonyUS; Heck!! We were attacked on 911 because Clinton did not kill Bin Laden when he had the chance. Heck!! he was a coward like Obama , who would let the evil ones destroy our nation. Only McCain can continue are fight for freedom and justice.

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I think that is Obama's point. Except I think that he said that McCain can only continue Bush's fight for "freedom and justice". The Bush-McCain plan offers us plenty of rockets red glare but no way out.

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McCain will continue are final push against the evil doers. The good guys have almost won. Don`t forget the economy is booming, eduction, healthcare and public services are thriving. This country is in great shape, and getting better every day.

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USA , you are so blind to facts. Clinton did not kill him?? hahaha And bush has had eight years to do so at the cost of how many billions of dollars after Bush let the towers come down and killed 4,000 people and another 4,000 plus in troops. Still Bush has let Bin Laden go free. Had him cornered in Tora Bora and called a cease fire and let him get away again. Bush was warned of AlQaida and the threat, he was warned about the actions they were going to take with the planes, and was warned about the timing of the attacks and all went as if nothing was going on...

But as we see all the far right wingers, want to blame it on someone else, when it was the GOP with all the information needed that could have prevented the disaster and they did NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your great party did NOTHING!!!!!!

So we should be scared if this dumb republican based administration goes forward with another 4 years, what will be the next target the terrorists will hit since they do hate this administration so much. So many things has went on with this Bush administration and the republican party over the last eight years that has been just disgusting, Laws changed to keep officials out of jail, Lies told so to go to war, and these were lies told to the world body...all fabricated to get these politicians rich along with their buddies, such as Cheney and Halliburton. what a crock of Sh*t, and here you are USA Patriot backing such crap, and trying to push more of it as you try and blame others for the ruthless non-action of those you try and play as gods.. What a mental lapse. Just as our economic woes are from eight years ago because of Clinton.. yeah right, why not go back 10 years to bush senior or earlier to Reagan.. Blame anyone but those that has created it today! But that is the republican BS.

IT goes on and on of the incompetence of these guys in charge just as the warnings of not enough troops to take care of the action from the start, but, bushy boy and friends said , nope we have enough, not until 4000 troops dead and 7 years later, hey lets add some troops,, New Idea??? Old idea that was not taken seriously and ignored from the beginning. It goes on and on and on and on…

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Sorry, not back 10 years to Bush senior but 16 years back to Bush.Sr. and not 4000 killed in the towers, but 3000, which 1 would have been too many

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Sarge and USpatriot,, take note…

New McCain add.. We are worse off than we were 4 years ago, Washington is broken...

Some here backing McCain says we are so well off now and prosperous since Bush has taken over..

What about it republican straight liners, right wingers…now what words do you support????? Bush,, or McCain?? You say everything is so well under Bush’s administration, but you support McCain that says it is not.. Wow what a dilemma , the brain cells must be smoking now.

We have Bush's you support with the economy and now you support McCain and he says you and Bush are are wrong!!!

As I said all Republican BS and those that blindly support any Republican leader.. even though both in the same party contradict each other..

That must put you guys in a real tizzy to where you actually do not no where you defecated last, as is common when one follows instead of leads with their own ideas and mindset.

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go zion

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This is why McCain will simply be four more years of Bush. All repubs have the same corrupt view of government. Bush has been failure on steroids for the last eight years.

Misgovernment by Ideology

It is just this: Fantastic misgovernment of the kind we have seen is not an accident, nor is it the work of a few bad individuals. It is the consequence of triumph by a particular philosophy of government, by a movement that understands the liberal state as a perversion and considers the market the ideal nexus of human society. This movement is friendly to industry not just by force of campaign contributions but by conviction; it believes in entrepreneurship not merely in commerce but in politics; and the inevitable results of its ascendance are, first, the capture of the state by business and, second, all that follows: incompetence, graft, and all the other wretched flotsam that we've come to expect from Washington.

The correct diagnosis is the "bad apple" thesis turned upside down. There are plenty of good conservative individuals, honorable folks who would never participate in the sort of corruption we have watched unfold over the last few years. Hang around with grassroots conservative voters in Kansas, and in the main you will find them to be honest, hardworking people. Even our story's worst villains can be personally virtuous. Jack Abramoff, for example, is known to his friends as a pious, polite, and generous fellow.

But put conservatism in charge of the state, and it behaves very differently. Now the "values" that rightist politicians eulogize on the stump disappear, and in their place we can discern an entirely different set of priorities -- priorities that reveal more about the unchanging historical essence of American conservatism than do its fleeting campaigns against gay marriage or secular humanism. The conservatism that speaks to us through its actions in Washington is institutionally opposed to those baseline good intentions we learned about in elementary school (about government for and by the people).

Its leaders laugh off the idea of the public interest as airy-fairy nonsense; they caution against bringing top-notch talent into government service; they declare war on public workers. They have made a cult of outsourcing and privatizing, they have wrecked established federal operations because they disagree with them, and they have deliberately piled up an Everest of debt in order to force the government into crisis. The ruination they have wrought has been thorough; it has been a professional job. Repairing it will require years of political action.

Conservatism-in-power is a very different beast from the conservatism we meet on the streets of Wichita or the conservatism we overhear talking to itself on the pages of Free Republic. For one thing, what conservatism has done in its decades at the seat of power is fundamentally unpopular, and a large percentage of its leaders have been men of eccentric ideas. While they believe things that would get them laughed out of the American Sociological Association, that only makes them more typical of the movement. And for all their peculiarity, these people -- Grover Norquist, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, Newt Gingrich, and the whole troupe of activists, lobbyists, and corpora-trons who got their start back in the Reagan years -- have for the last three decades been among the most powerful individuals in America. This wave of misgovernment has been brought to you by ideology, not incompetence.

The fact is that 99% of Americans have been robbed blind as Thomas Frank says and the deluded few who still pretend to support John McCain aka McBush have been punished the worst by the repub overlords. Can they every wise up? Some people just love failure it seems. But most Americans know now they have been robbed to pay the rich and they have had enough of it. That is why McCain will lose to a black man with a funny name and in the House and Senate the Repubs will be routed.

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zurcronium Great post. I hope the prediction is right, I do not really like the gap in percentages between McCain and Obama closing.. This off shore drilling topic, I do not understand Obama not continually explaining the oil would go into the world market and have not much affect at all on oil prices and price of gas at the pump. I have heard this maybe one time but it is an issue that seems to be silent when it seems is very important when talking about the issue. It has become a topic of interest with McCain pushing it again and again when the benefits would be none except of course the oil industry and not for energy prices, and wondering if unless it could be made to kept right here at home for only domestic use, which I have not heard anything about that happening. But it seems the democrats have a very hard time exposing truths on topics and informing the public on the truth of any issue. Same with Kerry when the democratic nominee with them knocking him on Vietnam, not able to defend his stance at that time when the majority was against the political lead war in Vietnam and he could not find a way to defend himself on that??? I found his stance pathetic by not being able to shrug off such a strategy by the republicans.. Just how many was against that war and even with loosing it, how many was happy we were finally out of there and with Kerry’s help from his participation in events that finally raised public outcry to get the hell out of there, and he could not shrug off the allegations put against him.

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