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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Obama says reaching out to enemies strengthens U.S.
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"I am not naive."
“The American people didn’t buy it,” Obama said. “And there’s a good reason the American people didn’t buy it—because it doesn’t make sense.”
Bang on. And Obama didn't just say his critics were wrong, he pointed out flawlessly WHY and HOW they are wrong, and without any doubts. Most important to note is that the people who simply lie and stress that opening up to the enemy is a sign of weakness lost the last election for good reason. Obama gives hope, and reaching out a hand to extend that hope will never make you weak; only truly weak and insecure people would think you have to isolate yourself and stockpile weapons and defense to be 'safe'.
Good job, Obama... cleaning up the mess yet again.
I didn't know Obama could walk on water. Thanks for the info. I can't wait for him to disband the armed services because someone's rose colored glasses are on.
In general, the reaction in Latin america is very positive. It's reverting the unpopularity of the previous administration. In my opinion, these already is reinforcing democracy. By destroying the mith that americans are arrogants that cant' sit and talk a negotiated solution, most demagoges lost the excuse that the root of the problem is "outer" in place of "inner".
Barack Obama isn't george bush. We saw how george bush ran American foreign policy. Obama has brought a new American foreign policy and we're being looked at as a country that wants to be a part of the world community.
The first time Chavez shock hands with Obama there was a big grin, but when Chavez made an ass of himself in front of everybody, Obama wasn't as big grinned. Obama wants to be friends but not beholding. < :-)
Reaching out to America's "enemies" is a sign on weakness and is perceived as weakness. Countries like Iran and North Korea see President Obama's world apology tour and strenuous efforts to make nice with them as an opportunity to take the offensive at a perceived advantage. Liberals never fail to amaze - they can't get it through their heads that the US will always be hated by tyrants no matter how nice you are to them.
Have to keep a close eye on this one. Obama is so much the opposite of Bush, that we will be able to male a study of the two opposing foreign policies, and the impact on the rest of the world.
Raja Kumar
Obama is doing well in foreign policies miracles. Venezuelan and USA put back ambassadors. Cubans and Americans now have it easier.
The Americas policy is going as good as it can get.
Now Obama has to do more to reach out to Afghanistan,Iraq,North Korea and Iran via more dynamic pro-active peace engagement policies in Asia.
Will be good we can get more miracles in Asia-US policies.
We saw how george bush ran American foreign policy.
Try Dick Cheney and Rummy. Both of these clowns running US foreign policy made Colin Powell run for the door.
Generally speaking, Obama is off to a pretty good start. While not kxssing too much butt, he is actually putting out feelers to those countries that the previous administration chose to ignore (either out of stupidity or ignorance). Now all Obama has to do is engage these countries while also making sure they are aware of the US still carrying a mighty big stick (which it will not hesitate to use). What is the old saying, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Anyway, once Obama has finished proving himself to be the Messiah by walking on water, he can then help get rid of Elvis in Pyongyang.
Very stale thinking that assumes tyrants are very strong. US relations with Venezuela, DPRK, and Iran are a lot more complex than your us vs. tyrants statement implies.
When the US met with Kruschev and formed the policy of detente, was that the US showing its weakness? Categorical statements get you nowhere fast.
Why not check the historical record? By all accounts, including JFK's own, the Soviets played the young,inexperienced liberal idealist like a fiddle.
With Obama at the helm, America isn't asking for trouble. it's begging for it.
Obama's arrogance and naivete is a combination that the US and the free world will pay for dearly.
Obama, on the campaign trail last year:"If George Bush and John McCain have a problem with direct diplomacy led by the president of the United States, then they can explain why they have a problem with John F. Kennedy, because that’s what he did with Khrushchev."
John F Kennedy, after meeting with Kruschev in Vienna:"He [Kruschev] just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. Until we remove those ideas we won’t get anywhere with him."
Clinton was swell nice to the North Koreans, and it sure showed them who was boss. The north and south are reunited, there is no fear of nukes....wait a sec....
Iran and other sworn arch enemies of the United States has hated America through Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II. What makes you think they will hate any less because some fool goes over and offers his politically motivated olive branch?
Central American leaders who met with Obama said they pressed him on immigration reform." Why press on this issue? Have any of you ever tried working in any of those countries, especially Mexico? Better yet, buying a house, starting a business? They need a lot more reform before they can ask the US. Talk to anyone from E.S, and they will let you know how welcoming Mexico's south border is.
" They also said that Obama promised to consider providing better notice before the United States deports dangerous criminals back to their nations." What am I missing? Are thy just letting a criminal walk himself over the border?
Too bad we don't have Sarah Palin as President - she's great on foreign policy, especially Russia. Putin wouldn't dare rear his head and come into our airspace if Sarah was in charge!
Here we go, another thread that has degraded into a slanging match based on the worn out lefties vs. neocons paradigm. Wouldn't it be nice to actually discuss foreign policy as foreign policy instead of falling back on sandpit vitriol?
These leaders don't give us the same courtesy notice when they send those dangerous crminals to America. This past weekend in rural Alabama, 5 bodies were found in an apartment, and the evidence points to a retaliation from the "Gulf Cartel" of drug runners as payback for a hit back in Mexico. This county normally may see 5 murders in a year, but has reached that in one day.
So, if these leaders want the U.S. to do something, I say start at home. MS13 from Guatemala and other Mexican and other drug gangs have made certain areas of LA unlivable (as well as the U.S. prisons). Not blaming all of Central America, criminals come to America from other parts of the worl too, but to blame the U.S. for all of your ills when you don't take care of your own people is just "played out" in my opinion.
Obama is sounding more like Neville Chamberlain with each new day.
bushlover said:
People throw out Red Herrings because they cannot refute what a man is saying.
bamboohat said:
During the Clinton administration the North Koreans dismantled their nuclear facilities and did not rebuild them. Bush's policies failed. The North Koreans began rebuilding their nuclear facilities under Bush.
Oh yeah, the U.S. was a real badass under Bush. North Korea advanced extensively in nuclear development and they fired a few rockets too. Their recent launch was technology that was not developed in the last 100 days it happened under the conservative government of the U.S.
But I really never expected you to know what you were talking about.
I think it's ok to reach out to our enemies as long as we are not giving up anything while gtting nothing in return.
Elbuda Mexicano
If Obama can help not only the US, but it's Latin neighbors, poor folk in Texas etc..can stop competing for low paying wages that people from Central America will do for pennies on the dollar and even give you a smile! Not all Latinos are gangmembers, if this were the case, who the hell would be feeding you at McDonalds? Burger King etc..even most sushi bars in America are mostly Mexican or other latinos, Japanese just love us!!
I support what Obama is doing. I'm not too concerned that he's going to give away the farm because I think in reality he's a moderate.
So far the only thing that's happened is friendly opening dialogue. I think he's intelligent enough and has enough backbone to stop the "enemies" from thinking they're going to get a free ride. They aren't. He's made it clear that with countries like Iran the goal is to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons, which is the same goal that Bush and Europe has. He's also said a few times that by engaging in dialogue it gives the other side fewer options in their response, which I agree with. They can't say that the US didn't listen or didn't engage them and it gives them one less bargaining chip to use.
You also have situations where countries have backed themselves into a corner and sometimes can't back down because it becomes a face saving issue. Obama takes that stumbling block off the table right off the bat.
In the end we don't know what's going to happen and I could be proven wrong, but I don't think I will be. We've just seen a few handshakes and smiles. The details have yet to come.
The one thing Obama might want to watch out for is playing up to the premise that the US backs dictators and the like. Obviously a picture of him smiling with Chavez might cause some to bring up the old arguments about Cheney and Saddam. It's kind of funny how the sides change depending on who is in power.
Dennis Bauer
Altria at 01:15 PM JST - 20th April
Too bad we don't have Sarah Palin as President - she's great on foreign policy, especially Russia. Putin wouldn't dare rear his head and come into our airspace if Sarah was in charge!
Because she yhinks that russia is just another americans state :p
Bush was a searing dick to the North Koreans, and it sure showed them who was the boss. The North tested their first nuclear weapon and . . . oh . . . err...
Obama is absolutely on the right track with this brand of diplomacy. The last 8 years of juvenile schoolyard, "Do what I say or I'll kick your a$$" policies have gotten the United States squat. It's about time for a more mature approach.
Why is there no real cut and dry explanation on how hugging up to our so called enemies is going to strengthen us?
Because the other way proved to be even worse, i.e. Bush´s international relations.
Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer. I only hope that saying did not come from Caesar.
Know yourself. Know your enemy.
Dialogue with your enemies might be grinding on the nerves, but it can bear the fruit of avoiding out and out war.
Talks foster understanding. Silence fosters mistrust. (Bear in mind that there are those who benefit from mistrust and the conflict that comes with it. Yes, some people love conflict for conflict's sake too.)
If reaching out helps with the inferiority complexes so many nations have vis-a-vis America well then by gosh I am 100 percent behind our president.
The economy is in a rut and they still don't get it. Remember the 'Ron Brown Express'? Clinton sent Ron Brown and a plane full of US business leaders to all the 'evil doer' countries and the result was major economic gain. Obama is representing the dying US multi-national. The Chinese have all but pushed it out of Africa - cobalt, nickle, platinum, coltan... all in Chinese hands now. Russia has reneged on most US contracts for oil and gas. Where then can the mining giants go to avoid the Aussie and British mega miners? South of the Border. Obama is on a do or die mission for Houston, Tulsa, Baton Rouge, Tuscon... the oil and oil field service companies are screaming, "Please go and get us back into Latin America!" Venezuela's oil and ranching, Cuba's oil and nickle, Bolivia's mineral salts and gas, Ecuador's oil and fishing.... I'd get down on my knees and pray he succeeds in this one if I were pro-USA.
Sun-tzu - Chinese general & military strategist (~400 BC)
Quotation is from Sun-tzu. < :-)
Elbuda Mexicano
Obama is no idiot Texan like that rocks for brains Bush. Obama is a god send not only to the typical donut eating Homer Simpsons of the USA, but to all of us people who want peace in this world. Cuba has oil??? Where did unsrejects get this info?? If it has any oil, it has been donated there by Mexico and Venezuela!
Yes, all American are currently celebratin' his bowin' down to that sheik.
What a guy.
Obama should have never bowed to that Saudi, for sure. But overall jaw-jaw is better than war-war. Talk is cheap and talking to enemies isn't all bad if some common ground can be found out. Iran can probably be talked to. Chavez isn't a complete idiot. The Castros have pretty well used up their welcome in Cuba. There might be something to be gained by talking to these. On the other hand NK and the Taliban are pretty much lost causes.
As long as Obama doesn't start making unilateral concessions he can talk all he wants.
No doubt Neville Chamberlain said the same thing.
elbuda: Yes siree bob, Cuba has oil reserves. Trust me: I'm an API (American Petroleum Institute) school grad. Only as recently as twelve months ago Cuba's off-shore oil deposits were calculated (by the international oil people) to be greater than the Mexican off-shore deposits. Cuba is incredibly beckoning for the Texans!
I have to agree on this point. It makes the US PR much stronger towards their enemies. As others have pointed out, showing the first good hand and the enemy spits on it, shows everyone else their values and credibility towards peaceful solutions to big problems.
Elbuda Mexicano
Thanks API school grad! So if Cuba has so much unproven oil, why haven't the Cubans asked the Venezuelans,Algerians, come in and help them tap this oil? If they do have so much oil, I can assure you they won't be asking Texans (Americans) to have first dibbs on all of these juicy profits. If you were Cuban and suffering from hunger, etc..thanks to the US embargo on your country, would you kiss the hand that is strangling you? Of course not, I do hope they have some oil but the USA is not the only country with high tech oil finding workers, Norway etc..I am sure are seen as more neutral by the Cuban regime. So Obama better start learning some Español and playing up that he "looks" more Cuban than Norwegians etc..then maybe he can get some folk from Texas working on so called Cuban oil fields.
I agree with the idea that the real reason for opening talks with Cuba is about Oil. Spain's REPSOL is going to start drilling in the next months, most of the problems for foreigner investment on Cuban Oil is from USA feud with the Cuban revolution, Pig Bay and the Cuban Missiles crisis. Being so close to the USA, like Mexico and Canada, make it cheaper than the cost of import Oil from far midle-east and way less costly than fights with Iran, Irak and so on. Maybe mexicans dont like the idea of another competitor selling Oil to the USA and some americans dont like the idea of the american president smiling to a popululist in Venezuela a teocracy in Iran and a comunist in Cuba. But yeah... is all about Oil, allways.
Won't work, Mr. President. I wish it could work but it doesn't. Turn your back on your 'enemy' and see what happens.